BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13553: The morale of troops is not steady

Chapter 13569 morale of troops is not steady 第13569章军心不稳 white eyes flies in sky, slowly look at approaches hates the pledge allied armies greatly, in his surface piece of calm, quick the allied armies that hates the pledge greatly, stop in their 10 Li(5km) away, later allied armies that from hates the pledge greatly, departed a battalion person, these people quick flew white eyes their front more than ten meters places, that person of look at white eyes that later leads, said solemnly: who are you?” He spoke is very impolite, but the person of speech, was not others, was Elder Liu. 白眼飞到天空中,看着慢慢靠近的大恨盟联军,他的面上一片的平静,很快的大恨盟的联军,就停在他们十里之外,随后从大恨盟的联军里,飞出了一大队人,这些人很快就飞到了白眼他们前面十几米的地方,随后领头的那人看着白眼,沉声道:“你们是什么人?”他说话到是十分的不客气,而说话的这人,也不是别人,正是刘长老 white eyes look at Elder Liu appearance, said solemnly: Person who three mountains pledge alliance leader white eyes, you hate the pledge greatly? I urged you to go back, this matter what's the matter, you know time, we also know, everyone in this type, really did not have the meaning.” 白眼看着刘长老的样子,沉声道:“三山盟主白眼,你是大恨盟的人吧?我劝你们还是回去吧,这一次的事情是怎么回事儿,你们知道,我们也知道,大家在这个样了,实在是没意思。” Elder Liu one hear of white eyes said, he cannot help but stares, later he looked at white eyes, then said solemnly: You said to is very of pleasant to hear, you make us go back us to go back, this matter, obviously is time the matter of iron bone pledge with us, with your three mountains pledge it doesn't matter, you are actually bent on having to participate, what I look to retreat is you?” 刘长老一听白眼这么说,他不由得一愣,随后他看了一眼白眼,接着沉声道:“你说的到是挺好听的,你让我们回去我们就回去,这一次的事情,明明就是铁骨盟与我们之间的事情,跟你们三山没有关系,你们却偏要参与进来,我看应该退走的是你们吧?” white eyes look at Elder Liu, then said solemnly: We with the iron bone pledge are the allies, that this matter, had certainly relationship with us time, this matter, to such that you said time, you should know, because you hated the pledge greatly, therefore we then keep the face to you, if you if also said that may hold understand to install muddled, we also can only be under the hand see the true facts, when the time comes you may do not say us to your impolite.” 白眼看着刘长老,接着沉声道:“我们与铁骨盟是盟友,那这一次的事情,当然就与我们有关系了,这一次的事情,到底是不是向你所说的那样,你应该知道,因为你们是大恨盟,所以我们这才给你们留着脸呢,如果你们要是还这么说,那可就是在揣着明白装糊涂了,那我们也只能是手底下见真章了,到时候你们可不要说我们对你们不客气。” Elder Liu one hear of white eyes said, he cannot help but sneered said: many years no one to dare to speak to us, your courage to were big, I to know, your strengths were such as your glib lips are so fierce.” 刘长老一听白眼这么说,他不由得冷笑道:“好多年都没有人敢这么跟我们说话了,你们的胆子到是不小,我到是想知道知道,你们的实力是不是如你们的嘴皮子这么厉害。” white eyes sneered said: you to know quickly, other words I do not want to say that various only wants saying that the Ba Huang pledge, your how many pledges why do need to participate in this matter? Feared that greatly invites trouble? Hates the pledge these to tire the troops on a long expedition greatly time, you really believe, they can defeat the iron bone pledge? If they were defeated, you what to do? You not only the advantage cannot fish, but also for no reason set up an enemy, why bother is this? So long as you draw back now, I can guarantee, our people not in attack you, if you do not draw back, that may on do not blame us for being rude.” 白眼冷笑道:“你们很快就会知道了,别的话我也不想多说了,各只想说,八荒盟,你们几盟为什么要参与这件事情?难道就大怕惹祸上身吗?大恨盟这一次是劳师远征,你们就真的认为,他们能打败铁骨盟吗?如果他们失败了,那你们怎么办?你们不但一点儿好处都捞不到,而且还平白了树立了一个敌人,这是何苦呢?只要你们现在退出去,我可以保证,我们的人不会在攻击你们,要是你们不退出去,那可就不要怪我们不客气了。” Elder Liu one hear of white eyes said, his at heart cannot help but one startled, he has not gone to look at the representative of that several alliance, but he also knows, the representative of that several alliance, complexion is not quite certainly attractive, Elder Liu cannot help but coldly snorted said: you do not need in here to drive a wedge between, our these to cope with the iron bone pledge time, to revenge, for what advantage, this matter with your it doesn't matter, I did not urge you to be leave is good, otherwise, offended us, you must the thinking consequence well.” 刘长老一听白眼这么说,他的心里不由得一惊,他没有去看那几个联盟的代表,但是他也知道,那几个联盟的代表,脸色一定不太好看,刘长老不由得冷哼了一声道:“你不必在这里挑拨离间,我们这一次对付铁骨盟,就是为了报仇,不是为了什么好处,这件事情与你们没有关系,我劝你们还是离开为好,不然的话,得罪了我们,你可是要好好的想想后果的。” white eyes one hear of Elder Liu said, cannot help but laughs said: consequence? What consequence, you hate pledge more than 1000 Island Lord greatly, our three mountains pledge is also more than 1000 Island Lord, our strengths are similar, what do I have to be good to fear your? If you must act willfully, that may on do not blame us for being rude.” Said that white eyes waves, next quarter Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, all exhibited the appearance of fight, but his such movement, makes Elder Liu their two eyes all shrink, later Elder Liu on look at white eyes said: Very Ballsy, you really dares to begin unexpectedly, good, I come to see, your strength really enough, if your strength is insufficient, that your three mountains pledge, fears today was must vanish from Divine Beast here.” 白眼一听刘长老这么说,不由得哈哈大笑道:“后果?什么后果,你大恨盟不过一千多位岛主,我们三山盟也是一千多位岛主,我们双方的实力差不多,我有什么好怕你们的?如果你们还是要一意孤行的话,那可就不要怪我们不客气了。”说完白眼一挥手,下一刻血杀宗弟子,全都摆出了战斗的样子,而他这样的动作,也让刘长老他们的两眼全都是一缩,随后刘长老看着白眼道:好胆,你竟然真的敢动手,好啊,那我就来看看,你的实力是不是真的够,如果你的实力不够,那今天你们三山盟,怕是就要从神兽这里消失了。” white eyes coldly snorted said: good, I to am want to take a look, how you let our three mountains pledge, vanishes from Divine Beast here, come, I am waiting for you in here.” The white eyes figure will draw back in the future, draws back into army, this is also both sides official broke off conversation, Elder Liu they also all drew back returned to in army, they also prepared fight. 白眼冷哼了一声道:“好啊,我到是想要看看,你们是怎么让我们三山盟,从神兽这里消失的,来吧,我就在这里等着你。”说完白眼身形往后一退,退入到了大军之中,这也算是双方正式的谈崩了,刘长老他们也全都退回到大军之中,他们也做好了战斗的准备了。 After white eyes drew back returned to in army, said solemnly: A while we attack, everyone all conducts the charge to their left and right, remembered, to/clashes by all means forward, do not stop, simultaneously Divine Beast also to their both sides charges, after our charge, on leave, their people are directly many, we do not fight them in here hardly, in that case, we will suffer a loss, understand?” The people all complied with one, later all was ready, opposite of white eyes look at is conducting the final arrangement was hating pledge army greatly, his said solemnly: Attack.” He does not think was waiting , opposite party on complete prepared, such words will increase their casualties, their these faced time, was the true enemy, not with the person on one's own side who they acted in a play, therefore the appears casualties could not avoid, reason that but he does not want time appears too many casualties, these upfront is blocking these person, is the words to talk clearly with them, at the same time conducted attack to them time, by them is known their fierce, may not be fights to the death with them, therefore naturally must while their unprepared. Did the time, directly conducted attack to them, waited completely their prepare to attack? Isn't that looks for trouble? Therefore in white eyes returned to their army, ordered directly, was to let while hated the pledge greatly army unprepared time, gave them to come ruthlessly, making them know fiercely. 白眼退回到大军之中后,沉声道:“一会儿我们进攻的时候,所有人全都冲着他们的左右两侧进行冲锋,记住了,只管向前冲,不要停下来,同时神兽也向他们的两侧冲锋,我们一个冲锋之后,直接就离开,他们的人多,我们不要在这里跟他们硬拼,那样的话,我们会吃亏的,明白了吗?”众人全都就应了一声,随后全都做好了准备,白眼看着对面正在进行着最后布置的大恨盟大军,他沉声道:“进攻。”他可不想在等了,在等下去,对方就完全的准备好了,那样的话会增加他们的伤亡的,他们这一次面对的,可是真正的敌人,可不是跟他们演戏的自己人,所以出现伤亡是免不了的,但是他可不想出现太多的伤亡,这一次之所以正面的拦着那些人,就是要将话跟他们说清楚,同时对他们进行一次攻击,让他们知道知道他们的厉害,可不是来跟他们决一死战的,所以当然要趁着他们立足未稳的时候,直接就对他们进行攻击了,难道还等他们完全的准备好在进攻吗?那不是自己找不自在呢吗?所以白眼回到他们的大军之中,就直接下令进来了,就是要让趁着大恨盟的大军立足未稳的时候,给他们来一下狠的,让他们知道知道厉害。 The Blood Slaughter Sect disciple strongest place is actually their executions, after white eyes issued the order, Blood Slaughter Sect disciple immediately starts to charge forward, with the charge of Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, their Divine Beast also followed, the person but who hated the pledge greatly, did not have discover their Divine Beast to move, they only saw Blood Slaughter Sect disciple is charging, saw Blood Slaughter Sect disciple started to charge, these people who hated the pledge greatly, cannot help but gawked, they have not thought, Blood Slaughter Sect said the attack on the attack, Elder Liu immediately said loudly: Everyone, meets the enemy.” Their distances are not very far, person who be only more than ten li (0.5 km) distances, such distance is flying regarding these, was some was too near, in the blink of an eye can arrive, therefore Elder Liu they so anxious. 血杀宗弟子最强的地方其实就是他们的执行力,在白眼下达了命令之后,血杀宗弟子马上就开始向前冲锋,随着血杀宗弟子的冲锋,他们的神兽也跟着动了起来,不过大恨盟的人,并没有发现他们的神兽在动,他们只看到了血杀宗弟子在冲锋,一看到血杀宗弟子开始冲锋了,大恨盟的那些人,不由得一愣,他们没有想到,血杀宗说进攻就进攻,刘长老马上就大声道:“所有人,迎敌。”他们双方的距离并不是很远,只有十多里的距离,这样的距离对于那些正在飞行的人,实在是有些太近了,转眼就可以到达,所以刘长老他们才会如此的紧张。 However quick Elder Liu their discover not right place, their discover Blood Slaughter Sect army, when to/clashes, suddenly separates from the middle, rushes over to the two sides, this makes their complexion in change one time, they want to remind the both sides person attention, but, Blood Slaughter Sect army, has actually overrun from their both sides late directly, their both sides people, complete has not prepared, under one on dying large quantities of battle soldier, has plenty Divine Beast also direct on was also killed, Elder Liu one sees this situation, a complexion paleness, his immediately organization person., By going supports, but at this time, these Blood Slaughter Sect disciple of overrunning, actually ran directly far, moreover did not have a little meaning turn head, at this time Elder Liu they discover, kept off in front of them these Divine Beast, all vanish from sight, this let them is greatly surprised. 但是很快刘长老他们就发现不对劲的地方了,他们发现血杀宗大军在冲过来的时候,突然就从中间分开,直向两边冲了过去,这让他们的脸色在一次一变,他们就想要提醒两侧的人注意,但是却已经晚了,血杀宗大军,从他们的两侧直接就冲了过去,他们两侧的人,完全的没有准备好,一下就死了大批的战兵,还有很多神兽也直接就被杀了,刘长老一看到这种情况,脸色一片的铁青,他马上就组织人,前去两侧进行支援,但是就在这个时候,冲过去的那些血杀宗弟子,却是直接就跑远了,而且没有一点儿回头的意思,这时刘长老他们才发现,挡在他们前面的那些神兽,全都消失不见了,这让他们都是大吃了一惊 Quick Elder Liu responded, his complexion cannot help but paleness, he knows that they by the Blood Slaughter Sect person playing, their simply had not prepared to fight a decisive battle with them in here, is comes attack their, while convenient disrupts their morale of troops, facing this situation, Elder Liu they is also very helpless, does not have any means that the person had actually run after all, they can also have the business the means that Elder Liu look at the person who cleans up the aftermath, his complexion ugly/difficult to look at, later he directly representative of various alliances, welcome to his Divine Beast Space, when people. After, Elder Liu then look at people said: today's matter, I think that everyone also saw, I was not saying, I say that my idea, these fellows of three mountains pledge, are disrupt our morales of troops today, their simply does not dare with our head-on fight, moreover their appears in the here goal, only then, that is to make our advancing speed slow, this also proof exactly, what we do is, otherwise, they will not attack us, therefore we not only now cannot change us. Plan, but can also a firmer execution, our full speed advancing, how you think?” Said Elder Liu on the look at people, but sees the appearance of people, his heart cannot help but sinks downward, if before, he said so many, the following person, will all nod to be, expressed to his support, but this he said time so many words, the following person, actually and no one nodded, everyone all silent look at he, on face does not have any expression. 很快刘长老就反应了过来,他的脸色不由得一阵的铁青,他知道他们被血杀宗的人给耍了,他们根本就没有准备在这里跟他们决战,就是来攻击他们一下,顺便的扰乱一下他们的军心,面对这种情况,刘长老他们也是十分的无耐,却没有什么办法,毕竟人都已经跑了,他们还能有企么办法,刘长老看着正在收拾残局的人,他的脸色更加的难看,随后他直接就将各联盟的代表,请到了他的神兽空间里,等到众人都到了之后,刘长老这才看着众人道:“今天的事情,我想大家也都看到了,我也就不在多说了,我说一说我的想法吧,三山盟的那些家伙,今天就是来扰乱我们的军心的,他们根本就不敢跟我们正面的交战,而且他们出现这里的目地,也只有一个,那就是要让我们前进速度慢下来,这也恰恰的证明,我们做的是对的,不然的话,他们也不会来进攻我们了,所以我们现在不但不能改变我们的计划,还要更加坚定的执行下去,我们全速的前进,你们以为如何?”说完刘长老看着众人,但是一看到众人的样子,他的心不由得往下一沉,要是以前,他说了这么多,下面的人,全都会点头应是,表示对他的支持,但是这一次他说了这么多的话,下面的人,却并没有人点头,所有人全都沉默的看着他,脸上没有什么表情。 look at their appearance Elder Liu complexion somewhat cannot help but ugly, he knows that the Blood Slaughter Sect goal has been achieved, now these people had had other thoughts, before withdrawal of Flying Dragon pledge, regarding the influences of other alliances was very big, the people of other although alliances, have not withdrawn now, but these people also know, they withdrew are sooner or later things, because had such idea, therefore their facial expressions can be this appearance, Elder Liu also knows, now the morale of troops has dispersed, in wanting to condense to together, feared that was on was difficult, the people of several other big alliances, After all is not the people of these small alliances they govern, he can with hate the pledge greatly the prestige, coerces the people of these small alliances, even can these small alliances, join they hate the pledge greatly, stabilizes their morales of troops with this matter, but he does not have the means that stabilizes the morales of troops of these big alliances with this method, therefore Elder Liu also has a headache now, he knows that this situation he does not have the means change, but he actually wants to change, if, that them on really must disperse this way, one, but several other big alliances. The person all retreated, the people of these small alliances then they govern, what response can be, this may not say, what most important is, one, but the people of these big alliances, all retreated, that also in other words, the iron bone pledge their several alliances, can all attention, all centralized to their bodies, when the time comes their losses feared was on was big, one thought of here, Elder Liu complexion was ugly, he knew now them already to the very dangerous situation, but most by him was felt headache was, he actually not. The means prevent all these, this powerless feeling, making him very discouraged. 看着他们的样子刘长老脸色不由得有些难看,他知道血杀宗的目地已经达到了,现在这些人已经起了别的心思了,之前飞龙盟的退出,对于其它联盟的影响还是十分大的,虽然其它联盟的人,现在还没有退出,但是那些人也知道,他们退出是迟早的事情,正是因为有这样的想法,所以他们这些人的神情才会是这个样子的,刘长老也知道,现在军心已经散了,在想要凝聚到一起,怕是就难了,其它几个大联盟的人,毕竟不是他们治下的那些小联盟的人,他能用大恨盟的威望,压服那些小联盟的人,甚至可以让那些小联盟的人,加入他们大恨盟,用这件事情来稳定他们的军心,但是他却没有办法,用这种方法来稳定那些大联盟的军心,所以刘长老现在也是十分头痛,他知道这种情况他是没有办法改变的,但是他却还是想要改变,因为如果在这样下去,那他们就真的要散了,一但其它几个大联盟的人全都退走了,那么他们治下的那些小联盟的人,会是什么样的反应,这个可就不好说了,最主要的是,一但那些大联盟的人,全都退走了,那也就是说,铁骨盟他们几个联盟,就可以将所有的注意力,全都集中到他们的身上了,到时候他们的损失怕是就大了,一想到这里,刘长老脸色更加的难看了,他知道现在他们已经到了十分危险的地步了,而最让他感到头痛的是,他却没有办法去阻止这一切,这种无力感,让他十分的泄气。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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