BT :: Volume #1

#60: Non- please enter not

Heavenly Thunder crack! 天雷炸响! Rumble the sound, the reverberation world, the vault of heaven cloud stack-up screen-like mountain peak, full is heavy/thick, as if the lives from outer space, each other is shelling unceasingly. 轰隆隆的声音,回荡天地,苍穹云层叠嶂,满是厚重,仿佛有一尊尊来自外空的生灵,正彼此不断地轰击。 From time to time a stuffy thunder, a series of bangs, cause the entire main city resident from time to time, wakes up from the sleep in abundance. 时而一声闷雷,时而一连串的巨响,使得整个主城的居民,都纷纷从睡梦中醒来。 Lightnings cut the expansive sky, was alarmed tore the night, by Sun that the cloud layer covered, in this moment as if had an opportunity of respite, going all out ray along with rainwater, rushed to the human world. 一道道闪电划破长空,触目惊心间撕裂了黑夜,被云层遮盖的太阳,在这一刻似乎有了一丝喘息的机会,卖力的将光芒伴随着雨水,涌向人间。 In the morning, the rainwater is bigger. 清晨,雨水更大。 Outside wind is also of wilder, as if shouting giant the night, the sound of roaring spreads over eight sides, as if the thunder with vault of heaven is fighting, the reverberation horizon, filled the echo, for a very long time was not loose. 外面的风也比夜晚狂暴许多,仿佛巨人的嘶吼,咆哮之声传遍八方,似乎在与苍穹的雷霆争锋,回荡天际,弥漫成了回音,久久不散。 The street in curtain of rain, under the black paper umbrella the form of vanguard, is gradually fuzzy. 雨幕中的街头,黑纸伞下前行的身影,逐渐模糊。 Only can see the rainwater pouring to fall outside the umbrella, but hits the part on umbrella paper, spreads the sound at the same time, as if the mission has not been completed, is unwilling to be prevented, therefore following the edge of umbrella, changed to the firn-line to flow. 只能看见雨水在伞外倾盆落下,而打在伞纸上的部分,传出啪啦啦声响的同时,似乎使命没有完成,不甘被阻挡,于是顺着伞的边缘,化作了雨线流淌。 Falling of rushing to be first, with their companions, gathers the same place in the land. 争先恐后的落下,与它们的同伴,在大地重新汇聚一起。 Ripples that their reunions form, ground last night bloodiness, thorough scrubbing, but actually cannot wash off this brutal world humane sin. 它们的团聚所形成的涟漪,将地面昨夜的血腥,彻底的洗刷,但却洗不去这残酷世界人性的罪孽。 „Everyone at heart, locked evil, but chaotic world lets this lock, changed will be opened very much easily.” These words, are Captain Thunder when eats meal one time, sighed with emotion to say. “每个人的心里,都锁着罪恶,只不过乱世让这把锁,变的很容易就会被打开。”这句话,是雷队在一次吃饭时,感慨所说。 Xu Qing feels some truth. 许青觉得有些道理。 The rainwater is getting more and more fierce, the heavenly thunder thunders more and more, the Xu Qing state of mind, slowly in the roaring of heavenly thunder and wind, is calm. 雨水越来越凶猛,天雷越来越轰鸣,许青的心绪,慢慢在天雷与风的咆哮里,平静下来。 Unknowingly, he returned to Port 79, in the sea level of that fierce tumbling, his routine inspection, put down own magic boat. 不知不觉,他回到了七十九港,在那剧烈翻滚的海面上,他习惯性的检查一番,放下了自己的法舟 Steps into, with raising of protection, in magic boat in sways significantly, Xu Qing sat cross-legged to sit in dark awning. 踏入进去,随着防护的升起,于法舟的大幅度摇晃里,许青盘膝坐在了乌篷内。 Opening of protection, keeping the rainwater from falling, but the hull that this sways, regarding had adapted to all these Xu Qing, nothing ill. 防护的开启,使雨水无法落入,而这摇晃的船身,对于已经适应了这一切的许青来说,没有什么不适。 On the contrary in this sways, under outside thundering, in this everywhere wind and rain, his heart even more tranquil, lowers the head, starts the refine the pill of immortality. 反倒是在这摇晃中,在外面的轰鸣下,在这漫天的风雨内,他的心越发的平静,低下头,开始炼丹。 These days, Xu Qing goes to the medicine shop to purchase the medicinal herbs repeatedly, White Pill that refines are also getting more and more, not only that the quantity of Black Pill and poisonous powder is also so. 这段时间,许青多次去药铺购买药草,炼制出的白丹也越来越多,不仅如此,黑丹与毒粉的数量也是如此。 But small check in his dark awning cabin, equally many, in dense and numerous can see is placing massive right noon time and Yin evil medicinal herbs. 而他乌篷船舱内的小格子,也一样多了起来,密密麻麻中能看到里面摆放着大量的正阳与阴邪药草。 Must find a time to go out to seek to refine the place of poison.” Xu Qing sweeps these small checks, the right hand has lifted grasps, medicinal herbs fly, in disaster after disaster , to continue the elixir. “要找个时间外出寻炼毒之地。”许青扫过那些小格子,右手抬起一抓,一株株药草飞来,在外界的风雨交加中,继续炼药。 Time this passes slowly, this rain in one throughout the day, gotten down is getting bigger and bigger, as if must change to the storm, raises the astonishing monstrous waves to thunder. 时间就这样慢慢流逝,这场雨在一整个白天,下的越来越大,仿佛要化作风暴,掀起惊人的巨浪轰鸣。 The innumerable ocean waves pat in the harbor shore, causes massive boat ship fierce swaying, is good because of the harbor boat ship is a magic boat kind, after protection opening, can resist, but looks from afar, they seem the sea level fallen leaf, sways unceasingly. 无数的海浪拍在港口岸边,使大量的舟船剧烈的摇晃,好在港口的舟船都是法舟一类,防护开启后,可以抵抗,只是远远看去,它们好似海面的落叶,不断地飘摇。 Because also the wind and rain is too big, therefore the harbor has no external boat ship to put into port, going out does not have, therefore most department shutdowns, but the disciple also goes out in the respective residence rare. 也因风雨太大,所以港口没有什么外来的舟船进港,外出的更是没有,于是大多数的司部都停摆,而弟子也都在各自的居所内少有外出。 The entire Seven Blood Pupils harbor area, in this more and more astonishing wind and rain, stopped the revolution. 整个七血瞳港口区,在这场越来越惊人的风雨里,停止了运转。 Only has to slaughter...... is still being in progress. 唯有杀戮……还在进行。 When the next day night arrives, when the wind and rain is bigger, when the heavenly thunder integrates in the wind thoroughly, crazy when shouts spreads over the entire harbor, Xu Qing the magic boat cabin that from sways fiercely, opened the eye fiercely. 当第二天的夜晚降临,当外界的风雨更大,当天雷彻底融入风中,疯狂的嘶吼传遍整個港口时,许青从剧烈摇晃的法舟船舱内,猛地睁开了眼。 A crisis, appears in his mind. 一股危机,在他心神内浮现。 This crisis does not come from the weather, but came from near the magic boat counter. 这危机并非来自外界的天气,而是来自法舟外岸边。 Although the wind and rain is wild, blows off in all around many poisonous powder the Xu Qing arrangement, but always the aura of some poisonous powders, can insist in the wind and rain is longer, this is Xu Qing for the first security that oneself prepare. 虽风雨狂暴,将许青布置在四周的很多毒粉都吹散,可总是有一些毒粉的气息,能在风雨里坚持的更久,这是许青为自己准备的第一道警戒。 Once some people approach, after having the aura of his poisonous powder, if steps his magic boat, then with several other types by the Xu Qing toxic gas fusion of arrangement in magic boat, will be changed to the fatal toxicant. 一旦有人靠近,沾染了他毒粉的气息后,若踏上他的法舟,那么就会和另外几种被许青布置在法舟内的毒气融合,化作致命的毒药。 In addition, initially tested the growth of spirit strength he obtains basically, as well as continual jump of this period of time Sea Transforming Scripture, making him far exceed the peer in the sensation, was keener. 除此之外,当初入门测试他所获得的精神力的增长,以及这段时间化海经的连续跃进,使得他在感知上已经远远超出了同辈,更为敏锐。 Therefore, under this dual security, Xu Qing knows, outside...... some people approached, and this person outside magic boat. 于是,在这双重的警戒下,许青知道,外面……有人靠近了,且此人就在法舟外。 In the Xu Qing eye the cold glow is reserved, has not waited for in magic boat, but went out of the cabin directly, stands on the deck, in this protection, looks to the outside world. 许青眼中寒芒内敛,没有在法舟里等待,而是直接走出了船舱,站在船板上,在这防护内,看向外界。 The wind and rain fills the air, the lightning has delimited, in the shore of his berth, stands is putting on the form of rain clothes together, in the hand is carrying a wine pot. 外界风雨弥漫,闪电划过,于他泊位的岸边,站着一道穿着蓑衣的身影,手里拎着一个酒壶。 He looks at Xu Qing, Xu Qing also looks at him. 他看着许青,许青也看着他。 After long time, the form of this wear rain clothes lifts the bamboo hat slightly, revealed a face of middle age, smiles to Xu Qing. 半晌后,这穿着蓑衣的身影微微抬起斗笠,露出了一张中年的面孔,冲着许青笑了笑。 Junior Brother Xu, does not use such vigilantly, is I, I went out to buy the liquor to pass by here, wants to ask that you do want to drink together? This damn weather, drinks a liquor together, more wonderful.” 许师弟,不用这么警觉,是我,我外出买酒路过这里,想问问你要不要一起喝点?这该死的天气,一起喝点酒,岂不是更妙。” This person, is the Homicide Department disciple, with a Xu Qing team, and once one day, but also invited Xu Qing the person of drinking. 此人,正是捕凶司的弟子,与许青一个队,且曾经有一天,还邀请许青去喝酒之人。 Xu Qing has not spoken, coldly looks at present this middle-aged cultivator. 许青没说话,冷冷看着眼前这个中年修士 Sees Xu Qing so, middle-aged cultivator helpless smiling. 眼看许青如此,中年修士无奈的笑了笑。 „, This ghost sect environment, makes among people very difficult to trust, but I am well-meant. Junior Brother Xu, I want to become friends with you, in the team many people have drunk my liquor, since you do not like, I said goodbye am.” “也罢,这鬼宗门的环境,使得人与人之间很难信任,但我没恶意。许师弟,我只是想和你交个朋友,队里很多人都喝过我的酒,你既然不喜欢,我告辞就是。” Middle-aged cultivator shakes the head, turns around to depart. 中年修士摇头,转身就要离去。 But at this moment, Xu Qing opens the mouth suddenly. 可就在这时,许青忽然开口。 Ok, you embark.” “行,你上船吧。” Middle-aged cultivator footsteps, some accidents/surprises looked at Xu Qing, looked at his boat ship, the in the eye deep place has one to wipe the quiet glow to flash flickers passes, later shakes the head again. 中年修士脚步一顿,有些意外的看了看许青,又看了看他的舟船,目中深处有一抹幽芒闪瞬即逝,随后再次摇了摇头。 Ok, I do not force others.” “算了,我不勉强别人。” Saying, his footsteps is somewhat speeding up, may just go out 56 steps, the sharp howling sound transmits suddenly, a dagger, breaks open the wind and rain at an exceptional pace, directly soars his here to approach. 说着,他脚步有些加快,可刚刚走出五六步,尖锐的呼啸声蓦然传来,一把匕首以惊人的速度,破开风雨,直奔他这里临近。 Suddenly, the middle-aged cultivator body moves avoids, the complexion changes just about to turns head, next one checks the Xu Qing form to run out from magic boat directly, black skewer in the hand, directly to/clashes in the wind and rain. 瞬息间,中年修士身体挪动避开,面色变化刚要回头,下一刹许青的身影已从法舟内直接冲出,黑色铁签在手,于风雨中直接冲来。 Junior Brother Xu, do you do?” 许师弟,你这是干什么?” The middle-aged cultivator eye pupil contracts, the body withdraws rapidly, single-handed formed hand seals, all around rainwater simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform, howls to go toward Xu Qing immediately, may not have to approach, in waving of Xu Qing, these to the rainwater that he approaches, trembles instantly, was controlled by Xu Qing unexpectedly, changed the direction, goes to the middle-aged cultivator lasing. 中年修士眼眸收缩,身体急速退后,单手掐诀,顿时四周雨水齐齐一顿,向着许青呼啸而去,可没等临近,在许青的挥手间,那些向他临近的雨水,刹那震颤,竟被许青操控,改变了方向,向中年修士激射而去。 This, making the middle-aged cultivator mind shake, feels the intense crisis, his hurried breaking by biting tip of tongue spouted a blood, formed the blood fog to proliferate, the rain arrow that the resistance arrived , the body retroceded fiercely, must run away. 这一幕,让中年修士心神一震,感受到了强烈的危机,他急忙咬破舌尖喷出一口鲜血,形成血雾扩散,对抗到来的雨箭,身体猛地后退,就要逃遁。 But, he misread Xu Qing cultivation base late, in an instant, the Xu Qing form with irresistible force, approaches directly, iron skewer in hand in the lightning has delimited within bright, disperses the cold glow toward his forehead, raids directly. 但还是晚了,他看错了许青修为,刹那间,许青的身影势如破竹,直接临近,手里的铁签在闪电划过间明亮,散出寒芒向着他的额头,直接袭来。 The chill in the air is piercing. 寒意刺骨。 The middle-aged cultivator eye is red, bellows, cultivation base erupts completely, outside the body presents several protection light covers immediately, from his chest, appears rapidly is setting upright fierce flesh big mouth, broke open the clothing, sends out the sharp shouting impact toward Xu Qing. 中年修士眼睛赤红,大吼一声,修为全部爆发,身体外顿时出现数层防护光罩,更是从其胸口,飞速浮现出一张竖着的狰狞血肉大嘴,撑破了衣衫,向着许青发出尖锐的嘶吼冲击。 Thunders several light covers to collapse completely, sound wave impact that but black skewer was sent by fierce big mouth of opposite party chest, slightly. 轰鸣间数层光罩全部崩溃,但黑色铁签还是被对方胸口的狰狞大嘴所发的音浪冲击,微微一顿。 With the aid of this time, the middle-aged cultivator right hand wields, the wine pot in hand directly soars Xu Qing to go, the body fully erupts, launches the speed lasing to run away backward. 借助这个时间,中年修士右手一挥,手里的酒壶直奔许青而去,身体则全面爆发,展开速度向后激射逃遁。 Wine pot, breaks to pieces in the midair, inside thinks is not the liquor, but is the thick venom, as blasts out spreads eight sides, has the intense corrosion, as if the magic boat defense cover can by its instantaneous ablation. 酒壶一出,在半空自行碎开,里面装着的不是酒,而是浓密的毒液,随着炸开扩散八方,带着强烈的腐蚀,似乎法舟的防护罩都可以被其瞬间消融。 In the Xu Qing eye the cold glow flashes, he saw before is not right, but is indefinite, may in the night of this disaster after disaster, the matter of opposite party arrival originally bizarre existence(s), therefore vigilant, Xu Qing first acts simply. 许青眼睛里寒芒一闪,他之前就看出了不对劲,但不确定,可在这风雨交加的夜里,对方到来之事本就诡异,所以警惕之下,许青索性先出手。 At this moment in his eye the murderous intention flashes, looks up to running away middle-aged cultivator, without pursuit, but is the right hand lifts, separates to empty to it grasps ruthlessly. 此刻他眼睛里杀机一闪,抬头看向逃遁的中年修士,没有追击,而是右手抬起,隔空向其狠狠一抓。 Sea Transforming Scripture in within the body, loudly eruption. 体内的化海经,轰然爆发。 Immediately this all around rainwater all trembles, from all around crazy toward the middle-aged cultivator gathering, changes to the big hand that rainwater gathered faintly, how whatever that middle-aged cultivator struggles with amazement, no helps, grasps ruthlessly. 顿时这四周的雨水全部震颤,从四周疯狂的向着中年修士汇聚,隐隐化作了一只雨水汇聚成的大手,任凭那中年修士如何挣扎与骇然,都于事无补,狠狠一抓。 Of bang. 轰的一声。 The middle-aged man body was solidified by the big hand in the half of the day, he looks pale, in the eye reveals panic-stricken, just about to opens the mouth, but the Xu Qing form has come, the twinkling approaches, right hand dagger on this middle-aged cultivator neck, fiercely a stroke. 中年男子身体被大手凝固在了半天,他面色苍白,目中露出惊恐,刚要开口,但许青的身影已呼啸而来,瞬息临近,右手匕首在这中年修士脖子上,猛地一划。 Big of effort, the head flies. 力度之大,头颅飞起。 The blood scatters at the same time, big mouth of this middle-aged cultivator chest, the bulge of wide scope, bites toward the right hand of Xu Qing suddenly ruthlessly. 鲜血四溅的同时,这中年修士胸口的大嘴,突然大范围的凸起,向着许青的右手狠狠一咬。 Xu Qing within the body Sea and Mountain Art revolves suddenly, Chief Shadow transforms on the arm, silent shouts toward big mouth, the direct confrontation, has all around rainwater to melt the big hand, fiercely forcibly steamroll. 许青体内海山诀骤然运转,魁影幻化在手臂上,向着大嘴无声嘶吼,直接对抗,更有四周的雨水所化大手,也猛地用力碾压。 In the loud sound, the middle-aged cultivator headless corpse collapse, becomes the flesh, big mouth of his chest same is also split up, only has Xu Qing to stand in same place, the chest fluctuates slightly. 巨响中,中年修士无头的尸体崩溃,成为血肉,其胸口的大嘴也一样四分五裂,唯有许青站在原地,胸口微微起伏。 This fights seemingly quickly, but this middle-aged cultivation base is in fact good, strength is very astonishing, endured compared with Xu Qing sufficiently had not entered the strength before sect initially. 这一战看似快捷,可实际上这中年修为不俗,本身的战力很是惊人,足以堪比当初许青没有进入宗门前的实力了。 Even if were cut Qing Yunzi that kills by Xu Qing yesterday, by far is not the opponent of this person, after all Seven Blood Pupils Sea Transforming Scripture cultivation, the strength exceeds other small sect gate influences many. 就算是昨日被许青斩杀的青云子,都远远不是此人的对手,毕竟七血瞳化海经修行者,战力超越其他小宗门势力很多。 This moment Xu Qing has swept all around rapidly, looks for the opposite party whether has the partner, in the wind and rain, an entire harbor darkness, only has wild and lightning of wind has delimited luminous- 此刻许青飞速扫过四周,寻找对方是否有同伙,风雨中,整个港口一片漆黑,唯有风的狂暴以及闪电划过的光亮- Last night has a dream, dream arrived in the Xu Qing world...... to pass through unexpectedly becomes the Vajra sect old ancestor, a little worried, what to do did not know should, online...... 昨晚做了个梦,梦里自己居然到了许青的世界里……穿越成为了金刚宗老祖,有点着急,不知道该怎么办,在线等……
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