CSG :: Volume #24

#2345: Supreme descendant ( 1 )

Just likes the violent storm attack facing this, Jian Chen is actually without turning a hair, in his calm being situated in field, unflustered. 面对这犹如狂风暴雨般的攻击,剑尘却是面不改色,他气定神闲的立于场中,从容不迫。 Sees only in its, there is radiant sword light to shoot up to the sky, inexhaustible sword glow condenses to come from void , the Jian Chen whole person package, causing him at this moment, looked just like had changed into Divine Sword. 只见在其身上,有璀璨剑光冲天而起,无穷无尽的剑芒自虚空中凝聚而来,将剑尘整个人都包裹在内,使得此刻的他,看上去就宛如是已经化为了一柄神剑 Then, he with the body sword, changes into a white light to welcome on own initiative to that more than ten coming Divine Item. 而后,他以身化剑,化为一道白光主动迎向那十几名呼啸而来的神器 sword qi air-splitting, brilliance radiant, the whole world that made lost rays of light, sword light sprinkled the world, resembled to replace the world, becomes only. 剑气破空,光辉璀璨,令的整个世界都失去了光芒,剑光洒满天地,似取代了世界,成为了唯一。 Bang! 轰! In the deafening bellow, Jian Chen with these Divine Item collides by sword light that the body sword formed together, have several Divine Item to be struck to fly immediately, a rays of light gloom. 在震耳欲聋的轰鸣声中,剑尘以身化剑所形成的剑光与这些神器碰撞在一起,立即有数柄神器被击飞了出去,光芒一阵暗淡。 But Jian Chen, is keeping aloof suspended in the world, sword light of whole body not only not gloomy, instead becomes even more dazzling and radiant, has an invincible invincible posture. 剑尘,则是高高在上的悬浮在天地之间,周身的剑光非但没有暗淡,反而变得愈发的耀眼和璀璨,有着一股不可战胜的无敌之姿。 But other number Divine Item, seeing Jian Chen are so powerful, cannot help but disperses, from also attacks toward Jian Chen in all directions. 而余下数柄神器,见剑尘如此强大,不由得分散开来,从四面八方朝着剑尘同时攻击。 The Jian Chen vision is cold, Sword Dao Principle condenses, he points at condenses sword qi, blooms intense sword light to puncture nine swords in the flash. 剑尘目光冷冽,剑道法则凝聚,他手指凝聚剑气,绽放出强烈的剑光在一瞬间刺出九剑。 Each sword, the imposing manner is astonishing, the might is infinite. 每一剑,都气势惊人,威力无穷。 Each sword, is quick the lightning, formed the remnant shadow. 每一剑,都快过了闪电,形成了残影。 Enough nine swords, were being punctured in an instant by him, on final nine Divine Item that the accurate thorn from strikes in all directions, must make in the field anybody unable to respond quickly. 足足九剑,被他在刹那间刺出,准确无误的刺在从四面八方击来的最后九柄神器上,快得让场中任何人都反应不过来。 Because of speed of Jian Chen that thorn sword, even if better than 99 main peak Peak Lord this grade of powerhouse, is unable to see clearly by Spiritual Consciousness. 因为剑尘那刺剑的速度,即便是强如九十九座主峰峰主这等强者,也是无法以神识看清。 Bang! 轰! Nine thundering sounds, just like including the city, other nine Divine Item, were also struck to fly by Jian Chen, rays of light is gloomy. 九道轰鸣之声,宛若连城了一道,余下的九柄神器,同样被剑尘击飞了出去,光芒暗淡。 Then, the Jian Chen body shakes, sees only collects around him radiant sword light, under his shakes, crushes suddenly, formed a denseness and numerousness, only has sword rain suspended of soybean size before his body. 而后,剑尘身躯一震,只见汇集在他周围的璀璨剑光,在他这一震之下,骤然粉碎开来,形成了一片密密麻麻,仅有黄豆般大小的剑雨悬浮在他身前。 The Jian Chen finger, sword rain of suspended before his body goes immediately air-splitting, such as the meteor cuts the expansive sky generally, bringing swift and fierce sword qi attack that is sent out by Radiant Saint Master to be close to that rapidly. 剑尘手指一点,悬浮于他身前的剑雨立即是破空而去,如流星一般划破长空,带着凌厉的剑气冲着那一片由光明圣师发出的攻击飞速接近。 Immediately, numerously by Radiant God King by the sword of Saint light Battle Saint Principle condenses, and mixture in all kinds of Radiant Divine Technique, in front of Jian Chen the sword rain, like the tofu frailty, all struck smashing, cannot be close to the Jian Chen body. 顿时,众多由光明神王圣战法则凝聚的圣光之剑,以及夹杂在其中的各种各样的光明神术,在剑尘的这一片剑雨面前,都是如豆腐般的脆弱,尽数被击的粉碎,一个都接近不了剑尘的身躯。 World eight sides, do not have the thing not to fall, Zhen Yuan great formation, suppression!” At the same time, more than ten Radiant God King join up, forms great formation, sends out the intense fluctuation of energy to come toward the Jian Chen suppression. “天地八方,无物不降,镇元大阵,镇压!”同一时间,十几名光明神王联合起来,形成一座大阵,散发出强烈的能量波动朝着剑尘镇压而来。 Jian Chen suspended in the upper air, the wild energy storm whips on him, making his long hair fly upwards, clothes sleeve was floating, there is an invincible elegant demeanor. His right hand wields, zhang (3.33 m) permits Chang sword qi goes together air-splitting, shells on great formation that in that more than ten Radiant God King form. 剑尘悬浮在高空,狂暴的能量风暴拍打在他身上,令他长发飞扬,衣袂飘飘,有一股无敌风采。他右手一挥,一道丈许长的剑气破空而去,轰击在那十几名光明神王形成的大阵上。 Bang! immediately, great formation burst, composes great formation that more than ten Radiant God King also to receive intense backlash, spouted a blood, complexion was pale. 轰!”顿时,大阵破裂,组成大阵的那十几名光明神王也受到了强烈的反噬,纷纷喷出一口鲜血,面色苍白。 At once, is several sword qi cuts the expansive sky, remaining several great formation that is formed by Radiant God King striking the smashing. 旋即,又是几道剑气划破长空,将剩下的几座由光明神王形成的大阵给击成粉碎。 Shortly, joint strikes from numerous Radiant God King, then by Jian Chen decoding effortlessly. 顷刻之间,来自众多光明神王的联合攻击,便是被剑尘毫不费力的破解。 His present strength was really strong, to has been able to cut to kill some common Beginning Realm powerhouse powerful, but reviewed these Radiant God King, most also the middle-stage boundary, among the disparity with Jian Chen was really big. 他现在的实力实在是太强了,强大到已经可以斩杀一些寻常始境强者了,而反观这些光明神王,最强也不过才中期境界,与剑尘之间的差距实在是太大了。 Even if their people joins up, in adding on more than ten Divine Item , is hard to make up for among this that to just like the disparity of natural moat gap 哪怕是他们众人联合起来,在加上十几件神器,也是难以弥补这之间那犹如天堑鸿沟的差距 very powerful......” 好强……” This Changyang was also too fierce, even Divine Item cannot do to his in the slightest, how we are victorious he......” “这长阳也太厉害了,连神器都奈何不得他分毫,我们怎么打得过他……” Damn, the Supreme inheritance mark also in his hands, we must look to belong to our Radiant Temple supreme treasure helplessly, was won by the Martial Soul Lineage person......” “该死,太尊传承印记还在他手中,难道我们要眼睁睁的看着属于我们光明圣殿至宝,被武魂一脉的人夺走吗……” This, many Radiant God King were scared. The great strength of this Jian Chen, has been above their imagination, even if their here collects numerous Radiant God King, in addition more than ten Divine Item, but actually even/including the lower hem corners cannot bump into, how does this also hit? How to recapture the Supreme inheritance mark. 这一下,许多光明神王都傻眼了。这剑尘的强大,已经超乎他们所有人的想象了,哪怕他们这里汇集有众多光明神王,外加十几件神器,可是却连人家衣角都碰不到,这还怎么打?怎么去夺回太尊传承印记。 Don't waste your energy, you are not my opponent.” At this time, suspended opened the mouth in Jian Chen of upper air, although his words a tranquility, but from him filled the air, but the fearful powerful imposing manner, actually in all will of the people to the field created a strong pressure. “别白费力气了,你们不是我的对手。”这时,悬浮在高空的剑尘开口了,他的话语虽然一片平静,但从他身上弥漫而出的可怕强大的气势,却是给场中所有人心里都带来了一股强大的压力。 Although your here has more than ten Divine Item, but does, your strengths were too weak, is unable to play the Divine Item might to come, cannot threat me, to injure me, is very difficult.” “虽然你们这里有十几件神器,但奈何,你们的实力太弱了,根本就无法发挥出神器的威力来,对我构不成威胁,要想伤我,很难。” hearing that, all Radiant God King is a silence, that more than ten master hold Divine Item main peak Peak Lord, is each one complexion is ugly, covered entirely gloomy. 闻言,所有光明神王都是一阵沉默,那十几名手神器的主峰峰主,则是个个脸色难看,布满了阴沉 Myriad Flowers Peak Peak Lord Donglin Qiushui and Sky-Gazing Peak Peak Lord, was among expression covered entirely complex, how regardless of they cannot think, past has had contact Changyang with them, real battle strength was so unexpectedly fearful, making them have a powerless feeling. 万花峰峰主东临秋水望天峰峰主,则是神色间布满了复杂,他们无论如何也想不到,昔日与他们有过接触的长阳,真实战力竟然如此可怕,让他们都生出了一种无力感。 Donglin Yanxue stands in the distant place, she lost is looking at suspended in the upper air, powerful to invincible Jian Chen, in the heart is all flavors. 东临嫣雪站在远方,她怔怔出神的望着悬浮在高空,强大到不可战胜的剑尘,心中是五味俱全。 Snort, now under this conclusion, but also is too early!” Scorching Sun Peak Peak Lord cold snort, his both eyes cover entirely killing intent is staring at Jian Chen, imposing manner is actually increasing successively, then exceeded God King Realm middle-stage quickly. “哼,现在下这结论,还为时过早!”烈日峰峰主一声冷哼,他双目布满杀意的盯着剑尘,身上的气势却是在节节攀升,很快便超越了神王境中期 Scorching Sun Peak Peak Lord broke through unexpectedly......” 烈日峰峰主竟然突破了……” Gongsun Zhi was too impulsive, now the Saint Light Tower resentment has not dissipated completely, cannot permanent hiding here, he not fear that big devil......” 公孙志太冲动了,现在圣光塔怨气还没有完全消散,不能永久的躲在这里,他难道就不怕那个大恶魔……” The surroundings hear the screams immediately. 周围顿时传来惊呼声。 Scorching Sun Peak Peak Lord Gongsun Zhi, the choice at this time, broke through to God King Realm late-stage impressively. 烈日峰峰主公孙志,赫然选择在这个时候,突破到神王境后期 Originally, breaks through late-stage from God King Realm middle-stage, needing some time is the process. But Radiant Temple 99 main peak Peak Lord, suppresses of boundary several tens of thousands year all, even is longer, they have arrived at peak in this boundary, to break through, completely in their a thought. 本来,从神王境中期突破到后期,需要一段时间为过程。但光明圣殿九十九座主峰峰主,无不是压制境界数万年之久,甚至是更长,他们在这一境界已经走到了极致,要想突破,完全在他们的一念之间。 Also because of so, Scorching Sun Peak Peak Lord Gongsun Zhi strides in late-stage from Radiant God King middle-stage, merely several time of breath were then completed, do not have the hindrance. 也正是因为如此,烈日峰峰主公孙志光明神王中期跨入后期,仅仅几个呼吸的时间便完成了,毫无阻碍。 After breaking through to God King Realm late-stage, Gongsun Zhi strength immediately promotion doubled and re-doubled. 突破到神王境后期之后,公孙志的实力顿时成倍的提升。 Even if you break through to God King late-stage, similarly is not my opponent.” Jian Chen vision light sweeping off. “即便你们都突破到神王后期,同样不是我的对手。”剑尘目光淡淡的扫去。 Snort, extremely arrogant, you again how strong, eventually is God King Realm, now, I and you have been in the same boundary.” Scorching Sun Peak Peak Lord cold snort said, sees only his both hands form hand seals, displays secret skill, white flame appears suddenly, flaming burns. “哼,狂妄,你再怎么强,也终究是神王境而已,如今,我与你已经处于同样的境界。”烈日峰峰主冷哼道,只见他双手掐诀,施展秘法,一股白色的火焰骤然出现,熊熊燃烧起来。 With the combustion of flame, Gongsun Zhi imposing manner, increased immediately again, the rapidness of this time increasing speed, even must surpass him to break through the God King Realm late-stage scene. 随着火焰的燃烧,公孙志身上的气势,顿时再一次攀升了起来,这一次的攀升速度之快,甚至是要超过他突破神王境后期的情景。 However his complexion, is actually becomes more and more pale, among expression is passing the dispirited, life aura is getting more and more weak. 不过他的脸色,却是变得越来越苍白,神色间透着萎靡,生命气息越来越弱。 Obviously, he displayed some banning to send, pays the huge price, receiving in exchange exceeded his cultivation level. 很显然,他施展了某种禁发,付出了巨大的代价,换取超越他本身的修为 But Jian Chen brow, in this time wrinkle, he has not gone to look at Scorching Sun Peak Peak Lord Gongsun Zhi slightly, but gathers the vision in the Supreme inheritance mark in hand. 剑尘眉头,也是在这时候微微一皱,他没有去看烈日峰峰主公孙志,而是将目光聚集在手中的太尊传承印记上。 The Supreme inheritance mark, became the burning hot suddenly, is vibrating in the Jian Chen hand, resembling to let go to go. 太尊传承印记,突然间变得炙热了起来,在剑尘手中震动着,似要脱手而去。 PS: This is Chapter 1, I continue the symbol, Chapter 2 time is little too late. PS:这是第一章,我继续去码字,第二章时间有点晚。
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