CSG :: Volume #26

#2563: Maidservants?

Young Star Lord complexion is somewhat ugly, own Protector must teach Jian Chen, finally actually under opposite party's Space Principle influence, made such a making a boner play, this makes him feel that the face does not have the light, the dignity is damaged. 小星君脸色有些难看,自己护道者本是要教训一下剑尘,结果却在对方的空间法则影响之下,闹出了这样一出丑戏,这让他感到脸面无光,威严受损。 After all, he is Young Star Lord, existence that Star Flash Province keeps aloof, adoptive father Nine Flash Star Lord is in Saint Realm is next to Supreme super powerhouse, where arriving is not the stars surrounding the moon, no one dares to offend. 毕竟,他是小星君,星耀州高高在上的存在,义父九曜星君更是圣界中仅次于太尊的超级强者,走到哪里不是众星拱月,无人敢得罪。 But today, actually suffers so the treatment in Tianyuan Clan, this lets in the Young Star Lord heart is the anger is dreadful. 可今日,却是在天元家族内遭受这般待遇,这让小星君心中是怒意滔天。 However, in Young Star Lord just about to manifests suddenly, intense sword intent suddenly fills the air, in an instant, Young Star Lord felt that own seems to be arriving at one to flood in the inexhaustible sword qi domain suddenly, invisible sword intent is dense and numerous, overlapping was filled with each space, as if this side world, turned into a sword qi vastness in this moment completely. 然而,就在小星君刚要发作时,一股强烈的剑意突然弥漫开来,刹那间,小星君感觉自己似乎在突然之间来到了一个充斥着无穷无尽的剑气领域之中,无形的剑意密密麻麻,层层叠叠的挤满了每一处空间,似乎这方天地,在这一刻完全变成了一个剑气汪洋。 Saw only Jian Chen to put out Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword, nine illusory stars transformed, under accompany of dim star light, the direct sword punctured. 只见剑尘已经拿出了九星天道剑,九颗虚幻的星辰幻化而出,在一股朦胧星光的伴随下,直接一剑刺了出去。 A sword leaves, the space violent fluctuation, Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword that sharp sword as if punctured sharp void, vanishes unexpectedly directly does not see. 一剑出,空间剧烈的波动,九星天道剑那锋利的剑尖似乎刺破了虚空,竟然直接消失不见。 However the next quarter, in front of Young Star Lord Protector, a section of sword emerges out of thin air sharp, brings powerful sword qi, punctured toward him quickly. 然而下一刻,在小星君护道者面前,一截剑尖凭空出现,带着强大的剑气,以迅雷不及掩耳之势朝他刺了过来。 „It is not good!” That old man complexion big change, reveals the panic-stricken color, from this sword, he felt a fatal crisis unexpectedly. “不好!”那名老者脸色大变,露出惊骇之色,从这一剑中,他竟然感受到了一股致命的危机。 He is Everlasting Beginning Realm 9-layer powerhouse, to cope with Jian Chen, should be easy, however actually discovered that Jian Chen can actually threaten him, this makes him unbelievable. 他乃无极始境九重天强者,要想对付剑尘,本该轻而易举,然而却发现剑尘竟然能够威胁他,这让他难以置信。 Jian Chen this sword, drew support from Space Principle, not only achieved unexpectedly, and speed will draw near peak, making that old man not have the reaction time. 剑尘这一剑,借助了空间法则,不仅做到了出其不意,并且速度更是快到了极致,让那名老者都没有反应时间。 !” “噗!” Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword that sharp sword point, brings strength of intense sword qi and stars penetrated the chest of old man, facing Jian Chen this sword, this old man cannot even make any avoidance and defense movement. 九星天道剑那锋利的剑尖,带着强烈的剑气和星辰之力穿透了老者的胸膛,面对剑尘这一剑,这名老者甚至都做不出任何躲避和防御的动作。 Because speed of this sword was really quick, especially also had the assistance of Space Principle, this caused this sword, being hard protection. 因为这一剑的速度实在是太快了,特别是又有空间法则的辅助,这就使得这一剑,更加的难以防备。 That at this moment, shows at present, seemingly strangely. Jian Chen stands beyond more than ten meters, is maintaining posture that punctures the sword, however actually can only see Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword half of sword blades, sword sharp that part, then appears beyond more than ten meters, passes through from the chest of that old man, seeming like, seems a breaks sword to result. 此时此刻,眼前所展现的一幕,看上去诡异之极。剑尘站在十几米外,保持着刺剑的姿势,然而却只能看见九星天道剑一半的剑身,剑尖的那部分,则是出现在十几米外,从那名老者的胸膛中穿过,看上去,就仿佛是一柄断剑似得。 This is the Space Principle wondrous use, he through Space Principle, directly affected this piece of space. 这就是空间法则的妙用,他通过空间法则,直接影响到了这一片空间 The arm of Jian Chen shakes, on Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword has sword qi to erupt immediately, had/left a hole of bowl mouth size the chest premature burst of old man, the body also under the powerful strength impact, departed the main hall. 剑尘的手臂一震,九星天道剑上顿时有剑气爆发而出,将老者的胸膛炸出了一个碗口大小的窟窿,身躯也在强大的力量冲击之下,飞出了大殿。 Young Star Lord dumbfounded, he somewhat looks distracted is looking Jian Chen that grasps Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword, as well as caused heavy losses departed that old man in main hall, suddenly resembles not to respond. 小星魂呆住了,他有些愣神的望着手持九星天道剑剑尘,以及被重创飞出了大殿的那名老者,一时间似没有反应过来。 Regardless of how he has not thought, in this Saint Realm, some people dares to be in front of his to cause heavy losses to his Protector unexpectedly, happening in present, is in his these millenniums growth courses, the first time that meets. 他无论如何也没有想到,在这圣界中,竟然还有人敢当着他的面重创了他的护道者,发生在眼前的这一幕,可是在他这千年的成长历程中,所遇见的第一次。 Outside main hall, already teams of the guards who wear Battle Armor are used from various places, surrounds that old man all round in inside, Everlasting Realm Custodian also came several people. 大殿外,已经有一队队身穿战甲的护卫从各处用来,将那名老者团团包围在里面,就连无极境护法也来了几人。 Patriarch, whether wants me and others to seize this person?” Custodian Xue stands outside holds the fist in the other hand saying that automatic initially after Le Province was rescued by Jian Chen next, Custodian Xue to Tianyuan Clan, was heart even more submits to pleased. 家主,是否要我等将此人擒下?”雪护法站在外面抱拳说道,自动当初在乐州剑尘救下之后,雪护法天元家族,是愈发的心悦臣服了。 No need, everyone draws back, including you.” Jian Chen took back Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword slowly, self-poise saying. “不必,所有人都退下,包括你们在内。”剑尘缓缓的收回了九星天道剑,镇定自若的说道。 Yes!” “是!” The Jian Chen voice falls, collects many guards outside main hall vanishes does not immediately see, that several Beginning Realm Custodian also left here. 剑尘话音一落,汇集在大殿外的众多护卫立即消失不见,就连那几名始境护法也离开了这里。 This matter, is not suitable makes too many people know, otherwise affects not well on Tianyuan Clan, after all present Tianyuan Clan may not have Ming Dong to assume personal command. 此事,不宜让太多人知晓,不然对天元家族影响不好,毕竟现在的天元家族可没有鸣东坐镇。 Star Lord Young Master, obsolete incompetent, is not the Jian Chen opponent!” Young Star Lord Protector stood, a face ashamed said in front of Young Star Lord that often sweeps to the Jian Chen vision, filled ice cold cold intention. 星君少爷,老朽无能,不是剑尘的对手!”小星君护道者重新站了起来,一脸羞愧的在小星君面前说道,那不时扫向剑尘的目光中,充满了冰寒的冷意 Useless waste, draws back.” Young Star Lord complexion is very unattractive, sweeping of his face gloomy to Jian Chen, cold voice said: Tianyuan Clan, good does Tianyuan Clan, to dare so to disrespect to this Monarch, believe this Monarch a few words, can let your Tianyuan Clan turn into ashes, even if you have the merit in Magnificent Heavenly Palace, cannot preserve you.” “没用的废物,退下。”小星君脸色很不好看,他一脸阴沉的扫向剑尘,冷声道:“天元家族,好一个天元家族,敢对本君如此不敬,信不信本君一句话,便可让你天元家族灰飞烟灭,即便是你在彼盛天宫有功劳,也保不住你。” Young Star Lord not slightly timid, his energy is still very sufficient, does not have the color of slight awe to Magnificent Heavenly Palace. 小星君没有丝毫胆怯,他底气依然很充足,对彼盛天宫也是没有丝毫敬畏之色。 Because as far as he knows, Magnificent Heavenly Palace does not have Supreme powerhouse, solely depends upon Yi Xin (wholeheartedly) First Your Highness to support, but in his back, but there is Weeping Blood Supreme. 因为据他所知,彼盛天宫已经没有太尊强者,仅仅依靠一心大殿下在撑着,而在他的背后,可是有泣血太尊 „The Star Lord Young Master why such big anger, back then, the family/home masters shook the starry sky with Nine Flash Star Lord, but the friendship was great, why because of our these Junior reasons, but made that the older generations were disgruntled, Star Lord Young Master, did you say?” The delightful nice sound conveys together, this sound, resembles some implication charm to result, making the person mind drag, mental not firmness, feared that in that instant that this sound hears, then the state of mind has fallen into enemy hands. 星君少爷何必这么大火气,想当年,家师与名震星空的九曜星君可是交情不浅,何必因为我们这些晚辈的原因,而弄得先辈们心生不满,星君少爷,你说是吗?”一道悦耳动听的声音传来,这声音,似蕴含某种魔力似得,令人心神摇曳,心智不坚者,怕是在这声音入耳的那一刹那,便已经神魂失守。 But in Young Star Lord vision, reveals color of being at a loss suddenly, resembled is absorbed the soul, subconscious opens the mouth: Yes!” 小星君的目光中,也是露出一刹那间的迷惘之色,似已经被摄了魂魄,下意识的开口:“是!” However when this character just he put out, he immediately sobered, in both eyes revealed fine glow immediately, looking at steadily is staring at the front door place. 然而这个字刚被他吐出时,他就立即清醒了过来,双目中顿时露出一丝精芒,目不转睛的盯着大门处。 Sees only in the front door place of main hall, Shangguan Mu'er of purple long skirt trod the lotus steps to walk slowly, her stature tall, was well-turned, has unusual refined makings, a pair of pitch-black bright and beautiful big eye such as the black gem was like that deep, the pupil was bright, has a strange attraction, looked at each other one with it, resembled to be cancelled the soul. 只见在大殿的大门处,一身紫色长裙的上官幕儿踏着莲步缓缓的走了进来,她身材高挑,姿态优美,带着一股超凡脱俗的气质,一双乌黑亮丽的大眼如黑宝石那般深沉,眸光明亮,带着一股奇异的诱惑力,与之对视一眼,似都能被勾走魂魄。 Her appearance is extremely beautiful, just like picture scroll to result, beautiful is not real, nitpicking does not have/leave the least bit slight defect, vast Saint Realm that even if in this outstanding people and magical soil, the person with outstanding ability pours forth, cannot seek several people able with her to place on a par. 她的容貌极美,就犹如画卷似得,美的不真实,让人挑剔不出半点瑕疵,即便是在这人杰地灵,英才辈出的浩瀚圣界,也寻不出几人能与她相提并论。 Mu'er, how you came.” The Jian Chen brow slightly wrinkle, Young Star Lord rushed to Mu'er to come, now Mu'er arrived here, instead is not better to end. 幕儿,你怎么来了。”剑尘的眉头微皱,小星君本来就是奔着幕儿来的,如今幕儿来到这里,反而更不好收场。 Nine Flash Star Lord and family/home master therefore person, since Young Star Lord arrived here, all in all, I because of should come out to see.” The Shangguan Mu'er gentle voice said that her routine holds Zither of Heavenly Demon Cry in the bosom, arrives at side Jian Chen to stop. 九曜星君与家师是故人,既然小星君来来到了这里,于情于理,我都因该出来见一见。”上官幕儿柔声说道,她习惯性的将天魔鸣音琴抱在怀中,走到剑尘身边才停下。 What Third Ancestor successor are you that Shangguan Mu'er? Third Ancestor Successor really lives up to reputation, this Monarch almost you were even obtaining enlightenment unexpectedly.” Young Star Lord both eyes shine is looking at Shangguan Mu'er, a heart in thump thump jumps, what kind of outstandingly beautiful he has listened to Dao Gongming to raise Shangguan Mu'er on Star Flash Province is, initially had not been serious, but thinks that Dao Gongming exaggerates. “你就是那什么三祖的传人,上官幕儿三祖传人果然名不虚传,竟然连本君都差点着了你得道。”小星君双目放光的望着上官幕儿,一颗心在怦怦直跳,他在星耀州上早就听道功名提起过上官幕儿是如何的绝色,当初并未太当回事,只是认为道功名夸大其词。 May until see Shangguan Mu'er at this moment, he knows that own made a mistake, which peerless posture that Shangguan Mu'er Huan Zhen (really) has Dao Gongming said. 可直到此刻见到了上官幕儿,他才知道自己错了,上官幕儿还真道功名说的哪种绝世之姿。 Not only beautiful, if Heavenly Immortal, the most important thing is on Shangguan Mu'er, one type can the deep attraction Young Star Lord unique makings. 不仅美若天仙,最重要的是在上官幕儿身上,有一种能深深的吸引小星君的独特气质。 A Shangguan Mu'er brow wrinkle, the sound instantaneously became cold, said: Young Star Lord, please pay attention to the expression, does not get the opposite party master to disrespect.” 上官幕儿眉头一皱,声音瞬间变得冷冽了起来,道:“小星君,请你注意言辞,不得对家师不敬。” Young Star Lord vision becomes somewhat infatuated, as soon as he does flicker is staring at Shangguan Mu'er, in the eye fiery: Had died person, why also to care about these.” 小星君的目光似变得有些痴迷,他一瞬不瞬的盯着上官幕儿,目中一片火热:“一个已经死了的人罢了,又何必在意那些。” Your this time comes Cloud Province to be informed and experienced, the side happen to also lacks a maidservant, Shangguan Mu'er, you are the this Monarch personal maidservant, took care of this Monarch in the informed and experienced conclusion of Cloud Province. In return, this Monarch did not haggle over Tianyuan Clan to the this Monarch disrespecting incident.” “君此次来云州历练,身边正好还缺少一个侍女,上官幕儿,你就来做本君的贴身侍女吧,服侍本君云州的历练结束。作为回报,本君就不计较天元家族本君不敬一事了。”
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