CSG :: Volume #1

#21: Saint Kadi Yun

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Chapter 21 第21章 Saint —— Kadi Yun 圣者——卡迪云 Seeing own was so little on the difference can hit the opposite party, in the Kadi Liang heart feel a little regrettable, but in the hand the movement was not slow, simultaneously a foot fast kicked toward Jian Chen. 自己就差那么一点点就能打中对方了,卡迪亮心中不由的感到有点遗憾,不过手上动作可不慢,同时一脚快速的向着剑尘踢去。 Quick, ten moves of limiting have crossed, in these ten moves, Jian Chen has not hit back, facing attack all relaxed moving aside of Kadi Liang, but in others eyes, Jian Chen almost dodges every time the attack from Kadi Liang is brushing past that the danger and limits, this makes under the arena many people worry, including Changyang Hu. 很快,十招之限已过,这十招之内,剑尘没有还手,面对卡迪亮的攻击全都轻松的躲闪而过,而在别人眼中,剑尘几乎每躲闪一次来自卡迪亮的攻击都是险之又限的擦肩而过,这让擂台下不少人都捏了一把汗,包括长阳虎在内。 Although the attack of Kadi Liang is swift and violent, but in these ten moves the Jian Chen clothes have not actually even felt, this makes in the Kadi Liang heart feel very angry. 卡迪亮的攻击虽然非常迅猛,但这十招之内却连剑尘的衣服都没有摸着,这不由让卡迪亮心中感到非常的气恼。 Lifts the hand to block the fist of Kadi Liang, Jian Chen tone light saying: Ten moves have crossed, then this/should I counterattacked.” Saying, a Jian Chen foot kicks toward Kadi Liang. 抬手挡住卡迪亮的拳头,剑尘语气淡淡的说道:“十招已过,接下来该我还击了。”说着,剑尘一脚向着卡迪亮踢去。 speed of this foot was quick, moves aside already without enough time, put out a hand the standard to keep off in Kadi Liang, when the hand just extended to half , the Jian Chen leg already in kicking ruthlessly the chest of Kadi Liang. 这一脚的速度非常快,躲闪已经来不及了,就在卡迪亮伸手去格挡,手刚伸到一半时,剑尘腿就已经狠狠的踢中了卡迪亮的胸膛。 Tread! Tread! Tread!” “蹬!蹬!蹬!” The powerful blow strength that on the leg transmits caused to draw back several steps to come to a stop backward, when the body that the Kadi Liang footsteps staggered stabilized, Kadi Liang looked that brings expression with amazement to the Jian Chen vision, only had most likely (80%) Saint Force strengths to side obviously, but this leg big of strength surpassed him to imagine, nearly made him unable to resist. 腿上传来的强大冲击力使卡迪亮脚步踉跄的向后退了好几步才站稳,当身子稳定下来时,卡迪亮看向剑尘的目光中带着一丝骇然的神色,对方明明只有八成圣之力的实力,但这一腿的力道之大超出他想象,险些让他招架不住了。 On previous time new students martial arts competition meeting, Kadi Liang has not fought with Jian Chen directly, therefore did not understand that the Jian Chen accurate strength, after one fights at this moment, he clear Jian Chen strength imagines compared with him many of even more powerful, but from just that leg transmitting the powerful strength, he even suspects Jian Chen strength radically incessantly most likely (80%) Saint Force. 上次的新生比武大会上,卡迪亮根本就没有和剑尘正面交手过,所以根本就不了解剑尘的确切实力,此刻经过一番打斗,他才明白剑尘的实力比他想象中的还要强大的多,而从刚刚那一腿上传来的强大力道上来看,他甚至怀疑剑尘的实力根本就不止八成圣之力 Perhaps Jian Chen also wants to end the fight a bit faster, not to the time that Kadi Yun pants for breath, before the body is fast to/clashes, a boxing leaves, hits toward the nose of Kadi Liang, speed is quick. 剑尘或许也想快点结束战斗,并没有给卡迪云喘息的时间,身子快速前冲,一拳击出,向着卡迪亮的鼻子打去,速度非常快。 expression on Kadi Liang face gradually became dignified, body a little distressed avoided the fist of Jian Chen, then brandished the fist to pound toward the head of Jian Chen. 卡迪亮脸上的神色逐渐变得凝重了起来,身子有点狼狈的躲开剑尘的拳头,然后抡起拳头朝着剑尘的脑袋砸。 The Jian Chen corners of the mouth reveal one to sneer, extend a hand to block the fist of Kadi Liang, simultaneously another hand tight covers the arm of Kadi Liang, then the both feet assumes the horse stance to come to a stop, simultaneously the waist sinks, the both arms catch up suddenly, grab an arm of Kadi Liang, flung him by far. 剑尘嘴角露出一丝冷笑,伸出一只手挡住卡迪亮的拳头,同时另一只手紧紧的扣住卡迪亮的这只手臂,接着双脚呈马步站稳,同时腰一沉,双臂猛然发力,抓着卡迪亮的一只手臂,把他远远的甩了出去。 This is in previous life Jian Chen in the wrestling technique that Mongolian there learns, although in his life is only skilled in the swordsmanship, the road that however takes grew, the experience is also naturally broad, depending on the ability of his almost photographic memory, learned thing naturally also many, besides the sword technique, what assorted thing Jian Chen will also be many, but all understands some fur/superficial knowledge. 这正是前世剑尘在蒙古人那里学到的摔跤术,虽然他一生中只精通剑法,但是走的路长了,见识自然也非常广阔,凭他那几乎过目不忘的本领,学到的东西自然也多,除了剑术外,什么杂七杂八的东西剑尘也会不少,不过全都是懂一些皮毛而已。 Kadi Liang body seemingly light as a swan's feather as, by Jian Chen dexterous flung, flew high to fly 45 meters Yuan distance, finally also peng~! threw down bitterly in the arena. 卡迪亮的身子放佛轻如鸿毛似的,被剑尘轻巧的就甩了出去,凌空飞了四五米元的距离,最终还“碰!”的一声恨恨摔倒在擂台上。 Attracts ..... “吸…..” Looks that Jian Chen that is not strong, instead also a little delicate body can make such action unexpectedly, under the arena many fellow student simultaneously inhaled cold air, suddenly, everyone looked that changed to the Jian Chen vision, these fights after two people, no one dares to despise Jian Chen. 看着剑尘那并不强壮,反而还有点柔弱的身躯居然能做出这样的举动来,擂台下不少同学齐齐吸了一口凉气,一时间,所有人看向剑尘的目光都发生了变化,经过两人这一番打斗,再也没有人敢小看剑尘了。 Kadi Yun and Kadi Qiu Li two people complexion gradually has become ugly/difficult to look at, this situation has gone beyond the expectation of two people. 卡迪云卡迪秋栗两人脸色已经逐渐的变得难看了起来,这个情况已经超出了两人的预料。 Snort! Changyang Xiangtian, your really also a little skill.” Saying that Kadi Yun clenches jaws, the tone is a little low and deep. “哼!长阳翔天,你果然还有点本事。”卡迪云咬牙切齿的说道,语气有点低沉。 Kadi Liang incomparably distressed crawled from the arena, complexion piece of gloomy, looked that was full of the hatred to the Jian Chen vision. 卡迪亮无比狼狈的从擂台上爬了起来,脸色一片阴沉,看向剑尘的目光中充满了怨毒。 ah! Kadi Liang exudes a angry roaring sound, belongs to Saint Force of 9-layer strength completely strongly already on the double palm, then arrives at the Jian Chen body before fast, the double palm presses simultaneously, toward Jian Chen chest front ruthlessly hits. 啊!卡迪亮发出一声怒吼声,属于第九层实力的圣之力已经完全集中在双掌上,然后快速来到剑尘身前,双掌同时压上,向着剑尘胸前狠狠的打去。 Jian Chen sneers, Saint Force fast condensation of within the body on the double palm, then ejects suddenly, collides with the double palm of Kadi Liang together. 剑尘冷笑一声,体内圣之力快速的凝聚在双掌上,然后猛然击出,和卡迪亮的双掌碰撞在一起。 peng~! 碰! With depressed sound, Jian Chen and double palm of Kadi Liang two people ruthlessly collides in together, the two people palm touches minute/share, powerful instead shakes the strength to cause the body of two people simultaneously backward retreat fast. 随着一声沉闷的响声,剑尘卡迪亮两人的双掌狠狠的碰撞在一起,两人手掌一触即分,强大的反震力使两人的身子同时向后飞快的退去。 The Jian Chen body is twisting unceasingly, both feet unceasing interlocking, with that skilled skill, quick unloads the strength of counter- shaking, looks at opposite that still in unceasing retreat Kadi Liang, swift and fierce divine light flashes to pass from the Jian Chen eye, immediately before body fast to/clashes, then jumps high, a foot toward still kicks full power in Kadi Liang of unceasing retreat. 剑尘身子不断的扭曲着,双脚不断的交错,凭着那熟练的技巧,很快就卸载掉反震之力,看着对面那依然在不断后退的卡迪亮,凌厉的神光剑尘眼中一闪而逝,随即身子快速的前冲,然后高高跃起,全力一脚向着依然在不断后退的卡迪亮踢去。 In also without controlling in the situation of body, Kadi Liang absolutely would have no ample force to resist, directly by Jian Chen this vigorous kicks on the chest, immediately whole person directly kicked flying went to the arena. 在还没有控制住身体的情况下,卡迪亮根本就没有余力去抵挡,直接被剑尘这大力的一脚踢在胸口上,顿时整个人直接被踢的飞下了擂台。 !” Falls in the ground, Kadi Liang complexion has become pale incomparable, immediately a blood puts out from the mouth, obviously had received the heavy wound. “噗!”掉在地面上,卡迪亮脸色已经变得苍白无比,随即一口鲜血从口中吐出,显然已经受了不轻的伤。 Second Brother!” “二弟!” Second Brother!” “二哥!” Kadi Liang and Kadi Qiu Li two people quickly runs up to side Kadi Liang, looks that complexion has become a paleness, the corners of the mouth also remained some bloodstains Kadi Liang, on the face of two people are filling worried. 卡迪亮卡迪秋栗两人急忙跑到卡迪亮身边,看着脸色已经变得一片苍白,嘴角还残留着一些血迹的卡迪亮,两人的脸上都充满了担忧。 Second Brother, are you all right?” The Kadi Yun sinking sound asked that complexion has become very ugly/difficult to look at, this and a previous difference, on previous new students martial arts competition meeting, after Kadi Liang could be said as the temporary negligence lost to Jian Chen, but this time was actually different, this Kadi Liang under in the arena lost to the opposite party with open and aboveboard fighting of Jian Chen, this did not explain Saint Force has achieved 9-layer Kadi Yun might as well Saint Force only to have most likely (80%) new student/life. “二弟,你没事吗?”卡迪云沉声问道,脸色已经变得非常难看,这次和上次不同,上次新生比武大会上,卡迪亮可以说是一时的疏忽才败于剑尘之后,而这次却是不同,这次卡迪亮可是在和剑尘在擂台上堂堂正正的打斗之下输给了对方,这不是说明了圣之力已经达到第九层卡迪云还不如一名圣之力仅有八成的新生吗。 Second Brother, how you, received very heavy wound.” Kadi Qiu Li concerned asking, in the tone filled worried. “二哥,你怎么样啊,是不是受了很重的伤啊。”卡迪秋栗关切的问道,语气中充满了担忧。 Kadi Liang stood under supporting by the arm of two people difficultly, shaking the head of gently, said: Big brother, third sister, I am all right, but received some minor wounds.” The Kadi Liang tone is somewhat incapable weakly. 卡迪亮两人的搀扶下艰难的站了起来,轻轻的摇了摇头,道:“大哥,三妹,我没事,只不过受了一些轻伤。”卡迪亮的语气有些虚弱无力。 Looks at Kadi Liang that pale complexion, in the Kadi Yun eye braves the flaming anger, the raise one's head vision swift and fierce looks at the eye to stand Jian Chen in arena, tone low and deep saying: third sister, you take care of the good Second Brother, I teach that extremely arrogant boy!” Saying, Kadi Yun was jumping onto the arena directly. 看着卡迪亮那苍白的脸色,卡迪云眼中冒着熊熊怒火,抬头目光凌厉的看了眼站在擂台上的剑尘,语气低沉的说道:“三妹,你照顾好二弟,我去教训一下那狂妄的小子!”说着,卡迪云直接跃上了擂台。 Big brother may not ..... “大哥不可…..” Big brother does not want ..... “大哥不要…..” Kadi Yun and Kadi Qiu Li are just about to stop, what a pity, has looked without enough time had gotten up Kadi Yun of arena, Kadi Liang and Kadi Qiu Li two people also sighs, fight of Kadi Yun wins loses, that from now, their Kadi Clan person's prestige in Kargath Academy wants big reduction. Is a fair duel, even if lost still there is no, at the worst lost some faces, but is stirred to gather by Kadi Yun now, that result changed, an admittance has several years of old student to bully a new student/life unexpectedly, after this matter was passed on, their three brother and sister received taunting in school unavoidably. 卡迪云卡迪秋栗正要阻拦,可惜已经来不及了,看着已经上了擂台的卡迪云,卡迪亮卡迪秋栗两人同时叹了口气,卡迪云的战斗无论是胜是负,那从此以后,他们卡迪家族的人在卡加斯学院中的威信都要大大的降低。原本本是一场公平的决斗,就算输了也没什么,大不了丢一些脸面而已,可现在被卡迪云一搅合,那结果就变了样了,一个入学已经有几年的老生居然去欺负一名新生,这事情被传出去之后,他们三兄妹免不了受到学院中的冷嘲热讽。 Jian Chen vision light looks to jump onto Kadi Yun of arena, on the face reveals light sneering, said: „Do you want to revenge for your Second Brother?” 剑尘目光平淡的看着跃上擂台的卡迪云,脸上露出一丝淡淡的冷笑,道:“你要为你二弟报仇吗?” Kadi Yun vision swift and fierce is staring at Jian Chen, cold snort, the sinking sound said: Changyang Xiangtian, your strength is very indeed strong, but you, since injured my Second Brother, I will be will not make you leave the arena absolutely perfectly.” 卡迪云目光凌厉的盯着剑尘,冷哼一声,沉声道:“长阳翔天,你的实力的确很强,不过你既然伤了我二弟,那我是绝对不会让你完好无损的离开擂台的。” Listened to this saying, under the arena person Zou of many observing brows, looked that changed to the Kadi Yun vision immediately. 听了这话,擂台下不少观战的人都邹了邹眉头,看向卡迪云的目光顿时发生了变化。 Kadi Yun, your what meaning, bullied my Changyang Mansion no one.” Kadi Yun finishes speaking, slightly appears the vigorous sound then to transmit from the arena together, immediately saw only the person's shadow to leap from the arena together, feeling relaxed was Jian Chen big brother Changyang Hu. 卡迪云,你什么意思,是不是欺负我长阳府没人了。”卡迪云话音刚落,一道略显得浑厚的声音便从擂台下传来,随即只见一道人影从擂台下跃了上来,释然是剑尘的大哥长阳虎 Changyang Hu vision swift and fierce is staring at Kadi Yun, gets angry: Kadi Yun, must hit me and you hits.” 长阳虎目光凌厉的盯着卡迪云,怒道:“卡迪云,要打我和你打。” Looks is willing for Changyang Hu that own raises one's head, in the Jian Chen heart feels one warm, said in a soft voice: Big brother, you get down, this matter I can solve.” 看着肯为自己出头的长阳虎,剑尘心中不由的感到一暖,轻声道:“大哥,你下去吧,这件事情我能解决的。” Changyang Hu shakes the head, said: „It is not good, the Fourth Brother, you get down, the Kadi Yun strength has reached the Saint Force 10-layer peak, you are not his opponent, the big brother help you handle him.” 长阳虎摇了摇头,道:“不行,四弟,你还是下去把,卡迪云的实力早已经达到圣之力十层的巅峰了,你不是他的对手,大哥来帮你搞定他。” Listened to this saying hesitant, Jian Chen slightly the meeting, immediately the slight nod, said: Big brother, your own is careful.” Saying, Jian Chen was going to the arena directly. 听了这话,剑尘微微犹豫了会,随即微微点头,道:“大哥,那你自己小心。”说着,剑尘直接下了擂台。 Kadi Yun a little disdains looks at Changyang Hu, sneers saying: Changyang Hu, you ask for trouble, but no wonder I.” 卡迪云有点不屑的看着长阳虎,冷笑道:“长阳虎,你自讨苦吃,可怪不得我了。” Snort, this saying you added too early, who wins who lost/carrying is uncertain.” Changyang Hu cold voice said that he and Kadi Yun two people strength in the Saint Force 10-layer peak, if Kadi Yun has not congealed Saint's Weapon to become Saint, their two people strength is about the same. “哼,这话你还说的太早了点,谁胜谁负还不一定呢。”长阳虎冷声道,他和卡迪云两人的实力都在圣之力十层巅峰,如果卡迪云没有凝结出圣兵成为圣者的话,他们两人的实力都在伯仲之间。 On the Kadi Yun face reveals expression that taunted, looked that filled disdaining to the Changyang Hu vision, immediately the right hand lifted slowly, sees only golden powerful energy to fluctuate from the right hand transmits, a condense into golden great sword gradually, golden great sword very big, fully five chi (0.33 m), the palm of the hand was wide, from that long sword hilt, this was a both hands great sword. 卡迪云脸上露出一丝嘲讽的神色,看向长阳虎的目光中充满了不屑,随即右手缓缓抬起,只见一股金色的强大能量波动从右手上传来,渐渐的凝结成一把金色的巨剑,金色巨剑非常的大,足有五尺长,巴掌宽,从那长长的剑柄上来看,这是一把双手巨剑。 Looks in the Kadi Yun hand that sudden both hands great sword, Jian Chen brows slightly wrinkle, in Changyang Hu he has read the books about Saint's Weapon, he is naturally the same as be able to look that this feels relaxed the sword is Kadi Yun Saint's Weapon, since this has been Jian Chen arrives at this world, has seen first Saint's Weapon, although in the heart has long understood that Saint's Weapon is one weapon that within the body Saint Force congeals becomes, but saw at this moment with own eyes, in the Jian Chen heart still could not bear surprised, although he can the clear feeling to this Saint's Weapon be by the energy congeals completely, but becomes, but seems like actually seems one. Weapon of entity, does not have the illusory feeling of least bit energy unexpectedly, in such Jian Chen heart feels surprised. 看着卡迪云手中那突然出现的双手巨剑,剑尘眉头微微一邹,在长阳虎中他就阅读过很多关于圣兵的书籍,他自然一样就能看出来这把剑释然就是卡迪云圣兵,这还是剑尘来到这个世界以来,所见过的第一把圣兵,虽然心中早就明白圣兵乃是体内圣之力凝结而成的一把兵器,但是此刻亲眼见到,剑尘心中仍然忍不住一阵惊讶,虽然他能清晰的感觉到这把圣兵完全是由能量凝结而成,但是看上去却仿佛是一把实体的兵器似的,居然没有半点能量化的虚幻般感觉,这样剑尘心中感到惊奇不已。 In this just presented the golden both hands great sword, under the arena resounds screams immediately. 就在这把金色的双手巨剑刚一出现时,擂台下顿时响起一片惊呼声。 Saint's Weapon, his unexpectedly condense into Saint's Weapon .... 圣兵,他居然凝结成圣兵了….” Saint, he has become Saint ..... 圣者,他已经成为一名圣者了…..” „The Kadi Yun successful congealment Saint's Weapon, currently Changyang Hu has to trouble unexpectedly ..... 卡迪云居然成功的凝结出圣兵了,现在长阳虎有麻烦了…..” From the Saint Force 10-layer peak to Saint, among this, although only has the one pace, but these step is very difficult to step forward, in Kargath Academy, the strengths of most old student reached the Saint Force 10-layer peak, may not have the exception to become congealment Saint's Weapon that step by the card, without natural talent of far supernormal person, is very difficult to congeal Saint's Weapon, but has many its life only to stay on Tian Yuan Continent in the Saint Force 10-layer peak position finally, forever is unable to break through becomes Saint. Thus it can be seen, can be promoted smoothly is Saint is a how difficult matter. 圣之力十层巅峰到圣者,这之间虽然仅有一步之遥,但是这一步却很难跨出,在卡加斯学院中,绝大多数老生的实力都达到了圣之力十层巅峰,可毫无例外都被卡成凝结圣兵的那一步,若是没有远超常人的天赋,是很难凝结出圣兵的,而在天元大陆上有不少人终其一生都只能停留在圣之力十层巅峰的位置,永远也无法突破成为一名圣者。由此可见,能顺利晋级为圣者是一件多么艰难的事情。 Once succeeds becomes Saint, that strength also big promotion, Saint's Weapon is not only their only weapons, is interlinked with the director intention, but can also send out far exceeds the powerful offensive of strength. 而一旦成功的成为了一名圣者,那实力也将大大的提升,圣兵不仅是他们唯一的兵器,和主任心意相通,而且还能发出远超自身实力的强大攻击。 Looks at that golden both hands great swords in Kadi Yun hand, Changyang Hu complexion became very ugly/difficult to look at, had Saint's Weapon Kadi Yun, his strength also had the tremendous changes, definitely was not one only has the Saint Force 10-layer peak person to resist. 看着卡迪云手中的那名金色双手巨剑,长阳虎脸色变得非常难看了起来,拥有圣兵卡迪云,那他的实力也发生了天翻地覆的变化,绝对不是一名仅有圣之力十层巅峰的人所能对抗的。 Big brother unexpectedly successful congealment Saint's Weapon.” Under arena, a Kadi Qiu Li face pleasantly surprised looks at that in Kadi Yun hand Saint's Weapon, among expression the excitement of non- difference. “大哥居然成功的凝结出圣兵了。”擂台下,卡迪秋栗一脸惊喜的看着卡迪云手中的那把圣兵,神色间非差的激动。 The vision envies looks at that in Kadi Yun hand the golden great sword, on the face of Kadi Liang was also full of the pleasant surprise, is successfully promoted regarding Kadi Yun is the Saint matter, Kadi Liang and Kadi Liang liangs brother and sister also knows to the present. 目光羡慕的看着卡迪云手中的那把金色巨剑,卡迪亮的脸上也充满了惊喜,对于卡迪云成功晋级为圣者的事情,卡迪亮兄妹也是到现在才知道的。 The hand grasped Saint's Weapon, the Kadi Yun confidence inflates to the unprecedented altitude immediately, among expression filled proudly, looks that Changyang Hu that became ugly/difficult to look at complexion, in the heart has a not being able to say pleasant sensation. 手握圣兵,卡迪云的信心顿时膨胀到前所未有的高度,神色间充满了自豪,看着长阳虎那变得非常难看的脸色,心中就有着一股说不出的快感。 Ha Ha Ha Ha, Changyang Hu, was afraid, kneels down to knock three knocks to me, then called a grandfather, I put you today, otherwise, snort/hum .... You know that will have what consequence.” Kadi Yun said with a smile crazily, tone very wild. 哈哈哈哈哈,长阳虎,是不是害怕了,给我跪下磕三个响头,然后叫一声爷爷,我今天就放了你,不然的话,哼….你知道会有什么后果。”卡迪云狂笑道,语气非常的猖狂。 Listened to this saying, Changyang Hu complexion becomes a paleness, the anger exclaimed: You have a dream, Kadi Yun, even if you become Saint, my Changyang Hu still does not fear you.” 听了这话,长阳虎脸色变得一片铁青,怒吼道:“你做梦,卡迪云,就算你成为了一名圣者,我长阳虎依然不怕你。” Kadi Yun arrogant looks at Changyang Hu, disdained say/way: Changyang Hu, you fight with me with anything.” 卡迪云傲慢的看着长阳虎,不屑的道:“长阳虎,你拿什么跟我斗。” Changyang Hu extremely angry stares at Kadi Yun, in the eye is braving the flaming anger. 长阳虎愤愤的盯着卡迪云,眼中冒着熊熊怒火。 Changyang Hu, meets the sword!” 长阳虎,接剑!” In this time, an iron sword from the arena, is still turning toward the Changyang Hu direction to fly directly. 正在这时,一把铁剑从擂台下仍了上来,直接向着长阳虎的方向飞去。 Changyang Hu put out a hand to receive the iron sword, sinks slightly, this that the body actually could not bear was obviously heavy the weight of iron sword, iron sword very big, the sword blade of silvery bright was shining, besides color different, both hands great sword difference that the contour and on Kadi Yun grasped was not big. 长阳虎伸手接过铁剑,身子却忍不住的微微一沉,这把铁剑的重量明显不轻,铁剑非常的大,银亮的剑身寒光四射,除了颜色不同外,外形和卡迪云手上所握的双手巨剑差别并不大。
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