BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13542: depart

Chapter 13558 depart 第13558章出发 king Weidao sits in own Divine Beast Space, in his, is sitting much, sits in the forefront, altogether seven people, Elder Liu sits in most, several other people, are the elders of other six big alliances, but in them, was the representatives of other alliances, king Weidao looked at people one eyes behind, then open the mouth and said: Today all calls everyone , because everyone has all arrived in full, we prepared to cope with the iron bone pledge, your tomorrow wanted depart, before depart, I wanted to say with you, about matter that these acted time, I think that your everyone also knew the sea watching pledge their several pledges, with the iron bone pledge forming an Alliance matter?” 王卫道坐在自己的神兽空间里,在他的对着,坐着不少的,坐在最前面的,一共有七个人,其中刘长老坐在最中间,其它的几个人,是其它六大联盟的长老,而在他们身后的,是其它各联盟的代表,王卫道看了众人一眼,接着开口道:“今天将大家全都叫来,是因为所有人全都已经到齐了,我们准备对付铁骨盟了,你们明天就要出发了,在出发之前,我想要跟你们说一说,关于这一次行动的事情,我想你们大家也都知道观海盟他们几盟,跟铁骨盟结盟的事情了吧?” The people all nod, the king defends traditional moral principles then open the mouth and said: Sea watching pledge their several pledge and iron bone pledge forming an Alliance, this matter is indicating an attitude to us, we must cope with the iron bone pledge, then they will cope with us with iron bone pledge together, therefore our these dispatches troops time, must cope not only iron bone pledge, sea watching pledge, three mountains pledge and colored glaze pledge, in other words, our equal to must deal with two big alliance region the people of all alliances simultaneously, this point I hope that the everyone energy remembered.” 众人全都点了点头,王卫道接着开口道:“观海盟他们几盟与铁骨盟结盟,这件事情就是在向我们表明一个态度,我们要对付铁骨盟,那么他们就会跟铁骨盟一起对付我们,所以我们这一次出兵,要对付的就不只是铁骨盟,还有观海盟,三山盟和琉璃盟,也就是说,我们等于是同时要对付两个大联盟区域内的所有联盟的人,这一点我希望大家能记住了。” The people in nod, they have thought time this little, therefore has not felt strange, the king defends traditional moral principles the appearance of look at people, then open the mouth and said: Polite words I was not saying, the enemy who this you face time, the strength cannot be underestimated, especially the three mountains pledge, the forms of combat of three mountains pledge, I think that you have also all heard, therefore I decided that the person of this three mountains pledge, is hated the pledge to cope by us greatly, you dealt with the people of other alliances to be OK in manager, what opinion did everyone have?” 众人在一次的点了点头,他们早就想到这一点儿了,所以并没有感到奇怪,王卫道看着众人的样子,接着开口道:“客气的话我就不在多说了,这一次你们面对的敌人,实力不容小觑,特别是三山盟,三山盟的战斗方式,我想你们也全都听说过,所以我决定了,这一次三山盟的人,由我们大恨盟来对付,你们在负责人对付其它联盟的人就可以了,大家有什么意见吗?” The kings defend traditional moral principles such decision, how many pledges actually to wrestle the favorable impressions of other and that's the end, he person who is to let other how many pledges, all remembers his good, only then after like this, how many pledges they with other are cooperating, smooth, no one is willing wholeheartedly only to think own person cooperation with one, the person but who if you follow, he experiences the matter, toward own shoulder mounted, that you are really willing to work with him? I think that everyone can want, the king defends traditional moral principles is several other alliances, thought that he is such a person, such later he is cooperating with these alliances, these alliances can want, moreover can deal with the person of tactic that type does not fear death, only then their Shadow Clansman, because Shadow Clansman does not fear death similarly, therefore king Weidao initiative will cope with the three mountains pledge the matter, embraced to own, these person one listened to the king to defend traditional moral principles said, all was look at each other in dismay, they have not really thought, the king will defend traditional moral principles unexpectedly such decision, this regarding them. But also is really very accidental/surprised, simultaneously he makes them increase regarding the favorable impression that the king defends traditional moral principles. 王卫道如此的决定,其实就是了为搏得其它几盟的好感,他就是要让其它几盟的人,全都记得他的好,只有这样以后他们在跟其它几盟合作,才会更加的顺利,没有人愿意跟一个一心只想着自己的人合作,但是如果你跟着的这个人,他遇到事儿,真的往自己的肩上扛,那你愿不愿意跟他合作呢?我想所有人都会愿意,王卫道就是要让其它几个联盟的人,觉得他就是这样的一个人,这样以后他在跟那些联盟合作,那些联盟才会愿意,而且能对付那种不怕死的战术的人,也只有他们影族人了,因为影族人同样也不怕死,所以王卫道才主动的将对付三山盟的事儿,揽到了自己的身上,那些人一听王卫道这么说,全都是面面相觑,他们还真的没有想到,王卫道竟然会如此的决定,这对于他们来说,还真的是挺意外的,同时他让他们对于王卫道的好感大增。 These people naturally to the words that the king defends traditional moral principles, the opinion of also having no, therefore they all shake the head, the king defends traditional moral principles look at their appearance, nodding said: "OK, does not have the opinion to be good, then a everyone recuperation day, tomorrow on depart, I in here, first wish you to win victory. ” The king defended traditional moral principles to stand, held the fist in the other hand to the people, stood to return salute hastily. 那些人当然对王卫道的话,也没有任何的意见,所以他们全都摇了摇头,王卫道看着他们的样子,点了点头道:“好,没有意见就好,那么大家休整一天,明天出发,我在这里,先祝你们旗开得胜。”说完王卫道就站了起来,冲着众人一抱拳,从人连忙站了起来还礼。 Must know that the king defends traditional moral principles, but Divine Beast here largest pledge alliance leader, his position is very high, he does not need saying that too many words, his such movement, made the people feel excited sufficiently, Divine Beast Space that after the leave king defended traditional moral principles, they, all appeared very excited, they felt, king Weidao was one has the person of charisma very much. 要知道王卫道可是神兽这里第一大盟的盟主,他的地位可是很高的,他不需要说太多的话,他这样的动作,就足以让众人感到兴奋了,所以在离开王卫道的神兽空间之后,他们这些人,也全都显得很是兴奋,他们都觉得,王卫道是一个很有人格魅力的人。 Naturally, they, all defended traditional moral principles the king say, the person of three mountains pledge, all dealt with this matter by them, reported their alliance, in their opinion, the king defended traditional moral principles this matter, done was really exquisite, must report is good. 当然,他们这些人,也全都将王卫道所说的,三山盟的人,全都由他们来对付这件事情,上报他们联盟了,在他们看来,王卫道这件事情,做的实在是太讲究了,必须要上报才行。 Next morning, the people under seeing off that the king defends traditional moral principles, leave hated the pledge greatly Encampment, after their leave, the king defended traditional moral principles then returned to in own Divine Beast Space, he regarding their actions, was very confident, he has not really believed, these people of iron bone pledge, can block them to attack like this, therefore the king defends traditional moral principles also really has no worry now. 第二天一早,众人就在王卫道的送行之下,离开了大恨盟的驻地,等到他们离开之后,王卫道这才回到了自己的神兽空间里,他对于他们这一次的行动,还是很有信心的,他还真的不相信,铁骨盟的那些人,能挡得住他们这样的进攻,所以王卫道现在还真的是没有什么好担心的。 However the king defends traditional moral principles and don’t know, at this time, the grandson did not meet to bring Alien cavalry, has soon arrived hated pledge here greatly, but white eyes their also all depart, they all toward hated pledge here to walk greatly, they are on the halfway, starts the person who deals with hates the pledge greatly, after all from hates the pledge to their here greatly, two months, such far road, enough they used. 但是王卫道并不知道,这个时候,孙不遇带着异形骑兵,已经快要到了大恨盟这里了,而白眼他们也全都出发了,他们全都往大恨盟这里走来,他们就是要在半路上,就开始对付大恨盟的人,毕竟从大恨盟到他们这里,得两个月的时间,这么远的路,足够他们用了。 Naturally, white eyes they are secret appears , person who outside watches the fun, simply don’t know, because in each alliance, left behind some people to look after the house in there, moreover they all made concealing, therefore no one knew them already leave, in fact these look at their people, but also thinks that they in own Encampment, this was also the result that white eyes they wanted. 当然,白眼他们是秘密出现的,外面看热闹的人,根本就不知道,因为他们每一个联盟里,都留下了一些人在那里看家,而且他们全都做了掩饰,所以没有人知道他们已经离开了,事实上那些看着他们的人,还以为他们都在自己的驻地里呢,这也正是白眼他们想要的结果。 Time 1 0.1 points passed, Elder Liu their depart five day later, the grandson did not meet them to arrive hated pledge here greatly, they are hating the pledge outside greatly Encampment scout, then direct leave, they will not attack hate the pledge greatly, under their target, hated other small alliance that the pledge governed time greatly, they moreover their target, not destroyed completely the person of these small alliance time, but was gives to hit to love them, naturally, now also not their make a move time, they must, when other person. All after arriving, then in together make a move, copes with the dens of these alliances by them, but white eyes they cope with army that they go to battle with. 时间一点一点的过去了,就在刘长老他们出发的五天之后,孙不遇他们就已经到了大恨盟这里了,他们只是在大恨盟的驻地外面侦察了一下,然后就直接离开了,他们是不会去进攻大恨盟的,他们这一次的目标,是大恨盟治下的其它小联盟,他们而且他们这一次的目标,并不是灭掉那些小联盟的人,而是给打疼他们,当然,现在也并不是他们出手的时候,他们要等到其它人全都到位之后,然后在一起出手,由他们对付那些联盟的老巢,而白眼他们对付他们出征的大军
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