Looks that distant placegorgeousray that is releasedby the flamesandvariousabilities, tore to pieces the darkdim light of nightthoroughly, HanShutu the smogwas saying: „Ialsothink that youto an opportunity of forestYuanwupeace talks, never expected thatyouwill hitdirectly, to be honestreceives the ordertime, Ihave a scare.”
看着远处由火光和各种能力所释放出来的绚丽光芒,彻底撕破了黑暗的夜色,韩树吐着烟雾道:“我还以为你会给林元武一个和谈的机会呢,没想到你老人家就这么直接地打了过来,老实说接到命令的时候,我可是吓了一跳来着。”ChuYanladrewby the Night Walkeruniform/subdue that the windsoonblowsflies away, hehesaid with a smile: „ForestYuanmilitarythatold fogyessence, thisoldboywas dormantso manyyears, suddenlystarts the war, youthink that hesowill be easyto rollto the conference tableon?”
褚岩拉了拉被风吹得快要飞走的夜行者制服,呵呵一笑道:“林元武那个老家伙精着呢,这老小子蛰伏了这么多年,突然掀起战争,你以为他会那么容易滚到谈判桌上?”„Ifheis willingto negotiate, beforeheshouldmaketo express. NowifIgivehim the opportunity of peace talks, perhapshissurfacecomplies, in the backgivesmeto comeYin. Youlooked that hecanis losingoneselfwife's younger brothersandso manyofficers, no matter, knows that he is not very simple.”
“如果他愿意谈判,之前他就应该做出表示了。现在我如果给他和谈的机会,说不定他表面答应,背地里给我来阴的。你看他能够把自己的小舅子和那么多官兵丢着不管,就知道他这个人不简单得很。”„Withitsguesses that hewill flingwhattrick, why notIput his on the back-footsimply, so long asgivesto wipe out the trump card on hishand, forestYuanwuwas hopelessto sing.”
The Hantreelooked athisoneeyes saying: „Youalsochattedwithmehere, didn't youuse the battlefield? CarefulforestYuanwumade the aspect that youpainstakingly plannedwasting.”
The Zhe Yanfoaming with rageeyeballlooked athisoneeyes: „Brat, yousaid that thissayingdoes feel all right? Youryoung peopleonbattlefieldstriving for success, insteaddoes not leton my elderly man, youconscientious.”禇岩吹胡子瞪眼睛地看了他一眼:“臭小子,你说这话好意思吗?你一个年轻人不上战场拼搏,反而让我这个老人家上,你有没有良心。”Hantreehollow laugh: „Mythishas not arrived atofficial rank7, otherwiseIhave gotten up.”
“我信你个鬼。”Zhe Yan seems to be happytonight, grinnedto say with a smile: „Relax, somepeoplehave coped withforestYuanwu.”禇岩今晚似乎心情很好,咧了咧嘴笑道:“放心吧,已经有人去对付林元武了。”
The Hantreespoke thoughtlesslyto ask: „Who?”
韩树随口问道:“谁呀?”Thenhesmoked a cigarette.
然后他吸了口烟。„Tian Yang.”
“天阳。”Listens tothisnamesuddenly, Hantreecoughedimmediatelyseveral, chokes the eyeredsay/wayto the smoke: „Tian Yang? You the commander, youdid not makeTian Yangcope withforestYuanwu is also reluctant, was not good, Isupporthimnow.”
A handseizedhim.
褚岩的机械手。„Youare anxious.”
“你紧张个屁。”Zhe Yansaidill-humoredly: „Without the assurance, Iwill puthimto go on stage? Youthink that iswhotellsme the news of differentgod, ishe, nowyouknow why Iputhimto go.”禇岩没好气道:“要是没把握,我会放他上场吗?你以为是谁告诉我异神的消息,是他,现在你知道我为什么放他去了吧。”
The Hantreeis startled: „WasTian Yanggot rid of the differentgod, is heofficial rank7? It is not right, evenofficial rank7, differentgodwherehasis so easyto get rid of.”
The soldierrockloosens the hand saying: „SpecificsituationIam notveryclear, butIknow,hefoundYuannumber/count, andYuannumber/counttrulyalsohad the variation, becomessomelife.”
褚岩松开手道:“具体的情况我不是很清楚,但我知道,他找到了袁数,并且袁数确实也发生了变异,成为某种生命。”„, Thatthingshould unable to be the truedifferentgod, itcannotgroworcompletely, will therefore be processedbyTian Yang.”
“不过呢,那个东西应该还不能算是真正的异神,又或者说,它没能完全成长,所以才会被天阳处理掉。”„As forTian Yang, right, heisofficial rank7. ThisisI the news obtained fromsea of clouds that thereforeIfelt relieved that giveshimto cope a forestYuanmilitary.”
The Hantreehearsdumbfoundedly, the smokefelldoes not know,quite a whilesighed: „Young fellow, Istillremembersinitiallydirectedhistime, was punchedunstailybyhim. Thenhow long, isofficial rank7.”
韩树听得目瞪口呆,连烟掉了都不知道,半天才感叹道:“好小子,我还记得当初指点他的时候,被他揍得东倒西歪。这才多久,就已经是职级七了。”„Mother, then, can Idraw back the body?”
“妈的,这么说来,我得退体了?”Zhe Yanstaredhisoneeyes: „Fatherhas not drawn back, whenwas one's turnyou, youhurriedto givemeto try harder, hurryto promotetoofficial rank7, Igoodthispositionto giveyouCommanderNight Walker.”禇岩瞪了他一眼:“老子还没退呢,什么时候轮到你了,你赶紧给我加把劲,赶紧提升到职级七,我才好把夜行者司令这个位置交给你。”Hantreehollow laughsound said: „Capable work more, is I am lazy, Ithought that nowthispositionis good.”
韩树干笑了声道:“能者多劳,可是我懒,我觉得现在这个位置就不错。”recklessZhadao who hetouches the chin: „ButTian Yangis not that positivefellow, thistimesoto be how initiative.”
The soldierrockhehesaid with a smile: „Becausehewantsto giveto carry offfrom my brilliance, but must take away the talent who canbe the colonelwhile convenient, this can not strive, otherwiseIwill not be cheaphe.”
The Hantreeis astonishedhoweversaid: „Youmeant that fumigateswiththousandrainbows? Alsoyes, Tian Yangshouldnot return to the fortressto make a long stayagain, thattwogirlsmust certainlycarry off.”
韩树讶然道:“您是说薰和千虹?也是,天阳应该不会再回堡垒长住,那两个女孩肯定是要带走的。”„Iheardsixyoung ladies who Yun Jia must leave.”
The soldierrockhehesaid with a smile: „Ireallyunderestimatedthisboy, in this regard, hecompared withhis father.”
褚岩呵呵笑道:“我真小看这个小子了,在这方面,他比他父亲强多了。”Two peoplespoke, suddenly, theyfelt that in the military compound of distant place, there is a potentialall at onceto shoot up to the sky. Immediately, the everywheregorgeouscoloras ifconcentratesconcentrates, thencontinuesto bloom.
The Hantreefishes outanothercigaretteto nipin the mouthinside lane: „A forestYuanmilitarymustmake a move.”
韩树摸出另一根香烟咬在嘴里道:“林元武要出手了。”ChuYanhas not spoken, was only‚un’one.
褚岩没有说话,只是‘嗯’了一声。Startledbig waveFortmilitary compound.
惊涛堡军营。Although‚angryflood dragon’isrespondsfinally, the contractionpositiondefense line, resists the foreign enemytenaciously. Helplesswas snatched the offensiveadvantage, withoutstartinglostsomemilitary, nowalso can only resist stubbornly, butwantsto overturn, the opportunityis uncertain.
尽管‘怒蛟’终是反应过来,收缩阵地防线,顽强对抗外敌。无奈被人抢了先手优势,没开打就损失了部分兵力,如今也只能负隅顽抗,但想要翻盘,机会渺茫。Runs out of an off-balanceforestYuanmilitarynaturallyto seeall these, immediately a hearthas one's heart sink with disappointment, remembershalf a lifetimeto conspire, with hardshipoperation. Even ifin the badposition, canfind out the law of counter-attack.
冲出帐外的林元武自然看到这一切,顿时一颗心凉了半截,想起自己半生密谋,苦苦经营。纵使于不利境地中,亦能想出反击之法。Butimplementsnowwithout enough time, the enemyhas projected onmain house gate, immediatelyinheartgrief and indignation.
“父亲。”forestCanghaibrings‚demonshark’elitesquadto arrive, blurts out: „Weretreatquickly, breaks throughwhile the presentalsowith enough time.”
“不!”forestYuanwuclenches teeth saying: „Youwalk, Imustdecide the victory and defeatwithZhe Yan, otherwise, Icannot swallowthistone.”
林元武咬牙道:“你走,我要和禇岩分出胜负,否则的话,我咽不下这口气。”forestCanghaithenlooked at the eye, the nightfogfills the air, has welled up the entirecamplike the running watergenerally, makingthis momentthisbattlefieldsome is not real.
林沧海回头看了眼,夜雾弥漫,如同流水一般涌过整个营地,让此刻这座战场变得有些不真实起来。Heshakes the head saying: „Father, why botherthisis. Missestonight, westillinopportunity of staging a comeback.”
他摇头道:“父亲,这是何苦呢。错过今晚,我们仍在东山再起的机会。”forestYuanwuheaved a deep sigh: „Sea, life is short, wherecomesso manyopportunities. After tonight, even if not die, before Ido not have , the patience of painstakingly planning, as well astoday'slofty aspirations and high ideals.”
林元武长叹一声:“沧海,人生苦短,哪来那么多机会。今晚之后,纵使不死,我也没有以前苦心经营的耐心,以及今日的雄心壮志了。”Hislookonecold, sinkingsound said: „Youwalkquickly, herematterdo not manageagain. After going back, negotiates peacewithHeaven Supporting Fort, then, we, althoughhas the loss, butat least can also be able to preserve the fortressnot to lose.”
他眼神一凛,沉声道:“你快走,这里的事不要再管了。回去之后,就跟擎天堡议和,如此一来,我们虽有损失,但至少还能保得住堡垒不失。”Then, thisold persondoes not pay attention to the son, forwardswith stride, shoutedloudly: „Zhe Yan, butdaresto fightwithme!”
The soundlike the startling thunderclap, spreadsby far, at once, has pressedmanysounds in battlefield.
声音如同惊雷,远远传开,一时之间,压过了战场上的诸多声响。forestCanghaisighed, knows that the fatherintentionhas decided that urgingcannot persuade, hasto gesture, brings‚demonshark’ the troopsevacuation.
林沧海叹了口气,知道父亲心意已决,劝是劝不回来的,只好打了个手势,带着‘魔鲨’的人马撤离。Even if the losing battlehas become, butforestYuanwudoes not hopein light of thisgloomyto the field, decides, regardless of the life and death, mustdisputewithZhe Yan.
纵使败局已成,可林元武也不愿就此暗淡离场,打定主意,无论生死,都要和禇岩较量一番。Hestraightens up the body, instantaneous, the imposing mannerthenshoots up to the sky, the old personappearsstellar profundity, transfersto mump, concentrates the armor, poursalsopowerfully, quitesomewhat the flavor of looking disdainfullyworld.
他挺直身体,瞬间而已,气势便冲天而起,老人显现星蕴,转为斗气,凝成护甲,倒也威风凛凛,颇有几分睥睨天下的味道。At this time, the nightfogwas thicker, forestYuanwufrownssuddenly.
此时,夜雾更浓了,林元武突然皱了下眉头。Althoughlate at night the hazeis not extraordinary, on this occasionwar, both sidesattackmutually, variousabilitiesandshellbombingcontacts, even ifthere is a fogalsoto give the air current of explosionto blow off the sideearlyis.
虽说深夜起雾并不出奇,但值此大战之际,双方互有攻伐,各种能力和炮弹轰炸往来,哪怕有雾也早给爆炸的气流吹散方是。Butnowthisnightcoldfognot onlyhas not dispersed, insteadhas more and more thicktrend, at this timeheheard a sound saying: „Suchminor matter, why musttroubles the commander, forest, sincewantsto fight, thatthenbyme, whenyouropponent is.”
可如今这深夜寒雾非但没有散开,反而有越来越浓的趋势,这时他听得一个声音道:“此等小事,何须麻烦司令,林老既然想战,那便由我当你的对手便是。”forestYuanwuturns aroundsuddenly, sees the soundwhence, the formbreaks open the mistto walktogether, is an extremelyyoungman, a silver hairshines upon the flames of waras ifalsoto followto burn, hedragsto be good a giantbreakingblade, inthatbladesurfaceproliferates the fissure, spoutssparks/Marsfromeachcrack.
林元武霍然转身,就见声音来处,一道身影破开雾气走来,原是个极年轻的男子,一头银发映照战火仿佛也跟着燃烧起来,他拖行着一把巨大的断刃,那刃面上遍布裂痕,从每道裂缝中都喷出颗颗火星。„Who are you?”forestYuanwushouted.
“你是什么人?”林元武喝道。Thatperson of happy expressionsaidlightly: „Before , LieutenantNight WalkerTian Yang, comesthisspecially, invitedforest a defeat.”
那人笑意淡淡地说:“前夜行者中尉天阳,特意来此,请林老一败。”forestYuanwuflies into a rage: „Extremely arrogant!”
林元武勃然大怒:“狂妄!”Hisbodyweekblows out the lightstellar profunditybrilliancesuddenly, the formacceleratessuddenly, pulls out a silver whiteband of light that tears the air, hitsstraightlytoTian Yang.
他身周猛然爆出淡淡的星蕴光辉,身影骤然加速,拉出一条撕裂空气的银白光带,笔直地撞向天阳。Tian Yangactuallysmilesto retrocede, the formhiddenentersin the fogimmediately.天阳却微笑后退,身影顿时隐入雾中。forestYuanwuhitstraightly, wherehas the Tian Yangform, hestopssuddenly, before the body, formsoneindistinctly, translucentripple. Rippleproliferationblasting open, forms the strongshock-wave, blowsall aroundmistoneto fluctuate, how couldto have the Tian Yangform.
林元武笔直地撞了进去,却哪里有天阳的身影,他骤然停下,身前形成一圈隐约的,半透明的波纹。波纹扩散炸裂,形成强劲的冲击波,吹得四周雾气一阵变幻,却何曾有天阳的身影。Thisfeeling, making a forestYuanmilitaryexceptionallyuncomfortable, fights with the fiststo send outlikehimfull power, has not hit the opposite party, butpoundsononegroup of cotton, the feeling of thisnowherestress, makinghimsadwantsto spit blood.
这种感觉,让林元武异常难受,就像他全力一拳打出动,没有击中对方,而是砸在一团棉花上,这种无处受力之感,让他难过得想要吐血。„Comes out!”
“出来!”„Sincewantsto beatme, thenfightswithmefrankly and uprightly!”
“既然想要击败我,便光明正大地与我一战!”forestYuanwuis on the rise, looks atall around, the soundlike the stuffythunder, keeps ringingrolling.
林元武抬起头,看着四周,声音如同闷雷,滚滚响个不停。Actuallyhears the Tian Yangsound from transmitin all directions: „forestmade a mistake, nowis not the personal grudge, non-fairduel.”
却听天阳的声音从四面八方传来:“林老是不是搞错了,现在不是私人恩怨,也非公平决斗。”„IfIhave not remembered incorrectly, wealsoinwar, what the warlooksis the result, rather than the process, howforest does think?”
“如果我没记错的话,我们还在战争之中,战争看的是结果,而非过程,林老以为如何?”forestYuanwusnort/hum: „Mysterious, trivialmethod, daresto show offbeforeme! Imusthave a lookbut actually, your revealing only part of the truthpetty people, howmustdefeatme!”
林元武哼了一声:“故弄玄虚,区区手段,也敢在我面前卖弄!我倒要看看,你这种藏头露尾的鼠辈,要如何打败我!”Said that said that butforestYuanwuhas really not daredto actcasually, after allnowinmilitary compound, if the slipwoundtoownperson, thatdidn't owein a big way?
说是这么说,可林元武还真不敢随便出手,毕竟现在正在军营里,万一失手伤到自己的人,那不是亏大了?Hehas a resolutionimmediately, transfers the direction, rushes totogether the silverrainbow, flushes awaytoward the military compoundedge!
他当即有所决断,调转方向,奔出一道银虹,直直往军营边缘冲去!Ifusuallyis, even ifheis not a chaser, butunder the official rank7strengths, runs out of the military compoundto have more than enoughhow muchtime.
如果是平时的话,哪怕他不是狩猎者,但在职级七的力量下,冲出军营用不了多少时间。Butrushes to the goodmoment, the forestYuanWuhan Universityfeelingis improper, as ifbecause of the relations of thesethick fog, heloses the directionat present, has not run out of the military compoundunexpectedly.
The roar of soldier, the explosive sound of battle, resoundsinall aroundas before, as ifhecircled a circlea moment ago, came back.
“城主。”In the thick fog, oneteam of troopsrushed, andyelled: „Citylord, hereis going againstbyus, youwalkquickly!”
浓雾中,有一队人马奔了过来,并大叫道:“城主,这里由我们顶着,你快走!”forestYuanwuknits the browsimmediately: „Do not come, youfirstwalk.”
林元武顿时皱眉道:“不要过来,你们先走。”At this time, thatteam of troops run out of the mist, theirbodiesput on‚angryflood dragon’uniform/subdue, theirhandsare mid-level the standardrifle of startledbig waveFort, ontheirfaces the bloodstained, somearmshung out colored streamers.
这时,那队人马已经冲出雾气,他们身上穿着‘怒蛟’的制服,他们手中端着惊涛堡的制式步枪,他们有的脸上染血,有的手臂挂彩。Buttheyhave a common ground.
但他们有个共同点。Theyhaveonelikein the silver hair of combustion, as well asallface of exactly the sameTian Yang!
他们都有一头如同在燃烧的银发,以及全都一模一样的天阳的脸!PS: Thank‚kurayami’hittingenjoyed, for these daysis left over the draft, several days laterwill under slightly erupt. Close to the end of the year, the symboltimemustwithpushing, but must save a draftcelebrates the Spring Festivaltimeuses, reallywishes one couldmeto be able the longeighthands......
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