CGA :: Volume #1

#26: Carries a heavy load the training

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What? Don't you go to the library? Can play the game? Insane? Haven't you thought four levels? This lady this reward, don't you want?” Wen Wen was startled dull, in her hand also took is just not knowing new four levels of reference books where washed, are preparing the stopper to Chen Guang, making him complete in three days. A Chen Guang face is serious, I said to you, this learn/study, is heavy in alternating work with rest. I did not know for these days earnestly, should be hits dozen of DOTA to adjust the brain slightly, otherwise the learning efficiency cannot raise.” “什么?你不去图书馆?要打游戏?疯了啊?你不想过四级了?本淑女这奖励,你不想要了?”文雯惊了个呆,她手里还拿着刚不知道从哪里淘来的一本新的四级参考书,正准备塞给陈光,让他在三天之内做完呢。陈光一脸郑重,“我给你说,这学习呢,重在劳逸结合。我这几天都不知道多认真,也该是打打DOTA稍微调整一下脑子了,不然学习效率也提不上去嘛。” A Wen Wen face carefully examines visits him, how may I hear how your recent two days in study are an actor? Has saying that I feel you have not worked as the talent of actor completely. Now your on the face writes the quite simple two characters, wants to play. Very pure wants to play, with alternating work with rest not a wee bit relations.” 文雯一脸审视的看着他,“可我怎么听说你最近两天都在学怎么做一个演员?不得不说,我觉着你完全没有当演员的天分。现在你脸上就写着相当简单的两个字,想玩。非常单纯的想玩,和劳逸结合并没有丁点关系。” Good good, I too for a long time too long have not really hit to play, the hand was itchy. Today you make me rest slightly.” Chen Guang really does not want to pretend one not to understand the appearance of English to waste the time again, how also does not know, some of his actually feelings, as if oneself can sit in front of the computer safely plays the opportunity of game is not many. “好啦好啦,我是真的太久太久没有打游戏了,手痒了呀。今天你就让我稍微休息一下得了。”陈光实在是不想再装作一副不懂英语的样子去浪费时间了,也不知道怎的,他心里倒是有种感觉,似乎自己能安安心心坐在电脑前玩游戏的机会已经不多了。 Since has this mood today rarely, plays following this thoughts would rather. 既然今天难得起了这心情,倒不如顺着这心思去玩一玩。 Good, I know that you as of late are somewhat laborious, after all this is your own matter. I recently also had have not hit to play for a long time, you have no free time to accompany me, I go not to have the meaning.” Wen Wen was also somewhat said by Chen Guang is excited, no longer insisted actually must make Chen Guang go to the library. “好吧,我知道你最近这段时间是有些辛苦,毕竟这本来就是你自己的事情。我最近也有好久没打游戏了,你又没空陪我,我自己一个人去也没意思。”文雯陈光说得也有些心动,倒是不再坚持非要让陈光去图书馆了。 That line, we walk!” Chen Guang hehe is smiling. “那行,咱们走!”陈光嘿嘿笑着。 Words said that you really thought four levels don't have the issue?” Gets to the Internet cafe entrance when quickly, Wen Wen some did not feel relieved, the exit|to speak asked. “话说你真觉得四级没问题?”都快走到网吧门口时,文雯还是有些不放心,出口问道。 Chen Guang is striking one's chest, naturally does not have the issue, is not and you blows, is the present stands a international friend to me in front of immediately, I can also and he chat all over the country in a standard American English!” 陈光拍着胸脯,“当然没问题,不是和你吹,就是现在立马站一个国际友人到我面前,我也能用一口标准的美式英语和他聊得天南海北!” Boasted blindly, no matter you did believe that I did not believe in any case. Resulted, wants to play plays, I am not your mother, a bit faster hurry up, that side has the position by!” On the Wen Wen mouth said the righteousness expression, actually really entered the Internet cafe, she also to/clashes is quicker than Chen Guang, is calling, while throws toward Chen Guang in the ID card, flushes away toward the position that she favors. “瞎吹牛,不管你信不信,我反正不信。得了,想玩就玩吧,我又不是你妈,快点快点,那边有位置挨着的!”文雯嘴上说得多么义正言辞,其实真进了网吧,她冲得比陈光还快,一边吆喝着,一边把身份证往陈光手里一扔,就朝着她看好的位置冲去。 Her game addiction, was actually much bigger than Chen Guang! 她的游戏瘾,其实比陈光大得多了! Waits for Chen Guang to make a payment, sits down by her, she had turned on the machine both computers unexpectedly, rubbing hands, is excited reddens all over the face. 陈光交了钱,在她旁边坐下,她居然就已经把两台电脑都开了机,搓着手,兴奋得满脸通红。 Chen Guang sits, opens Exceedingly High Chalice, can call to pass the Tiansheng teacup, sipped the saliva, is looked ahead of time the eldest sister who again this has entered the condition, face full of black lines, cannot believe before simply for two minutes, she still wants to compel to go to the library in the Italian expression, your style transforms is too quick, I understand a little exhaustedly! 陈光坐下来,打开通天圣杯,也能叫通天圣茶杯,抿了口水,再是看这已经提前进入状态的大姐,一头黑线,简直不敢相信两分钟前她还在义正言辞想逼着自己去图书馆,你画风转变太快,我理解得有点疲惫啊! A bit faster hurry up! This lady must start to carry a heavy load the training!” Wen Wen toward the hand in the tone, fighting intent was soaring. “快点快点!本淑女又要开始负重训练了!”文雯往手上呵了口气,战意高昂。 Carries a heavy load the training...... 负重训练…… Chen Guang face one black, how you looked for such a appropriate word! 陈光脸一黑,你怎么又找了个这么贴切的词啊! Right, Wen Wen likes playing the game with Chen Guang together , because of this reason! 没错,文雯之所以喜欢和陈光一起打游戏,正是因为这原因! Two people like hitting DOTA2, however, that level is a space, an underground. 两人都喜欢打DOTA2,但是呢,那水平是一个天上,一个地下。 Very pitiful, Chen Guang as a man, in underground is lying that. 很可悲,陈光身为一个爷们,偏偏还是在地下趴着的那个。 The Wen Wen real horizon, Chen Guang many did not say, the person who often plays this game understands, tall ladder single line 7000 is what level, trades in another quite irritable similar game League of Legends, that basically is also telecommunication area a boundary of strongest King. 文雯的真实水平,陈光不好多说,常打这游戏的人就明白,天梯单排七千分是个什么水准,换到另一个相当火爆的同类游戏英雄联盟里面,那基本也就是电信一区的最强王者的境界。 Chen Guang, the single line mingle among year to year in 3000 partition , does not see the improvement, such, attained in League of Legends, could be the small monk student level of azure copper group. 陈光自己嘛,单排常年混迹在三千分段,上上下下,不见起色,也就那样了,拿到英雄联盟里,或许能算个青铜组的小学僧水平。 Naturally, after knowing Chen Guang, Wen Wen has not basically hit the single line, is two people forming a team two-rows. 当然,在认识陈光以后,文雯基本也就没打过单排了,都是两人组队双排。 But on by Chen Guang this tattered level, 但就以陈光这破烂的水平, Wen Wen has his two-row to be able unexpectedly group row of minute/share of boundary that placed close to 5000! This simply is the miracle! 文雯带着他双排居然都能将组排分保持在接近五千分的境界!这简直就是奇迹! The professional has the new tender group row is not possible to achieve this magnificent feat together! 职业选手带着新嫩一起组排都不一定能做到这壮举! Has that some time, two people ID in a game tall ladder group row of high partition are almost a legend. 有那么一段时间,两人的ID在游戏天梯组排高分段几乎是个传奇。 Everyone remembers that this their ID, bumps into these two, so long as were recognized, various types complained Chen Guang to hold the thigh, various types lay prostrate in worship to Wen Wen. 所有人都记得这俩人的ID,一碰到这两人,只要被认出来了,各种吐槽陈光抱大腿,各种对文雯顶礼膜拜。 Arrives one side with these two platoon, the teammate loves and hates. 与这两人排到一边,那队友是又爱又恨。 What love is in the teammate has the single expert of suitable powerful, various types kill the opposite party in the list only to the line, can help the teammate establish the advantage in the earlier period with ease, Wen Wen wants unit to set, even if in well-known of some professional corps the single players will not snatch with her. 爱的是队友里面有个相当强力的中单高手,各种单杀对方的对线中单,非常轻松就能帮队友在前期建立优势,文雯要的中单位置,即便一些职业战队的知名中单选手都不会和她抢。 But hates in this quick rhythm very intensive game projects on the mid and late part, that consciousness always falls behind the half various salt fish king types the chain. 但恨的就是在这快节奏高强度的游戏打到中后期时,那个意识总落后半截的咸鱼王各种掉链子。 The essential group wartime, the teammates were about dead he not to rush to the scene either, either is here just now assembles, his side actually already on the road that in coming to converge was returned to the spring water by the opponent, otherwise was a group war fired off, this buddy remembered himself to forget the enlargement to incur, in addition, four elements are merely illusions that was the potluck, paid with the clock same rule. 关键团战时,要么队友都快死光了他还没赶到现场,要么就是这边才刚集结,他那边却已经在前来汇合的路上被对手送回了泉水,再不然就是一场团战打完了,这哥们才想起自己忘了放大招,除此之外,四大皆空那是家常便饭,支付起来就和时钟一样规律。 Very much painstakingly Chen Guang also compels good, you said that the pitiful man of my 13,000 level, was brought to 5000 bureau in forcefully, am I easy I? 陈光也很苦逼的好吧,你说我就一三千分水平的可怜汉子,强行被带到五千分的局里面来,我容易么我? That operation consciousness cannot follow unable to follow, I also very diligently good, so long as no one disturbs, I make up in blade general four only to leak two good! 那操作意识跟不上就是跟不上,我也很努力的好吧,只要没人干扰,我补刀一般四个里面只漏两个的好吧! Today's Chen Guang, the display still stabilizes. Perhaps is because two people too long have not played the game, these game experts who partition high soon forgot by the fear that Chen Guang this ID covers. 今天的陈光,发挥依然稳定。或许是因为两人太久没玩游戏,以至于高分段的这些游戏高手们快要忘了被陈光这个ID笼罩的恐惧。 Finally, when the game is conducted the tenth minute, Chen Guang for the fifth time returns to the spring water, the teammates started to discover the condition not second. 终于,当游戏进行到第十分钟时,陈光第五次回了泉水,队友们开始发现状况不秒了。 Hangs every two minutes one time, this buddy is poisonous! 每两分钟挂一次,这哥们有毒! Had the quick-witted teammate to cut to look under two people score immediately, the fierce look saw through the camouflage of Chen Guang immediately. 有机智的队友立马切出去看了下两人的战绩,火眼金睛顿时识破陈光的伪装。 Policeman is he! 警察叔叔就是他! He appeared! 他又出现了! I said the big brother, can you don't this? You delivered me to report you again!” This is first jumps to the teammate who Chen Guang conducts to taunt. “我说大哥,你能别这样吗?你再送我就举报你了啊!”这是第一个跳起来对陈光进行冷嘲热讽的队友。 Has Chen Guang of rich resistant to compression experience, selects the menu quickly, wanted the show year certainly to give the shield this grief and indignation. 拥有丰富抗压经验的陈光,以迅雷不及掩耳之势点开菜单,把这个悲愤欲绝的骚年给屏蔽了。 Another two people are but actually calm, speaking to urge both sides should not be noisy, the game also just started, has not lost. 另外两个人倒还算冷静,出言劝双方不要吵,游戏还才刚刚开始,还没输呢。 After all the rare and beautiful flowers combination of Chen Guang and Wen Wen is a celebrity, while Chen Guang paid five times, Wen Wen also already opposite single press/pressure two-level, the non-solution is fat. 毕竟陈光文雯的奇葩组合是名人,在陈光支付了五次的同时,文雯也已经将对面的中单压了两级,已然无解肥。 Persuaded regarding the good words of these two teammates, Chen Guang was only as deep as a well smiled, the buddy I know that your quality was high, the boundary was high, but, after ten minutes, you will also spurt me together! 对于这两位队友的好言相劝,陈光只高深莫测的一笑,哥们我知道你们素质高,境界高,但是,十分钟之后,你们也会一起来喷我啊! He has not said anything, that has collapsed the young fellow mouth that spurts to say anything, Chen Guang does not care muddily, cannot hear in any case, no matter. 他并没有说什么,那个已经崩溃开喷的小伙嘴在说什么,陈光也浑不在意,反正听不到,无所谓。 Really, is eight minutes passes, after Chen Guang eighth time since the spring water comes out, another young fellow collapsed. 果然,又是八分钟过去,当陈光第八次从泉水里出来后,又一个小伙崩溃了。 You draw back, we can win......” “你退吧,我们能赢……” this person receives anything, Chen Guang could not hear, he shields the technique of teammate to reach a high degree of proficiency, hits the level of game at least to be higher than 10,000 times compared with him. 这人接下来说的什么,陈光听不到了,他屏蔽队友的手法炉火纯青,比他打游戏的水准至少高出一万倍。 Wen Wen keeps laughing in the one side, in the hand the movement is not slow, and comes GANK another person double double zed to kill opposite list under the tower. 文雯在一旁笑个不停,手上动作却也不慢,又是将对面的中单和前来GANK的另一个人双双反杀在塔下。 You are quite miserable.” Wen Wen hee hee was saying. “你好惨啊。”文雯嘻嘻着说道。 Chen Guang is helpless, does not have the means that several months had not played, the level regresses fiercely.” 陈光无奈,“没办法,好几个月没玩了,水平退步得厉害。” „, Your that level can also regress?” Wen Wen making up blade level that is quite high. “呃,你那水平还能退步的咯?”文雯的补刀水平那是相当的高。 When 23 minutes, when the hero of Chen Guang control fought in the group just started emits a spatial big, last young fellow also collapsed. 二十三分钟时,当陈光操控的英雄在团战刚开始时放出了一记空大,最后一个小伙也崩溃了。 WTF......” 卧槽……” His voice just got up, did not have as follows, the speed of this Chen Guang shield is faster. 他话音刚起,就没了下文,这次陈光屏蔽的速度更快。 Naturally this also means that their games basically wanted GG to think of the meter, Wen Wen never opened any voice, never listened to the teammate to exchange. 当然这也意味着两人这盘游戏基本是要GG思密达了,文雯从来不开任何语音,也从来不听队友交流的。 From now on, five people of their side, came apart thoroughly, the head/number of people compared with also falls behind half, the economical experience disparity is needless to say much. 从现在开始,他们这一方的五人,就彻底脱节了,人头比也落后一半,经济经验差距更是不用多说。 Must lose!” Chen Guang is very suffering, next game of you operate a trumpet simply, bureau that we hit 3000.” “又要输了啊!”陈光很是委屈,“干脆下一局你开个小号,咱们去打三千分的局嘛。” Wen Wen hehe shaking the head, is not going, I must carry a heavy load the training.” 文雯嘿嘿着摇头,“不去,我是要负重训练的嘛。” Chen Guang carries the cup, puts the mouth, the preparation drinks water to help get over a shock, my how such cruel fate!” 陈光端起杯子,放到嘴边,准备喝口水压压惊,“我怎么就这么命苦啊!” At this time, the mutation lived suddenly, for a long time has not had Colored Glaze God Emperor of sound, unexpectedly once again appeared! 就在这时候,异变突生,许久不曾有动静的琉璃神皇,居然又一次出现了! She appears is such sudden, radically not to Chen Guang any time of response and preparation, the first flash, he is also lifting up high the cup, is preparing to pouch the belly this saliva, the next flash, he only feels dizzy, waits to recover, has appeared above that familiar and strange sea of clouds. 她出现得是如此的突然,根本就没给陈光任何反应和准备的时间,前一瞬间,他还高举着杯子,正准备将这口水吞进肚子,下一刹那,他只觉得天旋地转,等回过神来,却已经出现在了那熟悉又陌生的云海之上。 Welcome the general book friends to visit reading, latest, quickest and hottest serial publication performs in the mobile phone user welcome to reading. 欢迎广大书友光临阅读,最新、最快、最火的连载作品尽在手机用户请到阅读。
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