BCA :: Volume #11

#1069: essence qi form transformation

Peng Yuanhua feels this terrifying oppression, magic power reckless pours into jade ruler, stimulates two dazzling azure glow one after another, has the aura of destroying the hardest defenses, the bang to the giant. 彭元化感受到这股恐怖的威压,法力不要命的注入到手中的玉尺,接连激发出两道刺目的青芒,带着无坚不摧的气息,轰向巨人。 That made person palpitation oppression, even pressed to plan the imposing manner of giant. 那令人心悸的威压,甚至将巨人的气势压下去一筹。 After the Lu Kun build increased, as if the confidence rises sharply, facing this astonishing attack, his cold snort/hum, wants on the arm of big several times compared with beforehand Long Arm horizontally in the chest front. 陆坤体型变大了之后,似乎信心大涨,面对这道惊人的攻击,他冷哼一声,比以前通臂还要大上数倍的手臂横在胸前。 Gathers like the stick thick index finger middle finger, invisible force field revolves rapidly above, the finger front section, gushed out a silver cone-shape vortex gradually, the surrounding essence qi of heaven and earth spontaneous gathering comes, to send out the dazzling silver halo. 如同棍子粗的食指中指并拢,无形的力场在上面飞速旋转起来,指头前段,渐渐涌出了一个银色的锥形旋涡,周围的天地元气自发汇聚而来,散发着刺目的银色光晕。 This two cone-shape fingertip, respectively the thorn to the azure glow that fiercely shoots came. 两个锥形指尖,分别刺向了激射而来的青芒。 Together sharp incomparable, punctures the sound of eardrum to resound through the ravine, the azure silver two-colors ray attacks on that finger mutually, both sides are condense the penetrating power divine ability, at once, nearby air serious several points. 一道尖锐无比,刺破耳膜的声音响彻山间,青银双色光芒在那指头上相互冲击,双方都是凝聚穿透力的神通,一时之间,附近的空气都沉重的几分。 “Thump!” “砰!” In the next breath, the azure glow and cone-shape vortex blasts open simultaneously, but does not have the unnecessary aura to appear externally, as if both disappear mutually. 就在下一息,青芒和锥形旋涡就同时炸裂开来,不过没有多余的气息外露,仿佛两者相互泯灭掉。 Lu Kun double referred to vanishing piece of blood and flesh, revealed inside silver shining hand phalanx, its body also staggered under. 陆坤的双指消失了一片血肉,露出了里面银灿灿的手指骨,其身躯也踉跄了下。 Although Xue Tianyou of distant place was shocked by the present giant, but he responded is extremely quick, attacked the instance of opposite party while the azure glow, activated within the body essence and blood, magic power rose fiercely. 远处的薛天佑虽然被眼前的巨人震惊到,但他反应极快,趁着青芒攻击对方的瞬间,激活了体内精血,法力猛地一涨。 As before float Demon Burdening Ring purple light greatly hold when Lu Kun top of the head, gushes out two huger purple halo, in the opposite party staggers, surrounded upper arm and both legs respectively. 依旧悬浮在陆坤头顶的坠魔环紫光大盛,涌出两道更加巨大的紫色光环,在对方踉跄之际,分别困住了大臂和双腿。 Facing the beforehand normal body size, demon power of Demon Burdening Ring consumption is not exaggerating, is the control is but actually free by Xue Tianyou vigorous demon power, but the Lu Kun body increases at this time suddenly, spirit ring that these demon power stimulate could not support. 面对之前的正常身躯大小,坠魔环消耗的魔力并不夸张,以薛天佑浑厚的魔力倒也算是操控自如,可此时陆坤的身躯骤然变大,这些魔力激发的灵环就支撑不住了。 Two huge halo that he stimulates to movement now, is very strenuous, not only the before consumption of demon power is five times, even must consume essence and blood , to promote demon power degree of essence purity by the secret technique. 他现在催动的两道巨大光环,十分吃力,不但魔力的消耗是之前的五倍,甚至要消耗精血,以秘术提升魔力精纯程度 But ground Solitary Dao and the others in saw this, awakens, clenches teeth to continue to control small Demon Restraining Formation, restriction strength, well up to the Lu Kun thigh, although the formation covering range is limited, even if cannot surround the body of opposite party, must lock in his some bodies. 而地面上的道一等人见此,也醒悟过来,咬牙继续操控小锢魔阵,一道道禁制之力,向陆坤腿部涌去,虽然阵法的笼罩范围有限,可就算困不住对方的身躯,也要锁住其部分躯体。 These people have made the detailed analysis to Lu Kun divine ability, they are very clear, this Lord of the Body Refining Pavilion is most fearful, is that just like the flickering movement speed, if not limit the figure of opposite party, they not only have not struck to kill the Lu Kun possibility, even oneself are hard to preserve. 这些人都对陆坤神通做过详细的分析,他们心里很清楚,这位炼体阁之主最可怕的,是那宛若瞬移的速度,如果不将对方的身形限制住,他们不但没有击杀陆坤的可能,甚至自身都难以保全。 Lu Kun lowers the head, looks wraps in purple light halo, reveals the color of ridicule: You think, this imitation spirit treasure can also fetter Lu?” 陆坤低着头,看着重新套在身上的紫色光圈,露出嘲弄之色道:“你难道以为,这件仿制灵宝还能束缚住陆某吗?” During the speeches, outside he hill body, swung invisible force field, in dozens zhang (3.33 m) range, even surged tornados. 说话间,他小山般的躯体外,荡起了一层无形的力场,数十丈范围内,甚至涌起了一股股旋风。 body cultivator combat skill, reason that can inspire essence qi of heaven and earth, except for depending upon over 1 million jin (0.5 kg) strengths, but also has the enormous relations with the fleshly body source power range. 体修战技,之所以能引动天地元气,除了依靠百万斤以上的力量,还和肉身源力的范围有极大的关系。 After Lu Kun enters Bone Transformation Middle Stage, depends upon to increase to four chi (0.33 m) source power field, does not need to intercept others, but inspires essence qi of heaven and earth independently. 陆坤进入骨变中期后,依靠增加到四尺的源力场,已经不需要截取他人,而是自主引动天地元气 This time passive force field, although as before divergence in the four chi (0.33 m) range of body surface, before however his body, is completely different. 此时的被动力场,虽然依旧辐散在体表的四尺范围内,但是他的身躯和之前完全不同。 If Bone Transformation Early Stage to Bone Transformation Middle Stage, the source power field covering range increased 30%, then after the build increases, this range, enough is original five times! 如果说骨变初期到了骨变中期,源力场的笼罩范围增加了30%不到,那么体型变大之后,这个范围,足足是原来的五倍! Under the Lu Kun full play, in surrounding pure spirit qi, emitted a halo, comes to that giant body crazily, 陆坤全力运转之下,周围的精纯灵气中,都冒出了点点光晕,疯狂向那巨人般的身躯汹涌而来, Ties up its body Demon Burdening Ring spirit light, trembles slightly, demon essence qi that inside contains is defeated and dispersed, integrated in source power field. 捆住其身躯的坠魔环灵光,微微一颤后,里面蕴含的魔元气就溃散开来,融入了源力场中。 Distortion air that in the four chi (0.33 m) range of Lu Kun body surface, original force field covers, had turned into the dim halo, probably said the essence qi halo innumerably, wound around in the whole body. 陆坤体表的四尺范围内,原先力场笼罩的一片扭曲空气,已然变成了朦胧的光晕,像是无数道元气光环,缭绕在周身。 Suffocating essence qi wave surges, the huge spirit pressure toward the divergence, small Demon Restraining Formation in ground, by this essence qi tide, was shaken in all directions is split up. 一股令人窒息的元气波浪涌动开来,庞大的灵压向着四面八方辐散,地面上的小锢魔阵,都被这股元气浪潮,震得四分五裂。 Solitary Dao and the others felt that receives this terrifying air wave, cannot attend to continue control magic plate, displays the method defense respectively. 道一等人感到受到这股恐怖的气浪,顾不得继续操控法盘,各自施展手段防御。 Peng Yuanhua of not far away, after seeing the Lu Kun outside the body thick essence qi link, reveals may not the color of believing, lost one's voice to call out: essence qi form transformation! This is how possible!” 不远处的彭元化,在见到陆坤体外厚实的元气环后,露出不可置信之色,失声叫道:“元气化形!这怎么可能!” He without delay, jade ruler in opponent spouts one group of essence and blood, magic power reckless injection in which in within the body, even Primordial Infant in dantian short a section. 他二话不说,对手中的玉尺喷出一团精血,体内的法力不要命的注入其中,甚至丹田内的元婴都矮了一截。 This heaven connecting spirit treasure replica trembles slightly, the azure glow puts greatly, gushed out ten azure glow all of a sudden, although compares beforehand small 1st, but so many quantities, the overall power and influence was more powerful than the number to plan before. 这件通天灵宝的仿制品微微一颤,青芒大放,一下子涌出了十来道青芒,虽然都比之前的小一号,但如此多的数量,整体的威势比之前强大了数筹。 After Xue Tianyou hears the Peng Yuanhua words, as if the association to anything, expression was panic-stricken, he raises demon power hastily, that Demon Burdening Ring flickering movement, before returning to the body, several purple quiet glow project, vanish in the air. 薛天佑听到彭元化的话后,仿佛联想到了什么,神色惊恐,他连忙将魔力一提,那坠魔环一个瞬移,回到了身前,数道紫色幽芒从中射出,消失在空气中。 He could ignore within the body surges demon power, in the hand presented black and white two-colors magic plate immediately, mudra surged rapidly, both sides Monster Demon Island center white restriction, started to close to the middle. 他顾不得体内翻腾的魔力,手中立马出现了一件黑白双色法盘,一道道法决飞速涌动,两侧的妖魔岛中心白色禁制,开始向中间闭合。 Lu Kun sees this, the complexion sinks, under the air of supporting-heaven pillar both legs treads out a curving distortion curve body, along with the turbulent air current bursting sound, fiercely shoots goes forward. 陆坤见此,脸色一沉,擎天柱般的双腿将身下的空气踩出一个弯曲的扭曲弧度,伴随着汹涌的气流爆裂声,向前激射而去。 Meanwhile, that winds around in the essence qi link of body surface, gathered in the chest, changed to a source power vortex that is combining the black and white halo, the terrifying suction emerged. 与此同时,那缭绕在体表的元气环,在胸口汇聚,化作了一个混杂着黑白光晕的源力旋涡,恐怖的吸力从中涌现出来。 That sends out is penetrating the aura intensely ten azure glow, directly by suction vortex. 那散发着强烈穿透气息的十来道青芒,直接被吸入旋涡之中。 This moment time, before the Lu Kun body had rushed to soon closed white restriction . 这片刻功夫,陆坤的身躯已然冲到了即将闭合的白色禁制之前。 But at this moment, three purple halo appear from the air suddenly, blasts open directly, that turbulent demon essence qi changed to shock-wave, shook his huge body drew back several steps. 可就在这时,三道紫色光环忽然从空气中显现,直接炸裂开来,那汹涌的魔元气化作了一道冲击波,将他庞大的身躯震退了几步。 The next quarter, white restriction closes thoroughly. 下一刻,白色禁制就彻底闭合起来。 In the Lu Kun eye the angry look flashes, the source power vortex changes to essence qi halo, inside is combining demon essence qi that green essence qi as well as just exploded. 陆坤眼中怒色一闪,源力旋涡重新化作一道道元气光环,里面混杂着青色元气以及刚刚爆炸的魔元气 These essence qi energy under the huge source power field revolution, all shift to the right hand fist on. 这些元气能量在庞大的源力场运转下,全都转移到右手拳头上。 That gigantic fist, pounded ruthlessly forward. 那硕大的拳头,狠狠向前砸了过去。 “Boom!” “轰!” A giant tricolor scorching sun raises, trim mountain range as if vibrates, hidden essence qi of heaven and earth in pure spirit qi, appears, changes to innumerable essence qi cloud, surges everywhere. 一道巨大的三色骄阳升起,整片山脉都仿佛震动起来,隐藏在精纯灵气中的天地元气,一个个显现而出,化作无数元气云朵,四处激荡。 Lu Kun that giant body was blown off dozens zhang (3.33 m), hit to collapse a mountain top, fell into the rock, he looks at the fist that blood and flesh did not have, looked at white restriction curtain of light that returned safe and sound, revealed several points of stunned color. 陆坤那巨人般的身躯被炸飞了数十丈,撞塌了一座山头,陷入了山石中,他看着血肉全无的拳头,又看了看毫发无损的白色禁制光幕,露出几分愕然之色。 Afterward his first revolution, looked to another direction, Solitary Dao True Person and the others, does not know when linked up into a single stretch escape light, went to Monster Demon Island edge fiercely shoots. 随后他头一转,看向了另一个方向,道一真人等人,不知什么时候将遁光连成一片,向妖魔岛的边缘激射而去。 Can escape?” “逃得掉吗?” Lu Kun cold snort/hum, the body trembles, the rock of under foot was shaken the powder, to distant place fiercely shoots. 陆坤冷哼一声,身子微颤,脚下的山石被震成了粉末,向远处激射 Three zhang (3.33 m) high fleshly body, when flying to escape, swiftly reduces. 三丈高的肉身,在飞遁之际,迅速缩小起来。 Thick bone retractions, seemingly normal muscles, because of reduction of bones, returned like spring such extrusion, turned into the appearance of abnormal meatball, then blood of bolstering on muscle fibers returned to blood vessels following the tendon, the build turned into the original six chi (0.33 m) altitude. 一根根粗大的骨头回缩,看似正常的肌肉,因为骨骼的缩短,如同弹簧那样挤压而回,变成了畸形肉球的模样,接着加持肌肉纤维上的血液顺着肌腱返回血管,体型变成了原来六尺的高度。 Bone Treasure of Lu Kun within the body blooms treasure light, the both legs changes to the illusory image, steps on void, swings a curve of intermittent distortion. 陆坤体内的骨宝绽放出一道道宝光,双腿化作幻影,在虚空中踩踏,荡起一阵阵扭曲的弧度。 After the build restores to the normal size, his escape speed increases, brings the grating air tearing sound, pursued toward running away Solitary Dao and the others of...... 体型恢复到正常大小后,他遁速大增,带着刺耳的空气撕裂声,向着逃窜的道一等人追去……
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