BCA :: Volume #15

#1496: Altar

In a low hill upper air that is flooding the dusky mist, Lu Kun changes to the vague astral wind to fly together, his both eyes are flashing the golden gloss, looks out the front, Little Jin on shoulder, the ear is also vibrating once for a while. 在一片充斥着灰蒙蒙雾气的低矮山丘高空,陆坤化作一道若有若无的罡风飞行着,他双目闪动着金色光泽,遥望着前方,肩膀上的小金,耳朵也时不时抖动着。 With the aid of Golden Light Divine Eyes and Six Ears divine ability, Lu Kun is following from a Wood Spirit Clan several li (0.5 km) place in secret. 借助金光神目六耳神通,陆坤在距离木灵族数里的地方暗中跟随。 At this time he had entered the Wood Spirit Clan region, situated in mountains near Dead Souls River. 此时他已经进入了木灵族地地域,位于死魂河附近的一片山川中。 Here gray mist is seemingly strange, but in fact is the Spirit Realm air, but inside contained extremely numerous dead souls energy, this turned into the grey. 这里的灰色雾气看似诡异,可实际上就是灵界的空气,只不过里面蕴含了极多的死魂能量,这才变成了灰色。 After Lu Kun follows these Wood Spirit Clan enter this region, its facial expression becomes dignified. 陆坤跟随那些木灵族进入这片区域后,其神情就变得凝重起来。 He hid in the past, when Little Feng within the body, as once Xing Feng has arrived at the Dead Souls River edge, now looks like, in Falling Star Plain there Dead Souls River, belongs to the dead souls energy thin region. 他当年隐藏在小峰体内的时候,曾随着星峰来到过死魂河的边缘,现在看来,坠星平原那里的死魂河中,属于死魂能量稀薄的区域。 But Wood Spirit Clan here, he has not seen the shadow of rivers, in the air contains rich dead souls attribute energy is so terrifying. 而在木灵族这里,他还没见到河流的影子,空气中蕴含着的浓郁死魂属性能量就如此恐怖了。 Although this time dead souls energy did not have the means to injure to Lu Kun that powerful fleshly body, but contains one in view of divine soul ice-cold and deathly still strength, as if must be ordinary the soul freeze. 虽然此时的死魂能量还没办法伤害到陆坤那强大的肉身,但却蕴含着一股针对神魂冰冷死寂之力,彷佛要将魂魄冻结一般。 Under the function of this inexplicable strength, Lu Kun felt that own primordial soul moves restlessly, solely is not Berserk Will, in bloodline on joined bodies surges. 在这股莫名力量的作用下,陆坤就感觉自己的元神躁动不已,不单单是狂暴意志,就连体内的血脉都激荡不已。 berserk bloodline seems like inexplicable impulsions, wants to attack here dead souls strength directly, Little Jin bloodline primordial soul also has this feeling. 狂暴血脉好像有一种莫名的冲动,想要正面冲击这里的死魂之力,就连小金血脉元神同样有这种感觉。 If not they have divine soul concealment divine ability, perhaps the berserk bloodline aura has rushed, even if when the time comes has these dead souls energy to cover up, perhaps Wood Spirit Clan will still detect. 如果不是他们拥有神魂隐匿神通,恐怕狂暴血脉的气息已经澎湃而出,到时候就算有这些死魂能量遮掩,木灵族恐怕也会有所察觉。 Lu Kun, listens to the view of Wood Spirit Clan, here dead souls fog is enormous to the divine soul lethality, Soul Transformation Stage divine consciousness is unable long time to be released externally, will otherwise be frozen by dead souls energy, divine soul is damaged.” 陆坤,听木灵族的说法,这里的死魂雾气神魂杀伤力极大,化神期神识无法长时间外放,否则会被死魂能量冻结,神魂受损。” Perhaps if in this environment sneak attack, this team of Wood Spirit Clan arrives unable to see clearly our appearances.” Little Jin bloodline passes on the sound said. “如果在这种环境偷袭,这一队木灵族恐怕到死都无法看清我们的样子。”小金血脉传声道。 The Lu Kun eye narrows the eyes, inside flashes cold saying: Even if in this dead souls fog, does not destroy completely them not to take what effort, beginning, we are not needing many information anxiously.” 陆坤眼睛一眯,里面闪动着寒芒道:“就算不在这死魂雾气中,灭掉他们也不费什么力气,不急着动手,我们需要更多的信息。” From the dialogue of Wood Spirit Clan, Lu Kun knows that the opposite party is goes to the place of Dead Souls River edge to collect holy water, this holy water and Star Soul Clan Star Soul Herb has the similar function, seems extremely important to Wood Spirit Clan. 木灵族的对话中,陆坤知道对方是去死魂河边缘的地方采集一种圣水,这种圣水星魂族星魂草有着相似的作用,似乎对木灵族极其重要。 Star Soul Herb, Wood Spirit Clan holy water, needs divine soul as the consumption, this cultivates the energy that soul attribute needs? But Wood Spirit Clan cultivation is of can wood attribute five phases attribute, why have the relation with soul attribute?” 星魂草,木灵族圣水,都需要神魂作为消耗,这难道就是修炼魂属性需要的能量吗?可木灵族修炼的是五行属性之一的木属性,为什么会和魂属性产生联系?” Old Ancestor Mo said that foreign clan dependence other bloodline strength, can attack Void Refining Middle Stage above realm, this holy water, with some bloodline relations?” 莫老祖说其他异族依靠的血脉之力,才能冲击炼虚中期以上的境界,难道这个圣水,和血脉有些关系?” Viscera Essence Middle Stage realm, must prepare for future Void Refining, except for collecting bloodline divine ability, but must inquire about that essence between these foreign clan bloodline and cultivation relates!” 脏元中期境界,必须为将来的炼虚做准备,除了收集血脉神通,还要探寻出这些异族血脉和修炼之间的本质联系!” Strength is all foundations, without the powerhouse assumes personal command, Human Clan will only degenerate into the foreign clan cultivation material!” “实力才是一切的基础,如果没有强者坐镇,人族只会沦为异族的修炼材料!” Lu Kun is talking over silently, the faith in heart is firmer. 陆坤默默念叨着,心中的信念更加坚定。 ...... …… ...... …… In gray dead souls fog, Mu Lan this Soul Transformation Late Stage female cultivator vision is dignified, her pair barefoot is controlling flying boat, both hands palm toward on, puts in the chest front, above distinguishes float a leaf of jade appearance. 灰色的死魂雾气中,木岚这位化神后期女修目光凝重,她那双赤足操控着飞舟,双手则掌心朝上,置于胸前,上面分别悬浮着一片玉石模样的树叶。 These two leaves deep green have several points of burnt orange, the leaf trace is mysterious, as Mu Lan green spirit light pour into, about the two apex rotates, seems distinguishing the direction. 这两片树叶碧绿中带着几分焦黄色,树叶纹路玄奥无比,随着木岚一道道绿色灵光注入,两个叶尖左右转动,似乎在辨别着方向。 Does the Mu Lan eye wink looks at the leaf, once for a while is adjusting the flying boat direction, other Wood Spirit Clan Soul Transformation cultivator, then pinches mudra, constructed aquamarine light halo protective barrier outside spirit boat. 木岚眼睛一眨不眨地看着树叶,时不时调整着飞舟的方向,身后其他木灵族化神修士,则掐动着法决,在灵舟外构建了一个碧绿色的光晕护罩 Then, spirit boat went through many places flew some time, a small pond appeared in the front of people gradually. 就这样,灵舟辗转飞行了一段时间,一个小池塘渐渐出现在众人的面前。 This is peaceful yellow pool of water about ten zhang (3.33 m) range, the middle grows sturdy peaceful green stump, the stump lower half is deriving many root hair, takes root in the pool of water deep place. 这是一个大约十来丈范围的澹黄色池水,中间长着一个粗壮的澹绿色树桩,树桩下半部分衍生出许多根须,扎根在池水深处。 But another side of pond, is connecting a small stream, extends to the deep place of gray mist, from the thin mist, can see broad boundless rivers indistinctly. 而池塘的另一边,则连接着一条小溪,向灰色雾气的深处延伸,从稀薄的雾气中,隐约能见到一个广阔无边的河流。 You assist, isolates the aura, I take holy water.” “你们协助施法,隔绝气息,我去取圣水。” Yes, Great Attendant.” “是,大执事。” flying boat falls on the withered sand slowly, in other four Wood Spirit Clan Soul Transformation hands presented peaceful yellow precious pearl respectively, as mudra flash, the precious pearl gushes out withered yellow spirit light, interwove mutually, changed to curtain of light, covered with the middle pool of water them. 飞舟缓缓落在干枯的沙地上,其他四名木灵族化神手中分别出现了一个澹黄色的宝珠,随着一道道法决闪动,宝珠涌出枯黄色的灵光,相互交织,化作了一道光幕,将他们和中间的池水笼罩起来。 This dark yellow curtain of light is filling a withered meaning, seems the vigorous reverse side, this death-like aura was extremely close with the surrounding dead souls energy. 这层暗黄色的光幕弥漫着一股枯萎之意,彷佛是生机盎然的反面,这种如同死亡的气息和周围死魂能量十分接近 Mu Lan body float sky over the wooden stake of pond, in the hand the mudra rotation, the two withered and yellow leaf was swallowed in the entrance by it, then his right chest becomes the ballooning to get up, inside has one group of rays, seems protecting his heart. 木岚身子悬浮在池塘的木桩上空,手中法决转动,两个枯黄的树叶被其吞入口中,接着其右胸变得鼓胀起来,里面有一团光芒,似乎在保护其心脏。 Afterward she takes out palm of the hand big jade talisman, losing on below stump, the stump will tremble slightly, central manifestation has a bowl mouth size the pothole, one group of glittering and translucent carving green liquids flows, vigorous aura fills the air. 随后她取出一张巴掌大的玉符,将之丢在下方的树桩上,树桩微微一颤,中央显化出一个碗口大小的坑洞,一团晶莹剔透的绿色液体在其中流淌,一股生机盎然的气息弥漫开来。 Mu Lan deeply inspires, fell cautiously, barefoot steps on the stump edge, bends the waist, a finger according to the liquid surface, she as if detected that anything, in the eye flashed through the color of accident/surprise and pleasant surprise. 木岚深深吸了一口气,小心翼翼落了下去,赤足踩在树桩边缘,弯下腰,将一根手指按在液体表面,她似乎察觉到了什么,眼中闪过意外和惊喜之色。 But in this is, the dark yellow pool of water comes to its body rock climbing following the stump edge, that aquamarine flesh trembles, the gloss turned to be darkly peaceful, probably the withered rotten wood was common. 可就在这是,暗黄色的池水顺着树桩边缘向其身子攀岩而来,那碧绿色的肌肤一颤,光泽变成了暗澹下来,像是正在枯萎的朽木一般。 Mu Lan seems prepared early, regarding this is not startled, sees only the right chest of her ballooning to shine one group of emerald-green rays suddenly, its body package, under the sparkle of this group of rays, the body starts rich and smooth. 木岚似乎早有准备,对此并不惊慌,只见她那鼓胀的右胸忽然亮起一团翠绿色光芒,将其身躯包裹,在这团光芒的闪耀下,身躯又开始丰润。 Under the function of two types energy, his body non-stop in withering transforms with deep green, stayed a normal condition reluctantly. 两种能量的作用下,其身子不停在枯萎和碧绿中转化,勉强保持了一种正常的状态。 Mu Lan has not installed to take the liquid in stump at this time, but closes one's eyes, calmly contended with this type of fearful death liquid, the body in repeated withering and restored, had the gloss compared with before, she seems drawing support from this two types energy to quenching fleshly body. 木岚此时并没有装取树桩中的液体,而是闭着眼睛,静静与这种可怕的死亡液体抗衡,身躯在反复的枯萎和恢复中,比之前更有光泽,她彷佛在借助这两种能量淬炼肉身 But Mu Hua and the others, while looks at this, in the eye revealed the hope and envying color. 木华等人一边施法,一边看着这一幕,眼中露出了渴望和羡慕之色。 Passed approximately the small half-day time, Mu Lan within the body is sending out the emerald-green ray faded out gradually peacefully, she then took out a wooden bottle that portrays mysterious rune, loaded in which these liquids slowly. 过了大约小半天时间,木岚体内散发着的翠绿色光芒渐渐暗澹,她这才取出一个刻画着玄奥符文的木瓶,慢慢将这些液体装入其中。 Afterward her body flashed, turn around to return to flying boat, met in the hand to present spirit beast bag, proceeded to sprinkle, dozens unusual animals of all forms fell in the pool of water. 随后她身子一闪,反身回到了飞舟,接着手中出现了一个灵兽袋,往前一洒落,数十头形形色色的异兽落在池水之中。 This is some wasteland beast, cultivation base highest has Soul Transformation Early Stage, they as if some magic technique, fell into fainted, quick was embezzled by the mountain stream. 这都是些荒兽,修为最高的有化神初期,它们彷佛中了某种法术,陷入了晕厥中,很快就被溪水所吞没。 Afterward these Wood Spirit Clan received that withered aura magic technique, controlled flying boat to leave this place rapidly. 随后这些木灵族就收起了那枯萎气息的法术,驾驭着飞舟迅速离开了此地。 ...... …… Before long, maintained Lu Kun of one person and one monkey two head to come here, in his eye is flashing gold/metal, looked to below pool of water. 不一会,保持着一人一猴两个头颅的陆坤来到了这里,他眼中闪动着金芒,看向下方的池水。 The wasteland beast body that these build vary, was gradually submerged by the yellow pool of water, powerful bodies, are melting at the visible speed. 那些体型各异的荒兽身躯,逐渐被黄色的池水淹没,一具具强大的身躯,正以肉眼可见的速度消融着。 The hard straight hair, hard skin cover, is flashing the metallic luster horn and sharp claws, withers in the peaceful yellow pool of water, as if flower on the wane generally. 硬直的毛发,坚硬的皮囊,闪动着金属光泽的犄角和利爪,在澹黄色的池水中枯萎,就彷佛花儿凋零了一般。 In the eye of that leader wasteland beast, is flooding the panic-stricken color, but their divine soul were imprisoned in fleshly body, without the means control body, can only feel own life aura to be gradually dried up helplessly. 那一头头荒兽的眼中,充斥着惊恐之色,可它们的神魂被禁锢在肉身中,没办法控制身躯,只能眼睁睁感受着自己的生命气息逐渐干枯。 With passing of these fresh/live life force, the emerald-green ripple that one slightly may not check continuously gushes out from these fleshly body, toward middle stump gathering. 随着这些鲜活生命力的流逝,一缕缕微不可查的翠绿色波纹从这些肉身中涌出,向着中间的树桩汇聚。 In the gaps of these wasteland beast bodies, Lu Kun also discovered that in the bottom of pool of water, dozens Human Clan cultivator unique magical robe, they calmly lies down bottom of the pool of water, is breathless. 在这些荒兽身躯的间隙中,陆坤还发现在池水的底部,有数十件人族修士特有的法袍,它们静静躺在池水底部,毫无声息。 He looks at all these silently, after a while, extends the right hand to search downward, an invisible strength surges, one group of peaceful yellow liquids were towed by this strength. 他默默看着这一切,过了一会,伸出右手向下探去,一股无形的力量涌动而出,一团澹黄色的液体被这股力量拖了起来。 But at this time, the invisible strength as if received some corrosion, starts to rock, the air that the surroundings twist was corroded empty, a little bit yellow liquid leaks off from the hole. 可这时候,无形力量彷佛受到了某种腐蚀,开始晃动起来,周围扭曲的空气被腐蚀出一个个空洞,一滴滴黄色液体从洞中漏出。 When these liquids to its front time, is only left over the fist size. 等到这些液体到其面前的时候,只剩下拳头大小。 Lu Kun looks the liquid that this group is still leaking downward, recalled before , that Wood Spirit Clan female body between the scene that withering and restoring to transform, its right palm surface gushed out golden light membrane to let loose fleshly body source power, caught this group of liquids with own palm directly. 陆坤看着这团还在往下漏的液体,回想到之前那名木灵族女子身躯在枯萎和恢复间转化的场景,其右手掌表面涌出一层金色光膜放开了肉身源力,直接用自己的手掌接住了这团液体。 “Zila……” “兹啦……” As if the gutter enters the grating sound in wok with cooking oil to spread, Lu Kun feels a deathly stillness fearsome energy turbulently, light membrane that palm surface that blood essence forms was almost perished instantaneously. 彷佛水落进油锅里的刺耳声传出,陆坤就感到一股死寂般可怖能量汹涌而出,手掌表面那血元形成的光膜几乎瞬间被腐蚀掉。 Afterward his also wanted the hard palm to put in the cold ice compared with great accomplishment magic treasure probably, tenacious skin cover became withered, the entire palm as if passed out, turned into deathly pale. 随后他那比大成法宝还要坚硬的手掌就好像放入了寒冰之中,坚韧的皮囊变得干瘪起来,整个手掌似乎失去了知觉,变成了惨白色 “Bzz……” “嗡……” At this moment, bloodline of Lu Kun within the body surges suddenly, vast bloodline strength shoots up to the sky, as if solar blazing qi and blood rushes to the right hand arm from the chest. 就在这时,陆坤体内的血脉忽然激荡起来,汪洋般的血脉之力冲天而起,彷佛太阳般炽热的气血从胸膛涌向右手臂。 That deathly stillness ice-cold aura as if ran into some difficult adversary, is abating rapidly, but the palm of Lu Kun also regained the consciousness, that group of peaceful yellow liquid of palm as if detected anything, all of a sudden like boiling water tumbling. 那死寂冰冷的气息彷佛遇到了某种克星,迅速消退着,而陆坤的手掌也随之恢复了知觉,掌心的那一团澹黄色液体似乎察觉到了什么,一下子如同沸水般翻滚起来。 Roar! “吼! ! ” !” Suddenly, the Eastern deep place of gray mist spread an sharp shouting sound, that sound is sad and shrill, sounds like some fearful monster. 忽然间,灰色雾气的东方深处传出了一道尖锐的嘶吼声,那声音凄厉无比,听起来像是某种可怕的怪物。 Lu Kun hears this sound, the complexion changes, his palm suddenly flings, flung this group of peaceful yellow liquids, later chest front rune flashes through together, changes to together the vague astral wind, goes to direction fiercely shoots that Wood Spirit Clan leaves...... 陆坤听到这个声音,脸色一变,他手掌勐地一甩,将这团澹黄色的液体甩了下去,随后胸前一道符文闪过,化作一道若有若无的罡风,向木灵族离开的方向激射而去…… ( https://) (https://) 1 second remembers:. 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