CSG :: Volume #27

#2601: Sinister deceitful

From the Cloud Province very remote vast starry sky , the volume not big meteorite, the static float in the starry sky, seemed integrated the whole sky stars at this moment also. 在距离云州十分遥远的浩瀚星空中,有一颗体积不大的陨石,此刻正静静的漂浮在星空中,好似融入了满天星还之中。 But on this meteorite, man who wears the azure clothes, shape like ghosts and demons, quiet standing above. 而在这颗陨石上,正有一名身穿青衣的男子,形如鬼魅,悄无声息的的站在上面。 He restrained all aura, the whole person seems like, as if has fused together with the starry sky, even if stands in him, is very difficult to feel his existence. 他收敛了所有的气息,整个人看上去,就仿佛是已经与星空融为一体,哪怕是站在他近前,都很难感受得到他的存在。 This azure clothes man, is in Saint Realm illustrious Azure Peng King, is of Azure Flash Heavenly King Solitary Heaven Continent four big Heavenly King! 这名青衣男子,正是圣界中赫赫有名的青鹏王,同时也是天寂洲四大天王之一的青耀天王 At this moment, he is standing on the meteorite, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, a both eyes light is sharp, flickers is staring at the front that float in void, only has the sesame seed big point land. 此刻,他正站在陨石上,负手而立,一双目光犀利无比,一瞬不瞬的盯着前方那漂浮在虚空中,仅有芝麻般大一点的陆地。 This land, is of Cloud Province Saint Realm 49 Great Provinces. 这块陆地,正是圣界四十九大洲之一的云州 Because the distance is extremely remote, huge incomparable Cloud Province, had reduced in the Azure Flash Heavenly King eye hence. 因为距离太过遥远,原本庞大无比的云州,在青耀天王眼中已经缩小至此。 Nine Flash Star Lord has announced to the public shuts the life and death pass/test, attacks the boundary of Supreme, the adopted son who finally he receives, actually runs up to Cloud Province to run amuck, gave to offend Jian Chen, it seems like Nine Flash Star Lord before closing up, has not informed Huan Zhen Supreme not to have the falls/dies news to his adopted son, caused his adopted son, even made provoked the Magnificent Heavenly Palace behavior to come.” Azure Flash Heavenly King visual Cloud Province, exudes in a low voice twittering the sound. 九曜星君已经对外宣布闭生死关,冲击太尊之境,结果他所收的义子,却跑到云州来胡作非为,把剑尘都给得罪了,看来九曜星君在闭关之前,并没有向他的这位义子告知还真太尊没有陨落的消息,导致他的这位义子,甚至是做出了一些挑衅彼盛天宫的行为来。”青耀天王目视云州,发出低声呢喃之声。 Although here is quite remote from the Cloud Province position, that but Azure Flash Heavenly King actually has Cloud Province on looks clear. 尽管这里距离云州的位置极为遥远,但青耀天王却将云州上所发生的一幕看得一清二楚。 Azure Flash Heavenly King as if thought of anything, the corners of the mouth revealed suddenly wiped very strange smile to come, said in a low voice: „After does not know Nine Flash Star Lord goes out, knew that Jian Chen died in the adopted son hand of own unexpectedly, what expression that will be.” 青耀天王似乎想到了什么,嘴角忽然露出了一抹十分诡异的笑容来,低声道:“不知九曜星君出关之后,得知剑尘竟然死在了自己的义子手中,那将会是一副什么样的表情呢。” Is only, his adopted son ability was really weak, depending on his words, could not only kill Jian Chen.” “只是,他的这位义子能力实在是太弱了,仅凭他的话,根本就杀不了剑尘。” Jian Chen this person, is a thorn in this King heart, wishes one could to kill then quickly, is only because of the Huan Zhen Supreme reason, making this King have no alternative to him, since the Nine Flash Star Lord adopted son has become enemies with him, that this King, why not pushes the boat conveniently......” the Azure Flash Heavenly King smile, even more strange and gloomy. 剑尘此人,也是本王心中的一根刺,恨不得杀而后快,只是因为还真太尊的原因,让本王对他无可奈何,不过既然九耀星君的义子已经与他结仇,那本王,何不顺手推舟……”青耀天王的笑容,愈发的诡异而阴森了起来。 Cloud Province Northern Territory, outside the Luoshen Clan entrance, sees only entire Luoshen Clan, was given to cover by powerful formation together, in formation the energy ebullition, blooms blinding rays of light, energy continuously, the defense strength push of this formation to peak. 云州北域,落神家族的山门外,只见整个落神家族,都被一道强大的阵法给笼罩,阵法中能量沸腾,绽放出炽目的光芒,源源不绝的能量,将这阵法防御力推送至极致 Outside formation, is numerous powerhouse suspended in the upper air, is headed by four old men, sends out the powerful offensive unceasingly, continuous bombardment Luoshen Clan protection formation, the deafening bellow is lingering on faintly, earth-shattering. 阵法外,则是众多强者悬浮在高空中,以四名老者为首,不断发出强大攻击,连绵不绝的轰击落神家族的守护阵法,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声不绝于耳,天崩地裂。 Attacks Luoshen Clan these powerhouse, is completely the Tong Family person. 攻击落神家族的这些强者,全部都是嗵家的人。 Appears from Martial Soul Lineage, after being in the upper hand steadily, Tong Wuming, Zhou Zhidao, the Lieyan Wuji three people have then ordered, to Luoshen Clan, Ascension Dao Sect and Shaking Heaven Sect launches the destructive attack. 武魂一脉出现,稳占上风之后,嗵无名,周之道,烈焰无极三人便已经下令,对落神家族,羽化道宗撼天宗展开毁灭性打击。 Therefore, this Tong Family is almost elite completely locates, four big Great Primal Beginning Realm Supreme Elder, brought to do powerhouse to arrive at Luoshen Clan by quickest speed. 因此,这一次嗵家几乎是精锐尽处,四大混元始境太上长老,带着一干强者以最快速度来到了落神家族 But Shaking Heaven Sect and Ascension Dao Sect, suffers the retaliation of Fire God Family and Universe Sect respectively. 撼天宗羽化道宗,也分别遭受到火神家族乾坤宗的报复。 This Luoshen Clan protection formation, but Luo Mantian personally arranges, by we four people of abilities, only if maintaining the formation energy consumes light/only, otherwise, absolutely does not have a hope of to break the formation.” “这落神家族的守护阵法,可是落满天亲自布置而成,以我们四人的能力,除非是将维持阵法的能量耗光,否则,根本就没有一点破阵的希望。” In Luoshen Clan has Transmission Formation, they because of should in through Transmission Formation the fire seed in clan shifting, us must as soon as possible to break the formation, otherwise, leaves our can only be an empty entrance......” 落神家族内有传送阵,他们因该在通过传送阵将族内的火种给转移走,我们得尽快破阵,否则,留给我们的只会是一个空荡荡的山门……” ...... …… Four Supreme Elder from Tong Family drink lowly, in heart secret anxious, but at present of this formation, making them have no means. 来自嗵家的四名太上长老纷纷低喝,心中暗暗焦急,可眼前这阵法之强,让他们没有任何办法。 You draw back, making me come.” When they four people of anxious badly battered, the old sound passed on together, sees only Tong Family Old Ancestor Tong Wuming to appear before them. “你们退下,让我来。”就在他们四人急的焦头烂额时,一道苍老的声音传了过来,只见嗵家老祖嗵无名出现在他们面前。 Old Patriarch, good, you came unexpectedly!” Tong Family these four Supreme Elder complexion one happy, salutes in abundance. “老族长,太好了,您老人家竟然过来了!”嗵家这四名太上长老面色一喜,纷纷行礼。 See Old Ancestor!” Behind, numerous Tong Family disciple, is in abundance the good big ritual, the facial expression is stimulated. “参见老祖!”后方,众多嗵家弟子,也是纷纷行大礼,神情亢奋。 Tong Wuming has not spoken, in his hand takes an iron rod, under the energy revolution, has the terrifying pressure on erupt from the iron rod immediately, destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth. 嗵无名没有说话,他手中拿着一根铁棍,能量运转之下,顿时有恐怖威压从铁棍中爆发而出,毁天灭地 This iron rod, impressively is Divine Item, Rank in middle-grade. 这根铁棍,赫然是一件神器,品阶中品之列。 Tong Wuming grasps the iron rod, pounds directly on Luoshen Clan protection formation, erupts the sound of fierce thundering, everything may become vulnerable, the terrifying energy storm gives to raze to the ground the hills, space was torn a giant crack. 嗵无名手持铁棍,直接砸在落神家族的守护阵法上,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣之声,地动山摇,恐怖的能量风暴将群山都给夷为平地,空间都被撕裂出一道巨大的裂缝。 The protection formation fierce twinkle of Luoshen Clan, rays of light flickers, maintains the formation energy, is consuming by very astonishing speed. 落神家族的守护阵法剧烈的闪烁,光芒忽明忽暗,维持阵法的能量,正在以一种十分惊人的速度消耗着。 But Tong Wuming the strikes, protecting formation was resists eventually. 嗵无名的这一击,守护阵法终究是抗住了。 Tong Wuming has not called a halt, brandishes the iron rod to continue to attack, each stick pounds, has the earth-shaking fluctuation of energy, the might is very astonishing, the trim land violent swaying, ground one after another is caving. 嗵无名没有停手,抡起铁棍继续攻击,每一棍砸出,都带着惊天动地的能量波动,威力十分惊人,整片大地都在猛烈的摇晃,一处又一处的地面都在塌陷。 His enough five attacks, Luoshen Clan protection formation breaks finally, under revealed is covered by formation a everywhere building. 他足足五次攻击,落神家族的守护阵法终于破去,露出了被阵法掩盖之下的一处处建筑物。 At this moment, Luoshen Clan the chaos, the numerous Luoshen Clan disciple positive/direct belts are panic-stricken, very flustered running away, rushes toward Luoshen Clan Transmission Formation in abundance. 此时此刻,落神家族早已经大乱,众多落神家族弟子正面带惊恐,十分慌张的逃窜,纷纷朝着落神家族传送阵奔去。 In the Luoshen Clan central square, two Transmission Formation erect there, the Transmission Formation rays of light twinkle is unceasing, in natural talent outstanding Junior Luoshen Clan sends off. 落神家族的中心广场,两座传送阵架设在那里,传送阵光芒闪烁不断,将落神家族内一名名天赋杰出的晚辈送走。 In the Luoshen Clan upper air, person suspended that five ages vary there, the body sends out aura that rushes. 落神家族的高空中,五名年纪不一的人悬浮在那里,身上散发出澎湃的气息 These five people, all are Great Primal Beginning Realm powerhouse, is Luoshen Clan five big Supreme Elder. 这五人,皆为混元始境强者,乃落神家族的五大太上长老 Just, they five people of complexion are becomes somewhat pale. Luoshen Clan formation is their five people are managing, Tong Wuming crushed by the absolute strength protected great formation, making their five people also receive involvement. 只不过,他们五人的脸色都是变得有些苍白。落神家族阵法是他们五人在主持,嗵无名以绝对的实力击碎了守护大阵,使得他们五人也受到了牵连。 I destroyed Transmission Formation!” Tong Wuming behind, Tong Family Supreme Elder shouted in a low voice, grazes to go toward Transmission Formation immediately. ” You gave up any idea of! ” Luoshen Clan Supreme Elder shouted angrily, his sad color, was unafraid of death wear a look, goes to prevent. “我去毁了传送阵!”嗵无名身后,嗵家的一名太上长老一声低喝,立即朝着传送阵飞掠而去。”你休想!”落神家族太上长老一声怒喝,他面带悲色,视死如归,前去阻挡。 However at this moment, void blasting open, a giant space crack appeared, sees only an iron rod to tear Cang Qiong (vault of heaven), having the destructive strength to pound. 然而就在这时,虚空炸裂,一道巨大的空间裂缝出现,只见一根铁棍撕裂了苍穹,带着毁灭性力量砸了下来。 Luoshen Clan this Great Primal Beginning Realm Supreme Elder, does not have including strength of the resisting, was pounded by this iron rod on the head, body and soul completely eliminated. 落神家族这名混元始境太上长老,连一丝抵挡之力都没有,便被这一根铁棍砸在了脑袋上,形神俱灭 The person of making a move is Tong Wuming, he by the powerful strength of boundary of Highest Beginning, cut to kill Luoshen Clan Supreme Elder personally. 出手之人是嗵无名,他以太始之境的绝强实力,亲手斩杀了落神家族的一名太上长老 This, looks at the Luoshen Clan remaining four Supreme Elder simultaneously discolorations. 这一幕,看得落神家族剩下的四名太上长老齐齐色变。 Tong Wuming, you are also Senior of noble character and high prestige, how can make this type from falling the status, runs to bully our these Junior this ignominious matters.” Luoshen Clan Supreme Elder Luo Heping drinks severely, complexion becomes incomparably ugly/difficult to look at. 嗵无名,你好歹也是一位德高望重的前辈,怎能作出这种自降身份,跑来欺负我们这些晚辈这不光彩之事。”落神家族太上长老落贺平一声厉喝,脸色变得无比难看。 If merely is Tong Family four Supreme Elder, they can also clash, but Highest Beginning Realm acts, they will not have the possibility that the least bit returns alive. 若仅仅是嗵家的四名太上长老,他们还能够冲出去,可太始境出手,他们将毫无半点生还的可能。 For does not make your five run away, to reduce our Tong Family casualties, therefore, the old man can only make a move personally.” Tong Wuming tone light saying, then brandishes in the hand the iron rod to continue toward other four Supreme Elder to hit. “为了不让你们五个逃走,同时也为了减少我们嗵家的伤亡,因此,老夫只能亲自出手。”嗵无名语气平淡的说道,然后挥舞手中铁棍就继续朝着余下的四名太上长老打去。 The boundary and Highest Beginning boundary of Great Primal, the disparity between this was really big . Moreover, Luoshen Clan these Great Primal Beginning Realm, was not the specially fierce that row, therefore in the Tong Wuming hand, almost did not have the strength to hit back. 混元之境与太始之境,这之间的差距实在是太大了,况且,落神家族的这几位混元始境,又并不是特别厉害的那一列,因此在嗵无名手中,几乎是毫无还手之力。 Tong Wuming acts again and again, disregards another's feelings, quick cuts to kill Luoshen Clan other four Great Primal Beginning Realm Supreme Elder all, has not run away. 嗵无名连连出手,不留情面,很快就将落神家族的余下四名混元始境太上长老尽数斩杀,一个都没有逃走。 But Tong Family that four Great Primal Realm Supreme Elder, then chases down Luoshen Clan Everlasting Beginning Realm Expert everywhere. 嗵家的那四名混元境太上长老,则是四处追杀落神家族无极始境高手 Immediately, strength of both sides assumes lopsided, formed the unilateral slaughter, Tong Family was chasing down Luoshen Clan disciple everywhere, the huge strength was disparate, making the Luoshen Clan many clansmen become treated butchers the lamb. 顿时,双方的实力呈一面倒,形成了单方面的屠杀,嗵家在四处追杀落神家族弟子,巨大的实力悬殊,使得落神家族的众多族人都成了待宰羔羊。
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