War-godfort, EllHoynemanor.
战神堡,艾尔霍因庄园。Victorjustcame backfrom the graveyard, underhisstriving, the oldfine jadethinks ofpromiseshimto bury the wifein the familygraveyardreluctantly.
维克多刚从墓园里回来,在他的争取下,老琼思勉强答应他把妻子安葬在家族墓园里。If before is , the familymembersbury, howregardless ofitsposition, the familymembersto be ableallappearances.
如果是以前的话,家族成员下葬,无论生前其地位如何,家族成员都会全体到场。BecauseAnnaactssecretly, causing the EllHoyneentirefamilyto fall into the badposition, although the oldfine jadethinksto allowhimto bury the wifein the familygraveyard, butis willingto attend the funeral is actually very few.
但因为安娜私自行动,导致艾尔霍因整个家族陷入不利的境地,尽管老琼思允许他将妻子安葬在家族墓园,可愿意来参加葬礼的却是少之又少。BesidesVictorandhis son, attended the funeralonSecond BrotherGeyl, thisprobablyis the EllHoynefamilyin historyloneliestfuneral, in the biggraveyard, fewis about2-3people.
After returning to the manor, Victorreceived the message, picking up the youngcongressmen in Araki to reply in writing, his fatherwas in the study roomhe.
回到庄园后,维克多就收到了消息,拾荒城的年轻议员有回信了,他的父亲正在书房等他。Victorhalf steparrives at the study room, opened the door, not onlyseesSecond BrotherGeyl, big brotherHanninBaishi Basehas also come back.
维克多快步来到书房,推开了门,非但见到二哥盖尔,就连一直在白石基地的大哥汉恩也回来了。Hanncan be said asthreeHyongjeribiggestone, the bodylike the iron tower, hein a standtoward the study room, very spaciousroomfeltimmediatelysomewhatnarrowly.
汉恩可以说是三兄弟里最高大的一个,身如铁塔,他往书房里一站,本来挺宽敞的房间顿时觉得有些狭窄。Hann'shairis very short, hardlike the steel needle, sendingmustbe all white, on the face the lineis sharp, likeonecanhave the sharp blade of sheathmomentarily.
汉恩的头发很短,根根硬如钢针,发须皆白,脸上线条锋利,如同一把随时会出鞘的利刃。Victorseeshim, selectedgently, Hannanythinghad not said,was only‚un’one.
维克多见到他,轻轻点了下头,汉恩什么也没说,只是‘嗯’了一声。Thenlistened tooldJone saying: „Youwere in attendance, howthatlistens tothatyoung peopleto say.”
接着就听老琼恩说:“你们都到齐了,那就来听听那位年轻人怎么说吧。”Hegestures, second sonGeylput outbox the remote controlto press , the rayblackout of study room, on the wallpresentedat the same time the illuminant shield, in the screenwas a place of similarexecution grounds, picking upArakithatyoungcongressmanto siton a chair, is kneeling a personin front ofhim, looked that the backseemed likeintheirfamiliesto have‚hunting dog’Mihok of name.
他打了个手势,二儿子盖尔就拿出一个盒子似的遥控器按了下,书房的光线转暗,墙壁上出现一面光屏,屏幕中是一个类似刑场的地方,拾荒城那个年轻议员坐在一张椅子上,在他前面跪着一个人,看背影似乎是他们家族里有‘猎犬’之称的米霍克。This is also a video clip, the video recordingfrom the beginning, thenseessomepeopleto arrive atsideMihok, is pointing athistempleswith the spear/gun.
The nextsecond, light beamacrossMihok'shead, ‚hunting dog’turned into a corpseimmediately, lay down the ground.
The lensmove ahead, after givingMihok a feature article, carries overpicks upArakithatyoungcongressman.
镜头前移,给了米霍克一个特写后,才移向拾荒城那位年轻议员。Sees onlythatyoung peopleboth handstenfingers of overlapping, the facebelt/bringsmile: „Mr.Victor, yourinvitationIhad received, first, regarding the misfortune that EllHoynehas, Iexpressed deep sympathy.”
只见那个年轻人双手十指交叉,脸带微笑:“维克多先生,你的邀请我已经收到了,首先,对于艾尔霍因所发生的不幸,我深表同情。”Meeting that „in addition, youproposed, Iwanted. We hope when the time comes, Icanseeyou, saw that your EllHoyne'shead of householdoldfine jadethinks of the mister, wetrulyshouldsitto chatwell, toavoidsimilartragedy happening again.”
“此外,你所提出的见面,正是我想要的。希望到时候,我可以见到你,见到你们艾尔霍因的家主老琼思先生,我们确实应该坐下来好好谈谈,以避免类似的悲剧再次发生。”„Iwill arrive at the war-godfortonnext week'sWednesday, anticipatesandyouvery muchmeets.”
The lenswithdraw, as can be seen, Mihok'sbodycarried off, hence, the content of entirevideo recordingcame to an end.
After broadcasting, the oldfine jadethinksto look that saidtoseveralsons: „How do yousee?”
播放完毕之后,老琼思看向几个儿子道:“你们怎么看?”Hannfirstsaid: „Ihave dispatchedoneeliteto comefromBaishi Base, when the time comes, Iwill participate in the interceptionactionpersonally. ButIsuspected,Mihokbeforedying, possiblyhad disclosedourdetails.”
汉恩首先说道:“我已经从白石基地调遣了一支精锐过来,到时候,我会亲自参与截杀行动。但我怀疑,米霍克在死前,可能已经透露了我们的底细。”„Ifheknows that Annahas died, after all, helikesAnna, andnot necessarilyis the matter of manysecret.”
“如果他知道安娜已经死了的话,毕竟,他喜欢安娜,并不见得是件多秘密的事。”Saying, Hannlookstooneselfyounger brother: „Victor, youshould notmakeAnnacommit suicide, youmade the matterincrease a indefinitevariable.”
说着,汉恩看向自己的弟弟:“维克多,你不应该让安娜自杀的,你让整件事又增加了一个不确定的变数。”Victorlookstranquillytooneselfelder brother: „Sheismy wife.”
维克多平静地看向自己兄长:“她是我的妻子。”„Shenot necessarilyhaslovesyou.”Hannlightsay/way.
“她不见得有多爱你。”汉恩淡淡道。Victorgets hold of the fistfiercely, thenatthis time, father'svoicemade a sound: „Stops, in any event, matterhad changed, thenwemustdo, thinks the goodsure card.”
The oldfine jadethinksto looktoowneldest son: „At this timeaccusedownbrothers, cannotmake the matterwell.”
老琼思看向自己的大儿子:“这个时候指责自己的兄弟,并不能让事情变得更好。”Hannlowers the head, withoutrebuttal, buthas not approved.
汉恩低下头,没有反驳,但也没有赞同。Geylcoughedclear a sound said: „Recently some of Iandfortressofficials in met, theyas ifdid not know the circumstances of the matterregardingthismatter, it seems likethatyoungcongressmanandendnoticefortress.”
盖尔清咳了一声道:“最近我和堡垒的一些官员见面,他们对于这件事似乎并不知情,看来那位年轻议员并末通知堡垒。”„Thisis the good deed, but must keep a mind, if the fortresshigh levelhas the relationwithhimin secret, is deliberately hiding the truth from the followingperson, thatexpressed that the fortresshas stoodthat sidehim.”
The oldfine jadethinks of the sinkingsound said: „LaterIwill go to a church, sees one side withBishopJoseph, hopes that canwin over the support of church.”
老琼思沉声道:“稍后我会去一趟教会,跟约瑟主教见一面,希望能够争取到教会的支持。”Victorsaidunemotionally: „We every year, maypresent tributemanythingsto the church.”
The oldfine jadethoughtto look athisoneeyes: „With the relations that the materialbindsisfrailest, becauseourenemies can also do that.”
老琼思看了他一眼:“用物质维系的关系是最脆弱的,因为我们的敌人也可以这么做。”Geyllooksto the fathersaid: „PerhapswecanaskkingLingjunto comewar-godfort.”
The oldfine jadethought of the nod saying: „Lateryouandherelate, the conditionopensalong withhim, so long aswecan take, is not parsimonious.”
老琼思点头说:“稍后你和他联系,条件随他开,只要我们拿得出来,绝不吝啬。”Hann who had not said a wordsneered the sound: „kingLingjuntimid as a rabbit, otherwiseif, hewill easily hand overMihok?”
一直没有言语的汉恩冷笑了声:“王凌君胆小如鼠,如若不然,他会那么轻易将米霍克交出去?”„Hedoes not raise the process that fights, butIam picking up the channel in Arakito feed inkingLingjunby the news that youngcongressmandefeats, thereforewemustface, likely is a daysteppowerhouse.”Geylalso added that „, and before, thisyoungcongressmanoncemixed a mediumin the fortress, likely was7levels of media.”
The atmosphere of study roomconcentratesimmediately.
书房的气氛顿时一凝。Hannmuttered: „Official rank7, daysteppowerhouse...”
The oldfine jadethoughtto smilesaying with a smile: „Daysteppowerhouse is not also invincible, so long asweare willingunder the initial capital, not necessarily unable to butcherhim. Moreover, ifhe is really the day of steppowerhouse, wemustbeforehisstillendgrewcompletely, strangledhim. Otherwise, ourEllHoyneormustconsider that lifted the clanto move.”
老琼思笑了笑道:“天阶强者也并非无敌的,只要我们肯下血本,未必宰不了他。而且,如果他真的是天阶强者,那我们更要在他尚末完全成长起来之前,就把他扼杀掉。否则的话,我们艾尔霍因或者就得考虑举族远迁了。”Geylnods: „Do Icontact withkingLingjunnow?”
“去吧。”OldJonelookstoothertwosons: „ThisisourEllHoyne'scrisis, but also is an opportunity. So long ascanmassacrethisyoungcongressman, making the fortressknow that ourstrengthsandbackground, latera lotwill becomeeasy.”
老琼恩看向其它两个儿子:“这是我们艾尔霍因的危机,但也是一种机遇。只要能够杀掉这个年轻议员,让堡垒知道我们的实力和底蕴,以后很多事情都会变得容易。”„Ialsotoldyouoften,ourEllHoyneandnot necessarilypowerful, wecanoperatenow, whatdependenceis the absolute trustfamily member, isthistrust, makingusarrive at the present.”
“我也经常跟你们说,我们艾尔霍因本身并不见得有多强大,我们能够经营到现在,依靠的是对家人的绝对信任,正是这份信任,让我们走到现在。”„Did Hann, Victor, youunderstand?”
“汉恩,维克多,你们明白了吗?”Twobrothersexchanged a meaningful glancemutually, nods: „Weunderstood, father.”
The oldfine jadethinksthento stand: „Verygood, yougobusily, I must go tochurchone.”
与此同时。IncityLordoffice, before HuoHanshantable, piled up with the document, after counterbacteria colonyevent, war-godfortseveralblocksare startingto reconstruct, in the meantime, toprevent the similar incident happened again, the river course, the sewage systemmusttransform, mustset the urgentsecurityvalve, so when needed, shuts off the infectiondisseminationrapidly, preventing the disasterto spread.
城主办公室里,霍寒山的桌前堆满了文件,逆界菌群事件之后,战神堡好几个街区都在开始重建,同时,为了防止类似事件再次发生,河道,下水道系统都要进行改造,都要设置紧急安全阀门,以便在需要的时候,迅速切断感染传播,阻止灾难蔓延。Buttheseprojects, the work loadmaybe many, HuoHanshanfor the ensure quality, the almostevery large or smallprojectwantsto checkpersonally, since these days, hisalmostfood and lodginginoffice, onlydifferencenotinofficepeacefultent.
而这些工程,工作量可不少,霍寒山为了保证质量,几乎大大小小的项目都要自己亲自把关,以至于这段时间以来,他几乎吃住都在办公室里,只差没在办公室安个帐篷了。Is reading a document, HuoHanshanheard the knock, heputs down the document, rubbed the forehead saying: „Comes.”
The gateshoves open, henoticed that the security secretaryleadssecretaryLüsecureto arrive.
门推开,他看到安全部长带着秘书吕安来到。„Citylord, CongressmanTian Yanghas the newsto transmit.” The security secretarylooked atownsecretaryoneeyes, „Lüsecure, you.”
“城主,天阳议员有消息传来。”安全部长看了自己的秘书一眼,“吕安,你来说。”Asdirectlyis responsible forwith the person who Tian Yangcontacts with, Lüsecurenot declining, nodstoHuocoldmountain road: „CongressmanTian Yanghad learned,EllHoyne ’ has a basein ‚ white stonewinding corridor, hehopes that canworkwithus, will launch the attackbeforenext weektothisbase.”
作为直接负责跟天阳联系的人,吕安没有推辞,点了点头对霍寒山道:“天阳议员已经得悉,艾尔霍因在‘白石回廊’有一座基地,他希望可以跟我们合作,在下周之前对这个基地发动攻击。”HuoHanshanwas startled, thensmiled: „It is not really simple, thatyoung peoplehave knownunexpectedlyEllHoyne'sins and outs, hedoes wantto destroythisbase?”
霍寒山怔了下,接着笑了起来:“真不简单啊,那个年轻人居然已经知道艾尔霍因的老底,他想要摧毁这座基地?”Lüsecureshakes the head: „No, hisideaisto controlthisbase.”
吕安摇摇头:“不,他的想法是控制这座基地。”HuoHanshanunderstandsall of a sudden: „Hewantsto take overEllHoyne'sinfluence, naturally, thisisaftereradicating the oldfine jadethought ofand the others.”
霍寒山一下子明白:“他想要接手艾尔霍因的势力,当然,这是在铲除了老琼思等人之后。”Hehesitant, had not saiddecisively: „Toldhim, wegavehim about 500peoplearmies, guaranteed the dispositionto be complete, will at least havetwocolonelsto travel together, wefull powercoordinatedhisaction.”
他没有犹豫,果断地说:“告诉他,我们给他一支500人左右的军队,保证配置齐全,另外至少会有两名上校同行,我们全力配合他的行动。”Lüsecurehas not thought that like thiswill be smooth, gawked, asked: „Do Ireplynow?”
After Lüsecure, the security secretaryworried that said: „Citylord, we, althoughcancope withEllHoynewith the aid ofthisyoung people, but doesn't the most idealconditionmakethemdivertmutually?”
吕安走了后,安全部长不无担心地说:“城主,我们虽然可以借助这个年轻人来对付艾尔霍因,但最理想的状态不是让他们相互牵制吗?”„IfwehelpedhimeradicateEllHoyne, perhapssoon, hewill becomeanotherEllHoyne.”
“如果我们帮他铲除了艾尔霍因,或许用不了多久,他就会成为另一个艾尔霍因。”HuoHanshansmiledsaying with a smile: „Yourworryis not groundless, butIbelieve that forestJianpingcitylord, character who hehas a liking , the patternsowill not be absolutely small.”
霍寒山笑了笑道:“你的担心不无道理,但我相信林剑屏城主,他看上的人物,格局绝对不会这么小的。”„Ifhewill not only place the war-godfort the line of sight, hewill not becomeanotherEllHoyne, hewill have the restraint. Moreoverthis point, fromhimtoprocessing of No. 12inhabit region, had confirmedmyidea.”
“如果他不会把视线只放在战神堡的话,他就不会成为另一个艾尔霍因,他会有克制。而且这一点,从他对12号聚居地的处理来看,就已经证实了我的想法。”SinceHuoHanshanhad confidence, the security secretaryalsono longersaidanything, immediatelysaid goodbye, is busy atownmatter.
既然霍寒山这么有把握,安全部长也就不再说什么,当下告辞,去忙自己的事去了。HuoHanshanlookstoout of the window, the smilesaid: „Oldfine jadethoughtshouldgo to the warto teachnow, does not know that Josephthiswas known as the wise man of fox of westernland, whosethistimewill put the gambling stakeonbody.........”
.............Picks upAraki.
In the evening.
A commonmagnetic energycar(riage)comesto the caninestreet, stoppedin‚desertwild rose’outin the baropen area, the vehicle dooropened, Tian Yang from facing set.
一辆不起眼的磁能车开来到尖牙街,停在了‘沙漠蔷薇’酒吧门外的空地上,车门打开,天阳从里面钻了出来。Hisclothing and personal adornmentsare simple, withoutcarryinganyweapon, like a commonalcoholic, innearbyseveralhave the attireartificial limborhasunderguystaring of tattoo, entersin the barcalmly.
The hall in bar, is dim or dark, is different from otherbars, hereis lonelyandpeaceful.
酒吧的大厅,光线暗淡,和其它酒吧不一样,这里冷清且安静。Buthas the guestto support, Tian Yangselected a positionto sit downcasually, a moment later, somepeoplestretch/openchairsatinhisopposite.
但还是有客人捧场,天阳随便挑了个位置坐下,片刻之后,有人在他对面拉了张椅子坐了下来。Thatiswesternlandpeople who has the longhair, even ifin the evening, healsowears the visormirror.
The line on hisfaceis hale and hearty, remainshas the flavorwhiskersvery much, puts onblackskinarmor.
他脸上的线条硬朗,留着很有味道的络腮胡,穿着黑色皮甲。Heliftsthatmechanicalartificial limb, puton the table, is knocking the desktopwith the steelfingergently: „WhatwindwasCongressmanTian Yangblowing?”
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