BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13509: Meeting

Newest website: Wang Bo looked at people, then open the mouth and said: I think that everyone knows the present situation, the person of sea watching pledge, is waiting for us to gather to together, then in copes with us, they are want to give to destroy completely them at one fell swoop, like this they can turn around to cope with the three mountains pledge, so long as the three mountains pledge tidying up, then this piece of region, they are still Eldest Child.” 最新网址:王博看了一眼众人,接着开口道:“我想大家都知道现在的情况了,观海盟的人,就是在等着我们集合到一起,然后在来对付我们,他们是想要一举就将他们给灭掉,这样他们就可以转过身去对付三山盟了,只要他们在将三山盟给收拾了,那么这一片区域,他们就依然是老大。” Speaking of here, Wang Bo stopped, he looked at people, people also all look at he, the appearance of Wang Bo look at people, then said solemnly: I know, some everyone is possible fears, the sea watching pledge has been after all powerful, but everyone do not forget, they defeated in three mountains pledge in hand before, therefore they are not invincible, they also unite combined together with other alliances now, formed an alliance, but we are also an alliance, their strength, our strengths are not weak, their these came two thousand Island Lord time, our Island Lord quantities in 1500 people about, although are also smaller than them, but strength of the fighting, we have not wanted to form an alliance, To base in this piece of region, wish makes everyone take seriously us, wish makes everyone not dare underestimated we, that this weaponry we must hit, moreover must hit well, so long as won this war, that dared underestimated in also no one we, therefore this weaponry we must hit, wanted to come to a stop, this weaponry we must hit.” 说到这里,王博停了一下,他看了一眼众人,众人也全都看着他,王博看着众人的样子,接着沉声道:“我知道,大家可能有些害怕,毕竟观海盟一直都是强大的,但是大家也不要忘了,他们之前就败在了三山盟的手里,所以他们并不是不可战胜的,他们现在也是与其它联盟联合在一起,组成了一个联盟,而我们也是一个联盟,他们的实力强,我们的实力也不弱,他们这一次来了两千岛主,我们的岛主数量也在一千五百人左右,虽然比他们少,但是也并不是没有一战之力,我们想要组成一个联盟,想要在这一片区域立足,想要让所有人都重视我们,想要让所有人都不敢小看我们,那这一仗我们就必须要打,而且必须要好好的打,只要打赢了这一仗,那就在也没有人敢小看我们了,所以这一仗我们必须要打,想要站得稳,这一仗我们就一定要打。” The people all nod, their looks also slowly strengthened, Wang Bo look at people said: everyone do not think that we do not have reinforcement, the iron bone pledge has supported our, this time matter, because the matter leaves extremely in suddenly, but the iron bone pledge left us is too far, even if they want to help us, still is impossible resulted, but we also had another reinforcement.” 众人全都点了点头,他们的眼神也慢慢的坚定了起来,王博看着众人道:大家不要以为我们没有援军,铁骨盟一直都是支持我们的,这一次的事情,因为事出太过于突然,而铁骨盟又离我们太远了,他们就算是想来帮我们,也不可能来得了,但是我们还有另一只援军。” Speaking of here, Wang Bo stopped intentionally, people all face curious look at he, does not know reinforcement that he said is who, the person besides the iron bone pledge, fear that now will be without reinforcement? 说到这里,王博故意的停了一下,众人全都一脸好奇的看着他,不知他所说的援军什么人,他们现在除了铁骨盟之外人,怕是也不会在有援军了吧? Wang Bo looked at people one eyes, then his slightly smiled said: I know that everyone is very curious, wants to know what I said is, reinforcement that actually I said that is the three mountains pledge, I know that everyone is very curious, wants to know when I am contact with the three mountains pledge, when the three mountains pledge became our reinforcement, in fact I have not contacted with the three mountains pledge, moreover said the three mountains pledge can be our reinforcement, because of my very clear, the three mountains pledge will not sit looked that the sea watching pledge eliminates our, if they really that stupid, their also is impossible arrives at today this type. Situation, they under the eye of sea watching pledge hides to expand, moreover defeated the sea watching pledge directly, such strength, but does not allow to look down upon, therefore the person of three mountains pledge, will certainly become our reinforcement.” 王博看了众人一眼,接着他微微一笑道:“我知道大家都很好奇,想知道我说的是谁,其实我所说的援军,就是三山盟,我知道大家很好奇,想知道我是什么时候与三山盟联系的,三山盟什么时候成了我们的援军,事实上我并没有与三山盟联系,而且之所以说三山盟会是我们的援军,就是因为我十分的清楚,三山盟是不会坐看观海盟消灭我们的,如果他们真的那么蠢的话,他们也不可能走到今天这种地步了,他们可是在观海盟的眼皮子底下壮大起来的,而且正面击败了观海盟,这样的实力,可是不容小视的,所以三山盟的人,一定会成为我们的援军的。” The people listened to him saying that first gawked, later nods, naturally some people are also frowning, obviously does not believe that very much Wang Bo's words, Wang Bo looked at people one eyes, then slightly smiled said: present this piece of region, the strength of sea watching pledge alliance is strongest, but our strengths can arrange at second, the strength of three mountains pledge was weakest, but this was only the superficial situation, I think that three mountains pledge strength, was not absolutely weak, even was very strong, if we dared underestimated he, that was we suffers certainly a loss finally, the person of three mountains pledge was very intelligent, you watched the matter that they handled. Knew, the three mountains pledge most from the beginning is three alliances, they are by immortal pledge attack, this unite, they defeated the immortal pledge later, then they used the twice transaction, making them have two allies, then they contended for the immortal pledge domain, then, went to other attack people with this excuse, like this they in the legal principle theory of law, actually had come to a stop the foot, it is for this reason that therefore their initially in attacking these alliance, even the sea watching pledge, was not good to meddle visibly, can only be sends people to cope with them in secret, Was actually defeated by them, after they defeated the sea watching pledge, taking advantage of this power and prestige, directly these alliances, all destroying completely, this you also all knew a little.” The people in nod one time, these things they are know, to be honest, three mountains pledge at this matter, performance truly is very good, very good. 众人听他这么说,先是一愣,随后都点了点头,当然也有人皱着眉头,显然并不是很相信王博的话,王博看了众人一眼,接着微微一笑道:“现在这片区域,观海盟联盟的实力最强,而我们的实力能排在第二,三山盟的实力最弱,但是这只是表面的情况,我认为三山盟的实力,绝对不弱,甚至还很强了,如果我们敢小看他,那最后一定是我们吃亏,三山盟的人很聪明,你们看他们做的事情就知道了,三山盟最一开始是三个联盟,他们是在被仙盟攻击的时候,这才联合起来的,随后他们击败了仙盟,然后他们用了两次交易,让他们有了两个盟友,接着他们又抢回了仙盟的地盘,然后在以此为借口,去攻击其它人,这样他们在法理上,其实就已经是站稳了脚的,正是因为如此,所以他们当初在进攻那些联盟的时候,就算是观海盟,也不好明着插手,只能是派人暗中对付他们,却被他们打败,他们打败了观海盟之后,就借着这股威风,直接就将那些联盟,全都给灭掉了,这一点儿你们也全都知道了。”众人在一次点了点头,这些事情他们都是知道的,说实话,三山盟在这件事情上,表现的确实是很好,非常的好。 Wang Bo then open the mouth and said: But makes me admire truly their, matter that they handle in later, they after extinguishing these alliances, has not been expanding blindly own domain, because they know, they cope with these alliances, reason that without triggering the reaction, because of these alliances, originally attack the domain of immortal pledge, has wanted to snatch the immortal pledge the domain, they cope with these alliances, is takes action with just reasons, but if they in deal with the people of other alliances, they may make war without just cause, when the time comes the sea watching pledge cope with them on can a volume of person, but they actually have not given sea watching pledge this opportunity, they. Coped with these alliances, stopped attack directly, but started to digest their victories, even if look at sea watching pledge strength of keeping, sound that they had no, but everyone to do not think, they were afraid, in my opinion, just the opposite, they to have is possible met the fight of occur to prepare, alliance that so long as they were swallowed by them these digesting, then they were a monolithic whole, even facing the sea watching pledge, they did not fear, everyone may do not forget the forms of combat of three mountains pledge, spoke the truth, the forms of combat of three mountains pledge, truly were very astonishing, until now., We do not want to come out, what kind of to break their forms of combat, one, but really hits, their forms of combat, really can play unexpected doing to use.” 王博接着开口道:“但是真正让我佩服他们的,还是他们在之后做的事情,他们在灭了那些联盟之后,并没有在盲目的扩张自己的地盘,因为他们知道,他们对付那些联盟,之所以没有引起反弹,是因为那些联盟,原本攻击过仙盟的地盘,想要抢仙盟的地盘,他们对付那些联盟,也算是师出有名,但是如果他们在去对付其它联盟的人,那他们可就师出无名了,到时候观海盟就可以号集人对付他们了,但是他们却并没有给观海盟这个机会,他们对付完了那些联盟,就直接停止了攻击,而是开始消化他们的战果,就算是看着观海盟在不停的壮大,他们都没有任何的动静,但是大家可不要以为,他们是害怕了,在我看来,恰恰相反,他们就是在为有可能发生的战斗做准备,他们只要将那些被他们吞掉的联盟给消化掉,那么他们就是铁板一块,就算是面对观海盟,他们也不怕,大家可不要忘了三山盟的战斗方式,说实话,三山盟的战斗方式,确实是很让人吃惊,到现在为止,我们都没有想出来,如何的破解他们的这种战斗方式,一但真的打起来,他们的那种战斗方式,真的是可以起到意想不到的做用的。” Wang Bo speaking of here, stopped, later he looked at people one eyes, then open the mouth and said: I said these to everyone, actually wanted to say with everyone, three mountains pledge present alliance leader, is not one does not have the person of brain, his very clear, now the sea watching pledge is extremely strong, their independent, did not have the means to cope with the sea watching pledge, but the sea watching pledge will certainly cope their, therefore they will be the look at sea watching pledge will not destroy completely us absolutely, one, but the sea watching pledge destroyed completely us, they will carry the prestige of win, gave to destroy completely the three mountains pledge at one fell swoop, therefore they will be the is impossible look at sea watching pledge we will destroy completely.” 王博说到这里,停了一下,随后他看了众人一眼,接着开口道:“我跟大家说这些,其实就是想要跟大家说,三山盟现在的盟主,并不是一个无脑之人,他十分的清楚,现在观海盟太过于强势了,他们单独一家,是没有办法对付观海盟的,但是观海盟是一定会对付他们的,所以他们是绝对不会看着观海盟将我们灭掉的,一但观海盟将我们灭掉,他们会携大胜之威,一举将三山盟给灭掉,所以他们是不可能看着观海盟将我们灭掉的。” One hear of Wang Bo said, the people all nod, later Wang Bo often smiles, then open the mouth and said: Therefore we can feel relieved bold fights with the sea watching pledge, so long as we can withstand the attack of sea watching pledge, then the three mountains pledge will certainly cope with the sea watching pledge, what method although don’t know they with will cope with the sea watching pledge, but they will certainly begin, this is our opportunity, naturally, they will also look at our performance, if we with sea watching pledge one pair, immediately losses, they will not help our, what they need is an ally, rather than burden, therefore we must show our strength, like this they will cope with the sea watching pledge with our together., Naturally, what relationship afterward we were, after this must wait, was saying, no matter we were the enemy or the ally, we must guard against them a little, these fellows of three mountains pledge, were not the Buddhism believers, this to us, was not the good matter, therefore everyone was certainly careful.” 一听王博这么说,众人全都点了点头,随后王博往往一笑,接着开口道:“所以我们可以放心大胆的与观海盟战斗,只要我们能顶住观海盟的进攻,那么三山盟就一定会对付观海盟,虽然不知道他们会用什么样的方法对付观海盟,但是他们一定会动手的,这就是我们的机会,当然,他们也会看我们的表现,如果我们与观海盟一对上,马上就了,那他们是不会帮我们的,他们需要的是一个盟友,而不是累赘,所以我们必须要表现出我们的实力来,这样他们才会跟我们一起对付观海盟,当然了,事后我们双方到底是一个什么样的关系,这个还要等到以后在说,但是不管我们是敌人还是盟友,我们都必须要防着他们一点儿,三山盟的那些家伙,可不是什么善男信女,这对于我们来说,可不是什么好事儿,所以大家一定要小心。” The people all complied with one, Wang Bo look at people said: we compose the original intention of alliance, does not want to participate in this war time, but the person of sea watching pledge, actually decided each target on us, we have no alternative but to counter-attack, if we are really willing to listen their, we do not need to construct this alliance, therefore I hope that everyone this time can with my together diligently, probably give to defeat the sea watching pledge person, if the everyone opinion, that we on not going back to start to prepare, this can be our here, An unprecedented war.” The people all complied with one , indicating to have no opinion, later they then to Wang Bo gave a salute, then turn around walked, but Pan Wanfang has not actually walked, remained. 众人全都应了一声,王博看着众人道:“我们组成联盟的本意,是不想参与到这一次的大战之中,但是观海盟的人,却将每一个目标定在了我们身上,那我们就不能不反击了,如果我们真的愿意听他们的,那我们也就没有必要建这个联盟了,所以我希望大家这一次能与我一起努力,一定要将观海盟的人给击败了,如果大家都没有意见,那我们就回去开始做准备吧,这将会是我们这里,前所未有的一次大战。”众人全都应了一声,表示没有什么意见,随后他们这才冲着王博行了一礼,接着转身走了,不过潘万方却是没有走,留了下来。 After people leave, Pan Wanfang then turns the head to smile said: to Wang Bo line, said is very good, I look at these fellows, has entirely believed your words, this we first give to remove that several Shadow Clansman spies time, but must have other losses, like this they will not suspect, when this matter ended time, we in slowly all turns into the Sect person them.” 等到众人离开之后,潘万方这才转头对王博笑着道:“行啊,说的很好,我看那些家伙,已经完全的相信了你的话,这一次我们先将那几个影族人奸细给除掉,但是同时也必须要有其它的一些损失,这样他们才不会怀疑,等到这一次的事情完了,我们在慢慢的将他们全都变成宗门的人。” Wang Bo nods said: right, our target, are that two people time, when the time comes you must coordinate, moreover I also told once the elder, we use this fight opportunity time, to the people of all join our alliances, makes a test, has a look in them, had the Shadow Clansman spy, naturally, these join to the person of sea watching pledge alliance, must test, we tested them, they tested us, during the fight, everyone by a little wound was very normal, test like this, will not have the person to suspect, when knew. These are the Shadow Clansman spies, these people are not, we later when cope with these alliances, will be easier.” Wang Bo they have one to plan, their these time to test these people, no matter join their alliance, is the join sea watching pledge alliance, must undergo this test to be good. 王博点了点头道:“对,我们这一次的目标,就是那两个人,到时候你要配合一下,而且我还跟曾长老说了,我们利用这一次的战斗机会,对所有加入我们这个联盟的人,做一次测试,看看他们之中,是不是有影族人的奸细了,当然,那些加入到观海盟联盟的人,也必须要进行测试,我们测试他们,他们测试我们,在战斗之中,大家受一点儿伤是十分正常,这样的测试,不会有人怀疑,等到知道了那些是影族人的奸细,那些人不是之后,我们以后在对付那些联盟的时候,就会更加的容易了。”王博他们早就有了一个计划了,他们这一次就是为了测试那些人,不管是加入他们联盟的,还是加入观海盟联盟的,都是要经过这一次的测试才行。 In the battlefield, by a little wound is very normal, even strength to their degree, with others battle time, cannot guarantee the own wound, therefore was not conducted such test in the battlefield, absolutely is the best place, because opposite party, even if were injured, will not suspect you, the fight, not injured is not normal, therefore Wang Bo they decide to do that. 在战场上,受一点儿伤是十分正常的,就算是实力到了他们这种成度,与别人争斗的时候,也不敢保证自己一点儿伤都不受,所以在战场上进行这样的测试,绝对是最好的地点,因为对方就算是受伤了,也不会怀疑你,战斗吗,不受伤才是不正常的,所以王博他们才决定这么做。 Pan Wanfang listened to him saying that cannot help but smiling said: "OK, this means to be good, truly can test them with this method, like this we later when coped with them, did not need is so troublesome, your rest assured, our there has arranged, that two fellows died, but a little, if there are others dead in battle, how their corpses and Divine Beast can process? ” 潘万方一听他这么说,不由得笑着道:“好,这个办法好了,确实是可以用这种方法对他们进行测试,这样我们以后在对付他们的时候,就不用那么麻烦了,你放心好了,我们那里已经安排好了,那两个家伙死定了,但是有一点儿,如果有其它人战死,他们的尸体和神兽要怎么处理呢?” Wang Bo said solemnly: Once the elder said that they have thought that the treatment method, we and they fought, so long as were the person of dying in battle, afterward will all receive the cage to get up, then a fire all burnt their corpses, no matter Divine Beast person, all same processed, naturally, this was only looks to others, burning is fake, making their returned to Black Tortoise Space real.” 王博沉声道:“曾长老说了,他们已经想好了处理方法了,我们与他们进行战斗,只要是战死的人,事后全都会收笼起来,然后一把火将他们的尸体全都烧了,不管是神兽的还是人的,全都一样处理,当然,这只是给别人看的,烧了是假的,让他们回到玄武空间才是真的。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完) The mobile phone user please glance over to read, on the palm read is more convenient. 手机用户请浏览阅读,掌上阅读更方便。
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