BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13556: Rotation

Chapter 13572 rotates 第13572章回转 close to did not speak although very angry, but he has not said anything, was only coldly snorted one, later is getting the person, drew back directly, but others also all followed close to not to speak, but the grandson did not meet also brings person leave. 巴不语虽然十分的生气,但是他却没有说什么,只是冷哼了一声,随后就领着人,直接退了回去,而其它人也全都跟着巴不语走了,而孙不遇也带着人离开了。 close to non- people returned to in his Divine Beast Space, he was looking at people in a tone with later, then open the mouth and said: Said to everyone, I prepared to withdraw troops, a while I will let the person, called the people of situation alliance, a announce statement, we must withdraw from the allied armies that these hated the pledge time greatly, simultaneously I will send the letter/believes to the army, making them come back, what opinion did everyone have?” After he said that before looking at one that continuously with he makes to alliance leader, that alliance leader, lowers the head slightly, later did not speak gave a salute said: to revere the alliance leader command to close to.” They at this time, to remembered close to not to speak this alliance leader. 巴不语带着众人回到了他的神兽空间里,随后他看了一眼众人,接着开口道:“跟大家说一下,我准备撤兵了,一会儿我会让人,将情况联盟的人叫进来,发表一份声明,我们要退出这一次大恨盟的联军了,同时我会给军队去信,让他们回来,大家有什么意见吗?”他说完之后,就看了一眼那个之前一直跟他做对的盟主,那个盟主,微微低了低头,随后冲着巴不语行了一礼道:“尊盟主令。”他们这个时候,到是想起了巴不语这个盟主了。 close to did not speak to look at their one eyes, then said solemnly: if "All right, everyone did not have the opinion, that went back. ” The people complied with one, later they all stood, did not speak to close to gave a salute, then turn around walked, close to did not speak the appearances of look at these people, let out a long breath, in his eye cannot help but flash of cold light, he has cannot help but thought later, after this time matter, he must tidy up well these alliances, otherwise, these alliances were not too really serious him. 巴不语看了他们一眼,接着沉声道:“行了,大家要是没有意见,那就回去吧。”众人都应了一声了,随后他们全都站了起来,冲着巴不语行了一礼,接着转身走了,巴不语看着那些人的样子,不由得长出了口气,随后他的眼中不由得寒光一闪,他已经想好了,等到这一次的事情之后,他必须要好好的收拾一下这些联盟了,不然的话,这些联盟就真的太不把他当回事儿了。 However currently also has the matter to process, close to did not speak first sent the letter/believes to king Weidao, told king Weidao the matter, he did not think retreat, but without the means that also can only retreat, the king defend traditional moral principles now also shows the understanding, without is saying anything, close to did not speak letter/believes that after receiving the king defended traditional moral principles, gave them the frontline army to send the letter/believes directly, making them withdraw from the allied armies, at the same time he sent people outside to find the person of information alliance, in the Divine Beast this city, existence of information alliance, was everyone knows the matter, but the person of information alliance., Can do many matters, for example, can collect the information, can block information, naturally can also issue a statement, so long as you told them, you want issue a statement, then they within the shortest time, will let the people of other alliances, receives this information, therefore close to did not speak, when wanted issue a statement, this will find the person of information alliance. 不过现在还有事情要处理,巴不语先是给王卫道去了信,将事情跟王卫道说了,他是不想退兵,但是没有办法,现在也只能退兵了,王卫道对此也表示理解,没有在说什么,巴不语在接到了王卫道的信之后,就直接给他们前线的军队去了信,让他们退出联军,同时他派人去外面找到了情报联盟的人,在神兽界这城,情报联盟的存在,是所有人都知道的事儿,而情报联盟的人,可以做很多的事儿,就比如说,可以收集情报,可以封锁消息,当然也可以发表声明,只要你跟他们说,你要发表声明,那么他们就会在最短的时间之内,让其它联盟的人,都收到这个消息,所以巴不语在要发表声明的时候,这才会找情报联盟的人。 The statement that quick close to did not speak, many people all knew, Divine Beast here the people of these alliances, have not felt strange, when the Flying Dragon pledge withdrew, they think will have such a day, now the Ba Huang pledge also withdraws, in their expected. 很快的巴不语的声明,很多人就全都知道了,神兽这里的那些联盟的人,并没有感到奇怪,在飞龙盟退出的时候,他们就想到了会有这么一天,现在八荒盟也退出,也在他们的意料之中。 However then occur matter, makes them feel that accidental/surprised, does not meet in the grandson has not left, moment of remaining that four alliances, that four alliances actually announce the statement, claimed that simultaneously they must withdraw from this action, simultaneously they also all give the person who hates the pledge greatly to send the letter/believes, tells person who hates the pledge greatly, they withdrew, later they to themselves the person of alliance, all the letter/believes, by the person of their alliance, all withdrew from army, their movements like this, were also felt accidental/surprised very by everyone. 但是接下来发生的事情,也让他们感到十分的意外,就在孙不遇还没有动身,剩下的那四个联盟的进候,那四个联盟竟然同时发表了声明,声称他们也要退出这一次的行动了,同时他们也全都给大恨盟的人去信,告诉大恨盟的人,他们退出了,随后他们就给自己联盟的人,也全都去了信,让他们联盟的人,也全都退出了大军,他们这样的动作,也让所有人都感到十分的意外 However thinks that they can also understand, Ba Huang pledge miserable, now many people may be know that Flying Dragon pledge, Ba Huang pledge all retreat, if their not retreat, that next, the opposite party must look their troubled, in this case, they naturally wanted retreat, after they also wanted to bear the loss of even bigger, retreat? That obviously is is impossible, therefore their direct retreat. 不过想想他们也可以理解,八荒盟有多惨,现在很多人可都是知道的,飞龙盟,八荒盟全都退兵了,如果他们不退兵,那下一步,对方就要找他们的麻烦了,在这种情况下,他们当然要退兵了,难道他们还想要承受更大的损失之后才退兵吗?那显然是不可能的,所以他们直接退兵了。 The grandson did not meet them is also quick received this information, this made the grandson not meet them to stare, later the grandson did not meet them is actually the great happiness, their immediately Transmission to hated pledge there greatly, they are hating pledge there to fight greatly, now naturally must go back. 孙不遇他们也很快就收到了这个消息,这让孙不遇他们一愣,随后孙不遇他们却是大喜,他们马上就传送到了大恨盟那里,他们在大恨盟那里战斗过,现在当然要回去了。 Once the sea tide they did not have returned to white eyes their there , the following grandson did not meet them, went to hate pledge there greatly, in they arrived hated the pledge in greatly the domain didn't have long time, they received information, the Ba Huang pledge their several pledges, all from hated the pledge greatly allied armies there retreat, now hates the pledge greatly allied armies there, had the Island Lord quantity, only then about 13,000 people, compared with most twenty thousand many people from the beginning, but was short of more than 7000 people, because not only this six big alliances withdrew, had some small alliances, they also secretly ran away, these small alliance., Itself is to have a look, can fish what advantage, now looks, simply did not have the means to benefit they naturally to run away, therefore hates the pledge in now greatly army, will be short of so many people. 曾海潮他们也没有回到白眼他们那里,也跟着孙不遇他们,去了大恨盟那里,就在他们到了大恨盟的地盘上没有多长时间,他们就收到了消息,八荒盟他们几盟,全都从大恨盟的联军那里退兵了,现在大恨盟的联军那里,有岛主的数量,只有一万三千人左右了,比起最一开始的两万多人,可是少了七千多人呢,这不只是因为六大联盟退出了,还有一些小联盟,他们也偷偷的跑掉了,那些小联盟,本身就是想要看看,能不能捞到什么好处的,现在一看,根本就没有办法捞到好处他们当然跑掉了,所以现在大恨盟的大军里,才会少了那么多的人。 king Weidao at this time, complexion was actually very difficult looked, he also knows six big alliances all retreated, this made the king defend traditional moral principles very angry, there is no means that six big alliances must consider for oneself after all, but six big alliances this retreated, they to really to become the joke, everyone will say, the king defended traditional moral principles their simply to have no ability, you looked, beyond the iron bone pledge including one could not cope, now withdraws including own ally, did not do with their together, this regarding hated the pledge greatly the prestige, was a huge blow, wanted to change the view of people, That only then person of means that give to destroy completely the iron bone pledge, therefore they need the attack iron bone pledge, must arrive at iron bone pledge there, fights to the death with the iron bone pledge, gives to defeat the iron bone pledge, knits the clothing/taking, only then they can again to know that like this their fierce, think of here, the king defends traditional moral principles cannot help but let out a long breath, later he put out a piece jade slip, input some contents toward jade slip in directly, then gave Elder Liu jade slip Transmission, his then said solemnly: Comes the person, please come the Sect elder, I have the matter to with them discuss.” His disciple complied with one, later invited the person. 王卫道这个时候,脸色却是十分的难看,他也知道六大联盟全都退走了,这让王卫道十分的生气,却没有什么办法,六大联盟毕竟要为自己考虑,不过六大联盟这一退走,他们可就真的成了笑话了,所有人都会说,王卫道他们根本就没有什么能耐,你看,连一外铁骨盟都对付不了,现在更是连自己的盟友都退出了,不跟他们一起干了,这对于大恨盟的声望,是一个巨大的打击,想要改变人们的看法,那就只有一人办法,就是将铁骨盟给灭掉,所以他们必须要攻击铁骨盟,一定要到铁骨盟那里,跟铁骨盟决一死战,将铁骨盟给打败,打服,只有这样他们才能重新的让人知道知道他们的厉害,一想到这里,王卫道不由得长出了口气,随后他拿出了一块玉简,直接就往玉简里输入了一些内容,然后将玉简传送给了刘长老,他这才沉声道:“来人,将宗门的长老请过来,我有事情要跟他们商量。”他的弟子应了一声,随后就去请人了。 Just the king defended traditional moral principles lets Elder Liu, made the best use of the time to rush to iron bone pledge there, must to a iron bone pledge lesson, making the iron bone pledge know that their fierce, this matter must be done, the person who he must eliminate the iron bone pledge, quite let the Divine Beast here person, all knows that they were not affable, only then the position of their Divine Beast largest pledge, will not be threatened like this. 刚刚王卫道就是让刘长老,抓紧时间赶到铁骨盟那里,一定要给铁骨盟一个教训,让铁骨盟知道知道他们的厉害,这件事情是必须要做的,他必须要消灭铁骨盟的人,好让神兽这里的人,全都知道他们不是好惹的,只有这样他们神兽界第一大盟的地位,才不会受到威胁。
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