CSG :: Volume #25

#2433: distribute power

Sir Item Spirit told us suddenly nine Saint Sword news, actually this... this... this was what meaning......” 器灵大人突然告诉我们九把圣剑的消息,这...这...这究竟是何意......” Stupid, this you have not looked, the meaning of Sir Item Spirit, clearly is Nine Saint Swords chooses the master......” “笨啊,这你还没看出来了,器灵大人的意思,分明就是要为九柄圣剑选择主人......” These nine Saint Sword, may be nine big retinue that in the past the Saint Light Tower master wields from, in Saint Sword contains has that nine big retinue from the strength, if who can grasp these nine Saint Sword, this said that even if he is only Radiant God King, can enter into peak powerhouse immediately, becomes powerhouse of Palace Master this grade of level......” “这九把圣剑,当年可都是圣光塔主人挥下的九大从所化,圣剑内就蕴含有那九大从的力量,谁要是能掌握这九把圣剑,这岂不是说,哪怕他本身只是一名光明神王,也能立即迈入巅峰强者之列,成为殿主这等层次的强者......” heavens, changes to become top powerhouse from Radiant God King, this simply is the big chance of soaring......” 天啊,从光明神王摇身一变成为顶尖强者,这简直是一飞冲天的大机缘啊......” ...... ...... Numerous Radiant God King surge upward warmly, is discussing intensely, everyone both eyes is a redness. 众多光明神王一个个热情高涨,在激烈的讨论着,所有人双目都是一片赤红。 Gongsun Zhi could not attend to Xuan Ming again, his whole piece face became red incomparable, the breath was exceptionally loud, raise one's head looked up to the upper air, roared loudly: „ Item Spirit, your master is my ancestor 公孙志再也顾不得玄明了,他整张脸都变得通红无比,呼吸异常粗重,抬头仰望高空,大声咆哮:“器灵,你的主人就是我的先祖 , I am bloodlines that today's ancestor only saves only, inherits Saint Light Tower, becomes the only candidate of Saint Light Tower master, I want you to give me these nine Guardian Saint Sword completely, the control of this Nine Saint Swords, must assign by me. ” ,我是当今先祖唯一仅存下来的血脉,是继承圣光塔,成为圣光塔主人的唯一人选,我要你将这九柄守护圣剑全部交给我,这九柄圣剑的掌控着,必须由我来指定。” Heart of Gongsun Zhi in violent beat, at this moment, his unprecedented excitement and excitement, once he obtains the Nine Saint Swords distribute power, that might strongest Guardian Saint Sword, must have by him. 公孙志的心脏在猛烈的跳动,此时此刻,他前所未有的激动和兴奋,一旦他得到九柄圣剑分配权,那威力最强的守护圣剑,必须要由他持有。 Once I have first Guardian Saint Sword, and another eight Guardian Saint Sword holders take me as to revere, listens to my command, that takes a broad view at entire Saint Realm, how many people also there are my Gongsun Zhi does not dare to provoke? Was Radiant Temple, what considered as in my eyes?” Is thinking this excellent scene, Gongsun Zhi stimulated incomparable. “一旦我持有第一守护圣剑,并且另外八柄守护圣剑的持有人都以我为尊,听我号令,那放眼整个圣界,又有几人是我公孙志不敢招惹的?光明圣殿,在我眼中又算得了什么?”想着这一片大好情景,公孙志就亢奋无比。 Gongsun Zhi wants to obtain the words of Guardian Saint Sword distribute power to spread loses, collection Radiant God King here, in abundance is in the heart one cool, just like one barrel of cold water overheads sprinkles to result, extinguished the greedy desire in many heart. 公孙志欲要得到守护圣剑分配权的话一传出失去,汇集在这里的光明神王,纷纷是心中一凉,就宛如是一桶冷水当头泼下似得,熄灭了不少人心中的贪婪之欲。 After all, but Gongsun Zhi the descendant of Saint Light Tower master, in all person eyes, in this Saint Light Tower, Gongsun Zhi is that most has the right to speak without doubt, most can affect the Saint Light Tower Item Spirit person, orders Item Spirit as his Supreme descendant, could not say that Item Spirit Huan Zhen (really) will obey his words. 毕竟,公孙志可是圣光塔主人的后裔,在所有人眼中,在这圣光塔内,公孙志无疑是那个最有话语权,最能影响到圣光塔器灵的人,以他太尊后裔的身份命令器灵,说不得器灵还真会听从他的话。 After all, that place lays aside Supreme to inherit Cultivation Technique Small World, is the best proof. 毕竟,那处放置太尊传承功法小世界,就是最好的证明。 In crowd, Myriad Flowers Peak Peak Lord Donglin Qiushui expression one dark, she is not willing to take orders from Gongsun Zhi, among the relations with Gongsun Zhi has deteriorated, once Gongsun Zhi obtains nine Guardian Saint Sword distribute power, that is not one's turn decisively her. 人群中,万花峰峰主东临秋水神色一暗,她不愿听命公孙志,与公孙志之间的关系已经恶化,一旦公孙志得到九柄守护圣剑分配权,那是断然轮不到她的。 Compared with losing of Myriad Flowers Peak Peak Lord, side Gongsun Zhi, that dozens by Radiant God King that Gongsun Zhi follows the lead, is eyes is fiery, takes an oath in Gongsun Zhi behind, henceforth takes Gongsun Zhi as to revere. 万花峰峰主的失落相比,在公孙志身边,那几十名以公孙志马首是瞻的光明神王,则是一个个眼睛火热,纷纷在公孙志身后宣誓,从此以公孙志为尊。 Obviously, these people think that Gongsun Zhi will obtain nine Guardian Saint Sword distribute power, therefore they want the recognition of Gongsun Zhi, only strove for being bestowed next Guardian Saint Sword by Gongsun Zhi, since then leapt to become top powerhouse. 很显然,这些人都认为公孙志将得到九柄守护圣剑分配权,因此他们都想要得到公孙志的赏识,只求被公孙志赐下一柄守护圣剑,从此一跃而成为顶尖强者 Meanwhile, in the Saint Light Tower entrance, nine forms flies high to stand, aura such as the dragon shape, and has the Battle Saint Principle winding, very powerful. 与此同时,在圣光塔的入口处,有九道身影凌空而立,气息如龙象,并有圣战法则缠绕,非常的强大。 These nine people, respectively are Radiant Temple Palace Master Yu Chen, as well as eight big Vice- Palace Master! 这九人,分别是光明圣殿殿主羽尘,以及八大副殿主 The Saint Light Tower Item Spirit sound not only reverberates in Saint Light Tower, it also informed Radiant Temple several powerful figures nine Guardian Saint Sword news. 圣光塔器灵的声音不仅回荡在圣光塔内,它同时也将九柄守护圣剑的消息告知了光明圣殿的几位权势人物。 Has not thought in Saint Light Tower, really also the hidden has so powerful nine Guardian Saint Sword!” Radiant Temple Palace Master vision profound is looking at distant that nine mountain peaks, existences about nine big Guardian Saint Sword, in the Radiant Temple history, has never had any record. “没想到在圣光塔内,竟然还隐藏有如此强大的九柄守护圣剑!”光明圣殿殿主目光深邃的望着远方那九座山峰,关于九大守护圣剑的存在,在光明圣殿的历史之中,从未有过任何的记载。 These nine Guardian Saint Sword, are very strong, merely is aura that sends out, makes me feel fearful and apprehensive, these nine big retinue from the past strength, at least in Highest Beginning Realm 6-layer above, even stronger......” in Radiant Temple Palace Master behind, a Vice- Palace Master sinking sound said, both eyes similarly are fiery. “这九柄守护圣剑,真的很强,仅仅是散发出的气息,都让我感到心惊肉跳,这九大从当年的实力,至少都在太始境六重天以上,甚至更强......”在光明圣殿殿主身后,一名副殿主沉声道,双目同样是一片火热。 These nine big Guardian Saint Sword strengths, go far beyond them, goes far beyond Radiant Temple Palace Master. 这九大守护圣剑的力量,远远超过他们,远远超过光明圣殿殿主 „Becoming the Guardian Saint Sword holder, everyone has the opportunity. Guardian Saint Sword, to protect the Saint Light Tower master specially exists, therefore, anyone, so long as inherited Guardian Saint Sword, must present the Saint Light Tower master to revere, is the Saint Light Tower master fights. Now, you convene all Battle Saint Master to come this immediately, regardless of strength height, regardless of natural talent how, so long as comprehended Battle Saint Principle, all may come this......” the Saint Light Tower Item Spirit sound to spread, reverberates in the whole world. “成为守护圣剑的持有者,人人都有机会。守护圣剑,是专门为了守护圣光塔主人而存在,因此,无论是谁,只要是继承了守护圣剑,都必须奉圣光塔主人为尊,为圣光塔主人而战。现在,你们立即去召集所有圣战天师来此,不论实力高低,无论天资如何,只要是领悟了圣战法则,皆可来此......”圣光塔器灵的声音传出,在整个世界中回荡。 Radiant Temple Palace Master knitting the brows head, one hear of everyone has the opportunity to have Guardian Saint Sword, he cannot bear the heart movement, but behind that everything has Guardian Saint Sword, must take the Saint Light Tower master as to revere, this point made him not accept. 光明圣殿殿主皱了皱眉头,一听人人都有机会持有守护圣剑,他也忍不住心动,只是后面那句凡是持有守护圣剑,必须以圣光塔主人为尊,这一点让他接受不了。 After all, he now is Highest Beginning Realm top powerhouse, has its arrogance, must let live top him to present others to revere, he is hard to achieve. 毕竟,他如今已经是太始境顶尖强者,自有其高傲,要让长居高位的他奉别人为尊,他难以做到。 If the Saint Light Tower master is non- world powerhouse, or is Supreme, he pours is also insufficient so to conflict, may come according to the present situation, Gongsun Zhi may become the Saint Light Tower next master, his solemn Radiant Temple Palace Master, but can also obey the order of Gongsun Zhi? 倘若圣光塔主人是不世强者,亦或者是太尊,他倒还不至于这般抵触,可照现在的情形来开,公孙志或许会成为圣光塔下一任主人,难道他堂堂光明圣殿殿主,还要听从公孙志的命令? In Yu Chen behind, besides Xuan Zhan beside the hesitation, another seven big Vice- Palace Master, is still eager to try. 羽尘身后,除了玄战还在犹豫之外,另外七大副殿主,皆是跃跃欲试。 No, does not permit this, Item Spirit, nine Guardian Saint Sword distribute power, must give me, “不,不准这样,器灵,九柄守护圣剑分配权,必须要交给我, I order you as ancestor descendant, these Guardian Saint Sword, must give me to arrange. ” Gongsun Zhi was anxious, nine Guardian Saint Sword, what protection is the Saint Light Tower second master, although he is the Supreme descendant, but he has not become the Saint Light Tower master now, therefore, he must nine Guardian Saint Sword controls in the hand. 我以先祖后裔的身份命令你,这些守护圣剑,必须交给我来安排。”公孙志急了,九柄守护圣剑,守护的是圣光塔的第二任主人,虽说他是太尊后裔,可现在他还没成为圣光塔的主人呢,因此,他必须要将九柄守护圣剑掌控在手中。 However regarding his roaring, Saint Light Tower Item Spirit actually does not pay attention. 然而对于他的咆哮,圣光塔器灵却是毫不理会。 After all, present Saint Light Tower Item Spirit, but was following Jian Chen Saint Item Item Spirit that comes up initially from Lower Realm! 毕竟,现在的圣光塔器灵,可是当初一路跟随着剑尘下界上来的圣器器灵 Outside Saint Light Tower, Radiant Temple protection formation has opened completely, Radiant Temple Palace Master Yu Chen, first Guardian Saint Sword news circular to all temple elders, the order temple elder convenes Battle Saint Master in Radiant Temple, goes to Saint Light Tower. 圣光塔外,光明圣殿的守护阵法已经全部开启,光明圣殿殿主羽尘,第一时间将守护圣剑的消息通传给所有圣殿长老,命令圣殿长老召集光明圣殿内的圣战天师,前往圣光塔 The Guardian Saint Sword news, Yu Chen has not covered, because all Radiant God King in Saint Light Tower knew, and above also Saint Light Tower Item Spirit , he even to cover unable to cover. 守护圣剑的消息,羽尘并没有掩盖,因为圣光塔内的所有光明神王都知道了,并且上面还有一个圣光塔器灵,他即便是想掩盖都掩盖不住。 Therefore, he published in Radiant Temple the Guardian Saint Sword news directly, although the appearance of Nine Saint Swords, may threaten his dominant position. But same, entire Radiant Temple, as births of nine big Guardian Saint Sword, but is powerful, becomes the Desolate Province first influence, lords over a state. 因此,他直接将守护圣剑的消息在光明圣殿内公布,虽说九柄圣剑的出现,或许会威胁到他的统治地位。可同样的,整个光明圣殿,也会随着九大守护圣剑的出世而强盛起来,成为荒州的第一势力,独霸一州。 This is the general trend, he also only then takes advantage of opportunity but is. 这是大势所趋,他也只有顺势而为。 Flying Clouds Peak, Flying Clouds Peak Peak Lord Han Xin is sitting cross-legged to sit in the summit of mountain peak, lost is looking at front cloud woolpack stretch/leisurely, the figure dreary, is passing one dry lonesome and dismal. 飞云峰,飞云峰峰主韩信正盘膝坐在山峰之巅,出神的望着前方的云卷云舒,身形萧瑟,透着一股枯寂和悲凉。 He is the person of Han Family, although the position in family is not high, but also has a person after all. But result, he disciple Changyang that because receives newly is the Martial Soul Lineage reason, is swept family's front door that Han Family Patriarch is relentless, since then degenerates into the loner. 他本是韩家之人,虽然在家族内的地位并不高,但毕竟也是有根之人。可结果,他因为新收的弟子长阳武魂一脉的原因,被韩家家主毫不留情的扫出了家族的大门,从此沦为孤家寡人。 Because, Han Family , to maintain the relations with Radiant Temple, will not allow that absolutely Han Xin stays behind. 因为,韩家要想与光明圣殿保持关系,就绝对不会容许韩信留下。
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