CSG :: Volume #24

#2343: Forcing outstanding heroes ( 2 )

We eventually are not a passer-by......” the Jian Chen secret sigh. “我们终究不是一路人……”剑尘暗暗叹息。 Donglin Yanxue did not speak, her white teeth bit tightly, intense gaze extremely outside situation. 东临嫣雪不说话,她银牙紧咬,紧张万分的注视着外面的情况。 Suddenly, a powerful pressure appears suddenly, sees only a three chi (0.33 m) long sword to come, to bring frightening intense killing intent thorn ruthlessly air-splitting on the guard/shield that talisman forms. 突然间,一股强大的威压骤然出现,只见一柄三尺长剑破空而来,带着令人心惊胆战的强烈杀意狠狠的刺在符箓形成的护罩上。 Bang! 轰! In the thundering loud sound sound, energy shield that was formed by talisman shivered immediately, the might of this sword was really terrifying, withstood this struck, making the talisman strength consume suddenly. 轰鸣巨响声中,由符箓形成的能量护罩顿时颤抖了起来,这一剑的威力实在是太恐怖了,承受了这一击,让符箓的力量都是在急剧消耗。 Divine Item!” 神器!” Unexpectedly is Divine Item!” “竟然是神器!” This emergence of long sword, making many Radiant God King send out to call out in alarm. 这把长剑的出现,令得不少光明神王纷纷发出惊呼。 This long sword, impressively is low-grade Divine Item! 这柄长剑,赫然是一件下品神器 Although low-grade Divine Item is precious, many Beginning Realm powerhouse have not had, but in these Radiant God King, many person status are uncommon, does not have the big origin, the big background, then has the fortuitous encounter respectively. Therefore, extremely minority Radiant God King, in the hand wield Divine Item. 下品神器虽然珍贵,不少始境强者都不曾拥有,但这些光明神王之中,有不少人身份不凡,不是拥有大来历,大背景,便是各自拥有奇遇。因此,极为少数的光明神王,手中执掌有神器 Since first Divine Item appears , second, third, fourth Divine Item also appears one after another, all sends out flood heavenly power potential, brings to make numerous Radiant God King fearful and apprehensive killing intent hit on the guard/shield. 自第一件神器出现之后,紧接着,第二件,第三件,第四件神器也纷纷出现,皆是散发出滔天威势,带着令众多光明神王心惊胆战的杀意打在护罩上。 The prestige of Divine Item, no small matter, even if these Radiant God King are unable to play the Divine Item complete might to come by far, but does not allow to look down upon. Enough several Divine Item also attack, immediately made even more fierce, this that the guard/shield shivered can resist the Beginning Realm powerhouse attack talisman, rays of light also rapidly became gloomy, was faint, seemed has a crack to appear. 神器之威,非同小可,哪怕这些光明神王远远无法发挥出神器的全部威力来,但也不容小视。足足数把神器同时攻击,顿时令护罩颤抖的愈加剧烈,这道可以抵挡始境强者攻击的符箓,光芒也是迅速变得暗淡了起来,隐隐间,好似有一道裂缝出现。 At this time, is several Divine Item is left by the human sacrifice, enough ten Divine Item, the contour was various, all was sends out the earth-shaking terrifying might, simultaneously comes toward the energy shield bombardment. 这时,又是几件神器被人祭出,足足十件神器,外形各不相同,皆是散发出惊天动地的恐怖威力,齐齐朝着能量护罩轰击而来。 Donglin Yanxue complexion instantaneously became pale, in front of so many Divine Item, the time that this talisman insisted is shorter, making her not have the means. 东临嫣雪脸色瞬间变得苍白了起来,在如此多的神器面前,这符箓坚持的时间更短,让她毫无办法。 But stands in her Jian Chen, is without turning a hair as before, his expression somewhat complex was saying to Donglin Yanxue: Actually, you, if carefully observes, will discover that these people cannot injure me, even if all of them collaborate, even if they grasp Divine Item, will still not pose the slight threat to me. Because of their strengths in my eyes, was really weak.” 而站在她身边的剑尘,依旧是面不改色,他神色有些复杂的对着东临嫣雪说道:“其实,你如果仔细观察,就会发现这些人根本就伤不到我,即便是他们所有人联手,即便是他们手持神器,也依然不会对我构成丝毫威胁。因为他们的实力在我眼中,实在是太弱了。” I had said to you before, we are not a passer-by, but you actually never understand the meaning in my these words, now, should make you thoroughly understand......” the Jian Chen slow sound said. “我之前就给你说过,我们并不是一路人,可你却始终不明白我这句话中的含义,现在,该让你彻底明白了……”剑尘缓声说道。 Meanwhile, Donglin Yanxue by defense that talisman forms, under bombardments of one after another enough ten Divine Item, bursts finally, powerful energy fallout formed fearful storm, having the prestige of volume seat all extinguishing worlds to wreak havoc. 与此同时,东临嫣雪符箓形成的防御,在足足十柄神器的接连轰击之下,也是终于破裂开来,强大的能量余波形成了一股可怕的风暴,带着卷席一切的灭世之威肆虐而来。 In front of this powerful energy storm, let alone Donglin Yanxue Five Colors Yuan Core cultivation level, even if Seven Colors Yuan Core Radiant God King must evade the point temporarily. 在这股强大的能量风暴面前,别说东临嫣雪五色元丹修为,即便是七色元丹光明神王都是要暂避锋芒。 Because this is the storm that enough ten Divine Item fallout form, the might is very terrifying, lets numerous Radiant God King hears the look changes. 因为这是足足十件神器余波形成的风暴,威力十分恐怖,让众多光明神王都是闻之色变。 And, after this energy storm, is that ten handles sends out the dreadful prestige, energy turbulent Divine Item, they come, kills directly to Jian Chen and Donglin Yanxue, does not have slight being forgiving. 且,在这股能量风暴之后,则是那十柄散发出滔天之威,能量汹涌的神器,它们呼啸而来,直接杀向剑尘东临嫣雪,没有丝毫的留情。 The controls of these ten Divine Item, were completely crazy, to obtain the Supreme inheritance, does not hesitate even Saint Child to massacre together. 这十柄神器的掌控着,全部都疯狂了,为了得到太尊传承,不惜连圣子都要一起杀掉。 In Supreme inherits front this huge seduction, they really consider the god to keep off the deicide, the Buddha files extinguish Buddha. Let alone is Saint Child, even compared with a Saint Child status more honored person, they will not let off. 太尊传承这巨大的诱惑面前,他们真当是神挡杀神,佛档灭佛。别说是圣子,即便是比圣子身份更加尊贵的人,他们也不会放过。 Snort!” Sees this one, Jian Chen cold snort, his both eyes covered entirely the chill in the air instantaneously. They are not willing to injure these Radiant God King, after all he also stayed such a long time in Radiant Temple, does not want to do goes too far, but sees the controls of these ten Divine Item at present, does not let off Donglin Yanxue unexpectedly, this made him move the real anger. “哼!”见此一幕,剑尘一声冷哼,他的双目瞬间布满了寒意。原本他们并不愿伤害这些光明神王,毕竟他也在光明圣殿呆了这么长时间了,不想做的太过分,但眼下见这十柄神器的掌控着,竟然连东临嫣雪都不放过,这让他动了真怒。 Before seeing only he one step treads, his does not appear the tall and strong body, such as shield results in keeps off in front of Donglin Yanxue, no matter what that command numerous Radiant God King for energy fallout violent stroking of it look changes on his body, he actually immovability. 只见他一步踏前,他那并不显得魁梧的身躯,如一面盾牌似得挡在东临嫣雪面前,任那令众多光明神王都为之色变的能量余波猛烈的击打在他的身上,他却不动如山。 At this moment, Jian Chen this appears the somewhat tiny physique, feeling seems a palatial mountain, cannot shake. 这一刻,剑尘这显得有些渺小的身板,给人的感觉就仿佛是一座巍峨山岳,不可撼动。 And, on him, astonishing imposing manner sending out, rushes, but the turbulent strength ferments in within the body, such as forthcoming fire mountain-like. 且,在他身上,更是有一股惊人的气势散发而出,一股澎湃而汹涌的力量在体内酝酿,如一座即将爆发的火山似得。 At this moment, he is not continuing snow conceals, revealed the treasured sword of point. 此时此刻,他已经不在继续雪藏,露出了锋芒的宝剑。 Sees only rays of light magnificent eye-catching sword qi to jump to shoot from the Jian Chen fingertip, sends out soaring to the heavens sword qi, sword light flashes, condenses in sword qi of Jian Chen fingertip, then has changed into together the sword curtain with six Divine Item bump into the same place. 只见一道光华夺目的剑气剑尘指尖迸射而出,散发出冲天剑气,剑光一闪之间,凝聚于剑尘指尖的剑气,便已经化为一道剑幕与其中六把神器相撞在一起。 Sonorous!” “铿锵!” If substantive sword qi and Divine Item bump into, exudes the sound of clear junction cry, these six implication enormous powers, let Divine Item that all Radiant God King tremble, in front of Jian Chen this sword qi, just like toy in child hand results, all struck flying to the distant place, pounding ruthlessly in the land, making the trim land tremble. 如实质般的剑气神器相撞,发出清脆的交鸣之声,这六把蕴含巨大威力,让所有光明神王都战栗的神器,在剑尘这一道剑气面前,就宛如是小孩子手中的玩具似得,皆是被击的飞向了远方,狠狠的砸在大地上,令整片大地都在震颤。 Then, sword qi fierce letting go in Jian Chen hand, sword qi air-splitting, the air/Qi passes through long rainbow, in upper air with Divine Item hits loudly in together, exudes sound of the calling out in grief seventh Divine Item hits, vanishes in the horizon end, does not know where flew. 而后,剑尘手中的剑气猛的脱手而出,剑气破空,气贯长虹,在高空中与其中一柄神器轰然撞击在一起,将第七件神器打的发出一声悲鸣之声,消失在天际尽头,不知飞向了何方。 Finally, Jian Chen Strength Principle condenses, including knocking out three fists, the strength is terrifying and scary, hit void is shivering, conducts the fiercest hit with final three Divine Item. 最后,剑尘力量法则凝聚,连出三拳,力量恐怖而骇人,打的虚空都在颤抖,与最后三柄神器进行最为猛烈的撞击。 Bang! 砰! Bang! 砰! Bang! 砰! In three deafening bellows, this final three low-grade Divine Item, are directly is been unexpectedly gloomy by rays of light that Jian Chen three fight with the fists, all exudes sound of the calling out in grief, resembles wailing of Divine Item Item Spirit. 在三道震耳欲聋的轰鸣声之中,这最后三件下品神器,竟是直接被剑尘的三拳打的光芒暗淡,皆是发出一声悲鸣之声,似神器器灵的哀嚎。 Three Divine Item flew by far, suddenly then lost the trail. 三件神器远远的飞了出去,眨眼间便失去了踪迹。 In the crowd, is controlling three Divine Item Radiant God King, is complexion big change, the opens the mouth on a blowout blood, complexion becomes a paleness, in filled look of astonishment. 人群中,掌控着三柄神器光明神王,皆是脸色大变,张口就喷出一口鲜血,面色变得一片苍白,一个个目中都充满了骇然之色 Their three people, have a spiritual relation with that three Divine Item, but finally these three Divine Item, came under the Jian Chen fiercest frontal attack. That strength is really terrifying, was too astonishing, causes to control Divine Item their three people, received involvement inevitably, suffered as an innocent bystander, experiences personally the heavy losses. 他们三人,与那三件神器都有着一层精神上的联系,而最后这三件神器,又是受到了剑尘最为猛烈的正面攻击。那力量实在是太恐怖,太惊人了,使得掌控神器的他们三人,也是不可避免的受到了牵连,遭受池鱼之殃,身受重创。 The storm has not subsided, after ten low-grade Divine Item, various Radiant Divine Technique that is also sent out by numerous Radiant God King, interweave a piece of white color bolt of white silk toward the Jian Chen attack. 风暴并未就此平息,自十件下品神器之后,又是由众多光明神王发出的各种光明神术,交织成一片白色的匹练朝着剑尘攻击而来。 The Jian Chen vision is cold, he protects Donglin Yanxue in behind, withstands from the front violent storm, the sleeve robe brandishes, swift and fierce sword qi filled the air in void, formed a piece of white color sword curtain like lightning lasing. 剑尘目光冷冽,他将东临嫣雪护在身后,独自一人承受来自前方的狂风暴雨,袖袍挥舞间,凌厉的剑气在虚空中弥漫,形成了一片白色的剑幕闪电般激射而出。 The sword curtain does not have the thing broken, irresistible, disintegrates the attacks of numerous Radiant God King in the unprecedented invincible posture all. 剑幕无物不破,势不可挡,以一往无前的无敌之姿将众多光明神王的攻击尽数瓦解。 Shortly, the threat from ten Divine Item, and attacks of numerous Radiant God King, then by the cleanness that Jian Chen decodes. 顷刻之间,来自十柄神器的威胁,以及众多光明神王的攻击,便是被剑尘破解的干干净净。 Collection numerous Radiant God King here, even has Divine Item in the hand, no one can moisten to the Jian Chen lower hem corner. 汇集在这里的众多光明神王,即便是持有神器在手,都没有一人能沾到剑尘的衣角。 Suddenly, in Small World became peaceful, collected in this Small World everyone, was one fantasy expression blankly is looking at Jian Chen, no one lashed out. 眨眼间,小世界内变得安静了下来,汇集在这处小世界内的所有人,都是一副活见鬼的表情呆呆的望着剑尘,再也没有人出手攻击了。 Stands in Jian Chen behind Donglin Yanxue, pair of beautiful eyes is also opens the eyes in a big way, on the elegant face covered entirely the shock, staring dumbfounded stared at Jian Chen, the thought had been stopping the revolution. 站在剑尘身后东临嫣雪,一双美目也是睁得大大的,俏脸上布满了震惊,瞠目结舌的盯着剑尘,思维已经停止了运转。 Donglin Qiushui, Sky-Gazing Peak Peak Lord and other being in power people of prominent peaks, the almost invincible strength that was also shown suddenly by Jian Chen being startled unable to speak, was the expression delay looked at Jian Chen, in the innermost feelings was filling panic-strickenly, resembling is unable to accept that inconceivable one that just had. 东临秋水,望天峰峰主等九十九座主峰的掌权人,也是被剑尘突然展现出的几乎无敌的实力给惊得说不出话来,一个个都是神色呆滞的望着剑尘,内心中充满了惊骇,似无法接受刚刚发生的那不可思议的一幕。 You...... you are the Martial Soul Lineage person......” suddenly, the screams resound from the crowd in together. “你……你是武魂一脉的人……”突然,一道惊呼声自人群中响起。 PS: Chapter 2 finished! Making up that yesterday owed. PS:第二章完毕!昨天欠下的补上了。
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