CSG :: Volume #24

#2341: The struggle of inheritance

Collects in tablet surrounding Radiant Saint Master, cannot help but collected, formed a huge circle to encircle Jian Chen in inside, everyone's vision neat centralized in still in Sensing Principles Chart, was said tablet strength protection Jian Chen. 汇集在道碑周围的光明圣师,纷纷是不由自主的汇集了过来,形成了一个巨大的圆圈将剑尘围在里面,所有人的目光齐刷刷的集中在依然在感悟道图,被道碑的力量守护的剑尘 At this moment, Jian Chen becomes in the field the most noticeable focus. 这一刻,剑尘成为了场中最受人瞩目的焦点。 Originally, by his two color Yuan Pill cultivation level, in this Radiant God King numerous crowds, is only common, will not be paid attention by anybody, will not pay attention to the neglected unimportant person slightly. 原本,以他两色元丹修为,在这光明神王众多的人堆里,只是一个毫不起眼,甚至都不会受到任何人关注,稍不注意就会被忽略的小人物。 But now, he actually becomes in the field all for the object who it eyes are red. 可是现在,他却成为了场中让所有人为之眼红的对象。 Who this person is, but only two color Yuan Pill cultivation level, actually had not been said the strength of tablet pushes aside, is it possible that his natural talent and are natural talent higher than us?” “此人是谁,不过区区两色元丹修为,竟然还没有被道碑的力量排挤出来,莫非他的天赋资质比我们所有人都还要高?” This is absolutely impossible, the natural talent test of Changyang obviously only then the rank of 1-Star talent, how possibly surpasses us......” “这绝对不可能,长阳资质测试明明只有一星天才的级别,怎么可能超过我们……” Here, but many natural talent in nine star-level top talents, are said now the strength of tablet pushed aside, only has Changyang still still to continue to sense, is it possible that this Changyang natural talent compared with our even more stronger?” “我们这里可是有不少资质在九星级的顶尖天才,如今都被道碑的力量排挤了出来,唯有长阳依然还在继续感悟,莫非这长阳的天资比我们所有人都还要强?” You were said that Changyang natural talent has exceeded nine stars, this...... this......” “你是说长阳资质已经超越了九星,这……这……” ...... …… Numerous Radiant Saint Master discuss spiritedly, many people look to the Jian Chen vision, is the twinkle continues. 众多光明圣师议论纷纷,不少人看向剑尘的目光,也是闪烁不止。 Donglin Yanxue stands side Donglin Qiushui, is expression complex looks is said the strength protection of tablet, expression firm and resolute Jian Chen. 东临嫣雪站在东临秋水身边,也是神色复杂的望着被道碑的力量守护,神色坚毅的剑尘 In Radiant Temple, she knows the Jian Chen natural talent person only, therefore in her opinion, in this Small World, if said that whose final qualifications obtain the approval of Supreme inheritance, that inevitably was Jian Chen without doubt. 光明圣殿中,她是唯一知道剑尘天赋的人,因此在她看来,在这小世界内,若说谁最后资格获得太尊传承的认可,那必然是剑尘无疑了。 Therefore, regarding at present this, she is among here everyone, only does not feel the surprised person, even is thinks naturally, should so resemble to result. 因此,对于眼前这一幕,她是这里所有人当中,唯一一个不感到惊讶的人,甚至是认为理所当然,本该如此似得。 This Changyang, I underestimated him actually.” Donglin Qiushui also expresses the exclamation. “这长阳,我倒是小看了他。”东临秋水也是发出惊叹。 Snort, Supreme inheritance , is so can it be that easy to obtain, he now is still not fake in the sensibility, but this is inexplicable, he can certainly attain the Supreme inheritance......” in crowd, there is Radiant God King to shout, was full of the envy. “哼,太尊传承,又岂是这么容易得到的,他现在仍然在感悟不假,可这并不能说明,他就一定能拿到太尊传承……”人群中,有光明神王喝道,充满了嫉妒。 However, when he finishes speaking, came from the protection strength of tablet, then vanishes quietly, Jian Chen at this moment, is such as here everyone is the same, lost the strength protection of tablet. 然而,他话音刚落时,来自于道碑的守护力量,便是悄然消失,此刻的剑尘,也是如这里所有人一样,失去了道碑的力量守护。 Sees this, collection numerous Radiant God King here relaxes, in the heart naturally is thinks that Jian Chen is like them, similarly failed, was said the strength of tablet pushing aside. 见到这一幕,汇集在这里的众多光明神王纷纷是松了口气,心中自然是认为剑尘与他们一样,同样失败了,被道碑的力量给排挤了出来。 However when they with enough time are happy, a vigor, plain, filled ancient times aura of endless vicissitudes, then fills the air suddenly, covers the trim world. 然而他们还来得及高兴时,一股浑厚,古朴,充满了无尽沧桑的远古气息,便是骤然间弥漫而出,笼罩整片天地。 In this was full of under the ancient times aura influence of endless vicissitudes, collection all Radiant God King here are the mind big quakes, looks with rapt attention. 在这充满了无尽沧桑的远古气息影响之下,汇集在这里的所有光明神王都是心神大震,一个个凝神望去。 Sees only in the bottom of tablet, rays of light of one group of sparkles flew suddenly, it only has the fist size, but brings world Grand Dao aura, sends out incomparably radiant and eye-catching rays of light, is shining the whole world. 只见在道碑之底,有一团闪耀的光芒忽然飞了出来,它仅有拳头大小,但是却带着天地大道气息,散发出无比璀璨而夺目的光芒,照耀着整个世界。 Is the Supreme inheritance......” “是太尊传承……” heavens, unexpectedly is the Supreme inheritance mark......” 天啊,竟然是太尊传承印记……” ...... …… Did not need anybody saying that collection all Battle Saint Master here know this group of rays of light were anything, because the strength of that Grand Dao was really rich, from it, as soon as appeared, in the rule of intruder side world, affected the world order imperceptibly, all sorts of signs all were clear indicated it was the Supreme inheritance mark. 不用任何人多说,汇集在这里的所有圣战天师都知道了这团光芒是什么,因为那股大道之力实在是太浓郁了,自它一出现,就在无形中干扰者这方天地的规则,影响了天地次序,种种迹象无不是清晰的表明了它就是太尊传承印记。 Immediately, everyone's eyes were red, the heart jumps to continue crazily, immediately has Battle Saint Master to have the greed, grazes to go toward the Supreme inheritance mark by quickest speed. 顿时,所有人的眼睛都红了,心脏狂跳不止,立即有圣战天师带着浓浓的贪欲,以最快的速度朝着太尊传承印记飞掠而去。 Supreme, this is in the world don't Supreme that can be questioned, most powerful existence, the inheritance that is kept by them, is in the world is naturally most powerful, the most terrifying inheritance, this regarding anyone, is a big good fortune that may be called heaven defying, no one can resist such seduction. 太尊,这可是天地间毋容置疑的至尊,最为强大的存在,由他们所留的传承,自然也是天地间最强大,最恐怖的传承,这对于任何一人来说,都是一桩堪称逆天的大造化,没有任何人抵得住这样的诱惑。 At this moment, no one pays attention to Jian Chen again, no one thinks how this Supreme inheritance mark reveals itself, remains only the thought in their brains, is spares nothing to seize the Supreme inheritance mark in the hand. 这一刻,没有人再去关注剑尘,也没有人去想这太尊传承印记是如何出世的,残留在他们脑中唯一的念头,便是不惜一切代价的将太尊传承印记夺在手中。 However, in they charge into the Supreme inheritance mark recklessly, this Supreme inheritance mark, actually changes into rays of light, disregards space unexpectedly from, to exceed Space-Time speed to arrive in front of Jian Chen, sends out dazzling and radiant rays of light static suspended there. 然而,就在他们不顾一切的冲向太尊传承印记时,这太尊传承印记,却是化为一道光芒,竟无视空间距离,以超越了时空速度来到剑尘面前,散发出耀眼而璀璨的光芒静静的悬浮在那里。 But both eyes that Jian Chen that shuts tightly, in this moment opening slowly, he not anxiously not slow stood from the ground, the vision sweeps these both eyes piece of scarlet Battle Saint Master lightly, very optional takes the Supreme inheritance mark in the hand. 剑尘那紧闭的双目,也是在这一刻缓缓的睁开,他不急不缓的从地上站了起来,目光淡淡一扫这些双目一片赤红的圣战天师,很是随意的将太尊传承印记拿在手中。 This Supreme inherits, in fact is only one group of spiritual mark, inside implication has the news that the Saint Light Tower Lord person preface takes down. 太尊传承,实际上只是一团精神印记,里面蕴含有圣光塔主人身前记录下的讯息。 Jian Chen grasps the Supreme inheritance mark, immediately the clear feeling in the mark, is hiding one like vast vast spiritual mark, inside recorded the huge quantity information. 剑尘手握太尊传承印记,立即清晰的感受到印记内,隐藏着一股如汪洋般浩瀚的精神印记,里面记录了海量的信息。 But these Battle Saint Master, so easily see the Supreme inheritance mark by Jian Chen in hand, is simultaneously is all startled, but then sends out to explode the sound of drinking at once. 而这些圣战天师,见太尊传承印记这般轻易的就被剑尘拿在手中,皆是齐齐一怔,但旋即便纷纷发出爆喝之声。 Hands over the Supreme inheritance mark......” “交出太尊传承印记……” Supreme inheritance mark is not you because of the thing that should take, hands over......” 太尊传承印记不是你因该拿的东西,交出来……” Changyang, you thing in your hand give me, I in Space Ring by my hand exchange, inside has the wealth that my three hundred thousand years accumulate......” 长阳,你将你手中之物给我,我以我手中的空间戒指来交换,里面有我三十万年才累计下来的财富……” ...... …… Numerous Radiant God King are getting angry to charge into Jian Chen in abundance, the goal points to by Jian Chen is grasped the inheritance mark in hand, even many Radiant God King have condensed the sword of Saint light, a face callous cuts toward the arm of Jian Chen, killing intent ebullition. 众多光明神王纷纷红着眼冲向剑尘,目标直指被剑尘握在手中的传承印记,甚至已经有不少光明神王凝聚圣光之剑,一脸冷酷的朝着剑尘的手臂斩去,杀意沸腾。 Some person of both hands form hand seals, condense the giant palm by Radiant Saint Force, covers from the Jian Chen top of the head, wants catching the Jian Chen whole person. 更有人双手掐诀,以光明圣力凝聚巨掌,从剑尘头顶笼罩而下,想要将剑尘整个人给擒住。 That is the Supreme inheritance, who obtains who can soar, the seduction was really big, caused these Radiant God King, in Radiant Temple among that same side after the ban that can not kill one another gives the brain of throwing . 那可是太尊传承啊,谁得到谁就能一飞冲天,诱惑实在是太大了,使得这些光明神王,纷纷将光明圣殿内那条同门间不得自相残杀的禁令给抛之脑后。 At this time, appeared compared with many Radiant God King even more powerful Battle Saint Principle suddenly, transforms for at the same time the giant giant palm, more than ten Radiant God King racket that charged into Jian Chen flew, then grasped by quicker speed to Jian Chen. 这时,一股比许多光明神王还要强大圣战法则骤然出现,幻化为一面巨大的巨掌,将十余名冲向剑尘光明神王拍飞了出去,而后以更快的速度抓向剑尘 The person of making a move, is one of the 99 prominent peaks, Sky-Gazing Peak Peak Lord. 出手之人,是九十九座主峰之一,望天峰峰主 In the face of the Supreme inheritance, he could not resist the seduction similarly, started to rob. 太尊传承面前,他同样抵挡不了诱惑,开始抢夺。 Changyang, gives me the Supreme inheritance mark quickly, I protect you to be safe.” Similarly is of Myriad Flowers Peak Peak Lord Donglin Qiushui 99 prominent peaks also acted, she diverts Sky-Gazing Peak Peak Lord, fast toward is close toward Jian Chen. 长阳,快把太尊传承印记给我,我护你平安。”同样是九十九座主峰之一的万花峰峰主东临秋水也出手了,她牵制住望天峰峰主,飞快的朝着朝着剑尘接近。 Snort, the Supreme inheritance mark, is my.” The cold snort sound transmits together, sees only seemingly 20-year-old youth, the quiet appearance behind Jian Chen, the palm has grasped like lightning to Jian Chen, in an instant then arrives around Jian Chen. “哼,太尊传承印记,是我的。”一道冷哼声传来,只见一名看上去不过20余岁的青年,悄无声息的出现在剑尘背后,手掌已经闪电般抓向剑尘,刹那间便来到剑尘跟前。 This youth strength is also extremely powerful, he similarly is one of the 99 prominent peaks, Scorching Sun Peak Peak Lord, strength no longer Donglin Qiushui and under Sky-Gazing Peak Peak Lord. 这名青年的实力也是极为强大,他同样是九十九座主峰之一,烈日峰峰主,实力不再东临秋水望天峰峰主之下。 PS: Originally today is the update two chapters, a chapter made up yesterday, one chapter is today, but the Xiao Yao condition still has not restored today, therefore can only first make up that chapter of yesterday, the chapter of update of today postpones for day, will place will conduct tomorrow. PS:本来今天是更新两章的,一章补昨天的,一章是今天的,但今天逍遥状态依然没有恢复,所以就只能先把昨天的那一章补上,今天的这一章更新推迟一天,放在明日来进行。
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