BTFTLIAW :: Volume #84

#8348: restrain

When Lin Ruyi wants change the maneuver, under suddenly hears buries on the mountain of flowered sect, spread calling out in alarm, they lower the head looked, is actually complexion crazily changes, sees to bury on various flowered sect mountain top, suddenly appears each and every one large hole, these large hole are suddenly appears , later saw in the innumerable Cavalry person hole flushed, these Cavalry are throwing over Heavy Armor, they ride also is some monsters, toward attack that burying the person of flowered sect non-stop. 就在林如意想要变招的时候,突然听到下面葬花宗的山上,传出了一声声的惊呼,他们低头一看,却是脸色狂变,就见葬花宗各山头上,突然出现一个个大洞,这些大洞突然出现的,随后就见到无数的骑兵人洞里冲了出来,这些骑兵都身上披着重甲,他们骑的也全都是一些怪兽,向着葬花宗的人不停的攻击 These bury disciple although of flowered sect in rebel, what however their rebel are more is with the poison, but these poisons seem like regarding these Cavalry with do not have a little, their Wuqing/ruthless to burying disciple of flowered sect is conducting slaughtering, but buries disciple discover of flowered sect is also useless to these Cavalry with the poison, their immediately starts to conduct attack with Magical Artifact to these Cavalry, but is finally same, what effect, the defense of these Cavalry really has not been too strong. 那些葬花宗的弟子虽然还是在反抗,但是他们的反抗更多的是用毒,可是那些毒对于那些骑兵好像是一点儿用都没有,他们无情的对葬花宗的弟子进行着杀戮,而葬花宗的弟子发现用毒对那些骑兵没有用,他们马上就开始用法器对那些骑兵进行攻击,但是结果却还是一样的,什么效果都没有,那些骑兵的防御真的是太强了。 Jia Yuqing look at Chang Jun, complexion ice-cold, his said solemnly: Your excellency is really the good method, but I have not really heard Blood Slaughter Sect, what Sect don’t know is Blood Slaughter Sect? Your excellency spoke thoughtlessly one Sect that said that if were only one Sect that your excellency spoke thoughtlessly saying that that arrives will really disappoint me, strength so formidable Sect, own name does not dare to report unexpectedly, wasn't that too disappointing?” 贾玉青看着常军,脸色一片的冰冷,他沉声道:“阁下真的是好手段,不过我还真的是没有听说过血杀宗,不知道血杀宗到底是什么宗门?还是阁下随口说出来的一个宗门,如果只是阁下随口说出来的一个宗门的话,那到真的是会让我十分的失望,一个实力如此强悍宗门,竟然连自己的名字都不敢报,那不是太让人失望了吗?” Chang Jun look at Jia Yuqing, slightly smiled said: your excellency did not need to probe, was really no interesting, you also saw the present situation, we have not thought let bury person leave of flowered sect, will therefore naturally also speak the truth with you, I can tell you very much clearly, I have not deceived you, we were the Blood Slaughter Sect people, what Sect regarding Blood Slaughter Sect was, I think that you will be quickly clear.” 常军看着贾玉青,微微一笑道:“阁下也不用在这么试探了,真的是没有什么意思,你也看到现在的情况了,我们是没有想过让葬花宗的人离开,所以自然也就会跟你们说实话,我可以很清楚的告诉你,我没有骗你,我们就是血杀宗的人,至于说血杀宗是一个什么样的宗门,我想你们很快就会清楚了。” The Jia Yuqing look at Chang Jun appearance, coldly snorted said: “Really? I to really want to know, if made others know existence of your Blood Slaughter Sect, how that can? You really think that you today in here to all these that I say, will no one know? I told you, you made a mistake, you today in all that here says, is all known, your sooner or later will also be given to destroy completely. ” 贾玉青看着常军的样子,冷哼了一声道:“是吗?我到是真的想知道,要是让别人知道了你们血杀宗的存在,那会怎么样?你真的以为你今天在这里跟我所说的这一切,就没有人会知道吗?我告诉你,你错了,你今天在这里所说的一切,全都会被人知道,你们早晚也会被人给灭掉的。” Chang Jun is smiling said: “Really? I to really not to think so why you do make others know our dialogues? Depending on your in hand communication device, buries the flowered ancestor's beside said/tunnel to Sect with you? Useless , is really useless, you are is impossible pass on information. ” 常军笑着道:“是吗?我到真的是不这么看,你凭什么让别人知道我们的对话吗?凭你手里通信器,还是凭着你们葬花宗通往宗门之外的地道呢?没有用的,真的,没有用的,你们是不可能消息传出去的。” Jia Yuqing one hear of Chang Jun said, his complexion cannot help but changes, his two eyes such as electricity look at Chang Jun said: „do these you actually know? How do you know? Are you who?” Jia Yuqing really being startled, his in hand has Communication Formation, person who this matter knows very few, besides burying several High level of flowered sect knows, others, are don’t know. 贾玉青一听常军这么说,他的脸色不由得一变,他两眼如电的看着常军道:“这些你竟然知道?你是如何知道的?你们到底是什么人?”贾玉青真的是十分的吃惊,他手里有一个通信法阵,这件事情知道的人十分的少,除了葬花宗的几个高层知道之外,其它的人,是都不知道的。 Regarding leading to underground passage this matter outside Sect, the known person were less, besides them, only then several his trusted aide disciple know, he has told, one, but experiences anything, that several trusted aide disciple, will bury the flowered sect from that underground passage leave, therefore Jia Yuqing regarding Chang Jun can know that these two things, still feel being startled. 至于说通往宗门之外的地下通道这件事情,知道的人就更少了,除了他们夫妻二人之外,只有几个他的心腹弟子知道,他已经吩咐过了,一但遇到什么事儿,那几个心腹弟子,就会从那个地下通道离开葬花宗,所以贾玉青对于常军能知道这两件事情,依然是感到十分的吃惊。 The Chang Jun look at Jia Yuqing appearance, cannot help but slightly smiled said: very simple, you do not think our formation are the white arrangement? Moreover you do not have a look, where our disciple from come out, this formation can all information that you pass on, all keeping off, but our disciple come out from underground, you think these tunnels, can hide the truth from our eyes? I know, you speak to me now, is actually preparing Technique of Joint Attack, moreover is prepares to use that internal space Magical Artifact to jointly attack, but is useless , internal space Magical Artifact we saw, your internal space Magical Artifact, are toxicity, but we most do not fear is poisonous, if you surrender now, is willing to agree that buries the flowered sect to merge into our Blood Slaughter Sect, I can guarantee that security, how do you look?” Not only Chang Jun this saying to the Jia Yuqing couple said that also to burying these immortal level Expert of flowered sect said that these immortal level Expert strengths or very formidable, moreover they did not have make a move. 常军看着贾玉青的样子,不由得微微一笑道:十分的简单,你不会以为我们的这个法阵是白布置的吧?而且你也不看看,我们的弟子都是从什么地方出来的,这个法阵可以把你传出去的所有消息,全都给挡下来,而我们的弟子本身就是从地下出来的,你认为那些地道,能瞒得过我们的眼睛吗?我知道,你现在跟我说话,其实就是在准备合击之术,而且是准备使用那个内空间法器进行合击,不过没有用的,真的,内空间法器我们见到了很多,你们的这件内空间法器,是偏毒性的,而我们最不怕的就是毒,所以如果你现在投降,愿意同意葬花宗并入到我们血杀宗里,我可以保证各位的安全,你们看如何?”常军这话不只是对贾玉青夫妻二人说的,也是对葬花宗的那些仙级高手说的,那些仙级高手的实力还是十分强悍的,而且他们一直没有出手 Jia Yuqing look at Chang Jun, sneering said: “Really? that I to is to have a look, you really can block our attack. ” Said that his figure moves, one held on stood in him behind step Lin Ruyi, Lin Ruyi was also goes forward one step, two people two hands, put on the hundred flowers fan simultaneously, later two people simultaneously made an effort wielded that hundred flowers fan. 贾玉青看着常军,冷笑道:“是吗?那我到是想要看看,你们是不是真的能挡得住我们的攻击。”说完他身形一动,一把就拉住了站在他身后一步的林如意,林如意也是上前一步,两人的两只手,同时放到了百花扇上,随后两人同时用力的一挥那百花扇。 In that flash that hundred flowers fan wields, all around Space one stopped being same probably, later all flower petals of that piece of flower petal in the sea, within the shortest time, turned into flower appearances unexpectedly, these flowers are revolving, with these flower revolving, all around spread the sharp blade broken wind the sound. 在那百花扇挥动的那一瞬间,四周的空间好像一下就停止了一样,随后那片花瓣海里的所有花瓣,竟然在最短的时间之内,变成了一朵朵花的样子,这些花不停的旋转着,随着这些花的旋转,四周传出利刃破风的声音。 Chang Jun cannot help but slightly smiled, their bodies, suddenly good to have water flow through to be the same later nicely, appears slowly one layer molten metal, but later flowing of molten metal, outside their bodies, appears slowly one set of full body armor, but at this time these flower petals also cut directly on their full body armor, spread the dāng dāng sound. 常军不由得微微一笑,随后他们的身上,突然好像样有水流过一样,慢慢的出现一层金属液,而随后金属液的流动,他们的身体外面,慢慢的出现了一套盔甲,而这时那些花瓣也直接就斩在了他们的盔甲上,传出了当当的声音。 Chang Jun look at Jia Yuqing, then shaking the head said: gently „, since your excellency does not think that join our Blood Slaughter Sect, we also can only be impolite.” Said that his hand moves, later his movement, on that protective shield on his top of the head, appears suddenly the innumerable monsters, these monsters were imprisoned probably in that protective shield were the same, but with the Chang Jun movement, these monsters actually suddenly all flew from protective shield, hit to that piece of Flower Garden. 常军看着贾玉青,接着轻轻的摇了摇头道:“既然阁下不想加入我们血杀宗,那我们也只能是不客气了。”说完他手一动,随后他的动作,他头顶上的那个护罩上,突的出现了无数的怪兽,这些怪兽好像被禁锢在了那个护罩里一样,但是随着常军的动作,那些怪兽却突的全都从护罩里飞了出来,直向那片花海里撞了过去。 Hears rumbling loud noise, innumerable Flower Garden, were given to scatter in all directions directly by the monster, but Chang Jun their prestige machines, naturally also relieved, but Chang Jun at this time, is let out a long breath, they also the first time are coped with internal space Magical Artifact with this method. 就听到轰轰的一阵巨响,无数的花海,直接就被怪兽给得四散开了,而常军他们的威机,自然也就解除了,而常军这个时候,也是长出了口气,他们也是第一次用这种方法来对付内空间法器 Zhao Hai after Refining has internal space Magical Artifact, Blood Slaughter Sect person, regarding internal space Magical Artifact, had in one to add comprehensively understood, can say internal space Magical Artifact, was one type of has Domain same weapon, but this type had Domain same weapon, actually did with is very enormous, in Domain that in this weapon formed, this weapon was almost invincible existence. 赵海炼制内空间法器之后,血杀宗的人,对于内空间法器,也就有了一个内加全面的了解了,可以说内空间法器,是一种带有领域一样的武器,而这种带有领域一样的武器,其实做用是十分巨大的,在这种武器形成的领域里,这种武器几乎就是无敌的存在。 However this Domain, before Zhao Hai them , is actually has used, but was actually given to give up by them afterward, because of Domain this thing, your strength , if insufficient, that uses is actually the one type of joke, but what is the strength enough? This actually very simple, that also in other words, your Domain, almost can the independence in the situation outside Space, that then be able to call the strength enough, otherwise, your Domain has no too big use. 但是这种领域,赵海他们以前其实就是用过的,但是后来却被他们给放弃了,因为领域这种东西,你的实力要是不够的话,那用出来其实就是一种笑话,而什么叫实力够呢?这个其实十分的简单,那也就是说,你的领域,几乎可以独立于空间之外的情况下,那这才能叫实力够,不然的话,你的领域就没有什么太大的用处。 But Domain that Myriad Mountains Realm here internal space Magical Artifact, they form, was unable now complete achieving, the independence beside Space, because piece of Domain wants to achieve the independence beside Space, is actually resisting with this piece of Space, will naturally receive preemption of this piece of Space, if you cannot withstand preemption of Space, your Domain naturally could not form, if you can withstand preemption of Space, your Domain on good to have independent Law of Space to be the same nicely, you in your Law of Space, wanted to deal with the enemy, naturally on was very easy. 万山界这里内空间法器,他们所形成的领域,现在还不能完全的做到,独立于空间之外,因为一片领域想要做到独立于空间之外,其实就是在跟这片空间进行对抗,自然就会受到这片空间的排挤,如果你不能顶住空间的排挤,那你的领域自然也就形成不了,要是你能顶住空间的排挤,那你的领域就好像样有了自己独立的空间法则一样,你在你自己的空间法则里,想要对付敌人,当然就十分的容易了。 However Myriad Mountains Realm here internal space Magical Artifact, they could not have achieved this, their although can form piece of Domain, but this Domain is impossible independence beside Space, he actually in Space Law, formed piece of region, some strengths in this region, can by them control, be able to say them strengthening Space part of Strength of Law, independence not totally beside Space, in other words, their piece of Domain, actually must by greatly the influence of Law of Space. 但是万山界这里内空间法器,他们还做不到这一点儿,他们虽然可以形成一片领域,但是这片领域不可能独立于空间之外,他其实是在空间法则之内,形成了一片区域,在这片区域里的一些力量,可以被他们所控制,可以说他们把空间的一部分法则之力给加强了,并不是完全的独立于空间之外,也就是说,他们这片领域,其实还是要受到大的空间法则的影响的。 Blood Slaughter Sect person, through this inference, manufactured newly coped with the internal space Magical Artifact method, your internal space Magical Artifact, was not the main point becomes piece of Domain, then strengthened this piece of Domain strength of Law of Space? We in your block foreign surface, in forming piece of even bigger region come, in Law of Space to this piece of region conducts enhancement of certain degree, then uses this enhancement later Strength of Law, copes Strength of Law that in your region strengthens, said on equal to, Chang Jun they borrow big Space Strength of Law, copes the region strength that internal space Magical Artifact forms, that was naturally more relaxed. 血杀宗的人,通过这种推断,也就制做出了新的对付内空间法器的方法,你的内空间法器,不是要领成一片领域,然后加强这片领域里的空间法则之力吗?那我们就在你的这片区域外面,在形成一片更大区域来,也对这片区域空间法则进行一定成度的加强,然后就用这种加强之后的法则之力,来对付你区域内加强的法则之力,也就等于是说,常军他们是借用大空间法则之力,来对付内空间法器形成的这片区域力量,那自然就更加的轻松了。 However this method, before then, is only the one type of theory, but has conducted the experiment in True Illusion Boundary, but also without has experimented truly, these was time to take with, it can be said that a live operational training, therefore some Chang Jun worries, look now this method was useful, that naturally he also relaxes. 但是这种方法,在这之前,只是一种理论,只是在真实幻境里进行过试验,还没有真正的试验过,这一次却是拿出来用了,也可以说是一次实战训练,所以常军还是有些担心的,现在一看这种方法有用,那自然他也就松了口气了。 This method said that seems like very simple, beside internal space Magical Artifact region, is forming piece of even bigger region, then borrows the strength of big Law of Space, copes region that internal space Magical Artifact forms, seems like very ordinary method, who can think method, but wants to achieve this little, is actually very difficult. 这种方法说起来好像是十分的简单,在内空间法器区域之外,在形成一片更大区域,然后借用大空间法则之力,来对付内空间法器形成的区域,看起来好像是很普通的方法,谁都想得出来的方法,但是想要做到这一点儿,却是十分难的。 region that first, internal space Magical Artifact forms, generally big, small will also have ten li (0.5 km) surrounding area, big is possible will have hundred li (0.5 km) surrounding area, therefore you want to break internal space Magical Artifact region, be bigger than his region, but you must know, his internal space Magical Artifact, can take, in other words, this piece of region, actually also moving of keeping, but this very important, you want to use this method to cope with internal space Magical Artifact region, on must become the line your region very in a big way, but general internal space Magical Artifact, he is is impossible release is so big piece of region, hundred li (0.5 km) surrounding area, is the region limit that internal space Magical Artifact forms. 首先来说,内空间法器形成的区域,一般都不小,小的也会有十里方圆,大的可能会有百里方圆,所以你想要破掉内空间法器区域,就一定要比他的区域还要大,可是你要知道,他的内空间法器,是可以拿着动的,也就是说,这片区域,其实也是在不停的动的,这可是十分重要的,你想要用这种方法来对付内空间法器区域,就一定要把你的区域变得很大才行,但是一般的内空间法器,他是不可能放出那么大一片区域的,百里方圆,已经是一个内空间法器形成的区域的极限了。 Blood Slaughter Sect method actually very simple, that causes incomparably huge formation, then uses this formation, forms piece of huge region, this piece of region area big, with has many according to formation that you make decided greatly, but manufacture large-scale formation, is the Blood Slaughter Sect specialty, Blood Slaughter Sect has been able underground, first this large-scale formation making, moreover wants to make in a big way on making many big, when he starts, internal space Magical Artifact in this piece of region, on entire can by restrain. 血杀宗的方法其实十分的简单,那就是弄出一个巨大无比法阵,然后利用这个法阵,形成一片巨大的区域,这片区域面积有多大,跟据你弄的法阵有多大来决定,而制做大型的法阵,一直都是血杀宗的拿手好戏,血杀宗可以地下,先把这个大型的法阵给弄出来,而且是想弄多大就弄多大,等到他发动的时候,在这片区域内的内空间法器,就全都会被克制 . mobile phone version website: m. 手机版网址:m.
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