„Yeah! Talked nonsenseanything! In brief, yourwhatdon'tmultibarreled, do not ask,ImakeTeam Chentakethiscasea while, yougo hometo rest, ok?”Bureau Chief Ding is also a worldly person, seesWu Tongto have the meaning of getting to the bottom, thenplanned that immediatelychanged intohistrusted aideto managethis matter. „It is not good! Thiscaseismy! WhoseIdo not give!”Wu Tonghad a fit of bad temperall of a sudden, inhereyecannot mix the sand, Chen Guangthatboy, indeedhits the person, buttonot being insufficientto feed in the prison, othersstudent!
“哎!胡说什么呢!总之,你什么也别多管,也别多问,我等会儿就让陈队来接这案子,你回家休息去,好吧?”丁局也是个人精,见武彤有刨根问底的意思,便立马打算换成他的心腹来办此事了。“不行!这案子是我的!谁我也不给!”武彤一下子就炸毛了,她眼里就掺不得沙子,陈光那小子,的确是打人了,但也绝不对不至于被送进监狱,人家还是学生呢!„IsIdecidesoryoudecides! Wu Tong!”Bureau Chief Dingwas contradictedbyWu Tonglike this, is not glad, „wasItoleratedtoyou, youparticipatedto work for 2-3months, somewhatrashrash, Iunderstood, butyoumustlook that muchstudythinkmuch. Understood? Doing the workcannotbe at will willful, mustobey the arrangement of leadership!”
“到底是我说了算还是你说了算!武彤!”丁局被武彤这样顶撞,也不乐意了,“是不是我对你太纵容了,你才参加工作2-3个月,有些莽撞毛躁,我都理解,但是你得多看多学多想。明白吗?开展工作不能随意任性,要听从领导的安排!”„It is not clear! Ido not wantto understand!”Wu Tongsaidonhung up the phone, at heartthatair/Qi.
“不明白!我也不想明白!”武彤说完就掐了电话,心里那个气呀。Looks for the relations?
找关系是吧?Brings the pressure on me?
The old ladiesrefuse to accept! Puts together the relations? Iandyouspell!
老娘就不服!拼关系?我和你们拼!Thismatter, Ialsoreallythinktodaywantsto upholdonlyto needto complete itselfjustlyto be good, nowlooks like, can the persondrift with the currentinJianghu?
要不是今天这事,我还真以为想主持正义只需要做好自己就行了,现在看来,人在江湖就要随波逐流?Old ladiesnot!
老娘偏不!Shepicks up the phone, turns out a number, the hesitantmoment, decidesto hitfinally, totelephoneinpersonroaring, sheis not seeming likeasks others for helpto hold the appearance of relationscompletely, insteadis acting crazy to the telephoneperson.
After hanging up the telephone, waited for 15minutes, the Bureau Chief Dingtelephoneto hit, before thistimeattitude, complete180degreesshallowturn.
挂断电话后,等了十五分钟,丁局的电话又打了过来,这次的态度和之前完全一百八十度大转弯。„, Little Wu, work, althoughis important, butalsoleftis being too tired. Thiscaseyoumanagewell, depend onyour ownmeaningto come, howyoumustdo, Iapprove, approves of! Iwas not manychatted, in the family/home the childbeing correcttopicwill not do, Ihad a look.”Bureau Chief Dingspokeseveralslightly, made the telephone callfast.
“呃,小武啊,工作虽然重要,但是也别太累着了。这案子你办得不错,就依你自己的意思来,你要怎么做,我都认可,都赞同!我就不多聊了,家里孩子有道题不会做,我去看看。”丁局稍微讲了几句,就飞快把电话挂了。Hisbrainsomewhatis dumbstruck, complexionstrangelooked at the telephone conversationrecord on cell phone, thenpats the forehead, thought aloud: „Wu Tong, Wu Shan. Iam silly! HowIhave not thoughtearly! Scared to deathindividual! ThisLittle Wualso is really, thismatter, does not knowhow longtodayshe must hide the truth from. Thank God, todayknows is not late, mylittle darling, saidearlyyour fatherisWu Shan, do Ialsodareto speak the harsh languagewithyou?”
他脑子还有些发懵,面色古怪的看了看手机上的通话记录,然后一拍脑门,自言自语道:“武彤,武山。我傻啊!我怎么早没想到!吓死个人了!这小武也真是的,要不是今天这事,都不知道她还要瞒多久了呢。谢天谢地,今天知道了还不算晚,我的个乖乖,早说你爹是武山,我还敢和你说重话?”Another side, after Wu Tongwalks, Chen Guangwaited for the period of timealsoslowlyto restorefrom the uncomfortablecondition, afterhecalmed downto think throughsomejoints, the complexionbecomesquitestrange.
另一边,武彤走后,陈光等了一阵子也从不爽的状态下慢慢恢复过来,当他冷静下来想通一些关节后,面色变得颇为古怪。Saidhonestly,healsohasa littleregret.
The reaching an agreementpeoplein the standard dou-measure, oneselfpresentare not„captive”, as ifshouldn't reallybe so unyieldingwiththatPolice Beauty?
都说好民不于官斗,自己如今身为“阶下囚”,似乎还真不该和那女警花这么硬气?Ifreallyoffendedher, mustbe detainedentire15days, what to do can that?
如果真把她得罪死了,要被拘留整整十五天,那可怎么办?On the one hand may affectownstudies, on the other handhemostfearsis the cupis taken away, god knowsExceedingly High Chalicewill not annoyto go wronginownwords.
一方面可能会影响到自己的学业,另一方面他最怕的就是杯子被收走,天知道通天圣杯不在自己身边的话会惹出什么乱子来。Blames the femalepolice who thatmenopausearrives atahead of time, youorare so hot tempered, howI am also possibleandyoustruggle!
都怪那更年期提前到来的女警察,你要不那么暴躁,我又怎么可能和你争嘛!Mysuchmouthis how inexpensive, cannot provide lodgingownmastertemperament!
我怎么就这么嘴贱,管不住自己的老爷脾气呀!Ok, now the personwalk, as ifregretted is also useless.
好了,现在人都走了,似乎后悔也是没用了。Sunlighttube in the detention cellmakesincites the sound, the lightflickersonce for a while, suddenlyChen Guangfeltunexpectedly,is quite lonely, is quite lonely.
拘留室里的日光灯管发出滋滋滋的声音,灯光时不时忽明忽暗,一时间陈光竟觉得,好冷清,好寂寞。HereWu Tongdid not hesitateto useownrelationsBureau Chief Dingdealing with, thinksagain why oneself the help/gangthatrepugnantboy of Palestinianheartclose tolungdidthismatter!
这边武彤不惜动用自己的关系把丁局给应付了过去,再一想,自己干嘛又巴心巴肺的帮那讨厌的小子做这事啊!Hedefinitelydid not appreciate kindness rendered!
他肯定还不领情的!Icannottellhimvisibly, ina moment ago, somepeoplelooked for the relations to deliveryouto have the firmfood, Ilooked for the relationsto helpyougiveto keep off, youmustreceivemysentiment, tomyattitudegood.
偏偏我又不能明着告诉他,就在刚才,有人找关系要来送你去吃牢饭了,我又找关系帮你给挡下来了,你要承我的情,对我态度好一点。Oncethissaying said that brave words of allin accordance with the lawmanagementoneselfvow solemnly,
这话一旦说出去,自己信誓旦旦的一切依法办事的豪言壮语,Alsois torn to pieces, goodoneto be despised definitelyandridiculedby the fellow of thatvenomous tongue. Wu Tongthatis at heart unwilling, such asinsanecatgraspis uncomfortableinflexure.
It is not good, Ihelped himhenot thanking for a kindnessin any case, Icannotlet offhim!
不行,反正我帮了他的忙他也不会承情,我不能就这么放过他了!Even ifIam good to you, althoughdoes not deliveryouto have the firmfood, reallymustmakeyouengage in introspectionwell for 15daysin the house of detention, this was still compromised!
就算是我对你好吧,虽然不送你吃牢饭,真得让你好好在拘留所里反省十五天,这也算是个折衷了!Right! Managed!
没错!就这么办了!„How did youcome?”Chen Guanglooks that pushesWu Tong that the gateenters, exhibitscoldface.
The nextflash, hewishes one couldtohimself a slap in the face, on the faceto squeeze an uglysmileto come, „Iam notthismeaning, Sister Wu Tong, you were so how latewere also upon the jump, laterestedtogirl'sskinis not good. Youare so attractive, butmustprotectownskinwell.”
下一瞬间,他就恨不得给自己一个耳刮子,脸上挤出个难看的笑容来,“我不是这意思,呃,武彤姐,您怎么这么晚了还跑来跑去的,晚睡对女孩子的皮肤不好。你这么漂亮,可要好好保护自己的皮肤。”Chen Guangtooneselfexpressed that 10,000are convinced, howIspecialcansay such disgustingwords!陈光对自己表示一万个服气,我特么怎么能说出这么肉麻的话来!Wu Tongis opening the mouth, withdamn the expressionlooks atChen Guang, goodlong time, saying: „If notonyourfacethatmakesmyrepugnantexpressiontooobvious, Ialmostthink that youwere changed the crown prince the leopard cat. Took the wrongmedicine?”武彤张大着嘴巴,用见鬼了的表情看着陈光,好半晌,才说道:“如果不是你脸上那让我讨厌的表情太明显,我几乎以为你被人狸猫换太子了。吃错药了?”„Youtook the wrongmedicine! Yourentire familytook the wrongmedicine!”Chen Guangfeelsmiserablefor the badperforming skill, exits the dirtyskillto expressdespisingextremelytothiswoman.
“你才吃错药了!你全家都吃错药了!”陈光又是替自己糟糕的演技感到凄凉,又是对这女人出口成脏的本事表示一万分的鄙视。„, YouspokeIto listen more pleasing to the ear. Youscoldedme, Iwas also goodto be satisfied. Icome tohere, isinformsyoutoyourpunishment decision, likesuch that Ipreviously said that according topublic security penaltyregulations'26 th, detains for 15days, receivesto fine1000Yuan. Moreover, the cost of treatmentbill that side the hospitalestimatesalsocame out, 10,000! in addition, youprepareto hand over11,000, thengivesmehonestlyto the house of detentionintrospectionlife!”Wu Tonghaughtysits.
“得,你这么说话我听着顺耳多了。你就骂我吧,我也好更心安理得。我来这里,是通知你对你的处罚决定的,就像我先前说的那样,按照治安管理处罚条例第二十六条,拘留十五天,处罚款一千元。另外,医院那边预估的治疗费账单也出来了,一万!加起来,你准备交一万一,然后给我老老实实到拘留所反省人生去!”武彤大马金刀坐下来。„Ha? Reallycloses for 15days? Withoutis so serious?”Thenwas one's turnChen Guangto be dumbfounded, heafter all was also a student, at the last moment, said that unhurriedthatwas the lie.
“哈?真关十五天啊?没这么严重吧?”这下轮到陈光傻眼了,他毕竟也就是个学生,事到临头时,说不慌那是假话。Alsoiscloses for 15days, punishes11,000, hisalsoanxiety!
又是关十五天,又是罚一万一的,他也肉疼啊!Naturally, ifgives the opportunity that hechoosesonetimeagain, hewill not be lenienttoPan Jiang, the wealthis a matter, the principle that thiscultivates the behavioris a different matter.
当然,如果再给他一次选择的机会,他还是不会对潘江手软,钱财是一回事,这做人的原则又是另一回事。„Ahem! Nowknows that feared? Originallywithoutis so serious, butconsideringyourattitude towards admission of guiltis extremely bad, the offending somebodycircumstanceis ordinary, Igiveyoucompromised, closes for 15days.”Wu Tongsawthisboyto instigate, the heartwas comfortable, mentioned the words is also benign.
“哼哼!现在知道怕了?本来没那么严重的,但是考虑到你认罪态度极其糟糕,伤人情节一般严重,我给你折衷一下,才关十五天。”武彤见这小子怂了,心头舒爽,就连说起话也和颜悦色起来。„No! Myattitudeis very good! The elder sisteryouleavesthis! Wehave the wordsto say!”Chen Guangreallyfeared.
“没啊!我态度很好啊!姐你别这样啊!咱有话好说!”陈光真怕了。„Nowknows that admitted mistakes? Late, youdo not see the Yellow Rivernot to lose hope, refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality. Do not put on a long face, my alsotohello/you good, letyourlongmemory, lateragain should not be impulsive. Do not fear, outside the house of detentiondoes not haveextraordinary of thatrumor, perhapsmanyyearslateryouwill also thankme. Is easiestto take the lifedishonest meansin you time, Iknocked a blow to the headtoyou, after referring tobeing uncertainyouto come out, was enlightened?”Wu Tongsmilinglyis saying.
“现在知道认错了?晚啦,你这人就是不见黄河心不死,不见棺材不落泪。别这么哭丧着脸,我这也是为了你好,让你长个记性,以后你可别再那么冲动了。别怕,拘留所里没有外面传言的那么了不得,或许多年后你还会感谢我呢。在你最容易走上人生歪路的时间,我给你敲了当头一棒,指不定你出来之后就醍醐灌顶了呢?”武彤笑眯眯的说着。„Is enlightened? Shouldbethreeflowersgathers the top! The chrysanthemumis multiplied bythreeinsightful! I should not be detained!”Chen Guangboth handsare holding the head, thatregret and hate.
It is not good, Imustdrink waterto help get over a shock!
不行,我要喝口水压压惊!Hecarries the cup, planned that sippedoneicilyalsonot to have the tea of taste.
他端起杯子,打算抿一口早就冷冰冰又没味儿的茶水。„Hey! Kids! Experienced the matter! Requests the old lady, making the old ladymake a moveto helpyou?”
“嘿!小屁孩儿!遇到事了吧!要不要求老娘,让老娘出手帮你呀?”Reallyfeared that anythingcomesanything!
真是怕什么来什么!Inthistimeawfully, Colored Glaze God Emperorthisgoodsbravedunexpectedly!
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