BCA :: Volume #15

#1495: Wooden spirit border

The Falling Star Plain upper air, the vague nihility flowing light, is flying in the upper air together rapidly, its surroundings are rippling ripple, if carefully did not look, even thinks that this is together the ordinary astral wind. 坠星平原的高空,一道若有若无的虚无流光,在高空中急速飞行着,其周围荡漾着一圈圈波纹,如果不仔细看,甚至会认为这是一道普通的罡风。 In astral wind that in this slightly cannot be checked, a grandiose tall and strong strange ape hidden in, his both arms are exceptionally sturdy, on shoulder steadily two furry golden hair monkey head. 在这道微不可查的罡风中,一名壮硕魁梧的怪异猿猴隐藏其中,其双臂异常粗壮,肩膀上长着两个毛茸茸的金毛猴头 Head both eyes are fiery, in the eye flashes a faint trace golden color ray, the head is rotating once for a while, is observing all around vigilantly. 一个头颅双目炯炯有神,眼中闪动着一丝丝金色光芒,头颅时不时转动,警惕地观察着四周。 Another ear is really strange, the both sides are growing three ear petal outlines respectively, above is flashing similarly golden spirit light, once for a while vibrates, appears nimble and resourceful exceptionally. 另一个的耳朵甚是怪异,两侧分别长着三个耳瓣轮廓,上面同样闪动着金色灵光,时不时抖动,显得灵动异常。 This strange form, is Lu Kun and Little Jin, they some time ago delivered to Jian Chen and Chen Shiyu Nine Spirits Underground Palace. 这个怪异的身影,正是陆坤小金,他们不久前将剑尘陈诗语送到了九灵地宫中。 After seeing this two high rank sword cultivator, Chen Yang their morale inspires greatly, knows that this is the construction after mystical land of underground eight thousand li (500 km), Jian Chen and Chen Shiyu will also be so hopeful, after all deep underground to the Human Clan future, will be almost impossible to be discovered by the enemy. 见到这两名高阶剑修后,晨阳他们士气大振,知道这是修建在地底八千里的秘境后,剑尘陈诗语也对人族的未来满怀希望,毕竟如此深的地底,几乎不可能被敌人发现。 Jian Chen ten years ago runs away from Descending Spirit City, carried off many savings of Sword Sect, some Nine Spirits Underground Palace spirit herb and basic material defect, finally alleviated. 剑尘十年前从降灵城逃走的时候,带走了剑宗的不少积蓄,九灵地宫一些灵草和基础材料的缺失,终于缓解了下来。 The Sword Sect disciple and Pan Yan they, planned makes the big transformation later to Nine Spirits Underground Palace, wants thoroughly to transform Human Clan true cultivation mystical land here. 剑宗弟子和潘岩他们,随后就打算对九灵地宫进行大改造,想要将这里彻底改造成人族真正的修炼秘境 After Lu Kun and Little Jin helped revise under Profound Yellow Magic Plate, left underground again. 陆坤小金帮忙修改了下玄黄法盘后,就再次离开了地底 This coming out, they not only changed the body of Long-Armed Ape, but also maintained at fleshly body half fusion condition, with the aim of can erupt the attack of Void Refining level momentarily. 这次出来,他们不但变化成了通臂猿猴之躯,还将肉身保持在半融合状态,以便随时能爆发出炼虚级别的攻击。 Although the foreign clan Void Refining quantity are extremely small, the appeared probability is not high, but Lu Kun does not dare to have slightly negligently, present he, is not only Lord of the Body Refining Pavilion, but also the body is entire realm and Lower Realm Human Clan safety, must discrete again discrete. 虽然异族炼虚的数量极少,出现的几率不高,但陆坤不敢有丝毫大意,如今的他,不仅仅是炼体阁之主,还身系整个境界下界人族的安危,必须谨慎再谨慎。 If he with the strength complete Void Refining bitter experience, the eruption possible electric light flint of fight, he to the fusion time compression of two heads and four arms to lowest, can grasp the fighter aircraft. 如果他与实力完好的炼虚遭遇,战斗的爆发可能电光火石,他必须将双头四臂的融合时间压缩到最低,才能把握战机。 Has the Grand Pure Talisman that Jian Chen gives fortunately, can suppress the fleshly body magic treasure aura to the condition that slightly cannot be checked, although cannot hide the truth from Void Refining, but existence of Soul Transformation Stage is unable to investigate, the risk reduced much......” “还好有剑尘给的这枚太清符,能将肉身法宝气息压制到微不可查的状态,尽管瞒不过炼虚,但化神期的存在根本无法探查出来,风险降低了不少……” Is flying Lu Kun, spoke with the law and Little Jin bloodline passes message, while looks at own chest, there post triangle rune that inscribes the close trace, inside gushed out a faint trace marvelous fluctuation to spread over fleshly body. 飞行着的陆坤,一边用血脉传音之法和小金说话,一边看着自己的胸口,那里贴着一枚铭刻着细密纹路的三角符文,里面涌出一丝丝奇妙的波动传遍肉身 This fluctuation is very mysterious, inside contains the strength of special five phases, besides covering up the fluctuation of its fleshly body magic treasure, has not affected the revolution of fleshly body source power, the flying speed has not therefore reduced. 这道波动十分神奇,里面蕴含着特殊的五行之力,除了遮掩其肉身法宝的波动之外,还不影响肉身源力的运转,飞行速度没有因此降低。 Little Jin assumes an air of self approbation saying: Grand Pure Talisman is a treasure, but can only use the mudra stimulation of movement of immortal cultivator, although Jian Chen manufactured special stimulation talisman, but if using up, Grand Pure Talisman to us is rigid thing.” 小金摇头晃脑道:“太清符是个宝贝,不过只能用修仙者法决催动,虽然剑尘制作了专门的激发符箓,但如果用完,太清符对我们而言就是一个死物。” Lu Kun said slowly: Jian Chen altogether refined more than 40, should enough we use, later must study concealment divine ability the technique of bloodline, otherwise this fleshly body was too conspicuous.” 陆坤缓缓道:“剑尘一共炼制了四十多张,应该够我们用了,以后得研究一种隐匿神通血脉之术,否则这具肉身太显眼了。” Flies upwards also more than four years from the next Body Refining Pavilion disciple, this time our time is limited, in Wood Spirit Clan, Heavenly Stone Clan, the Blood Shadow Clan territory transfers.” “距离下一次炼体阁弟子飞升还有四年多,这次我们时间有限,就在木灵族,天石族,血影族的领地转一圈。” Besides catching some high rank foreign clan studies bloodline, looked that can rescue some clansmen again, according to news that Jian Chen gives, many Human Clan loose cultivator were plundered by other three foreign clan.” “除了捕捉一些高阶异族研究血脉以外,看能不能再解救一些族人,按照剑尘给的消息,不少人族散修都被其他三个异族掳掠走了。” Lu Kun and Little Jin chatted the meeting, has not flown toward the north Wood Spirit Clan territory directly, but shifted to the East, planned that from being far away from the Star Soul Clan place enters Wood Spirit Clan. 陆坤小金聊了会,并没有直接往北面的木灵族领地飞行,而是转向了东方,打算从远离星魂族地方进入木灵族 After digesting information that Old Ancestor Mo left behind, the cognition of Lu Kun to Spirit Realm was deeper, knows that this world length and breadth is incomparable, according to the fantastic story that foreign clan transmits, Spirit Realm several giant mainland comprised, other places are the boundless sea. 消化了莫老祖留下的信息后,陆坤灵界的认知更深了,知道这片天地广袤无比,据异族传来的奇闻,灵界由数个巨型大陆组成,其他地方都是无边的海洋。 Their mainland are called the wind wild mainland, the region that Five Clans Union is at the west in this mainland, belongs to the extremely remote place, was called extremely west the place by the five races. 他们脚下的大陆叫做风荒大陆,五族盟所在的地域是在这座大陆的最西侧,属于极其偏远的地方,被五族称之为极西之地。 spirit qi of place of west is extremely extremely rich regarding the person of Lu Kun this Lower Realm flying upwards, but compared with other Spirit Realm places, actually barren many. 极西之地的灵气对于陆坤这种下界飞升之人极其浓郁,但与灵界其他地方相比,却贫瘠了不少。 The five races also want to expand the region, seeks for a better place, but extremely west the west side of place is the boundless sea, various terrifying wasteland beast emerge one after another incessantly, other directions have various terrifying restricted area impediments. 五族也想扩张地域,寻找更好的地方,可极西之地的西边是无边的海洋,各种恐怖的荒兽层出不穷,其他方向更有各种恐怖的禁地阻隔。 East of Falling Star Plain, is neighbor meaning of the most fearful restricted area, dead soul restricted area, this is three restricted areas is called, besides Lu Kun in Dead Souls River that on the Xing Wu map sees, dead soul mountain range and dead soul lake. 坠星平原以东,就是附近最可怕的禁地之意,死魂禁地,这是三个禁地的统称,除了陆坤星乌地图上见到的死魂河外,还有死魂山脉和死魂湖。 Upstream of dead soul mountain range situated in Dead Souls River, in the south Land of Blood Wastes deep place, the dead soul lake in the north, is the Dead Souls River end, a piece imitates, if sea broad huge lake. 死魂山脉位于死魂河的上游,在南边的血荒之地深处,死魂湖则在北方,是死魂河的尽头,一片彷若海洋般广阔的庞大湖泊。 According to the Old Ancestor Mo information, the dead soul restricted area is flooding various fearful souls, some Extreme Yin essence qi condense, but malicious ghost, inside many Void Refining existence, the legend also has the Body Fusion level terrifying ghost thing to exist. 根据莫老祖的信息,死魂禁地充斥着各种可怕的阴魂,还有一些极阴元气凝聚而出的恶鬼,里面不乏炼虚存在,传说还有合体级别的恐怖鬼物存在。 In five races, Wood Spirit Clan and Human Clan neighbor dead soul restricted area, but Human Clan only then a Falling Star Plain narrow view place approaches, Wood Spirit Clan most regions, are abutting Dead Souls River and dead soul lake. 五族中,木灵族人族比邻死魂禁地,不过人族只有坠星平原一小处地方靠近,木灵族的大部分区域,都紧靠着死魂河和死魂湖。 The Lu Kun this time flight direction, is the Dead Souls River direction, he planned that enters the Wood Spirit Clan region from this nearby. 陆坤此时的飞行方向,正是死魂河的方向,他打算从这附近进入木灵族的地域。 wood attribute represented the vitality, but the dead soul restricted area seemed like similar to the yin cold qi death aura, these two regions were linked to each other, had what special function to Wood Spirit Clan?” 木属性代表了生机,而死魂禁地似乎是类似于阴寒之气的死亡气息,这两片地域连在一起,难道对木灵族有什么特殊的作用?” With the flight of Lu Kun, he felt gradually the surrounding space becomes gloomy and cold, Little Jin also felt the change of essence qi of heaven and earth, said: essence qi that in nearby air contains, as if many species.” 随着陆坤的飞行,他渐渐感到周围的空间变得阴冷起来,小金也感到了天地元气的变化,不禁说道:“附近空气里面蕴含的元气,似乎多了一种属性。” Lu Kun induced with rapt attention , the ponder said: Truly yes, but essence qi contains five phases attribute as before, this species and heaven and earth five phases do not repel.” 陆坤凝神感应了下,沉思道:“确实是的,不过元气依旧蕴含五行属性,这种属性与天地五行并不排斥。” It and Lower Realm yin cold qi are different, some types passed the feeling of soul, Old Ancestor Mo had said Star Soul Clan cultivation soul attribute, this was soul attribute.” “它和下界阴寒之气不同,有种直透灵魂的感觉,莫老祖说过星魂族修炼的魂属性,这难道就是魂属性。” „But if is soul attribute, why isn't Star Soul Clan interested here?” “可如果是魂属性,为什么星魂族对这里不感兴趣?” Changes mind, Lu Kun thought of soul attribute, but Star Soul Clan sent smallest and weakest Star Tribe to attack Falling Star Plain this most to approach the Dead Souls River region, explained that dreaded to the dead soul restricted area. 转念间,陆坤就想到了魂属性,可星魂族派了最弱小的星部攻打坠星平原这个最靠近死魂河的地域,说明对死魂禁地十分忌惮。 He thinks of here, looks out the east direction, in the eye is flashing a continuously golden ray, to prevent possible Void Refining, Lu Kun has not used the idea of divine consciousness, depends upon six ears of own Golden Eyes divine ability and Little Jin, all around investigates. 他想到这里,遥望东边的方向,眼中闪动着一缕缕金色光芒,为了防止可能出现的炼虚,陆坤没有动用神识的想法,依靠自己的金目神通小金的六耳,来探查四周。 ahzww hobby ahzww爱好 Penetrates several hundred li (0.5 km) eyesight through that he saw indistinctly the rivers that is sending out the peaceful yellow dim mist, in the heart have one type to tremble the frightened feeling. 通过那穿透数百里的目力,他隐约见到了一条散发着澹黄色朦胧雾气的河流,心中不由产生一种战栗惊悚之感。 Old Ancestor Mo their such legitimate Void Refining do not dare to explore, my present cultivation base was no different in the past brings about own destruction......” 莫老祖他们这样的正统炼虚都不敢探索,我现在的修为过去无异于自寻死路……” At this moment, Little Jin bloodline passes on the sound said suddenly: Lu Kun, do that side mountains as if have the Wood Spirit Clan form?” 就在这时,小金忽然血脉传声道:“陆坤,那边的山川似乎有木灵族的身影?” Wood Spirit Clan? Several can, detect their cultivation base?” 木灵族?有几个,能察觉他们的修为吗?” Five, are driving spirit boat, the flying speed almost two times of spirits fast, inside at least Soul Transformation Late Stage, well, the direction that they fly seems like Dead Souls River.” “有五个,正驾驶着一艘灵舟,飞行速度差不多有两倍灵速,里面至少有一名化神后期,咦,他们飞行的方向好像是死魂河。” Dead Souls River? Walks, we follow!” 死魂河?走,我们跟上!” ...... …… ...... …… On trees luxuriant mountains, several human-shaped lifeform that has the deep green flesh is flying in the thick trees, their have brown flying boat, with its flight, in the surrounding trees, will gush out a continuously blue-green halo. 一座树木繁茂的山川上,数名有着碧绿肌肤的人形生物在粗大的树木间飞行着,他们脚下有着一艘褐色飞舟,随着其飞行,周围的树木中,都会涌出一缕缕青绿色光晕。 Under the assistances of these halos, flying boat appears nimble and resourceful incomparable, shuttles back and forth in giant trees. 在这些光晕的辅助下,飞舟显得灵动无比,穿梭在一棵棵巨型树木之间。 In the flying boat front section, is standing a stature slender female, this female wears the frail tree vine shirt, the chest sticks out slightly, appears under the package of vine sends exquisite. 飞舟的前段,站着一名身材纤细的女子,此女身穿单薄的木藤短衫,胸部微微隆起,在藤蔓的包裹下显得玲珑有致。 His lower part of the body wore a short skirt of leaf knitting merely, reveals the slender thigh, coordinates the thigh flesh surface brown trace, has an unusual aesthetic sense. 其下身仅仅穿了一件树叶编织的短裙,露出修长的大腿,配合腿部肌肤表面的褐色纹路,有种异样的美感。 She barefoot, the trace on exquisite sole like the wooden vine, fuses in the flying boat deck together, vigorous true essence of Soul Transformation Late Stage ranks non-stop flooding into. 她光着脚丫子,小巧脚掌上的纹路如同木质藤蔓,与飞舟甲板融合在一起,一股股化神后期级别的浑厚真元不停涌入其中。 Wooden magnificent, you met Human Clan that runs away for these years.” This puts on the cool Wood Spirit Clan female to say to a face withered and yellow man suddenly behind. “木华,这几年你有没有遇到逃窜过来的人族。”这名穿着清凉的木灵族女子忽然对着身后一名面孔枯黄的男子说道。 The body of withered and yellow man is higher than the female, within the body aura is not weak, is sending out the fluctuation of Soul Transformation Middle Stage peak, but he is very respectable to the female, said respectfully: 枯黄男子的身子比女子高一些,体内气息不弱,散发着化神中期巅峰的波动,不过他对女子十分尊敬,恭敬道: Reply big attendant, only then Star Soul Clan started that year of war, had Human Clan cultivator to run away toward here one after another, moreover was some loose cultivator, cultivation base highest was Primordial Infant Late Stage, Soul Transformation Stage one does not have.” “回禀大执事,只有星魂族发动战争的那年,陆续有人族修士往这里逃窜,而且都是一些散修,修为最高的不过是元婴后期,化神期的一个没有。” Later ten years, has not seen any Human Clan cultivator......” “之后的十年,也没有见到任何人族修士……” The females said slowly: It seems like Falling Star Mystical Land surplus Human Clan, ran into the blood desolate either, either was put Divine Country by here Star Soul Clan.” 女子缓缓道:“看来坠星秘境剩余的人族,要么逃进了血荒,要么被这里的星魂族抓进了神国。” She somewhat regrets saying: If we know ahead of time Star Soul Clan attacks Human Clan, perhaps can also divide to one cup of thick soup, Human Clan divine soul and Primordial Infant, are also quite useful to our ethnic group.” 她有些惋惜道:“如果我们提前知道星魂族进攻人族的话,恐怕还能分到一杯羹,人族神魂元婴,对我们族群也极为有用。” Now 90% Human Clan are annexed Star Soul Clan Divine Country, perhaps in several thousand years, the Star Soul Clan overall strength will strengthen significantly......” “如今90%的人族都被圈进了星魂族神国,恐怕再过数千年,星魂族的整体实力就会大幅度增强……” Hears here, that male said after a moment of hesitation named wooden magnificent: Sir attendant, Falling Star Mystical Land Star Soul Clan somewhat seems to be strange, several years from the beginning, their patrol frequencies are very high, but 67 years, as if went into hiding recently half, the people who even go on patrol did not have.” 听到这里,那名叫做木华的男子犹豫了下道:“执事大人,坠星秘境星魂族似乎有些奇怪,一开始的几年,他们的巡逻频率还很高,但最近六七年,彷佛销声匿迹了一半,连巡逻的人都没有了。” This Wood Spirit Clan big attendant stares slightly, later in the eye flashes through one to say looking pensive: What hears to occupy Falling Star Mystical Land is Star Tribe, they only remain Void Refining Early Stage Elder, the tribe strength is weakest. These years should contract in Falling Star Mystical Land to cultivate, after all Star Soul Herb, just like the this clan holy water, is the key of tribe development, at this time Star Tribe definitely in promotion strength.” 这位木灵族执事微微一愣,随后眼中闪过一丝若有所思道:“听闻占据坠星秘境的是星部,他们仅剩一名炼虚初期长老,部族实力最弱。这些年应该都收缩到坠星秘境内修炼了,毕竟星魂草,和本族的圣水一样,都是部族发展的关键,此时星部肯定在提升实力。” At this point, she looks at the East, the facial expression has the anticipation saying: Does not know how the soul of Human Clan the holy water quality that offers sacrifices becomes, since Star Soul Clan breeds Star Soul Herb with Human Clan, our holy herb should still.” 说到这里,她望着东方,神情带着期待道:“不知道人族之魂献祭而成的圣水品质会如何,既然星魂族人族孕育星魂草,那我们的圣草应该依然可以。” In wooden magnificence Yan has several points of hope saying: Sir attendant, that this batch of new student/life holy water......” 木华眼中带着几分渴望道:“执事大人,那这批新生的圣水……” Female attendant tranquilly said: Relax, ten years ago Human Clan cultivator that offers sacrifices is you catches, so long as the holy water quality did not lose in the past, naturally can apportion your some.” 执事澹澹道:“放心,十年前献祭的人族修士是你们抓到的,只要圣水品质不输于以往,自然会分给你们一些。” The happy expression that it behind four Wood Spirit Clan upon hearing this, all reveal, had the holy water to assist, they likely broke through the current cultivation bottleneck. 其身后的四名木灵族闻言,全都露出的喜色,有了圣水相助,他们很可能突破当前的修炼瓶颈。 Especially that man named wooden magnificent, he is away from Soul Transformation Late Stage to only have the one pace. 尤其是那位叫做木华的男子,他距离化神后期只有一步之遥。 If successfully breaks through with the aid of the strength of holy water, he can also become big attendant in clan, when the time comes will have the holy water to provide every hundred years, even Void Refining Boundary, he somewhat is still possible...... 如果借助圣水之力成功突破,他也能成为族中的大执事,到时候每隔百年都会有圣水发放,就算是炼虚之境,他也有几分可能……
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