BTFTLIAW :: Volume #136

#13508: Action

Newest website: Sea watching pledge piece of region suddenly peaceful, everyone don’t know occur what matter, why didn't here have the sound? The people somewhat are puzzled, they in the look at here situation, discover, sea watching pledge here this are nothing sound, sea watching pledge here have several days no one to announce that finally firmly must with their forming an Alliance, three mountains pledge there also very peaceful, does not have any sound, instead to is colored glaze pledge there, still some small alliance join, they also all comes are welcome, all accepting, the colored glaze pledge there strength, has surpassed the three mountains pledge now, the Island Lord quantities of their alliance, have been over 1500 people, official became this piece of region second largest influence, but watched the sea. The pledge does not have sound a little, this makes the people very puzzled, what meaning the don’t know sea watching pledge is, must say that rise of three mountains pledge suddenly , because they have not paid attention, is adding on was too quick, they who the three mountains pledge rises have not responded, these also feel emotion to be possible original, but this time? Under this colored glaze pledge in their eyes hide, rises directly, like this don't they manage? 最新网址:观海盟这片区域突然就安静了下来,所有人都不知道发生了什么事儿,为什么这里就没有动静了呢?众人都有些不解,他们都在看着这里的情况,结果发现,观海盟这里确这是没有什么动静,观海盟这里已经有几天没有人宣布要跟他们结盟了,三山那里也十分的安静,没有任何的动静,反到是琉璃盟那里,依然不停的有一些小联盟加入,他们也来者不拒,全都给收下了,现在琉璃盟那里的实力,已经超过了三山盟了,他们那个联盟的岛主数量,已经超过了一千五百人了,正式的成为这片区域的第二大势力了,而观海盟却还是没有一点儿的动静,这让众人都十分的不解,不知道观海盟到底是什么意思,要说三山突然的崛起,是因为他们没有注意,在加上三山盟崛起的太快了,他们没有反应过来,这些还有情可原,但是这一次呢?这一次琉璃盟可是在他们的眼皮子底下,直接就崛起的,这样他们也不管吗? In these person of don’t know sea watching pledges people in doing, among suddenly the sea watching pledge had the movement, sea watching pledge suddenly issue a statement, accuses the colored glaze pledge not to obey the custom, pull people join forcefully their alliance, making colored glaze pledge immediately dissolve their alliance, otherwise they impolite. This saying said is very heavy, let people all discover not the right place, their discover this matter was not probably simple, the sea watching pledge feared that must act, moreover target was the colored glaze pledge. 就在这些人不知道观海盟的人在干什么的时候,突然之间观海盟就有了动作,观海盟突然发表声明,指责琉璃盟不守规矩,强行的拉人加入他们联盟,让琉璃盟马上就解散他们联盟,否则的话他们将不客气。这话说的已经是十分的重了,同时也让众人全都发现了不对劲的地方,他们发现这件事情好像不简单,观海盟怕是要有行动了,而且目标就是琉璃盟。 Afterward colored glaze pledge there also announce the statement, said that does not have this matter certainly, the sea watching pledge is falsely accusing them, is the sea watching pledge wants to suppress them, this does that people all look at they, they know, both sides this in the slapping in the face weaponry, how the final result, that also wants to have a look, can their don’t know sea watching pledge time begin. 随后琉璃盟那里发表了声明,称绝无此事,观海盟是在诬陷他们,是观海盟想要打压他们,这才这么做的,众人全都看着他们双方,他们都知道,双方这就是在打嘴仗,最后的结果如何,那还要在看看,他们不知道观海盟这一次会不会动手。 However the turning point of matter quick on appears , originally join the small alliance of colored glaze pledge alliance, suddenly jumped, they said that they by the person of colored glaze pledge compelling the join colored glaze pledge alliance, this may live it up, before the person of sea watching pledge was only the idle talk says, currently equal to has the evidence . Moreover the personal testimony, this colored glaze pledge, feared the clay fell into the pants crotch, was not the excrement is also the excrement, how they are did not talk clearly, at the same time this was also found to cope with their excuses by the person of sea watching pledge. 但是事情的转机很快就出现了,一个原本加入了琉璃盟联盟的小联盟,突然就跳了出来,他们称他们是被琉璃盟的人给逼着加入琉璃盟联盟的,这一下可就热闹了,之前观海盟的人只是空口说说,现在等于是有了证据了,而且还是人证,这一下琉璃盟,怕黄泥掉进裤裆里,不是屎也是屎了,他们是怎么都说不清楚了,同时这也让观海盟的人找到对付他们的借口了。 But sea watching pledge also immediately announced, the colored glaze pledge lets other alliances forcefully with their forming an Alliance, belongs is the robbery, for the peace and security in area, they must take an action to the colored glaze pledge, therefore their official declares war to the colored glaze pledge, simultaneously sent the soldier to crusade against the colored glaze pledge. This sound just sent, the sea watching pledge sent out the soldier directly, but the soldier who their these sends time returns extremely numerous, fully about 2000 Island Lord, these Island Lord from each every alliance depart, attacked to colored glaze pledge there simultaneously. 而观海盟也马上就宣布,琉璃盟强行让其它联盟与他们结盟,属于是强盗行为,为了地区的和平与安全,他们必须要对琉璃盟有所行动,所以他们正式的向琉璃盟宣战,同时派了兵来讨伐琉璃盟。这个声音刚刚发出去,观海盟就直接派出了兵,而他们这一次派出去的兵还十分的多,足有两千位左右的岛主,这些岛主从各各联盟同时出发,直向琉璃盟那里攻了过去。 But this information, these have been paying attention to their here situation person, immediately were responding, their discover this matter seems a little not to the taste, has the person of join colored glaze pledge, why suddenly jumped the accusation colored glaze pledge? These people have been observing the colored glaze pledge, they are certain, the colored glaze pledge has not forced anybody join they to be intelligent, does that this accusation come? Why suddenly also did the person have to jump to testify? Moreover was sea watching pledge action too also fast? Understood at a glance that prepared ahead of time, this may is not very right, their is impossible has responded quickly, only if were they have prepared. 而这个消息一出,那些一直在注意着他们这里情况的人,马上就反应了过来,他们发现这件事情好像是有点儿不对味啊,一个已经加入琉璃盟的人,为什么突然就跳出来指责琉璃盟呢?那些人可是一直在观察琉璃盟,他们可以肯定,琉璃盟并没有强迫任何人加入他们聪明,那这个指责到底是怎么来的?为什么突然又人有跳出来做证了?而且观海盟这行动也太快了吧?一看就知道是提前准备了,这可就十分的不对了,他们不可能反应过么快,除非是他们早就有所准备。 Thinks of here, these person of suddenly responded, the sea watching pledge prepared certainly ahead of time, regarding that small alliance that jumped to testify, if no one supported to them in the back, they do dare to jump the accusation colored glaze pledge? Don't they want to live? This is very unreasonable, what if that small alliance said is fake, who with their courage, dares to falsely accuse the colored glaze pledge, although said that the colored glaze pledge is not the big alliance, but dozens Island Lord have, do not say that the colored glaze pledge alliance, 1500 Island Lord also had, in this case, that small alliance dares to falsely accuse them, must say that behind them no one supported, the fools do not believe. 一想到这里,那些人突然就反应了过来,观海盟一定是提前做准备了,至于说那个跳出来做证的小联盟,要是没有人在背后给他们撑腰,他们敢跳出来指责琉璃盟?他们不想活了吗?这本身就十分的不合理,如果那个小联盟说的是假的,那谁跟他们的胆子,敢诬陷琉璃盟,虽然说琉璃盟并不是什么大联盟,但是几十位岛主还是有的,更不要说琉璃盟联盟了,一千五百位岛主也是有的,在这种情况下,那个小联盟敢诬陷他们,要说他们背后没有人支持,傻子都不相信。 What if that small alliance said is real, the colored glaze pledge alliance, truly was forces his join their alliance, he does not dare to accuse, initially he was afraid the threat of colored glaze pledge, join the colored glaze pledge alliance, why don't they fear the threat now? This obviously is not normal, therefore people understand, all these are the sea watching pledge arrange, they subdued this small alliance, then lets this small alliance join to the colored glaze pledge alliance, when this small alliance join to the colored glaze pledge alliance , the sea watching pledge was jumping the accusation colored glaze pledge alliance, then that small alliance is jumping to testify, all were logical. 如果那个小联盟说的是真的,琉璃盟联盟,确实是强迫他加入他们联盟了,那他就更加的不敢指责了,当初他害怕琉璃盟的威胁,加入了琉璃盟联盟的,那他们现在为什么又不怕威胁了?这明显是不正常的,所以众人都明白了,这一切都是观海盟安排好的,他们收服了这个小联盟,然后让这个小联盟加入到琉璃盟联盟,等到这个小联盟加入到了琉璃盟联盟里,观海盟在跳出来指责琉璃盟联盟,然后那个小联盟在跳出来做证,一切就全都顺理成章了。 People think of here, has to sigh, the sea watching pledge was really sinister, such means they could think, such also means went too far, but they have to acknowledge, this method was very effective, very effective, at least now the colored glaze pledge wants to explain that even could not explain, even if as we all know, all these all were the sea watching pledge plots, still no one can accuse them, because did not have the evidence, only if you can that small alliance, jumped the accusation sea watching pledge. 人们一想到这里,都不得不感叹,观海盟实在是太阴险了,这样的办法他们都想得出来,这样的办法也太过份了,但是他们也不得不承认,这种方法真的很管用,非常的管用,最起码现在琉璃盟就算是想解释也解释不清了,就算是所有人都知道,这一切全都是观海盟的阴谋,也没有人能指责他们,因为没有证据,除非你能让那个小联盟的人,跳出来指责观海盟。 To have a look in people, that small alliance can, when accuses the sea watching pledge in turn, information lets the person who these watch the fun, did not have the sound instantaneously, their discover probably underestimated sea watching pledge, because just had information to transmit, the person of that small alliance, was killed discover completely, has not remained, if the ordinary person, hears this information, the is possible first response is, certainly is colored glaze pledge person moving hand, the colored glaze pledge person, because the people of that small alliance accuse them, therefore to that. The people of small alliance got down Assassin, therefore certainly is colored glaze pledge person moving hand. 就在人们想要看看,那个小联盟的会不会在反过来指责观海盟的时候,一个消息让那些看热闹的人,瞬间就没有了声音,他们发现自己好像还是小看了观海盟了,因为刚刚有消息传来,那个小联盟的人,被人发现全部被杀了,一个都没有剩,如果是一般的人,一听到这个消息,可能第一个反应就是,一定是琉璃盟的人动的手,琉璃盟的人,因为那个小联盟的人指责他们,所以对那个小联盟的人下了杀手,所以一定是琉璃盟的人动的手 However has guessed what's the matter person, each response is actually, the sea watching pledge is really ruthless, their first response is, this matter is sea watching pledge person moving hand, the sea watching pledge loses certainly, the person of that small alliance killing, some people will not find out any flaw, the body of this matter complete advancing colored glaze pledge, will also make an iron case this matter, they on can the open and aboveboard attack colored glaze pledge, but you could not have found any evidence to show, all these is the sea watching pledge arrangement, It can be said that one gave to kill the person of that small alliance, the biggest beneficiary was the sea watching pledge. 但是早就已经猜出来是怎么回事儿的人,每一个反应却是,观海盟真狠,他们的第一个反应全都是,这件事情一定是观海盟的人动的手,观海盟失去,将那个小联盟的人给杀了,就不会有人查出任何的破绽了,同时也会将这件事情完全的推到琉璃盟的身上,将这件事情做出一件铁案,他们就可以光明正大的进攻琉璃盟了,而你还找不出任何的证据来证明,这一切全都是观海盟安排的,可以说,将那个小联盟的人一都给杀了,最大的受益者就是观海盟。 although everyone knows that this matter is the sea watching pledge is done, but no one said anything, because everyone was clear, without evidence, you, even if said that is still useless, your simply does not have the means to come the command(er) sea watching pledge with this matter, it is for this reason that therefore everyone has not made noise, everyone in look at sea watching pledge here, what kind of develop(ment) wants to have a look at the following matter to meet. 虽然所有人都知道这件事情是观海盟做的,但是却没有人说什么,因为所有人都清楚,没有证据,你就算是说的在好,也没有用,你根本就没有办法用这件事情来指挥观海盟,正是因为如此,所以所有人都没有出声,所有人都在看着观海盟这里,想要看看接下来事情会如何的发展 But following matter, lets the person who these watch the fun, is startled, the sea watching pledge these to the action of colored glaze pledge, truly prepared for a long time time evidently, the people of various sea watching pledge alliance alliances, deals with the people of various colored glaze pledge alliance alliances respectively, his they have divided the labor evidently, but the sea watching pledge actually dashes to the colored glaze pledge, they are want personally destroying completely the colored glaze pledge evidently. 而接下来的事情,也让那些看热闹的人,全都吃了一惊,观海盟这一次对琉璃盟的行动,看样子确实是准备了很长时间,观海盟联盟各联盟的人,分别对付琉璃盟联盟各联盟的人,他看样子他们是早就分好工了,而观海盟却是直扑琉璃盟,看样子他们是想要亲手将琉璃盟给灭掉。 The colored glaze pledge facing such such attack, their dealing also makes one be startled, these by the attack alliance, they were given up oneself Encampment unexpectedly immediately, flew to colored glaze pledge there directly, they prepare the colored glaze pledge there set evidently, then together facing attack of sea watching pledge, this is also their present sole means that naturally, they can also scatter in all directions to escape, but in that case, then they on, their entire alliance on being finished, dispersing is easy, in wanting set again, that may on be difficult, it is for this reason that therefore. These people of colored glaze pledge alliance, will approach the colored glaze pledge there set. 琉璃盟面对这样的这样的进攻,他们的应对也让人十分的吃惊,那些被攻击的联盟,他们竟然在第一时间就放弃了自己的驻地,直接就向琉璃盟那里飞了过去,看样子他们是准备到琉璃盟那里集合,然后一起面对观海盟的攻击,这也是他们现在唯一的办法,当然,他们也可以四散而逃,但是那样一来,那他们就完了,他们整个联盟就完蛋了,散开容易,在想要重新的集合起来,那可就难了,正是因为如此,所以琉璃盟联盟的那些人,才会向琉璃盟那里集合。 But sea watching pledge person after receiving this information, they have not attacked the colored glaze pledge immediately, perhaps other person of is possible when receive this information, immediately, will send out the person to attack the colored glaze pledge directly, gives to annihilate the colored glaze pledge, but the sea watching pledge has not actually done that they not only have not attacked immediately, opposite they instead to stopped, probably is waiting for these person and colored glaze pledge convergence is the same, one sees this situation, these watch the fun the person, immediately understand the sea watching pledge meaning, the sea watching pledge are prepare by their set to together, then. Gave to tidy up them at one fell swoop, achieved also normally. 而观海盟的人在收到了这个消息之后,他们并没有在第一时间就去进攻琉璃盟,也许其它人可能在收到这个消息的时候,会在第一时间,直接就派出人去进攻琉璃盟,将琉璃盟给消灭掉,但是观海盟却并没有这么做,他们不但没有在第一时间进攻,相反的他们反到是停了下来,好像在等着那些人与琉璃盟汇合一样,一看到这种情况,那些看热闹的人,马上就明白了观海盟的意思,观海盟是准备让他们集合到一起,然后一举将他们给收拾了,这么做到也正常。 These people of quick colored glaze pledge alliance, all centralized to colored glaze pledge there, but these people of sea watching pledge alliance, all gathered sea watching pledge there, after these people all arrived at these person of there of sea watching pledge, army of sea watching pledge, this turned toward the colored glaze pledge the direction to drive past, at this time, sea watching pledge alliance here, has gathered about two thousand Island Lord, but colored glaze pledge alliance there, gathered more than 1000 Island Lord, as we all know, this war, is inevitable. 很快的琉璃盟联盟的那些人,全都集中到了琉璃盟那里,而观海盟联盟的那些人,也全都集合到了观海盟那里,等到那些人全都到了观海盟的那些人那里之后,观海盟的大军,这才向着琉璃盟的方向开了过去,在这时候,观海盟联盟这里,已经集合了近两千岛主了,而琉璃盟联盟那里,也集合了一千多位岛主了,所有人都知道,这一场大战,已经是不可避免的了。 But Wang Bo at this time, is meeting with the people of various alliances, alliance leader of various alliances, to Wang Bo's Divine Beast Space, in these people, some had all become Blood Slaughter Sect disciple, some are actually not, on their faces, all has the anxious facial expression. 而王博这个时候,正在与各联盟的人开会,各联盟的盟主,全都到了王博的神兽空间里,这些人中,有一些已经成为了血杀宗弟子,有一些却不是,不过他们的脸上,全都带着焦急的神情。 Wang Bo looked at people one eyes, later he coughed lightly, everyone was then peaceful, their all look at Wang Bo also has Wang Bo Pan Wanfang, they know, Pan Wanfang is the iron bone pledge representative, but now they highest hope was the iron bone pledge, therefore their look at there, all will all look at Pan Wanfang, wants to have a look at Pan Wanfang response. 王博看了众人一眼,随后他轻咳了一声,所有人这才安静了下来,他们全都看着王博还有王博身边的潘万方,他们都知道,潘万方是铁骨盟的代表,而现在他们最大的希望就是铁骨盟了,所以他们全都看着那里,同时也全都将目光对准了潘万方,想看看潘万方的反应。 However their is possible wanted disappointedly, Pan Wanfang has sat in there, closed one's eyes, a sound did not have, this let the people cannot help but sank at heart, their very clear, now their situation, best ally, but this ally, without compared with iron bone pledge more appropriate, their alliance, itself in situation that in the support of iron bone pledge and was an intermediary, established, but now their alliance, already to very dangerous time, if the iron bone pledge is willing he to put out a hand to help them under one, that they can pass certainly. This time difficulty, but now seems like, the iron bone pledge does not seem to want make a move. 不过他们可能要失望了,潘万方一直坐在那里,微闭着眼睛,一点动静也没有,这让众人的心里都不由得一沉,他们十分的清楚,现在他们的情况,最好是有一个盟友,而这个盟友,没有比铁骨盟更合适的了,他们这个联盟,本身就是在铁骨盟的支持和穿针引线的情况下,建立起来的,而现在他们这个联盟,已经到了十分危险的时候了,如果铁骨盟愿意他伸手帮他们一下的话,那他们一定可以度过这一次的难关,但是现在看起来,铁骨盟好像不愿意出手啊。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完) The mobile phone user please glance over to read, on the palm read is more convenient. 手机用户请浏览阅读,掌上阅读更方便。
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