BT :: Volume #1

#57: Give a spirit coin.

That night matter, making Xu Qing very annoyed, he does not want to arrive at Seven Blood Pupils first day killed people, but the opposite party shifted blame forcefully. 那天夜里的事情,让许青很恼火,他本不想来到七血瞳的第一天就杀人,可偏偏对方强行嫁祸。 If not Xu Qing cultivation base and strength are enough, changed others, feared that was that night, in this shifted blame, the life and death was difficult to predict. 若非许青修为与战力足够,换了其他人,怕是当天夜里在这嫁祸中,生死难料。 Therefore his making a move, the thunderclap is at this moment incomparable, but with spreading of his voice, the female in pitiful yell received the sound fiercely, the whole body shivered, but she knew Dao body to be at for the advantage of female. 所以此刻他的出手,迅雷无比,而随着他声音的传出,惨叫中的女子猛地就收了声,浑身颤抖,但她知道身为女子的优势所在。 Also understands regarding the man, a panic-stricken female, will make one pity somewhat, therefore exaggerated own panic-stricken. 也明白对于男人来说,一个惊恐的女性,会多多少少让人怜悯,于是将自己的惊恐夸大了一些。 Xu Qing is unemotional, in mouth bit last candied fruit, while turns toward the opposite party to walk, simultaneously does not forget the vigilant all around opposite party whether has the partner, but with his walks, all around passer-by has spread out. 许青面无表情,一边嘴嚼口中最后一个糖葫芦,一边向着对方走去,同时不忘警惕四周对方是否有同伙,而随着他的走来,四周的路人早已拉开了距离。 Even if several have the person of cultivation base, sees pitiful of that female, wants to meddle, but after noticing the Xu Qing aura to be good, rapidly cancels the thought. 即便是其中几个有修为之人,看到那女子的凄惨,想要插手,但注意到许青的气息不俗后,都飞速打消念头。 Saw that Xu Qing walks, this foot plate was penetrated, the female who the severe pain raids, the body even more shivers intentionally, the forehead sweat fills the air, she recognized the Xu Qing sound. 眼看许青走来,这脚板被穿透,剧痛袭来的女子,身体故意越发颤抖,额头汗水弥漫,她认出了许青的声音。 In fact she framed Xu Qing from that day, detected the look of opposite party as well as acted after being ruthlessly spicy, she was very vigilant, she very clear provoked existence of Horror. 实际上从那天她陷害许青,察觉对方的眼神以及出手的狠辣后,她就很是警惕,她很清楚自己招惹了一个恐怖的存在。 Therefore for these days she hid, has not gone out, today also thinks that the crest of wave should pass, that Horror has the big probability is the lyeopodium complanatium, during the daytime should not dare hurriedly. 所以这几天她都躲藏起来,没有外出,今天也是觉得风头应该过去,那恐怖的存在大概率是过江龙,白天应该不敢造次。 Therefore she comes out, but she how, regardless of not to have thought, unexpectedly ran into the opposite party. 所以她才出来,可她无论如何也没想到,居然还是遇到了对方。 Meets, she has the running away assurance self-confidently, after all she is the civilian status, has the doing an inspection division responsible public security, under natural law(s) she is safe. 遇到也就罢了,她自信有逃走的把握,毕竟她是平民身份,有巡查司负责治安,规则下她是安全的。 May look at this moment arrived at the side to squat the form of getting down, her intuition, feared suddenly was the doing an inspection division has not waited for the arrival, oneself must die here. 可此刻看着走到自己身边蹲了下来的身影,她忽然有一种直觉,怕是巡查司还没等到来,自己就要死在这里。 Therefore she as of female will let the feeling of person pitying, in shivering and in the eye of body fear, the complete performance, wants to delay the time. 于是她将身为女子的那种让人怜悯之感,在身体的颤抖与目中的恐惧里,完全的表现出来,想要拖延时间。 Do not install.” Xu Qing squats in the front of female, pulled out from the foot plate of opposite party the bamboo slip. “别装了。”许青蹲在女子的面前,将竹签从对方的脚板上拔了出来。 The severe pain as well as were exposed the thoughts by the opposite party, all these, making in the female eyes panic-stricken real, notices this moment opposite party to be away from itself to be very near, her heart struggled, the gripped tightly right hand moves, but does not dare to sprinkle the poisonous powder in hand. 剧痛以及被对方点破了心思,这一切,使女子眼睛里惊恐真实起来,也注意到此刻对方距离自己很近,她心底挣扎了一下,紧握的右手动了动,可还是没敢将手里的毒粉洒出。 But at this moment, the distant place street has the howling sound to transmit, one team in doing an inspection division cultivator that this goes on patrol, as if noticed here matter, is catching up rapidly. 而就在这时,远处街头有呼啸声传来,一队在此巡逻的巡查司修士,似乎注意到了这里之事,正飞速赶来。 The female eyes reveal the hope immediately. 女子眼睛顿时露出希望。 But quick, as Xu Qing takes out the Homicide Department badge from the body, cultivator of that crowd of doing an inspection departments do not return, turns around to depart, the hope of female in the eye, was replaced desperately, shivers opens the mouth suddenly in a low voice. 可很快,随着许青从身上取出捕凶司的徽章,那群巡查司的修士一个個头也不回,转身离去,女子目中的希望,被绝望取代,颤抖中忽然低声开口。 „The previous time matter, is my is not right, I am willing to make up, I...... I know a clue of most wanted terrorist!” “上次的事情,是我的不对,我愿意弥补,我……我知道一个通缉犯的线索!” She has not bargained back and forth with Xu Qing, year to year walks in nighttime her, very clear is powerful facing, steamroll the person, oneself do not have the qualifications to ask a price sufficiently, obeying is the only means of livelihood. 她没有与许青讨价还价,常年行走在黑夜里的她,很清楚面对比自己强大,足以碾压自身之人,自己是没有资格去讨价的,顺从才是唯一的活路。 Therefore she does not wait for the Xu Qing opens the mouth, said the clue rapidly. 所以她不等许青开口,就飞速说出线索。 That most wanted terrorist is Spirit Cloud Sect abandoned disciple Qing Yunzi, he lived in the Banquan road for these days, is in that inn of place of previous time our meeting.” “那个通缉犯是灵云宗的弃徒青云子,他这几天都是居住在板泉路,就是上次我们遇到之地的那家客栈内。” Most wanted terrorist?” Xu Qing puts out jade slip that Team Leader gives, after the examination, found this Qing Yunzi name, swept one, rewards in two ten spirit stone appearances. “通缉犯?”许青拿出队长给的玉简,查看后找到了这青云子的名字,扫了一眼,奖赏在二十灵石的样子。 Also, I heard your Homicide Department was checking anything recently, I also know a Night Dove foothold.” Females under this giant crisis, to maintain life, put together all, continued to open the mouth hastily, informed the position of foothold. “还有,我听说了你们捕凶司最近在查什么,我还知道一处夜鸠的据点。”女子在这巨大的危机下,为了保命,也是拼了所有,连忙继续开口,告知了据点的位置。 The Xu Qing hear, has the profound meaning greatly looked at this female one eyes, thought of the Team Leader informer, therefore puts out spirit coin, gave her. 许青听完,大有深意的看了这女子一眼,想到了队长的线人,于是拿出一个灵币,递给了她。 Later also has such clue, waits for me here.” “以后还有这样的线索,就在这里等我。” The females gawked, hesitated, the significance of her very clear these words, quick clenched teeth ruthlessly, nods, received spirit coin, in gazing after of Xu Qing, rapid departure lamely. 女子一愣,迟疑了一下,她很清楚这句话的意义,很快就狠狠咬牙,点了点头,接过了灵币,在许青的目送中,一瘸一拐的飞速离去。 Until the form of female, vanished in the crowd, Xu Qing stood up the body, he did not have to confirm the opposite party saying that the genuine and fake in Night Dove foothold, he only need report Si inside, some people will naturally confirm. 直至女子的身影,消失在了人群内,许青站起了身,他没有去验证对方所说夜鸠据点的真假,他只需上报司里,自然有人会去验证。 Therefore in this city does an inspection one, setting sun, Xu Qing inn that went to the same day to live. 所以在这城内又巡查一番后,夕阳时,许青去了当日居住的客栈。 Daytime time, the inn is also opening, the person but who enters almost does not have. 白天的时候,客栈也是开着的,但进入的人几乎没有。 Xu Qing swept sweeping by far, remembers inn old man's bizarre existence(s), he has not acted rashly, but returned to Homicide Department, after the foothold clue that will obtain reported that came off duty leaves. 许青远远的扫了扫,想起客栈老头的诡异,他没有轻举妄动,而是回到了捕凶司,将获得的据点线索上报后,下值离开。 Can the surface comply as for that female, afterward missing, Xu Qing does not care, because she met that spirit coin, above...... poisonous. 至于那女子会不会表面答应,事后失踪,许青不在意,因为她接了那枚灵币,上面……有毒。 Three days later, needs to detoxify. 三天后,需要解毒的。 On the road ran into several six teams of team members, saw after Xu Qing, swept sweeping indifferently, each other has not spoken, only the middle-aged team member, invitation Xu Qing with a laugh drinks together. 路上遇到了几个六队的队员,看到许青后都冷漠的扫了扫,彼此没说话,唯有一个中年队员,笑呵呵的邀请许青一起去喝酒。 On does not allow to kill one another in this outwardly, mutually plundering Seven Blood Pupils, such invitation, somewhat is in secret offensive, makes Xu Qing vigilant, resists tranquilly. 在这明面上不允许自相残杀,暗中却相互掠夺的七血瞳,这样的邀请,有些唐突,更让许青警惕,平静推拒。 Today, is a special day, he does not want to kill people, thinks that a person lives alone. 今天,是一个特殊的日子,他不想杀人,想一个人独处。 Moreover, he also plans a medicine shop. 另外,他也打算去一趟药铺。 He must buy refines the White Pill medicinal herbs, after the attempt refines, sells for money by this, simultaneously the toxicant and Black Pill are also not much left, needs to supplement, and he also has on the idea about toxicant, must confirm. 他要买一些炼制白丹的药草,尝试炼制后以此卖钱,同时毒药与黑丹也所剩无几,需要补充,且他还有更多关于毒药上的想法,要去验证一下。 According to outlining map in mind, quick Xu Qing found a medicine shop. 按照勾勒在脑海里的地图,很快许青就找到了一家药铺。 This medicine shop is very big, inside coming and going crowd are many, the attire is the gray Daoist robe. 这药铺很大,里面来来往往人群不少,衣着都是灰色道袍。 Compounded drug and so on goods, each peak disciples need. 丹药之类的物品,各个峰弟子都需要。 Walking into of Xu Qing, because of beauty of its look, caused some people to pay attention, but swept mostly, expression not obvious reveal on face. 许青的走入,因其相貌的清秀,引起了一些人注意,但大都是一扫而过,表情不会明显的露在脸上。 The Xu Qing look is tranquil, same has swept the crowd in shop, the silent trend counter place. 许青神色平静,一样扫过店铺内的人群,默不作声的走向柜台处。 counter here, besides a storekeeper old man, small fatty. 在柜台这里,除了一个掌柜般的老者外,还有一个小胖子 This small fatty look is common, a gray Daoist robe is very tight on him, seems like, on plump and fair-complected face some freckles, 16 or 17-year-old appearance, is the customer. 这小胖子相貌寻常,一身灰色道袍在他身上很是紧绷,看起来一圈圈的,白白胖胖的脸上有些雀斑,十六七岁的样子,也是顾客。 At this moment is hitting breathing out, will pile up the medicinal herbs on counter, one in giant pocket that putting in carries along. 此刻正打着哈气,将堆积在柜台上的药草,一把把的放入随身携带的巨大口袋里。 The movement has no methodicalness to seek, perhaps the bystander cannot see anything, but Xu Qing can recognize, the opposite party does not understand the herbal medicine. 动作没有任何章法可寻,外人或许看不出什么,但许青一眼就能辨识,对方不懂草药。 Inside some, cannot put together, by his squeezing in pocket carelessly. 里面有一些,是不能放在一起的,也被他胡乱的塞入口袋中。 Storekeeper, this medicinal herbs is a little few, selects?” As Xu Qing approaches, he heard the small fatty discontented sound. “掌柜的,这次药草有点少啊,就这么点啊?”随着许青靠近,他听到了小胖子不满的声音。 You come daily, by your speculative or fictious buying , the goods that tomorrow the master will enter is arrived tomorrow.” The storekeepers and small fatty are very obviously ripe, purchases the medicinal herbs that take after the opposite party, looks at to Xu Qing. “你天天来,都被你买空了,明天吧,明天东家进的货就到了。”掌柜与小胖子显然很熟,将对方购买的药草都拿出来后,看向走来的许青 This Junior Brother, main point what compounded drug?” “这位师弟,要点什么丹药?” I take ten years to live the sphenoid bone to be colored, exquisite ten that gold/metal Chiye 30, process, seven-leaf grass of random year, gold/metal grass 100.” Xu Qing tranquil opens the mouth. “我需要十年生蝶骨花,金翅叶三十株,处理好的玲珑枝十株,任意年份的七叶草,金钮草一百株。”许青平静开口。 „The rhinocero spark of belt/bring root hair, as well as Spirit Congealing Leaf, white root carries respectively ten.” “还有带根须的犀火花,以及凝灵叶,白根背各十株。” Moreover doesn't know spoiled cloud mud and black rose thorn?” After the thinking, Xu Qing supplemented several types of snake venom and poisonous herbs, said looks to the storekeeper. “另外不知有没有腐云泥以及黑瑰刺?”思索后,许青又补充了几样蛇毒与毒草,说完看向掌柜。 The storekeeper eyes concentrate, carefully looked at Xu Qing, he usually meets here, the disciple who buys pill, can meet some purchase herbal medicines occasionally, mostly is the same side of second peak, is such as small fatty such anything does not understand again. 掌柜眼睛一凝,仔细的看了看许青,他在这里平日遇到的,都是买丹的弟子,偶尔能遇到一些购买草药的,也大都是第二峰的同门,再就是如小胖子那样什么都不懂的。 But at present this youth, says so clear thorough, is very unfamiliar, wants to come is not second peak cultivator, this is very rare. 而眼前这少年,说的如此清晰透彻,又很面生,想来不是第二峰修士,这就很少见。 Especially in the medicinal herbs of opposite party, is White Pill needs most probably, this lets the storekeeper looking pensive, deep after looking at Xu Qing one, shakes the head. 尤其是对方的药草里,大半都是白丹所需,这就让掌柜若有所思,深深的看了许青一眼后,摇了摇头。 Other have, altogether 380 ten spirit coin, but only Spirit Congealing Leaf, final 100, were bought by him, you will come to have the goods tomorrow.” The storekeepers refer to packing small fatty. “其他都有,一共三百八十灵币,但唯独凝灵叶,最后一百份,被他买走了,你明天过来有货。”掌柜一指正在打包的小胖子 Xu Qing nods, although Spirit Congealing Leaf is important, but on the day of does not miss, is also reasonable as for the price of herbal medicine, if successful, can refine about 100 White Pill as well as certain poisonous powders probably. 许青点了点头,凝灵叶虽重要,但也不差这一天,至于草药的价格也算合理,若成功的话,大概可以炼出一百枚左右的白丹以及若干毒粉。 Will purchase, but at this moment, nearby small fatty raised the head, sized up Xu Qing, asked the sentence curiously. 正要购买,可就在这时,一旁的小胖子抬头,打量了许青一下,好奇的问了句。 Spirit Congealing Leaf? You also want this thing, is this thing useful? I asked storekeeper several times, he did not tell me.” 凝灵叶?你也要这玩意,这东西有什么用?我问了掌柜好几次,他都不告诉我。” You must ask a big pile each time, each told you, but also did other person of business......” storekeeper helpless sighing. “你每次都要问一大堆,我每一个都告诉你,还做不做其他人生意了……”掌柜无奈的叹了口气。 Xu Qing looked at eye small fatty, thinks once also so earnestly sought the knowledge, therefore opened the mouth in a soft voice. 许青看了眼小胖子,想到了曾经的自己也是如此渴求知识,于是轻声开口。 „The leading role of Spirit Congealing Leaf, two, one is to catalyze other herbal medicines, causes direction that its variation has to want, another is to the flesh, has good nourishing.” 凝灵叶的主要作用,有两个,一个是催化其他草药,使其变异出自己想要的方向,另一个就是对肌肤,有很好的滋养之用。” Small fatty hears here, is suddenly enlighted, very straightforward puts out Spirit Congealing Leaf, almost 78 appearances, placed in front of Xu Qing naturally. 胖子听到这里,恍然大悟,很是豪爽的拿出一把凝灵叶,差不多七八株的样子,大方的放在了许青面前。 Thanked the brothers, these delivered you.” Small fatty said that lifts up the bag very happily walks toward outside, resembles to him, delivers an herbal medicine to others, is only an insignificant minor matter. “谢了兄弟,这些送你了。”小胖子说完,扛起袋子美滋滋的向着外面走去,似对他来说,送点草药给别人,只是一件微不足道的小事。 Xu Qing gawked, hesitates to be just about to reject, but small fatty already going out front door hurriedly, but also put out jade slip, resembled is sending greetings. 许青一愣,迟疑了一下正要拒绝,可小胖子已风风火火的走出大门,还拿出了玉简,似在传音。 Nearby storekeeper opens the mouth with a smile. 一旁的掌柜笑着开口。 This small fatty called Huang Yan, was the Seventh Peak disciple, was the unreasoning passion rare and beautiful flowers, does not know that which girl student by charming, coming here to buy the medicinal herbs many years, bought again, money that his these years spent, sufficed to become my master, but this boy was not simple, was so high-profile, unexpectedly can also live now.” “这小胖子黄岩,是第七峰的弟子,也是个痴情的奇葩,不知被哪个女弟子给迷住了,来我这里买药草多年,再这么买下去,他这些年花的钱,都够成为我东家的了,不过这小子也不简单,这么高调,居然还能活到现在。” Xu Qing deep looked at eye small fatty to go far away the direction that without the speech, purchased the other herbal medicines after the medicine shop left. 许青深深的看了眼小胖子远去的方向,没说话,在药铺将余下草药购买后离开。 Returned to the berth, inspection after as always unobstructive, Xu Qing walks into magic boat, immediately starts the protection, as the protection appears, he relaxes. 一路回到了泊位,一如既往的检查无碍后,许青走入法舟,立刻开启防护,随着防护出现,他才松了口气。 Compares in the outside world, magic boat can the Xu Qing security sense, at this moment he enters the cabin to sit down, takes out the medicinal herbs that buys, putting away according to groups, the mind appears White Pill pill recipe. 相比于外界,法舟更能给许青安全感,此刻他进入船舱坐下,取出买来的药草,分门别类的放好,脑海浮现白丹丹方 Although had not collected the medicinal herbs that White Pill needs before, but Xu Qing does not have the relax relaxed regarding mixing of compounded drug, therefore after this moment these medicinal herbs are comprehensive, he thinks, starts to refine. 虽之前一直没有凑齐白丹所需的药草,但许青对于丹药的调配始终没有松缓,所以此刻这些药草全面后,他思索一番,开始炼制。 The time, passes slowly, at midnight arrives. 时间,慢慢流逝,午夜到来。
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