BC :: Volume #13

#1281: First eve

The weather of January has fallen the extreme, the sea water also started to freeze, some ice pieces due to the promotion of ocean waves, just formed, was advanced in the sand beach. 一月份的天气已经降到了极点,海水也开始结冰,一些冰块在海浪的推动下,刚刚形成,就被推到了沙滩上。 Finally these ice pieces pile up the white crystallization cliff that advanced unceasingly! 最终这些冰块堆积成了一座不断增高的白色结晶峭壁! What is opposite with the extremely cold weather, is the enthusiasm of Frat People! 和极寒的天气相反的是,是盖弗拉民众们的热情! The emperor will abolish the privilege of aristocrat after 15 th officially, these days in the society emerged lots of well-known social activists. 皇帝陛下将会在十五号后正式废除贵族的特权,这段时间社会上涌现出了大量的知名社会活动家。 What these people start spontaneously is the general public explains latest abolishing aristocrat privilege policy, far-reaching significance that as well as it brings. 这些人开始“自发”的为普通民众们解读最新的废除贵族特权政策,以及它所带来的深远影响。 Even if Frat's weather can freeze to death the person, but people gather at the outdoors...... 即便盖弗拉的天气能冻死人,可人们还是聚集在户外…… Why empire after experiencing is magnificent deteriorates immediately?”, Periphery the imperial capital street, stands the social activist facial features in wooden crate serious looks revolves his people, loud asking. “为什么帝国在经历过辉煌之后立刻就衰败了?”,在帝都街头,一名站在木箱上的社会活动家面容严肃的看着周围围绕着他的民众,大声的问道。 This in an ordinary street is used to give the pedestrian the short rest near the garden, everywhere is the thick snows, people wear the thick clothes, frozen trembling slightly, is actually not willing to leave. 这就是在一个普通街头用来给行人短暂休息的花园边上,到处都是厚厚的积雪,人们穿着厚厚的衣服,被冻的微微发抖,却不愿意离开。 The social activists look at the surrounding these people, is thinking at heart looks for the employer many main point money, today's weather was too cold, moreover his present influence was also bigger, the price naturally must rise. 社会活动家看着周围的那些人,心里想着得找雇主多要点钱,今天的天气太冷了,而且他现在的影响力也大了许多,价格自然要上涨。 Naturally this is only he thinks that rather than he must say. 当然这只是他心里想的,而不是他要说的。 Sees no one to reply that his issue, he then asked, oneself answered, the use body language that and made an effort deepened the language the strength! 见没有人回答他的问题,他便自己问,自己答,并用力的使用肢体语言去加深自己语言的力量! That is because the aristocrat helped the empire step onto magnificently, but also because of the aristocrat, the empire started to go down hill!” “那是因为贵族帮助帝国走上了辉煌,但也是因为贵族,帝国开始走下坡路!” Aristocrat is dominating the power of the privileged class and ruling class firmly, this is unfair to the entire society, very cruel matter.” “贵族牢牢把持着特权阶级和统治阶级的大权,这对整个社会来说是非常不公正,也非常残忍的事情。” „The rise channel of average person was closed, even if some of us through obtained diligently the opportunity of changing the life, often our opportunities also serve for the aristocrats!” “普通人的上升渠道被关死,哪怕我们中有些人通过努力得到了改变自己人生的机会,往往我们的机会也是为贵族们服务!” „A social class solidifies completely, forever will not have the hope and future country, why this will be we must go down hill......” “一个阶级完全固化,永远都没有希望与未来的国家,这就是为什么我们要走下坡路……” The pedestrians nod in abundance, was saying own idea, the quick these people, these thought with the friendly help of social activist, were clear. 行人们纷纷点头,说着自己的想法,很快这些人,这些思想都在社会活动家的友善帮助下,被明确下来。 So long as the aristocrat exists for day, Frat's night will continue one day! 只要贵族多存在一天,盖弗拉的黑夜就会多持续一日! As the privilege of aristocrat was abolished, the power structure will be scattered, the people have more rise channels, this will be a start of brand-new time. 随着贵族的特权被废除,权力结构会被重新打散,民众们就拥有更多的上升渠道,这将是一个全新时代的开始。 These hear these words in people who in the cold wind tremble every time, the excited whole body sweats immediately, could not attend to coldly, in the brain thought all will be every second of future of! 那些在寒风中瑟瑟发抖的人们每听到这些话,就会立刻激动的浑身冒汗,也顾不上冷了,脑子里想的全都是每秒的未来! Where do these people from come?” “这些人都是从哪来的?” After a window, a big aristocrat took back the vision, in the warm room cannot feel a severely cold attack, the measuring appliance of each mister especially appropriate, will not seem extremely fat, not because frail will shiver. 一扇窗户后,一名大贵族收回了目光,温暖的房间里感受不到一丝严寒的侵袭,每一位先生的仪表都格外的得体,既不会显得臃肿,也不会因为单薄就颤抖。 Prime minister distant shot a look at one toward the window, took back the vision, does not know that is who made, can make the police check, but existences of these people to us are not the misdemeanors.” 首相远远的朝着窗口瞥了一眼,就收回了目光,“不知道是谁弄得,可以让警察们查一查,但这些人的存在对我们来说并不是什么坏事。” This is a very luxurious room, it the town center in imperial capital, is not far from the imperial palace too. 这是一间非常奢华的房间,它就在帝都的市中心,离皇宫也不算太远。 Here house mostly is the aristocrat, more close to the place of imperial palace, more does not have the industry of average person. 这里的房子大多都属于贵族,越是靠近皇宫的地方,越是没有普通人的产业。 Abolishes aristocrat privilege also two days to the emperor officially, the big aristocrats must gather discussed matter that for the last time then must have. 离皇帝正式废除贵族特权还有两天的时间,大贵族们要聚集在一起最后一次讨论接下来要发生的事情。 This big aristocrat is only some accidental/surprised these days imperial capital types spontaneous the social activists were too many, sighed with emotion one. 这名大贵族只是有些意外这段时间帝都这种“自发”的社会活动家太多了,感慨了一句。 He sits quickly returns to oneself position, others also entered in the condition. 他很快坐回到自己的位置上,其他人也进入了状态中。 In the room has the prime minister, has the big aristocrat, these ministers. 房间里有首相,有大贵族,还有那些大臣们。 The prime minister takes the lead to speak, he is here position is highest, I took a fresh look at our plan, does not have any issue, what issue do you have?” 首相率先发言,他是这里地位最高的,“我重新看了一遍我们的计划,没有任何的问题,你们还有什么问题吗?” Some people raised the hand, later said in everyone's vision gaze, how we do guarantee the conflict in the appropriate range?” 有人举起了手,随后在大家的目光注视中说道,“我们如何确保冲突在合适的范围之内?” Must know that our your majesty temperament are not very good, if he orders the imperial palace guard to open fire, these will die to be loyal to the guards of imperial family definitely to open fire without hesitation.” “要知道我们的陛下的脾气可不是很好,万一他命令皇宫护卫开枪,那些死忠于皇室的护卫肯定会毫不犹豫的开枪的。” When the plan of prime minister, two days later the emperor abolishes the aristocrat privilege officially, the aristocrats will impact the imperial palace. 在首相的计划中,两天后皇帝正式废除贵族特权时,贵族们会冲击皇宫。 But this broke the bone of aristocrat to provide every reason for the prime ministers and ministers. 而这就为首相与大臣们打断贵族的骨头提供了充分的理由。 Because of what reason, the impact imperial palace is not right, you can be reasonable, but you cannot impact the imperial palace, this will make the entire world look at own joke. 无论是因为什么原因,冲击皇宫就是不对,你可以讲道理,但你不能冲击皇宫,这会让全世界都看自己的笑话。 Those who make this aristocrat not quite definite is how the hot tempered emperor to suppress his temperament, this is an issue. 让这名贵族不太确定的是暴躁的皇帝如何压制住他的脾气,这是一个问题。 He did not worry actually the aristocrats can do, after their privileges were abolished, they can definitely have the intense conflict with the imperial family. 他倒是不担心贵族们会不会那么做,当他们的特权被废除之后,他们必然会和皇室发生激烈的冲突。 Even if they have not thought of these, the prime ministers and big aristocrats have arranged some people to guide the violent anger the aristocrat group impact imperial palace. 就算他们没有想到这些,首相和大贵族们已经安排了一些人去引导暴怒的贵族集团冲击皇宫。 Then these aristocrats because their bad acts were punished, abolished the privilege not saying that will also have many aristocrats to be seized the nobility. 然后这些贵族会因为他们恶劣的行径受到惩罚,废除特权不说,还会有不少贵族会被夺爵。 The aristocrat group impact imperial palace is necessary process, before letting the people fulfill more responsibility and duties, so long as makes them see the destruction. 贵族集团冲击皇宫是必要的“过程”,让人民承担更多的责任和义务之前,只要让他们看见毁灭。 The prime minister shakes the head, this issue does not need to consider, your majesty will not make one open fire......” 首相摇了摇头,“这个问题不需要考虑,陛下不会让人开枪……” He and emperor's talk only limits among their two people at present, but the person in room through these words, basically also determined between the prime minister and emperor have certain relations. 他和皇帝陛下的谈话目前只局限于他们两人之间,不过房间里的人通过这句话,基本上也确定了首相和皇帝之间存在某些联系。 From the beginning the prime minister placed beside the goal the body of emperor directly, with the development of situation, everyone can feel that he and emperor as if directed the spearhead at the aristocrat group suddenly. 除了一开始时首相把目标直接放在了皇帝的身上之外,随着事态的发展,大家都能感觉到他和皇帝陛下似乎都突然间把矛头对准了贵族集团。 No one knows why the prime minister will do that also no one knows why the emperor will make to seize the nobility at this time and abolishes the decision of privilege. 没有人知道首相为什么会这么做,也没有人知道为什么皇帝会在这个时候作出夺爵和废除特权的决定。 This besides the intensified the contradiction of imperial family and aristocrat group, will not have other anything valuable the political objective to the imperial family. 这除了激化皇室和贵族集团的矛盾之外,不会有其他什么对皇室来说有价值的政治目的。 Since then, they guessed, the prime minister is the emperor has anything to relate in secret. 从那时起,他们就猜测,首相是不是和皇帝陛下私底下有什么联系。 The big aristocrat has not taken a stand, the stealth of ministers also as if collective, the emperor with seizing the nobility detonated the hostility between aristocrat group and imperial family thoroughly. 大贵族始终没有表态,大臣们也仿佛集体的隐身,皇帝只是用夺爵就彻底引爆了贵族集团和皇室之间的敌视。 Actually when except for most starts, the idea of prime minister must make the emperor leave office beside, by the present everyone the goal has completed the unification, that copes with the aristocrat! 其实除了最开始时,首相的想法是要让皇帝下台之外,到现在“所有人”的目标都已经完成了统一,那就是对付贵族! Yes, Prime minister, Minister, the big aristocrats and imperial family is shouting the slogan average person as for out of the window corner regarding the social activists in the cold wind. 是的,首相,大臣,大贵族们和皇室乃至于窗外街角围绕着社会活动家在寒风中喊着口号的普通人。 Their goals have completed the unification, that is the upper crust, is the ruling class of decayed solidification! 他们的目标都已经完成了统一,那就是贵族阶级,是腐朽固化的统治阶级! The prime minister thinks, added that we must appropriately consider that the aristocrats can make the excessive behavior that surpassed us to expect, when the time comes strengthened the guard strength of imperial palace, to entering the person within imperial palace range, conducted the security check......” 首相想了想,补充道,“我们也要适当的考虑贵族们会不会作出超过我们预料的过激行为,到时候加强一下皇宫的守卫力量,对进入皇宫范围内的人,进行安检……” The imperial palace range does not refer to the courtyard wall of imperial palace, but together with part of scopes outside courtyard wall, that is a very big area. 皇宫范围不是指皇宫的院墙内,而是连同院墙外的一部分范围内,那是一个很大的面积。 However a little does not need too to be worried, the place that in fact needs to look after will not be big, after all when emperor not with appears in many places, so long as were responsible for his surrounding environment on the line. 不过有一点不用太担心,实际上需要照顾到的地方不会太大,毕竟皇帝陛下不会同时出现在很多地方,只要负责好他周围的环境就行了。 Each step, proofread, some issues were raised over and over ponder, the discussion, after confirming has no issue, will conduct next. 每一个步骤,都校对了一遍,有些问题被提出来再三的思考,讨论,确认没有任何问题之后才会进行下一项。 From the daytime to the night, these people diverges, is late at night. 从白天到黑夜,这些人散去时,已经是深夜。 In the prime minister goes home, after processing the work of custody, lay on the bed, deep sighing. 首相回到家里,处理完羁押的工作后躺在了床上,深深的叹了一口气。 As the entire body also this sigh, relaxed. 整个身体也随着这声叹息,放松了下来。 He will resign by himself as the terms of exchange, received exchange the concessions of emperor, this is also they reaches an agreement. 他会以自己辞职作为交换条件,来换取皇帝的让步,这也是他们商量好的。 When the emperor and he meets alone acknowledged the ability of prime minister, accepted his condition. 皇帝和他单独见面时承认了首相的能力,同时也接受了他的条件。 Naturally these are after the overhaul ended, when the time comes will hold the first all the people in empire to elect. 当然这些是在改制结束之后,到时候会举行帝国的第一次全民选举。 Thinks of these, the prime minister tranquil surging emotions on some mighty waves. 一想到这些,首相平静的心潮就有些波澜。 What he must do is the strength of folk, the ray, through this transformation complete release. 他要做的是把民间的力量,光芒,通过这次变革完全的释放出来。 The development of never expected that federation he has the panic that one type is unable to suppress, according to news that he obtains, Lynch the technology of black stone aviation, obtains and improves from some folk scientist there. 没想到联邦的发展他就有一种无法抑制的恐慌,据他得到的消息,林奇的黑石航空的技术,就是从一些民间的科学家那里得到并改进的。 The federal folk wild scientists had the so fearful technology, these citizens who review Frat...... spiritless. 联邦的民间野生科学家都具备了如此可怕的技术,反观盖弗拉的那些公民……死气沉沉。 Obviously two days of time, but he had a little lost sleep, he thinks many things, the important matter, the minor matter, is not the matter of matter...... 明明还有两天时间,可他已经有点失眠了,他想了很多的事情,大事,小事,算不上事的事…… When the prime minister is hard to go to sleep, the major is also hard to go to sleep. 在首相难以入睡的时候,少校也难以入睡。 However compared with lying down in the prime minister who on the bed cannot fall asleep, the major in cleaning maintains own weapon. 不过比起躺在床上睡不着的首相,少校则在擦拭保养自己的武器。 The lambskin, the spear/gun oil, careful cleaning, does not miss any corner. 小羊皮,枪油,仔细的擦拭,不错过任何一个角落。 This will become historically the important part the weapon, the major is thinking. 这把武器将会成为历史上重要的一部分,少校这么想着。 After it fired a bullet, it is remembered by the history. 当它击发了一颗子弹之后,它就会被历史所牢记。 He does not know after assassinating successful or the failure, the pattern of the world will turn into what appearance, this time he fell into the middle of a very strange mood. 他不知道刺杀成功或者失败之后,世界的格局会变成什么样子,此时的他陷入了一种很古怪的情绪当中。 A little stimulated, is a little exhausted, a little numbly or indifferent, but also cannot fall asleep. 有点亢奋,有点疲惫,又有点麻木或者说冷漠,还睡不着。 The flavor of spear/gun oil made him comfortable many, when is grasping this ice-cold iron fellow, he can feel some strengths. 枪油的味道让他舒服了不少,只有握着这个冰冷的铁家伙时,他才能够感受到一些力量。 He maintaining the good weapon assembles, then presses in a bullet the bore of gun. 他把保养好的武器组装好,然后将一颗子弹压入枪膛里。 This does not have the magazine the spear/gun, because it is impossible to fire the second spear/gun, does not need to fire the second spear/gun. 这把枪没有弹匣,因为它不可能开第二枪,也没有必要开第二枪。 Without the magazine , helping hide on the contrary. 没有了弹匣,反倒是更有利于隐藏。 He takes up the small card on table, above confessed way of evacuation, he will ride in a carriage to leave immediately. 他拿起桌子上的小卡片,上面交代了撤离的路径,他会在第一时间乘车离开。 So long as the seashore, basically escaped on the victory greatly, travels by boat will then have a submarine to wait for him to the offshore...... 只要到了海边,基本上就胜利大逃亡了,坐船到近海然后会有一艘潜艇在等着他…… Confirmed after oneself will not remember incorrectly, he ignited this small card, the flame of small card, he was lighting cigarette for himself. 确认自己不会记错之后,他把这张小卡片点着了,就着小卡片的火光,他为自己点了一根烟。 Under dim light, a person, a spear/gun, cigarette...... 昏暗的灯光下,一个人,一支枪,一根烟……
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