BT :: Volume #9

#805: Human Sovereign, invited palm

The Xu Qing eyes contract instantaneously, but the complexion has no change, the body enters third God state suddenly, has half-finished product fourth God state, ascends. 许青双眼瞬间收缩,可面色没有任何变化,身体眨眼间进入第三神灵态,更有半成品的第四神灵态,在内升腾。 The shadow of sundial, partly visible. 日晷之影,若隐若现。 His body is tying up the ancient times Sun, in this checked the sparkle, the prestige of Horror, startled day. 其身上拴着的远古太阳,也在这一刹闪耀,恐怖之威,惊天而起。 At this moment, Emperor Sword in vault of heaven, is killing to the Divine Domain crack the black meatball that wants to arrive at to come. 此刻,苍穹上的帝剑,正杀向神域裂缝内欲降临而来的黑色肉球。 Big hand that the strength of Human Sovereign forms, because of black spheroid God power, is defeated and dispersed. 人皇之力形成的大手,也因黑色球体这尊神灵之力,正在溃散。 But pressure from Divine Domain, in this flickers the spread Imperial Academy space, causes here most cultivator, spouts the blood, the mind thunders, is unable to move. 而来自神域威压,在这一瞬蔓延太学空间,使得这里大部分修士,一个个都喷出鲜血,心神轰鸣,无法动弹。 The time of Bai Xiaozhuo choice, is it can be said that accurate, the speed the incomparable rapidness, appears in the Xu Qing front at present, suppresses like Tianshan, the whisker of whole body was held by Godhood Nurturing strength in addition, coordinates Horror divinity, forms the sure-kill. 白萧卓选择的时机,可以说是非常精准,速度又无比之快,眼下出现在许青的前方,如同天山镇压,全身的触须被蕴神战力加持,配合一身恐怖神性,形成绝杀。 But even if the time is accurate, the speed is fast, the potential of sure-kill is big, wants to cut to kill Xu Qing in this place, is still a not possible matter. 但即便是时机再精准,速度再快,绝杀之势再大,想要于此地斩杀许青,也是一件不可能的事情。 This point, Bai Xiaozhuo are also actually clear, therefore this seems like one of the sure-kill, in fact other its reason. 这一点,其实白萧卓自己也清楚,所以这看似绝杀的一幕,实际上另有其因。 He must have a look, who rescues Xu Qing. 他要看看,谁来救许青 Is Great Emperor while stopping the lord of Divine Domain, diverts attention the rescue. 大帝在阻拦神域之主的同时,分心救援。 The master said, hidden the third party influence in this Imperial Capital, or also has other to exist. 还是主人所说,隐藏在这皇都内的第三方势力,又或者还有其他存在。 In brief, this strikes, Bai Xiaozhuo thinks that at least can draw out, thus by own master, looked is clearer. 总之,这一击,白萧卓认为至少可以引出一些,从而让自己的主人,看的更真切。 The judgment of Bai Xiaozhuo, is correct, the fact also indeed so, in Bai Xiaozhuo close to the Xu Qing instance, outside Imperial Academy, the Great Emperor face that on Ancient Sovereign Star appears, in the eye reveals suddenly swiftly and fiercely. 白萧卓的判断,是正确的,事实也的确如此,在白萧卓临近许青的瞬间,太学外,古皇星上浮现出的大帝面孔,目中骤然露出凌厉。 In the bustling place forgetting kindnesses building, in the shrine of ancestral temple, on the mud fox disperses the monster different light. 红尘忘情楼内,祠堂的神龛里,泥狐狸身上散出妖异之光。 Meanwhile, in Imperial Academy Dao Altar all around scholar, is not everyone is unable to move under the strength of Divine Domain, the scholar, in the eye shows the ice-cold glow, will take a step. 同时,太学道坛四周的学子中,也不是所有人都在神域之力下无法动弹,有一位学子,目中透出冰冷之芒,正要迈步。 But the side influence, to the caring degree of Xu Qing life and death, surpasses all now, achieved the pinnacle, they in any event, does not allow Xu Qing to be killed by others cutting such. 但有一方势力,如今对许青生死的在意程度,超出了所有,达到了极致,他们无论如何,也都不允许许青被别人这么的斩杀。 Therefore, their making a move, are quick all. 所以,他们的出手,快过了所有。 In Bai Xiaozhuo close to Xu Qing instantly, angrily roars in this Imperial Academy spreads over eight sides, seems the thunder to blast out. 白萧卓临近许青的刹那,一声怒吼于这太学内传遍八方,好似雷霆炸开。 Decides!” “定!” Draws back!” “退!” Collapses!” “崩!” Weak!” “弱!” Solid!” “固!” Fast!” “速!” Does not extinguish!” “不灭!” Eight characters, the character character exceeds the heavenly thunder, contained the meaning of Great Dao, like the sound of Heavenly Dao, among magical law(s) and natural law(s), was revolved the pinnacle, became the maximum level as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced. 八个字,字字超越天雷,蕴含了大道之意,如同天道之音,其内的法则规则,更是被运转到了极致,成了最高层次的言出法随。 Decides character one, even Bai Xiaozhuo of Godhood Nurturing strength, still the whole body shakes fiercely, was decided forcefully, but draws back transmitting of character, making his body back up unexpectedly one step. 定字一出,即便是蕴神战力的白萧卓,也都全身猛地一震,被强行定了一下,而退字的传来,使得他身躯竟倒退一步。 Until collapses the reverberation of character, the Bai Xiaozhuo whole body thunders, unexpectedly presents the meaning of collapse. 直至崩字的回荡,白萧卓浑身轰鸣,居然出现崩溃之意。 But his divinity, erupts in this moment forcefully, although oneself were affected, the potential of but forming changes to an illusory finger in its front, according to Xu Qing, the place visited, Nihility extinguishes as before broken, all avalanches, the meaning of extermination is intense. 可他的神性,在这一刻强行爆发,虽自身被影响,但形成的势在其前方化作一根虚幻的手指,依旧按向许青,所过之处,虚无碎灭,一切崩塌,灭绝之意强烈。 But also checks, suddenly was reduced by the weak character, might reduction most. 可也只是一刹而已,眨眼间就被弱字削减,威力减少大半。 The solid character, is the function on Xu Qing, changes to a firm incomparable protection armor, helping him resist strength from the Bai Xiaozhuo that finger. 紧接着的固字,是作用在许青身上,化作一道坚固无比的防护铠甲,帮他抵抗来自白萧卓那根手指之力。 Rumbling the sound reverberation, the armor collapses, for Xu Qing receives the wound at the same time, fast character in addition holds, making the speed that Xu Qing retrocedes rise suddenly, twinkling thousand zhang (3.33 m). 轰轰之声回荡,铠甲崩溃,代许青承伤的同时,速字加持,使许青后退的速度暴涨,瞬息千丈。 Especially final does not extinguish, its strength also contained divinity unexpectedly, is from the meaning of God not extinguishing, covers the Xu Qing whole body, forms the golden ray, changes to a solemn and respectful face in his front, withstood the final ample force from Bai Xiaozhuo finger. 尤其是最后的不灭,其力居然也蕴含了神性,取自神灵不灭之意,笼罩许青全身,形成金色的光芒,在他前方化作一张肃穆的面孔,承受了来自白萧卓手指的最后余力。 Looks from afar, Bai Xiaozhuo melts the finger, after extinguishes broken all, finally was hit ruthlessly by the forehead by that face, has to bump into one. 远远看去,白萧卓所化手指,在碎灭一切后,最终被那面孔以眉心狠狠撞去,不得不碰到了一起。 Next flickers, the face collapses, among spread several thousand to wail unexpectedly, is split up, but finger of Bai Xiaozhuo, is unable to continue eventually, was defeated and dispersed. 下一瞬,面孔崩溃,其内竟传出了数千声哀嚎,四分五裂,可白萧卓的手指,也终究无法继续,溃散开来。 In the midair, Xu Qing stands there, returns safe and sound...... 半空中,许青站在那里,毫发无损…… This, making all influence have the intense accidental/surprised feeling, accidental/surprised is not Xu Qing unobstructive, but is the side of making a move...... 这一幕,让各方势力都产生强烈的意外之感,意外的不是许青无碍,而是出手的这一方…… Xu Qing, is I teaches Divine Child!” 许青,是我教神子!” The supple sound, in transmits from Xu Qing front Nihility at this moment, next one flickers that piece of Nihility to be ripped open a crack directly, can see in that by the crack impressively is place of altar. 阴柔之声,在此刻从许青前方的虚无传来,下一瞬那片虚无直接被撕开一道裂缝,透过裂缝可以看到那里面赫然是一处祭坛之地。 This altar, seems in a day hole, the above cave entrance obvious vault of heaven as well as overhangs in fragmented face of backdrop, but the altar is vast, altogether 999 steps, stand to wear cultivating of black changpao to the high place. 这祭坛,好似在一座天洞内,上方的洞口可见苍穹以及高挂在天幕的残面,而祭坛浩瀚,一共九百九十九阶,至高处站着一位身披黑色长袍之修。 The below stair, each is standing lots of black robe people, even in most below earth cave, but also more black robe people sit cross-legged to sit in meditation obviously. 其下方的台阶,每一层都站着大量黑袍人,甚至最下方的地窟内,还可见更多的黑袍人盘膝打坐。 Inside has several thousand people, before the body , the ground has the blood, obviously is they replaces Xu Qing, withstood that finger strength of Bai Xiaozhuo. 里面有数千人,身前地面有鲜血,显然就是他们代替许青,承受了来自白萧卓的那根手指之力。 When that words reverberate, stands in the black robe person of altar to high place, a stepping place, spanned forward directly appeared in the Imperial Academy void crack, arrived in Imperial Academy, stood in the Xu Qing front. 而在那句话语回荡之时,站在祭坛至高处的黑袍人,向前一步迈处,直接跨越了出现在太学虚空的裂缝,走到了太学内,站在了许青的前方。 The appeared moment, the strength of Godhood Nurturing erupts from his body, powerful, may swallow the mountains and rivers at the same time, wisp of fragmented face aura, disperses unexpectedly on his body. 出现的一刻,蕴神之力从其身上爆发开来,气势如虹,可吞山河的同时,一缕残面的气息,竟也在其身上散出。 But the arrival of this person, makes all influence change countenance. 而此人的到来,也使得各方势力动容。 „The word of truth offers a sacrifice to the lord greatly!” “真理之言大祭主!” Intends to rescue Xu Qing, is the word of truth! 出手救下许青的,正是真理之言! This, making Bai Xiaozhuo there frown, he wants to fish is not this crowd seems like with him, but in fact core idea entirely different lunatic. 这一幕,让白萧卓那里皱起眉头,他想钓的不是这群与他看似一路,可实际上核心理念截然不同的疯子。 In the horizon imperial palace projects Human Sovereign, is the eye concentrates slightly, he can make a move before, but actually chose waiting and seeing, because he also wants to have a look, who will rescue. 天边皇宫投影内的人皇,也是眼睛微微一凝,他之前是可以出手的,但却选择了观望,因为他也想看看,会有谁来救援。 Therefore at this moment, his mood and Bai Xiaozhuo are somewhat similar, and is more accidental. 所以此刻,他的心情与白萧卓有些相似,且更意外。 When this all parties heart startled, appears offers a sacrifice to the lord to raise the head in Xu Qing front word of the truth greatly, in the black clothes robe, cannot see the face, can only see a pair of red eye, stares at Bai Xiaozhuo. 就在这各方心惊之时,出现在许青前方的这位真理之言大祭主抬起头,黑色的衣袍内,望不见面孔,只能看到一双红色的眼,凝望白萧卓 Divine Child, not movable!” 神子,不可动!” Then, this black robe person turns the head, looks to Xu Qing, the in the eye red glow disperses the greedy meaning, has the sound of swallowing in the population to spread since then. 说完,这黑袍人转头,又看向许青,目中的红芒散出贪婪之意,更有吞咽之声从此人口中传出。 Divine Child, the old servant came late, haven't you injured?” 神子,老奴来晚了,您没有伤到吧?” If injured, affected the flavor, mixed in other aura, that is not delicious.” “如果伤到了,影响了味道,被混入了别的气息,那就不好吃了。” Saying, him is swallowing the saliva the sound, is more intense, but similar sound, altar from crack, in that innumerable black robe population spreads at this moment. 说着,他咽口水的声音,更为强烈,而类似的声音,此刻也从裂缝内的祭坛处,那数不清的黑袍人口中传出。 Raised the head, greedy following the crack, looks to Xu Qing. 一个个,都抬起头,贪婪的顺着裂缝,望向许青 The doctrine of word of truth, is seeks for under God's fragmented face the person of Undying , they think that this is fragmented face care, such person, is Divine Child of word of truth. 真理之言的教义,是寻找神灵残面不死之人,他们认为这是残面的眷顾者,这样的人,就是真理之言的神子 Eats up Divine Child, they will be close to God. 吃下神子,他们将更接近神灵 Through the ages, they do that most lives that may eat one time are fragmented face opened eyes Undying , as for opens eyes twice cultivating of Undying , other place the word of truth has the hearsay to eat to have been, but Human race here teaching numerous, they have not eaten. 古往今来,他们都是这么做的,可吃的最多生灵是残面一次睁眼不死者,至于两次睁眼不死之修,别的地方的真理之言有传闻吃到过,但人族这里的教众,他们没吃过。 The Xu Qing complexion is ugly, he has not thought appears unexpectedly is the word of truth, but the words of opposite party, makes him realize immediately, oneself on the same day at the godly technique(s) pursuing new moon, although inquired about the word of truth, but same was also investigated own something by others. 许青面色难看,他也没想到出现的居然是真理之言,而对方的话语,也让他立刻意识到,自己当日以神术的追朔,虽探寻到了真理之言,可同样的也被别人探查到了自己的一些事情。 Therefore, had the appearance of this group of lunatics. 于是,才有了这群疯子的出现。 But at this moment, in Divine Domain of vault of heaven, the black meatball spreads a low roar, under the threat of Emperor Sword, It has not forced one's way , as if beforehand all actions, are only a probe. 而此刻,苍穹的神域内,黑色肉球传出一声低吼,在帝剑的威胁下,祂并未强行闯入,似乎之前的一切举动,都只是一场试探。 Now probed the answer, It chose the retreat. 如今试探到了答案,祂选择了后退。 The Divine Domain crack no longer expands, the start reduction slowly, is gradually fuzzy. 神域的裂缝不再扩大,慢慢的开始缩小,渐渐模糊。 As for Bai Xiaozhuo, saw that the aspect is not in own train of thought that he raised the head, looks to Human Sovereign of horizon. 至于白萧卓,眼看局面不在自己思绪之内,他抬起头,望向天边的人皇 Human Sovereign is also visiting him, the vision is tranquil, resembles is telling the opposite party , he is looking at the demonstration as before. 人皇也在看他,目光平静,似在告诉对方,他,依旧在看展示。 The moment that the both sides vision touches, why the Bai Xiaozhuo mind does not know, appeared same day Xu Qing in Sea-Sealing County, to a few words that he spoke. 双方目光碰触的一刻,白萧卓的脑海不知为何,浮现出了当日许青封海郡,对他说的一句话。 You, do not match to follow Crown Prince Purple Green.” “你,不配追随紫青太子。” Bai Xiaozhuo closed the eye. 白萧卓闭上了眼。 He said actually also right, because I...... am impure.” “他说的其实也对,因为我……不纯粹。” When opens again, the aura of Bai Xiaozhuo whole person, was short of some vicissitudes, were many some nimble and resourceful, clarity that his eyes also change, lifts the hand toward the heart of own chest, ruthlessly a racket. 再次睁开时,白萧卓整个人的气息,少了一些沧桑,多了一些灵动,他的双眼也变的澄明,抬起手向着自己胸口的心脏,狠狠一拍。 Under this racket, his heart from Divine Domain, instantaneous blasting open, the sound of thundering is wild, the strength of all Godsource among contains, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform erupts. 这一拍之下,他的那颗来自神域的心脏,瞬间炸裂,轰鸣之声狂暴间,其内蕴含的所有神源之力,齐齐爆发。 Does not remain slightly. 不留丝毫。 But his body, started the fierce combustion in this moment. 而他的身躯,也在这一刻开始了剧烈的燃烧。 It seems moth that beats out a fire, the life final radiance, showed in the world. 好似扑火的飞蛾,将生命最后的璀璨,展现在了天地之间。 This eruption, this combustion, takes to him is the peak of flash, its aura rises suddenly loudly, the strength of heterogeneity spreads infinitely, the feeling of God, is even more intense. 这种爆发,这种燃烧,带给他的是一瞬间的巅峰,其身上的气息轰然暴涨,异质之力无限扩散,神灵之感,越发强烈。 The backdrop of top of the head under the influence of heterogeneity, the twinkling is fuzzy, during a piece is dim, presented the spark. 头顶的天幕在异质的影响下,瞬息模糊,一片朦胧之中,出现了火花。 That is the flower that the fire composes, is...... Destiny Flower! 那是火组成的花,是……天命花 From the beginning is one, quick two and three...... suddenly, the entire Imperial Academy day, opened completely Destiny Flower, took a broad view to look, just like a giant picture scroll, spread out all over in the world. 一开始是一朵,很快两朵、三朵……眨眼间,整个太学的天,开满了天命花,放眼看去,犹如一幅巨大的画卷,铺展在天地之间。 Inexhaustible, the number is not clear, is completely the golden fire formations, such as the brocade is brilliant. 无穷无尽,数不清晰,全部都是金色的火形成,如织锦般绚烂。 But the flowing fire on flowers sprinkles, falls on the land, same has the flower of flame to be in full bloom, may no longer be Destiny Flower, but becomes the other shore to be colored. 而花朵上的流火洒下,落在大地,一样有火焰之花盛开,可不再是天命花,而是成为了彼岸花。 The color, is the red. 颜色,是红色。 Limitless...... the breeze has stroked, the sea of flood aliquation level ripples other shore flower fire, provoke the ancient string just like some people, spreads the sound of samsara. 无边无际……微风拂过,彼岸花火之海泛起层层涟漪,宛如有人拨弄古老的琴弦,传出轮回之音。 On has Heavenly Mandate, below has the other shore, formed the sea of golden-red spark, blooms unceasingly, erupts unceasingly, this is the fireworks! 上有天命,下有彼岸,形成了金红火花之海,不断地绽放,不断地爆发,这是焰火! to become God, there are different ceremonies, at this moment appears in Imperial Academy, is one type. 成神,有不同的仪式,此刻出现在太学的,就是其中一种。 Once these fires exist eternal, was equal to lighting Godfire! 一旦这些火永恒存在,就等于是点燃了神火 But in this day between Bai Xiaozhuo, this moment body is fuzzy, every in the world eyes blinks to look one time, is the different shapes. 而在这天地之间的白萧卓,此刻身体模糊,于世人眼中每一次的眨眼所看,都是不同的形态。 His strength, in this day sea of flowers, is also getting more and more astonishing, but pitifully, lighting Godfire is not so simply is eventually winnable, its difficulty is too big. 他的战力,也在这天地花海里,越来越惊人,但可惜,点燃神火终究不是那么简单就可成功,其难度太大。 The Red Moon Divine Child failure, Bai Xiaozhuo here...... launches hastily, wants successfully, the possibility does not have. 红月神子失败,白萧卓这里……仓促展开,想要成功,可能性是没有的。 This point, the sea of flowers edge from the world, has the spark to present the meaning of extinguishment, can see 12. 这一点,从天地的花海边缘,已经有火花出现熄灭之意,就能看出一二。 But in any event, this moment Bai Xiaozhuo, its strength has achieved the pinnacle of his life. 但无论如何,这一刻的白萧卓,其战力已达到了他人生的极致。 But this, lets all people of staring, mind mighty waves. 而这一幕,也让所有凝望之人,心神波澜。 The eyes of Human Sovereign, do not know that is reason that the spark reflects, revealed the radiant glow. 人皇的双眼,不知是不是火花倒映的缘故,露出了璀璨之芒。 In this ray sparkles, the Bai Xiaozhuo sound, seems God twittering, reverberation Imperial Capital. 在这光芒闪耀间,白萧卓的声音,好似神灵呢喃,回荡皇都 World is the furnace, all living things is the coal, the golden-red double fire, opens the flame of god, Human Sovereign, invited palm.” “天地为炉,众生为炭,金红双火,开神之焰,人皇,请掌目。” The instance that the sound spreads, Bai Xiaozhuo moved, is curling sky Destiny Flower, is curling the other shore flower of land, is curling the golden fire and red fire, forms a combustion the meteor, toward Human Sovereign there, howls to go! 声音传出的瞬间,白萧卓动了,卷着天空的天命花,卷着大地的彼岸花,卷着金色的火与红色的火,形成一道燃烧的流星,向着人皇那里,呼啸而去! All around highest heaven blue sky turns wells up, Heavenly Mandate other shore simultaneous/uniform bursts open, eight side golden-red fires are fierce, ten thousand li (0.5 km) multi-colored sunlight daybreak shines. 其四周九霄青云翻涌,天命彼岸齐绽,八方金红之火烈烈,万里霞光破晓映照。
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