BC :: Volume #14

#1309: Some person of temperament are always hot

After the girl and Harry received the bonus, some people transferred the muzzle suddenly, aimed at Harry. 在女孩和哈利获得了奖金之后,有些人突然调转了枪口,瞄准了哈利。 You certainly are one group!”, Some people are staring Harry wickedly, „your to despicable cheap person!” “你们一定是一伙的!”,有人这么恶狠狠的瞪着哈利,“你们这对卑鄙的贱人!” Harry face unbelievable facial features, why he could not think through a few words not saying that is considered with this girl was one group. 哈利一脸难以置信的面容,他想不通为什么自己一句话也没有说,就会被认为和这个女孩是一伙的。 Even if Bupen lower city district, there faction looks for you trouble the time will also listen to you to explain one. 哪怕是布佩恩下城区,那里的帮派找你麻烦的时候也会听你解释一句。 However seems like a more civilized place in this, they as if did not plan that listens to him to argue! 但是在这个看起来更加文明的地方,他们似乎并不打算听他辩解! These do not have the reason railed or the accusation has not vacillated Harry to obtain the determination of award, these people were saying that the bad language and ability in manufacture pressure, these people compared with lower city district street missed are too many. 这些没有理由的谩骂或者指责并没有动摇哈利要获得大奖的决心,这些人在说脏话以及制造心理压力方面的能力,比起下城区街头的那些人差太多。 Why they can start to speak of the origin of species will have you are their merit! 他们能从物种起源开始一直说到为什么会有你都是他们的功劳! The game is still continuing, because girl's small trick makes everyone to each other does not trust, but this is also the girl need. 游戏还在继续,因为女孩的小伎俩让所有人对彼此都变得不信任起来,而这也是女孩需要的。 When she falls after first he discovered an issue, who runs in the forefront, who will aim by others. 当她从第一名落下来之后他就发现了一个问题,谁跑在最前面,谁就会被其他人针对。 Everyone had not actually discussed in the lounge must do that but everyone...... as if spontaneously forms the union that such a type did not need the language communication. 大家其实在休息室里并没有商量过要这么做,但是每个人……似乎都自发的形成了这样一种不需要语言沟通的同盟。 Must destroy this type of union to be simplest many, is to make everyone lack the trust. 要破坏这种同盟最简单多的,就是让所有人彼此之间缺少信任。 She achieved...... at least achieves at present, the following answer she did not have to say anything again on own initiative, but made own choice silently. 她做到了……至少目前做到了,接下来的答题她没有再主动说什么,只是默默的做出自己的选择。 Among the players the depressed performance also makes the live television scene especially depressed, they are guarding against others, is attempting to discover anything through the expression of others face. 选手之间沉闷的表现也让演播现场变得格外的沉闷,他们在提防别人,在通过别人面部的表情尝试着去发现什么。 Among as if each players...... is flooding some hostilities! 仿佛每个选手之间……都充斥着一些敌意! After this round of conclusion , two were eliminated, simultaneously then is also the relaxation time. 这一回合结束之后,又有两人被淘汰,同时接下来也是休息时间。 Morning time passed by like this, but this grade of program, this issue of program, is not disposable can finish. 一上午的时间就这样过去了,而这档节目,这一期节目,也不是一次性就能播完的。 According to the idea of Lynch, each issue of program is one week of time, one week can contend a week champion, the champion chase moon/month champion who then all around gets down, six months of champion competes for the final 1 million awards. 按照林奇的想法,每一期节目都是一周的时间,一周能角逐出一个周冠军,然后四周下来的冠军追逐月冠军,六个月冠军角逐最终的百万大奖。 Yes, this must have a process, 1 million take, must have some effects good, even is takes incessantly 1 million! 是的,这得有个过程,一百万拿出来,总要有一些效果才行,甚至是拿出来的都不止一百万! Probably these choices retain the person who 1/10 income leave, their disbursements are beyond the plan, in addition other expenses, may want 1 million and even 2 million budget. 像是那些选择保留十分之一收入离开的人,他们的支出就属于计划之外的,加上其他的费用,有可能要一百万乃至两百万的预算。 Spent so much money, must let its a little significance, achieves the actual effect. 花了这么多钱,总要让它有点意义,发挥出实际的效果。 During the discussion, some program engineers think definitely when can long towed to about a year, but Lynch rejection. 在讨论时,一些节目策划人认为完全可以把时长拖到一年左右,但林奇拒绝了。 When his reason is very simple no one meets to be willing to look at one long one year of soap opera, even if it again how attractive! 他的理由很简单没有人会愿意看一部时长一年的电视剧,哪怕它再怎么好看! If did not consider that must disburse 1 million bonuses to have the possibility one time is too many, Lynch plans every month a final. 如果不是考虑到一次性要支出一百万的奖金有可能太多了,林奇都打算每个月来一次总决赛。 But this also can only think, every month one time, one year is 12 million, even he, cannot support to do. 但这也只能想一想,每个月一次,一年就是一千两百万,就算是他,也支撑不起这么搞。 At noon in the restaurant of players the atmosphere as before maintained in the atmosphere of telecast hall, people sit alone are only leaving the person to have the places of some distances. 中午选手们的餐厅中气氛依旧保持了在演播大厅的气氛,人们都单独坐在离别人有一些距离的地方。 Once the barrier in heart establishes, wants to shiver it, is not an easy matter. 心中的壁垒一旦建立起来,想要敲碎它,就不是一件容易的事情。 They think has experienced the evil intention of program group, but if they think that was only this...... that is completely mistaken! 他们自认为已经见识到了节目制作组的恶意,但如果他们以为只是这样……那就大错特错了! After some time rest, 1 0.4 15, the program starts to continue to record in the afternoon. 在经过一段时间的休息之后,下午一点四十五分,节目开始继续录制。 At this time at the scene is only left over eight people, everyone's expression very indifferent. 此时场面上只剩下八个人,大家的表情都非常的冷漠。 But the host told them, this time, they must complete the competition through cooperation...... 可主持人却告诉他们,这一次,他们要通过“合作”来完成比赛…… This time game rule as before is the benefits nature, but this competition cannot some people be eliminated, will be defeated will not have the penalty, therefore asked everyone to feel relieved.” “这次的游戏规则依旧是福利性质的,但本次比赛不会有人被淘汰,失败了也不会有惩罚,所以请大家放心。” Our game contents are two people one group, a person is responsible for guessing the answer, the description that a person is responsible for through the language told the opposite party the answer is anything.” “我们的游戏内容是两人一组,一人负责猜答案,一人负责通过语言的描述来告诉对方答案是什么。” At this time also two attractive staff were responsible for the simple demonstration, the content of demonstration is a fish, the person who was responsible for describing through as well as covers native of Flat main food smooth letting to guess that in animal that in the water lived the person of answer guessed correctly the accurate answer. 这时还有两位漂亮的工作人员负责了简单的演示,演示的内容是一条鱼,负责描述的人通过“在水中生活的动物”以及“盖弗拉人主要的食物”顺利的让猜答案的人猜到了准确的答案。 Naturally, here has no discrimination to cover the meaning of native of Flat, this is only real description. 当然,这里没有任何歧视盖弗拉人的意思,这只是一个真实的形容。 Afterward the host continues to announce the rule, team everyone who responds increases 2000, answered wrong, then has not punished.” 随后主持人继续宣布规则,“答对的队伍每人增加两千,答错则没有惩罚。” „The way of composition team, on the score according to scoreboard, will initiate from end to front, in other words......” “组成队伍的方式,将按照各位记分牌上的分数,从后向前进行发起,也就是说……” The host looked to that middle-aged person of being the last, whom is first chosen to become your partner by you!” 主持人看向了排名最后的那名中年人,“由你最先挑选谁会成为你的搭档!” Audience on the auditorium were in a flash happy, obtaining 1 million are very indeed exciting, but more interestingly they also discovered human nature that the manufacture group seems to be devastating the players. 观众席上的观众们一瞬间就乐了,获得一百万的确挺刺激的,但更有意思的是他们也发现了制作组似乎在蹂躏选手们的人性。 Let the powerhouse be in control of the destiny of weak one, now makes the weak one have the initiative...... 让强者主宰弱者的命运,现在又让弱者具有主动权…… Real his mother is despicable, but real his mother is interesting! 真他妈卑劣,但真他妈有意思! The middle-aged uncle gawked, subconscious looked to the girl, the girl also gawked, she thinks that this time started to calculate as before from front to back. 中年大叔愣了一下,下意识的看向了女孩,女孩也愣了一下,她以为这次和以前一样是从前往后开始计算的。 She believes that Harry will certainly be from oneself, she can find the thing that oneself have from Harry's eyes, to the hope of wealth and change destiny! 她相信哈利一定会选自己,她能从哈利的眼睛里找到自己也拥有的东西,对财富和改变命运的渴望! No one has thought that the option, after unexpectedly is right, forwards! 只是谁都没有想到,选择权,居然是右后向前! The middle-aged uncle could not bear smile, he aimed at that girl, I must form a team with her!” 中年大叔忍不住笑了起来,他指向了那个女孩,“我要和她组队!” The host is smiling nod, you now were one team, before the competition formally started, you can first discuss some strategies, this was also permits.” 主持人微笑着点了点头,“你们现在是一队了,在比赛正式开始之前,你们可以先讨论一些策略,这也是允许的。” Girl somewhat anxious standing in the ringside, the middle-aged uncle shot a look at an own scoring board, he said in a soft voice, I and you compared to miss for more than 10,000 points, you that adapted to this program, I did not have the opportunity to catch up......” 女孩有些不安的站在了场边,中年大叔瞥了一眼自己的计分板,他轻声说道,“我和你们相比差了一万多分,你们那么适应这个节目,我是没机会追上了……” His sudden innermost feelings make the girl be somewhat caught off guard, she looks at the man dull, does not know that he said these are what meanings. 他突然的内心让女孩有些措手不及,她呆呆的看着男人,不知道他说这些是什么意思。 The man corners of the mouth float off wipe the retaliatory smile, I do not have the means to catch up with you, but there is an office farad your hind leg, I pledged, this competition, your one point will not result in!” 男人嘴角边浮起一抹报复性的笑容,“我没办法追上你们,但有办法拉你的后腿,我发誓,这一场比赛,你一分都不会得!” This competition finished me withdrawing, at least 1000 dollars......” “这场比赛一结束我就退出,至少还有一千来块钱……” The girl flash falls into to the deep despair, she also understands, this is her own evil consequence. 女孩一瞬间就陷入到深深的绝望之中,她也明白,这就是她自己的恶果。 Harry's situation is good, although his teammate score goes lower, but pursues the idea of victory. 哈利的情况还不错,他的队友分数虽然靠后,但是还有追求胜利的想法。 Actually in these competitions, so long as the score does not go lower, can continue. 其实在这些比赛中,只要分数不是靠后,就可以一直继续下去。 Because does not go lower, means oneself can support this game, therefore Harry's teammate not totally has no chance. 因为不靠后,就意味着自己能撑过这一局,所以哈利的队友并不是完全地没有希望。 The competition is first started by Harry this group, some countermeasures that they discussed play very major role, the hand signal, or certain pronoun. 比赛由哈利这一组最先开始,他们商量的一些对策起到了很大的作用,手势,或者某些代词。 The topic is a little indeed difficult, the official topic may not seem like fish is so simple, but was rises peaceful and healthy fish this degree! 只是题目的确有点难,正式的题目可不像是“鱼”这么简单,而是上升到了“安康鱼”这种程度! These round laughs to the audience again and again, looks at these player and a fool same gesture, even is imitates these things, smiles to make noise! 这一回合对观众们来说则爆笑连连,看着那些选手和一个蠢蛋一样比划,甚至是自己模仿那些东西,都笑出声来! The host also smiles tears directing current, obviously is very simple content, the effect actually extraordinarily good. 主持人也笑得眼泪直流,明明是很简单的内容,效果却出奇地好。 When this effect, until last team, had some changes. 这种效果,直到最后一队时,才发生了一些变化。 The middle-aged man first described responsibly, however his description...... made in the auditorium exude the hiss unceasingly. 中年男人先负责描述,但是他的描述……让观众席上不断地发出嘘声。 He does not care, on the face is completely one type completed revenge contentedly pleased, he looks that the girl sits in that eye socket blushes, does not have slight pitying, as before according to own plan at sixes and sevens is gesticulating, speaking irresponsibly. 他也不在意,脸上完全是一种自得的完成了“复仇”的快意,他看着女孩坐在那眼眶发红,也没有丝毫的怜悯,依旧按照自己的计划乱七八糟的比划着,乱说着。 Had the audience to be unable to continue watching, they questioned that the goal of middle-aged man, the host breaks through to him, we respected the way and will that each player chose, this was also the federal free spirit biggest performance.” 有观众看不下去了,他们质疑中年男人的目的,主持人给他解了围,“我们尊重每一位选手选择的方式和意志,这也是联邦自由精神最大的表现。” If the player wants to give up competing on own initiative, then loses definitely is he himself, moreover this round some people will not be eliminated, in score, will have some disparities at most......” “如果选手想要主动放弃比赛,那么损失的肯定是他自己,而且这个回合不会有人被淘汰,顶多就是在分数方面,会有一些差距……” Until finally, their problem has not responded, compared with other person little 2-3 problems, to 56 problems the accuracy. 直到最后,他们一道题都没有答对,比起其他人少则2-3道题,多则五六道题的正确率。 Girl's score freezes...... 女孩的分数原地不动…… In the host according to the convention inquired whether when some people must withdraw, the middle-aged man raised the hand, I do not play......” 在主持人按照惯例询问是否有人要退出时,中年男人举起了手,“我不玩了……” Although the scene is the hiss of audience, the middle-aged man has not heard such like anything. 尽管现场全是观众的嘘声,中年男人就像什么都没有听见那样。 He received more than 1300 cash checks from the hand of host, smiling left here, is only left over a girl person to stand in same place, no use, grievance. 他从主持人的手里接过了一张一千三百多块的现金支票,笑眯眯的离开了这里,只剩下女孩一个人站在原地,无助,又委屈。 Program effect is good!” “节目效果非常棒!” In the rooms in two buildings, Saiwei commended one. 在二楼的房间里,赛维瑞拉不由的称赞了一句。 She had a look, the result looked is unable to leave, from the beginning she realized Lynch goal, that takes the method with the wealth, works as everyone's surface to play the human nature to people looks. 她本来就是过来看看的,结果一看就无法离开了,从一开始她就意识到了林奇的目的,那就是用财富作为手段,当着所有人的面把人性玩给人们看。 The poor people look at the wealth, the rich person looks at the human nature, her expression is somewhat complex, because Lynch this time won. 穷人看财富,富人看人性,她表情有些复杂,因为林奇这次又赢了。 „Is that man the staff who you arrange?”, In her tone is somewhat bad, just left!” “那个男人是你们安排的工作人员吗?”,她语气里有些不善,“就是刚刚离开的!” Lynch shakes the head, I not for this money the method that uses these unable to amount to something, everyone are not related with us.” 林奇摇了摇头,“我不会为了这点钱就用这些上不了台面的手段,所有人都和我们没有关系。” Saiwei nods, she looked that was long to oneself maid, „makes one punch his, gives him again medical expenses.” 赛维瑞拉点了点头,她看向了自己身边的女仆长,“让人去揍他一顿,再给他一点医药费。” She resulted in the tooth to be itchy by the behavior air/Qi of middle-aged man a moment ago. 她刚才被中年男人的行为气得牙痒痒。 In some will of the people again how angry, uncomfortable , can only endure, but some people, can act in a self-serving manner. 有些人心里再怎么愤怒,不爽,也只能自己忍着,可有些人,就能为所欲为。 The maids long shot a look at Lynch, raises slightly slightly, how many medical expenses do I want to give him?” 女仆长瞥了一眼林奇,微微欠身,“我要给他多少医药费?” Saiwei shot a look at Lynch, gives him one double!” 赛维瑞拉又瞥了一眼林奇,“给他一个双倍吧!” She refers to him the bonus that receives from here, then according to this bonus double punches him, that certain...... is very miserable! 她是指他从这里获得的奖金,然后按照这笔奖金的双倍去揍他,那一定……很惨! After all can treat the good flesh wound close to 3000 dollars, absolutely was not the small wound. 毕竟接近三千块钱才能治疗好的外伤,绝对不是什么小伤了。 After all present Bupen, even the bone fracture, can still solve on more than 200 dollars. 毕竟现在的布佩恩,即便是骨折,也就两百多块钱就能解决。 3000......, enough he broke ten bones! 三千……,足够他断十根骨头了!
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