BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13549: Ambush

white eyes they think, these people who hate the pledge greatly, were receiving oneself alliance extinguished information, meeting appears is flurried, but they were underestimated hated the pledge greatly regarding their piece of region influences, they have not thought, hated the pledge greatly unexpectedly with own influence, all these pressing, this was white eyes they have not thought. 白眼他们本以为,大恨盟的那些人,在收到了自己联盟被灭的消息,会出现慌乱,但是他们还是小看了大恨盟对于他们那片区域的影响力,他们没有想到,大恨盟竟然用自己的影响力,生生的将这一切给压了下去,这是白眼他们都没有想到的。 look at uneventful army, white eyes they stare, later white eyes on let out a long breath, then said solemnly: Really has not thought, this hates the pledge greatly unexpectedly so fiercely, unexpectedly this matter pressing, good, I to am want to take a look, they can press how long, informs, today our concentration of effort, making many disciple participate during this attack, these battle soldier that their release comes one time, all eliminating.” People immediately complied with one, later their immediately starts to get ready, but white eyes immediately did not meet the letter/believes to the grandson, told the grandson not to meet said: not to meet, your there attacked in addition, remembered, this your time all did not destroy completely the people in these alliances, but destroyed completely their Divine Beast, only killed Divine Beast, did not kill people.” 看着风平浪静的大军,白眼他们都是一愣,随后白眼长出了口气,接着沉声道:“真是没有想到,这大恨盟竟然如此的厉害,竟然生生的将这件事情给压了下去,好,我到是想要看看,他们能压多长时间,通知下去,今天我们集中兵力,让更多的弟子参与这一次的进攻之中,一次就将他们放出来的那些战兵,全都给清除掉。”众人马上就应了一声,随后他们马上就开始去准备,而白眼马上就给孙不遇去了信,告诉孙不遇道:“不遇,你们那里另强进攻,记住了,这一次你们这一次不将那些联盟里的人全都灭掉,而是灭掉他们神兽,只杀神兽,不杀人。” The grandson did not meet also complied with one, the meaning of his also understand white eyes, this looked like in the battlefield, your sometimes the enemy injuring, compared with killing can increase enemy's burden, this was the same truth, these Divine Beast killing, will let the person headaches of these alliances, because battle soldier in these Divine Beast also had the average person, did not have the means to conduct secure Zhi, they turned even in a big way hated the pledge, in a big way hated the pledge to fear that was not means secure Zhi, if they no matter, that other's battle soldier and average person, feared after was, on cannot., The Divine Beast here person, way too small looked at these average people and battle soldier full power. 孙不遇也应了一声,他也明白白眼的意思,这就像是在战场上,你有的时候将敌人给打伤了,会比打死更能增加敌人的负担,这是一样的道理,将那些神兽给杀了,会让那些联盟的人更加的头痛,因为那些神兽里的战兵还有普通人,是没有办法进行安治的,他们就算是投靠了大恨盟,大恨盟怕是也没有办法安治,如果他们不管,那么其它的战兵和普通人,怕是以后也就不会在出全力了,神兽这里的人,都太过于小看那些普通人和战兵了。 these days white eyes they, although destroyed completely many battle soldier, but the quantity the people of these Divine Beast, is possible are not many, therefore this white eyes prepares to them one ruthlessly time comes, these battle soldier that went on patrol outside all gives to tidy up them directly, what response had a look to hate these people of pledge to be greatly. 这些天白眼他们,虽然灭掉了很多的战兵,但是数量在那些神兽界的人来看,可能并不是很多,所以这一次白眼准备给他们来一次狠的,直接就将他们在外面巡逻的那些战兵全都给收拾了,看看大恨盟的那些人会是什么样的反应。 Person and don’t know who white eyes hate the pledge greatly their plan, they truly were underestimated battle soldier and these average people, in their opinion, battle soldier was the in hand tool, but these average people, the tool was not even, most can only be weeds like existence, therefore their simply was not serious these people, in their opinion, battle soldier died died, but was the tool, went bad one, is looking for one and that's the end, did not need to be serious. 大恨盟的人并不知道白眼他们的打算,他们确实是小看战兵和那些普通人,在他们看来,战兵不过就是自己手里的工具,而那些普通人,连工具都算不上,最多就只能算是野草一样的存在,所以他们根本就不把这些人当回事儿,在他们看来,战兵死了就死了,不过就是工具,坏了一个,在找一个就是了,没有必要在当回事儿。 But white eyes they had actually been preparing at this time, they concentrated several million disciple, these disciple all were ready, they to hate pledge army these battle soldier to return sometime now greatly, beyond their lines of sight, the person who these hate the pledge greatly cannot see their, but hates the pledge greatly army, now in advancing, these battle soldier is still conducting the patrol in the army surrounding. 白眼他们这个时候却是已经在准备了,他们集中了几百万的弟子,这些弟子全都做好了准备,他们现在离大恨盟大军的那些战兵还有一段时间,在他们的视线之外,那些大恨盟的人是看不到他们的,而大恨盟的大军,现在还在前进,那些战兵就在大军的外围进行着巡逻。 white eyes looked the time was almost also mature, his horse Shou on said loudly: Attacks!” With his order, these disciple all turn toward hates the pledge battle soldier to rush over greatly, their speed very fast, but they to these battle soldier also about three li (0.5 km) places, were by these battle soldier discover, these battle soldier immediately made the preparation that a round of child met the enemy, but their these faced time, actually made completely safe preparation Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, these Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, composed battle soldier, conducted the comprehensive attack to them, these battle soldier this begin the exchange, immediately discover, their simply was not these Blood Slaughter Sect disciple opponents, came up these battle soldier on to be killed many. 白眼一看时间也差不多成熟了,他马收就大声道:“出击!”随着他的命令,那些弟子全都向着大恨盟的战兵冲了过去,他们的速度十分的快,不过他们在离那些战兵还有三里左右的地方,还是被那些战兵发现了,那些战兵马上就做发子迎敌的准备,但是他们这一次面对的,却是做了万全准备的血杀宗弟子,这些血杀宗弟子,组成了战兵,对他们进行全面的进攻,那些战兵一交上手,马上就发现,他们根本就不是那些血杀宗弟子的对手,一上来那些战兵就被杀死了很多。 But these Blood Slaughter Sect disciple directly the battle soldier corpse that these died tidying up, the victory in white eyes satisfied look at battlefield, wanted this time, suddenly to hate the pledge from these greatly battle soldier, killed some Expert, strength very formidable of these people, really had the strength of Island Lord level, but looked at their appearances, missed compared with these Island Lord a little, this arrived is to make white eyes stare, but his immediately knows these person was who, in Divine Beast here, in some Divine Beast islands, actually has the elder, before these elder either, was Divine Beast Island Lord, but Divine Beast died, Finally becomes Island Lord of other Divine Beast islands, either is Divine Beast Island Lord disciple, his strength has become Divine Beast Island Lord competently, but they do not have Divine Beast, such person, will become the elder generally. 而那些血杀宗弟子直接就将那些死去的战兵尸体给收拾了,白眼满意的看着战场上的战果,就要这个时候,突然从那些大恨盟的战兵之中,杀出了一些高手,这些人的实力十分的强悍,竟然有岛主级的实力,不过看他们的样子,又比那些岛主差了一点儿,这到是让白眼一愣,不过他马上就知道了那些人是什么人了,在神兽这里,一些神兽岛里,其实是有长老的,这些长老要么以前是神兽岛主,但是神兽死了,最后成为了其它神兽岛的岛主,要么就是神兽岛主弟子,他的实力已经够资格成为一个神兽岛主了,但是他们却没有神兽,这样的人,一般会成为长老。 It is for this reason that therefore strength very formidable of these people, although missed much compared with these Divine Beast Island Lord, but compares to these ordinary battle soldier, was actually, these person of make a move, one killed many Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, however Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, they have studied, how to deal with these Expert, therefore they, when facing these Expert, although ate most from the beginning owed a little, but they were actually quick adjusted, coordination with each other, and that person deal with. 正是因为如此,所以这些人的实力十分的强悍,虽然比起那些神兽岛主差了不少但是比起那些普通的战兵,却是强了很多,这些人一出手,一下就杀死了不少血杀宗弟子,但是血杀宗弟子,他们是学过,如何应付那些高手的,所以他们在面对那些高手的时候,虽然最一开始吃了一点儿亏,但是他们却是很快的就调整了过来,相互配合着,与那个人周旋 But Blood Slaughter Sect Expert, in this time make a move, they rushed over directly, conducts attack to these people, these person of although strengths are not weak, but facing these Blood Slaughter Sect elders, actually must miss much, their also appears casualties. 血杀宗高手,也在这个时候出手了,他们直接就冲了过去,对那些人进行攻击,那些人虽然实力不弱,但是面对这些血杀宗的长老,却是要差了不少,他们也出现了伤亡。 But at this time, from hated the pledge in greatly army, ran out of Expert of some Island Lord levels, this time was pure Island Lord level Expert, they rush over to these Blood Slaughter Sect elders, by this time, white eyes their also understand hated pledge tactic greatly time, they used these elder level Expert, constrained the Blood Slaughter Sect elder, then in came out by their Island Lord level Expert, conducted attack to Expert of these Blood Slaughter Sect elder levels, planned that gave them to come under one ruthless, their plans to were good, actually is impossible realized. 而就在这个时候,从大恨盟的大军之中,又冲出了一些岛主级的高手,这一次是纯正的岛主高手,他们直向那些血杀宗的长老冲了过去,到这个时候,白眼他们也明白了大恨盟这一次的战术,他们用那些长老级高手,拖住血杀宗长老,然后在由他们的岛主高手出来,对那些血杀宗长老级的高手进行攻击,打算给他们来一下狠的,他们的计划到是挺好,却不可能实现。 white eyes look at these attack Island Lord level Expert, immediately said loudly: Everyone retreats, making them pursue.” The people all complied with one, later their immediately starts retreat fast, these elders also want to tie down them, but does not have opportunity, in them some disciple, with trade the life by the life unexpectedly directly the means that these people blocking, but others all withdrew. 白眼看着那些出击岛主高手,马上就大声道:“所有人撤退,引他们来追。”众人全都应了一声,随后他们马上就开始飞快的后退,那些长老还想要缠住他们,但是却没有机会,他们中有一些弟子,竟然直接就是用以命换命的办法,将那些人给挡住了,而其它人全都撤走了。
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