CSG :: Volume #27

#2646: Dao Jiu

Tianyuan Clan is a silence, Jian Chen prepares to make Tianyuan Clan migrate to the proposition of Magnificent Province as before, has not made the people feel excited and excited. 天元家族依旧是一片沉默,剑尘准备让天元家族迁移到盛州的提议,并没有让众人感到兴奋和激动。 Although Magnificent Province is now Saint Realm one of the seven Great Sage places, cultivation resources is rich, the environment is not Cloud Province can place on a par. 尽管盛州是当今圣界的七大圣地之一,修炼资源丰富,环境更加不是云州可以相提并论的。 But they lived after all so many years in Cloud Province, in their hearts, Cloud Province is their families/home. Regarding the home, many of them had a sense of belonging, must make them leave the home, from now on does not know whether also has the opportunity to come back, this makes in Tianyuan Clan everyone state of mind complex. 可他们毕竟在云州生活了这么多年,在他们心中,云州就是他们的家。对于这个家,他们许多人都产生了一种归属感,如今要让他们离开离开这个家,今后都不知道是否还有机会能够回来,这让天元家族内所有人都心绪复杂。 In addition, Tianyuan Clan in Cloud Province, but the reputation illustrious family, after especially experienced this fight, the Cloud Province situation will face shuffles greatly, the crest of wave is big, changing the course of events Tianyuan Clan, the rise is irresistible. 此外,天元家族云州可是声名赫赫的家族,特别是经历了这一次的战斗之后,云州的局势将面临大洗牌,风头大出,扭转乾坤的天元家族,崛起已势不可挡。 If left Cloud Province, that waits for their all glory and position, will leave them to go, this makes many senior statesmen feel a pity. 如果离开了云州,那等待他们的所有荣耀与地位,也都将离他们而去,这让许多元老都觉得太可惜了。 In the Great Emperor Mo Xingfeng heart of Peaceful Heaven Dynasty also sighed secretly, if Ok, he did not want to leave Cloud Province, even if Magnificent Province were good, he did not have the least bit to yearn. 平天皇朝大帝墨邢风心中也是暗暗叹了口气,如果可以,他也不希望离开云州,哪怕盛州再好,他也没有半点向往。 Because in Cloud Province, Tianyuan Clan is existence of Ruler side, if went to Magnificent Province, Tianyuan Clan calculates what? 因为在云州,天元家族主宰一方的存在,若是去了盛州,天元家族又算的了什么呢? Jian Chen, these matters can discuss later, now in our Tianyuan Clan came mysterious Senior, before had once helped me, we see this Senior.” At this time, the Shangguan Mu'er sound conveyed in the Jian Chen ear. 剑尘,这些事可以稍后再谈,现在我们天元家族内来了一位神秘前辈,之前曾帮助过我,我们还是去见见这位前辈吧。”这时,上官幕儿的声音在剑尘耳边传来。 She by passes message the way told Jian Chen, the third person has not known. 她是以传音的方式告诉剑尘,没有第三个人知晓。 Senior? What you said just presented that Senior that? Hasn't he departed?” Jian Chen surprise is looking at Shangguan Mu'er. 前辈?你说的是刚刚出现的那位前辈?他不是已经离去了吗?”剑尘诧异的望着上官幕儿 Shangguan Mu'er shakes the head, pair of beautiful eyes looks to the Tianyuan Clan deep place: „It is not, is another Senior, that Senior still in Tianyuan Clan, I can indistinct can feel his position.” 上官幕儿摇了摇头,一双美目望向天元家族深处:“不是,是另外一位前辈,那位前辈还在天元家族内,我能隐隐约约的感受得到他的方位。” The Jian Chen vision concentrates suddenly, Spiritual Consciousness sends out immediately, shortly will then cover entire Tianyuan Clan, but after his Ichibanchi blanket search, does not have detection of least bit. 剑尘目光骤然一凝,神识立即散发而出,顷刻间便将整个天元家族笼罩,但经过他的一番地毯式搜索,却是没有半点的察觉。 In my Primordial Spirit integrated true Chaos Force, has become unusual, even if the boundary is higher than on powerhouse of several levels unable to hide the truth from my search me completely, it seems like that the Senior in Mu'er mouth, feared that is an extraordinary character.” In Jian Chen heart dark startled, then ding to be Xi Yu, after the post-war work of Tianyuan Clan and Dong An County confessed that then with Shangguan Mu'er vanishes in the Tianyuan Clan deep place. “我的元神中融入了一丝真正的混沌之力,早已变得与众不同,哪怕是境界比我高上数个层次的强者也无法完全瞒过我的搜索,看来幕儿口中的这位前辈,怕是一位非凡人物啊。”剑尘心中暗惊,然后叮属一番惜雨,将天元家族东安郡的战后工作交代下去之后,便和上官幕儿消失在天元家族深处。 Shangguan Mu'er can feel that Senior position indistinctly, she brings Jian Chen in Tianyuan Clan winding, arrived at lonesome and quiet place of Tianyuan Clan deep place. 上官幕儿能隐约感受到那位前辈的方位,她带着剑尘天元家族内七弯八拐,来到了天元家族深处的一个幽静之地。 Here is the Tianyuan Clan restricted area, only has few several powerful person object spaces to enter, usually defends and stern, but Tianyuan Clan met the giant crisis recently again, defended the strength to evacuate here. 这里已经是属于天元家族的禁地了,唯有为数不多的几位位高权重的人物方才能进入,平日间防守及其森严,只是最近天元家族再遇巨大危机,守备力量才撤离了这里。 Therefore, in this big region, does not see a person's shadow at this moment, only then some raising wonderful bird unusual animals here jump out occasionally. 因此,在这块偌大的区域中,此刻是不见一个人影,只有一些饲养在这里的奇鸟异兽偶尔窜出。 Finally, Jian Chen under the leadership of Shangguan Mu'er, arrived in a stone pavilion. 最终,剑尘上官幕儿的带领下,来到了一个石亭中。 The stone pavilion is situated at the foot of a hill and beside a stream, the mountain the hill that moves from the outside world, the water is a small lake that excavates, the surroundings green vegetation covers, has the mist to wind around, the environment is beautiful. 石亭依山傍水,山是从外界搬过来的小山,水是开凿出来的一个小湖,周围绿色植被覆盖,更是有水雾缭绕,环境非常优美。 The Jian Chen vision concentrates suddenly, his eyes found that in that stone pavilion, at this moment sits together the form unexpectedly. 剑尘目光骤然一凝,他一眼就发现在那石亭中,此刻竟然坐着一道身影。 That is young people who wears the purple robe, look at the 30-year-old age from the appearance, gallant, is long extremely delicately and prettily, on him, actually cannot feel least bit aura, even is including a life to fluctuate does not have, Spiritual Consciousness sweeps, is empty, only then the naked eye can discover his existence. 那是一名身穿紫袍的年轻人,从面貌上看不过30岁的年纪,英气逼人,长得极为俊美,不过在他身上,却是感受不到半点气息,甚至是连一点生命波动都没有,神识扫过去,也是空无一物,只有肉眼才能发现他的存在。 At this moment, he is sitting well in the stone pavilion, on the stone table is placing a bronze-color teapot, the curling light smoke elegantly, sends out the completely relaxed delicate fragrance. 此刻,他正端坐在石亭中,石桌上摆放着一个青铜色的茶壶,袅袅青烟飘逸而出,散发出令人心旷神怡的清香。 This is a very precious spirit tea, is heard merely this tea fragrance, then can conclude that its grade at least is also God level. 这是一种十分珍贵的灵茶,仅仅是闻这股茶香味,便能断定其品级至少也是神级 He here, being carefree and content tea. 他在这里,悠然自得的品着茶。 Jian Chen complexion became serious, merely one, he felt that has this youth to be immeasurably deep at present, is unable to measure. 剑尘脸色变得严肃了起来,仅仅一眼,他就感觉出眼前这青年深不可测,根本就无法丈量。 He has not thought in Tianyuan Clan, unexpectedly also so fearful powerhouse. 他更没有想到在天元家族呢,竟然还来了一位如此可怕的强者 Has seen Senior below Tianyuan Patriarch Jian Chen!” “在下天元家主剑尘见过前辈!” Shangguan Mu'er has seen Senior, previously many thanks Senior life-saving efforts.” 上官幕儿见过前辈,先前多谢前辈的救命之恩。” Jian Chen and Shangguan Mu'er arrive in front of purple robe youth, simultaneously holds the fist in the other hand to salute, is polite. 剑尘上官幕儿来到紫袍青年面前,齐齐抱拳行礼,客气有加。 Purple robe youth has not cared about Jian Chen, even looked continually has not looked at Jian Chen one, but fell the vision on Shangguan Mu'er, carefully, sized up Shangguan Mu'er earnestly, in the eye gradual revealed to wipe the complex color. 紫袍青年并没有在意剑尘,甚至是连看都没有看剑尘一眼,而是将目光落在了上官幕儿身上,仔仔细细,认认真真的打量了番上官幕儿,眼中逐渐的流露出一抹复杂之色。 It is said Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry on you, I thinks to have a look at this zither | Jean.” The purple robe youth opens the mouth, the sound is temperate, hears floating, to the person one type bathes in fresh air feeling, making people cannot help but had the favorable impression. “据说天魔鸣音琴就在你身上,我想看一看此琴。”紫袍青年开口,声音温和无比,飘入耳中,给人一种如沐春风般的感觉,令人不由自主的就心生好感。 hearing that, in the Jian Chen eye rays of light flashes, reveals the color of thinking. 闻言,剑尘眼中光芒一闪,露出思索之色。 He had guessed correctly roughly this purple robe youth purpose in coming, this purple robe youth, perhaps is Divine Sound Principle Sect the character of Third Ancestor same period. 他大致上已经猜到了这名紫袍青年的来意,这名紫袍青年,或许是和神音道宗三祖同一个时期的人物。 But Shangguan Mu'er hesitant, plain Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry has not appeared immediately in her hands. 上官幕儿则是没有犹豫,古朴的天魔鸣音琴立即出现在她手中。 The purple robe youth vision fell on Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry then solidified suddenly, he is staring at Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry, the facial expression became absent-minded. 紫袍青年的目光一落在天魔鸣音琴上便是猛然凝固了,他怔怔的盯着天魔鸣音琴,神情变得一阵恍惚。 This Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry seems a key, opened in his brain that dust-laden for a long time memory, making in his vision reveal to wipe to recall with the color of longing, mixes in, light moved. 天魔鸣音琴就仿佛是一柄钥匙,打开了他脑中那一段尘封已久的记忆,使得他的目光中流露出一抹追忆和怀念之色,夹杂在其中的,还有淡淡的伤感。 Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry, Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry, I finally saw that again Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry......” purple robe youth exuded twittering the sound, his quiet did not know how long years, even if the earth-shattering is unable the heart of fluctuation in the slightest, actually had the mighty waves in this moment, had the mood fluctuation. 天魔鸣音琴,天魔鸣音琴,我终于再一次的见到天魔鸣音琴了……”紫袍青年发出呢喃之声,他那颗沉寂了不知多么漫长岁月,哪怕是天崩地裂都无法波动分毫的心,在这一刻竟然才发生了波澜,生出了情绪波动。 At once his hand move, Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry then flutters gently, flies high suspended before him. 旋即他手轻轻一招,天魔鸣音琴便飘飞而起,凌空悬浮在他面前。 His eye of band of light the complex color, is staring at Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry by the vision that one type incomparably fondly remembers, makes the moved sound: Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry also, is you, actually already not in......” 他目光带着复杂之色,以一种无比怀念的目光盯着天魔鸣音琴,发出伤感的声音:“天魔鸣音琴还在,可是你,却已经不在了……” Purple robe youth thinks sad past events, seems like very sad, fall in the blues. 紫袍青年似想到了一段伤心的往事,看上去非常的难过,情绪低落。 In Shangguan Mu'er is being deficient strange color is staring at purple robe youth, somewhat impatient asking: Senior, do you know the master?” She obtained the inheritance of Divine Sound Principle Sect Third Ancestor, although Shangguan Mu'er has never seen Third Ancestor, even is a Third Ancestor image does not even have, may in her heart, Third Ancestor be her teacher. 上官幕儿目中乏着奇异色彩的盯着紫袍青年,有些迫不及待的问道:“前辈,难道你认识家师?”她得到了神音道宗三祖的传承,尽管上官幕儿从未见过三祖,甚至是连三祖的一点影像都没有,可在她心中,三祖就是她的师尊。 Now she meets a old friend of teacher finally, this causes Shangguan Mu'er is also happy. 现在她终于遇见了一位师尊的故人,这使得上官幕儿也是高兴不已。 Understanding, not only knew, she is also in my life, lets the Peerless Generation female who I have been moved only.” Purple robe youth said in a low voice, the sound is very light, has the grief that is hard to conceal, mixes in, little regret. “认识,不但认识,并且,她也是我这一生中,唯一让我动过情的绝代女子。”紫袍青年低声道,声音很轻,带着一股难以掩饰的伤痛,夹杂在其中的,还有一点点遗憾。 But quick, purple robe youth then depressed all mood, the whole person restored again as usual, his vision gentle is looking at Shangguan Mu'er, said kindly: „Did you call Shangguan Mu'er? Since you are her only disciple, I will naturally cultivate you well, making you grow in the shortest time, you walk along with me, from now on, you relieved cultivation in Dao Family.” 但很快,紫袍青年便压下了所有的情绪,整个人再次恢复如常,他目光柔和的望着上官幕儿,亲切说道:“你叫上官幕儿是吧?你既然是她唯一的弟子,那我自然会好好栽培你,让你在最短的时间内成长起来,你随我走吧,今后,你就在道氏家族内安心修炼吧。” Dao Family? Senior, are you Dao Family person?” However hears Dao Family, Shangguan Mu'er complexion immediately changes. 道氏家族前辈,你是道氏家族的人?”然而一听到道氏家族,上官幕儿脸色顿时一变。 Purple robe youth nods, he treats the Shangguan Mu'er attitude to be good, as if regards the world's most intimate person to result in Shangguan Mu'er, said: I called Dao Jiu, indeed was the Dao Family person, Shangguan Mu'er, I have known you and my Dao Family Junior had the conflict, you do not need to worry, you after I returned to Dao Family, I will give you a satisfactory confession.” 紫袍青年点了点头,他对待上官幕儿的态度非常好,就仿佛是将上官幕儿当成世上最亲近的人似得,道:“我叫道九,的确是道氏家族的人,上官幕儿,我已经知晓你与我道氏家族的一个晚辈发生了冲突,你也不必担心,你随我回道氏家族之后,我自会给你一个满意的交代。” https: https:
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