BT :: Volume #1

#27: The stranger is like a jade( third)

The night mountain forest, has the wolf howling sound reverberation. 黑夜的山林,有狼嚎声回荡。 But this sound only presented the moment, dissipates gradually, seems one to compare them also to want fierce existence, is walking lonely. 但这声响只出现了片刻,就渐渐消散,似有一个比它们还要凶猛的存在,正孤独的走来。 Walks in the blackness, losing in Xu Qing heart is unable fast was buried the heart, since childhood him who grows up in the slum, had been used to leaving, but this time actually depth especially. 走在漆黑中,许青心中的失落无法快速的被埋入心底,从小在贫民窟长大的他,本已经习惯了离别,可这一次却格外的深。 That innermost feelings deserted feeling, making his mood low and deep, silent, form also even more dreary. 那种内心空落落的感觉,让他情绪低沉,沉默中,身影也越发萧瑟。 Until soon, walked evening's him at dawn, saw the camp under daybreak. 直至快要天亮时,走了一晚上的他,看到了黎明下的营地。 In the camps, the lights are sparse. 营地内,灯火稀疏。 Xu Qing thought of the past, when oneself come back from forbidden area is late, can see lights of residence, has been lightening for him. 许青想到了以往,无论自己从禁区回来时多晚,都可以看到有一处居所的灯火,一直在为他点亮。 But today, that direction, forever was short of one. 可今天,那个方向,永远的少了一盏。 The desolate meaning is thicker, Xu Qing walks into the camp silently, before arriving at the jet black residence, opened the door to see in the courtyard that more than ten wild dogs, they also static is looking at him. 落寞之意更浓,许青默默走入营地,走到了漆黑的居所前,推开门看见了院子里那十多条野狗,它们也静静的望着他。 Looks up, third room shed, black. 抬头去看,三间屋舍,一片黑色。 Without the habitation, without light, without aura. 没有人烟,没有灯光,没有气息。 In the kitchen also remains yesterday's dinner. 厨房里还残留着昨日的晚饭。 Xu Qing walks, looks at the third mate tableware on table, after being in a daze was very long, silent sitting there, lowers the head to eat the ice-cold meal. 许青走进去,看着桌子上的三副碗筷,发呆了很久后,默然的坐在那里,低头吃着冰冷的饭菜。 , Swallows after slowly, he cleaned the tableware, tidied up the kitchen, deeply inspired, returned to own room. 一口,一口,慢慢咽下后,他清洗了碗筷,收拾了厨房,深吸口气,回到了自己的房间。 Closed the eye, starts cultivation. 闭上了眼,开始修行 But outside courtyard at this moment, the purple robe old man with its servant, is standing there, vision can penetrate all, among sees Xu Qing. 而此刻的院子外,紫袍老者与其仆从,正站在那里,目光似能穿透一切,看到其内的许青 They in silent, after long time , the purple robe old man sighed one lightly. 他们都在沉默,半晌后紫袍老者轻叹一声。 Is child who feels emotion the righteousness.” “是个有情有义的孩子。” Master Seventh, do we want to give him a token?” servant looks to the purple robe old man. 七爷,我们要不要给他一个令牌?”仆从看向紫袍老者。 We from forbidden area, the Yunmeng flower that Grandmaster Bai wants, brings.” Then, the purple robe old man body dissipates slowly, side servant nods, same also dissipates. “等我们从禁区内,将柏大师想要的云梦花,取来的吧。”说完,紫袍老者身体慢慢消散,身旁仆从点头,一样随之消散。 ...... …… Then, a night passes. 就这样,一夜过去。 Next morning goes out of Xu Qing of room, subconscious looks to the Captain Thunder dwelling, but quick received the vision, silently goes to Grandmaster Bai there to attend class, coming back silently. 第二天清晨走出房间的许青,下意识的看向雷队的住处,但很快就将目光收了回来,默默的去柏大师那里上课,又默默的回来。 A person made the food, on the table he was suspending the third mate tableware as before, silently is eating. 一个人做了顿饭,桌子上他依旧摆着三副碗筷,默默的吃着。 From time to time looks up to seat that Captain Thunder was once, there...... was short of a person, was short of the words sound. 时而抬头看向雷队曾经所在的座位,那里……少了一个人,也少了话语声。 The reorganization food, is very peaceful, the lonely feeling fills the air again in the heart of Xu Qing, was depressed by him forcefully. 整顿饭,很安静,寂寞的感觉再一次弥漫在许青的心中,又被他强行压下。 A person finished eating, after tidying up the tableware, he takes out to food of wild dog, threw in the courtyard. 一个人吃完,收拾了碗筷后,他取出给野狗的食物,扔在了院子里。 Looks at swallowing of that flock of wild dogs, Xu Qing returns to the room , to continue to sit in meditation. 看着那群野狗的吞食,许青回到房间,继续打坐。 The day, this passes day-by-day, quick arrives sixth day that Captain Thunder left. 日子,就这样一天天过去,很快就到了雷队离开的第六天。 Xu Qing will have lost buries in the heart, recovery the indifference in ordinary day, but if carefully looked, will discover his indifference, iced coldly. 许青已经将失落埋在了心底,恢复了平日里的冷漠,可若仔细去看,会发现他的冷漠,更冰寒了。 When goes to Grandmaster Bai to attend class, in other time, on the Xu Qing vigilant feeling, always exists, this condition he is not strange, because of the beforehand six years, this...... is his normal state. 除了去柏大师上课时,在其他的时间中,许青身上的警惕感,始终存在,这种状态他不陌生,因之前的六年,这……才是他的常态。 If this solitary one wolf. 如孤狼。 His cultivate was also more diligent than the past, as if this, can make him retrieve familiar lonely as soon as possible, until seventh day night, Xu Qing cultivation base, breakthrough. 修炼的也比以往更勤奋,似乎这样,才可以让他尽快找回熟悉的孤独,直至第七天深夜,许青修为,突破了。 From beforehand Sea and Mountain Art four layers, broke through fifth layer. 从之前的海山诀四层,突破到了第五层 With within the body bang bang the sound reverberation, outside these wild dogs also felt the strength of suppression, shivered in abundance withdraws, seemed in the Xu Qing room, existed made them awe the frightened aura. 随着体内的砰砰之声回荡,外面的那些野狗也都感受到了压制之力,纷纷颤抖中退后,好似许青的房间内,存在了让它们敬畏恐惧的气息。 this time, the sound of Xu Qing within the body continued to be very long. 这一次,许青体内的声响持续了很久。 Even looked from the time, before exceeding . 甚至从时间去看,超越了之前。 Enough after half double-hour, when the dirt when the Xu Qing whole body fine hair hole overflows achieved the pinnacle, his eye opens fiercely. 足足半个时辰后,当许青全身汗毛孔溢出的污垢达到了极致时,他的眼睛猛地睁开。 The entire room in this flash, presents purple light that flashed flickers passes. 整个房间在这一刹那,都出现了闪瞬即逝的紫光 In instantly, the body reverberation of Xu Qing his eye opens ka ka the sound, seems the bone to grow, the flesh is pulling, tears the feeling also to exist. 更是在他眼睛睁开的刹那,许青的身体回荡咔咔之音,好似骨头在生长,血肉在拉扯,撕裂感也随之存在。 But all these to Xu Qing, but also in his tolerance range. 但这一切对许青而言,还在他的承受范围内。 In tranquil enduring patiently, passed half double-hour, when all these finished slowly, Xu Qing stood up the body, his clothes end of mourning period short a section. 平静的忍耐中,又过去了半个时辰,这一切慢慢结束时,许青站起了身,他身上的衣服竟短了一截。 The slender body seems like, did not say is reborn, but also differs not many, very fining. 修长的身体看起来,不说脱胎换骨,但也相差不多,很是精炼。 Especially the appearance, does not have heterogeneity because in within the body, a purity. 尤其是容貌,因体内没有异质,一片纯净。 This makes it original beauty more obvious, coordinates his indifference, has the strange charm that dirt is unable to cover up unexpectedly. 这使其原本的清秀更为明显,配合他的冷漠,竟存在了一股污垢也无法遮掩的奇异魅力。 But Xu Qing has not cared about these, he goes out of the house, after testing the speed, he makes a fist toward the midair, seems the sound of reverberation stuffy thunder, big of its strength, exceeds beforehand four layers incessantly one time! 许青没在意这些,他走出屋舍,测试了速度后,他向着半空打出一拳,似有闷雷之音回荡,其力量之大,超越之前四层不止一倍! More astonishing, is when his fist falls, the spiritual energy fluctuation is intense, unexpectedly transformed Imp Shadow faintly, the mouth had the fang, seemed the evil spirit! 更为惊人的,是在他的拳落下之时,灵能波动强烈,居然隐隐幻化出了魈影,口有獠牙,好似厉鬼! „Is this power of an Imp?” In shivering of all around wild dog, Xu Qing looked at eye own fist, muttered whispers. “这就是一魈之力?”在四周野狗的颤抖中,许青看了眼自己的拳头,喃喃低语。 On Sea and Mountain Art has mentioned, each layer adds the strength of a tiger, with five tigers becoming one Imp and two Imps turning into a Kui. 海山诀上提到过,每一层增加一虎之力,而五虎为一魈,两魈为一魁 But after Xu Qing hesitates felt, oneself and Sea and Mountain Art description does not tally. 许青沉吟后觉得,自己与海山诀的描述不太符合。 Now own strength feared that has reached the seven or eight tigers degree, the speed is also so, even he has certain confidence, oneself Sea and Mountain Art cultivated/repaired the sixth strata time, will have the strength of two mandrill ahead of time. 如今自身的力量怕是已经达到了七八虎的程度,速度也是如此,甚至他有一定信心,自己海山诀修到了第六层时,将提前具备两魈之力。 Should be the purple crystal effect, in the tracing temple that the blade of the idol is the result.” “应该是紫色水晶的功效,还有临摹神庙内那神像的一刀所致。” The Xu Qing heart muttered, looks at own right hand, silent after long time, lifted slowly, the mind appeared the idol's blade picture, the faint all around air current seems gathering. 许青心底喃喃,看着自己的右手,沉默半晌后缓缓抬起,脑海浮现神像一刀的画面,隐隐的四周的气流仿佛在汇聚。 After long time, Xu Qing has not continued, but put down the right hand. 半晌后,许青没有继续,而是放下了右手。 Also almost.” “还差一点。” Xu Qing can feel, own tracing is insufficient, at this moment deeply inspires, will go to the room, when under the moonlight, turns around he, lowered the head to see own shadow. 许青能感受到,自己的临摹还不够,此刻深吸口气,正要回房间,可月光下,转身时的他,低头看到了自己的影子。 Before broke through, all heterogeneity as usual, integrated in the shadow, his whole body at this moment from inside to outside, a purity, heterogeneity has not existed slightly. 之前突破时,所有的异质与往常一样,都融入到了影子内,此刻的他全身从内到外,一片纯净,没有丝毫异质存在。 Stares at the shadow, Xu Qing raises suddenly a idea. 凝望影子,许青忽然升起一个想法。 Does not know this shadow, can control......” “不知这影子,能否控制……” This idea after his mind appears, is getting deeper and deeper, making Xu Qing stare unceasingly, the heart attempts to make the hand of shadow move, may attempt to be very long, is unable to achieve. 这想法在他脑海浮现后,越来越深,使得许青不断地凝望,心底尝试让影子的手动弹,可尝试了很久,也还是无法做到。 This makes Xu Qing sigh one lightly, he thought that was greedy, will give up, but...... the hand of its shadow, shook at this moment suddenly! 这让许青轻叹一声,他觉得是自己贪心了,正要放弃,可就在这时……其影子的手,突然抖了一下! This, making the Xu Qing eye open fiercely, the breath is slightly rapid. 这一幕,让许青眼睛猛地睁大,呼吸微微急促。 He determined that is not the vertigo, but own hand has not just now moved, therefore increased stared and attempted. 他确定不是眼花,而方才自己的手没动,所以加大了凝望与尝试。 Until after long time, the hand of his shadow, in the hand of Xu Qing has not lifted, slightly...... lifted! 直至半晌后,他影子的手,在许青的手不曾抬起间,微微的……抬了一下! , Xu Qing thought that the head seems must blast out, air-to-air. 只是一下,许青就觉得头部好似要炸开,一片空空。 Good long time recovery in headache, under pants, his eye actually reveals the intense ray. 好半晌才在头痛中恢复了一些,气喘吁吁下,他的眼睛却露出强烈的光芒。 Can control!” Xu Qing lowers the head, deep looked at shadow one. “可以控制!”许青低头,深深的看了影子一眼。 He knows although now controls to be very difficult, and just now brain air-to-air with present headache, is telling him this matter's consumption to be enormous. 他知道如今虽控制起来很艰难,且方才大脑的空空与如今的头痛,都在告诉他此事的消耗极大。 But he believes that with own skilled, with own cultivation base promotion, then sooner or later, oneself can control their shadow flexibly. 但他相信,随着自己的熟练,随着自己的修为提升,那么早晚有一天,自己可以灵活的操控自身的影子。 But to that time, the shadow...... will become his unexpected weapon! 而到了那个时候,影子……将成为他出其不意的武器! On the day of hope, can arrive a bit faster.” Xu Qing deeply inspired, rubs the ache to want the forehead of crack, returning to the room to sit cross-legged to sit in meditation. “希望那一天,能快点到来。”许青深吸口气,揉了揉疼痛欲裂的额头,回到了房间盘膝打坐。 Until early morning, he recovery half, some look dispiriteds. 直至清晨,他才恢复了一半,神色有些萎靡。 Hits spirit forcefully, changed big point old clothes, rushed to the Grandmaster Bai tent. 强行打起精神,换了一身大一点的旧衣服,匆匆去了柏大师的帐篷。 Chen Feiyuan is not, Grandmaster Bai has not come, only has Ting Yu there at the back of the pharmacopoeia, after seeing Xu Qing came, her optional lifting hand greets, continues to recite. 陈飞源不在,柏大师也还没来,唯有婷玉在那里背着药典,看到许青来了后,她随意的抬手打了个招呼,又继续背诵。 These days is this, Xu Qing hear of Ting Yu have said that in these youngster and young girl that a while ago outside came, there is a Chen Feiyuan friend, therefore he often asks for leave to play. 这段时间都是这样,许青婷玉说过,前段时间外面来的那些少年少女里,有陈飞源的朋友,所以他时常请假过去玩耍。 But Grandmaster Bai does not know that this period of time is bustling about anything, every day will be later, after finishing the curriculum, will leave quickly. 柏大师这段时间不知在忙碌什么,每日来的会晚一些,结束课程后也会很快离开。 After Xu Qing nod, sits when the one side, takes out own bamboo strip, silently review yesterday's schoolwork, the one side fires off Ting Yu that greeting lowers the head, suddenly raised the head, doubt looked at Xu Qing. 许青点头后坐在一旁,取出自己的竹片,默默复习昨日的功课时,一旁打完招呼低下头的婷玉,忽然又抬起头,狐疑的看了看许青 How did I feel you probably to be many some changes?” “我怎么觉得你好像身上多了些变化?” Xu Qing has not raised the head , to continue to review. 许青没抬头,继续复习。 The Ting Yu bright pupil stares, careful examination. 婷玉晶亮的眸子一瞪,仔细的查看一番。 Quick Grandmaster Bai came, therefore she is forced to give up, but in curriculum of this day, she has swept Xu Qing repeatedly. 很快柏大师来了,于是她只好作罢,但这一天的课程中,她多次扫过许青 If traded the past, Grandmaster Bai is surely severe, but he resembles today also has the concern, but after teaching several, has not gone to pay attention. 若换了往日,柏大师必定严厉,但今日他似也有心事,只是训了几句后,就没去理会。 Until spoke the curriculum, arranged the content that tomorrow inspected, Grandmaster Bai then departed in a hurry. 直至将课程讲完,又布置了明日考核的内容,柏大师便匆匆离去。 After the teacher walks, Xu Qing sets out just about to leave, Ting Yu that side body in a flash, blocked directly by the gate. 老师走后,许青起身刚要离开,婷玉那边身体一晃,直接就拦在了门旁。 The Xu Qing brow wrinkles slightly, looks to Ting Yu. 许青眉头微微皱起,看向婷玉 Gaining ground that Ting Yu also refuses to admit being inferior, on the elegant refined small face, the star moon/month big eye is staring Xu Qing, the beautiful eye swept sweeping on his height and face, absent-minded say/way. 婷玉也不甘示弱的抬头,秀美脱俗的小脸上,星月般的大眼睛瞪着许青,美目在他身高以及脸上扫了扫,恍惚道。 I knew, your stature grew.” “我知道了,你个子长高了。” Un.” Xu Qing nods, goes round Ting Yu to depart, but the Ting Yu body in a flash, stops again, if resplendent in the pupil of stars brings curiously some. “嗯。”许青点了点头,绕开婷玉想要离去,但婷玉身体一晃,再次阻拦,灿若繁星的眸子里带着一些好奇。 Kid, your face is dirty daily, I do not know that your long anything appearance, you have the change today, is not good, I must scratch to you, actually having a look at you to be long what.” 小孩,你这脸天天脏兮兮的,我都不知道你长什么样子,今天你又有了变化,不行,我要给你擦擦,看看你究竟长什么样。” Ting Yu is saying, took out the handkerchief, must begin. 婷玉说着,取出了手帕,就要动手。 The Xu Qing repel, the body just about to withdraws, Ting Yu snort/hum. 许青排斥,身体刚要退后,婷玉哼了一声。 Kid, I help you ask for leave, this is the favor!” 小孩,我帮你请过假,这是人情!” Xu Qing acts, but taking advantage of the moment that he stops, the Ting Yu body arrives instantaneously, handkerchief spiritual energy in hand fluctuates moist, wipes on the face of Xu Qing gently. 许青动作一顿,而借着他停顿的一刻,婷玉身体瞬间到来,手里的手帕灵能波动间湿润,在许青的脸上轻轻一抹。 The cancelled cheeks, reveal the pure white flesh instantaneously, the Xu Qing heart do not bear, will leave forcefully. 抹去的脸颊,瞬间露出洁白的肌肤,许青心底不耐,正要强行离开。 Kid, I am your Senior Sister!” Ting Yu shouted again, but this Senior Sister two characters, the weight/quantity is extremely obviously weighty, making the body of Xu Qing stiffen. 小孩,我是你师姐!”婷玉再次大喊,而这师姐二字,分量显然极重,使许青的身体不由僵住。 Ting Yu eye curved like the crescent moon, is hiding the spirit rhyme and cunningness, the this time speed is faster, takes the handkerchief to scratch to wipe on the Xu Qing face. 婷玉眼睛弯的像月牙儿一样,藏着灵韵与狡黠,这一次速度更快,拿着手帕在许青脸上擦来擦去。 Although the Xu Qing heart repels intensely, but the Senior Sister two characters, making him not dodge finally. 许青心底虽强烈排斥,可师姐二字,让他最终没有闪躲。 Then, with cleaning of Ting Yu, face of Xu Qing, reveals slowly. 就这样,随着婷玉的擦拭,许青的脸,也慢慢显露出来。 But the Ting Yu movement gradually is also slow, the eye opens, dull looks at the Xu Qing appearance, why in the mind does not know, appeared the sunlight. 婷玉的动作也渐渐缓慢,眼睛更是睁大,呆呆的看着许青的容貌,脑海里不知为何,浮现出了阳光。 Xu Qing for six years, on the first face clean, this makes him quite ill, stays while Ting Yu there, he goes round immediately, drills the tent rapidly. 许青六年来,第一次脸上干净,这让他极为不适,趁着婷玉呆在那里,他立刻绕开,飞速钻出帐篷。 The sunlight shakes on the face, Xu Qing ill is more intense, one type walks nakedly outside feeling. 阳光晃在脸上,许青的不适更为强烈,有一种赤身走在外面的感觉。 Therefore he lowers the head to pick up the mud of ground, spread spreading on the face, this relaxes, the heart feels more comfortable, recovery is indifferent, walks toward forbidden area. 于是他低下头捡起地面的泥巴,在脸上涂了涂,这才松了口气,心底觉得舒服很多,恢复冷漠,向着禁区走去。 Until he leaves, Ting Yu in tent the long exhalation one breath, twittering whispered. 直至他离开,帐篷内的婷玉才长长的呼出一口气,呢喃低语。 Un, long also good.” “嗯,长的还不错。” She is saying, the subconsciousness raises the gate of tent, looked that to back that Xu Qing goes far away, the simple and elegant attractive small face somewhat is slightly red, the fawn proceeds along no particular course looked. 她说着,下意识掀起帐篷的门,看向许青远去的背影,清雅灵秀的小脸微微有些红,小鹿乱撞的四下看了看。 Was more attractive than Chen Feiyuan, was not right, Chen Feiyuan had no way to compare with him completely.” “比陈飞源好看多了,不对,陈飞源完全没法和他比啊。” ------ ------ Brothers and sisters, again three chapters of renewals, ten thousand character! 兄弟姐妹,再次三章更新啦,万字! The monthly ticket, recommends the ticket, the promotion, comes one wave 月票,推荐票,推广,来一波呗
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