BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13545: battle soldier ( 1 )

Chapter 13561 battle soldier ( 1 ) 第13561章战兵(一) Divine Beast here Divine Beast was too big, each Divine Beast has several hundred li (0.5 km) big, this big Divine Beast, their get together big? Why this is also in Divine Beast here, one, but occur war, reasons of Divine Beast few combat, because their builds were too big, entering the war is really not convenient, why this is also Blood Slaughter Sect must let Divine Beast here Divine Beast on the small reason, too big truly entered the war without the means directly, but cannot enter the war directly , there would be no means to display 100% fighting strength, this regarding the Divine Beast person , has in a big way influence. 神兽这里神兽太大了,每一头神兽都有几百里大,这此大的神兽,他们聚在一起得有多大?这也是为什么在神兽这里,一但发生战事,神兽都很少参战的原因,因为他们的体形太大了,参战实在是不方便,这也是血杀宗为什么一定要让神兽这里神兽就小的原因,太大了确实是没有办法直接参战,而不能直接参战,就没有办法发挥出百分之百的战斗力,这对于神兽界的人来说,也是有很大的影响的。 although said that now Divine Beast here Divine Beast, can lend the cultivator use own strength, even can share the injury for cultivator, because Divine Beast was too big, they do not have the means to enter the war directly, without managing Law Image mount is the same, enters the war with their Master together, this created achieved person and Divine Beast complete melting combined together without the means that they naturally would have no means 100% displays these Divine Beast strengths, present Divine Beast here, Divine Beast Master, most can only from Divine Beast there, borrowed about 50% strengths, but Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, they were actually can from own Divine Beast there, borrows 100% strengths, achieves person and Divine Beast truly fuses is one, opposes the enemy two strength perfect knot combined together, but Divine Beast here, cultivator, even if borrowed the strength from Divine Beast there, most can still use -and-a-half strengths, simply with less than two strengths, why this was also Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, just came up from Lower Realm ascend time, not compared with the Divine Beast here person fighting strength difference how many reason, but after they adapted to here Spiritual Qi, their fighting strength, on will be stronger than the Divine Beast here person, now. Their Divine Beast level up, that not to mention, their present fighting strength, but must surpass the Divine Beast here person. 虽然说现在神兽这里神兽,都可以将自己的力量借给修士使用,甚至可以为修士分担伤害,但是因为神兽太大了,他们没有办法直接参战,更没有办法像坐骑一样,与他们的主人一起参战,这就造成了没有办法做到人与神兽完全的融合在一起,他们当然也就没有办法百分之百的发挥出这些神兽的力量了,现在的神兽这里,神兽主人,最多只能从神兽那里,借到百分之五十左右的力量,而血杀宗弟子,他们却是可以从自己的神兽那里,借到百分之百的力量,真正的做到人与神兽融合为一,将两份力量完美的结合在一起来对敌,而神兽这里,修士就算是从神兽那里借来了力量,最多也就是能用一份半的力量,根本就用不到两份的力量,这也是为什么血杀宗弟子,刚刚从下界飞升上来的时候,就不比神兽这里的人战斗力差多少的原因,而等他们适应了这里灵气之后,他们的战斗力,就会比神兽这里的人强,现在他们的神兽升级了,那就更不用说了,他们现在的战斗力,可是要超过神兽这里的人了。 But person who now hates the pledge greatly, they Divine Beast Island Lord of various alliances centralized to together, like this they truly were safe, but these Divine Beast did not have the means to together strongly, these Divine Beast stood in there, but this Blood Slaughter Sect target, was these Divine Beast, therefore after white eyes ordered, that team of Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, killed directly, position that this they killed time, was in army rear area, but their target also being clear, on was Divine Beast, this was bull shape Divine Beast, defense strength correct/pretty good, the strength. Very greatly, but after Blood Slaughter Sect disciple to/clashes, quick arrived at this Divine Beast here, they directly conducted attack to this Divine Beast, person who these hate the pledge greatly, their although discover Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, but Blood Slaughter Sect disciple target is not they, therefore these person of although were ready, actually fell spatial, Blood Slaughter Sect these disciple, rushes over from that Divine Beast side, conducted attack to that Divine Beast, that Divine Beast defense strength although very formidable, but Blood Slaughter Sect disciple attack , is the penetrating to the bone vigor that uses, this under that Divine Beast may. Really could not bear, the internal organs of Divine Beast by attack, that Divine Beast called out pitifully several, later starts to spit blood, but Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, at this time, has run away far. 而现在大恨盟的人,他们是将各联盟的神兽岛主都集中到了一起,这样他们确实是安全了,但是那些神兽却没有办法集中到一起,那些神兽还是都站在那里,而这一次血杀宗目标,就是那些神兽,所以白眼下令之后,那一队血杀宗弟子,直接就杀了出来,这一次他们杀出来的位置,是在大军的后方,而他们的目标也十分的明确,就是一头神兽,这是一头牛形神兽,防御力不错,力量也很大,而血杀宗弟子冲出来之后,很快就到了这头神兽这里,他们直接就对这头神兽进行了攻击,那些大恨盟的人,他们虽然发现血杀宗弟子,但是血杀宗弟子目标并不是他们,所以那些人虽然做好了准备,却是落了一个空,血杀宗的那些弟子,从那头神兽的旁边冲了过去,对那头神兽进行了攻击,那头神兽防御力虽然十分的强悍,但是血杀宗弟子攻击,也全都是用的透骨劲,这一下那头神兽可真的是受不了了,神兽的内脏被攻击,那头神兽惨叫了几声,随后就开始吐血,而血杀宗弟子,这个时候,已经逃远了。 When that Divine Beast Master responded, when examines that Divine Beast situation, that Divine Beast is not soon good, this Divine Beast strength although was not bad, but Blood Slaughter Sect disciple attack, was very formidable, that Divine Beast could not really have defended Blood Slaughter Sect disciple attack, is adding on these Divine Beast, actually all did not have the growth to be good, their within the body Gold Core, their five internal organs after tempered, be are very not frail, by Blood Slaughter Sect disciple this attack, that Divine Beast on could not really be borne, now his five internal organs have damaged, although his Life Force was very strong, but this. Also can only be makes me live some time, but these days he pain, will die finally, but one, but this Divine Beast died, then regarding that Divine Beast Island Lord, without doubt on equal to is the total destruction. 而等到那头神兽主人反应过来,来查看那头神兽的情况时,那头神兽已经快要不行了,这神兽的力量虽然不差,但是血杀宗弟子攻击,也是十分强悍的,那头神兽还真的是防不住血杀宗弟子攻击,在加上这些神兽,其实全都没有发育好,他们的体内没有金丹,他们的五脏也没有经过淬炼,还是很脆弱,被血杀宗弟子这一攻击,那神兽就真的受不了了,现在他五脏已经损坏了,虽然他的生命力很强,但是这也只能是让我多活一段时间,而这一段时间他会十分的痛苦,最后还是会死去,而一但这神兽死了,那么对于那个神兽岛主来说,无疑就等于是灭顶之灾。 Divine Beast in here representative may not only be only the strength, similarly is also representing the status, your Divine Beast died, then your subordinates battle soldier, can only enter to others' Divine Beast Space, turns into others' battle soldier, you later also were not Island Lord, if the luck were good, you entered to others' Divine Beast Space, you can also work as an elder, but also is impossible in having what power, if luck not good, you can only be enter to others' Divine Beast Space there, became others' battle soldier Captain, this already very correct/pretty good, after all you. The strength is placed in there, you have worked as the Divine Beast Island Lord person, like this others will make you work as this battle soldier Captain, however your status henceforth actually changed, you from King, turned into others protected, but this psychological dropping variance very enormous. 神兽这里代表的可不仅仅只是实力,同样还代表着身份,你的神兽死了,那么你手下战兵,就只能是进入到别人的神兽空间里,变成别人的战兵,你以后也就不在是一个岛主了,要是运气好的话,你进入到别人的神兽空间,你还能当一个长老,但是也不可能在有什么权力了,要是运气不好的话,你只能是进入到别人的神兽空间那里,成为别人的战兵队长,这已经很不错了,毕竟你的实力在那里摆着呢,你是当过神兽岛主的人,这样别人才会让你当这个战兵队长,但是你的身份从此却变了,你从一个国王,变成了别人的护卫了,这种心理落差可是十分巨大的。 It is for this reason that therefore in Divine Beast here, one, but Divine Beast Island Lord Divine Beast died, only if some people can help him, immediately/on horseback was finding Divine Beast, otherwise, rarely some people can turning over, in fact, if Divine Beast Island Lord Divine Beast died, only if there is relationship specially good person, otherwise, the ordinary person, will not give shelter their, because looks like in other Divine Beast Island Lord, when their these Divine Beast Island Lord person, is not contented Lord, they are the ambitious people, giving shelter to them has the danger, because. They have worked as Divine Beast Island Lord, will not be resigned makes battle soldier or has no elder of power, does not do well, will become the root of their Divine Beast island turmoil, therefore they are not willing to give shelter to these Divine Beast Island Lord. 正是因为如此,所以在神兽这里,一但一个神兽岛主神兽死了,除非有人能帮他,马上在找到一头神兽,不然的话,就很少会有人能翻身了,事实上,如果一个神兽岛主神兽死了,除非是有关系特别好的人,不然的话,一般的人,是不会收留他们的,因为在其它的神兽岛主看来,他们这些当过神兽岛主的人,都不是安份的主,他们都是有野心的人,收留他们是有危险的,因为他们当过神兽岛主,就不会甘心的做一个战兵或是没有任何权力的长老,一个弄不好,就会成为他们神兽岛动乱的根源,所以他们这些人是不愿意收留那些神兽岛主的。 Now this Divine Beast died, that is also representing, this Divine Beast Island Lord, starting today, worked as not surface Divine Beast Island Lord, this killing him was more uncomfortable, but others saw this situation, sent at heart coolly, they also feared oneself will turn into this appearance. 现在这头神兽死了,那也就代表着,这个神兽岛主,从今天开始,也就当不面神兽岛主了,这比杀了他还要难受,而其它人看到这种情况,也是心里发凉,他们也怕自己会变成这个样子。 Divine Beast regarding the person of Divine Beast, was really important, must otherwise, here not call Divine Beast, here originally to call Immortal Realm, this name of pleasant to hear, but calls Divine Beast now, obviously Divine Beast to the here person, there are how importantly, without Divine Beast, your strength, you in here can not live on much longer, the ability invasion of Shadow Clan, will also want your life, therefore Divine Beast regarding the Divine Beast here person, may, not only helped them promote fighting strength is so simple, was root that they survived, but this time iron bone pledge. The people, actually begin to their Divine Beast directly, this too awfully. 神兽对于神兽界的人来说,真的是太重要了,要不然的话,这里也不会叫神兽界,这里原本可是叫仙界的,这个名字更加的好听,但是现在却叫神兽界,可见神兽这里的人来说,有多么的重要,没有神兽,你的实力在强,你在这里活不了多长时间,影族的能力入侵,就会要你的命,所以神兽对于神兽这里的人来说,可不只是帮他们提升战斗力那么简单,更是他们生存的根本,而这一次铁骨盟的人,却直接就对他们的神兽动手,这个就太要命了。 Divine Beast died, although has not died many people, but this actually increased the burdens of other Divine Beast, must know that in Divine Beast here, each Divine Beast Island Lord, will calculate own Divine Beast Space, they in oneself Divine Beast Space, will install enough many people generally, these people in Divine Beast Space, not only can cultivate, simultaneously they will also provide enough Strength of Faith, these Strength of Faith, will be helping Divine Beast, resists Shadow Clansman energy, but Divine Beast dies now, but in the Divine Beast person has not actually died, as the matter stands, in this Divine Beast person, on must enter. Arrived other Divine Beast, but in other Divine Beast the person of attire, has filled, or was saturated, they are installing, that was overbooked, sat to that Divine Beast Space, made very big trouble, does not do well the appears food shortage, and so on all kinds of troubles, therefore they will say, this Blood Slaughter Sect attack, was really ruthless, did not want the lives of these Divine Beast islands, but was direct on killing their Divine Beast, but this too awfully. 神兽死了,虽然没有死多少人,但是这却增加了其它神兽的负担,要知道在神兽这里,每一个神兽岛主,都会对自己的神兽空间进行计算,他们一般都会将自己的神兽空间里,装上足够多的人,这些人在神兽空间里,不只能耕种,同时他们还会提供足够的信仰之力,这些信仰之力,会帮着神兽,对抗影族人能量,但是现在一头神兽死了,但是神兽里面的人却没有死,这样一来,这头神兽里面的人,就必须要进入到其它的神兽里面去,而其它的神兽里装的人,已经满了,或者说是饱和了,他们这些人在装进去,那就超员了,坐对那个神兽空间,造成很大的麻烦,弄不好就会出现粮食短缺,等等各种各样的麻烦,所以他们才会说,这一次血杀宗攻击,实在是太狠了,不要那些神兽岛的命,而是直接就杀他们的神兽,这可是太要命。 Quick Elder Liu also knows this matter, his complexion very difficult looks, his immediately the representatives of various alliances, in one time welcome to his Divine Beast Space , after everyone, Elder Liu then look at people said: iron bone pledge newest attack, I think that everyone also knew, regarding this matter, what everyone had to say?” 很快的刘长老也知道了这件事情,他的脸色十分的难看,他马上就将各联盟的代表,在一次的请到了他的神兽空间里,等到所有人都到了之后,刘长老这才看着众人道:“铁骨盟最新的攻击,我想大家也都知道了,对于这件事情,大家有什么想说的?” No one spoke, however everyone's complexion was not quite attractive, they have not thought, Blood Slaughter Sect will come such a move unexpectedly, this truly was stems from their unexpected, the appearances of Elder Liu look at these people, then open the mouth and said: What situation the present is, I think that everyone also understood, the iron bone pledge is is impossible lets our safe advancing, moreover they now directly to Divine Beast make a move, what the consequence are, I think that everyone can also understand, we now probably find out means to cope with them, advancing that otherwise, we let us not want to feel at ease, but this is also the iron bone pledge goal, no matter for what, we cannot make the iron bone pledge go well, otherwise, our faces do put toward there? After going back, what kind of our alliance leader explain/transfer? Therefore I hope that everyone can try to find the solution well, solved our current difficult positions, everyone says.” Elder Liu said on the look at people. 没有人说话,但是所有人的脸色都不太好看,他们也没有想到,血杀宗竟然会来这么一招,这确实是出乎他们的意料之外,刘长老看着那些人的样子,接着开口道:“现在是什么情况,我想大家也都了解了,铁骨盟是不可能让我们平平安安的前进的,而且他们现在直接就对神兽出手,后果是什么样的,我想大家也都能明白,我们现在必须要想出一个办法来对付他们,不然的话,我们就别想安心的前进了,而这也正是铁骨盟的目地,不管是为了什么,我们都不能让铁骨盟得手,不然的话,我们的脸往那里放?回去之后,如何的跟我们的盟主交待?所以我希望大家都能好好的想想办法,解决我们目前的困境,大家都说说吧。”刘长老说完就看着众人。 As soon as the people listened to Elder Liu saying that complexion also all became ugly/difficult to look at, Elder Liu said did not have the mistake, they all were the representatives of various alliances, but they were not alliance leader, if their these were defeated time, then waited for their, is possible was the punishment of alliance leader, do not say that they have not arrived at iron bone pledge there now, if they arrived at iron bone pledge there, when battled with the iron bone pledge, because of sustaining setbacks, but failed, drew back returned to in their Sect, that said fortunately, but they now iron bone pledge there, that on not drawing back go back, when the time comes. Lost may, not only their faces, the face of their alliance, that is also losing the face of their alliance leader, if their alliance leader loses face, that is possible does let off them? When the time comes they do not want the auspicious day to pass, therefore they need the means solve this matter now, at least they must insist that iron bone pledge there is good. 众人一听刘长老这么说,脸色也全都变得更加的难看,刘长老说的没有错,他们这些人全都是各联盟的代表但是他们并不是盟主,如果他们这一次失败了回去,那么等待他们的,可能盟主的处罚,更不要说他们现在连铁骨盟那里都没有到,如果他们到了铁骨盟那里,在与铁骨盟交战的时候,因为做战不利,而失败了,退回到了他们的宗门里,那还好说,但是他们现在连铁骨盟那里都没有到,那就退回去,到时候丢的可不只是他们的脸,还有他们联盟的脸,那也就是在丢他们盟主的脸,他们盟主要是丢了脸,那怎么可能放过他们呢?到时候他们就别想有好日子过了,所以他们现在必须要办法来解决这件事情,最起码他们也必须要坚持到铁骨盟那里才行。 At this time Iron Hand pledge representative open the mouth and said: I have means that now in our alliance, doesn't lose several Divine Beast? That also in other words, our here vacates many complexion battle soldier not to have the place to arrange now, we can organize these battle soldier, in various Divine Beast islands, is extracting some battle soldier, comprised of several corps these battle soldier, making these people go on patrol in our army surrounding, they can leave army far a little, moreover team that goes on patrol, can be divided into several layers, like this person of next iron bone pledge in attacks us, by these person of discover, they are not first needed to block these person, they only need to forewarn on ahead of time can, they forewarned ahead of time, we on will have to prepare., They are wanting attack when the time comes our is impossible, perhaps we can also tidy up them, does everyone think?” He said that also looked at people one eyes. 这时铁手盟的代表开口道:“我有一个办法,现在我们联盟里,不是损失了好几头神兽吗?那也就是说,我们这里现在空出了很多的脸色战兵没有地方安排,我们可以将这些战兵组织起来,各神兽岛里,在抽出一些战兵,由这些战兵组成几个战队,让这些人就在我们的大军外围进行巡逻,他们可以离大军远一点儿,而且巡逻的队伍,也可以分成几层,这样下一次铁骨盟的人在来进攻我们,就会先被这些人发现,他们不需要挡住那些人,他们只需要提前预警就可以了,他们提前预警了,我们就会有所准备,到时候他们在想要攻击我们就不可能了,说不定我们还可以收拾他们呢,大家以为呢?”他说完还看了众人一眼。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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