BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13548: information

Chapter 13564 information 第13564章消息 Found that group of people?” The kings defend traditional moral principles sitting of colored calm in oneself in the room, but his opposite stand, is being his disciple, his disciple one hear of he said that waist cannot help but curved was lower, his open the mouth and said: Returns to the words of teacher, had not found, speed very fast of these people, moreover make a move very ruthless spicy, does not keep the living witness, what most important is, therefore their attack place, no matter the body of person, is the Divine Beast corpse, all disappears, could not find, could not find any burning down the trace, what most important is, goal that their attack, have no probably, even is nothing's rule, we wanted to find them, but very difficult.” That disciple is also the very helpless heart, they truly did not have the means to find the opposite party, he also headache , they use many methods now, they made various alliances send people to look, however their domains were also big, they are not saying these person many, therefore simply could not find. “找到那伙人了吗?”王卫道有色平静的坐在自己的房间里,而他对面站着的,正是他的弟子,他的弟子一听他这么说,腰不由得弯的更低了,他开口道:“回师尊的话,还没有找到,那些人的速度十分的快,而且出手十分的狠辣,不留活口,最主要的是,所以他们攻击过的地方,不管是人的尸体,还是神兽的尸体,全都不见了,一个都找不到,也找不到任何焚烧的痕迹,最主要的是,他们的攻击,好像也没有任何的目地性,甚至是没有任何的规律,我们想要找到他们,可是十分困难的。”那个弟子也是十分的无耐心,他们确实是没有办法找到对方,他现在也十分的头痛,他们用了不少的方法,他们让各联盟派人出去找,但是他们的地盘也不小,他们也不在道那些人到底有多少,所以根本就找不到。 complexion that the kings defend traditional moral principles ugly/difficult to look at, his said solemnly: Additional appointment manpower, even if turns inside out here, must look to me them, now our here alliance, but also few existences that knows these fellows, if lets the people of these alliances, knows that their existences, that was chaotic, you have thought that these with the person who our army go to battle with, if receives this information, how that can? Right, a matter, your immediately relates that several information alliances, gives them some advantage, told them, our here by attack information, temporary do not pass on, if they dare to pass on, that with us for the enemy, is letting their look at office, remembered, only do not threaten, but must to their some advantage, but these were only temporary, found these fellows, killed these fellows, this was most important, these fellow can destroy completely several alliances, the population of although that several alliances were not many, but this. From one side proved a matter, that is their strengths is not very strong, their strengths are not even strong, at least will still have 50 to about 100 people, so many Divine Beast, the is impossible trace does not stay behind, making the following these alliances look, but remembered, making their several alliance unite look, do not act alone, easily by attack.” 王卫道的脸色更加的难看,他沉声道:“加派人手,就算是把这里翻过来,也一定要将他们给我找出来,现在我们这里的联盟,还没有几个知道那些家伙的存在,如果让那些联盟的人,知道他们的存在,那就乱了,你有没有想过,那些随着我们的大军出征的人,如果收到这个消息,那会怎么样?对了,还有一件事儿,你马上就联系那几个情报联盟,给他们一些好处,告诉他们,我们这里攻击消息,暂时的不要传出去,如果他们敢传出去,那就是在与我们为敌,让他们看着办,记住了,不要只威胁,还要给他们一些好处,但是这些都只是暂时的,找到那些家伙,杀了那些家伙,这才是最重要的,那些家伙能灭掉好几个联盟,虽然那几个联盟的人数都不多,但是这也从侧面证明了一件事情,那就是他们的实力并不是很强,不过他们的实力就算是不强,最起码也会有五十到一百人左右,这么多的神兽,不可能一点儿痕迹都不留下的,让下面的那些联盟去找,但是记住了,让他们几个联盟联合起来去找,不要单独的行动,容易被攻击。” That disciple complied with one, the king defends traditional moral principles then open the mouth and said: "OK, arranges, remembered, more found these fellows to be better quickly. ” That disciple complied with one, in leave, in this, is hearing knock, the king defends traditional moral principles stares, later his open the mouth and said: "Come quarter had a person to enter his small Space, then before arriving at his room, the king defended traditional moral principles waves, the gate of room opened, walked a person from out of the door, this person was also disciple that the king defended traditional moral principles, on the side of him the room, immediately defended traditional moral principles and that disciple before the king salutes said: to see Master, saw Senior Brother.” 那个弟子应了一声,王卫道这才接着开口道:“好,去安排吧,记住了,越快找到那些家伙越好。”那个弟子应了一声,正在离开,就在这声,就听到一阵的敲门声,王卫道一愣,随后他开口道:“进来。”下一刻就有一个人走进了他的小空间,然后来到了他的房间前,王卫道一挥手,房间的门就打开了,从门外走进来一个人,这个人也是王卫道的弟子,他一边房间,马上就冲着王卫道和之前的那个弟子行礼道:“参见师父,参见师兄。” king does Weidao nod said: what matter what happened? to have?” The kings defend traditional moral principles are very curious, the opposite party has anything. 王卫道点了点头道:怎么了?可是有什么事儿?”王卫道很是好奇,对方有什么事儿。 That disciple said solemnly: Master, just received information, an alliance that we govern, in one time by attack, but this that alliance had not been eliminated time, lives more than ten people, they run away to our here now came, moreover this they also ran into the people of several other alliances all the way, they by the attack matter, many alliances were known, before the matter of destroyed completely that several alliance, was known by them, now these alliance, very scared, has given them to go to battle with the person the letter/believes.” 那个弟子沉声道:“师父,刚刚收到消息,我们治下的一个联盟,在一次被攻击了,不过这一次的那个联盟并没有被消灭,活下来十几个人,他们现在已经逃到我们这里来了,而且这一路上他们也遇到了几个其它联盟的人,他们被攻击的事情,很多联盟都知道了,之前被灭掉的那几个联盟的事情,也被他们知道了,现在那些联盟,都十分的害怕,已经给他们出征的人去信了。” One hear of that disciple said that complexion that the king defends traditional moral principles cannot help but changed, his immediately turned the head to go with that disciple said: that he spoke to before, immediately/on horseback wants to manage the people of appease these alliances, simultaneously the command they, formed the allied armies, must use quickest speed, discovered these people, all killed them, otherwise, in army was good to want chaotically, the people of these information alliances did not need to relate, this matter did not have the means to keep secret, we can do now, uses quickest speed, these fellow will look to come out to kill!” 一听那个弟子这么说,王卫道的脸色不由得变了,他马上就转头对之前跟他说话的那个弟子道:“去,马上想办安扶那些联盟的人,同时号令他们,组成联军,一定要用最快的速度,找出那些人,将他们全都杀了,不然的话,大军好里就要乱了,那些情报联盟的人也不用联系了,这件事情没有办法保密了,我们现在所能做的,就是用最快的速度,将那些家伙找出来杀了!” That disciple complied with one, king Weidao beckons with the hand said: to go, immediately manages.” Two disciple all complied with one, later they all defended traditional moral principles gave a salute to the king, turn around walked, these two disciple in this case, but also performance so calm, all was because the king defended traditional moral principles, the king defended traditional moral principles does not like the person being panic, did not like others without politeness, therefore that two disciple, even if experienced such matter, calm that very they still displayed, has not forgotten to salute to him, since this has been long time, fostered custom, panic that if they display, the king defends traditional moral principles instead attended the meeting to punish them, therefore they have to be calm. 那个弟子应了一声,王卫道摆了摆手道:“去吧,马上就去办。”两个弟子全都应了一声,随后他们全都冲着王卫道行了一礼,转身走了,这两个弟子之所以在这种情况下,还表现的如此的淡定,全都是因为王卫道,王卫道不喜欢人惊慌失措的,也不喜欢别人没有礼貌,所以那两个弟子,就算是遇到了这样的事儿,他们也表现的很是淡定,还不忘冲着他行礼,这是长时间以来,养成的习惯,如果他们表现的惊慌失措,那王卫道反到会处罚他们,所以他们不得不淡定。 look at that two disciple leave, the king defends traditional moral principles said solemnly: Really has not thought, these fellows touched to here unexpectedly came, this weaponry somewhat was evidently difficult to hit.” The kings defend traditional moral principles very clear, has the struggle the person in army, if discover their families/home were given to copy, then regarding their attack is very enormous, does not do well, entire army was chaotic, therefore they can do now, is as soon as possible looks to massacre these fellows, this can make army relieved, regarding that several alliances the person of extinguished small alliance, does not have any to be worried that the Elder Liu foot can repress to be occupied by them, so long as army is not chaotic, can only arrive at iron bone pledge there in army, the iron bone pledge these fellow, certain is impossible is their opponents., Regarding this little, the king defends traditional moral principles confident. 看着那两个弟子离开,王卫道不由沉声道:“真是没有想到,那些家伙竟然摸到这里来了,看样子这一仗有些难打了。”王卫道十分的清楚,出争的大军之中的人,要是发现他们的家被人给抄了,那对于他们的打击是十分巨大的,一个弄不好,整个大军就乱了,所以他们现在能做的,就是尽快的将那些家伙找出来杀掉,这样才能让大军安心,至于说那几个联盟已经被灭的小联盟的人,也没有什么好担心的,刘长老足可以弹压住他们了,只要大军不乱,只在大军能到达铁骨盟那里,铁骨盟的那些家伙,一定不可能是他们的对手,对于这一点儿,王卫道还是有信心的。 But hates the pledge den greatly by the attack matter, makes entire Divine Beast shake, the Divine Beast here person, has not really thought, the person of iron bone pledge will do unexpectedly this, they have been certain now, sea watching pledge their several alliances, already already secret from their Encampment there, arrived hated pledge here greatly, when then they hated the pledge greatly army, leave their Encampment, they then to hated the pledge to initiate attack greatly, can say, this matter, from beginning to end, all fell to the iron bone pledge in planning of their several alliances, The person who hates the pledge greatly, must lead by the nose. However the matter, these people somewhat think don't understand, why that is the iron bone pledge person, meets suddenly to want attack to hate the pledge greatly, provokes such a big powerful enemy to oneself, is they want to annex hates the pledge greatly? Can't? Are their ambitions so big? This truly is to make the people of these alliances unable to think through. 而大恨盟老巢被攻击的事情,也让整个神兽界为之一震,神兽这里的人,真的是没有想到,铁骨盟的人竟然会如此做,他们现在已经可以肯定了,观海盟他们几个联盟,早就已经秘密的从他们的驻地那里,来到了大恨盟这里,然后他们等到大恨盟的大军,离开了他们的驻地,他们这才对大恨盟发起了攻击,可以说,这件事情,从头到尾,全都落到了铁骨盟他们几个联盟的算计之中,大恨盟的人,一直都被要牵着鼻子走。不过有一件事情,那些人还是有些想不明白,那就是为什么铁骨盟的人,会突然想要攻击大恨盟,给自己招惹这么大的一个强敌,难道是他们想要吞并大恨盟?不能吧?他们的野心有这么大吗?这确实是让那些联盟的人想不通。 But Encampment by the attack matter, quick passed to army there, how many Encampment extinguished alliances, one cannot take a seat, they want returned to to hate pledge there greatly, but Elder Liu had not actually agreed that how many alliances but is directly the people of that called in own Divine Beast Space directly, when the people of how many alliances, after to their Divine Beast Space, Elder Liu on look at that several person said: several, I wants the matter you also to hear, regarding this matter, what you had idea? Said unexpectedly listens.” 驻地攻击的事情,也很快就传到了大军那里,那几个驻地被灭的联盟,一下就坐不住了,他们就想要回到大恨盟那里,但是刘长老却没有同意,而是直接就将那几个联盟的人,直接就叫到了自己的神兽空间里,等到那几个联盟的人,都到了他们的神兽空间之后,刘长老看着那几个人道:“几位,我想事情你们也全都听说了,对于这件事情,你们有什么想法?不防说出来听听。” The person of that alliance, one hear of Elder Liu said, cannot help but stares, later they looked at one mutually, later an elder stood, to Elder Liu open the mouth and said: Elder Liu, the present is what situation, you also know, our alliance by attack, we really did not have the means to attack the iron bone pledge as you like, we must go back to have a look.” Others also all nod. 那个联盟的人,一听刘长老这么说,都不由得一愣,随后他们互望了一眼,随后其中一个长老站了起来,冲着刘长老开口道:“刘长老,现在是什么情况,你也知道,我们联盟被攻击,我们实在是没有办法在随你去进攻铁骨盟了,我们必须要回去看看。”其它人也全都点了点头。 Elder Liu nods said: your mood I to understand, but I must say one, what do you go back to make? These attack your people, certainly are the iron bone pledge people, the goal that they do that is to make you go back, such army morale of troops will vacillate, but Encampment of your how many alliance, had been extinguished, these people who leave behind, had all died, I said that is not of pleasant to hear, your how many alliance, equal to had been extinguished in fact, after you go back, how can also? Your that Encampment, to you, how many significances? Therefore I want to invite your thinking well, is making the decision, do you look?” 刘长老点了点头道:“你们的心情我可以理解,但是我还是要说一句,你们回去能做什么呢?那些攻击你们的人,一定是铁骨盟的人,他们这么做的目地,就是要让你们回去,这样大军就会军心动摇,而你们几个联盟的驻地,已经被灭了,留下的那些人,全都已经死了,我说一句不好听的,你们几个联盟,事实上已经等于是被灭了,你们回去之后,又能怎么样呢?你们的那块驻地,对于你们来说,还有多少意义呢?所以我想请你们好好的想一想,然后在做决定,你们看呢?” As soon as that several units place elders listened to Elder Liu saying that they all do not speak, although said Elder Liu said was very reasonable, but they wanted to have a look, said no matter how, there was their alliance, therefore they wanted to have a look. 那几个位长老一听刘长老这么说,他们全都不说话了,虽然刘长老说的很有道理,但是他们还是想要回去看看,不管怎么说,那里可是他们的联盟,所以他们还是想要回去看看。 Elder Liu look at their appearances, then open the mouth and said: I just also said that your alliance had been extinguished, your present equal to were homeless, my here, the propositions, you discussed that had a look to be feasible, was this, I planned that asked your join I to hate the pledge greatly, how did you look? You can not need immediately to answer to me, can go back thinking well, is answering me.” This is Elder Liu with king Weidao discussed that later result, these person who follows Elder Liu to go to battle with, the status is highest, is the elder of that alliance, alliance leader of their not that alliance, but their alliance was extinguished, their alliance leader were also killed, they have become were truly homeless, at this time, hated the pledge to invite their join greatly, they should not reject, do not say now, even before, their alliance still, in a big way hated the pledge to please their join, they feared that was can still agree, after all in a big way hated. Pledge with their originally alliance, the comparability that but has no, hated the pledge too to be many greatly. 刘长老看着他们的样子,接着开口道:“我刚刚也说了,你们的联盟已经被灭了,你们现在等于是无家可归了,我这里呢,有一个提议,你们商量一下,看看可不可行,是这样的,我打算请你们加入我大恨盟,你们看如何?你们可以不用马上就给我答复,可以回去好好的想想,然后在答复我。”这是刘长老跟王卫道商量之后的结果,这些跟着刘长老出征的人,身份最高的,也不过就是那个联盟的长老,他们并不是那个联盟的盟主,而他们的联盟被灭,他们的盟主也就被杀了,他们确实是已经变得无家可归了,在这个时候,大恨盟请他们加入,他们应该是不会拒绝的,不要说现在了,就算是之前,他们的联盟还在的时候,大恨盟要请他们加入,他们怕是也会同意的,毕竟大恨盟跟他们原本的联盟,可是没有任何的可比性,大恨盟强太多了。 As soon as that several people listened to Elder Liu saying that their complexion cannot help but changed, later on their faces all revealed the happy expression, elder evening met to stand, to Elder Liu gave a salute said: Elder Liu, we did not need to consider, we wanted join to hate the pledge greatly.” His we completely, did not certainly say in several of sitting, but refers to the person of their alliance. 那几个人一听刘长老这么说,他们的脸色都不由得一变,随后他们的脸上全都露出了喜色,一个长老更旰接就站了起来,冲着刘长老行了一礼道:刘长老,我们不用考虑了,我们愿意加入大恨盟。”他的尽的我们,当然不是说在坐的几位,而是指他们联盟的人。 Elder Liu nods, is smiling said: "OK, I to welcome your join, but you have not been able returned to to hate pledge there to go now greatly, must follow my together action, your rest assured, from now on, you hated pledge one greatly, this will not change. ” 刘长老点了点头,笑着道:“好,我欢迎你们加入,不过你们现在还不能回到大恨盟那里去,要跟着我一起行动,你放心好了,从现在开始,你就是大恨盟的一员了,这一点儿是不会改变的。” That elder complied with one, later a face happy expression sat down, is he does not care immediately can returned to hate pledge there greatly, so long as made their join hate the pledge to be OK greatly, after all hated the pledge greatly, but the Divine Beast largest pledge, so long as can join hate the pledge greatly, to them, was a huge good government official, therefore he will not certainly say anything, so long as there are hated pledge status on to be able greatly, but the elders of several other alliances, one saw this situation, on their faces also all revealed excited. The facial expression, their also immediately stand, to Elder Liu said: Elder Liu, we also wanted join to hate the pledge greatly.” 那个长老应了一声,随后一脸喜色的坐下了,他并不在乎是不是马上就回到大恨盟那里,只要让他们加入大恨盟就可以了,毕竟大恨盟可是神兽界第一大盟,只要能加入大恨盟,对于他们来说,就是一件天大的好吏和,所以他当然是不会说什么了,只要有了大恨盟这个身份就可以了,而其它几个联盟的长老,一看到这种情况,他们的脸上也全都露出了兴奋的神情的,他们也马上就站了起来,冲着刘长老道:刘长老,我们也要加入大恨盟。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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