BTFTLIAW :: Volume #84

#8347: Blood Slaughter Sect present

Demon Sect here, the battle is very many, can say that each Demon Sect disciple wants to grow, must undergo the innumerable fights, said that they grow during the fight, is not overrated, number of times extremely numerous that because fights, therefore Demon Sect disciple, will have the one type of wild beast same intuition, regarding the danger, they have one type of to feel probably inborn, but these days, Jia Yuqing and Lin Ruyi feel very uncomfortable, they always feel, is possible must have anything occur, therefore buries flower sect here, now has alerted, moreover Jia Yuqing also sent disciple to outside examination, He wants to know, Shadow Clansman has gone into the Demon Sect domain, naturally, he also wants to know, had other Sect to cope with them, therefore these days buried the flowered sect is very anxious. 魔门这里,争斗是十分多的,可以说每一个魔门弟子想要成长起来,就要经过无数次的战斗,说他们是在战斗之中成长起来的,一点儿也不为过,也正是因为战斗的次数十分的多,所以魔门弟子,都会有一种野兽一样的直觉,对于危险,他们好像天生就有一种感觉,而这些天,贾玉青林如意都感到十分的不舒服,他们总是感觉,可能要有什么事情发生,所以葬花宗这里,现在已经戒备起来了,而且贾玉青也派弟子到外面去查看情况去了,他想知道,影族人是不是已经跑到魔门的地盘上来了,当然,他也想知道,是不是有其它的宗门想要对付他们了,所以这些天葬花宗还是十分紧张的。 Lin Ruyi one hear of Jia Yuqing said, she is not saying anything, but is worry some said: „, if not Shadow Clansman must cope with us, that to is I was instead worried that Shadow Clansman must cope with us, when the time comes we can stand in the side of principle of righteousness, but can also invite other Sect person make a move, but if not Shadow Clansman copes with us, we instead attend the meeting trouble, by that time, but no one can help us.” 林如意一听贾玉青如此说,她也就不在说什么,而是有些担心的道:“如果不是影族人要对付我们,那反到是我更加担心的,影族人要对付我们,到时候我们就可以站在大义的一方,还可以请其它宗门的人出手,但是如果不是影族人来对付我们,那我们反到会更加的麻烦,到那个时候,可就没有任何人能帮我们了。” Jia Yuqing let out a long breath, said solemnly: This time matter, certainly small, but we can do now, prepares completely safe, no matter anybody, wants to cope with us to bury the flowered sect, we must make them pay the price, I to am want to take a look, is who, wants to cope with us.” 贾玉青长出了口气,沉声道:“这一次的事情,一定小不了,但是我们现在能做的,也只是做好万全的准备,不管是任何人,想要对付我们葬花宗,我们都要让他们付出代价,我到是想要看看,到底是什么人,想要对付我们。” Lin Ruyi also nods, she looked at outside one, then said solemnly: Myriad Mountains Realm now is really eventful time, heard that in Righteous Path Sects there appears Hundred Sects Alliance, develop(ment) very fast, several hundred small Sect to unite, you had said such a influence, what change will bring about to Myriad Mountains Realm?” 林如意也点了点头,她看了外面一眼,接着沉声道:“万山界现在真的是多事之秋啊,听说在正道宗门那里出现了一个百宗联盟,发展十分的快,已经把几百个小宗门联合起来了,你说这样的一股势力,会给万山界带来什么样的变化?” Jia Yuqing shakes the head said: this really not saying that hears that Hundred Sects Alliance, now already with Heavenly Talisman Sect forming an Alliance, Heavenly Talisman Sect, but Righteous Path Great Sect, the strength also not necessarily is worse than many Heavenly Profound Sect, Heavenly Talisman Sect and Hundred Sects Alliance this forming an Alliance, they were capable of resisting Heavenly Profound Sect, will not do well Righteous Path Sects there to go wrong, if Righteous Path Sects there, really went wrong because of this matter, is a little certain, that will be Shadow Clansman will not come to cope with us, but unfortunately, this Hundred Sects Alliance, line of matters seemed like continuously very low key, I looked at Righteous Path Sects there, a short time cannot. Has anything to change.” 贾玉青摇了摇头道:“这个还真的不好说,听说那个百宗联盟,现在已经与天符宗结盟了,天符宗可是正道大宗门,实力也不见得就比天玄宗差多少,天符宗百宗联盟这一结盟,他们就有能力对抗天玄宗了,弄不好正道宗门那里就会出乱子了,如果正道宗门那里,真的因为这件事情而出乱子的话,那么有一点儿是可以肯定的,那就是影族人就不会来对付我们了,但是可惜的是,这个百宗联盟,行事儿好像是一直十分的低调,我看正道宗门那里,一时半会儿是不会有什么变化的。” Lin Ruyi nods, then said solemnly: We are ready, first defending to be saying Sect, I look at this, we starting today, Supreme Elder in arranged Sect, the everyday value defend in turn, if there is any matter, they can also the earliest possible time react.” 林如意点了点头,接着沉声道:“我们还是做好准备吧,先把宗门给守好在说,我看这样吧,我们从今天开始,就安排宗门里的太上长老,每天轮流值守,要是有什么事情的话,他们也可以第一时间做出反应。” Jia Yuqing said solemnly: I have told, these Supreme Elder the starting value had defended, said no matter how, if really has anything to change, we will certainly make to respond immediately, ok, you did not use extremely in the anxiety, our hundred Great Formation have started now, Sect disciple also all recalled, no matter who, wanted us, must pay the huge price, even Shadow Clansman was still same.” 贾玉青沉声道:“我已经吩咐下去了,那些太上长老已经开始值守了,不管怎么说,如果真的有什么变化的话,我们一定会在第一时间做出反应来的,好了,你也不用太过于紧张,我们百宗大阵现在已经启动了,宗门弟子也全都召回了,不管是什么人,想要动我们,都必须要付出巨大的代价,就算是影族人也是一样。” Lin Ruyi nods, was not making noise, they feel, one group of shadows, probably already cover slowly in their heads, those who make them be worried, they and don’t know, the cover in their head shadows, is what thing, from there, this most makes them have a headache. 林如意点了点头,不在出声了,他们都感觉到,一团阴影,好像已经慢慢的罩在了他们的头上,更让他们担心的是,他们并不知道,罩在他们头上的阴影,到底是什么东西,是来自那里,这才是最让他们头痛的。 Time 1 0.1 points passed, weather also slowly dark, buried flowered sect probably also stalemate slowly to Darkness, at this time, suddenly light/only shot up to the sky together boldly, non-stop flew about hundred meters high changed blasted out later directly, this accident, let Hundred Flowers Sect disciple, all awakened from the sleep, later their immediately flew from own Cave Mansion, and within the short time, has arranged the formation, from this point, the Demon Sect disciple fight quality, truly was stronger compared with Righteous Path Sects disciple on many. 时间一点一点的过去了,天色也慢慢的暗了下来,葬花宗好像也慢慢的陷入到了黑暗之中,就在这个时候,突然一道豪光冲天而起,一直飞起了百米左右高随后直接变炸开了,这一下变故,让百花宗弟子,全都从睡梦之中惊醒了,随后他们马上就从自己的洞府里飞了出来,并且在短时间之内,就已经排好了队形,从这一点上来看,魔门弟子的战斗素质,确实是要比正道宗门弟子要强上不少。 Jia Yuqing and Lin Ruyi couple static standing is burying in midair of flowered sect, now buries on flowered sect twelve place mountain top, is light, this light does not bury the flowered sect in sends, but buries on the flowered sect twelve place mountain peak, probably appears a white cover, this white cover, twelve place mountain peak, to cover in inside, but on that white cover release squandering, can burying flowered issues a license a piece to be bright on the foot. 贾玉青林如意夫妻两人静静的站在葬花宗的半空中,现在葬花宗十二山头上,都是一片的光明,这种光明并不是葬花宗的里发出来的,而是葬花宗十二座山峰上面,好像出现了一个白色的罩子,这个白色的罩子,把十二座山峰,全都给罩在了里面,而那白色的罩子上放出来的花光,就足可以把葬花宗给照得一片光明了。 Jia Yuqing in hand holds a long sword, but Lin Ruyi in hand, takes a group fan, this circular fan is drawing the innumerable flowers on, brilliant purple and red, seems like very beautiful, if some people have seen the hundred flowers fan, can recognize, Lin Ruyi in hand takes, buries the internal space Magical Artifact hundred flowers fan of flowered sect. 贾玉青手里持着一把长剑,而林如意手里,却是拿着一把团扇子,这把团扇上画着无数的花朵,姹紫嫣红的,看起来十分的漂亮,要是有人见过百花扇的话,一眼就可以认出来,林如意手里拿着的,正是葬花宗的内空间法器百花扇。 Jia Yuqing looked at a that white cover, later his said solemnly: „The friend on that say/way, but also please stand to see, do I bury to spend the place that what sect can/but has to offend?” Did not have discover to have existence of enemy Jia Yuqing to the present, this makes his heart sink downward, the enemy can in them unknowingly, on suddenly above that they bury the flowered sect, caused such a white cover, this had explained that the fierce places of their enemy, but now he was actually the enemy could not even find in there, how this let him not to worry. 贾玉青看了一眼那个白色的罩子,随后他沉声道:“那条道上的朋友,还请站出来一见,我葬花宗可有什么得罪的地方?”贾玉青到现在还没有发现有敌人的存在,这让他的心直往下沉,敌人能在他们不知不觉之中,就突然在他们葬花宗的上面,弄出了这么一个白色的罩子,这本身就已经说明他们敌人的厉害之处了,而现在他却是连敌人在那里都找不到,这让他如何能不着急。 At this moment, big laughter transmits, later saw one line, suddenly on appears in Jia Yuqing in front of them, these people wore a red cultivator clothing/taking, but Jia Yuqing was actually one did not know, but looked at the appearance of these people, Jia Yuqing was immediately is actually certain, the opposite party certainly was not Shadow Clansman, because Shadow Clansman was always black-clothed, but these people, actually put on was the red clothes. 就在这时,一阵大笑声传来,随后就见一行,突然出现在了贾玉青他们前面,这些人都穿着一身红色的修士服,但是贾玉青却是一个都不认识,不过一看这些人的打扮,贾玉青却是马上就可以肯定,对方一定不是影族人,因为影族人从来都是着黑衣的,而这些人,却穿的都是红色的衣服。 In these people, one of the lead, is ordinary middle-aged people who seem like 40 many about years, that person of face smiling face look at Jia Yuqing, Jia Yuqing also look at that middle-aged person, then his said solemnly: Your excellency who? Why buries the flower sect to begin to me?” Jia Yuqing very clear, opposite party their Sect covering, that will certainly begin to them, therefore he will ask. 这些人中,领头的一个,是一个看起来四十多左右岁的平凡中年人,那人正一脸笑容的看着贾玉青,贾玉青看着那个中年人,接着他沉声道:“阁下什么人?为什么对我葬花宗动手?”贾玉青十分的清楚,对方把他们宗门给罩住了,那就一定会对他们动手的,所以他才会如此问。 That person of slightly smiled, holds the fist in the other hand said: to Jia Yuqing Blood Slaughter Sect Chang Jun, has seen Mr. and Mrs. Sect Master, I represent our Blood Slaughter Sect Sect Master, greeted two.” Ten points that his saying said courteous, matter that but he handles actually very impolite, that white protective shield, Jia Yuqing discover, has been one type of seems barrier same thing . Moreover the ability should return very formidable, this clarified was to give to surround them, does not want to make them run. 那人微微一笑,冲着贾玉青一抱拳道:血杀宗常军,见过贾宗主伉俪,我代表我们血杀宗宗主,问候两位。”他这话说的十分的有礼,但是他做的事情却是十分的无礼,那白色的护罩,贾玉青早就发现了,是一种好似结界一样的东西,而且能力应该还十分的强悍,这摆明了就是要把他们全都给困住,一个都不想让他们跑了。 Jia Yuqing look at Chang Jun, said solemnly: don’t know I bury the flowered sect, where offended Blood Slaughter Sect? Also invited your excellency famous side.” Jia Yuqing simply has not heard the Blood Slaughter Sect reputation, therefore such asking, he will ask, actually is also the one type of probe, wants to have a look at this Blood Slaughter Sect is what background. 贾玉青看着常军,沉声道:“不知道我葬花宗,在什么地方得罪了血杀宗?还请阁下名方吧。”贾玉青根本就没有听说过血杀宗的名头,所以才会如此的问,他这么问,其实也是一种试探,想要看看这血杀宗到底是什么来头。 „The there words that Chang Jun slightly smiled said: Jia Sect Master spoke come, you and our Blood Slaughter Sect did not have the enmity without the injustice, what to come offending said, our Sect Master also appreciation virtue couple, sends Chang to come today specially, asking virtuous couple join my Blood Slaughter Sect, together to discuss together the important matter, didn't know two what do you think?” 常军微微一笑道:“贾宗主说的那里话来,你与我们血杀宗是无冤无仇,何来得罪之说,我们宗主还十分的欣赏贤伉俪,今天特意派常某前来,请贤伉俪加入血杀宗,一起共商大事,不知两位意下如何?” Jia Yuqing one hear of Chang Jun said, cannot help but stares slightly, later he looked at Chang Jun one, said solemnly: Big matter that don’t know your sect said that is what matter?” The meaning in Jia Yuqing hear of Chang Jun words, not only probably they buries the flowered sect is so simple for attack, therefore he will ask. 贾玉青一听常军这么说,不由得微微一愣,随后他看了常军一眼,沉声道:“不知道贵宗所说的大事儿,是什么事儿?”贾玉青常军话里的意思,好像不只是为了攻击他们葬花宗那么简单,所以他才会如此问。 Chang Jun looked at Jia Yuqing one, slightly smiled said: „, so long as your excellency agreed that join my Blood Slaughter Sect, that will naturally know, now your excellency does not have join Blood Slaughter Sect, good that do not know.” Chang Jun will not certainly tell Jia Yuqing is anything, his time can send out the Blood Slaughter Sect name, sent out his name, very good, his even Zhao Hai name toward not publishing report. 常军看了贾玉青一眼,微微一笑道:“只要阁下同意加入血杀宗,那自然就会知道了,现在阁下还没有加入血杀宗,还是不要知道的好。”常军当然是不会告诉贾玉青到底是什么事儿了,他这一次能报出血杀宗的名字,报出他的名字,就已经十分的不错了,他可是连赵海的名字都没有往出报。 Jia Yuqing one hear of Chang Jun said that cannot help but slightly smiled, later his said solemnly: Feared that must disappoint your excellency, was buries Sect Master of flowered sect below, nature is impossible in join other Sect, will don’t know below not join your sect, how your sect do?” Jia Yuqing naive thinking, Chang Jun will certainly not let off him. 贾玉青一听常军这么说,不由得微微一笑,随后他沉声道:“怕是要让阁下失望了,在下是葬花宗的宗主,自然不可能加入其它宗门了,不知道在下不加入贵宗,贵宗会如何做呢?”贾玉青当然不会天真的以为,常军会放过他了。 Chang Jun look at Jia Yuqing slightly smiled said: join my Blood Slaughter Sect advantage is many, not join my Blood Slaughter Sect, that is our Blood Slaughter Sect enemy, we also can only to burying the flowered sect were impolite, with our methods, burying the flowered sect turns into our Blood Slaughter Sect part, therefore can only offend.” 常军看着贾玉青微微一笑道:加入血杀宗好处多多,不加入血杀宗,那就是我们血杀宗的敌人,我们也只能对葬花宗无礼了,用我们的方法,把葬花宗变成我们血杀宗的一部分,所以只能得罪了。” Lin Ruyi coldly snorted that had not opened the mouth said: said that so many chit-chat make anything, finally do not begin, come, begins, I to am want to take a look, some of your many strengths, dare saying that unexpectedly must cope with me to bury the flower sect.” Said her in hand circular fan gently wields, with his beginning, buries the fresh flower on flowered sect twelve place mountain top, all flew, turns into ocean that a flower petal composed in sky, later these flower petals rotated in sky, gave to dye all kinds of colors sky, seemingly dazzled rottenly incomparable. 一直没有开口的林如意冷哼了一声道:“说那么多的废话做什么,最后还不是要动手,来吧,动手吧,我到是想要看看,你们到底有多少实力,竟然敢说要对付我葬花宗。”说完她手里的团扇轻轻的一挥,随着他的动手,葬花宗十二山头上的鲜花,全都飞了起来,在天空中变成了一片花瓣组成的海洋,随后这些花瓣就在天空中转动了起来,把天空都给染成了各种各样的颜色,看起来炫烂无比。 Chang Jun sees this situation, was only slightly smiled said: Madame Jia says was reasonable, speaking of finally, but was begins, therefore offended.” Said that his waving of gently, with his beginning, sees to bury on mountain top of flowered sect, emitted white light suddenly, these white light all integrated in that white cover light/only finally, that white coating light/only, suddenly appears innumerable Runes, these runes, flew from the white light cover directly, integration slowly to these Flower Garden , after the those talisman article integrated in Flower Garden, in that Flower Garden, appears seeming like suddenly vortex were the same, seem like attractive. 常军一看到这种情况,却只是微微一笑道:“贾夫人说的有道理,说到最后,不过就是动手罢,所以得罪了。”说完他轻轻的挥了挥手,随着他的动手,就见葬花宗的山头上,突的冒出了一道道的白光,这些白光最后全都融入到了那白色的光罩之中,那白色的光罩上,突然出现了无数的符文,这些符文,直接就从白色的光罩之中飞了出来,慢慢的融入到了那些花海之中,等到那些符文融入到花海之中后,那花海里,突的好像是出现了一道道的漩涡一样,看起来更加的漂亮了。 However Lin Ruyi complexion actually changes, this hundred flowers fans are internal space Magical Artifact, his ability, is control buries various flowered sect summits poisonous flowers on Flower Garden to come the attack enemy, since these white Runes entered in Flower Garden, that Flower Garden seemed like some not by hundred flowers fan control, this regarding Lin Ruyi, was not the good matter, this represented the opposite party is capable of resisting their internal space Magical Artifact. 但是林如意脸色却是一变,这百花扇是内空间法器,他其中的一个能力,就是控制葬花宗各山顶上的花海里的毒花来攻击敌人,但是自从那些白色的符文进入到了花海之中后,那花海就好像有些不受百花扇的控制了,这对于林如意来说,可不是什么好事儿,这代表对方是有能力对抗他们的内空间法器的。
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