BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13546: battle soldier ( 2 )

Chapter 13562 battle soldier ( 2 ) 第13562章战兵(二) One hear of he said, the people one stare, later actually is two eyes shined, Elder Liu is, to them, the following these battle soldier lives, simply is not anything, therefore sacrificed some battle soldier, to them, the issue does not have, therefore this proposition, all of them all feel correct/pretty good. 一听他这么说,众人一都是一愣,随后却全都是两眼一亮,就连刘长老都是,对于他们这些人来说,下面的那些战兵的命,根本就不算什么,所以牺牲一些战兵,对于他们来说,一点儿问题都没有,所以这个提议,他们所有人全都觉得不错 Elder Liu nods said: "OK, that to decide, immediately arranges, our army starting today, wanted together to act, army is more compact, everyone goes back to arrange the person now, remembered, our people can only stay about two double-hour outside , in other words, about two double-hour, must conduct to relieve a garrison one time. ” 刘长老点了点头道:“好,那就这么定了,马上就去安排一下,我们的大军从今天开始,就要一起行动了,大军要紧凑一些,现在大家就回去安排人吧,记住了,我们的人只能在外面呆两个时辰左右,也就是说,两个时辰左右,就必须要进行一次换防。” The people all complied with one, Elder Liu declared the meeting adjourned directly, Elder Liu very clear, they must make the decision as soon as possible, will otherwise have some issues, therefore Elder Liu must make the decision as soon as possible. 众人全都应了一声,刘长老就直接宣布散会了,刘长老十分的清楚,他们必须要尽快的做出决定,不然的话会有一些问题,所以刘长老必须要尽快的做出决定。 After the people go back, immediately starts to reassign the manpower, battle soldier of that several dead Divine Beast within the body, was all concentrated, the average person regarding that several Divine Beast within the body, they have not actually managed, these people do not have any value to them. 众人回去之后,马上就开始抽调人手,那几头死去的神兽体内的战兵,也全都被集中了起来,至于说那几头神兽体内的普通人,他们却是没有管,那些人对他们已经没有了任何的价值了。 But they act like this, all under white eyes their gazes, white eyes they looks at but actually their movement, knows that what's the matter, white eyes cannot help but slightly smiled said: interesting, wants to compose the patrol leader with battle soldier, then stalls our attacks, this happen, we first start from their battle soldier, various corps, send out ordinary disciple, all tidied up their battle soldier, I to am want to take a look, they have many battle soldier enough us to grasp.” The people all complied with one, later arranged. 而他们这样的行动,也全都在白眼他们的注视之下,白眼他们一看倒他们的动作,就知道是怎么回事儿,白眼不由得微微一笑道:“有意思,想用战兵来组成巡逻队,然后挡住我们的进攻,这样正好,我们就先从他们的战兵入手,各战队,派出普通弟子,将他们的战兵全都收拾了,我到是想要看看,他们有多少战兵够我们抓的。”众人全都应了一声,随后就去安排去了。 numb martial also received the order of white eyes, they give these ordinary disciple to order directly, these ordinary disciple immediately formed the corps, later hates the pledge battle soldier to rush over to these directly greatly, hates the pledge greatly these battle soldier, just composed the patrol leader to come out, goes on patrol outside, Blood Slaughter Sect these disciple arrived, they directly conduct the rush to these battle soldier, till their tactics are like white eyes their tactics, to kill people, killed person, they will all give to tidy up the corpse directly, then these corpses will be delivered in returned to Black Tortoise Space, they will turn into Undead Race in Black Tortoise Space there. 麻武也接到了白眼的命令,他们直接就给那些普通弟子下了命令,那些普通弟子马上就组成了战队,随后就直接向那些大恨盟的战兵冲了过去,大恨盟的那些战兵,刚刚组成巡逻队出来,在外面巡逻,血杀宗的那些弟子就到了,他们直接就对那些战兵进行冲杀,他们的战术跟白眼他们的战术是一样的,以杀人为止地,杀死的人,他们全都会直接将尸体给收拾,然后这些尸体就会被送回到玄武空间里去,在玄武空间那里将他们变成死灵一族 Elder Liu they also hear these battle soldier by attack information, they not only have not been angry, instead to is very delighted, they think that their tactics succeeded, they use these battle soldier, stalled the attacks of Blood Slaughter Sect these people. 刘长老他们也听到那些战兵攻击消息,他们不但没有生气,反到是十分的开心,他们以为他们的战术成功了,他们用那些战兵,挡住了血杀宗那些人的进攻。 white eyes their attacks, will not divide, attack that no matter during the daytime or in the evening, has kept, the middle is separated by even, will not separate too long time, this has passed for one day and one night, to next morning time, Elder Liu their complexion in one time gloomy, they to did not care to lose many battle soldier, attack that but kept like this, to them, has very tremendous pressure, because their rest well. 白眼他们的进攻,是不会分时间的,不管是白天还是晚上,会一直不停的进攻,中间就算是相隔,也不会隔太长时间,就这样一直过去了一天一夜,一直到第二天早上的时候,刘长老他们的脸色在一次的阴沉了下来,他们到不是在乎损失了多少战兵,而是这样不停的进攻,对于他们来说,也有着很大的压力,因为他们根本就没有休息好 Elder Liu does not have the means that can only one time the representatives of various alliances, in welcome to his in the room, after people, Elder Liu looked at people one eyes, then open the mouth and said: yesterday iron bone pledge to our attacks, had not stopped, this is not good, we must conduct to group to everyone, cannot everyone help them boil, otherwise, has not waited for us to iron bone pledge there, we first cannot boil, does everyone feel?” The people all nod, that's true, they must group all Island Lord level Expert, if not group, they really cannot boil, if, when the Blood Slaughter Sect person attacks them, they do not have Group Island Lord Expert to assume personal command, if that Island Lord level Expert of opposite party, rushed to their army directly, their losses will be very big, but if all Island Lord level Expert accompany their together to boil, they cannot boil too long time, therefore they must group, must let everyone, has enough relaxation time. 刘长老没有办法,只能是将各联盟的代表,在一次的请到了他的房间里,等到众人都到了之后,刘长老就看了众人一眼,接着开口道:“昨天铁骨盟对我们的进攻,一直都没有停止过,这样不行,我们必须要对所有人进行一下分组,不能所有人都帮着他们熬着,不然的话,还不等我们到铁骨盟那里,我们就先熬不住了,大家觉得呢?”众人全都点了点头,确实如此,他们必须要对所有岛主高手进行分组,如果不分组的话,他们真的熬不住,如果在血杀宗的人进攻他们的时候,他们没有岛主高手坐镇的话,那么要是对方的岛主高手,直接就冲到了他们的大军之中,他们的损失会很大,但是如果所有岛主高手都陪着他们一起熬,那他们可是熬不了太长时间,所以他们必须要分组,必须要让所有人,都有充份的休息时间。 Elder Liu open the mouth and said: That decided that this, all of us are divided into three groups, each group defends four double-hour, is the time of battle soldier twice rotation, but our people, must divide the part in army four sides, cannot all concentrate, otherwise, enemy, if conducts attack from opposite that side to us, we did not have means immediately/on horseback to overtake to counter-attack, came attack our iron bone pledge person, each squad, was the island level Lord Expert 50 people about, we do not need to arrange too many manpower, only needs more than them some on was good, Therefore I felt, each squad, the arranged about 100 people were good, we currently altogether have the twenty thousand many people, various alliance core members, first do not participate, like this we want to assign out about 18,000 people, these 18,000 people, are divided into three groups, each group is 6000 people, but these 6000 people, are divided into 60 squads, these 60 squads, must guard respectively in the different positions, no matter the person of iron bone pledge, attacks from that direction, we can overtake within the shortest time, what does everyone have opinion? Without the opinion, I must conduct to investigate to army everyone, region that then assigns these squads to guard the position that also has them to guard, like this we can use our in hand existing manpower, stalled the attack of enemy.” Speaking of here, Elder Liu looked at people one eyes, the people all shake the head , indicating not to have the opinion, agreed with the Elder Liu method. 刘长老开口道:“那就这么定了,这样吧,我们所有人分成三组,每一组守四个时辰,也就是战兵两次轮换的时间,而我们的人,必须要分部分在大军的四面,不能将人全都集中起来,不然的话,敌人要是从相反的那一面对我们进行攻击,我们就没有办法马上赶过去反击了,来攻击我们的铁骨盟的人,每一只小队,都是岛级主高手五十人左右,我们也不需要安排太多的人手,只需要比他们多一些就好了,所以我觉得,我们每一个小队,就安排一百人左右就好了,我们现在一共有两万多人,各联盟核心成员,就先不要参与了,这样我们就要吧调出一万八千人左右,这一万八千人,分成三组,每一组就是六千人,而这六千人,就分成六十个小队,这六十个小队,要分别驻守在不同的位置,不管铁骨盟的人,从那个方向进攻,我们都可以在最短的时间之内赶过去,大家有没有什么意见?要是没有意见的话,我就要对大军的各位进行一下调查,然后分配那些小队驻守的位置还有他们驻守的区域了,这样我们才能用我们手里现有的人手,挡住敌人的进攻。”说到这里,刘长老看了众人一眼,众人全都摇了摇头,表示没有意见,同意刘长老的方法。 Elder Liu looks at no one to oppose, his immediately open the mouth and said: "OK, that decided that this, I on the arranged person, conduct to count to our entire army now, have a look at our army surrounding altogether many Divine Beast, these Divine Beast positions where, we must how divide the defense region, after I wants everyone to go back, can inform the following person, making them certainly coordinate. ” 刘长老一看没有人反对,他马上就开口道:“好,那就这么定了,这样吧,我现在就安排人,对我们整个大军进行一下统计,看看我们的大军外围一共有多少神兽,这些神兽的位置都在什么地方,我们要如何的划分防御的区域,我希望大家回去之后,能通知下面的人,让他们一定配合。” The people all complied with one, they also know, at this time must coordinate, if they did not coordinate at this time, they feared that was really must by the opposite party opposite party to trapped here, now they need unite get up to be good. 众人全都应了一声,他们也知道,这个时候必须要配合,如果这个时候他们不配合,那他们怕是就真的要被对方对方给困在这里了,现在他们必须要团结起来才行。
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