BC :: Volume #14

#1307: How to choose is an issue

Brief but not the simple prologue as well as that is circling 10,000 money bills that drop slowly, starting from the first second of program, the atmosphere was promoted the apex. 简约但不简单的开场白以及那打着旋缓缓落下的一万张一块钱钞票,从节目的第一秒开始,气氛就被推动到了顶点。 Has asking host of people sound, they steal these money, can bring to go back, said that these are the items. 有人大声的问主持人,他们抢到这些钱,能不能带回去,还是说这些都是道具。 Naturally even the item they will still harbor, no one will speak the truth naively. 当然就算是道具他们也会私藏一些,没有人会天真的说实话。 What made everyone not think, the host told them unexpectedly, these money, so long as installed in their pocket, they can bring to go back! 只是令所有人都没有想到的是,主持人居然告诉他们,这些钱,只要装在了他们的口袋里,他们就能带回去! Harry looks own side these money, silently squats to start to pick. 哈利看着自己身边的那些钱,默默的蹲下来开始捡。 Also there is a player of participation competition to follow he to pick together, but also has the person, moves also motionless. 也有参与比赛的选手跟着他一起捡,但也有人,动也不动。 This will not be pinched, large number of cameras went to these expression exceptionally rich expressions. 这一段不会被掐去,大量的摄像机都投向了那些表情异常丰富的表情。 That is to the hope of money, to greedy of wealth! 那是对金钱的渴望,对财富的贪婪! These expressions, arrange the atmosphere that the fitting this grade of program needed compared with any scene! 这些表情,比任何现场布置更加贴合了这档节目所需要的氛围! When ground money collect was similar, the program is also the official start. 等地上的钱捡的差不多了,节目也算是正式的开始。 The host looks all around, finally looked to the Lord lens, before this grade of program broadcast we did an investigation, in 1 million investigations, some over 74.91% participants believes that the wealthy man, referred to having the people of over 1 million wealth.” 主持人环顾四周,最后看向了主镜头,“在这档节目播放之前我们做了一项调查,在一百万份的调查中,有超过百分之七十四点九一的受访者认为,富翁,是指拥有一百万以上财富的人。” Therefore we accepted this general view, our bonuses , to promote to 1 million!” “所以我们采纳了这种普遍的看法,将我们的奖金池,提升到一百万!” „To be able through all questions and answers and checkpoints, stands in the end point person, can obtain this 1 million!” “只要能通过所有的问答和关卡,站在终点的人,就能得到这一百万!” Meanwhile, sky over the telecast hall had flannelette together to be opened, in a glass box, the bills of massive 20 money currency values in the blowing thing of air blower, unceasing tumbling! 与此同时,演播大厅上空有一道绒布被揭开,一个玻璃箱中,大量二十块钱面额的钞票在鼓风机的吹东西啊,不断的翻滚! In probably entire glass box filled up the bill to be the same! 就好像整个玻璃箱里填满了钞票一样! 1 million! 一百万! Many people have not seen 1 million to place itself in front of a lifetime one time are what appearances, but at this moment, they to 1 million, as if had some understanding. 很多人一辈子都没有见过一百万一次性放在自己面前是什么样子,但这一刻,他们对一百万,似乎有了一些的了解。 The vision of everyone is different, raised the head looks at to the cash box the time including the host, sent out one type unquenchable...... the hope! 每个人的目光都是不同的,包括主持人抬头看向钱箱的时候,也难以抑制的发出了一种……渴望! Is this method of rich man? 这就是有钱人的玩法吗? After everyone knows Lynch wealthy man manufacturer is what meaning, shock of innermost feelings is very difficult to describe with the language. 当所有人知道林奇的“富翁制造者”到底是什么意思之后,内心的震撼很难用语言来形容。 The checkpoint is very difficult, the issue is very difficult, but rewards is also real. 关卡很难,问题很难,但奖励也是真实的。 This means that some people really can take away 1 million from here! 这就意味着有人真的能从这里拿走一百万! The breath of many become rapid, even some people proposed at the scene can allow their family members to participate in such issue. 很多人的呼吸都变得急促起来,甚至有些人当场就提出了能不能让他们的家人参与这样的问题。 Regarding this reply of Lynch yes, but they must according to the flow, pull out that opportunity with each issue of 60 million federal people! 对此林奇的回答是可以,但他们必须按照流程,和每期六千万的联邦民众一起抽那个机会! 1 million...... 一百万啊…… The host sighs lightly, this is our ultimate awards, it makes a person the true wealthy man sufficiently!” 主持人轻叹了一口气,“这就是我们的终极大奖,它足以让一个人成为真正的富翁!” Then, asking everyone to welcome our Challenger!” “接下来,请大家欢迎我们的挑战者!” This time Harry is raising head, in the brain was occupied by a tinnitus sound, his vision completely in 1 million cash attraction firmly by glass box! 此时的哈利仰着头,脑子里被一种耳鸣声所占据,他的目光完全被玻璃箱里的一百万现金所牢牢的吸引! That is money! 那是钱! So long as there are 1 million...... he to change own destiny, change family's destiny! 只要有一百万……他就能够改变自己的命运,改变家庭的命运! At this time when Harry's brain also does not have any again leaves can obtain the advantage of 50 dollars, he wants, only then that 1 million! 此时哈利的脑子里再也没有什么离开时能得到五十块钱的好处,他想要的只有那一百万! When the host introduced Harry, some little time he recovered. 主持人介绍到哈利时,好一会他才回过神来。 However his look, becomes specially firm. 不过他的眼神,也变得特别的坚定。 The camera very good to catch these materials, from vacant, at will, to firm look, people will like his change. 摄像机很好的捕捉了这些素材,从茫然,随意,到坚定的眼神,人们会喜欢他的变化。 The federal person is this, their liking stands in the position of God regards others! 联邦人就是这样,他们喜欢站在天主的位置去看待其他人! The first issue of candidate has tasteful very much, has the poor youngster from lower city district, the young girl who has to depend upon the person of good intention to aid protein survival needs to help, has rubs the social expert of various program and conference survival year to year. 第一期的人选很有讲究,有来自下城区的贫穷少年,有依靠好心人援助蛋白质生存的需要帮助的少女,有常年蹭各种节目和会议生存的社交高手。 The sports teacher, the cleaner, the plumber even is the ordinary worker! 还有体育老师,清洁工,水管工甚至是普通的工人! They are the average people, life in the side of everyone, even is in the life! 他们都是普通人,就生活在每个人的身边,甚至是生活中! Only then these people, can trigger the sentiment of altogether people! 只有这些人,才能引发人们的共情! The host demonstrated the first envelope to the camera lens, perfect, sealing wax. 主持人向摄像机镜头展示了第一个信封,完好无损,还有封蜡。 This is Mr. Lynch personally the answer card of arrangement, above has the issue and answer, besides him, no one knows that on it records anything.” “这是林奇先生亲自安排的答题卡,上面有问题和答案,除了他之外,没有任何人知道它上面记录着什么。” Now I disassemble it!” “现在我拆开它!” The host disassembled the envelope, opens, while introduction contest rule. 主持人拆开了信封,一边拆,一边介绍比赛规则。 „The first link vies to answer first link, your front has a red button, when your some people hold down it, the buttons of others will lose the function.” “第一个环节是抢答环节,你们面前有一个红色的按钮,当你们有人按住它时,其他人的按钮就会失去作用。” „The player of turning on a light will first answer the issue, when replies is correct, will receive 1000 accumulated bonuses.” “亮灯的选手会先回答问题,回答正确时,将会获得一千块的累积奖金。” „When replied the mistake, if there is a bonus, then deducted 1000.” “回答错误时,如果有奖金,则扣除一千块。” If not, does not make the penalty.” “如果没有,则不做惩罚。” Simultaneously we are going to eliminate bonus least three players in this link.” “同时在这个环节我们将要淘汰奖金最少的三名选手。” „The player who if has over three similarly least bonuses, by bonus most players, whom chooses to stay behind!” “如果存在三名以上同样最少奖金的选手,则由奖金最多的选手,来挑选谁留下!” „The first link, altogether has 20 problems.” “第一个环节,一共有二十道题。” The host takes the first card, said with a smile, good luck, ladies, gentlemen!” 主持人拿着第一张卡片,笑着说道,“祝你们好运,女士们,先生们!” Everyone becomes anxious, in the auditorium also presented the giant discussion, they have not thought that...... this program really spells unexpectedly. 所有人都变得紧张起来,观众席上也出现了巨大的议论声,他们没想到……这个节目居然真的这么拼。 Originally is these people who rub the advantage also becomes anxious, they actually experience in the accumulation, they pledged, they will give entire family the registration next program, if next time. 本来就是来蹭好处的这些人也变得紧张起来,他们其实在累积经验,他们发誓,他们会给全家报名下一次节目,如果还有下一次的话。 However thinks carefully, if Mr. Lynch, he not because 1 million will go bankrupt, but this also made this grade of program in people more reliable. 不过仔细想一想,如果是林奇先生的话,他不会因为一百万就破产,而这也让这档节目在人们心里变得更加可靠了。 „The first topic, mother toot toot the three feathers on foxnut respectively are what color......” “第一题,母嘟嘟鸡头上的三根羽毛分别是什么颜色……” This thinks that can be the audience of what scientific challenge is dumbfounded immediately, toot toot chicken thing, although is not everywhere is, so long as there is a zoo, inside definitely has, and many. 本以为会是一些什么科学难题的观众们顿时傻了眼,嘟嘟鸡这玩意虽说不是到处都是,但只要有动物园,里面肯定有,而且还不少。 Some restaurants will also take toot toot the chicken as the food that the cooking uses, but never has the person to care about mother toot toot on the chicken head three feathers is what color! 有些餐厅也会把嘟嘟鸡作为烹饪用的食材,只是从来都没有人在意过母嘟嘟鸡脑袋上三根羽毛是什么颜色! The scene has such several seconds of stops, people attend this program for the first time, they also grasp very much civilized were first pondering, vies to answer first idea. 现场有那么几秒钟的停顿,人们第一次参加这种节目,他们还很文明地秉持着“先思考后抢答”的想法。 But this situation, how long possibly could not want to change. 但这种情况,可能要不了多久就会改变了。 For money, people anything matter can do! 为了钱,人们什么事都做得出来! Harry pressed a button subconsciously, his heartbeat flash aggravates, plop plop, every has a numerous hammer one time probably, hammer ruthlessly in his chest! 哈利下意识的按了一下按钮,他心跳一瞬间加重起来,扑通扑通的,每一次都像是有一个重重的锤子,狠狠的锤在他的胸口! He licked a lip, respectively is the grey, the white and silver!” 他舔了一下嘴唇,“分别是灰色,白色和银色!” Nearby man also pressed, but slightly late such a second, he lifts was saying, he spoke incorrectly, is the purple, the blue color and red, I had gone to last week zoo!” 一旁的男人也按了,但稍微迟了那么一秒,他举着说道,“他说错了,是紫色,蓝色与红色,我上个星期才去过的动物园!” But the host has not managed him, Harry player replied accurately, said not correctly as for this mister, female toot toot the chicken was not conspicuous, in the zoo demonstrated often Duke.” 但主持人没理他,“哈利选手回答正确,至于这位先生说得并不正确,母的嘟嘟鸡并不显眼,动物园里展示的往往都是公的。” Afterward the staff pushed an show/unfolds sign to come up, above introduced toot toot the male and female difference of chicken in detail! 随后还有工作人员推了一个展牌上来,上面详细的介绍了嘟嘟鸡的公母差别! Harry player accumulates the bonus to add 1000!” “哈利选手累积奖金加一千!” The pretty girl's turned one before his platform card, from is zero, turned into 1000! 漂亮的女孩为他站台前的卡片翻了一张,从全都是零,变成了一千块! The heartbeat that this also lets Harry became quicker, he replied an issue, gained 1000...... 这也让哈利的心跳变得更快了,他只是回答了一个问题,就赚到了一千块…… This making money speed, was too exciting! 这种赚钱的速度,太刺激了! Everyone's eyeball red, but they are not clear, this money, is not good to take. 所有人的眼珠子都红了起来,但他们并不清楚,这个钱,也不是那么好拿的。 Did not mean that you obtained, can certainly carry off, because of some behind also many test human natures, guts and topic of synthesis knowledge reserve. 并不是说你得到了,就一定能带走,因为后面还有许多考验人性,胆量和综合知识储备的题目。 When the selected topic, Lynch decided that these topics do not need the special specialty, does not need the scientific researchers unanswerable issue, that is unfair. 在选题时,林奇就决定这些题目不需要特别的专业,不需要科研人员都无法回答的问题,那不公平。 The topic that he requests is simple, everyone can contact the answer, but may not remember answer. 他要求的题目要简单,每个人都能接触到答案,但不一定能记住答案。 Is interesting, is rich, must to know after the answer, one pats the thigh to scold a bad language to think highly of own memory! 要有趣,要丰富,要让人知道答案之后一拍大腿骂出一句脏话来恭维自己的记性! 20 topics, quick on the past, Harry responded three topics, he young is very big advantage. 二十题,很快就过去了,哈利答对了三题,他年轻是很大的优势。 The young people responded are quicker, understood that the ability was better, these were his advantage are. 年轻人反应更快,理解能力更好,这些都是他的优势所在。 Sometimes somewhat old knows the answer obviously, but was responds slowly. 有时候有些年纪大的明明知道答案,可就是反应慢了一些。 20 topics replied quickly ended, the most person replied that right five problems, but least...... a problem has not replied right. 二十题很快就回答结束了,最多的一个人回答对了五道题,而最少的……则一道题都没有回答对。 What somewhat surprising is that responding rate/lead highest unexpectedly is the girl who that need person of good intention helps, this perhaps has the relations with her work. 让人有些意外的是那个答对率最高的居然是那个需要好心人帮助的女孩,这也许和她的工作有关系。 Her work accepts a variety of aid in the narrowing room, the time and space that she has not rested, can make her kill the time only, reads. 她的工作就是在逼仄的房间里接受各种方式的援助,她没有休息的时间和空间,唯一能让她打发时间的,就是看书。 This is not contradictory. 这并不矛盾。 She read many books, is not that world famous work anything, but is various types of magazines, that various types of mixed books, the book newsstand can buy. 她看了很多的书,不是那种世界名著什么的,而是各种杂志,各种杂书,书报亭就能买到的那种。 This also made her stockpile the much at sixes and sevens knowledge! 这也让她储备了很多乱七八糟的知识! Her face is ruddy, when the host announced when the first link finished, she wielded the fist. 她的脸红扑扑的,当主持人宣布第一个环节结束时,她挥了挥拳头。 Then eliminates the link, altogether six people did not have the reply to be correct, but only three people can remain.” “接下来就是淘汰环节了,一共有六人没有回答正确,但只有三个人能留下来。” This woman, you can choose three people to remain, please give the answer after one minute!” “这位女士,你可以选择三个人留下来,请在一分钟后给出答案!” The girl has not used up for one minute, she is not that type studies in the school honestly, runs into the girl who the matter is hard to make a decision. 女孩没有用掉一分钟的时间,她不是那种在学校里老老实实读书,遇到事情难以决断的女孩。 She received many guests, what has, she knows how correct treats this world. 她接过很多客人,什么样的都有,她知道如何正确的去对待这个世界。 She gave the answer, three people take some money that 50 dollars and they pick up to leave the stage crassly, but has not left the telecast hall. 她给出了答案,三个人骂骂咧咧的拿着五十块钱和他们捡起的一些钱离开了舞台,但没有离开演播大厅。 They also want to know, finally who can obtain that 1 million! 他们也想知道,最后谁能获得那一百万! Then we will enter the second link, altogether 36 problems, according to the result of first round of competition select a topic.” “那么我们将进入第二环节,一共有三十六道题,按照第一轮比赛的成绩进行选题。” „Everyone has the right to give itself a problem the following player, and cannot replace, shift.” “每个人都有权利将一道题给自己后面的选手,并且不能更换,转移。” If some people had been assigned three problems, then he does not need to choose.” “如果有人已经被指定了三道题,那么他就不需要选择了。” First starts from this woman......” “先从这位女士开始……”
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