BTFTLIAW :: Volume #84

#8337: Applying makeup

What? Heavenly Talisman Sect and did Hundred Sects Alliance form the life and death union?” Some Tian Cangzi accidental/surprised look at Tian Yuzi, he to the information that Tian Yuzi just brought, felt that being startled, he has not thought, Heavenly Talisman Sect actually will become the life and death union with Hundred Sects Alliance, this really stems from his unexpected. “什么?天符宗百宗联盟结成了生死同盟?”天苍子有些意外看着天羽子,他对天羽子刚刚带回来的这个消息,感到十分的吃惊,他怎么也没有想到,天符宗竟然会跟百宗联盟成为生死同盟,这真的出乎他的意料之外。 "Yes, Sect Master, the Yuying eyes I said personally, moreover he added, this information will announce quickly, Heavenly Talisman Sect can form the life and death union with Hundred Sects Alliance, at that time nine circles also asked an issue, said that is the help of this Hundred Sects Alliance to Heavenly Talisman Sect is very big, but Yuying had not replied, evidently yes. ” “是,宗主,玉英亲口眼我说的,而且他还说,这个消息很快就会公布出去了,天符宗会与百宗联盟结成生死同盟,当时九圆还问了一个问题,说是不是这一次百宗联盟天符宗的帮助很大,但是玉英却没有回答,看样子是了。” Tian Cangzi nods, then said solemnly: Hundred Sects Alliance alliance leader Zhao Hai this time personally make a move, moreover situation that we obtain if not wrong, this Heavenly Talisman Sect has to guarantee own safe and sound, was lucky Zhao Hai make a move, Yu Xu Sanren they all one type of was at that time poisonous, does not have fighting strength, can say that Hundred Sects Alliance has to Heavenly Talisman Sect is making this graciousness, but don’t know this Heavenly Talisman Sect and Hundred Sects Alliance form the life and death alliance, is due to the good intention, is stemming from evil intention.” 天苍子点了点头,接着沉声道:“百宗联盟盟主赵海这一次都亲自出手了,而且我们得到的情况要是没有错的话,这一次天符宗之所以有保证自己安然无恙,多亏了赵海出手了,当时玉须散人他们全都中了一种毒,已经没有战斗力了,可以说百宗联盟天符宗有在造这恩,只是不知道这一次天符宗百宗联盟结成生死联盟,到底是出于好心,还是出于恶意。” Tian Yuzi stares, then he somewhat puzzled said: Sect Master, can Heavenly Talisman Sect also begin inadequately to Hundred Sects Alliance? Hundred Sects Alliance these saved them time, if he really to Hundred Sects Alliance make a move, they were some goes too far?” Tian Yuzi some have not really believed that Heavenly Talisman Sect will make such ungrateful matter unexpectedly. 天羽子一愣,接着他有些不解的道:宗主,难道说天符宗还能对百宗联盟动手不成?百宗联盟这一次可是救了他们,要是他真的对百宗联盟出手的话,那他们是不是有些太过份了?”天羽子还真的有些不相信天符宗竟然会做出这样忘恩负义的事情来。 HaHaHa, excessively? I look not excessive, if Heavenly Talisman Sect really can Hundred Sects Alliance swallowing, that Heavenly Talisman Sect will influence become big? For oneself Sect benefit, how handles the ungrateful matter to be able? I look at also no big deal.” Tian Cangzi to is not a little strange, to yes haha loudly is instead saying with a smile. 哈哈哈哈,过份?我看一点儿都不过份,天符宗要是真的能把百宗联盟给吞了,那天符宗的势力会变得有多大?为了自己宗门的利益,做点儿忘恩负义的事情又能如何?我看也没有什么了不起的。”天苍子到是一点儿不奇怪,反到是哈哈大笑着道。 One hear of Tian Cangzi said, Tian Yuzi also real don’t know should say what was good, but Tian Cangzi quick on calm, then said solemnly: On the current situation, Heavenly Talisman Sect will not truly begin to Hundred Sects Alliance in a short time, otherwise, they really must shoulder an ungrateful infamy, but a Great Sect reputation, what is actually compares to be important, if they really own reputation ruining, after that who also dares to work with them? Their influences, naturally also big reduction.” 一听天苍子这么说,天羽子也真的不知道该说什么好了,不过天苍子很快就平静了下来,接着沉声道:“不过就目前的情况来看,天符宗短时间内确实是不会对百宗联盟动手了,不然的话,他们就真的要背负一个忘恩负义的骂名了,而一个大宗门的名声,其实是比什么都重要的,要是他们真的把自己的名声给败坏了,那以后谁还敢跟他们合作?他们的影响力,自然也就会大大的降低了。” Tian Yuzi nods, Tian Cangzi said solemnly: "All right, you also get down, no matter Hundred Sects Alliance and Heavenly Talisman Sect how, our Heavenly Profound Sect must complete own matter, the Myriad Mountains Alliance congress must go on, manpower who Shadow Clansman keeps, I do not think that strong strength, now seems like, is actually not this appearance, if making them move, feared that will have very bad influence on Myriad Mountains Realm, therefore we must tidy up these Shadow Clansman to be good. ” 天羽子点了点头,天苍子沉声道:“好了,你也下去吧,不管百宗联盟天符宗如何,我们天玄宗还是要做好自己的事情,万山盟大会必须要开,影族人留下来的人手,我本以为没有多强的实力,现在看起来,却并不是这个样子的,要是在让他们这么活动下去,怕是会对万山界造成很坏的影响,所以我们必须要收拾一下那些影族人才行。” Tian Yuzi complied with one, to Tian Cangzi gave a salute, then turn around leave, he to is somewhat curious, what kind of Tian Cangzi prepares tidies up these Shadow Clansman, now their even these Shadow Clansman conceals where don’t know, in this case, they, even to tidy up these Shadow Clansman unable to achieve. 天羽子应了一声,冲着天苍子行了一礼,接着转身离开了,他到是有些好奇,天苍子准备如何的收拾那些影族人,现在他们可是连那些影族人藏在什么地方都不知道,在这种情况下,他们就算是想要收拾那些影族人也做不到啊。 But is quick, Heavenly Talisman Sect announces to the public, formed the life and death alliance with Hundred Sects Alliance, later both sides enter with drawing back. This information seemed like in Myriad Mountains Realm to throw a thunderclap to be the same, lets Myriad Mountains Realm all Sect, all gawked, they have not thought, Heavenly Talisman Sect can form the life and death alliance with Hundred Sects Alliance unexpectedly, what impact this will have regarding Myriad Mountains Realm, this really does not say. 而很快的,天符宗就对外宣布,与百宗联盟结成了生死联盟,以后双方同进同退。这个消息就好像是万山界里扔了一颗炸雷一样,让万山界所有宗门,全都是一愣,他们怎么也没有想到,天符宗竟然会与百宗联盟结成了生死联盟,这对于万山界会带来什么样的影响,这个就真的不好说了。 However when people also when surprised forms the life and death union in Heavenly Talisman Sect and Hundred Sects Alliance, information, spreads in Myriad Mountains Realm, Myriad Mountains Realm Great Sect, the Confucian Sect founder's temple kind ritual sect, received Shadow Clan attack, immortal level Expert in Sect more than half died in battle, Sect internal space Magical Artifact was destroyed, Sect disciple died in battle half rare one third, entire Sect was almost ruined completely. 但是就在人们还在惊讶于天符宗百宗联盟结成生死同盟的时候,又有一个消息,又在万山界里传开,万山界的一个大宗门,儒门祖庭仁礼宗,受到了影族攻击,宗门里的仙级高手过半战死,宗门内空间法器被毁,宗门弟子战死半少有三分之一,整个宗门几乎被完全的毁掉了。 This information transmits in Myriad Mountains Realm, Myriad Mountains Realm boiled instantaneously, but Tian Cangzi also held the Myriad Mountains Alliance congress immediately, various Sect representatives get together in Heavenly Profound Sect, they must discuss well, what kind of should copes with these Shadow Clansman, but this ten thousand mountain congresses, Hundred Sects Alliance here actually personally participates by Zhao Hai time. 这个消息万山界里一传来,万山界瞬间就沸腾了,而天苍子也以第一时间就召开了万山盟大会,各宗门的代表齐聚天玄宗,他们必须要好好的商量一下,该如何的对付那些影族人,而这一次的万山大会,百宗联盟这里却是由赵海来亲自参加的。 When Zhao Hai enters to Heavenly Profound Sect Great Hall , the person in Great Hall, all turns the head to look at him, but Heavenly Profound Sect reception disciple, arrives at the first row Zhao Hai directly, most takes a seat close to three Big Shot that row, the person in Great Hall, two eyes as all the Zhao Hai forward motion step by step, sits regarding Zhao Hai to the first row of matter, no one opposed, conversely, everyone felt in normal, by the Hundred Sects Alliance present strength, if had not sat by Zhao Hai in the first row, that called the ghost, therefore the people saw Zhao Hai to sit. A row, has no response, performance very calm all. 赵海进入到天玄宗大殿里时,大殿里的人,全都转头望着他,而天玄宗的接待弟子,也直接就把赵海相到第一排,最靠近三巨头的那一排就坐,大殿里的人,两眼全都随着赵海一步一步的向前移动,对于赵海坐到第一排的事情,没有人反对,相反的,所有人都觉得在正常不过了,以百宗联盟现在的实力,要是还不让赵海坐在第一排的话,那才叫出鬼了呢,所以众人看到赵海坐在第一排,也都没有什么反应,表现的全都十分的平静 Zhao Hai has not paid attention to others, after sitting first row of there, with nearby said a hello to Sect Sect Master, on static sitting in there, after everyone arrived at this, Tian Cangzi, nine accumulated Buddhist Master and Yu Xu Sanren three then entered in Great Hall, sat to seat of honor there, Yu Xu Sanren after seeing Zhao Hai, but also is smiling nod to Zhao Hai, in such situation, he prepared with Zhao Hai well says a hello evidently. 赵海也没有理会其它人,坐到了第一排那里之后,跟旁边的向个宗门宗主打了一声招呼,就静静的坐在那里,等到所有人都到了这后,天苍子,九蕴禅师玉须散人三位这才进入到了大殿里,到了主位那里坐了下来,玉须散人在看到赵海之后,还冲着赵海微笑着点了点头,看样子要不是在这样的场合里,他是准备跟赵海好好的打一个招呼的。 Tian Cangzi naturally also saw Zhao Hai, he also nods to Zhao Hai, nine accumulated Buddhist Master are also same, by the Hundred Sects Alliance present strength, even the status like Tian Cangzi and nine accumulated Buddhist Master, must give the Zhao Hai corresponding respect, otherwise, then on equal to Zhao Hai offending, offended to the Zhao Hai such status person, to them, may not necessarily be any good matter. 天苍子自然也看到了赵海,他也冲着赵海点了点头,九蕴禅师也是一样,以百宗联盟现在的实力,就算是像天苍子和九蕴禅师这样的身份,也必须要给与赵海相应的尊重,不然的话,那就等于是把赵海给得罪了,得罪一个向赵海这样身份的人,对于他们来说,可不见得是什么好事儿。 Afterward Tian Cangzi then looked at people one eyes, then he coughed lightly, then open the mouth and said: "OK, invited everyone peacefully, these asked everyone to come time, is to discuss with everyone, how to cope with these Shadow Clansman things, the courage of these Shadow Clansman were really getting bigger and bigger, nearest/recent unexpectedly to make wind and rain repeatedly in my Myriad Mountains Realm, this regarding our Myriad Mountains Realm, but absolutely was not good news, we must these Shadow Clansman tidying up, to contract neverly recurring. ” 随后天苍子这才看了众人一眼,接着他轻咳了一声,接着开口道:“好,大家安静了下,这一次请大家前来,就是要跟大家商量一下,如何对付那些影族人的事情,那些影族人的胆子真的是越来越大了,最近竟然在我万山界里频频的搞风搞雨,这对于我们万山界来说,可绝对不是什么好消息,我们必须要把那些影族人给收拾了,以绝后患。” Tian Cangzi this saying to is the has plenty person nod name is, these Shadow Clansman to the situation that must tidy up, what kind of tackled Shadow Clansman but wants, this has not really said that after all they now the Shadow Clansman den in there, without finding, wanted to cope with Shadow Clansman, was too difficult. 天苍子这话到是有很多人点头称是,那些影族人是到了必须要收拾的地步了,但是到底要如何的对付影族人,这个还真的不好说,毕竟他们现在连影族人的老巢在那里,都没有找到,想要对付影族人,就太困难了。 At this time, Sect Master suddenly suddenly one stood, his complexion is pale, to Tian Cangzi gave a salute said: alliance leader, first asked to be excused below, just received information below, Shadow Clansman suddenly attack our Sect, our Sect was almost destroyed, was really not in no mood to meet below, but also please excuse me.” Said that he to Tian Cangzi gave a salute, turn around walks toward Great Hall outside. 就在这个时候,突的一个宗主忽的一下站了起来,他的脸色铁青,冲着天苍子行了一礼道:盟主,在下就先告退了,刚刚在下收到消息,影族人突然攻击我们宗门,我们宗门几乎被毁了,在下实在是没有心情在开会了,还请见谅。”说完他冲着天苍子行了一礼,转身就往大殿外面走。 His such approach, is actually very disrespectful, however at this time, was actually no one accuses him, conversely, everyone was look at each other in dismay, even many Sect Sect Master, have put out oneself Portable Transmission Formation, made the contact with their Sect. But Tian Cangzi was also complexion was at this time pale, he has not thought that when oneself held the Myriad Mountains Alliance congress, Shadow Clansman unexpectedly in time make a move, this was clarifies hit his face. 他这样的做法,其实是十分失礼的,但是在这个时候,却是没有人指责他,相反的,所有人都是面面相觑,甚至有不少宗门宗主,已经拿出了自己的随身传送阵,与他们宗门进行联系了。而天苍子这个时候也是脸色铁青,他没有想到,在自己召开万山盟大会的时候,影族人竟然在一次的出手了,这是摆明了打他的脸啊。 Yu Xu Sanren actually stood at this time suddenly, said loudly: Shadow Clansman does that intentionally, he was wants to destroy convention of our Myriad Mountains Alliance congress, if our Myriad Mountains Alliance were destroyed, that Myriad Mountains Realm did not have to unify command(er), whom when the time comes he wanted to cope with cope with anyone, we did not have the means with him.” 玉须散人这个时候却是突的站了起来,大声道:“影族人就是故意这么做的,他就是想要破坏了我们万山盟大会的召开,如果我们万山盟被破坏了,那万山界也就没有了统一指挥,到时候他想要对付谁就对付谁,我们就更加的拿他没有办法了。” His words sound very big, the person in entire Great Hall, all heard the Yu Xu Sanren words, as soon as the people listened to Yu Xu Sanren saying that first gawked, later also nod of cannot help but, Yu Xu Sanren said, absolutely without wrong, various Sect in Great Hall, over 90%, did not have ability to face the attacks of these Shadow Clansman, if they could not have one to unify command(er), that consequence on real very serious. 他的话声音十分的大,整个大殿里的人,全都听到了玉须散人的话,众人一听玉须散人这么说,先是一愣,随后也都不由自主的点了点头,玉须散人这么说,绝对没有错,大殿里的各宗门,有百分之九十以上,都没有能力自己面对了那些影族人的进攻,如果他们还不能有一个统一指挥的话,那后果就真的十分的严重了。 Yu Xu Sanren looked at people one eyes, then open the mouth and said: My meaning very obvious, present goes back, the sect in immediately and all around lets form an alliance, we form the each and every one small alliance, has difficult, other Sect in this small alliance, immediately gives support, we first achieve self-preservation no problem, is looking for these Shadow Clansman, so long as we protected oneself no problem, then these Shadow Clansman did not have the place of taking shelter, we wanted to cope with them, was easier.” 玉须散人看了众人一眼,接着开口道:“我的意思十分的明显,各位现在就回去,马上就与四周的宗让结成联盟,我们结成一个个的小联盟,一宗有难,这个小联盟里的其它宗门,马上就前来支援,我们先做到自保没有问题,然后在找那些影族人,只要我们自保没有问题了,那么那些影族人也就没有了容身之处,我们想要对付他们,就更加的容易了。” One hear of Yu Xu Sanren said, two eyes of people cannot help but one bright, later all nods, Yu Xu Sanren the method to is really a good method, first guaranteed own here not appear issue, is then coping with Shadow Clansman, so long as do not have problems, that Shadow Clansman cannot overturn the heavens. 一听玉须散人这么说,众人的两眼都不由得一亮,随后全都点了点头,玉须散人的这个方法到真的是一个好方法,先保证自己这里不出现问题,然后在对付影族人,只要自己不出问题,那影族人就翻不了天。 Tian Cangzi complexion actually slightly changes, he has not thought, Yu Xu Sanren actually will say these words to come at this time, these words should be he said that but now by Yu Xu Sanren saying, Yu Xu Sanren snatched his alliance leader crest of wave, this makes him with Yu Xu Sanren cannot help but somewhat discontented. 天苍子脸色却是微微一变,他没有想到,玉须散人竟然会在这个时候说出这些话来,这些话本来应该是他说的,但是现在却被玉须散人给说了,玉须散人可是抢了他这个盟主的风头了,这让他对玉须散人不由得有些不满。 But nine accumulated Buddhist Master looked at Yu Xu Sanren one, two eyes is actually slightly dodging, but he has not said anything, still hangs the eye to sit in there, seemed like has sat in meditation was the same, no one knows that he is thinking anything, his in hand read ball rotation speed, has not changed. 而九蕴禅师看了玉须散人一眼,两眼却是微微一的闪,但是他却没有说什么,依然垂目坐在那里,就好像是已经入定了一样,没有人知道他在想什么,就连他手里念球的转动速度,都一点没有变化。 Yu Xu Sanren looked at person one in Great Hall, then he turns the head to Tian Cangzi said: alliance leader, I said that how did you feel my proposal?” Yu Xu Sanren to Tian Cangzi spoke the time, the tone to was very peaceful, making Tian Cangzi simply not can be angry, said it, if at this time, he in the vitality/angry, that appeared is extremely narrow and small in the bearing. 玉须散人看了大殿里的人一眼,接着他转头对天苍子道:盟主,我说完了,你觉得我的提意如何?”玉须散人天苍子说话的时候,语气到是十分的平和,让天苍子根本就生不起气来了,在说了,如果在这个时候,他在生气的话,那就显得太过于气量狭小了。 Therefore Tian Cangzi nods, said solemnly: Worthless person said is very reasonable, we must first achieve the self-preservation, then in slowly tidies up these Shadow Clan to be remaining, this, everyone first goes back, with the who alliance, was decided by everyone, but I hope, like this everyone can with oneself Sect near Sect alliance, has anything the time, rescues also convenient, breaks up.” 所以天苍子点了点头,沉声道:“散人说的十分有道理,我们必须要先做到自保,然后在慢慢的收拾那些影族残余,这样吧,大家先回去,与什么人联盟,就由各位自己决定,不过我还是希望,各位能与离自己宗门近的宗门联盟,这样有什么事儿的时候,救援起来也更加的方便,散会吧。”
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