BEGD :: Volume #10 古城奥秘 血色祭炼

#506: Strategy that Kui Chichi and uses diversionary tactics

( 1 ) (一) Death bog, north black lizard lake. 死亡沼泽,黑蜥湖以北。 Buer looked at top of the head that line of character distances dawn three -and-a-half double-hour multi- quarters. 不二看了看头顶那行字距离天亮三个半时辰多一刻钟。 The threats of three birds as if relieved temporarily. 身后,三头鸟的威胁似乎暂时解除了。 Also interrupted with the relation of Huo tiger. But he in paying attention to the following trend, the huge white tiger form that in the sky presents, the dazzling ray, the earth-shaking explosive sound, showed all Huo Hu seems to be more unfortunate than fortunate. 与霍虎的联系也中断了。但他一直在关注后面的动向,天空中出现的巨大白虎身影,耀眼的光芒,惊天动地的爆炸声,无不显示霍虎似乎凶多吉少。 Buer only felt own shoulder heavy brings this serious feeling, except for heroic bringing up the rear of Huo tiger, Ida but who also on being in violation is having the yawn. 不二只觉得自己的肩膀沉甸甸的带来这种沉重感的,除了霍虎的英勇断后,还有背上正打哈欠的小艾达。 On marking according to Ida map, front is a road fork, in the future will have two roads. 按小艾达地图上的标识,前面是一个岔路口,往后有两条路。 Continues along the black lizard lake toward the west, at the night of black Ze poisonous lizard deep sleep, this road is the good choice. 一条继续沿着黑蜥湖往西,在黑泽毒蜥沉睡的夜晚,这条路是较好的选择。 Another turns to northwest, walks soon must be close to the imaginary butterfly valley domain that is the extremely dangerous place, even the slightest misstep, has possibility consigned to eternal damnation. 另一条拐向西北方向,走不久就要接近幻蝶谷的领域那是极度危险的地方,稍有不慎,就有可能万劫不复 Before early, he thinks that which road must take. 很早之前,他就想好了要走哪一条路。 We embark,” he looked at Gu Yousheng, our aura did not diverge easily, delay for a long time, was detected by the opponent easily.” “我们出发罢,”他看了看古有生,“我们的气息不容易散去,拖延久了,容易被对手察觉。” Really can take this road?” Gu Yousheng stands in same place, was too dangerous . Moreover the distance must more than 50 miles. Let alone, three birds not necessarily cannot guess correctly that which road we take.” “真的要走这条路?”古有生站在原地,“太危险了,而且路程要多出五十多里地。更何况,三头鸟未必不能猜到我们走哪一条路。” „The speeds of three birds are faster than us.” Buer said: Which road no matter they first take, to would the rest of a lot of time observing another road finally. Therefore, which walks, they will find us.” “三头鸟的速度远比我们要快。”不二道:“不管他们先走哪一条路,到最后总会剩余很多时间去察看另一条路。所以,走哪一条,他们都会找到我们。” Gu Yousheng said: You did not say, you have method that can camouflage three person aura?” 古有生道:“你不是说,自己还有可以遮蔽三个人气息的手段么?” Buer said: Ran away 1 st, could not escape 15. Road these two, they can look repeatedly how many times my method can use? What we want is gets it over and done.” 不二道:“逃得了初一,逃不过十五。路就这两条,他们可以反反复复去看,我的手段能用几次?我们要的是一劳永逸。” „The setting of this world is we cannot be victorious three birds.” Gu Yousheng said: Therefore, will never have the means of getting it over and done.” “这个世界的设定就是我们打不过三头鸟。”古有生道:“所以,永远不会有一劳永逸的办法。” Setting?” “设定?” Wei Buer said: „The words that you spoke look like you with somebody who I do know are not this person?” 魏不二道:“你说的话跟我认识的某人很像你也不是此界中人?” „,” Gu Yousheng turns the head to look to behind, this was unimportant they to approach fast, we must decide as soon as possible.” “咳,”古有生转头看向后面,“这个不重要他们快来了,我们必须尽快决定。” Three birds do not fear the black Ze poisonous lizard, but fears the imaginary butterfly,” Wei Buer said: Therefore the poisonous lizard could not help us, imaginary butterfly.” “三头鸟不怕黑泽毒蜥,但是怕幻蝶,”魏不二道:“所以毒蜥帮不了我们,幻蝶可以。” Is good, I can only believe you.” Gu Yousheng said. “好罢,我只能信你了。”古有生道。 Un,” Ida nods cleverly, I listen to the father.” “嗯,”小艾达乖巧地点了点头,“我听爹爹的。” If not behind also needs to inquire some situations with Ida, Buer throws into her the swampy ground immediately. 如果不是后面还需要跟小艾达问询一些情况,不二会立刻把她丢进沼泽地里。 ( 2 ) (二) Gu Yousheng said, took out a round stick broom from dao garment. Oneself ride before the round stick, both hands grab a round stick head, signals with the eyes to Buer, hints him also to ride. 古有生说完,从道服里取出了一把圆棍扫帚。自己骑在圆棍前端,双手抓着圆棍一头,冲着不二使了个眼色,示意他也骑上来。 Must mention the broom, Buer may be an expert. When Hidden Clouds Sect is the janitor, destroys the broom in his hands 100 not to have big dozens. 要说起扫帚,不二可算行家里手。在云隐宗做杂役的时候,毁在他手里的扫帚没有一百也有大几十把。 At present the appearance of this broom, he has actually never seen. 眼前这个扫把的模样,他却从未见过。 He is frowning to look at the little while, rode, „the modeling of this broom is somewhat unique 他皱着眉头看了会儿,还是骑了上去,“这扫帚的造型有些别致啊” Has not seen,” Gu Yousheng hehe said with a smile: Flying broom and other old city matters ended, I lead you to come a Kui wonderfully.” He has not thought, thinks exchanges the waste item that from damn the system, one day really applied unexpectedly. “没见过罢,”古有生嘿嘿笑道:“飞天扫帚等古城这事儿结束了,我带你们来一场魁地奇。”他没有想到,原以为从操蛋系统里兑换出来的废物道具,有一天居然真的派上用场了。 Kui Chichi?” “魁基基?” Later said.” “还是以后再说吧。” Gu Yousheng is saying, hit a sound to refer to the broom. 古有生说着,冲着扫帚打了个响指。 The broom nods gently, suddenly in northwest. 扫帚轻轻点了点头,忽地往西北方向去了。 The broom really can become a ghost, the Buer back exudes cold sweat. 扫帚果然可以成精的,不二后背泛起一阵冷汗。 He will look in the future, just now explodes the residual smog also to fill the air in the nighttime sky. By the smog of misty white, can see Huo Hu face probably. 他往后看了看,方才爆炸残留的烟雾还弥漫在夜空中。透过白蒙蒙的烟雾,好像可以看见霍虎的面庞。 The old wood will live. Huo Hu will also be safe and sound. 老木会活过来的。霍虎也会安然无恙。 ( 3 ) (三) Buer deeply takes a breath to spread out the palm, was saying to the seed of flood light: clear/pain moon/month, your concealment?” 不二深吸一口气摊开掌心,对着泛光的种子说道:“楚月,你的隐匿好了没有?” Sound that seed another transmits clear/pain moon/month 种子另一头传来楚月的声音 Immediately good. “马上就好。 Liberates soul body a time.” Buer said. ”“解放一次魂体。”不二道。 When?” “什么时候?” Now,” Buer said: Liberates the soul body, maintains the hemiprism fragrant time, then immediately loads into the shield bag the soul body, the rapid shift, prepares to enter the hideaway condition at any time.” “现在,”不二道:“解放完魂体,保持半柱香的时间,然后马上把魂体装进屏蔽袋,迅速转移,随时准备进入隐藏状态。” Understood.” “明白。” ( 4 ) (四) bear Renshan. 熊人山。 The clear/pain monthly income gets up to send greetings the seed, takes out a transparent bag from the bosom. 楚月收起传音种子,从怀里取出一个透明的袋子。 Your hideaway divine ability,” changed/easy Xuan said, hasn't had more than enough?” “你的隐藏神通,”易萱说道,“不是已经用不了么?” Overcomes difficultly must use to give up something minor to save something major, you listen not to have.” “克服困难也要用舍卒保车,你听过没有。” I definitely do not want into discarded that.” “我肯定不想要成为被舍弃的那一个。” We will not be discarded, but,” the clear/pain moon/month stops the movement in hand slightly, at once is busy at work, somewhat is slightly dangerous.” “我们不会被舍弃,只不过,”楚月稍稍停下手中的动作,旋即又忙活起来,“稍稍有些危险。” Death bog had been treated as the key point of search by three birds, the team leader they several pressures must shift. If cannot attain the fruit finally,” she takes out a transparent bag from the bosom, opens the opening gently, soul body of one group of mist appearances gradually fluttered, under the moonlight shines flickers, “死亡沼泽已经被三头鸟当做搜查的重点,队长他们几个的压力必须转移。如果最后拿不到果实,”她从怀中取出一个透明袋子,轻轻打开口子,一团水雾模样的魂体缓缓飘了上来,在月光照耀下忽明忽暗, We must die.” “我们都得死。” ( 5 ) (五) World summit. From dawn, three -and-a-half double-hour moment. 世界山顶。距离天亮,三个半时辰一刻。 Zheng Zha clamps two giant transparent shark's fins, paces back and forth. The ground is dense and numerous like the maple leaf big footprint, is in utter confusion. 郑扎夹紧两个巨大的肉翅,来回踱着步。地上如同枫叶般的大脚印密密麻麻,凌乱不堪。 According to the real world calculates, this little while is at midnight, hangs moon/month to shine, he stands in the world summit, the side only has the indigenous three birds that several will not speak. 按现实世界来算,这会儿已是午夜,悬月普照,他站在世界山顶,身旁只有几只不会说话的土著三头鸟。 Zhang Geng walked, said Wei also to walk. He suspected time and time again, they should arrive at the Grand Truth world. But in the world does not have the regret after the fact, the samsara world does not have the road back. He must strengthen confidence, clenches the teeth, insists, until strives for the victory finally, leading everyone to go back safely. This is also he as the responsibility that the team leader must shoulder. 张庚走了,言薇也走了。他一次又一次怀疑,他们到底该不该来到宏然世界。但世上没有后悔药,轮回世界也没有回头路。他必须坚定信心,咬紧牙关,坚持下去,直到最终夺取胜利,带着所有人安全回去。这也是他作为队长必须肩负起的责任。 Suddenly, transmits the vibration feeling slightly. 忽然,身后传来微微的震动感。 He then looks, places the ground the light of soul body detection device to flash slightly. 他回头一瞧,放在地上的魂体探测仪的灯光在微微闪动。 to approach/insult Dian, Zhao Zhe,” “凌典,赵哲,” He takes up pass on message, said: Soul body detection device had the response.” 他拿起传讯器,说道:“魂体探测仪有反应了。” Where aims at?” Zhao Zhe asked. “指向哪里?”赵哲问道。 Bear person mountain. This direction leaves Zhao Zhe is quite near. “熊人山。这个方向离赵哲比较近。 My here two roads,” Zhao Zhe said, I can choose close to imaginary butterfly valley that if on the road can hold the adventurer should better. If cannot hold, has arrived at bear Renshan, the imaginary butterfly valley and death bog intersection point following that road downward, by way of there quick can arrive at the bear person mountain.” “我这边两条路,”赵哲说道,“我可以选择靠近幻蝶谷那条,如果路上能抓住冒险者最好不过。如果抓不住,顺着那条路一直往下就到了熊人山、幻蝶谷、死亡沼泽交界处,经由那里很快就能到熊人山。” „It is not good, if imaginary butterfly valley that road has not discovered the adventurer,” to approach/insult Dian said: You should death bog north edge that road do an inspection again.” “不行,如果幻蝶谷那条路没有发现冒险者,”凌典说道:“你应该再去死亡沼泽北面边缘那条路巡查一遍。” Bear person mountain what to do?” “熊人山怎么办?” Thing fishy, to approach/insult Dian said very much: You think why good of very soul body hideaway, suddenly has actually started to have the response in this crucial point?” “事情很蹊跷,”凌典说道:“你们想一想,为什么魂体一直隐藏的很好,却突然在这个节骨眼开始有反应?” Coincidence “巧合么” These soul bodies were shielded from the beginning, originally is they prepares the strategy that is used to use diversionary tactics,” to approach/insult Dian said: It is very likely we unusual solution had been close to catch them a moment ago, therefore they were afraid, dreaded, wish makes us divert attention.” “这些魂体之所以一开始被屏蔽,本来就是他们准备用来声东击西的策略,”凌典说道:“很有可能我们刚才已经非常解接近抓到他们,所以他们害怕了,畏惧了,想要让我们分心。” Zhao Zhedao: „But if Wei Buer really in bear person mountain?” 赵哲道:“但万一魏不二真的在熊人山呢?” to approach/insult Dian silent little, said: That also first clutched the enemy of death bog.” 凌典沉默少许,说道:“那也得先把死亡沼泽的敌人揪出来。” By that time, bear Renshan the enemy 80% also slid.” “到那个时候,熊人山的敌人八成也溜了。” I go to bear Renshan.” Zheng Zha said. “我去熊人山。”郑扎说道。 World tree what to do?” “世界树怎么办?” to approach/insult Diandao: Now this time, no one can arrive at the world mountain.” 凌典道:“现在这个时间,没有人能到世界山。” Here also three birds,” Zheng Zhadao: I will also prepare to turn back in order to help friendly forces at any time, if they really had any special divine ability to be able at this time to arrive at the world mountain, that will be only more hapless.” “这里还一只三头鸟,”郑扎道:“我也会随时准备回援,如果他们真的有什么特殊神通能够在这个时候到达世界山,那只会更倒霉。” Dear, clicks, to the high praise, the score jumps over Gauguin to be newly quicker, it is said gave the perfect score newly finally found the pretty wife! 亲,点击进去,给个好评呗,分数越高更新越快,据说给新打满分的最后都找到了漂亮的老婆哦! Cell phone standing brand-new edition correction promotion address:, The data and bookmark and computer station synchronization, does not have advertisement fresh reading! 手机站全新改版升级地址:,数据和书签与电脑站同步,无广告清新阅读!
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