CSG :: Volume #26

#2511: Prestige

Mantuo Family four God King had not placed in this youth the eye, but God Lord Realm cultivation level, and is the Wu Feng child, the strength also does not have the background small and weakly, such unimportant person in Mantuo Family these four God King eyes, has not wanted to kill kills, does not need to be worried that completely can incur what consequence. 曼陀家族的四名神王原本根本就没有将这名青年放在眼中,不过主神境修为,并且又是吴峰的孩子,实力弱小又毫无背景,这样的小人物在曼陀家族这四名神王眼中,还不是想杀就杀,完全不用担心会引发什么后果。 However, in seeing this youth hangs when token of waist, they four people of complexion changed, is frowning, very prudent. 然而,在看见这名青年挂在腰间的腰牌时,他们四人的脸色都变了,皱着眉头,非常的慎重。 Lets loose my father.” That youth sends out to angrily roar, looks at complexion to be pale, has experienced personally the heavy losses, by Wu Feng that Mantuo Family God King ties hands, his eye of zi wants to crack, in the chest is burning with anger, murderous aura fills the air. “放开我爹。”那名青年发出怒吼,看着脸色苍白,已经身受重创,正被曼陀家族一名神王五花大绑的吴峰,他目眦欲裂,胸中是怒火中烧,杀气弥漫。 However, he has not acted rashly, he knows that this is four God King Realm powerhouse, strength, 不过,他并没有轻举妄动,他知道这是四名神王境强者,实力之强, It is not his God Lord Realm can cope. 远不是他这个主神境能对付的。 Xiaohe, you walk quickly, walks quickly, do not manage me!” Wu Feng also discovered the own son, complexion suddenly big change, he has not noticed Tianyuan Clan token, at this time, his child fled suddenly, the Mantuo Family person is will not let off absolutely his. 小何,你快走,快走,不要管我!”吴峰也发现了自己的儿子,脸色骤然大变,他并没有注意到天元家族腰牌,不过在这个时候,他的孩子突然窜出来,曼陀家族的人是绝对不会放过他的。 Kills Zhou Jian, is my responsibility, I am willing to follow you to go back to get the crime, but also please let off my son, my child is innocent.” Wu Feng anxious shouting, makes Wu Xiaohe hurry to escape simultaneously. “杀周剑,是我一个人的责任,我愿意跟着你们回去领罪,但还请放过我的儿子,我儿是无辜的。”吴峰焦急的喊道,同时让吴小何赶紧逃。 Father, you could rest assured that even if gives them 100 courage, they do not dare to injure me.” Wu Xiaohe was fearless, is sporty, he takes Tianyuan Clan token at once, demonstrated to the people, said loudly: Sees not to have, this is the Tianyuan Clan status token, believes in now Cloud Province, but also no one dares to pretend to be the Tianyuan Clan person.” “爹,你放心,就算给他们一百个胆子,他们也不敢伤我。”吴小何无所畏惧,底气十足,旋即他一把将天元家族腰牌拿了出来,向众人展示,大声道:“看到没有,这是天元家族的身份令牌,相信在当今云州,还没有人敢冒充天元家族的人。” My Wu Xiaohe has joined Tianyuan Clan, becomes Tianyuan Clan one, according to the Tianyuan Clan custom, any member who joins Tianyuan Clan, his family, will obtain the attendance and asylum of Tianyuan Clan......” “我吴小何已经加入了天元家族,成为了天元家族的一员,依照天元家族的规矩,凡是加入天元家族的成员,他的家眷,都会得到天元家族的照顾和庇护......” Wu Xiaohe announced that own status, his voice was very loud, spread over the less than half city, caused the attention of countless person. 吴小何宣告出自己的身份,他的声音很大,传遍了小半个城池,引得无数人的关注。 „, Huan Zhen (really) is Tianyuan Clan status token, never expected that he has joined Tianyuan Clan unexpectedly ..... “是真的,还真天元家族的身份腰牌,没想到他竟然已经加入了天元家族.....” Tianyuan Clan is not good into, the request was really high, many God King wanted to join Tianyuan Clan, kept them out......” 天元家族可不好入啊,要求实在是太高了,许多神王想要加入天元家族,都被拒之门外......” God King calculates anything, I also heard for five years ago, Beginning Realm powerhouse wanted to join Tianyuan Clan, became Tianyuan Clan consecrated, finally by Tianyuan Clan rejecting, the reason that Tianyuan Clan gave was this Beginning Realm powerhouse once did all kinds of evil, makes made one the matter of despising. By ridiculing that Tianyuan Clan so does not save face, but this Beginning Realm powerhouse has not dared to manifest suddenly......” 神王又算的了什么,我还听说五年前,一名始境强者想要加入天元家族,成为天元家族的一名供奉,结果都被天元家族给拒绝了,天元家族给出的理由是这名始境强者曾作恶多端,作出了许多令人所不齿之事。被天元家族如此不留面子的奚落,可偏偏这名始境强者还不敢发作......” Tianyuan Clan, this is on Cloud Province an extremely special little family, occupies the little plot of land, the scale was hearing that is not big, but lets Justice Alliance and Four-Divisions Alliance is not willing to offend......” 天元家族,这可是云州上极为特殊的一个小家族,占据着一亩三分地,规模听说也不大,可是却让正义联盟四象联盟都不愿得罪......” ...... ...... Surroundings, many Martial Artist discuss spiritedly, they look in the Wu Xiaohe hand that to symbolize Tianyuan Clan status token, in vision reveals the color of envying. 周围,有不少武者议论纷纷,他们望着吴小何手中那象征着天元家族的身份腰牌,一个个目光中都露出羡慕之色。 Naturally, these things about Tianyuan Clan, in the crowd also only has few people to know, these people quite do not have certain rank and status, is the person of news extremely Ling Tong, most bystanders, have not known the Tianyuan Clan particularity. 当然,关于天元家族的这些事情,人群中也仅有极少数的人知晓,这些人不是颇有一定的身份和地位,就是消息极为灵通之人,绝大多数围观者,都还不知道天元家族的特殊性。 Because here is central region, common Martial Artist, knows the Southern Territory some quite secret matter very much rarely. 因为这里是中域,寻常武者,是很难得知南域的一些较为隐秘的事情。 Tianyuan Clan, my child joined Wu Feng that Tianyuan Clan...... was captured unexpectedly, the whole person dumbfounded, he as God King Realm Expert, the known matter also had many, he naturally understands that Tianyuan Clan on Cloud Province, actually to have the prominent position. 天元家族,我儿竟然加入了天元家族......”被擒住的吴峰,整个人都呆住了,他身为神王境高手,知道的事情也有不少,他自然明白天元家族云州上,究竟有着何等显赫的地位。 That lets a special family that Four-Divisions Alliance and Justice Alliance do not dare to offend, and he knows, when dozens years ago, Tianyuan Clan Mo Xingfeng inherits the Peaceful Heaven Dynasty throne, Four-Divisions Alliance or Justice Alliance, are send out the envoy carrier generous gift to go to congratulate. 那可是让四象联盟正义联盟都不敢得罪的一个特殊家族,并且他更是知晓,在在数十年前,天元家族墨邢风继承平天皇朝的皇位时,无论是四象联盟还是正义联盟,都是派出使者携带者厚礼前去道贺。 Small Peaceful Heaven Dynasty, hundred years ago even no one knows its, now is to inherit the throne, makes the Cloud Province two big overlords so attach great importance, but also exhibits the so friendly attitude to go to congratulate, actually thus it can be seen Tianyuan Clan has uncommonly how. 一个小小的平天皇朝,百年前甚至都无人知道其名,如今不过是继承皇位,就让云州两大霸主这般重视,还摆出如此友好的态度前去道贺,由此可见天元家族究竟有多么的不凡。 Because of Mo Xingfeng, is one of the Tianyuan Clan senior statesmen! 因为墨邢风,就是天元家族的元老之一! Wu Xiaohe lifts up high the token, to Mantuo Family four God King, cold voice was saying: Now, my father was sheltered by Tianyuan Clan, you actually treat my father under glare of the public eye like this, regarding Tianyuan Clan is not to have the thing, your is to the provocation of Tianyuan Clan, is it possible that wants with Tianyuan Clan for the enemy?” 吴小何高举令牌,正对着曼陀家族的四名神王,冷声道:“如今,我的父亲受天元家族庇护,你们却在众目睽睽之下这样对待我父亲,视天元家族为无物,你们这是对天元家族的挑衅,莫非,是想要与天元家族为敌?” Wu Xiaohe words zheng zheng powerful, the attitude is very strong, the sound spreads over ten sides, he is lifting the token and Mantuo Family four God King to holding, all stand by the nature of things, have not made come out with the extreme action out of the ordinary. 吴小何的话语铮铮有力,态度很强硬,声音传遍十方,他就举着令牌与曼陀家族的四名神王对持,一切都站在道理上,并没有做出出格与过激的举动出来。 Mantuo Family four God King complexion change, is that God King of head one shouts angrily immediately, said: You rest talk nonsense, our Mantuo Family and Tianyuan Clan always maintain the friendly relations, in the family sends out the envoy to have no fear of great distances to go to Southern Territory every year to visit Tianyuan Clan, absolutely does not have the least bit to provoke the meaning of Tianyuan Clan.” 曼陀家族的四名神王脸色一变,为首的那名神王当即一声怒喝,道:“你休得胡言乱语,我们曼陀家族天元家族一向保持友好关系,家族中每年都派出使者不远万里前往南域拜访天元家族,绝对没有半点挑衅天元家族的意思。” Mantuo Family four God King somewhat feared obviously, they also slightly have the status in Mantuo Family, the known matter are more than Wu Feng, knew in the heart that Tianyuan Clan cannot offend absolutely. 曼陀家族的四名神王显然有些怕了,他们在曼陀家族内也算是小有身份,知道的事情比吴峰还要多,心知天元家族绝对不能得罪。 Meanwhile, their also in secret summon, 与此同时,他们也暗中传讯, Informs Mantuo Family Patriarch, waits for Patriarch to process, for fear that the matter screwed up, gets into a deadlock with the relations of Tianyuan Clan, this responsibility they but cannot handle. 通知曼陀家族家主,等候家主来处理,生怕事情搞砸了,与天元家族的关系闹僵,这责任他们但当不起。 In the crowd, Jian Chen and Shangguan Mu'er two people looked at each other eye mutually, saw the thick astonished color from the opposite party vision. 人群中,剑尘上官幕儿两人互相对视了眼,都从对方目光中看出了浓浓的惊愕之色。 Their two people no one has thought, leaves Cloud Province dozens years, initially can only withdraw in Dong An County Tianyuan Clan, now has such big deterrent effect, does not dare to offend in central region some respected families. 他们两人谁都没有想到,离开云州数十年,当初只能龟缩在东安郡天元家族,如今却拥有这么大的震慑力,连远在中域的一些大家族都不敢得罪。 This even makes them suspect, Tianyuan Clan that they hear, actually is also Peaceful Heaven Divine Country that Tianyuan Clan, met the duplicate. 这甚至都让他们怀疑,他们听到的天元家族,究竟还是不是平天神国的那个天元家族,是否遇到了重名。 It seems like, Tianyuan Clan imagines compared with me being better.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, he has been missing Tianyuan Clan, now sees Tianyuan Clan is so strong in the Cloud Province deterrent effect, this makes in his heart feel relieved thoroughly. “看来,天元家族比我想象中的还要好。”剑尘心中暗道,他一直挂念着天元家族,如今见天元家族云州的震慑力这么强,这让他心中彻底放心下来。 Then, Mantuo Family Patriarch personally arrived here, after understanding the cause and effect of matter, punishes to chase down Wu Feng four God King directly in the presence of everyone, and puts down the stance, is Wu Feng and Wu Xiaohe apologizes on own initiative, simultaneously delivers Divine Pill, is Wu Feng conducts healing. 接下来,曼陀家族家主亲自来到这里,在了解到事情的前因后果之后,直接是当众处罚追杀吴峰的四名神王,并放下姿态,主动为吴峰吴小何道歉,同时送上神丹,为吴峰进行疗伤 Kills the Mantuo Family guest industrious Zhou Jian incident as for Wu Feng, Mantuo Family Patriarch keeps silent. 至于吴峰曼陀家族的客勤周剑一事,曼陀家族家主是只字不提。 Finally, regarding Wu Feng must die the bureau, by his son, was grasped the Tianyuan Clan status token easily to reduce and solve like this. 最终,对于吴峰来说的一场必死之局,就这样被他的儿子,手持天元家族的身份令牌给轻易化解了。 We return to Southern Territory, actually having a look at present Tianyuan Clan to turn into what.” On the Jian Chen face has the relaxed satisfied smile, with Shangguan Mu'er through Transmission Formation, left central region. “我们回南域,看看现在的天元家族究竟变成什么样了。”剑尘脸上带着轻松惬意的笑容,和上官幕儿通过传送阵,离开了中域
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