BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13543: Action

Chapter 13559 acts 第13559章行动 These to hates the attack of pledge time greatly, numb martial is the person who first batch attack hates the pledge greatly, they are hating beyond the pledge army scout range now greatly, but numb martial is actually not intense, instead to is some excited, but at this time he had heard Captain order said: everyone, set.” numb martial immediately came out from Divine Beast Space, flew outside, they cannot put up Divine Beast, to hated the pledge army to conduct attack greatly, if they put up Divine Beast to hate the pledge army to conduct attack greatly, that quick by discover, because Divine Beast target was too big, therefore they needed go to hate the pledge army to conduct attack greatly, but their Divine Beast, must change the small build, then received in Divine Beast Space of their within the body, now their Divine Beast, is their Life Source Divine Beast, in their within the body, was their Divine Beast dull Divine Beast Space, therefore they can their Divine Beast, receive in Divine Beast Space. 这一次对大恨盟的进攻,麻武就是第一批攻击大恨盟的人,他们现在就在大恨盟大军侦察范围之外,不过麻武却是一点儿也不紧张,反到是有些兴奋,而这时他已经听到了队长的命令道:“所有人,集合。”麻武马上就神兽空间里出来,飞到了外面,他们是不能架着神兽,对大恨盟的大军进行攻击的,如果他们架着神兽对大恨盟的大军进行攻击的话,那很快就会被发现,因为神兽目标太大了,所以他们必须要自己去对大恨盟的大军进行攻击,而他们的神兽,要变小体形,然后收到他们体内的神兽空间里,现在他们的神兽,都已经是他们的本命神兽了,在他们的体内,是他们神兽呆的神兽空间的,所以他们可以将他们的神兽,收到神兽空间里的。 The demon military comes out from Divine Beast Space, later received in Divine Beast Divine Beast Space of their within the body directly, later he arrived at their Captain side, other Island Lord, all arrived at side their Captain, their Captain looked at people one eyes, then said solemnly: Everyone, we are first batch attack hate the pledge army person greatly, I hope that the everyone energy remembered before the Elder Bai words, do not covet the merit, strikes walks, does not look at the victory, do not covet the merit, our target are here time, since here overruns, then conducts attack to this Divine Beast, I estimated that we are going the Divine Beast surrounding about 5li(2.5km) place, by Divine Beast discover, therefore our speed certainly will be been quick, moreover all attack methods are prepared, after arriving at the Divine Beast side, immediately to Divine Beast attack, one strikes on walking, this time. attack, we must use the penetrating to the bone vigor . Moreover the attack place, is the hind leg of Divine Beast, even if our penetrating to the bone vigor cannot kill Divine Beast, must give to discard his hind leg, understand?” 魔武从神兽空间里出来,随后就直接将神兽收到了他们体内的神兽空间里,随后他就到了他们队长的身边了,其它的岛主,也全都到了他们的队长身边了,他们的队长看了众人一眼,接着沉声道:“各位,我们是第一批攻击大恨盟大军的人,我希望大家能记住之前白长老的话,不要贪功,一击就走,不看战果,不要贪功,我们这一次的目标就是这里,从这里冲过去,然后对这头神兽进行攻击,我估计我们在到达神兽外围五里左右的地方,就会被神兽发现,所以我们的速度一定要快,而且所有的攻击手段一定要准备好,在到达神兽的身边之后,马上就神兽攻击,一击就走,这一次的攻击,我们要用透骨劲,而且攻击的地点,就是神兽的后腿,就算是我们的透骨劲不能杀死神兽,也要将他的后腿给废掉,明白了吗?” The people all complied with one, after Captain then said: strikes, our immediately walks, the person who hates the pledge greatly, is possible immediately will pursue, but do not worry, all of us all prepare, our Divine Beast Magic, our Divine Beast Magic majority, all are defends, one, but really ran into the enemy, immediately completes the defense with Divine Beast Magic, fast being separated fight, understand?” 众人全都应了一声,队长又接着道:“一击之后,我们马上就走,大恨盟的人,可能马上就会追过来,不过也不要着急,我们所有人全都准备好,我们的神兽术法,我们的神兽术法大多数,全都是防御的,一但真的遇到了敌人,马上就神兽术法做好防御,快速的脱离战斗,明白了吗?” The people all complied with one, Captain take deep breaths, later looked at one to hate the pledge army direction greatly, then said solemnly: depart.” With his order, the people all turned toward to hate the pledge army direction to fly greatly, moreover speed was getting quicker and quicker, simultaneously the people also all their weapon with, numb martial weapon very special, is a pair of chain hammer, this chain hammer was similar to chain flail, front was a hammer head, behind brings iron chain, the iron chain behind also , this weapon soft had hard, was one type of very weapon that was difficult to use, but numb martial was actually likes very much, moreover had innate skill in this aspect very much, therefore he also on setting this weapon. 众人全都应了一声,队长深吸了口气,随后看了一眼大恨盟大军的方向,接着沉声道:“出发。”随着他的命令,众人全都向着大恨盟大军的方向飞了过去,而且速度越来越快,同时众人也全都将他们的武器给拿了出来,麻武的武器十分的特别,是一对链锤,这链锤就跟链枷差不多,前面是一个锤头,后面带着一条铁链,铁链的后面还有一个柄,这种武器软中有硬,是一种十分难用的武器,但是麻武却是很喜欢,而且很有这方面的天赋,所以他也就定下了这种武器 numb martial on the face although brings an excitement now, but two eyes actually already completely calm, their speed are getting quicker and quicker, to hates the pledge greatly army also getting closer and closer, hates pledge is possible not to think greatly, some people dare attack they, therefore they have not sent out anything to scout in all around conduct stand guard, entire army get together walks forward, if you will carefully look at discover, these army will also be divided into a small group small group, each small group is representing an influence, but person who in a big way will hate the pledge, on army middle., command(er) the entire only army action, others in army, have certainly no opinion, after all they do not believe that will meet what attack, in their opinion, is no one dares attack they, therefore also has certainly the opinion on no one. 麻武现在脸上虽然带着一丝的激动,但是两眼却是已经完全的冷静了下来,他们的速度越来越快,离大恨盟的大军越来越近,大恨盟可能是从来都没有想过,有人敢攻击他们,所以他们也并没有派出什么斥候在四周进行警戒,整个大军就那么聚在一起向前走,如果你仔细看的话就会发现,这些大军也分成一小团一小团的,每一小团都代表着一个势力,而大恨盟的人,就在大军的中间,指挥着整只大军行动,大军里的其它人,当然也没有什么意见,毕竟他们也不相信会遇到什么攻击,在他们看来,是没有人敢攻击他们的,所以当然也就没有人有意见。 At this time, in Divine Beast of army surrounding, that Island Lord suddenly heard fierce knock, he cannot help but stares, later his immediately open the mouth and said: "Come in.his sound just fell, battle soldier flew directly, he holds the fist in the other hand said: to that Island Lord Island Lord, outside has the situation, from the army surrounding, the squad person is flying toward our here, speed very fast.” Ten points that his saying said anxious, but evidently actually not startled, because to the present they do not believe that some people dare attack they, reason that can say so anxious , because the opposite party comes was too quick, speed that therefore he spoke unconscious with worrying, but that Island Lord one hear of he said, cannot help but gawked, later somewhat puzzled look at that person was said: who?” 就在这个时候,在大军外围的一个神兽里,那个岛主突然听到了一阵剧烈的敲门声,他不由得一愣,随后他马上就开口道:“进来。”他的声音刚一落,一个战兵就直接飞了进来,他冲着那个岛主一抱拳道:岛主,外面有情况,从大军外围,有一小队人正往我们这里飞来,速度十分的快。”他这话说的十分的急,不过看样子却并没有过于惊慌,因为到现在他们也不相信有人敢攻击他们,之所以会说的如此的急,是因为对方来的太快了,所以他说话的速度也不自觉的跟着急了起来,而那岛主一听他这么说,不由得一愣,随后有些不解的看着那人道:“是什么人?” That battle soldier shakes the head said: don’t know, the opposite party was too quick, had soon arrived at our here.” 战兵摇了摇头道:不知道,对方太快了,已经快要到我们这里了。” That Island Lord said solemnly: Walks, goes out to have a look with me.” Said that he walks outward, that battle soldier follows hastily, quick two people departed the room, after outside, their Island Lord felt that squad person, that squad person, is very near to them, when that squad person to their also two li (0.5 km), that Island Lord waves, that battle soldier complied with one, immediately was leading squad battle soldier, moves forward to meet somebody to that squad person, but that Island Lord on standing in there look at, he to was wants to have a look, why that squad person wanted, he thought that squad. The people, are battle soldier in other Divine Beast, is looks his, he does not think that the opposite party is comes attack he, therefore that Island Lord stands in there look at, the opposite party was so near to them, has not decelerated, some are not polite. 岛主沉声道:“走,跟我出去看看。”说完他就往外走去,那个战兵连忙跟着,很快的两人就飞出了房间,到了外面之后,他们那岛主就感觉到了那一小队人,那一小队人,离他们已经很近了,就在那一小队人离他们还有两里的时候,那岛主一挥手,那个战兵应了一声,马上就领着一小队战兵,直向那一小队人迎了上去,而那岛主就站在那里看着,他到是想要看看,那一小队人想要干什么,他以为那一小队人,是其它神兽里的战兵,是来找他的,他并不认为对方是来攻击他的,所以那个岛主只是站在那里看着,对方离他们这么近了,还不减速,有些不礼貌了。 numb martial they sees that squad battle soldier, saw in that island, their Captain two eyes cannot help but one bright, his immediately said loudly: Changes attack target, our attack that Island Lord, strikes walks.” The people all complied with one, speed that later speeds up, regarding that team of battle soldier, their simply has not paid attention, they rush over directly, that team of battle soldier also want to block them, they actually killed directly, by their strengths, these battle soldier simply is impossible can block them, among in the blink of an eye they have killed thoroughly these battle soldier, killed to that Divine Beast island, that Divine Beast Island Lord was actually in there, he has not thought, the opposite party will begin unexpectedly, comes up to want their lives, therefore he at once unexpectedly in there. 麻武他们看到那一小队战兵,同时也看到了那个岛上,他们队长两眼不由得一亮,他马上就大声道:“改变攻击目标,我们攻击那个岛主,一击就走。”众人全都应了一声,随后加快的速度,至于说那一队战兵,他们根本就没有放在眼里,他们直接就冲了过去,那队战兵还想要挡住他们,他们却是直接就杀了过去,以他们的实力,那些战兵根本就不可能挡得住他们,转眼之间他们就已经杀透了那些战兵,直向那个神兽岛上杀了过去,那个神兽岛主却是愣在了那里,他没有想到,对方竟然会动手,上来就想要他们的命,所以他一时之间竟然愣在了那里 When he recovers, these people have killed his front, he just wants to resist, attack of these people have fallen his head, his then discover, these people unexpectedly all are Island Lord level Expert, he exempted kept off, but later was actually directly by others killing, not only he died, his Divine Beast also died, but numb martial they actually flew away directly. 等到他回过神来的时候,那些人已经杀到了他的面前,他刚想抵抗,那些人的攻击就已经落到了他的头上,他这才发现,那些人竟然全都是岛主高手,他免强了挡了一下,但是随后却是直接就被其它的人给打死了,不只是他死了,他的神兽也死了,而麻武他们却是直接就飞走。 excited of numb martial face, was just his first hit on that Island Lord, a hammer the spine of that Island Lord breaking, others also all make up the blade, numb martial feels now, own weapon was easy-to-use, used conveniently specially. 麻武一脸的兴奋,刚刚就是他第一个打在那个岛主身上的,一锤子就将那个岛主的脊骨给打断了,其它人也全都是补刀罢了,麻武现在更觉得,自己的武器好用了,用起来特别的顺手。 Captain leads numb martial they to going far away to run away, among in the blink of an eye on vanish from sight, the person who these hated the pledge greatly, how they have not thought that unexpectedly by person attack, therefore they were really a little protection do not have, it is for this reason that therefore they have not responded, making numb martial they escape smoothly, these people who when numb martial their leave, hated the pledge greatly, this responded, they lost Island Lord unexpectedly, this was too really felt accidental/surprised by them, entire army immediately stopped, later the Elder Liu personally belt/bring the people were arriving at that. Dead Island Lord there, this Island Lord although belonged in a big way hates Island Lord that in small alliance the pledge governed, but said no matter how, this was also one in their army, such inexplicable death in here, how this let them is not surprised, the Elder Liu look at that Divine Beast corpse, that Island Lord corpse, that Island Lord corpse has looked awful now, because his corpse hemp military they gave to beat, completely looking awful, almost inadequate human-shape. 队长带着麻武他们直向远去遁去,转眼之间就消失不见了,那些大恨盟的人,他们怎么都没有想到,竟然会被人攻击,所以他们真的是一点儿防备都没有,正是因为如此,所以他们才没有反应过来,让麻武他们顺利的逃跑了,等到麻武他们离开,大恨盟的那些人,这才反应了过来,他们竟然损失了一个岛主,这真的是太让他们感到意外了,整个大军马上就停了下来,随后刘长老亲自带着众人来到了那个死去的岛主那里,这个岛主虽然只是属于大恨盟治下的一个小联盟里的岛主,但是不管怎么说,这也是他们大军中的一员啊,就这么不明不白的死在了这里,这让他们如何能不吃惊,刘长老看着神兽的尸体,还有那岛主的尸体,那岛主的尸体现在已经不成样子,因为他的尸体麻武他们给打烂了,完全的不成样子,几乎不成人形了。 Did Elder Liu have the person to know to all around person said: at this time what's the matter?” Around him has Island Lord of this nearby several Divine Beast islands, died Island Lord some battle soldier in Divine Beast Space, one hear of he asked that several Island Lord, were all shocked, because they were really don’t know occur anything, but at this time, that battle soldier open the mouth and said that died Island Lord: Sir, we are hurrying along today, suddenly discover has a squad person to approach toward our here, moreover speed is quick, Island Lord the person is coming out, wants to have a look is who approaches, when these person of leave our also several li (0.5 km), Island Lord sent out one team of people to go with these people to contact, but, that team of person simply did not talk, came up to begin directly, that team of people who we sent, in the blink of an eye were killed, blocked them under continually one is impossible, later that team people on killed the past to Island Lord straight, Island Lord wanted to resist, already not time. Was given to kill by them directly, these people after killing complete human, ran directly, we their appearances have not seen clearly.” That battle soldier speaking of here, the eye socket is red, their very clear, their Island Lord died, they, did not have the family/home, later their dead or alive did not say, therefore they appeared very sad. 刘长老这时对四周的人道:“有没有人知道是怎么回事儿?”他四周有这附近几个神兽岛的岛主,还有死去岛主神兽空间里的一些战兵,一听他这么问,那几位岛主,全都愣住了,因为他们真的是不知道发生了什么事儿,而这个时候,那个死去岛主的一个战兵开口道:“大人,我们今天正在赶路的时候,突然发现有一小队人往我们这里靠近,而且速度很快,岛主就着人出来,想要看看到底是什么人靠近,在那些人离开我们还有几里的时候,岛主派出了一队人去跟那些人接触,但是没有想到,那队人根本就不搭话,上来就直接动手,我们派出去的那一队人,转眼就被杀了,连拦他们一下都不可能,随后那队人就直向岛主杀了过去,岛主想要抵挡,已经没有时间了,直接就被他们给杀了,那些人在杀完人之后,直接就跑了,我们连他们的长相都没有看清。”那个战兵说到这里,眼圈已经红了,他们十分的清楚,他们的岛主死了,他们这些人,也就没有家了,以后他们是死是活都不好说,所以他们显得十分的伤心。 Elder Liu one hear of he said, cannot help but knits the brows later open the mouth and said: Is this? That also in other words, these comes attack your people time, all was Island Lord level Expert? They to killing people?” He said that this saying, on look at that battle soldier, that battle soldier complied with one, was not speaking, Elder Liu one hear of he said, cannot help but the knitting the brows head, he thought anxiously something hard to deal with, saw their so many people, but also dares to come to begin to them, the opposite party comes certainly prepared, moreover definitely is knows that their status, this begins to them, the opposite party is not certainly simple, thinks of here, Liu Changcai brow wrinkles was tighter. 刘长老一听他这么说,不由得皱了皱眉头随后开口道:“是这样吗?那也就是说,这一次来攻击你们的人,全都是岛主高手了?他们就是冲着杀人来的?”他说完这话,就看着那个战兵,那个战兵应了一声,不在说话了,刘长老一听他这么说,不由得急皱了皱眉头,他觉得事情有些难办了,看到他们这么多的人,还敢来对他们动手,那对方一定是有备而来,而且一定是知道他们的身份,这才对他们动手的,那对方一定不简单,一想到这里,刘长才的眉头皱的更紧了。 At this time, suddenly in their army other aspect, heard sound of the shout, Elder Liu complexion cannot help but in changes one time, later his immediately flew, looks in the direction that the sound conveys, finally was discover, there the sound of shout had actually stopped, does not have any sound, this let Elder Liu colored changed, his immediately open the mouth and said: Sends people to have a look, what's the matter.” Some immediately people complied with one, must examine the situation, but at this time, flying sword actually flew the Elder Liu front, Elder Liu received flying sword to look at one, complexion became is uglier. 就在这个时候,突然在他们大军的另一面,又传来了一阵的喊杀之声,刘长老脸色不由得在一次一变,随后他马上就飞了起来,往声音传来的方向望去,结果却是发现,那里的喊杀之声已经停止了,没有任何的声音了,这让刘长老的有色不由又是一变,他马上就开口道:“派人去看看,到底是怎么回事儿。”马上就有人应了一声,就要去查看情况,但是就在这个时候,一把飞剑却是飞到了刘长老的面前,刘长老接过了飞剑看了一眼,脸色就变得更加的难看了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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