BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13555: Forcing

Chapter 13571 forces 第13571章逼迫 After the grandson does not meet their leave, is actually too far, but has been monitoring the Ba Huang pledge there situation, they want to take a look, how the Ba Huang pledge will then do, if the Ba Huang pledge has not drawn back the army, they then cope with the Ba Huang pledge. 孙不遇他们离开之后,却并没有走的太远,而是一直监视着八荒那里的情况,他们想要看看,八荒盟接下来会怎么做,如果八荒盟还不退军的话,那他们就接着对付八荒盟。 white eyes they have also been paying attention to hate the situation of pledge allied armies greatly, quick their discover, hated the pledge allied armies greatly continuously in advancing, meaning that they have not stopped, naturally, white eyes their attack, has not stopped, but now the entire Divine Beast here vision, all centralized in their two, the people wants to have a look, their final results how. 白眼他们也一直在注意着大恨盟联军的情况,很快的他们就发现了,大恨盟联军一直在前进,他们一点儿也没有停下来的意思,当然,白眼他们的攻击,也是一刻都没有停,而现在整个神兽这里的目光,全都集中在他们两处,众人都想要看看,他们最后的结果如何。 After the grandson does not meet they attacked the Ba Huang pledge, the Ba Huang pledge still has not made their army retreat, their army in advancing, they still have not released the statement outward, making their people draw back, the grandson did not meet sees this situation, cannot help but two eyes flash of cold light, he gave white eyes to send the letter/believes later directly, after white eyes put through the letter/believes that the grandson did not meet, the grandson did not meet to white eyes said: Elder Bai, the elder they will once give me to send, person who this I must give the Ba Huang pledge time under one ruthless, if they in did not draw back come back. The words, I extinguished them directly, I to am want to take a look, are they can also not draw back.” 就在孙不遇他们进攻完了八荒盟之后,八荒盟却依然没有让他们的大军退走,他们的大军依然在前进,他们也没有对外发声明,让他们的人退回来,孙不遇一看到这种情况,不由得两眼寒光一闪,随后他直接就给白眼去信了,白眼接通了孙不遇的信之后,孙不遇就对白眼道:白长老,将曾长老他们给我派过来吧,这一次我要给八荒盟的人来一下狠的,如果他们在不退回来的话,我就直接灭了他们,我到是想要看看,他们是不是还会不退。” One hear of grandsons did not meet said, white eyes also knows, the grandson did not meet True Fire, some white eyes also vitality/angry, his said solemnly: "OK, I the elder they will once send now to you, remembered, must tidy up their well. ” The grandson did not meet to comply with one, white eyes finished with their communications, later gave once the sea tide them to send the letter/believes directly, told once the sea tide them, making once the sea tide they support the grandson not to meet them, once after the sea tide they received the order, immediately left. 一听孙不遇这么说,白眼也知道,孙不遇动了真火了,白眼也有些生气,他沉声道:“好,我现在就将曾长老他们给你派过去,记住了,一定要好好的收拾他们一下。”孙不遇应了一声,白眼就结束了跟他们的通信,随后直接就给曾海潮他们去了信,告诉曾海潮他们,让曾海潮他们去支援孙不遇他们,曾海潮他们接到了命令之后,马上就动身了。 The quick once sea tide they arrived at Ba Huang pledge there, when they arrived at Ba Huang pledge there, saw the grandson does not meet them, the grandson did not meet sees once the sea tide they, without polite, directly once the sea tide they welcome to one close behind the other snake Space, later the grandson did not meet on command(er) Ba Huang pledge Encampment, to once sea tide said: once the elder, you looked, here is the Ba Huang pledge Encampment present appearance, before we began to the Ba Huang pledge, the Ba Huang pledge had not actually been removed by their armies comes back, I prepared well tidied up under one Ba Huang pledge, a while. We in conduct attack to the Ba Huang pledge one time, I prepare to fan out in two groups, we conduct attack from the left side, the full power attack Ba Huang pledge, previous we fight time, the Ba Huang pledge has known that our strengths, they will certainly be attracted, when the time comes you in initiate attack from the right side, remembered, your target are these Divine Beast, is not the Ba Huang pledge person, kills some Ba Huang pledges Divine Beast, can like this their losses even bigger, what kind of? Doesn't have the issue?” The grandson did not meet looked at one once the sea tide. 很快的曾海潮他们就到了八荒那里,等到他们到了八荒那里,就看到了孙不遇他们,孙不遇一看到曾海潮他们,也没有客气,直接就将曾海潮他们请到了衔尾蛇空间里,随后孙不遇就指挥八荒盟的驻地,对曾海潮道:“曾长老,你看一下,这里就是八荒盟的驻地现在的样子,之前我们对八荒盟动手了,八荒盟却没有让他们的军队撤回来,我准备好好的收拾一下八荒盟,一会儿我们就在一次对八荒盟进行攻击,我准备兵分两路,我们从左侧进行攻击,全力的进攻八荒盟,上一次我们交手,八荒盟已经知道我们的实力了,他们一定会被吸引,到时候你们在从右侧发起攻击,记住了,你们的目标是那些神兽,并不是八荒盟的人,多杀死一些八荒盟的神兽,这样他们的损失就会更大,怎么样?没问题吧?”说完孙不遇就看了一眼曾海潮。 Once sea tide said solemnly: no problem, your rest assured.” The grandson did not meet nods said: you just to come, our recuperation double-hour, after a double-hour, we attacked.” Once the sea tide had not responded, but complied with one, later rested. 曾海潮沉声道:“没有问题,你放心好了。”孙不遇就点了点头道:“你们刚来,我们休整一个时辰,一个时辰之后,我们就进攻。”曾海潮也并没有反应,而是应了一声,随后就去休息去了。 But in Divine Beast Space that at this time, the Ba Huang pledge alliance leader close to did not speak, is conducting a conference, these time was who attended may be many, the elder of Ba Huang pledge also had these alliance leader that the Ba Huang pledge governed, all attended this conference, Palestinian not speaking was tall, the skin of whole body one was the bronze, is flashing metal radiance, he now angry-looking standing in there, under look at people, said solemnly: „The loss of this time our Ba Huang pledge is biggest, we have not said want retreat, why can you withdraw?” 而这个时候,八荒盟主巴不语的神兽空间里,也正在进行着一次会议,这一次参加会议的可不少,八荒盟的长老还有八荒盟治下的那些盟主,全都参加了这一次会议,巴不语身材高大,全身的皮肤一都是古铜色的,闪动着金属的光芒,他现在正一脸怒容的站在那里,看着下面的众人,沉声道:“这一次我们八荒盟的损失最大,我们都没有说要退兵,你们为什么要退后?” In just, how them when discussing to deal with the grandson not to meet their attacks, the people of other below alliances, said want retreat, close to not to speak have actually opposed retreat, he discussed the people quite a while, but the people actually still wanted retreat, this made not speak got angry directly, therefore he said such words, but at this time a alliance leader stand of alliance, did not speak to close to said: Palestinian alliance leader, some of my also don't understand, your why not retreat, our these dispatched troops to assist time in a big way hates the pledge, was to obtain some advantage, but this way., We, even if obtained some advantage, loss that still can't compare with we receive, in this case, our why also not retreat? Moreover do not forget, the opposite party may not have leave now, if they know that our not retreat, they will then certainly attack us, when the time comes our losses meet even bigger, when the time comes we what to do? Do we want with hate the pledge only to walk greatly? Yes, we with the allied armies that hates the pledge greatly are very powerful, but the iron bone pledge, the sea watching pledge, the three mountains pledge, the colored glaze pledge, the strengths of their how many pledges are not weak, we tire the troops on a long expedition, moreover without the means has the full power, they wait at ease for an exhausted enemy, moreover can fight full power, in this case, can we really destroy completely them completely? If we cannot destroy completely them completely, what advantage we can obtain in their there? When the time comes their counter-attacks, us, all hurrying back, our losses meet even bigger when the time comes, why can't we retreat? Now our although has some losses, however our losses are not very big, we in this time retreat were best, therefore we advocated, in this time retreat.” Say/Way that alliance leader does not yield an inch. 就在刚刚,他们在讨论如何应对孙不遇他们的进攻时,下面其它联盟的人,都说要退兵,巴不语却是一直都反对退兵,他商量了众人半天,但是众人却依然要退兵,这让巴不语直接就怒了,所以他才说出了这样的话,而这时一个联盟的盟主站了起来,对巴不语道:“巴盟主,我也有些不明白,你们为什么不退兵,我们这一次出兵相助大恨盟,是为了得到一些好处,但是照这样下去,我们就算是得到了一些好处,也比不上我们所受的损失,在这种情况下,我们为什么还不退兵?而且不要忘了,对方现在可还没有离开,如果他们知道我们不退兵,他们一定会接着进攻我们,到时候我们的损失会更大,到时候我们怎么办?难道我们要一直跟大恨盟这样走下去吗?是,我们与大恨盟的联军是很强大,但是铁骨盟,观海盟,三山盟,琉璃盟,他们几盟的实力也不弱,我们是劳师远征,而且没有办法出全力,他们是以逸待劳,而且可以全力的战斗,在这种情况下,我们真的就能将他们全部灭掉吗?如果我们不能将他们全部灭掉,那我们能在他们那里得到什么好处?到时候他们的反扑,会将我们所有人,全都给赶回来,到时候我们的损失会更大,那我们为什么不能退兵?现在我们虽然有一些损失,但是我们的损失还不是很大,我们在这个时候退兵是最好的,所以我们还是主张,在这个时候退兵。”那个盟主寸步不让的道。 close to did not speak two eyes to get angry same look at that alliance leader, he knows, because this time they lost many Divine Beast, the strength reduced greatly, therefore that alliance leader then dares to speak, if were before, their strengths had no loss time, that alliance leader was does not dare to speak to him absolutely, but this was the fact, in Divine Beast here, one, but your strength was weak, then you had the original sin, who dares to bully you under one, but your strength was strong, that you said that on having the person is willing to listen, but with. Is also similar in their situations, if their strengths strong time, he said that these person of secure did not oppose, but his strength, that who dares to contradict now his, but how close to does not speak now actually cannot him, if he dares to begin to this alliance leader, then other alliance leader everybody feels insecure, his order, will listen on no one when the time comes, therefore he was unable to begin. 巴不语两眼冒火一样的看着那个盟主,他知道,这一次因为他们损失了很多的神兽,实力大减,所以那个盟主这才敢这么说话,如果是之前,他们的实力没有什么损失的时候,那个盟主是绝对不敢这么跟他说话的,但是这就是事实,在神兽这里,一但你的实力弱了,那么你就有了原罪了,谁都敢来欺负你一下,但是你的实力强,那你说的话,就有人愿意听,而同在他们的情况也差不多,他们的实力要是强的时候,他所说的话,这些人一个安都不反对,但是现在他的实力强了,那就谁都敢来顶撞他一下,但是现在巴不语却不能把他怎么样,如果他敢对这个盟主动手,那么其它盟主就会人人自危,到时候他的命令,就更没有人听了,所以他还不能动手。 close to did not speak said solemnly: Then you have thought that if our so many alliance, cannot take a iron bone pledge, that isn't more disgraced? Our present retreat, all losses before that but all wasted, are you really resigned?” 巴不语沉声道:“那么你们有没有想过,如果我们这么多的联盟,都拿不下一个铁骨盟,那不是更丢人吗?我们现在退兵,那之前的一切损失,可就全都白费了,你们真的甘心吗?” That alliance leader open the mouth and said: Palestinian alliance leader, if we do not withdraw troops now, our loss is possible meet even bigger, have you thought? Therefore after we must remove, this is our opinions, I hope that Palestinian alliance leader you can thinking well, listen to our opinions well.” That alliance leader still does not yield an inch, but his such attitude, removes the bottom enraged close to not to speak, close to did not speak look at that alliance leader, two eyes cold light sparkles, but appearance that alliance leader look at close to did not speak, was scared at heart, standing that but he still insisted in there, but all around this time several alliance leader, depended toward his side, that several alliance leader movement, by Palestinian not language cannot help but greatly surprised, Palestinian not language immediately understand, that several alliance leader, on wanting to adopt this movement, in telling him, they supported that. alliance leader, this made not speak cannot help but had some worries, his look at that alliance leader, said solemnly: "OK, your opinion I will consider. ” 那个盟主开口道:“巴盟主,如果我们现在不撤兵,那我们的损失可能更大,你有想过吗?所以我们必须要撤后,这就是我们的意见,我希望巴盟主你能好好的想一想,好好的听一听我们的意见。”那个盟主依然是寸步不让,而他这样的态度,也撤底的激怒了巴不语,巴不语看着那个盟主,两眼寒光闪闪,而那个盟主看着巴不语的样子,也是心里发毛,不过他还是依然坚持的站在那里,而这时四周的几个盟主,都往他的身边靠了靠,那几个盟主的动作,让巴不语不由得大吃了一惊,巴不语马上就明白了,那几个盟主,就想要通过这个动作,在告诉他,他们支持那个盟主,这让巴不语不由得有了一些顾虑,他看着那个盟主,沉声道:“好,你们意见我会考虑的。” At this time, suddenly outside heard the sound of intermittent alarm signal, close to did not speak they, as soon as listened to the sound of that alarm signal, his complexion cannot help but gawked, later his immediately stand got up said: to walk, goes to have a look.” Said that he flies outward, others also follow hastily, everyone together departs Divine Beast Space that close to did not speak, when they arrived at outside, saw that the grandson did not meet them to attack from their army left wing, close to did not speak saw the grandson did not meet their appearances, his two eyes cannot help but red, his immediately open the mouth and said: Attacks, repels them.” These Island Lord of his side also all complied with one, immediately flew to there, they have known that the grandson did not meet their strengths, the grandson did not meet their altogether also more than 10,000 people, the strengths of although these people were not weak, but they think did not fear the opposite party, the opposite party just attack their didn't have long time, now comes unexpectedly, this may not pay attention to them, therefore their complexion such ugliness, they must the grandson not meet them to give to repel, even did not meet them to pay the price by the grandson, only by doing so, the grandson did not meet them not to dare. Is coming attack they. 就在这个时候,突然外面传来了阵阵的警号之声,巴不语他们一听那警号之声,他的脸色不由得一愣,随后他马上就站了起来道:“走,出去看看。”说完他就往外飞去,其它人也连忙跟着,所有人都一起飞出了巴不语的神兽空间,等到他们到了外面,就看到孙不遇他们已经从他们大军的左翼攻了进来,巴不语一看到孙不遇他们的样子,他的两眼不由得红了,他马上就开口道:“出击,打退他们。”他身边的那些岛主也全都应了一声,马上就那里飞了过去,他们已经知道孙不遇他们的实力了,孙不遇他们一共也不过一万多人,虽然这些人的实力不弱,但是他们自认为也不怕对方,对方刚刚攻击他们没有多长时间,现在竟然又来了,这可就是不将他们放在眼里了,所以他们的脸色才会如此的难看,他们一定要将孙不遇他们给击退,甚至让孙不遇他们付出代价,只有这样,孙不遇他们才不敢在来攻击他们。 close to did not speak they to think that the grandson did not meet they so many people, therefore close to does not speak the attention, all centralized did not meet their there to the grandson, at this time, once sea tide from their right wings, launched fiercely attacking to them, close to did not speak they, because was underprepared, their defenses one by once the sea tide breaking through, once the sea tide rushed to Ba Huang pledge army later directly, conducted frantic attack to these Divine Beast, the Palestinian not language they in a discover this situation, immediately toward the right-wing support, but the grandson did not meet at this time their. attack actually also strengthened, their a short time cannot withdraw the body unexpectedly. 巴不语他们以为孙不遇他们就只有这么多的人,所以巴不语他们就将注意力,全都集中到了孙不遇他们那里,就在这个时候,曾海潮从他们的右翼,又对他们发起了猛攻,巴不语他们因为准备不足,他们的防御一下就被曾海潮给攻破了,随后曾海潮就直接冲到了八荒盟的大军之中,对那些神兽进行了疯狂攻击,巴不语他们在发现这种情况的时候,马上就往右翼支援,但是这时孙不遇他们的攻击却也加强了,他们一时半会儿的竟然脱不开身。 attack a while grandson did not meet takes charge of the person to retreat, simultaneously he also told once the sea tide, making once the sea tide they also retreat, in retreating, the grandson did not meet the look at close to not to speak they, said solemnly: Everyone of Ba Huang pledge, we did not have the injustice not to have the enmity, but you actually believed hated the pledge greatly the words, came to attack us, we have to counter-attack, so long as everyone can from hate the pledge army there to draw back greatly your armies, we ensure will not be attacking everyone, but if you army, from did not hate pledge there to draw back greatly, we must say that sorry, we have attacked you, looked that you can withstand lose like this.” 攻击了一会儿孙不遇就直接领着人退走了,同时他也告诉了曾海潮,让曾海潮他们也退走,在退走的时候,孙不遇看着巴不语他们,沉声道:“八荒盟的各位,我们本来无冤无仇,但是你们却又听信了大恨盟的话,前来进攻我们,我们也不得不进行反击,只要各位能将你们的军队从大恨盟的大军那里退出来,我们保证,不会在进攻各位,但是如果你们不将军队,从大恨盟那里退出来,那我们也就要说一声对不起了,我们会一直进攻你们,就看你们能不能承受这样的损失了。” The grandson did not meet on direct leave, the grandson did not meet these to bring to light the words time completely, so long as your not retreat, we have hit you, so long as you can bear such loss on the line, this made complexion that did not speak ugly/difficult to look at, originally they now are not steady, now the grandson does not meet in such a saying, they think that not retreat feared was not line, one thought of here, the Palestinian not language on direct open the mouth and said: "OK, we from will in a big way hate pledge there retreat, we informed their retreat even, was still needs the time. ” 说完孙不遇就直接离开了,孙不遇这一次就是将话完全的挑明了,只要你们不退兵,我们就一直打你们,只要你们能承受得了这样的损失就行,这让巴不语的脸色更加的难看,本来他们现在内部都不稳了,现在孙不遇在这么一说,他们想不退兵怕是都不行了,一想到这里,巴不语就直接开口道:“好,我们会从大恨盟那里退兵,不过我们就算是通知他们退兵,也是需要时间的。” The grandson did not meet one hear of him saying that also stopped, he looked at a close to not to speak, then open the mouth and said: We to one day, everyone can foreign issue a statement, moreover one day, enough you informed your people, one day later, if you did not release the statement, not retreat, then on do not blame us for being rude.” 孙不遇一听他这么说,也停了下来,他看了一眼巴不语,接着开口道:“我们会给各位一天的时间,各位可以对外发表声明,而且一天的时间,也足够你们通知你们的人了,一天之后,如果你们不发声明,不退兵,那就不要怪我们不客气了。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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