CSG :: Volume #22

#2196: Beginning Realm falls/dies ( 1 )

Bang! 轰! In a dreadful bellow, Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword brings swift and fierce sword qi, under light of the dazzling and radiant stars follows, with extinguishing the world big hand imprint conducted most violent clashing. 在一声滔天轰鸣声之中,九星天道剑带着一股凌厉之极的剑气,在一股耀眼而璀璨的星辰之光伴随之下,与灭世大手印进行了最为猛烈的对撞。 This is better than Beginning Realm intense to spelling, under powerful Chaos Force and confrontation of God level battle skill, clashes, had the most violent large explosion, Sword Dao Principle and Murdering Principle interweaves, Chaos Force and source strength attack, as if changed into one group of brightest smoke and fires in the world, mammoth. 这是强如始境的激烈对拼,强大之极的混沌之力神级战技的交锋,强强对撞之下,发生了最为猛烈的大爆炸,剑道法则杀伐法则交织,混沌之力本源之力冲击,就仿佛是在天地间化为了一团最为灿烂的烟火,波澜壮阔。 Wild energy fallout, shook space to have the overlapping ripples, has strength of the destruction, is extruding this side Small World, toward wreaked havoc to go in all directions. 狂暴的能量余波,更是震着空间起了层层叠叠的涟漪,带着一股毁灭之力,一路挤压着这方小世界,朝着四面八方肆虐而去。 Jian Chen figure under the wild energy fallout impact, unceasing is backing up, he protects the body by sword glow, the whole body sends out ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) rays of light, the Chaos Force defense strength is to display peak, protects the own body by this, Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword in hand unceasing cuts, each sword brings the radiant star light, divides energy fallout that the front surface impact comes. 剑尘的身形在狂暴的能量余波冲击之下,不断的倒退着,他以剑芒护体,周身散发出万丈光芒,混沌之力防御力更是发挥到极致,以此来护住自己的身躯,手中的九星天道剑不断的斩出,每一剑都带着璀璨星光,将迎面冲击而来的能量余波分割开来。 Opposite, Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor complexion gloomy, the body is not able to bear under this wild energy disturbance impact, may not self-made backing up. 对面,血战家族老祖脸色阴沉,身躯也是忍不住的在这狂暴的能量风波冲击之下,不可自制的倒退。 Their two people these fights time, displayed the full power, a strength has not retained, therefore under this struck the energy storm that formed full power, making their two people be hard to stand firm the figure. 他们两人的这一次交手,都施展出了全力,一身实力没有丝毫保留,因此在这全力一击之下所形成的能量风暴,让他们二人都难以稳住身形。 Has not thought that this Changyang Young Master is so thorny, strength that he uses, is so unexpectedly strange, this is my see what one has never seen before, the hears something one has never heard of strange strength, is adding on him to grasp Divine Item. If I want to cut to kill him, fears is almost impossible, most can only put together a mutual wounds.” In the Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor heart secretly thought, at this time, in his heart has had the regret, criticizing own is careless, without the accurate strength of investigation clear opposite party begins unexpectedly rashly. “没想到这长阳公子如此棘手,他所使用的力量,竟如此古怪,这是一种我见所未见,闻所未闻的古怪力量,在加上他手持神器。我要想斩杀他,怕是几乎不可能,最多只能拼个两败俱伤。”血战家族老祖心中暗道,这时候,他心中已经生出了悔意,暗骂自己粗心大意,竟然没有调查清楚对方的确切实力就贸然动手。 Just when thought of here, in Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor sudden heart one cold, the pupil also shrank suddenly, stern-faced looked to the front. 刚想到这里时,血战家族老祖突然心中一凛,瞳孔也是猛然一缩,一脸凝重的看向前方。 Sees only in front of him, the destruction storm that wild energy fallout forms has not dissipated, shivering that impact space non-stop, at present the line of sight is a fuzziness, bountiful by the Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor eyesight, is unable look through, Spiritual Consciousness also to come under the influence. 只见在他前面,那狂暴的能量余波所形成的毁灭风暴还并未消散,冲击的空间不停的颤抖,眼前视线都是一阵模糊,饶是以血战家族老祖的目力,都无法一眼望穿,神识同样受到了影响。 But at this time, soaring to the heavens sword qi filled the air suddenly, in that group of energy storms of Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor front, jumped suddenly projects together dazzling rays of light, saw only Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword to condense most powerful sword qi, bloomed ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) sword glow, a sword broke open the energy storm, changed into a white light, to exceed lightning speed thorn to Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor. 而在这时,一股冲天的剑气突然弥漫而出,在血战家族老祖前方的那团能量风暴之中,突然迸射出一道刺目的光芒,只见九星天道剑凝聚着一股至强剑气,绽放出万丈剑芒,一剑破开了能量风暴,化为一道白光,以超越闪电的速度刺向血战家族老祖 The Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor vision is deep, a face is callous, one set of blood-color Battle Armor appears, covers his whole body, he also grasps a long sword, is shining, Murdering Principle condenses, having is moving mountains the terrifying energy to cut to Jian Chen. 血战家族老祖目光深寒,一脸冷酷,一套血色战甲浮现而出,将他全身笼罩,他同样手持一柄长剑,寒光四射,杀伐法则凝聚,带着一股排山倒海般的恐怖能量斩向剑尘 !” “噗!” Jian Chen Nine Stars Heavenly Dao Sword, a sword punctured Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor Battle Armor, brings rich stars rays of light, is mixing with swift and fierce sword qi and Chaos Force pricked the chest of Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor, and unceasing thorough, the sharp sword point broke through from the back of Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor, a little bit is the blood of Beginning Realm powerhouse, from sword sharp place unceasing dropping. 剑尘九星天道剑,一剑刺破了血战家族老祖身上的战甲,带着一股浓郁的星辰光芒,夹杂着凌厉的剑气混沌之力刺入了血战家族老祖的胸膛,并且不断的深入,锋利的剑尖从血战家族老祖的后背突破了出来,一滴滴属于始境强者的鲜血,自剑尖处不断的滴落。 Meanwhile, the long sword in Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor hand , was almost the same time pricked Jian Chen within the body. 与此同时,血战家族老祖手中的长剑,也几乎是同一时间刺入了剑尘体内 Jian Chen is unemotional, the vision is cold, the within the body Chaos Force crazy revolution, turnover of Chaos Force one after another from Inner Core, just like one crowd of running away wild horse to result, galloped in his within the body rapidly, went toward the wound spot collection all, integrated in that flesh skeleton. 剑尘面无表情,目光冷冽,体内混沌之力疯狂的运转,一道又一道的混沌之力内丹中吞吐而出,犹如一群脱缰的野马似得,在他体内飞速的奔腾了起来,尽数朝着伤口部位汇集而去,融入了那一处血肉骸骨之中。 His 13-layer Chaos Body defense strength has displayed peak, by own body be at the strongest condition, was not feared any impact. At this moment is adding on this huge quantity Chaos Force to pour into, his wound spot that immediately made, the flesh or the rib, obtained the strong display, powerful to peak. 他第十三层混沌之体防御力早已经发挥到极致,让自身的身躯处于最强状态,不惧任何冲击。此刻在加上这海量混沌之力注入,顿时令的他的伤口部位,无论是血肉还是肋骨,都得到了超强的发挥,强大到了极致 When the Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor long sword just pricked the chest of Jian Chen, then felt strong resistance, the grasping long sword that in his hands made, in difficulty that more and more in the body of Jian Chen went forward, finally by the two ribs of card between Jian Chen chest, the long sword was also hard unexpectedly again advance in the slightest. 血战家族老祖的长剑刚刺入剑尘的胸膛时,便感受到了一股强大的阻力,令的握在他手中的长剑,在剑尘的身体中前进的越来越艰难,最终竟是被卡在了剑尘胸口上的两根肋骨之间,长剑再也难以前进分毫 Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor is out of control to hold breath cold air, he is staring a pair of tiger eyes, a face unbelievable is staring at the chest of Jian Chen, in the heart with amazement. 血战家族老祖禁不住倒吸一口凉气,他瞪着一双虎目,一脸难以置信的盯着剑尘的胸膛,心中一阵骇然。 With his experience, he naturally knows Jian Chen body within the body and has no defense nature supreme treasure, the own long sword is unable to continue thoroughly, pierces the Jian Chen body, that is completely because Jian Chen flesh body was really powerful, arrived powerful astoundingly, with flesh body defense, can resist the powerful attack of Beginning Realm powerhouse merely. 以他的见识,他自然知晓剑尘体内并没有什么防御至宝,自己的长剑之所以无法继续深入,将剑尘的身躯洞穿,那完全是因为剑尘肉身实在是太强大了,强大到令人惊骇,仅仅凭着肉身防御,便可抵御始境强者的强力攻击。 Only if I grasp Divine Item, or displays God level battle skill, otherwise, feared that is very difficult to pose the fatal threat to Changyang Young Master.” A decadent color of Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor face, Jian Chen flesh body is so powerful, his merely one best-quality Saint Item, how strikes to kill the opposite party. “除非我手持神器,或者施展神级战技,否则的话,怕是很难对长阳公子构成致命的威胁。”血战家族老祖一脸的颓败之色,剑尘肉身如此强大,他仅仅一柄极品圣器,如何击杀对方。 Once cannot kill the opposite party, that waits for their, is the Bloody Battle Clan total destruction. 一旦杀不死对方,那等待他们的,便是血战家族的灭顶之灾。 Broadminded within, the Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor facial expression shakes, a both eyes light stubbornly stares at Jian Chen, among the facial expressions uncontrolled is revealing the exciting color unexpectedly, shouted lowly: I knew, you are not Changyang Young Master, your name is false, the status is false, the appearance also is false, you by Jian Chen that Absolute Sword Old Ancestor and Azure Peng King issue a warrant for arrest jointly.” 豁然间,血战家族老祖神情一震,一双目光死死的盯着剑尘,神情间竟不受控制的露出激动之色,低喝道:“我知道了,你根本就不是长阳公子,你的名字是假的,身份是假的,就连面貌同样也是假的,你就是被绝剑老祖青鹏王联手通缉的剑尘。” Mistakenly, absolutely mistakenly, you were Jian Chen, your body had powerful flesh body, the strange and wild strength, comprehension Sword Dao Principle, as well as in your hand that sent out stars rays of light Divine Item, all these characteristics, on the description with warrant for arrest were consistent.” “错不了,绝对错不了,你就是剑尘,你身具强大的肉身,古怪而狂暴的力量,领悟的剑道法则,以及你手中那柄散发出星辰光芒神器,这一切特征,都与通缉令上的描述一致。” Guessed correctly after Jian Chen status, the haze on Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor face sweeps away, been able to bear laughed: Ha Ha Ha Ha, Jian Chen, entire Saint Realm does not know that now has many people to look around you, but you make me meet unexpectedly here, this is the attachment of Heaven to our Bloody Battle Clan.” 猜到了剑尘的身份之后,血战家族老祖脸上的阴霾一扫而空,忍不住的大笑了起来:“哈哈哈哈哈,剑尘,如今整个圣界不知道有多少人在四处找你,可你竟然在这里让我遇到,这是上苍对我们血战家族的眷恋。” At this moment, Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor is excited, Changyang Young Master unexpectedly is Jian Chen, he not only does not need to be worried to receive the Changyang Young Master back influence retaliation, even only needs to report Absolute Sword Old Ancestor and Azure Peng King the Jian Chen trail, can obtain favor that Absolute Sword Old Ancestor and Azure Peng King owe. 此时此刻,血战家族老祖激动不已,长阳公子竟然是剑尘,那他不仅不需要担心受到长阳公子背后的势力报复,甚至是只需要将剑尘的踪迹禀告绝剑老祖青鹏王,便可得到绝剑老祖青鹏王欠下的一个人情 Has two big top powerhouse favor to be placed there, takes a broad view at entire Heavenly Nether Star, who dares to provoke Bloody Battle Clan. 有着两大顶尖强者人情摆在那里,放眼整个天冥星,又有谁敢招惹血战家族 By that time, Star Lord that even if Heavenly Nether Star keeps aloof, treats their Bloody Battle Clan, feared that is still polite, gives precedence out of courtesy three points. 到那时,即便是天冥星高高在上的星主,对待他们血战家族,怕也是要客客气气,礼让三分。 Horizontally fearful character who because in the middle of Absolute Sword Old Ancestor and Azure Peng King anyone, can push entire Heavenly Nether Star no rival. 因为绝剑老祖青鹏王当中的任何一人,都是能横推整个天冥星无敌手的可怕人物。 PS: This is Chapter 1, Chapter 2 still in the code, the code ended the earliest possible time to upload. PS:这是第一章,第二章还在码,码完了第一时间上传。
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