CGA :: Volume #1

#27: Real goddess singles

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Hey! Big god! You greeted actually ahead of time! 喂!大神!你倒是提前打个招呼啊! I am drinking water! 我正在喝水啊! I also outside! 我还在外面啊! Kid......” “小屁孩……” Colored Glaze God Emperor appears in front of Chen Guang again, put on a high and mighty act, complacent, but her words have not said, the fist of Chen Guang from below on, has been rumbling on her face. 琉璃神皇再次出现在陈光面前,趾高气昂,得意洋洋,但她话未说完,陈光的拳头就已经从下而上,正正轰在她的脸上。 The words that told only half, stopped suddenly, the face of Colored Glaze God Emperor changed the shape, by rumbling got down shrivelled! 说到一半的话,戛然而止,琉璃神皇的脸都变了形状,被轰的瘪下去了! At once, her whole person flies toward the distant place, flutters in the midair, Colored Glaze God Emperor thorough fell ignorant. 旋即,她整个人就往远处飞去,飘在半空里,琉璃神皇彻底懵掉了。 This base and low mortal, dares to hit the old lady unexpectedly! 这卑微的凡人,居然敢打老娘! How he dares! 他怎么敢! She felt, after Instant Sea test, this base and low mortal thinks that has felt the Exceedingly High Chalice huge advantage, will lie prostrate in worship to oneself surely, therefore when just appeared, she that put on a high and mighty act stance. 她原本觉得,经过须臾海之界的考验之后,这个卑微的凡人想必已经感受到了通天圣杯天大的好处,对自己必定会顶礼膜拜,所以在刚出现时,她还是那副趾高气昂的姿态。 But Chen Guang was actually jumped directly fiercely, made the seizing greedily shape, dashed to Colored Glaze God Emperor, the mouth is shouting: I and other opportunities are very long! Has wanted to punch you!” 陈光却是径直猛的跳了起来,做饿虎扑食状,直扑琉璃神皇,嘴里喊着:“我等这机会已经很久了!早就想揍你了!” Meanwhile, the fist wields ruthlessly, has the intense hatred, what naturally are more is the pleasant sensation of retaliation, irresistible, the strength is greatly infinite. 同时,拳头狠狠挥出,带着强烈至极的恨意,当然更多的是报复的快感,势不可挡,力大无穷。 Right, bewildered was drawn in Exceedingly High Chalice, bewildered turns into what Redeemer, in Instant Sea, felt 95 deaths again fully. 没错,莫名其妙的被拖进通天圣杯里来,莫名其妙的变成什么救赎者,再是在须臾海中,整整感受了九十五次的死亡。 Chen Guang is not willing to recall the process that died time and time again, but does not represent him to forget that pain, after just his mental process tempers repeatedly, has become especially strong, he can keep. 陈光不愿意去回忆那一次又一次死亡的过程,但不代表他能忘掉那种痛苦,只不过他的心智经过一再锤炼之后,已经变得格外坚强,他可以藏得住而已。 But his hatred to the Colored Glaze God Emperor, has not become pale with the past of these days time, he hides in quietly at heart, does not want to call Colored Glaze God Emperor to discover, desirably does not go to think, waits to wait till today for a long time finally, must hit her unexpectedly! 但他对琉璃神皇的恨意,并未随着这几天时间的过去而变淡,他只是悄悄藏在心里,又不想叫琉璃神皇发现,刻意的不去想,等了好久终于等到今天,一定要打她个出其不意! Really, when Chen Guang desirably does not go to think these things, Colored Glaze God Emperor really cannot discover hides in his dirty, for a while does not observe, unexpectedly sneak attacks successfully to Chen Guang. 果然,当陈光刻意的不去想这些事情时,琉璃神皇果然没能发现藏在他心里的那点龌龊,一时不察,居然给陈光偷袭成功。 Ha! Colored Glaze God Emperor! I make you entrain, making you crazy, making you call me to play a leading role forcefully! Now you know the old man fierce!” Chen Guang was self-satisfied, this fought with the fists, the heart hatred went most probably, the acid was crisp. “哈哈哈哈哈!琉璃神皇!我让你拽,让你狂,让你强行叫我扛大梁!现在你知道老夫的厉害了吧!”陈光得意极了,这一拳打中,心头恨意去了大半,酸爽极了。 Good, no matter what, Colored Glaze God Emperor and this Exceedingly High Chalice indeed changed themselves, 20 years in Instant Sea experiences, although pain, but has the sweetness painstakingly, what is more important, making him from an average person can hit, is no longer ordinary, and future that in can anticipate, Exceedingly High Chalice will also change own life unceasingly. 好吧,甭管怎么说,琉璃神皇和这通天圣杯的确改变了自己,在须臾海中的二十年经历,虽然痛苦,但却苦中有甜,更重要的是,让他从一个普通人变得非常能打,不再平凡,并且在可以预期的未来,通天圣杯还将不断的改变自己的人生。 Chen Guang hit this fist, felt also enough, vented slightly. 陈光打了这一拳,觉得也就够了,也就是稍微发泄一下而已。 With the temperament of this woman, must certainly retaliate ruthlessly, Chen Guang is alerting attentively, is waiting for the retaliation of Colored Glaze God Emperor, although knows that is guarding uselessly actually. 以这女人的脾气,肯定是要狠狠的报复回来吧,陈光全神贯注的戒备着,等着琉璃神皇的报复,虽然知道防着其实也没什么用。 Will definitely be retaliated! But doesn't matter, can punch her fist, the thought understood, she cannot kill me in any case! 肯定会被报复的!但没关系,能揍她一拳,念头就通达了,反正她总不能把我打死的嘛! My this is only as a mortal to seek the dignity the dignity, but rumbling strikes! My this indicates the attitude, making her not think that I am good to bully! 我这只是身为一个凡人为了谋求尊严而轰出的尊严一击!我这是表明态度,让她别以为我就是好欺负的! But Chen Guang waited for a long time, the woman to lie on the ground unexpectedly as before stubbornly is entirely still. 陈光等了许久,那女人居然依旧死死趴在地上纹丝不动。 Went bad, should I really not make the issue her? 坏了,我该不会真把她打出问题了吧? Have no reason, you are solemn one generation of God Emperor, what meaning do you ship out such a pretty appearance to me are? 没理由啊,你可是堂堂一代神皇,你给我装出这么一副娇滴滴的模样是什么意思? She in attire? Did I bring death in the past? 她在装?在等我过去送死? Also waited for the small moment, Chen Guang depended cautiously, stares to look, was really bad. 又是等了小片刻,陈光小心翼翼的靠了过去,瞪眼一看,真是坏了。 Colored Glaze God Emperor lies on the marble floor, two turn white, the mouth also spits the spittle, in the nostril two nosebleeds is dripping, seeming like that is a stretcher patient. 琉璃神皇趴在大理石地板上,两眼翻白,嘴里还吐着唾沫星子,鼻孔里两道鼻血淌出,看起来那就是个重伤员。 Nearby toward her nostril puts the one of the finger, mother egg! Has not been mad! 将手指头往她鼻孔附近一放,妈蛋!没气了! Hey! Do not be noisy! You such easily are impossible hangs? You are God Emperor! Although I do not know that God Emperor should be what appearance, “啊喂!别闹啊!你不可能这么轻易的就挂掉吧?你可是神皇啊!虽然我也不知道到底神皇该是什么样子, But light/only listens to the name to entrain very much very fiercely? Your this collapsing at the first blow degree, is unscientific! ” Finally, in the past for a long time, lay down like the corpse in the Colored Glaze God Emperor body of ground shakes, the spooky awaking revolutions, unexpectedly dares to sneak attack me while me unprepared!” 但光听名字就应该很拽很厉害的吧?你这种不堪一击的程度,不科学啊!”终于,过去了许久,像个尸体一样躺在地上的琉璃神皇身子一抖,幽幽醒转,“居然敢趁我不备偷袭我!” Awoke! Run! Uses without the egg. 醒了!跑!毫无卵用。 Then, Chen Guang experienced a world champion level of women's single, is not right, this should call the goddess singles. 接下来,陈光又是体验了一番女子单打的世界冠军水平,不对,这应该叫女神单打。 The brutal goddess singles eventually ended, very good, this Chen Guang learned more new things, at least through some that this Goddess Emperor throws once for a while the strange strength of having the unusual effect, Chen Guang sneaks a peek at the Endless Divine World tip of the iceberg that her mouth said unexpectedly. 惨无人道的女神单打终于结束了,很好,这次陈光又学到了更多的新东西,起码通过这位女神皇时不时扔出来的某种拥有奇特效果的诡异力量,陈光居然窥见了她嘴里说的无尽神界的冰山一角。 According to the view of Colored Glaze God Emperor, this strength was called the strength of rule. 按照琉璃神皇的说法,这种力量叫规则之力。 Naturally is so big on thing, Chen Guang is not able to learn now, does not know any way, but light/only listens to the name to know that this thing is very fierce, hitting will be very painful, on line. 当然这么高大上的东西,陈光现在是学不会的,也不知道其中任何门道,但光听名字就知道这东西很厉害,打在身上会很痛,就行了。 Even if using Colored Glaze God Emperor, Chen Guang experienced Endless Divine World that magnificently magnificent to the inconceivable world truly, the vision became extremely open, but eventually was also only a mortal, these things, even if saw with own eyes, actually could not comprehend vast gap between that god and person completely. 哪怕利用琉璃神皇,陈光真正见识到了无尽神界那壮观瑰丽到不可思议的世界,眼界变得极为开阔,但终究还只是个凡人,这些事情,即便亲眼见到,却也完全领会不了那种神与人之间的巨大差距。 Really wishes one could to choke to death you! What a pity the old lady has really not dared. If you hung, I possibly really must be stranded in this Exceedingly High Chalice forever, calculated you to be in luck, today I bypass your crime to this God Emperor disrespecting.” Colored Glaze God Emperor very self-satisfied is patting the palm, after stretching the movement refreshing, was punched a fist a moment ago unhappy also gives to cast behind. “真是恨不得掐死你!可惜老娘还真不敢。如果你挂掉了,我可能就真要被永远困在这通天圣杯里,算你走运,今天我就绕过你对本神皇不敬之罪。”琉璃神皇十分得意的拍着手掌,舒展运动之后神清气爽,刚才被揍了一拳的不快也给抛诸脑后。 What does your emit suddenly arrives at the bottom to make? Should not to hit my one?” Chen Guang is swelling a face, is saying ambiguously. “你这突然冒出来到底是要做什么的?该不会是就为了打我一顿吧?”陈光肿着一张脸,含混不清的说着。 Colored Glaze God Emperor to Chen Guang framed by planting stolen goods on to shift blame was startled, „was really person of not being concerned about face unmatched in the world! Clearly is the hand that you first move? You may know in Endless Divine World, disrespects to God Emperor, but the minute/share minute must shut in the god prison, always can not extricate! Initially I when the horizon province travelled for pleasure, a young hooligan speaks to sexually harass in me, my pursuer killed none the entire horizon province high and low 19 trillion Spiritual God. Others are also only the spoken language disrespect, you were a fist give to knock down me today, I punched your, were you discontented?” 琉璃神皇陈光的“栽赃嫁祸”惊了,“真是人不要脸天下无敌!分明就是你先动的手吧?你可知道在无尽神界之中,对神皇不敬,可是分分钟就要被关进神狱之中,永世不得解脱!当初我在天际省游历时,一个小流氓出言调戏于我,我的一个追求者将整个天际省上下十九万亿的神灵杀得精光。别人还只是言语不敬,你今天可是一拳把我给打晕了,我只是揍你一顿,你还敢不满?” Chen Guang is suppressing the mouth, yo yo, good fierce quite fierce. 19 trillion Spiritual God, are really quite extraordinary, but you by my fist knocking down, had no probably fiercely!” 陈光憋着嘴,“哟哟哟,好厉害好厉害哟。十九万亿神灵哟,真是好了不起哟,但你被我一拳头给打晕了呢,好像也没什么厉害的嘛!” „Did you have a face to say? The old ladies prepare the new test world for you laboriously, dries up to Divine Power tired, the whole body feels weak, will be sneak attacked by you successfully! Your this meets punches an old lady fist, the old lady must endure you!” The Colored Glaze God Emperor violent walked. “你还有脸说?老娘辛辛苦苦为你准备新的考验世界,累到神力枯竭,浑身乏力,才会被你偷袭成功!你这一见面就揍老娘一拳,老娘还得忍你!”琉璃神皇暴走了。 Is, but I only Redeemer, if I hung to select, you with being finished.” Chen Guang two one, I said that your needs help from the person, the attitude is good. Although I was on your pirate ship could not get down, but you, if can speak with me well, perhaps we can also be the friend, like this when I completed the test of Exceedingly High Chalice may have the working zeal, are you also good soon the extrication not? I punch your fist, wants to make you understand, although I a mortal, but also has the temperament, has the temper, Sir Colored Glaze God Emperor, you had fucking awesome how in God World before, this is unimportant. In my opinion, 3000 tests of this Exceedingly High Chalice did not mean that said can complete with ease, if we vary a heart, you have always retained to me, the difficulty that this matter makes, will perhaps increase infinitely.” “是的呀,可我还是唯一的救赎者呢,如果我挂点了,你就跟着完蛋了呢。”陈光两手一摊,“我说你这有求于人,态度就好一点嘛。虽然我是上了你的贼船下不去,但你如果能好好和我说话,咱们或许还能做朋友,这样我完成起通天圣杯的考验时或许会更有干劲,你也好早日解脱不是么?我揍你一拳,是想让你明白,我虽然一介凡人,但也是有脾气,有性子的,琉璃神皇大人,你以前在神界有多么牛叉,这并不重要。在我看来,这通天圣杯的三千考验并不是说说就能轻松完成的,如果咱俩不一条心,你始终对我有所保留,那这事做起来的难度,恐怕会无限增大。” After obtaining Exceedingly High Chalice is so long, Chen Guang tries to calm the mind to discuss with Colored Glaze God Emperor for the first time, before this is also him, a long time thinks the words that wants to come out, but was while this opportunity saying. 在得到通天圣杯以后这么久,陈光还是第一次和琉璃神皇试图静下心来谈一谈,这也是他之前很长一段时间深思熟虑想出来的话,可算是趁着这机会给说出来了。 Because Chen Guang also discovered, this really does not live for a long time can become the worldly person, until now, a Colored Glaze God Emperor as if also brain stayed in her past God Emperor status, from the start not with interest of equal dialog, this female actually naively was much purer, this way is not good, must make her understand, we are the cooperation, the attitude must now straight under one! 因为陈光也发现了,这真不是活得久就能成人精的,到现在为止,琉璃神皇似乎还一脑子停留在她那个过去的神皇身份里,压根就没有和自己平等对话的兴趣,这女的其实天真单纯得可怕,这样下去可不行,得让她明白,咱们两人现在是合作关系,态度是要端正一下的! The Chen Guang words, indeed make Colored Glaze God Emperor be enlightened, silent long time. 陈光一番话,的确让琉璃神皇醍醐灌顶,沉默良久。 Good, the time is quite abundant today, you want to ask anything, wants to say anything with me, hurries to ask. Before my a lot had not said to you, but really cannot blame me, now the Exceedingly High Chalice boundary level is too low, each opening wanted the rapid expended energy, the time was very tight! I have the difficulty. Ok, do not exhibit such a grievance wants to cry the appearance, clever, I guaranteed, slightly good to be good to you a little? You must ask that asked quickly, actually I do not know you actually want to inquire anything!” The Colored Glaze God Emperor both hands fork waist, full is the helpless appearance, but before attitude, indeed had very sweeping change. “好吧,今天时间比较充裕,你想问什么,想和我说什么,赶紧问嘛。之前我很多事情没给你说,可真不能怪我,现在通天圣杯的境界层次太低,每一次开启都要迅速消耗能量,时间真的很紧张啊!我也是有自己难处的吧。行啦,别摆出这么一副委屈得想哭了的样子啦,乖,我保证以后对你稍微好那么一点好不好?你要问就快问吧,其实我都不知道你到底想打听什么啊!”琉璃神皇双手叉腰,满是无奈的样子,但态度和之前的确有了很大变化。 Although her made clever own whole body goosebumps, but Chen Guang did not have the thoughts to care about this matter, had many words too to ask her at heart, hurried machine-gun to fling major collection of problems altogether same, Colored Glaze God Emperor was 11 explanations, really ultra had the patience. 虽然她那句乖弄得自己浑身鸡皮疙瘩,但陈光也没心思在意这事了,心里有太多话想问她,赶紧一股脑儿连珠炮一样甩出去一大堆问题,琉璃神皇则是一一解答,果然超有耐心了。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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