BT :: Volume #9

#803: For a God stroke of boundary

Xu Qing knows that own strength, regarding this Void Return great circle Bai Xiaozhuo, he is not an opponent. 许青知道自己的实力,对于这归虚大圆满白萧卓,他不是对手。 Only if used ancient times Sun. 除非动用远古太阳。 But in that case, affecting the range is too big. 但那样的话,波及范围太大。 Feared that is the entire Imperial Academy space must collapse, Imperial Capital must fall into the catastrophe. 怕是整个太学空间都要崩溃,皇都也要陷入浩劫之内。 Moreover...... killed Bai Xiaozhuo to use ancient times Sun, Xu Qing to think that Bai Xiaozhuo did not match. 另外……杀一个白萧卓就用远古太阳,许青觉得白萧卓不配。 Therefore this ancient times Sun, the function was to deter and self-preservation more often. 所以这远古太阳,更多的时候作用是威慑与自保。 If Emperor Sword active, all these were actually simple.” “若帝剑能动,这一切其实就简单了。” The Xu Qing heart is regrettable. 许青心底遗憾。 What a pity, now Emperor Sword is motionless, then wants to cut to kill Bai Xiaozhuo, Xu Qing understands oneself can achieve, only then the law of handling big issue with smart power. 可惜,如今帝剑不动,那么想要斩杀白萧卓,许青明白自己能做到的,只有四两拨千斤之法。 Opened the Bai Xiaozhuo status, extinguished it by the Human race principle of righteousness. 揭开白萧卓的身份,以人族大义灭之。 As for the crow, is not the time. 至于乌鸦,还不是时候。 By the Xu Qing present potential, insufficient shakes imperial preceptor thoroughly. 许青如今的势,也不够去彻底撼动一位国师 Therefore, he sits cross-legged to sit on white circuit intendant , was covered by formation, sends Lord as well as Chen say/way with side Divergent Immortal, under lots of scholars, looks together to the war of sky. 于是,他盘膝坐在被阵法笼罩的白色道台上,与身边的异仙派主以及陈道则,还有下方的大量学子,一同望向天空之战。 Compares in the tranquility that Xu Qing displays at this moment, melts a god side, endless complex, is terrified and is unable to suppress disturbedly. 相比于许青此刻表现出的平静,融神一方,无尽复杂,还有惶恐与忐忑无法压制而出。 Even if Divergent Immortal sends Lord here, is the innermost feelings mighty waves is huge, he has not thought God Fusion School faction lord, unexpectedly is Candlelight Bai Xiaozhuo. 哪怕异仙派主这里,也是内心波澜巨大,他怎么也没想到融神流的派主,竟是烛照白萧卓 But this answer, made him see the dawn. 而这个答案,也让他看到了曙光。 After his very clear this war, the rise of Divergent Immortal School is irresistible. 他很清楚此战之后,异仙流的崛起已势不可挡。 God Fusion School will disintegrate, among one on the scholar high level, will be supervised, Candlelight odd/surplus evil who discovers surely strictly. 融神流将分崩离析,一应学子高层,必定会被严格监察,找出其内的烛照余孽。 But all these, are side Xu Qing old ancestor bring. 而这一切,都是身边这位许青老祖所带来。 Among all sorts of train of thought surges, Divergent Immortal sent the lord to look at eye nearby Chen say/way, to direction his slight nod. 种种思绪翻腾间,异仙派主看了眼一旁的陈道则,对方向他微微点头。 Divergent Immortal sends the Lord heart to be firm, when turns the head to look to Xu Qing, in the eye reveals the thick respect. 异仙派主心底坚定,于是转头望向许青时,目中露出浓浓的尊敬。 But the Xu Qing attention, has not fallen on the body week, he complete sensation, placed in the battlefield at this moment. 许青的注意力,没有落在身周,他此刻全部的感知,都放在了战场上。 This is rare observing, can make everyone regarding turning over to ruins boundary, understood. 这是一场难得的观战,可以让所有人对于归墟这个境界,更为了解。 But to Xu Qing, the significance of observing is especially profound. 而对许青来说,观战的意义尤为深远。 Because, this also is the immortal cultivates with the war of God cultivator. 因为,这同样也是仙修与神修之战。 The level of even if showing is not Godhood Nurturing, but many Void Return fourth-order making a move, are still fuzzy the backdrop. 哪怕展现出的层次并非蕴神,可多个归虚四阶的出手,依旧将天幕模糊。 Therefore does not have the person of certain cultivation base to see, only then the thunder, the livelihood appears intermittently, near the ear thunders, in eye a confusion. 所以不具备一定修为之人看到的,只有电闪雷鸣,日月隐现,耳边都是轰鸣,眼里一片混乱。 But regarding Spirit Repository cultivator, they can see are more. 但对于灵藏修士来说,他们可以看到的更多。 They can feel on the backdrop change between natural law(s) and magical law(s), even can sensation natural law(s) become the essence, magical law(s) formed ancient times empty shades, each other shook divinity from Candlelight side unceasingly. 他们能感受到天幕上规则法则之间的变化,甚至可以感知规则成为实质,法则形成一尊尊远古的虚影,彼此不断地撼动来自烛照一方的神性 This is the view said. 这是观道。 According to the respective the emphasis point of experience and cultivation, the different people looked that battlefield natural law(s) revealed that is also different. 又根据各自的经历与修行的侧重点,不同的人所看战场的规则显露,也是不一样。 Some people look clearly, others looking is not possibly clear, otherwise is also so. 有人所看清晰的,旁人可能望之不清晰,反之也是这般。 Therefore the Imperial Academy scholar concentrates all one's attention on, respective comprehension. 于是太学的学子一个个屏气凝神,各自感悟 Only some cultivation base to turned over to the ruins, can see the battlefield complete representation in the true sense, saw that all natural law(s) magical law(s) revealed that saw innumerable Great Dao flows. 唯有修为到了归墟,才可以真正意义上看到战场的全部表象,看到所有的规则法则显露,看到数不清的大道流淌。 In the eye of Void Return, the war of sky such as the war of ancient times reappeared, in sound of each syllable thundering, contained the method of Great Dao. 归虚的眼中,天空之战如远古之战再现,轰鸣之声每一个音节里,都蕴含了大道之法。 Reverberates unceasingly, blasts open Nihility, making this Imperial Academy space have cracks. 不断回荡,炸裂虚无,使得这太学空间出现一道道裂缝。 Carefully looked, these cracks have natural law(s) change, lets the person mind shocks at the same time, thinking deeply of instinct. 仔细去看,这些裂缝也都具备规则之变,让人心神震撼的同时,本能的深思。 But this all actually is also only the representation, true endosarc, only then achieves with their same levels or is higher, can completely understand. 但这所有其实也只是表象,真正的内质,只有达到与他们一样的层次或者更高,才能看透。 Xu Qing cultivation base has not achieved, but he and others are different. 许青修为没有达到,可他与其他人不一样。 He is the immortal cultivates, is God cultivator. 他是仙修,亦是神修 Therefore, in his eyes, the battlefields and others are also different. 于是,在他的眼中,战场与旁人也是不同的。 His in the eye looks, interweaves brightly with many colors in the backdrop, seems flowing, and abstract picture. 目中所望,五光十色交织在天幕,好似一张流动且抽象的画。 In the picture, Bai Xiaozhuo of God appearance, the form is clear from time to time, from time to time is fuzzy. 画面里,一身神灵模样的白萧卓,身影时而清晰,时而模糊。 The place that every sparkles one time is different. 每一次闪耀的地方都不一样。 Lord cultivation base Horror with its Imperial Academy mansion of fight, particularly imperial family bloodlines in addition holds, making him compare normal turning over to ruins great circle, but also wants the powerful three points. 与其交手的太学府主修为恐怖,尤其是皇族血脉加持下,使得他比正常的归墟大圆满,还要强悍三分。 Each making a move, has 11 million even many Great Dao to transform time, coordinates random walk of Life Origin Gold Dragon. 每一次的出手,都有百万千万甚至更多大道幻化,配合本命金龙的游走。 All natural law(s) change to its intention. 一切规则任由其心意而改变。 From time to time changes to Sun to be dazzling, from time to time changed to ancient times the chariot to murder dashing, from time to time changed to unprecedented giant beasts, showed the strange say/way, suppressed toward Bai Xiaozhuo in a variety of ways. 时而化作太阳刺目璀璨,时而化作远古战车杀伐冲撞,时而化作一尊尊前所未见的巨兽,展现奇异之道,向着白萧卓以各种方式镇压。 But two people of all around, the factions of other schools Lord, although has a disparity, but is equally astonishing. 而二人的四周,其他流派的派主虽有所差距,可一样惊人。 Melts the god puppet with that five alien races, the fought gloom, has the injury respectively. 与那五具异族融神傀儡,战的天昏地暗,各有伤势。 Void Return great circle, in any ethnic group, calculates on peak. 归虚大圆满,在任何族群里,都算的上巅峰了。 Even does not have in the Godhood Nurturing ethnic group, they are such as God general existence. 甚至一些没有蕴神的族群中,他们就是如神灵一般的存在。 Therefore, is turning over to the body of ruins great circle, naturally had some strange characteristics. 所以,在归墟大圆满的身上,也自然存在了一些奇异的特征。 For example, their blood fall, directly formed a blood-color lake in the ground. 比如,他们的鲜血落下,直接就在地面形成了一片血色的湖泊。 But the reverberation of sound of battle, can break a stretch of land. 而交战之声的回荡,更是可以震碎一片大地。 Good formation here is reliable, under the full play, among the protection the scholar is peaceful, has not broken comprehension of too many. 好在这里的阵法牢固,全力运转下,守护其内学子安生,没有打断太多人的感悟 Xu Qing here, in comprehension, looks at steadily, his mind appears trains of thought that unifies own cognition, cultivates regarding the immortal with God cultivator, had many understanding. 许青这里,也在感悟,目不转睛中,他脑海浮现出一道道思绪,结合自身的认知,对于仙修与神修,有了更多的理解。 God cultivator...... does not have any magical technique(s), feels, all as if are the instinct, as if this stretch of the world for its lives, on this day, It is free, unrestrained.” 神修……没有什么术法,给人的感觉,一切似乎都是本能,仿佛这片天地就是为其而生,在这天地内,祂自由自在,无拘无束。” Immortal cultivates, entirely different, they are also using strength of the place of this day, but the method and God cultivator are different, they take the silk thread with the aid of natural law(s) and magical law(s), affects the strength of the world.” “仙修,截然不同,他们也是在用这天地之力,但方法与神修不同,他们是借助规则法则作为丝线,去牵动天地之力。” Like...... enslaves the world!” “如同……将天地奴役!” By Heavenly Dao?” “以天道?” Xu Qing eye , the mind idea is unceasing, this war, he saw too many can think deeply the matter. 许青目露奇芒,脑海想法不断,这一战,他看到了太多可以深思之事。 Heavenly Dao, if fetters the world, was God delimited the boundary!” 天道一出,如将天地束缚,为神灵划了界限!” The Xu Qing innermost feelings shake, he does not know that own guess is right. 许青内心一震,他不知道自己的猜测对不对。 But looks by his present judgment, this is logical. 但以他如今的判断去看,这是符合逻辑的。 If is really this, explained why earliest that batch of ancient Immortal, they must after conquering Revered Ancient Mainland initially, raises to belong to cultivator Heavenly Dao. 若真的是这样,也解释了为何当初最早的那批古仙人,他们要在征服了望古大陆后,升起属于修士天道 Heavenly Dao, to let later generation cultivator, better cultivation. 天道,是为了让后辈修士,更好的修行 This also explained in cultivation technique system of cultivator, wants accumulated to raise the Heavenly Dao reason in Spirit Repository. 这也解释了修士功法体系里,在灵藏要蕴养出天道的原因。 Frequently, goes to supplement Heavenly Dao, may this world, grasp in cultivator!” “时时刻刻,去将天道补充,就可将这片世界,一直掌握在修士手里!” If really such as I guessed, then this is bureau of the unprecedented startled day, the method of whole world, will melt to the cultivation system of cultivator.” “若真如我所猜测,那么这是一场前所未有的惊天之局,将掌控世界的手段,融到修士修行体系里。” So method, so breadth of spirit and pattern......” “如此手段,如此气魄与格局……” Xu Qing inspires, regarding earliest that group of ancient immortal, had the meaning of admiration, later he raised the head, stares at the backdrop. 许青吸了口气,对于最早的那批古仙,产生了敬佩之意,随后他抬头,凝望天幕。 The Imperial Academy day, cannot see fragmented face, but this does not affect the analysis of Xu Qing innermost feelings. 太学的天,看不到残面,但这不影响许青内心的分析。 fragmented face every opens eyes one time, has Heavenly Dao to fall from the sky, moment when all Heavenly Dao extinguish, this Revered Ancient Mainland, will become the God world.” 残面每一次睁眼,都有天道陨落,当所有天道都灭去的一刻,这望古大陆,将重新成为神灵的世界。” Also, Revered Ancient World, although is big, may also be only in this starry sky the insignificant part, beside Revered Ancient World...... is what appearance.” “还有,望古世界虽大,可也只是这星空内微不足道的一部分,望古世界之外……是什么样子。” This is the Xu Qing first time, regarding Revered Ancient beside, had the imagination. 这是许青第一次,对于望古之外,产生了想象。 There had Holy land, but a farther place, possibly is...... Li Zihua the place, is the purple moon stars in it place.” “那里存在了圣地,而更远的地方,可能就是……李自化所去之处,也是紫月星辰所在之地。” Xu Qing closes eyes, the intention goes to sensation own purple moon stars. 许青闭目,用心去感知自己的紫月星辰。 Very . 很远,很远。 But in the moment of Xu Qing closing eyes sensation, the battlefield of vault of heaven, had the new change. 而就在许青闭目感知的一刻,苍穹的战场,出现了新的变化。 This change from Bai Xiaozhuo. 这变化来自白萧卓 His body sparkles on a higher backdrop, in moment that the Imperial Academy mansion lord kills, both hands lift, the head also lifts, such as pays homage to the vault of heaven to the high place. 他身体在更高的天幕上闪耀而出,在太学府主杀来的一刻,双手抬起,头颅也抬起,如向苍穹至高之地膜拜。 Melt the god eyes two meters to the Yang air/Qi, becomes the brilliance of starry sky in Revered Ancient, falls the projection in the territory of place god.” “两仪至阳之气融神古之眼,成星空之光耀于望古,落投影在地化神之域。” Reveres a Sun to advocate Universe(s) various day of sacred Candlelight.” “尊名太阳之主宇宙诸天神圣烛照。” Falls the gate in this!” “降门于此!” The words, the Imperial Academy space thunders, the Imperial Capital world sways, a Horror vast prestige beyond description, since Nihility falls, arrives at Imperial Capital, arrives at the day of Imperial Academy. 其话语一出,太学空间轰鸣,皇都天地摇晃,一股恐怖至极难以形容的浩瀚之威,从虚无落下,降临皇都,降临太学之天。 Suddenly, an illusory fuzzy picture, appeared in the Imperial Academy vault of heaven. 瞬息间,一幕虚幻模糊的画面,出现在了太学的苍穹上。 Replaced here day, replaced here say/way, replaced here all. 取代了这里的天,取代了这里的道,取代了这里的一切。 In that picture, faintly visible the towering strange tree that disperses rich divinity to fluctuate, the beast of obvious only divinity intense bizarre existence(s), obvious big ancient temple that and cannot be described, disperses the meaning of years. 那画面内,依稀可见一颗颗散出浓郁神性波动的参天怪树,可见一只只神性强烈的诡异之兽,可见一座座高大且不可描摹的古老神庙,散出岁月之意。 Obviously great sea of frozen shape, obviously the gaseous state mountain peak, obviously the crafty cloud of human form, obviously the octopus living the spirit of kind of livelihood, but also some great bird, the wing blocks the sky, howls. 可见冻状的大海,可见气态的山峰,可见人形的诡云,可见章鱼般活着的类日月之灵,还有些巨禽,羽翼遮天蔽日,呼啸而过。 They are giant, dissimilar in shape and form, tentacle distortion winding, body by mysterious and tenacious material constitution. 它们巨大无比,形态各异,触手扭曲缠绕,身体由神秘而坚韧的材料构成。 This was one piece filled bizarre existence(s) and mysterious world. 这是一片充满了诡异与神秘的世界。 Unthinkable, strange utmost, but most deep place, the obvious body is huge, has ten thousand li (0.5 km) Horror the ball of startled day fully. 匪夷所思,奇异之至,而最深处,可见一个身躯庞大惊人,足有万里之恐怖的惊天之球。 This ball black, is covered with the innumerable whiskers all over the body, the time is wriggling, -and-a-half are narrowing in eye, the twinkle bizarre existence(s) ray, as if can see through the time and space. 此球通体黑色,长满无数触须,时刻都在蠕动,一只半眯着的眼睛内,闪烁诡异的光芒,仿佛能够看穿时间和空间。 Sound that spreads from the spheroid, is low and deep and loud and clear, tumbles in the clouds like the thunder. 从球体内传出的声音,低沉而洪亮,如同雷霆在云端翻滚。 With its creeping motion, the whole world is shivering, the land is swaying, the sea in the surges, the sky is burning. 随着它的蠕动,整个世界都在颤抖,大地在摇晃,海洋在翻腾,天空在燃烧。 In the surface layer of that black spheroid, is reappearing the innumerable face, is eulogizing, shouted the Bai Xiaozhuo same words. 更是在那黑色球体的表层上,浮现着数不清的面孔,都在歌颂,喊出白萧卓一样的话语。 godly might is dreadful. 神威滔天。 Even if only the picture, makes in Imperial Academy the innumerable scholars spout the blood, even also some people therefore present the disassimilation indication, Imperial Capital is also so, at once entire Human race Imperial Capital, covers by intense and overbearing heterogeneity. 哪怕只是画面,就让太学内无数学子喷出鲜血,甚至还有人因此出现异化征兆,皇都也是这般,一时之间整个人族皇都,都被强烈且霸道的异质笼罩。 Countless people, instantaneous in an uproar, innermost feelings with amazement. 无数人,瞬间哗然,内心骇然。 All influence, the complete look big change, the Human Sovereign that side stood up the body, its under ten three Heavenly King, facial expressions change, the aura all ascends. 各方势力,全部神色大变,人皇那边站起了身,其麾下十三天王,一个个神情变化,气息全部升腾。 Xu Qing is the complexion instantly is also dignified, stubbornly is staring at the Bai Xiaozhuo above projection world, similar place, similar aura, he once had felt one time. 许青也是面色刹那凝重,死死的盯着白萧卓上方的投影世界,类似的地方,类似的气息,他曾感受过一次。 Divine Domain......” 神域……” In Imperial Capital, in the ancestral temple in bustling place forgetting kindnesses building, consecrates the mud fox statue in shrine, at this moment shakes instantaneously, the head activates in an instant, his eyes open fiercely, stare at the Imperial Academy direction. 皇都内,红尘忘情楼的祠堂里,供奉在神龛中的泥狐狸雕像,此刻瞬间一震,头颅刹那间活化,其双眼猛地睁开,凝望太学的方向。 Strange Divine Domain!” “陌生的神域!” That inside the god of birth...... is not right, this god...... is not right!” “那里面的诞生的神……不对,此神……不对劲!” Meanwhile, the startled day aura, in the dead ahead of imperial palace Rainbow Bridge, stands erect on there Great Emperor statue together, suddenly erupts. 与此同时,一道惊天的气息,在皇宫彩虹桥的正前方,竖立于那里的大帝雕像上,蓦然爆发。 The eye of Great Emperor, opens slowly, reveals the eternal vicissitudes, has ka ka the sound reverberation, the head of Great Emperor, slowly the rotation, looks finally to Imperial Academy. 大帝的眼,缓缓睁开,露出万古沧桑,更有咔咔声回荡,大帝的头颅,慢慢转动,最终望向太学 The low and deep sound that exceeds the heavenly thunder, spreads in this moment lightly. 一声超越天雷的低沉之声,在这一刻淡淡传出。 Hangs in the sword blue sky, thou moves to try.” “悬剑青天上,汝动以试。”
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