BC :: Volume #14

#1301: A dollar

„...... Synthesizes above presents evidence, did you acknowledge guilt?” “……综合上述举证,你认罪吗?” The judge looks down president on the defendant's seat, he wears the presbyopic glasses, looked person time needs to lower the head slightly, such vision can by the distance between eye socket and forehead crosses the lens. 法官低着头看着被告席上的社长,他戴着老花镜,看人的时候需要稍微低着头,这样目光能够透过眼眶和额头之间的距离越过镜片。 Otherwise to is so far, the presbyopic glasses will only make the thing that he sees fuzzy. 否则离这么远,老花镜只会让他看到的东西变得更加的模糊。 Actually the judge also knows that the president...... the luck is not a little good, that is the article that they published last year, properly speaking at that time did not have the matter, currently definitely will not have anything. 其实法官也知道社长有点……运气不好,那是他们去年发表的文章,按理来说当时没有事,现在肯定也不会有什么事情了。 But who knows that article was seen by some rich ethnic minorities capitalist it is said that then the opposite party starts the activity. 但谁知道那篇文章据说被某个有钱的少数族裔资本家看见了,然后对方开始活动起来。 He drew capitalist of one crowd of same scales to support itself, then launched the political offensive, parliament member some people was rushing about for this matter, therefore...... he had bad luck! 他拉了一群同一个档次的资本家支持自己,然后又发动了政治攻势,国会议员都有人在为这件事奔波,所以……他只是走背运而已! Really a unlucky fellow! 真是一个倒霉的家伙! The judge looks at the president, he planned that after and other president said I did not acknowledge guilt, slightly gives him a reminder. 法官看着社长,他打算等社长说出“我不认罪”之后,稍微给他一点提醒。 At this time shouldered hardly will not have any good end, this will only enrage these already the ethnic minorities who were worked up the mood, rich person who as well as spent to seek the feeling of satisfaction. 这个时候硬扛不会有什么好下场,这只会更加触怒那些已经被调动起情绪的少数族裔,以及花钱寻求满足感的大富翁。 The president has not given him the opportunity, had not expected directly by people the way, pleaded guilty. 社长没有给他机会,直接以人们没有预料到的方式,表示认罪。 Very when happy acknowledging guilt, this and previous holding court his attitude was completely different. 很痛快的认罪,这和上一次开庭时他的态度完全不一样了。 The judge looks at the president, you determined that you did acknowledge guilt?” 法官看着社长,“你确定你认罪吗?” He repeated, for fear that oneself misunderstood, or the president spoke incorrectly. 他重复了一遍,生怕自己听错了,或者社长说错了。 Afterward the president looks up the judge, said loudly, „, I acknowledged guilt, I to each victim apologize for the unforgivable mistake that I made, I am willing the help they to come out of the psychological difficult position positively......” 随后社长抬起头看着法官,大声说道,“是的,我认罪,我为我所犯下的不可饶恕的过错向每一位受害者道歉,我愿意积极的帮助他们走出心理困境……” So intense seeking livehood desire surprises the judge a little, is far from surprisedly. 如此强烈的求生欲望让法官有一点意外,谈不上惊讶。 He selected under one, I had realized that my mistake, I acknowledged me to be guilty, is willing to repent, the adjuration court gave me the opportunity to make me receive the plaintiff apology of wound to all psychology.” 他点了一下头,“我已经认识到了我的错误,我承认我有罪,也愿意悔过,恳请法庭给我机会让我向所有心理受到创伤的原告道歉。” These words are the attorney teach him, at this time attorney also stood, „the wrong thing that judge Sir, my litigant has discovered him has done before the profound self-examination, and is willing to acknowledge guilt, is willing to compensate these victims.” 这些话都是律师教他的,此时律师也站了起来,“法官大人,我的当事人经过深刻的自我检讨已经发现了他之前所做的错事,并且愿意认罪,也愿意补偿那些受害者。” Therefore I requested earnestly the court to consider that the attitude of defendant litigant, when considering the result gave certain reduction!” “所以我恳请法庭考虑到被告当事人的态度,在考虑结果时给予一定的减轻!” The attorney wants saying that matter of that punitive fine, this is the maximum effort that he can achieve. 律师想说那个惩罚性罚款的事情,这已经是他能做到的最大的努力了。 Because the defendant acknowledged guilt, some procedures do not need to continue, after the brief rest and discussion, holds court again. 因为被告认罪了,一些程序就不用继续走,在简短的休息和讨论过后,再次开庭。 This judge announced the result directly. 这次法官直接宣布了结果。 „......( The name of president), we think that your acknowledging guilt behavior manifested your cognitive process and result to the issue, but this was also insufficient the result of reducing rules.” “……(社长的名字),我们认为你的认罪行为体现出了你对问题的认知过程和结果,但这还不足以减轻裁定的结果。” All stand up......” “全体起立……” In the court all people stood, the judge also stood, this case ends hence,......( the name of president) payment gives seven people of altogether 3415 62 spiritual compensations......” 法庭中所有的人都站了起来,法官也站了起来,“本案至此终结,……(社长的名字)赔付给七人一共三千四百一十五块六十二分的精神赔偿……” Meanwhile, we will impose the punitive fines of 3 million federal Sol to......( the name of president), to make people confront some social issues of this case deep layer......” “同时,我们将对……(社长的名字)处以三百万联邦索尔的惩罚性罚款,以使人们正视本案更深层的一些社会性问题……” That flash, president tinnitus. 那一瞬间,社长耳鸣了。 It looks like has a Peng Jieao strongman with the palm of the hand of elephant ear size, to fan that his two sides ears are making an effort a palm of the hand! 就像是有一个彭捷奥大力士用大象耳朵大小的巴掌,对着他两边的耳朵用力的扇了一巴掌! The day also in the revolutions, in the revolutions, intermittent becoming dark, the tinnitus sound is to make his anything unable to hear at present! 天也在转,地也在转,眼前一阵阵的发黑,耳鸣声更是让他什么都听不见! All consciousness, radical losing after short several seconds! 所有的意识,在短短的几秒钟后彻底的失去了! The ambulance comes quickly, gone also quick, when the people outside court knew when final result, people start the heartfelt commendation federal law fair and rightness! 救护车来得很快,去的也很快,当法庭外的人们得知了最终的结果时,人们开始由衷的称赞联邦法律的公平和公正! Especially these immigrants and ethnic minorities, they think that this is the true federation is energetic, equal, free, everyone has the right of joyful life! 特别是那些移民和少数族裔,他们认为这才是真正的联邦精神,平等,自由,每个人都有快乐生活的权利! The mainstream society also at the attitude of discussion toward the immigration, as if overnight, the immigration and ethnic minorities' issues received attached great importance to is only on the other hand. 主流社会也在讨论对移民的态度,仿佛一夜之间,移民和少数族裔的问题就受到了重视只是相对来说。 Federation true indigenous also hoped that to the protectorate government can arrive outside the protectorate to live, but these requested to be rejected, the county police whipped his machine gun to tell these people. 联邦真正的土著也向保护区政府表示希望能到保护区外面生活,但是这些要求被驳回了,郡警拍打着他身边的机枪告诉那些人。 Outside was too dangerous, in goes home quickly. 外面太危险了,快回家里去。 Good, this is only a small interlude. 好吧,这只是一个小插曲。 Was judging that the second day of result, the president revives, he first found the attorney. 在宣判结果的第二天,社长就苏醒了过来,他第一时间找到了律师。 Also has the opportunity of change result, the appeal, or appeal?”, Some of his complexion blanches, the body is shivering. “还有没有改变结果的机会,上诉,或者抗诉?”,他脸色有些发白,身体都在颤抖。 He cannot pay this punitive fine, this means that he must go bankrupt, the publishing house must go bankrupt! 他支付不起这笔惩罚性的罚款,这就意味着他要破产了,出版社也要破产了! The attorney rubbed the temples, he also made to be exhausted for this case recently, hopeless, you know why the mainstream media are called as this?” 律师揉了揉太阳穴,他最近也为这个案子弄得疲惫不堪,“没有希望的,你知道主流媒体把这称作为什么吗?” The president shakes the head, the attorney laughs was saying, they said this is a federal national basic right great progress......” 社长摇了摇头,律师嗤笑着说道,“他们称这是联邦国民基本权利一次伟大的进步……” This qualitative opinion round, this case cannot turn. 这种定性的言论一发,这个案子也就翻不了了。 He does the publishing house, he is very clear, if no high-level pressure or propelling force, the word usage of media so will not be arbitrary. 他是搞出版社的,他很清楚,如果不是有更高层的压力或者说推动力,媒体的用词不会这么武断。 Only used several days of time, the life looks like the roller coaster to be equally thrilling and exciting. 只用了几天时间,人生就像是过山车一样惊险又刺激。 You think that you had arrived at the highest place, but in fact, that to let you slides deeply! 你以为你已经到了最高处,可实际上,那只是为了让你滑得更深! The magazine company is forced to be closed quickly, later the bank accepted the bankrupt settlement of magazine company. 杂志社很快被迫关闭,随后银行接受了杂志社的破产清算。 According to federal enterprise and individual bankrupt flow, after criticizing the right of stock, will conduct pressing for payment of certain extent. 按照联邦企业和个人的破产流程,在清算完股份的权利之后,就会进行一定程度的追索。 The bankruptcy, refers to does not have the situation of paying capacity, rather than you have several houses, several vehicles, big pile of deposits have but not wanted to pay even of bankruptcy. 破产,是指已经不具备支付能力的情况,而不是你有几套房子,有几辆车子,还有一大堆存款但不想支付就算破产的那种。 All shareholders of magazine company were involved, included a cleaner of unexpected sweeping the floor. 杂志社的所有股东都被牵扯了进来,包括了一名令人意外的扫地的清洁工。 Afterward the court considered his stock gained the way to be a little accidental, and legal document who has not become effective actually, this cleaner had not been calculated, in needs to criticize in the list of property. 后来法庭考虑到他的股份获取方式有点意外,并且没有实际生效的法律文书,这位清洁工并没有被计算在需要清算财产的名单中。 But others did not have such good luck, they had the agreement of transfer of share rights with the magazine, they need to shoulder the responsibility...... 但其他人就没这么好运了,他们都和杂志是有股权转让的协议,他们需要承担连带的责任…… Most people's situation is not too bad, after paying several thousand tens of thousands, they have not gone bankrupt, but the luck of some people were not so obviously good. 大多数人的情况不算太糟,支付了几千几万后,他们还没有破产,但有些人的运气显然就不那么好了。 For example President, Vice-president and so on. 比如说社长,副社长之类的。 Their houses, the vehicle, all valuable things were auctioned by the bank, then they also owed the bank a lot of money. 他们的房子,车子,所有值钱的东西都被银行拍卖了,然后他们还欠了银行很多的钱。 This may really be a sorrowful news. 这可真是一个悲哀的消息。 The hospital cannot put out the medical expenses because of the president, threw opposite of near him the hospital street. 医院也因社长拿不出医药费,把他丢到了医院对面的马路边。 Also at this time, the Golden Exchange Bank staff, hurried back to Bupen at the same night, and found Lynch. 也就在这个时候,金汇银行的工作人员,连夜赶回了布佩恩,并找到林奇 Here transfers the book, without issue, so long as you sign, these trademarks were completely you, Mr. Lynch.” “这里是转让书,如果没有问题的话,只要您签了字,这些商标就完全属于您了,林奇先生。” Lynch in the eye of bank already, not only the rich man was so simple, he various incomes of the bank bringing possibly occupies 12% of bank year income every year. 林奇在银行的眼里已经不只是有钱人那么简单了,他每年为银行带来的各种收益可能已经占据了银行年收益的百分之一二。 This is very shocking number, when he to Golden Exchange Bank said that at the judicial auction of next door state has something is wants, Golden Exchange Bank arranges to overtake in charge of the level character immediately personally, attains the thing that Lynch wanted, takes carry back at the same night. 这已经是非常惊人的数字了,所以当他向金汇银行表示隔壁州的司法拍卖会上有一些东西是自己想要的,金汇银行立刻安排了主管级人物亲自赶过去,拿到了林奇要的东西,又连夜拿了回来。 Now, the originally of that wanting to have a lion's share «Vanguard» registered trademark in the Lynch front, he gave the attorney the contract, later with a smile and present customer service section managers chatted. 现在,那份狮子大开口的《先锋》杂志注册商标的原本就在林奇的面前,他把合同交给了律师,随后笑着和眼前的客户服务部主管聊了起来。 He and Golden Exchange Bank relations are quite intimate, in the board of directors will have his friend, the customer service section will not naturally feel oneself represented the medium high level of gold exchange, can straighten up the back in the Lynch front. 他和金汇银行的关系比较亲近,董事会中都有他的朋友,客户服务部自然也不会觉得自己代表了金汇的中高层,就能在林奇的面前挺直了脊梁。 This is impossible, ten he does not have a value of Lynch to bank to be bigger. 这不可能,十个他都没有一个林奇对银行的价值更大。 He is good at the communication skill very much, this also makes Lynch and his chat very happy. 他很善于沟通技巧,这个也让林奇和他的聊天非常的愉快。 No matter you said anything, some people with are always wise the technique to hold you, anybody but therefore proceeds from the bottom of one's heart the joy. 不管你说什么,总有人用非常高明的话术来捧着你,任何人都会因此而发自肺腑的快乐。 After the attorney carefully looks the confirmation has not had the issue, Lynch in the transfer book signs. 在律师仔细看过确认没有问题后,林奇在转让书上签了字。 These trademark registration forms and various right book entire flows are legitimate, it patted class/flow to pat in the law of next door state, then by 1000 the price was digested by the Golden Exchange Bank person. 这些商标注册证和各项权利书整个流程都是合法的,它在隔壁州的法拍上“流拍了”,然后以“一千块”的价格被金汇银行的人内部消化了。 Afterward it by Golden Exchange Bank at „a dollar the price, gives to Lynch. 随后它又被金汇银行以“一块钱”的价格,转让给林奇 Look, the entire process is subject to the federal law supervision protects, fair , rational , and legal, no one can discover any problem. 瞧,整个过程都是受到联邦法律监督保护,合情合理合法的,谁都找不出任何的毛病来。 If you have what demand, please contact with me momentarily, this is my telephone......” “如果您还有什么需求,请随时联系我,这是我的电话……” The managers of customer service section seemed like one just to enter society base and low of very clerk such performance, when left, but also bowed. 客户服务部的主管像是一个刚进社会的业务员那样表现的很卑微,离开时,还鞠躬了。 But Lynch will not therefore look down on him, the person who any can lower the head, is worth people respecting. 林奇不会因此小瞧了他,任何能低下头的人,都是值得人们去尊重的。 Now it was not the issue!” “现在它不是问题了!” Next day, in the office, Lynch brandished started various certificates, but was a shock of face. 第二天,在办公室里,林奇挥舞了一下手中的各种证书,而莫莫则是一脸的震惊。 She actually knows the result is this, but she will not know the entire process so simple, will be rich in the rhythm that some she cannot say! 她其实知道结果是这样,但是她不知道整个过程会如此的简单,又那么的富有某种她说不上来的律动! The right, the wealth, forever is the best natural suggestion! 权利,财富,永远都是最好的性暗示! The method of beforehand television station manager is too preliminary, naturally his own scale was also too low level, even if he said very clearly something, still can only make people think the nausea. 以前的电视台台长的手段太低级,当然他自己的档次也太低级了,即便他把一些事情说得很明白,也只能够让人觉得恶心。 These that however Lynch makes, making have one type from inside to outside, wants the conquered hope! 但是林奇所做的这些,让莫莫有一种由内而外的,想要被征服的渴望! This is the wealth, this is the allure of power! 这就是财富,这就是权力的迷人之处! After 40 minutes, these integers were admitted in the maintaining freshness storehouse, just vented quiet and refined sitting of innermost feelings desire flame on the revolving chair. 四十来分钟后,那些整数都被放进了保鲜库中,刚刚发泄了一通内心欲望火焰的莫莫娴静的坐在旋转椅上。 She is curling upwards the leg, in the room is very warm, what she puts on is continually the body short skirt, exposes the thigh in air to be able the appealing vision. 她翘着腿,房间里很暖和,她穿的是连身短裙,裸露在空气中的大腿很能吸引人的目光。 She looks that Bupen of out of the window is in a daze, in the sky some birds fly far, the sunlight of distant place shines in the sea level, the whole world looked like traded an appearance. 她看着窗外的布佩恩在发呆,天空中有些飞鸟飞远,远处的阳光照射在海面上,整个世界就像是换了一副模样。 At this moment, looks like her hot and damp innermost feelings, she as if sees had not seen before the sky the thing 此时此刻,就像是她那湿热的内心,她仿佛在天空中看见了以前从来都没有见过的东西 Welcome to the federation! 欢迎来到联邦!
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