BWH :: Volume #6 力量即正义,魔法即强权!

#914: Deathly Hallows Resurrection Stone

Main text's 900 th 14 chapter of Deathly Hallows Resurrection Stone 正文第九百一十四死亡圣器复活石 When Cloak of Invisibility appears in the hand of enemy, Ivan then understands this thing the hard to deal with place. 隐形衣出现在敌人的手上,伊凡这才明白这东西的难缠之处。 However a little made him feel some doubts actually, Cloak of Invisibility, when Harry there, so long as puts on the figure to be camouflaged, but Grindelwald as if can control it freely...... 不过有一点倒是令他感到有些疑惑,隐形衣哈利那里的时候,只要穿上身形就会被遮蔽,而格林德沃似乎可以自如的控制它…… The time 1 0.1 drops of past, Ivan half of mind was used suppressed the magic power rebellion in within the body, other half mind concentrating on to deal with Grindelwald to have the surprise attack of possibility. 时间一点一滴的过去,伊凡将一半心神用于压制体内的魔力暴动,另一半心神则是全神贯注的应对格林德沃有可能的突袭。 In Ivan some are impatient, prepare to display wide scope magic the opposite party forces, an intense warning sign feeling suddenly from the right side passed on. 就在伊凡等的有些不耐烦,准备施展大范围魔法将对方逼迫出来的时候,一股强烈的警兆感突然从右侧传了过来。 Thunder!” Ivan has turned the head, wielded wand rapidly, the blue lightning condenses the forming in the stick together sharp, divided toward right side! “雷!”伊凡转过头,迅速的挥动了魔杖,一道蓝色的闪电在杖尖凝聚成形,向着右侧劈了过去! The speed quick being hard imagination of lightning, Grindelwald just lifted wand plans cast spell, the after electric arc of twinkle then, to send first to dividing his body. 闪电的速度快的难以想象,格林德沃刚刚抬起魔杖打算施法,闪烁的电弧便后发先至劈到了他的身上。 The Grindelwald complexion becomes very ugly, he has not thought completely the opposite party actually has to look through the Cloak of Invisibility ability, ate up this magic forcefully. 格林德沃的脸色变得很是难看,他完全没有想到对方竟然拥有看破隐形衣的能力,硬生生的吃下了这个魔法 Was good provided very good protection because of Cloak of Invisibility for him, gave to isolate the most might of lightning, the bonus was so, he can feel that the electric current delimited the feeling that paralysis the body has brought. 好在隐形衣为他提供了很好的防护,将闪电的大部分威力都给隔绝了开来,饶是如此,他还是能够感觉到电流划过身体带来的麻痹感。 Ivan is in power unforgiving, to own dangerous sensation is the percentage hundred trusts, wand shakes furiously, several did not have the blade of shadow no shadow magic power then to fly. 伊凡得势不饶人,对自己的危险感知更是百分百的信任,魔杖奋力一震,几道无影无影的魔力之刃便飞了出去。 Grindelwald wand selects lightly, a lot of crushed stone wreckage got together immediately, composes a firm rock barrier, very reluctant resisted the Ivan offensive. 格林德沃魔杖轻挑,大量碎石残骸顿时聚合了起来,组成一道坚固的岩石屏障,很是勉强的将伊凡的攻势抵挡了下来。 Nearby Rolf is waiting and seeing Ivan with not a visible transparent person fight, he who really cannot help can only closely grab the back of Thunderbird, so as to avoid oneself fall from the space. 一旁罗尔夫就这么观望着伊凡与一个看不见的透明人战斗,实在帮不上忙的他只能够紧紧的抓着雷鸟的背部,免得自己从天上摔下去。 Waits...... to smell? 等等……嗅嗅呢? Rolf that idles thinks fiercely own pet and partner, rushed to control to look, has not actually seen the trace of opposite party. 闲下来的罗尔夫猛地想到了自己的宠物兼伙伴,赶忙左右看了看,却没有见到对方的踪影。 This made Rolf somewhat worry, he worried very much oneself partner can die in the complementary waves of fight. 这让罗尔夫不免有些着急了起来,他很担心自己的伙伴会不会死在战斗的余波之中。 Observed the situation several, Rolf relaxed finally, because smelled also live, is occupying well at this moment on the remnant bricks walls of two buildings, how pondered over should adopt front protective barrier. 环视了好几圈,罗尔夫终于松了口气,因为嗅嗅还活的好好的,此刻正盘踞在二楼的残砖瓦壁上,琢磨着该怎么通过面前的防护屏障。 Realized that smells to make anything, Rolf had almost not been irritated, here is fighting, if did not handle Grindelwald all of them to be finished, smelled really also to have the thoughts to steal the treasure in tomb. 意识到嗅嗅在做什么,罗尔夫差点没被气死,这里正打着架呢,要是搞不定格林德沃他们所有人都得完蛋,嗅嗅竟然还有心思盗取坟墓里的宝物。 Another side Ivan does not feel better similarly very much, Protection Mode time already more than half, but his attack to the Grindelwald does not have too many progress. 另一边的伊凡同样很不好受,保护模式的时间早就过半,但他对格林德沃的进攻却没有太多的进展。 When this with previous and Voldemort resistance different, is relying on this special condition detection that Ivan can be clear about to oneself, although can suppress Grindelwald smoothly, actually has no way to beat the opposite party. 这与上次和伏地魔对抗时不同,伊凡能够清楚的察觉到自己凭借着这种特殊的状态,虽然能够顺利压制住格林德沃,却没法击败对方。 In this way, once Protection Mode finished, wanted to defeat Grindelwald to be difficult! 在这样下去,一旦保护模式结束,想要战胜格林德沃可就难了! Protection Mode remaining items: 00 : 15......】 保护模式剩下事项:00:15……】 In the mind the systematic prompt sound has made a sound, Ivan holds up the wand determination to strike to decide the victory and defeat, the alchemy installment on right wrist shone immediately, under the continuous magic power supplies, the powerful thunderstorm will then have formed shortly. 脑海中系统的提示音已经响了起来,伊凡举起魔杖决心一击定胜负,右腕上的炼金装置顿时亮了起来,在源源不断的魔力供给下,强大的雷暴顷刻间便已形成。 The Grindelwald complexion becomes very dignified, he almost stimulated to movement the pinnacle Elder Wand, a wisp made the person palpitation black fluorescence appear gradually on wand. 格林德沃的面色变得很是凝重,他几乎将老魔杖催动到了极致,一缕令人心悸黑色的荧光逐步浮现在魔杖上。 Rolf this time could not attend to smelling, magic that two people fermented then made him have the feeling of disaster is imminent in the preparatory stage. 罗尔夫这这时候也顾不上嗅嗅了,两人酝酿的魔法在准备阶段便让他有着大祸临头的感觉。 The next second, Ivan and Grindelwald nearly cast spell, two strengths hit one at the same time directly. 下一秒,伊凡格林德沃近乎同一时间施法,两股力量就这么径直撞到了一起。 A remarkable explosion then resounds in this several hundred square meters room later, the electric arc tyrannical directions of fire of over a hundred twinkles in all directions, the terrifying shock-wave raised to fly the furniture, fireplace and crushed stone ruins entirely...... 一阵惊人的爆炸随后便在这个不过数百平米的屋子内响起,上百道闪烁的电弧暴虐的射向四面八方,恐怖的冲击波将桌椅、壁炉、碎石废墟统统掀飞了出去…… Rolf stubbornly in a big way entrains one is not blown to fly the Thunderbird feather, after enduring the most violent complementary waves with great difficulty, 罗尔夫死死的拽着一大把雷鸟的羽毛才没有被吹飞,好不容易挨过了最猛烈的余波后, Rolf rushes to look up to the Grindelwald direction, so the attack of terrifying, even legendary Wizard still damn? However Grindelwald as before is straight is standing, seems injured is not serious, but was actually forced to be separated from the stealth condition, the cape that body that just like the silk goods became very gloomy, cannot use probably in a short time. 罗尔夫赶忙抬起头看向格林德沃的方向,如此恐怖的攻击,就算传奇巫师也该死了吧?然而格林德沃依旧是挺挺的站着,似乎受伤并不算严重,不过却是被迫从隐身状态中脱离了出来,身上那件犹如丝织物的斗篷变得很是暗淡,大概短时间内不能用了。 Ivan is also looking at Grindelwald, reason that without the pursuit is because assembled magic power a moment ago massively, almost causes the strength imbalance in within the body, powerful in addition that delayed moment time, Protection Mode brings held has then vanished. 伊凡也在看着格林德沃,之所以没有追击是因为刚才大规模调集魔力,差点导致体内的力量失衡,耽搁的这片刻功夫,保护模式带来的强大加持便已经消失了。 Two people look at each other anyone not to dare to act rashly, but this house appears under the great war complementary waves one after another creakies, all around wall brick cracks in abundance, giant stone not to stop pounds to fall from the roof under...... 两人就这么对视着谁也不敢轻举妄动,不过这间房子在接连的大战余波下显得摇摇欲坠,四周的墙砖纷纷开裂,巨大的石块正一刻不停的从屋顶砸落而下…… „Was here must collapse?” Rolf anxious is looking around, Thunderbird responded quickly, he was nearly pounded by the whereabouts stone together, later the reply of Ivan was makes his heart sink to the valley. “这里是要塌了吗?”罗尔夫不安的张望着,要不是雷鸟反应快,他险些被一块下落的石头砸中,随后伊凡的回答更是令他的心沉入了谷底。 Was impossible...... Ivan to look at the eye splitting wall seam badly, outside that was not a garden, but was the dark profound space turbulent flow, this certificate shatter was not this room, but was the independent space of Nicolas Flamel construction. “不可能更糟……”伊凡看了眼裂开的墙缝,那外面不是庭院而是黝黑深邃的空间乱流,这证明破碎的不是这间屋子,而是尼可-勒梅构建的独立空间。 What to do should we? Wants the temporary armistice?” Rolf also realized this point obviously, saying that very worries, he had tried a moment ago, has no way to use Apparate in this independent space, once the entire space were involved in the turbulent flow, they must die here. “那我们该怎么办?要暂时休战吗?”罗尔夫显然也是意识到了这一点,十分着急的说道,他刚才已经试过了,在这个独立的空间根本没法使用幻影移形,一旦整个空间被卷进乱流中,那他们岂不是都得死在这里。 Ivan had not replied, even if they now want to walk, perhaps Grindelwald will not comply, what once exposes weaknesses then to come is the violent storm attack, same he will not look on Grindelwald to leave. 伊凡没有回答,他们现在就算想走,格林德沃恐怕也不会答应,一旦露出破绽接着而来的是狂风暴雨般的攻击,同样的他也不会就这么坐视格林德沃离开。 kā chā...... 咔嚓…… A clear sound broke the tacit understanding of two worlds suddenly, because the entire space in the reason of cracking, protected the magic barrier before inner and outer coffin also to break with a crash! 一阵清脆的声响突然打破了两人间的默契,由于整个空间都在崩裂的缘故,守护在棺椁前的魔法屏障也砰然破碎了开来! On the scene most excited then must be smells, it braves the flame and lightning waiting with hardship here, steps the claw to clash in that moment that the magic barrier vanishes, is treading the Nicolas Flamel coffin, grasped that rhombus crystal stone of embed stubbornly on wall. 在场最兴奋的便要属嗅嗅了,它冒着火光与闪电苦苦的等候在这里,在魔法屏障消失的那一刻就迈着爪子冲了进去,踏着尼可-勒梅的棺材,死死的抱住了镶嵌在墙壁上的那颗菱形晶石。 However was unable it to be happy, a huge adsorptive attraction then pulled it to fly. 然而还没能它高兴,一股庞大的吸附力便拉扯着它飞了起来。 Smells to fly!” Ivan held to smell to steal the Resurrection Stone time keenly, direct cast spell gave to draw it, so as to avoid this thing was robbed by Grindelwald. “嗅嗅飞来!”伊凡敏锐的抓住了嗅嗅偷取复活石的时机,直接施法将它给拉了过来,免得这东西被格林德沃抢走。 Latter's response is not slow, under Elder Wand wields, flew half of smelling then to solidify in the midair, the two kinds powerful strength clamped it in the middle, smelled only to feel that own body must be ripped open...... 只是后者的反应一点也不慢,老魔杖挥动之下,飞到一半的嗅嗅便凝固在了半空中,前后两种强大的力量将它夹在中间,嗅嗅只感觉自己的身体都要被撕开了…… Still in looking for " Bloodline Wizard of Hogwarts " free novel? 还在找"霍格沃茨之血脉巫师"免费小说? hundred degrees celsius direct search: "……" Looked that the novel is very simple! 百度直接搜索:""看小说很简单!
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