„Youdoanything! Youcome outto doreally!”Chen Guang is roaringat heartcrazily, becauseis anxious, hehad not even noticed the condition that thisColored Glaze God Emperorhasand was not quite in the past same, has not pulled closerWorld inside the Grailhimdirectly, but the soundresoundsinhim.
“你搞什么!你出来作甚!”陈光在心里疯狂咆哮着,因为过于紧张,他甚至没留意到这次琉璃神皇出现的状况和往常不太一样,并未将他直接拉近杯中界,只是声音在他心里响起。Colored Glaze God Emperorunderstood clearly the idea in Chen Guangbraincompletely, saidstrangelywith a smile: „Hehehehe...... youguess......”琉璃神皇完全洞悉了陈光脑子里的想法,怪笑着说道:“嘿嘿嘿嘿……你猜……”
Her intonationonehearveryto the taste, probably a badlybadyoungfemale juvenile delinquentis different.
她这语调一听就很是不对味,像是个坏坏的小太妹一样。„Guessesyour younger sister! Do not be noisy! Nowis not the time, is really not the time! Do not givemeatthis time the test of entireWorld inside the Grail, Ido not meet!” The Chen Guangdoublefistgripsclosely, even the complexionbecamesomewhatpale, the whole bodyshiveredslightly.
“猜你妹啊!别闹!现在不是时候,真不是时候!别在这时候给我整杯中界的考验来,我不接啊!”陈光双拳攥得紧紧的,甚至面色都变得有些苍白了,浑身微微颤动。SitsWu Tongbeforehisbodyhas a scareby his appearance, „feeds! What do the boysyoumake? Sendssheepepilepsy? Do not use the tricktome! Althoughthispolice the operating timeare not long, butlooks at the vision of person, butoneset, do not think that feigns illnesscanevade for 15daysto detain! Believesmeto giveyouagain the additionalfivedays!”
坐在他身前的武彤被他这副样子吓了一跳,“喂!小子你做什么?发羊癫疯啊?别给我耍花招啊!本警察虽然工作时间不长,但看人的眼光可是有一套的啊,你别以为装病就能躲过十五天拘留啊!信不信我给你再加五天!”Chen Guangmakes the resistance at heartandColored Glaze God Emperor, while must deal withWu Tong, was very strenuous, saying of mouthstutter: „Officer Wu, I...... Ihave not feigned illness, isall of a suddensomewhatis cold. Right, is somewhat cold. Really, don't detainmeto be good? Ialsoguaranteed, is honest, thenno longeris impulsive! Ibehave righteouslyobviously, nowin the societydoesn't advocatethis? Youhope that Iwill turn intooneto see the senior citizento fallto the person of cold blooddoes not respondin the future?”陈光一边在心里和琉璃神皇做抗争,一边还得应付武彤,甭提多吃力了,嘴里结结巴巴的说道:“武警官,我……我没装病,就是一下子有些冷。没错,有些冷。真的,别拘留我好吗?我也保证以后好好做人,不再那么冲动啊!我明明是见义勇为,现在社会上不都提倡这样吗?难道你希望我将来变成一个看见老年人摔到都不搭理的冷血之人吗?”Wu Tonghearsword, is slightly calmer, thatself-satisfiedvigorcame back, „goodgood. Saidis the detention, butwill not feel embarrassedyour. At the worst, Ispecial approvalto allowyouto use the computerto be goodin the house of detention, youconsideredfound a placepeacefullyrest for severaldays. Don't youruniversity studentslikeskipping classes? Doesn't my helpyoufind the rightskipping classesexcuse? That sideyourschoolasksmealsoto helpyouget freeandexplain. Behaving righteouslyrewardedyounot to have, butyouwill not therefore receive the punishment of whatschool. Mythistreatmentis very good, otheryourink marks. Is the man, simply. Makes the mistake, mustrecognize, manreal man, daring to do and having the courage to accept responsibilityisn't?”武彤闻言,稍稍淡定些,那股得意的劲儿又回来了,“好啦好啦。说是拘留,但也不会太为难你的。大不了,我特批允许你在拘留所里用电脑好了,你就当是找个地方安安静静的歇几天。你们大学生不都爱逃课吗?我这不是帮你找个正当的逃课理由么?你学校那边问到我也会帮你开脱和解释的。见义勇为奖你是没有了,但你也不会因此受到什么学校的处分。我这待遇已经很不错了啊,你就别墨迹了。是爷们儿的,就干脆点。做错了事,就得认嘛,男子汉大丈夫,敢作敢当的不是?”Thisfemalepoliceoilsaltdoes not entersimply, Chen Guangbigsuch asfights, has no alternative, mustattemptcommunicationin the brain and Colored Glaze God Emperor, „Iact as a matchmakeranti-empressSir, do not jokewithme, now is really not the time!”
这女警察简直油盐不进,陈光头大如斗,却又无可奈何,只得又尝试着在脑子里和琉璃神皇沟通,“我说亲耐的女皇大人,不要和我开玩笑,现在真不是时候啊!”WhenspokewithColored Glaze God Emperor, Chen Guangin the braina moment agointhatshorttimebrainthoughtanythingfast.
在与琉璃神皇说话的时候,陈光又在脑子里面把刚才那短时间自己脑子里在想什么飞快的过了一遍。Is tryingto convinceWu Tong?
在试图说服武彤?Thisis good, at leastmakesmerealize the fiercepointpersuasive speaker? Thenwins the debating championshipschampion, oris the professional negotiator is also good, manycanmake money.
这还不错,至少让我练成个厉害点的说客吧?回头去拿个辩论赛冠军,或者当个谈判专家也不错,多少能赚钱。Iwas worried were oneselfdetained?
我在担心自己被拘留?Thisismustchange the meaning of prisonking! It is not good! Tradesone! What did Ialsothink?
It is not right! After the matter that Imostwas worried abouta moment agoprobablyentered the house of detention, turns intothreeflowersto gather the top?
Is the chrysanthemummultiplied bythree?
菊花乘以三?Iforceto scratch!
擦擦擦擦擦!10,000damnhowlfrom the Chen Guangheart, steps ontorn to pieceshisinjuredmind.
It is not good! Bad! Matterbigstrip!
不好了啊!糟糕了啊!事情大条了啊!ReallycansuchInot probablychangeBillyking?
真要那样我不是得变比利王?Thiswas too fearful!
这太可怕了!Flingingruthlessly the head, Chen Guanghurries to destroy the world outlook this fearfulthoughtto throw, butactuallyalreadylate, by the hooliganGod Emperordiscovery.
狠狠的甩甩脑袋,陈光赶紧把这个要摧毁自己世界观的可怕念头扔出去,但却已经晚了,被流氓神皇发现了。„Isn't the time? Hehe! Butthismatteris beyond controlyou, is beyond controlI! Didn't yousaymeandExceedingly High Chaliceunreasonable? Now the old ladyleftcame out, naturallywasyoumustaccept the test the time.”Colored Glaze God Emperoris the roundworm in Chen Guangbelly, Chen Guangthinksanythingnowfrom the startat heart, sheknowsanything, fearsanything, shemustsayanythingintentionally.
„ Makesmehave a look, what were youthinkinga moment ago?...... Exceedingly High Chalicehas investigated,
The kids, greatlypleasantly surprisedyo...... ” Colored Glaze God Emperoryo the characterdrawsthisintentionallylong, is really meaningful. Chen Guangwhole bodyweakbysittingonchair, the hemorrhoidsviolatedprobably, the chrysanthemumitchesfaintly.
小屁孩,有一个大惊喜哟……”琉璃神皇故意把这个哟字拉得长长的,真是意味深长。陈光浑身无力的靠坐在椅子上,痔疮好像又犯了,菊花隐隐发痒。Hisboth eyesdelay, whole bodyweakshaking the head, twogroups of muddytearsracingwells up, „oh......”
他双目呆滞,浑身无力的摇着头,两行浑浊的泪水奔涌而下,“噢……不……”These wordshe , was not only sayingat heart, on the mouthread.
这句话他不只是在心里说,嘴上都念了出来。Wu Tongwill shrinkin the future, „feeds! Isn't your grown man, detains? Is worthwhileexhibits such a expression that loses hopesuch as the lampto extinguish? What do youcry?”武彤往后一缩,“喂喂喂!你一个大男人的,不就是拘留吗?犯得着摆出这么一副心死如灯灭的表情吗?你哭什么?”Chen Guangbeckons with the handruthlessly, „youare victorious! Youdo not understand! Youdo not understandmypain, does not understandmywound. I...... do not wantto seeyou......”陈光狠狠摆手,“你奏凯!你不懂!你不懂我心里的痛,不懂我的伤。我……不想看到你……”Said that thissaying, hedroops the headon the chairback, feigning death of saying a word, hedid not have the thoughtsto respondWu Tongagain, ifcertainlywants the meansto convinceColored Glaze God Emperor, otherwise, the consequencewas dreadful.
说完这话,他就把脑袋耷拉在椅背上,一言不发的装起死来,他没心思再搭理武彤了,一定要想办法说服琉璃神皇,否则,后果不堪设想。„Hahahaha! Looked the appearance that your frightens, reallysmileddeadThis Emperor. Hey, you are also Redeemer that Exceedingly High Chaliceselects, puts out an imposing mannerto come? Iteaseyouto play! Actually, the Exceedingly High Chaliceenergyhas not restoredto be completedfrom the start, Ihave not really thoughtunexpectedlyfrighteninglike thisyou. Youare so timid, making my onegeneration of God Emperorveryawkward! IfletsEndless Divine WorldinnumerableGod Monarch, God Venerable under, God King, God General, God SoliderandCommon GodthesemyGod Emperorknows, evenstilltop tenColored Glaze God EmperorinentireEndless Divine Worldseveral tens of thousandsGod Emperorlooked forRedeemer of suchweakchickenunexpectedly, theseinferiorgodslittlesaid that alsosmiles10000.0001 trillionwhile still alive! Old ladyface, but where musttowardput!” The Colored Glaze God Emperorharshlaughterresoundsin the Chen Guangheartsuddenly, at the same time, the image of thiswomanalsoappearsin the Chen Guangmindgradually, fromfuzzinesstoclear.
“哈哈哈哈!看你这吓得的样子,真是笑死本皇了。喂喂,你好歹也是通天圣杯选中的救赎者,好歹拿出点气势来行吗?我逗你玩儿的呢!其实呀,通天圣杯的能量压根就没恢复完成,我真没想到居然把你给吓成这样子。你这么胆小,让我这个一代神皇很尴尬啊!如果让无尽神界里的那些我神皇之下的无数神君、神尊、神王、神将、神兵和凡神知道,即便是在整个无尽神界的数万神皇里也排名前十的琉璃神皇居然找了个这么弱鸡的救赎者,这些下等神少说也得活活笑死亿亿亿个!老娘这脸面,可要往哪里搁啊!”琉璃神皇破锣般的笑声在陈光心底猛然响起,于此同时,这女人的形象也在陈光脑海之中渐渐浮现,从模糊到清晰。Chen Guanghad not deliberately recalled that herappearance, clearlywasshesneaks in the thought of Chen Guang.陈光并没有刻意去回想她的模样,分明就是她钻进陈光的思维里了。
An before appearance of this timeColored Glaze God Emperor, thatancient costumelong skirt, but seems a little slightly strange, thatwas this ancient costumelong skirtandbeforeis different, wasbecomesslightlyis unexpectedly transparent, Divine Power that obviously when waspreviousChen GuangacceptedDOTAtestconsumesfullynot to restore.
此时的琉璃神皇还是之前那副一身古装长裙的样子,不过看起来稍微有点奇怪,那就是她这古装长裙与之前不同,竟是变得略显透明,显然是上次陈光接受DOTA考验时消耗的神力并未完全恢复。Howeverthiswomanas if the memory, deliberately the Divine Powernon-uniformassignment, allgaveto block from the key placesteadilyactually, Chen Guangalso can only seeonherwaistabdomenat mostthatmischievoussmallnavel.
不过这女人似乎长了记性,刻意将神力不均匀分配,倒是将关键部位全都给遮住了,陈光顶多也就只能看见她腰腹上那个调皮的小肚脐眼而已。Discoveredsuddenlyoneselfwere deceived a crispness, Chen Guangbecame angry out of shame, „youhavenot to end! Teasingmeis fun? Can youproper? WhatGod Emperor the good and evilis, your does not have the appearance of conformation, howmakingmetrustyou? Howto followyouto do an important mattersafelysteadfastly? IfIwere defeatedin the test of Exceedingly High Chalicefinally, everyonewas finishedtogether, thisisyourguideis absolutely ineffective, trouble that the attitudedoes not causestraight!”
猛然发现自己被骗了个爽,陈光恼羞成怒,“你有完没完!逗我好玩吗?你能正经一点吗?好歹是个什么神皇,你这没个正形的样子,让我怎么信任你?怎么安安心心踏踏实实跟着你干一番大事?如果我最终在通天圣杯的考验里失败了,大家一起完蛋,这绝对是你指导不力,态度不端正惹的祸!”Sincehas contactedwiththisColored Glaze God Emperor, Chen Guangis really disappointedabouther.
自从与这琉璃神皇接触以来,陈光对她实在失望透顶。ThisandpassinwhatalonggrandfatherorGod Emperor who in the hypertext fictionsee are completely different!
这和自己过去在网络小说里看的什么随身老爷爷或者神皇都完全不一样嘛!God Emperor that in the storywrites, thatisso thatsidehero of casting a sidelong glanceworld, raising handto liftin the feetto affect the sourceprincipleto be turbulent, the speechisas soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, wavingthen to createorshatterten thousandis void, resulting in the innumerableuniversebirthsto beas for the annihilation.
故事里写的神皇,那都是俾睨天下的一方豪雄,举手抬足间牵动本源法则动荡,说话是更是言出法随,挥一挥手便能创造或者破碎万界虚空,引发无数宇宙诞生乃至于湮灭。Her ownmouthalsosaid that herfatherPrimal Chaos Chief Godblewpowerfulquicklybreaks through the Chen Guangbrainhole, Chen GuangalsoonceDivine Power that divulgedunknowinglyfromhersensed a Endless Divine Worldthatboundlesspalatialpressurefeeling.
她自己嘴里也是这么说的,把她老爹混沌主神的强大吹得都快突破陈光的脑洞了,陈光自己也曾从她不经意间泄露出来的神力感悟到了一点无尽神界那磅礴巍峨的威压感。Butwhy, presentlook right and left, thisColored Glaze God Emperorfrom the startis a funnyratio!
可为什么,现在的自己左看右看,这琉璃神皇压根就是个逗比!Howthismakesmehappywith your togetheracting coollaunching!
这让我怎么愉快的和你一起装逼一起飞!hearsword, Colored Glaze God Emperor in mindfiercereceives the flowering branchto shiver all over the smile that stood the body, the evil charmsmiles, „? Do you want to take a look at the This Emperortrueappearance? Good, This Emperormakesyouexperience, truetoGod Emperorshouldbewhatcondition, youmustbe mentally prepared!”
闻言,脑海中的琉璃神皇猛的收起花枝乱颤的笑容,站直了身子,邪魅至极的一笑,“是吗?你想看看本皇真正的样子?好,本皇就让你见识见识,真正的至神皇该是什么状态,你可得做好心理准备了!”AsColored Glaze God Emperorsaidthissaying, wiped the strangesmileto reappearonherface.
随着琉璃神皇说出这话,一抹诡异的笑容在她脸上浮现。Suddenly, the Chen Guangfine hairis but actually vertical, in the subconsciousgushes out the extremelydangerousfeeling, when wantsto change a statementto renege on a promise, is late! 【Thankedtellmeiandhitting of Glassyremnantwolfenjoys! Kneelsto askeveryone'srecommendationticket!】
一时间,陈光汗毛倒竖,潜意识里涌出极度危险的感觉,想改口反悔时,却已经迟了!【感谢tellmei与Glassy残狼的打赏!跪求大家的推荐票!】Welcome the generalbookfriendsto visitreading, latest, quickest and hottestserial publicationperformsin the mobile phone userwelcometoreading.
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