Thensuch as the sea of clouds said that on the same day, the joint supportarmy comprised ofnearbyseveralfortressesrushed toHeaven Supporting Fort, firstwas stationed in the advanced base after Cluffgate, then, Heaven Supporting Fortdid not haveextra worriesfinally.
便如云海所言,当天,由附近数座堡垒组成的联合支援部队赶到了擎天堡,前驻克拉夫门后的前进基地,如此一来,擎天堡总算没有后顾之忧。Now, Heaven Supporting Fortmustconsider that only, howquicklyto end the war, after all the wardraggedtoofor a long time, even iflaterwon, the consumption was extremely still huge.
After not havingextra worries, Zhe Yantransferredhalf the army in fortressdecisively, in additiondominated by Yun, allfamiliesresponded the mobilization of fortress, the organizationarmyrushed to the frontlinein abundance.
没有了后顾之忧后,禇岩果断地将堡垒里的军队调走了一半,再加上以云氏为主,所有家族都响应堡垒的动员,纷纷组织部队赶赴前线。Then, Heaven Supporting Fortincreasesin the frontlinesoldiermassively, and the number of powerhouseandexpert, doubles, formed the tremendous pressure on startledbig waveFort.
如此一来,擎天堡在前线的兵员就大量增加,并且强者和高手的数量,也翻了一番,对惊涛堡形成了巨大的压力。But the pressure of startledbig waveFortnot only came from the outside, its, alsostartsto erupt the contradiction, has the conflict.
The rear areasituated infront, startledbig waveFortset up a military compoundhere, thisisstartledbig waveForteliteregiment‚angryflood dragon’ the supreme headquartersare , forestYuanwuassumes personal commandinthispersonally.
位于战线的后方,惊涛堡在这里设立了一处军营,这是惊涛堡精锐军团‘怒蛟’的大本营所在,并且,林元武亲自在此坐镇。Itis black, the heavy/thickcloud layermakes the camphave a liking fordoes not have the lightgloomily, onesuch as the uncertainroad ahead in startledbig waveFort.
天已经黑了,厚重的云层让营地看上暗淡无光,一如惊涛堡的渺茫前路。‚Angryflood dragon’ the soldieris fully-armed, guardsstrictly, proliferatesaround the military compound, the deterrent forceis full.
‘怒蛟’的士兵全副武装,守卫严密,遍布在军营四周,威慑力十足。In a military compounddeep placetent, forestYuanwustillend the rest, hestoodbefore a sand table, is deducing the followingwarto change.
就在军营深处一座营帐里,林元武仍末休息,他站在一座沙盘前,正推演着接下来的战局变化。At this timeheheard the sound of footsteps, then the familiarsoundsmade a sound: „Father.”
这时他听到脚步声,接着有一个熟悉的声音响起来:“父亲。”forestYuanwuis on the rise, thensaw the face of sonforestsea, henods, beckons saying: „Sea, youlook. Iplanto fan out in five groupstomorrow, attack the Heaven Supporting Fortcommoditybase.”
The forestsealookis dim, smilesbitterly and astringently, walks saying: „Father, Ijustreceived the message, Jin Jia, He Jia, Yang Jia, Fang Jia, Kong Jiaand otherfamilies'head of household, the evenplanwithdraws fromthiswar, twodo not help.”
林沧海眼神黯淡,苦涩一笑,走过去道:“父亲,我刚收到消息,金家、何家、杨家、方家、孔家等各个家族的家主,均打算退出这场战争,两不相帮。”forestYuanwuexpressionimmediatelyonestiff, meetsto focusemits the anger: „Theyinstead!”
林元武表情顿时一僵,接着眼中冒出怒火:“他们反了!”„Heard that isbreaksGuanshanto askthemto lobbypersonally, andpointed out,hewas detainedbyusin the fact of water dungeon. Jin Jiaand otherrespected familiesbelieve,breaksGuanshan, althoughhas not respondedyourwar mobilization, butcrimenothence.”
“听说是断关山亲自去找他们游说,并且指出,他被我们关押在水牢的事实。金家等各大家族认为,断关山虽然没有响应您的战争动员,但罪不至此。”„Thatwater dungeonalwaysonlydetains the extremelywickedfelon, breaksGuanshanbecauseonlyadvises againstyoudo not launch the war, was thrown into the water dungeonbyyou, theythink that youare too unreasonable, evenis extremely obstinate.”
“那水牢向来只关押极恶重犯,断关山仅因为劝阻你不要发动战争,就被你投进水牢,他们认为你太不近人情,甚至太过刚愎自用。”„Theythink that thiswaryourodds of successis not big, urgingyouto take advantagealsoto hold the advantagenow, on own initiativewith the Heaven Supporting Fortpeace talks, in order to avoidlosesoversized.”
“他们认为这场战争你的胜算不大,劝你趁现在还占有优势,主动和擎天堡和谈,以免损失过大。”forestYuanwuhearsfuriously, a palmpatson the sand table, bang, the entiresand tableis blown to pieces, scattersplace.
林元武听得怒不可遏,一掌拍在沙盘上,轰隆一声,整座沙盘炸成碎片,散落一地。forestCanghaiwaveshastily, making the personnel in tentleave, after theywalk, the forestseaalsosaid.
林沧海连忙挥手,让营帐里的人员离开,等他们走后,林沧海又道。„Moreover, in the armyis getting more and more loudtoyourdiscontentedvoice, after the unclehecomes back, askedmanymilitary officersto complain, saidyouno matterradicallyhislife. Heasfortressgeneral, after bycaptive, youdo not redeemhim, lethisevenBaishoumanyhumiliations.”
“另外,军中对您不满的声音越来越大,舅舅他回来之后,找了许多军官诉苦,说你根本不管他的死活。他作为堡垒将军,被俘虏后,你也不把他赎出来,让他平白受了诸多屈辱。”„Added that does not redeemhim, youhave ignored the life and death of otherofficers, works as the captivebythemin the hand of enemy, theirlifecontrolsin the hand of Heaven Supporting Fort.”
“还说不赎他也就罢了,你还不顾其它官兵的生死,由得他们在敌人的手中当俘虏,把他们的性命操控在擎天堡的手上。”forestYuanwuangrily roars: „Idiot!”
林元武怒吼一声:“蠢货!”„Isaid how hecanescapefromZhe Yanthatold fogyhand, originallywas used, when the persuasive speakercame!”
“我说他怎么能够从禇岩那个老家伙手里逃回来,原来是被人利用当说客来了!”forestYuanwuis shaking the head saying: „Heunderstandsanything, byme the understandingZhe Yan, thatold fogywill not kill the captive, theykeepHeaven Supporting Fort, canconsume the commodity of enemy, onlywaits formeto overcome the commoditybase, naturallythenrescuedhim.”
林元武摇着头道:“他懂什么,以我对禇岩的了解,那个老家伙是不会杀害俘虏,他们留在擎天堡,可以消耗敌人的物资,只等我打下物资基地,自然便解救了他。”„So manyyears, Ilookinhiselder sister'sshare, isvigorouslyto cultivatetohim. Otherwiseby his talent, hecanbecome the general? Canpull upofficial rank7?”
“这么多年,我看在他姐姐的份上,也算是对他倾力栽培。否则以他那点天赋,他能够成为将军?能够挤身职级七?”„Ispentmanypainsonhim, hedoes not havethistrustunexpectedly, severaldays, by the enemywere taken carry back, when the board game piececauses!”
“我在他身上花费了诸多苦心,他居然连这点信任都没有,几天的时间,就被敌人拿回来当棋子使!”„Thisidiotis still disrupting the morale of troopsnow, Imustkillhim!”
“这个蠢货现在还在扰乱军心,我非杀了他不可!”forestYuanwu the beard and hairallsets upright, seemed like the strategic placeto go out the landswordbutchering.
林元武须发皆竖,看起来就像是要冲出去把陆剑给宰了。forestCanghaiknows very welloneselfoldfathertemperament, knows that heair/Qiturns over to the air/Qi, will pourto be insufficient the landswordkilling. Butcannotput, no matter, thereforewent forwardto blockblocked.
林沧海熟知自己老父脾气,知道他气归气,倒不至于会把陆剑给杀了。可也不能放着不管,于是上前拦了一拦。„Father, do not impulse, thismatterIhave told mother. Shehas called the uncle, therefore the uncle, youdo not needto worry.”
“父亲,别冲动,这件事我已经告诉母亲。她已经把舅舅叫回去了,所以舅舅这边,你不必操心。”„Before is only, hadGuanshanto persuade the heads of household, becausebehind the uncleknocked the morale of troops, ifthisweaponryhitagain, onlyfeared that was quite disadvantageoustous.”
“只是前有断关山说动了众家主,后面又因为舅舅动摇了军心,这仗如果再打下去,只怕对我们相当不利。”forestCangKhayra the fatherwas saying: „Not, ifthenilluminates the heads of household saying that currentlyalsohas the advantagewhileus, looks for the Heaven Supporting Fortpeace talks, weobtain benefits to be many. Takesthisas the capital, weoperateagainwith concentration, in tenyears20years of scene, musthitsurelyHeaven Supporting Fort.”
林沧海拉着父亲道:“不若便照众家主所言,趁我们现在还有优势,找擎天堡和谈,想必我们从中获益应该不少。以此为资本,我们再潜心经营,再过十年二十年光景,定要把擎天堡打下来。”forestYuanwusees the son, suddenlyshakes the headto say with a smile: „Sea, youare young, thereforeyoudo not understand,evenourpresentpeace talks, Heaven Supporting Fort the condition that is not necessarily ableto promiseusto put forward.”
林元武看着儿子,突然摇头笑道:“沧海,你还年轻,所以你不会明白,就算我们现在和谈,擎天堡未必会答应我们提出的条件。”„Draws back10,000steps saying that even iftheycomplied, maythroughthismatter, theynot be possiblegivesustenyears20yearsto operate, perhapswereturn to the fortress, theyhit.”
“退一万步讲,纵使他们答应了,可通过这件事,他们不可能给我们十年二十年的时间去经营,说不定我们才返回堡垒,他们就打过来了。”forestCanghaitwists the eyebrowsay/wayslightly: „Maydragagain, Iworried, the advantage that wehavewith great difficulty, meetsall thrown to the winds.”
林沧海微微拧眉道:“可再拖下去,我担心,我们好不容易取得的优势,会尽付东流。”forestYuanwucrosses the hands behind the back saying: „Right, now the Heaven Supporting Fortsoldierassemblescomprehensively, there is a support of fortressfamilyarmy, the armyor the powerhouse, mustwinmesteadilyand others. Dragsagain for 1-2 days, perhapsthis/shouldwesurrendered.”
林元武负手道:“没错,现在擎天堡兵员全面集结,又有堡垒家族部队的支持,无论是军队还是强者,都已经要稳胜我等。再拖得1-2,说不定就该我们投降了。”„Ibelieve,ChuYan is also thisidea, butas the matter stands, to us, insteadis an opportunity.”
“我相信,褚岩也是这艘想法,可这样一来,对我们来说,反而是一种机会。”„In a dangerstrives for victory, the opportunity of against the windoverturning!”
“一种险中求胜,逆风翻盘的机会!”forestCanghaiknits the brows: „Father, whatthisword?”
林沧海皱眉道:“父亲,何出此言?”forestYuanwusaidconfidently: „IfyouareZhe Yan, receivesourpeace talksinvitations, how do youthink?”
The forestsea had almost no consideration saying: „Naturallycanagree,Heaven Supporting Fortjustended a fortresswarshortly, in the timeoveroneyear, such shorttime, theydefinitelycannotdigestvariousbenefits that the warbringscompletely, was unable to transform the strength of fortressthesethings.”
林沧海几乎没什么考虑地说:“自然会同意,擎天堡刚结束上一场堡垒战争没多久,时间上未超一年,这么短的时间,他们肯定没能完全消化战争带来的各种利益,还没能够将那些东西转化成堡垒的实力。”„Therefore, theyshouldnot be willingto delayare too long.”
“所以,他们应该不会愿意拖延太久。”„Right, right.”
“对,没错。”forestYuanwuhehesaid with a smile: „Myplanis, the hypocrisywith the Heaven Supporting Fortpeace talks, lullstheirthoughtbythis. Whilethisopportunity, ourcentralizedsuperior force, attacks the commoditybase, Iwill actpersonally, lookwhether to get rid ofZhe Yanthatold fogy.”
林元武呵呵笑道:“我的计划是,假意跟擎天堡和谈,以此来麻痹他们的思想。趁这个机会,我们集中优势兵力,进攻物资基地,我会亲自出手,看能否干掉禇岩那个老家伙。”„Even if unable to striketo kill, so long ascatcheshim, Heaven Supporting Fortinevitablya group of people without a leader, when the time comestheywill bein a state of disunity. In that case, Ican the secretcontact withYun Jia, instigatesYunto take the position of cityhost, makingHeaven Supporting Fortfall into the civil strife.”
“哪怕无法击杀,只要擒住他,擎天堡势必群龙无首,到时候他们就是一盘散沙。在那种情况下,我会秘密联系云家,怂恿云氏拿下城主之位,让擎天堡陷入内乱。”forestYuanwusnort/hum: „Zhe Yanthatold manwill cause the idea of estranging, Inot, onlywhenHeaven Supporting Fortonechaotic, mystartledbig waveFortfrommaygain the biggestbenefit.”
林元武哼了一声:“禇岩那个老头子会使离间之计,难道我就不会吗,只待擎天堡一乱,我惊涛堡自可获取最大的利益。”„At the appointed time, breaksGuanshantheseidiots, feared that mustaskmeto takethemto fire offthiswar!”
“届时,断关山那些蠢货,怕是得求着我带上他们打完这场战争!”forestCanghaihas not thought,underpresentthissituation, the fatheralsofinds outso the strategyunexpectedly, andnon-was an armchair strategist, buthadcertainfeasibility.
就是比较冒险。forestYuanwusinkingsound said: „Thisplan, youcannotdiscloseto the bystander,isourpeople on one's own side, cannotdivulge the wind sound/rumor. The war of thisattacking a fortified position, Iwill not investotherarmies, will only use‚angryflood dragon’, canreceive the effect of surprise-attack forces.”
林元武沉声道:“这个计划,你不能向外人透露,就是我们自己人,也不能泄露风声。这场攻坚之战,我不会投入其它部队,仅会动用‘怒蛟’,方能收到奇兵之效。”„As forJinthesepeople, theymustwalkasksthemto leave, theywalk, Zhe Yanwill not suspectourpeace talks‚sincerity’, thistime, Imustmakethisold thingplant a bigtumble!”
“至于金家那些人,他们要走就让他们走,他们一走,禇岩可不会怀疑我们和谈的‘诚意’,这次,我要让这老东西栽一个大跟斗!”forestCanghainods, spoutgas channel/angrily said: „Iknow how shoulddo, father.”
林沧海点点头,吐出口气道:“我知道该怎么做了,父亲。”Gradually, the dim light of nightbecamedeeply, especiallytonight, even if the lightcanilluminate the distance of having is very limited.
逐渐的,夜色变得深了,特别是到了深夜,哪怕灯光能够照出的距离也十分有限。At this timefrom the dawnalsotwohours, this timebeforedaybreak, even if elite‚angryflood dragon’soldier, was hardto disobey the instinct.
这时距离天亮还有两个多小时,在黎明前的这个时间,纵使是精锐的‘怒蛟’士兵,也难以违逆本能。At this moment, tensoldiershavenineto yawn, remainingthathave dozed off.
此刻,十个士兵有九个在打着呵欠,剩下那个已经打起了瞌睡。Hereis located in the rear area, wantsto arrive here, needsto pass throughseveralwar zones, even so, ‚angryflood dragon’ the soldierhas not lost the propervigilance, butatthis time, theirstate of mindandattentionsharp drop, thereforehad not detected, in the darknesshasmanytelescopic sightstheirhedgingin the fore or front sight.
这里位于战线后方,想抵达此处,需要经过数个战区,即便如此,‘怒蛟’的士兵也没有失去应有的警觉心,但在这时,他们的精神状态和注意力大幅度下降,因此也就未曾发觉,黑暗中已经有多个瞄准镜将他们套进了准星里。Low and deep, the almostunobservablesound of gunfireresoundsin the darkness, the soldierbodyor the head of military compoundeachsentry postblow out the blood splashin abundance, endand other survivorsresponded,hundreds offormshave drawn support from the dim light of nightto diverapidlynear, jumps in the sentry post, writes off the remainingsurvivors.
低沉的,几乎难以察觉的枪声在黑暗中响起,军营各个哨位的士兵身上或头上纷纷爆出血花,末等幸存者反应,数以百计的身影已经借助夜色迅速潜近,扑进哨位之中,抹杀剩下的幸存者。Until the military compoundfront doorblasted outby a heavy artilleryshell, in the campresounds the gratingwarningfield, the fireball, the arrowrain that butmoreshells and abilitiesform, has streaked across the nighttime sky, destroystranquilly, fallsto the military compound in abundance, in the dream, the soldier who orjustwoke upwill feed in the hell.
The intensesound of gunfire and giantexplosive soundresoundin the camp, tread the enemy who the dim light of nightis cominglikecutting grass, is harvesting the life of startledbig waveFortarmy.
激烈的枪声和巨大的爆炸声在营地里响起,踏着夜色而来的敌人像割草一样,收割着惊涛堡这支军队的生命。Frommilitary compoundroughlytenkilometerssteep slopeson, Zhe Yanstandsby a rock, does not needto draw support from the equipment, thenreceives the scene of attackto look the distant placemilitary compoundin the eye.
距离军营约摸有十公里的一处高坡上,禇岩站在一块岩石旁边,无须借助器材,便将远处军营受到袭击的场景看在眼中。Inhisnearbydarkness, there is a flametwinkle, thatisHantreecigarette butt.
在他旁边的黑暗里,有火光闪烁,那是韩树的烟头。ChiefNight Walkerspatsmog saying: „Commander, is you are sinister. Herejustreceived the startledbig waveFortfamily to be separated from the news of war, the organizationtroopstake the shortcutto attackforestYuanwu the old nestimmediately.”夜行者队长吐了一口烟雾道:“司令,还是你阴险啊。这边刚接到惊涛堡家族要脱离战争的消息,就立刻组织人马抄近道过来进攻林元武的老窝。”ChuYansaidill-humoredly: „Fart, thiscalled the tactic, wherewas sinister. forestYuanwuthisold thinggets what one deserves, before wholets, giveshisfacehimnot to want, hemustnegotiatewithusearly, tonightdoes not needto be hitto be caught off guardbyme.”
褚岩没好气道:“放屁,这叫战术,哪里阴险了。林元武这老东西活该,谁让之前给他脸他不要,他要早跟我们谈判,今晚也不用被我打个措手不及。”„Hethinks that was located inbehind the war zoneto be safe the supreme headquarters, does not think that whoselead(er)areathiswas, looked for a shortcut to bypass the war zonecasuallyto burnhisbuttocks, healsoreallyworked as himself the forming an armygod.”
“他以为把大本营设在战区后方就安全了,也不想想这是谁的领区,随便找条近道都能绕过战区烧他屁股,他还真把自己当成军神了。”„Beforewasbecauseis having scruples the matter of differentgod, Ido not dareto act seriously. Now the differentgodsolved, the fatheralsofearshisbird!”
“之前是因为顾忌着异神的事,我都不敢动真格的。现在异神解决了,老子还怕他个鸟!”„Thistimeangryflood dragon that hewas most self-satisfied‚’extinguishing, Ithought that healsodaredspiritedlynot!”
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