BTFTLIAW :: Volume #84

#8338: Planning

Zhao Hai and Yu Xu Sanren leave Heavenly Profound Sect Great Hall, look at two people backs, Tian Cangzi had not said anything shoulder to shoulder, but the vision somewhat flashes, but nine accumulated Buddhist Master leave, Tian Yuzi had actually arrived at the Tian Cangzi side at this time, to Tian Cangzi said: Sect Master, confirmed that was raises the sect broadly by Shadow Clan attack, raised the sect broadly is medium grade Sect, in Sect had the immortal level Expert 17 people, these heard that time died in battle ten people, Sect disciple lost even bigger, was most probably scattered, in remaining immortal level Expert, heard that also had several people seriously injured, feared that was broad. Raised the sect from now, must be unable to recover.” 赵海玉须散人并肩离开天玄宗大殿,看着两人的背影,天苍子却是没有说什么,只不过目光有些闪动,而九蕴禅师却是早就离开了,这时天羽子来到了天苍子的身边,对天苍子道:宗主,确认了,是广扬宗被影族攻击了,广扬宗是一个中等宗门,宗门里有仙级高手十七人,这一次听说战死了十人,宗门弟子损失更大,还有大半都星散了,剩下的仙级高手之中,听说也有几人身受重伤,怕是广扬宗从此以后,就要一蹶不振了了。” Tian Cangzi is frowning time said: these Shadow Clansman this approaches, to is really not as I expected, they unexpectedly when we hold the congress, straight began, to is really the good method, this square sect does can/but have internal space Magical Artifact?” Tian Cangzi regarding this square sect also is really not too familiar, after all more than ten immortal level Expert Sect, is not worth him paying attention. 天苍子皱着眉头道:“那些影族人这一次的做法,到真的是出乎我的意料啊,他们竟然在我们开大会的时候,直的就动手了,到真的是好手段,这个广场宗可有内空间法器?”天苍子对于这个广场宗还真的不是太熟悉,毕竟一个只有十几个仙级高手宗门,也并不是太值得他去注意。 Returns to the Sect Master words, has, was destroyed during this action.” Tian Yuzi immediately answered, he regarding the action of Shadow Clansman, felt that being startled, how he has not thought, Shadow Clansman such formidable, within the short time, will almost destroy completely two Sect unexpectedly unexpectedly, the although kind ritual sect and square sect, had not exterminated an entire family directly, however their losses were also too big, had been in the situation of wound pulsation bone. “回宗主的话,有,在这一次的行动之中被毁了。”天羽子马上就答到,他对于影族人的行动,也感到十分的吃惊,他怎么都没有想到,影族人竟然会如此的强悍,在短时间之内,竟然差一点儿灭掉两个宗门,虽然仁礼宗和广场宗,都没有被直接灭门,但是他们的损失也太大了,都已经到了伤脉动骨的地步了。 Tian Cangzi said solemnly: It seems like these Shadow Clansman, want to destroy in our Myriad Mountains Realm, is the retaliation, to consume our fighting strength, our Myriad Mountains Realm here, after all is an alliance, is not one Sect, lets words that they consume, really danger.” 天苍子沉声道:“看来这些影族人,就是想要在我们万山界里进行破坏,是报复,也是为了消耗我们的战斗力,我们万山界这里,毕竟是一个联盟,并不是一个宗门,让他们这么消耗下去的话,就真的危险了。” Tian Yuzi nods, then said solemnly: Method of forming an alliance before the jade must Sect Master propose, to is a good method, this convenience these small Sect protected oneself, said no matter how, these immortal level Expert to us are most important fighting strength, if later really hits with Shadow Clansman, these immortal level Expert, will have in a big way uses.” 天羽子点了点头,接着沉声道:“之前玉须宗主提出来的结成联盟的方法,到是一个好方法,这更加的方便那些小宗门自保了,不管怎么说,那些仙级高手对于我们来说才是最重要的战斗力,以后要是真的与影族人打起来,那些仙级高手,也是会有大用的。” Tian Cangzi coldly snorted, then said solemnly: His method is correct/pretty good, however his method, we let these small Sect before, does not want the join Hundred Sects Alliance words, became an empty talk, nearby Hundred Sects Alliance may all be small Sect, these small Sect do not have the ability to face Shadow Clan alone, they can with Hundred Sects Alliance forming an Alliance, I now worry, they after hundred association forming an Alliance, see Hundred Sects Alliance to be good, direct join Hundred Sects Alliance, in that case, our plans on completely badly broken.” 天苍子冷哼了一声,接着沉声道:“他的方法是不错,但是他的这个方法一出,我们之前让那些小宗门,不要加入百宗联盟的话,就成了一句空话了,百宗联盟附近的可全都是小宗门,那些小宗门可是没有能力独自面对影族的,他们一定会与百宗联盟结盟,我现在就是担心,他们在与百宗联结盟之后,看到百宗联盟好,会直接加入百宗联盟,那样的话,我们的计划就完全的被坏破了。” Tian Yuzi stares, later said solemnly: „Don't they dare? Have we warned them? They also dare join Hundred Sects Alliance, did not fear that we do punish them?” Tian Yuzi has not really believed, these small Sect dare not to listen to the Heavenly Profound Sect words, must know these small Sect, but cannot bear the penalty of Heavenly Profound Sect. 天羽子一愣,随后沉声道:“他们不敢吧?我们可是已经警告过他们了?难道他们还敢加入百宗联盟,就不怕我们处罚他们吗?”天羽子还真的不相信,那些小宗门敢不听天玄宗的话,要知道那些小宗门,可是受不了天玄宗的惩罚的。 They did not certainly fear that actually I made you warn before these small Sect, do not let their join Hundred Sects Alliance, this saying has the issue, if their real join Hundred Sects Alliance, they are the Hundred Sects Alliance people, by the Hundred Sects Alliance strength, he will fear that our punishments are inadequate? If we with Hundred Sects Alliance to, that Heavenly Talisman Sect first will really stand in Hundred Sects Alliance that side, is adding on the Hundred Sects Alliance strength, we will also not necessarily take what advantage, therefore they , if not listen our, on join Hundred Sects Alliance, we also really has no means with them directly.” Tian Cangzi somewhat does not have anti- saying. “他们当然不怕了,其实我之前让你去警告那些小宗门,不让他们加入百宗联盟,这话本身就是有问题的,如果他们真的加入百宗联盟,那他们就是百宗联盟的人了,以百宗联盟的实力,难道他会怕我们的处罚不成?要是我们真的与百宗联盟对上,那天符宗第一个就会站在百宗联盟那一面,在加上百宗联盟的实力,我们也不见得就会占到什么便宜,所以他们要是不听我们的,直接就加入百宗联盟,我们还真的拿他们没有什么办法。”天苍子有些无耐的说道。 Tian Yuzi one hear of Tian Cangzi said, to stares, but he changes mind thinks, discover Tian Cangzi said is very reasonable, if these small Sect, really pay no attention to them, join to Hundred Sects Alliance, they that without wants to battle against with Hundred Sects Alliance, but also really does not have the means with these small Sect. 天羽子一听天苍子这么说,到是一愣,不过他转念一想,发现天苍子说的还是十分有道理的,如果那些小宗门,真的不理他们的话,加入百宗联盟,他们在不想与百宗联盟开战的情况下,还真的是拿那些小宗门没有办法。 Before Tian Cangzi sighed lightly said: „, if Hundred Sects Alliance has not formed the life and death union with Heavenly Talisman Sect, we can also suppress their, because of Hundred Sects Alliance although strength formidable, but they just rose after all, the influence was too small, but they in formed the life and death union after Heavenly Talisman Sect, that may on completely different, Hundred Sects Alliance be competent, Heavenly Talisman Sect was influential, as soon as they unified, we are wanting to cope with Hundred Sects Alliance, became difficulty.” 天苍子轻叹了口气道:“以前百宗联盟要是没有与天符宗结成生死同盟,我们还可以打压他们一下,因为百宗联盟虽然实力强悍,但是他们毕竟是刚刚崛起的,影响力还是太小,但是他们在与天符宗结成了生死同盟之后,那可就完全的不同了,百宗联盟有实力,天符宗有影响力,他们双方一结合,我们在想要对付百宗联盟,就变得更加的困难了。” Tian Yuzi nods, his discover they also really have no good way with Hundred Sects Alliance now, this makes Tian Yuzi also feel very depressed, but Heavenly Profound Sect Myriad Mountains Realm first Great Sect, Myriad Mountains Realm dragon's head, so many years, no one can threaten the Heavenly Profound Sect position, Heavenly Profound Sect did not say that whom wants to punish to punish words that , they said that also few that Sect dared not to listen. 天羽子点了点头,他发现他们现在还真的是拿百宗联盟没有什么太好的办法,这让天羽子也感到十分的沮丧,天玄宗可是万山界第一大宗门,万山界龙头,这么多年了,从来没有人能威胁到天玄宗的地位,天玄宗不说是想要处罚谁就处罚谁吧,他们说出来的话,也很少有那个宗门敢不听的。 Before Thunder Sound Zen Temple quick of strength develop(ment), the crest of wave even had faintly has covered the meaning of Heavenly Profound Sect, after Heavenly Profound Sect caught up, Thunder Sound Zen Temple immediately honest, by Heavenly Profound Sect pressing a head, from this point, can look, the Heavenly Profound Sect influence had greatly how. 之前雷音禅寺的实力发展的很快,风头甚至有隐隐的盖过天玄宗的意思,但是在天玄宗发力之后,雷音禅寺马上就老实了下来,被天玄宗给压了一头,从这一点上,就可以看得出来,天玄宗的影响力有多么的巨大。 However now, Tian Yuzi suddenly discover, Heavenly Profound Sect actually takes Hundred Sects Alliance that just rose not to have the means that this Hundred Sects Alliance the interior was piece of unite, although says that now comprised of more than 100 Sect, but entire Hundred Sects Alliance only had a sound, wanted unite compared with general Sect. 但是现在,天羽子突然发现,天玄宗竟然拿一个刚刚崛起的百宗联盟没有办法,这个百宗联盟现在内部是一片团结,虽然说是由一百多个宗门组成的,但是整个百宗联盟内部却只有一个声音,比一般的宗门还要团结 Before Hundred Sects Alliance although strength, but the influence was insufficient, after all they all comprised of small Sect, simply was far from what influence, but is now different, now they and Heavenly Talisman Sect became the life and death alliance, they even can, when Heavenly Talisman Sect half of families/home, but the Heavenly Talisman Sect influence, were not less than Heavenly Profound Sect many, even in the difference some, still missed are not quite many, in this case, Heavenly Profound Sect wanted to cope with Hundred Sects Alliance, really no means. 以前百宗联盟虽然实力强,但是影响力不够,毕竟他们全都是由小宗门组成的,根本就谈不上什么影响力,但是现在不一样了,现在他们与天符宗成了生死联盟,他们甚至可以当天符宗一半的家,而天符宗的影响力,却是不比天玄宗少多少,就算是差上一些,也差不太多,在这种情况下,天玄宗想要对付百宗联盟,就真的没有什么办法了。 Tian Cangzi sighed lightly, later said solemnly: Now also can only be walks one step to look at one step, these Shadow Clansman appears in is really not the time!” Outside Tian Cangzi look at Great Hall, cannot help but sighed, he thought that actions of these Shadow Clansman, is really not the time, if giving him suddenly, he can certainly Hundred Sects Alliance suppressing, what a pity such opportunity is actually given the destruction by Shadow Clansman. Thinks of here, he cannot help but vitality/angry, his immediately turns the head these shadow people the whereabouts to Tian Yuzi said:, can check?” 天苍子轻叹了口气,随后沉声道:“现在也只能是走一步看一步了,那些影族人出现在的真不是时候啊!”天苍子看着大殿外,不由得感叹了一句,他觉得那些影族人的行动,真的不是时候,如果在给他一时间,他一定可以把百宗联盟给打压下去,可惜这样的机会却被影族人给破坏了。一想到这里,他不由得更加的生气,他马上就转头对天羽子道:“那些影人的行踪,可查出来了?” Tian Yuzi shakes the head said: not to have, these Shadow Clansman have internal space Magical Artifact, they can think to internal space Magical Artifact, but outside them was only left over few few people to move was OK, in other words, they can hide in Myriad Mountains Realm any place, we wanted to find them, was really difficult.” 天羽子摇了摇头道:“没有,那些影族人内空间法器,他们可以把人装到内空间法器里,而他们外面只剩下很少的一部分人活动就可以了,也就是说,他们可以藏在万山界的任何一个地方,我们想要找到他们,真的是太难了。” Tian Cangzi coldly snorted said: that must look to me, must find these Shadow Clansman, these Shadow Clansman do not eliminate, we do not have one day thinks to rest calmly and steadily, I do not think suddenly one day, Shadow Clansman suddenly attacked our Heavenly Profound Sect, we may be unable to throw that person.” Tian Yuzi saw Tian Cangzi was really angry, his immediately complied with one, does not dare to say anything. 天苍子冷哼了一声道:“那也要给我找,一定要找到那些影族人,那些影族人不除,我们就没有一天的安稳觉好睡,我可不想突然有一天,影族人突然进攻我们天玄宗了,我们可丢不起那个人。”天羽子一看到天苍子真的生气了,他马上就应了一声,不敢多说什么了。 These Shadow Clansman, appears also is really the time!” Zhao Hai exuded one with the Tian Cangzi completely opposite feeling, he has not really thought, these Shadow Clansman after attack Heavenly Talisman Sect, unexpectedly attack the kind ritual sect Heguang sect, these two Sect although are not the topest Great Sect people, but the strength is not weak, by Shadow Clansman attack one after another, all was actually hit remnantly, at this time, Yu Xu Sanren seized the chance to propose, must form the each and every one small alliance, defended Shadow Clansman, no one will oppose, Tian Cangzi did not have the means to oppose, but this move on was almost under one on suppresses the plan of Hundred Sects Alliance Heavenly Profound Sect, gave. Completely destroyed. “这些影族人,出现的还真的是时候啊!”赵海发出了一声与了天苍子完全相反的感慨,他真的是没有想到,那些影族人攻击天符宗之后,竟然又攻击了仁礼宗和广扬宗,这两个宗门虽然都并不是最顶尖的大宗门人,但是实力也都不弱,却被影族人接连的攻击,全都被打残了,在这个时候,玉须散人趁机提出,要组成一个个的小联盟,防御影族人,就没有人会反对了,就连天苍子都没有办法反对,而这一招就几乎是一下就把天玄宗打压百宗联盟的计划,给完全的破坏了。 Zhao Hai believes, now certain has plenty small Sect wants with Hundred Sects Alliance forming an Alliance, together to deal with the Shadow Clan person, he does not need to do other, only needs to agree that the forming an Alliance requests of these small Sect were OK, when the time comes he can these small Sect, bit by bit, all turn into the Hundred Sects Alliance person, even if they did not announce to the public their join Hundred Sects Alliance, can still turn into the Hundred Sects Alliance person them, this to them, was really an excellent matter. 赵海相信,现在一定有很多的小宗门想要与百宗联盟结盟,一起对付影族的人,他不需要做别的,只需要同意那些小宗门结盟请求就可以了,到时候他就可以把那些小宗门,一点一点的,全都变成百宗联盟的人,就算是他们不对外宣布他们加入百宗联盟,也可以把他们变成百宗联盟的人,这对于他们来说,实在是一件大好事儿。 Yu Xu Sanren stands in the Zhao Hai side, two people present positions, in Heavenly Talisman Sect main peak there, two people stand in Heavenly Talisman Sect Great Hall in front of the door, the mountain of look at distant place, hears Zhao Hai such feeling, Yu Xu Sanren is also slightly smiled said: „, these Shadow Clansman make a move times, were really accurate, their make a move, to us, absolutely was good news, Sect Master, we then in Righteous Path Sects here these small Sect give priority to? First these small Sect, turns into our, is beginning to Demon Sect?” 玉须散人就站在赵海的身边,两人现在的位置,是在天符宗主峰那里,两人就站在天符宗大殿门前,看着远处的高山,听到赵海这样的感慨,玉须散人也是微微一笑道:“是啊,那些影族人出手的时机,真的是太准了,他们这一出手,对于我们来说,绝对是一个好消息,宗主,那我们接下来是不是还是在正道宗门这里的那些小宗门为主?先把那些小宗门,变成我们的,然后在对魔门动手?” Zhao Hai shakes the head said: not, we also begin, my Blood Slaughter Sect Expert are innumerable, disciple are innumerable, even if also begins, still no influence, that began simultaneously, Righteous Path Sects will not pay attention to the Demon Sect there situation, therefore we in the action of Demon Sect there, did not fear that by their discover, but these small Sect there, went into action, instead to must pay attention, because Heavenly Profound Sect they will certainly be staring at us, if we showed a flaw, their immediately met the discover not right place, therefore went into action counter- to is must careful, I to was felt, we. First complies with these small Sect alliances, first do not turn into our people them, in order to avoid brings to the attention of Heavenly Profound Sect, when the conditions were ripe, we are beginning is not late to these small Sect, instead to is these Shadow Clansman, I to somewhat worried, I thought we were also the time want the check properly these Shadow Clansman things.” 赵海摇了摇头道:“不,我们同时动手,我血杀宗高手无数,弟子无数,就算是同时动手,也没有什么影响,那就同时动手好了,正道宗门不会去注意魔门那里的情况,所以我们在魔门那里的行动,也不怕会被他们发现,而那些小宗门那里,行动起来,反到是要多加注意,因为天玄宗他们一定会盯着我们的,我们要是露出了点儿破绽,他们马上就发现不对劲的地方,所以行动起来反到是要更加的小心,我到是觉得,我们先答应那些小宗门联盟,先不要把他们变成我们的人,以免引起天玄宗的注意,等到时机成熟了,我们在对那些小宗门动手也不迟,反到是那些影族人,我到是有些担心,我觉得我们也是时候要好好的查查那些影族人的事情了。” One hear of Zhao Hai said, Yu Xu Sanren cannot help but knits the brows said: these Shadow Clansman to have internal space Magical Artifact, they can appears in any place, can hide in any place, Myriad Mountains Realm here is big, we wanted to find them, was really difficult, Sect Master, wanted to cope with these Shadow Clansman, absolutely was not an easy matter, light/only looks for them, will spend our many energy, but may also not be able to find, can we really concentrate on looking for the bodies of these people?” Yu Xu Sanren did not approve obviously Zhao Hai concentrates on looking for the bodies of these Shadow Clansman now- 一听赵海这么说,玉须散人不由得皱了皱眉头道:“那些影族人内空间法器,他们可以出现在任何一个地方,也可以藏在任何一个地方,万山界这里大,我们想要找到他们,真的是太难了,宗主,想要对付那些影族人,绝对不是一件容易的事情,光是找他们,就会花费我们很多的精力了,还不一定能找得到,我们真的要把精力用在找那些人的身上吗?”玉须散人显然是并不赞成赵海现在就把精力放在找那些影族人的身上- On draws load next chapter of s-> 上拉加载下一章s->
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