BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13552: retreat

Chapter 13568 retreat 第13568章退兵 No matter how these people think, the Flying Dragon pledge now is actually extremely worried, their these follows to hate pledge together to dispatch troops time to cope with the iron bone pledge greatly, what is complete is for the benefit, because hates the pledge to comply to give their many benefits greatly, therefore they then agree with the together attack iron bone pledge, but how they have not thought, they have not arrived at iron bone pledge there, own alliance here, has received lost greatly, this way, that even if to iron bone pledge there, they benefitted, the means have not arrived at them loss, this is the Flying Dragon pledge most uncomfortable, However makes them feel what is uncomfortable, they to the present, has not seen the iron bone pledge or the sea watching pledge their line of what pledges person, even if they want to discuss is impossible with them, this lets the person headache of very Flying Dragon pledge, they still regret, regret now oneself should not annoy these Lunatic. 不管那些人是怎么想的,飞龙盟现在却是十分的担心,他们这一次跟着大恨盟一起出兵对付铁骨盟,完全的是为了利益,因为大恨盟答应给他们很多的利益,所以他们这才同意一起进攻铁骨盟,但是他们怎么都没有想到,他们还没有到铁骨盟那里,自己的联盟这里,已经受了这么大的损失了,照这样下去,就算是到了铁骨盟那里,他们得到的好处,也没有办法抵得了他们所受的损失,这是飞龙盟最难受的,但是更让他们感到难受的是,他们到现在,也没有见到铁骨盟或是观海盟他们行何一盟的人,他们就算是想要跟他们谈一谈都不可能,这让飞龙盟的人十分的头痛,他们现在也十分的后悔,后悔自己不应该去惹这些疯子 However now allows the Flying Dragon pledge directly to participate in the army person calling them, they cannot put aside that face, person who after all they send, now has not arrived at iron bone pledge there, such dingy coming back, this regarding their prestige, is a huge blow, but if drags is not good, is dragging, if in appears several alliances by the attack matter, that to their prestigious attack on even bigger, these alliance , because believes them, moreover is at their requirements of using both persuasion and threats, this agrees with together to dispatch troops, copes. Iron bone pledge, now appears such matter, but they are actually incapable of coping, such later these small alliances, but can also believe them? Also will be listening their? These are they most are not all willing to see. 但是现在就让飞龙盟直接将他们参与大军的人给叫回来,他们又放不下那个面子,毕竟他们派出去的人,现在连铁骨盟那里都没有到,就这么灰溜溜的回来,这对于他们的威信,是一个巨大的打击,但是如果就这么拖着也不行,就这么拖着,要是在出现几个联盟被攻击的事儿,那么对他们的威信打击就更大,这些联盟,都是因为相信他们,而且是在他们的软硬兼施的要求之下,这才同意一起出兵,去对付铁骨盟的,现在出现这样的事儿,而他们却无力对付,这样以后那些小联盟,还能相信他们吗?还会在听他们的吗?这些全都是他们最不愿意看到的。 In the Flying Dragon pledge also in worried, the grandson did not meet their attacks a time in start, they in a small alliance that destroyed completely the Flying Dragon pledge to govern one time, the used method was also the same, killed Divine Beast, kept the person, as the matter stands Flying Dragon pledge there pressure even bigger. 就在飞龙盟还在苦恼的时候,孙不遇他们的进攻在一次的开始了,他们在一次的灭掉了飞龙盟治下的一个小联盟,用的方法也是一样的,杀神兽,留人,这样一来飞龙那里的压力更大了。 After the grandson does not meet they destroyed completely Divine Beast of third alliance, the Flying Dragon pledge finally could not withstand, they ordered, making army that they went to battle with withdraw directly hated the pledge allied armies greatly, simultaneously they also on foreign announce the statement, because of oneself reason, they have to withdraw from these directly time to the attack of iron bone pledge. Meanwhile they also gave hate the pledge to send the letter/believes greatly, told the king to defend traditional moral principles this information. 当孙不遇他们灭掉了第三个联盟的神兽之后,飞龙盟终于是顶不住了,他们直接就下令,让他们出战的大军退出了大恨盟联军,同时他们也直接就对外发表了声明,因为自身原因,他们不得不退出这一次对铁骨盟的进攻。同时他们也给大恨盟去信了,将这个消息告诉了王卫道。 The information that king Weidao first receives, sees this information, his complexion cannot help but very difficult looked, but he does not have the means that he cannot get angry with the Flying Dragon pledge now, if he got angry with the Flying Dragon pledge at this time, that offends may alliance that not only a Flying Dragon pledge, several other dispatched troops to with their together, was all given to offend by them. 王卫道是先收到的这个消息,一看到这种消息,他的脸色不由得十分的难看,但是他也没有办法,他现在也不能跟飞龙盟翻脸,如果他这个时候跟飞龙盟翻脸,那得罪的可就不只是一个飞龙盟了,就连其它的几个跟他们一起出兵的联盟,也全都被他们给得罪了。 That several dispatching troops alliance, theoretically, they are hate the pledge to treat as an equal greatly, their time is willing to follow to hate pledge together to dispatch troops to cope with the iron bone pledge greatly, all for the benefit, they can participate, can not participate, they want to withdraw can withdraw, if hates the pledge greatly because of this matter, but blames them, then several other pledges will not have the security sense, they feared that also meets cause disturbance , the meeting must withdraw from army, but this is the king defends traditional moral principles most does not want to see. 那几个出兵的联盟,在理论上,他们是与大恨盟平起平坐的,他们这一次愿意跟着大恨盟一起出兵对付铁骨盟,全都是为了利益,他们可以参加,也可以不参加,他们想退出就可以退出,如果大恨盟因为这件事情,而怪他们的话,那么其它几盟也会没有安全感,他们怕是也会闹起来,也会要退出大军,而这是王卫道最不想看到的。 However the king defends traditional moral principles also very clear, so long as he agreed with withdrawal of Flying Dragon pledge, the time that then several other pledges withdraw from will not be late, because of the person of iron bone pledge, discover they, can make them withdraw in this way, they will also certainly be using, they can cope with the iron bone pledge with this method, can cope with other alliances with this method, then other alliances will also certainly withdraw. 不过王卫道也十分的清楚,他只要同意了飞龙盟的退出,那么其它几盟退出的时间也不会太晚了,因为铁骨盟的人,发现他们用这种方法,可以让他们退出,那他们就一定还会在用,他们可以用这种方法对付铁骨盟,就可以用这种方法对付其它联盟,那么其它联盟也一定会退出。 Also in other words, no matter he did agree, several other pledges, will withdraw finally, this makes complexion very difficult that the king defends traditional moral principles look, but he is very polite sent the letter/believes to the Flying Dragon pledge , indicating that he can understand the decision of opposite party, he also agreed that makes the opposite party withdraw from army. 就是说,不管他同不同意,其它几盟,最后都会退出,这让王卫道的脸色十分的难看,但是他还是十分客气的给飞龙盟去了信,表示他能理解对方的决定,他也同意让对方退出大军 But when king Weidao sends the letter/believes to the person of Flying Dragon pledge, Flying Dragon pledge in the army there person, received the Flying Dragon pledge letter/believes, they were also without demur, said goodbye to Elder Liu directly, Elder Liu also received the letter/believes that the king defended traditional moral principles, he has not been blocking these people, let their leave directly, since Flying Dragon pledge announce that statement, the grandson did not meet them on any alliance that under attack the Flying Dragon pledge has not governed, the grandson did not meet actually other's alliance, but was still dull in Flying Dragon pledge there, if. Flying Dragon pledge the words of person not retreat, they meet the attack Flying Dragon pledge, was good because of Flying Dragon pledge retreat, the grandson did not meet them also to fly to next alliance there directly, this grandson did not meet their target is the Ba Huang pledge. 而就在王卫道给飞龙盟的人去信的时候,飞龙盟在大军那里的人,也收到了飞龙盟的信,他们也是二话没说,直接就向刘长老告辞了,刘长老也收到了王卫道的信,他也没有拦着这些人,直接就让他们离开了,而自从飞龙发表了那份声明之后,孙不遇他们就在也没有攻击飞龙盟治下的任何一个联盟,不过孙不遇却并没有去其它的联盟,而是依然呆在飞龙那里,如果飞龙盟的人不退兵的话,那他们还是会攻击飞龙盟的,好在飞龙退兵了,孙不遇他们也就直接向下一个联盟那里飞了过去,这一次孙不遇他们的目标就是八荒盟。 In fact Ba Huang pledge the people of their several alliances , has long known this matter, they also know that the Flying Dragon pledge was compelled retreat, facing this situation, they also made some preparations, was very absolute, they who the Ba Huang pledge did directly by all alliances that oneself governed, closed up to their Encampment, they wanted to concentrate these people, the together resistance grandson did not meet their attack. 事实上八荒盟他们几个联盟的人,也早就知道了这件事情,他们也知道飞龙盟被逼得退兵了,面对这种情况,他们也做了一些准备,八荒盟做的就挺绝对,他们直接就让自己治下的所有联盟,都向他们的驻地靠拢,他们想要将那些人集中起来,一起对抗孙不遇他们的攻击 They have not been thinking the earliest possible time makes their army withdraw from the allied armies, two reasons ; first, for benefit ; second, for the face, these hates the pledge time greatly to invite their several pledges dispatches troops, gives their interest, but is big, not only there are various types of commodities, even also promise in domain, therefore they will then follow to hate pledge together to dispatch troops greatly, but face not said it, they, if has not arrived at iron bone pledge there on retreat, in that face is some cannot really be justified, is likely same on the Flying Dragon pledge, now the Flying Dragon pledge has become the object who they ridiculed, for face, They not retreat easily, therefore they made such dealing. 他们没有想着第一时间就让他们的大军退出联军,有两个原因,一是为了利益,二是为了面子,这一次大恨盟为了请他们几盟出兵,给他们的利益可是不小,不只是有各种物资,甚至还在地盘的许诺,所以他们这才会跟着大恨盟一起出兵,而面子就更不在说了,他们要是还没有到铁骨盟那里退兵,那面子上也实在是有些说不过去,就像飞龙盟一样,现在飞龙盟已经成为了他们嘲笑的对像了,所以为了面子,他们也不会轻易的退兵的,所以他们才做出了这样的应对。
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