BFAMMGS :: Volume #6

#582: Amusement park recent situation

Also without getting to interstellar subject campus entrance, Jiang Qi by the implementation scheduling of interstellar subject campus being startled. 还没走到星际主题园区门口,江祺就被星际主题园区的建设进度给惊到了。 This progress was also too quick! 这进度也太快了! The spaceship took shape. 宇宙飞船都成型了。 Can simultaneously hold 1000 people of giant, the outward appearance in plays the part is 1 : 1 return to original state god territory company product, really can conduct space travel the model of spaceship, its size can be imagined. 一个可以同时容纳1000人的巨型,无论是外观还是内饰都是1:1还原神域公司出品的,真的可以进行太空旅行的宇宙飞船的模型,其大小可想而知。 Colossus. 庞然大物。 This pats one to distribute as before online to go conveniently, said that three body people arrived at some people to believe. 这随手拍一张照发到网上去,说三体人降临了都有人信。 Doesn't this have on to search for hotly? 这都没上热搜? Jiang Qi pulled out the cell phone to search, discovered, some searched for hotly must buy. 江祺掏出手机搜索了一下,发现果然,有的热搜还是要花钱买的。 In the interstellar subject campus has to be massive every day measures the player to enter experiences the wild star to be risky, such big spaceship model definitely cannot conceal the truth. Do not say that wants to shoot the spacecraft model not to need to enter the interstellar subject from the start, looks for a topography high good angle the same as be able to shoot clearly in the amusement park, the online picture are many are. 星际主题园区每天都有大量内测玩家进入体验荒星冒险,这么大一个宇宙飞船模型肯定瞒不住。更不要说想拍飞船模型压根就不用进入星际主题,在游乐园里面找一个地势高的好角度一样能拍得清楚,网上的照片多得是。 But F1101 they look strictly, still does not have the tourist to approach, let alone intrudes. The unmanned aerial vehicle approaches the campus to be shot down, even the wreckage could not find. 只不过F1101他们看得严,至今没有游客能靠近,更别说闯入。无人机更是一靠近园区就会被击落,连残骸都找不到。 Therefore online discussion has, but the heat degree is not high, everyone remains to the spacecraft model at the guess stage. 因此网上的讨论度有,但热度并不算高,大家对飞船模型都只是停留在猜测阶段。 Having saying that this is a hotel, having saying that this is the amusement project, said that this is a restroom, the support quite what is at present high is the souvenir store. 有说这是酒店的,有说这是游乐项目的,还有说这是厕所的,目前支持度比较高的是纪念品商店。 Ormosia henryi fox sentry post construction majority of in amusement park after all this year contour makes is used to sell the goods. 毕竟这年头外形做的花狸狐哨的游乐园里的建筑大部分都是用来卖货的。 In Jiang Qi online searches for the spaceship heat degree, F1101 has welcomed in front of him. 就在江祺在网上搜宇宙飞船热度的时候,F1101已经迎到他面前了。 Mr. Jiang Qi, does not see for a long time, were really you thin... fat 6 jin (0.5 kg)?” Because the F1101 friendly sound the Jiang Qi body weight cut off around the middle. 江祺先生,好久不见,您真是清减…胖了六斤?”F1101热情的声音因为江祺的体重被拦腰斩断。 What?! I fat 6 jin (0.5 kg)?! I have thought I was only fat 12 jin (0.5 kg).” Jiang Qi in great surprise, twists off the insulated cup to drink river tea a green tea hastily greatly, even has not appreciated the F1101 floral shirt and flower underpants with enough time. “什么?!我胖了六斤?!我一直以为我只胖了12斤。”江祺大惊,连忙拧开保温杯大喝一口江茶牌绿茶,甚至没来得及欣赏F1101的花衬衫和花裤衩。 At the end of June, the beach attire time of also to F1101 most liking. 6月底了,又到了F1101最喜欢的沙滩装时间。 F1101 reports the work unable , because he tries human standard inquiring after the well being to turn over to be broken again, saw only F1101 to adjust the smile quickly, made a hand signal of invitation. F1101的汇报工作不会因为他再次尝试人类标准的嘘寒问暖翻车而被打断,只见F1101很快调整好了笑容,做出一个请的手势。 „Does Mr. Jiang Qi, we go to main control room to chat?” 江祺先生,我们去主控室里聊?” Jiang Qi nods, drinks a green tea, told: Heats the pot hot water.” 江祺点点头,又喝一口绿茶,吩咐道:“烧壶热水。” Good.” “好的。” F1101 reports the work mainly to be divided into two parts. F1101的汇报工作主要分为两个部分。 One is the implementation scheduling of interstellar subject campus, another is the wild star adventure project in measures the progress. 一个是星际主题园区的建设进度,另一个就是荒星冒险项目的内测进展。 The former progress is smooth, the spaceship basically finishes, another three project times are also close partly become, in addition the scattered small building and campus path and afforestation, the interstellar subject campus estimated that will finish to mid November at the end of October. 前者进度非常顺利,宇宙飞船基本完工,另外三个项目工期也接近半成,加上零零散散的小建筑和园区道路以及绿化,星际主题园区预计会在10月底到11月中旬之间完工。 F1101 suggested that Jiang Qi can not use that anxiously completion, can card bug, the card before the coolie biological modeling person lease ended last day concludes. F1101建议江祺可以不用那么急着完工,可以卡bug,卡在苦力型仿生人租期结束前最后一天收尾。 Time enough these No. 900 biological modeling person who the middle empties built some small projects, the plan that if Jiang Qi has not begun construction at present additionally, biological people did not mind that was sold the black factory to do two days of illegal labor. 中间空下来的时间足够这900号仿生人搞一些小工程了,如果江祺目前没有额外动工的打算,仿生人们也不介意被卖去黑工厂打两天黑工。 Naturally, if Jiang Qi has other plan, for example wants to mix to make into several overseas influences of a hopeless mess at present, biological people did not mind that helps the gathering place. 当然,如果江祺有别的打算,比如想掺合一下目前已经打成一锅粥的几个境外势力,仿生人们也不介意去帮帮场子。 When the coolie biological modeling person long always wants to embrace living of other biological people, has opportunity everyone of this straddling of zones to attempt. 苦力型仿生人当久了总是想揽一些其它仿生人的活,有这种跨界的机会大家都想尝试尝试。 Regarding this Jiang Qi indicated: No, you do not think. 对此江祺表示:不,你们不想。 However since F1101 said that Jiang Qi had not planned that makes these high-quality hit the worker to idle. 不过既然F1101都这么说了,江祺也没打算让这些优质打工人闲着。 Sells the black factory to be a pity, constructs two new staff dormitories just to be actually just right. 卖去黑工厂太可惜,建两栋新的员工宿舍楼倒是正正好。 An amusement park's peripheral bulk land for building is Jiang Qi, Jiang Qi currently has the design paper of resort not to have money Jian spatially, might as well first construct some not to spend, and useful practical construction. 游乐园周边的一大块地皮都是江祺的,江祺现在空有度假村的设计图纸没钱建,不如先建一些不怎么花钱的,且用得上的实用型建筑。 Staff dormitory. 员工宿舍楼。 The amusement park has the staff dormitory, are not many, are the time move of starting doing business the 1st group of lucky staff have the opportunity to move. 游乐园本身是有员工宿舍楼的,不多,都是开业的时候招进来的第一批幸运员工才有机会入住。 These senior staff dormitories are the star light theme park period leave behind, the floor is not high, the dormitory environment is the same. Is the middle scale in the staff quarter, reconstructs after theater three stars the luxurious staff dormitory has not resulted in compares. 这几栋老员工宿舍楼是星光主题乐园时期遗留下来的,楼层不高,宿舍环境一般般。在员工宿舍中属于中间档次,和戏院三星重建后的豪华员工宿舍楼没得比。 But the old staff dormitory also has its merit, does not ask for money, is near to the job. 但老的员工宿舍楼也有其优点,不要钱,离工作岗位近。 If wants to have a long lazy sleep, and is willing to give up the breakfast, 8:30 goes to work even can rest to 8:20 since, going out is a company, the reality is the lie-in person gospel. 如果想睡懒觉且愿意放弃早饭,8点30分上班甚至可以睡到8点20分起,出门就是公司,实乃懒觉人福音。 Had not determined in the new development zone, before the duty high peripheral has not relocated, the staff quarter is enough. 在新的开发区没有确定,职高周边还没有拆迁之前,员工宿舍是够的。 In the amusement park does not stay can also be occupied by ice ice people night/lodge, the amusement park staff rents a room to enjoy the employee benefits price. 游乐园里住不下还可以住冰冰民宿,游乐园职工租房享员工福利价。 But that dismantles completely now, ices the ice people to sleep with the ice ice medium also goes broke and closes down, Jiang Bing still plays mahjong on the cruise of Antarctic now, most parts sublet the staff in duty high nearby house only to move to a farther place. 可现在那块都拆光了,冰冰民宿和冰冰中介也关门大吉,江冰现在还在南极的游轮上打麻将,大部分租职高附近房子的员工只能搬到更远的地方去。 That side Huang Fugui even received several resignations, the resignation reason is the nearby does not rent the room. 黄富贵那边甚至收到了好几份辞职报告,辞职理由是附近租不到房。 The amusement park within one month was short of three clean aunts! 游乐园一个月之内少了三个清洁大妈呀! Constructs the new staff quarter to be urgent. 建造新的员工宿舍刻不容缓。 Place Jiang Qi of new staff quarter thought that constructed between the villa areas and amusement park campuses of beforehand rotten tail. 新员工宿舍的地点江祺都想好了,就建在之前烂尾的别墅区和游乐园园区之间。 Except for staff quarter, but can also reconstruct a staff cafeteria, an activity room and a small supermarket. 除了员工宿舍,还可以再建一个员工食堂,一个活动室和一个小超市。 The dormitory must construct several to prepare emergency requirement. 宿舍楼要多建几栋以备不时之需。 That places were similar. 那片地就差不多了。 Knew own future mission is constructs the staff dormitory, F1101 accepts with pleasure. Constructing the staff dormitory may constructing the interstellar subject campus is more relaxed, F1101 fell in love with the bitterness play recently, frequently 50-60 volumes, feared that does not have the time to look. 得知自己未来的任务是修建员工宿舍楼,F1101欣然接受。建员工宿舍楼可比建星际主题园区轻松多了,F1101最近又爱上了苦情剧,动辄50-60集一部,就怕没时间看。 Constructs the staff dormitory...... 建员工宿舍楼…… F1101 felt oneself can before look that has probably downloaded the good 30 bitterness plays. F1101觉得自己大概能在回去前看完已经下载好的30部苦情剧。 Reports the construction progress of subject campus, was one's turn wild star adventurous to measure the progress. 汇报完主题园区的建造进度,就轮到荒星冒险的内测进度了。 At present wild star adventurous in measures has reached the 2nd round of last act. 目前荒星冒险的内测已经进入第二轮尾声。 The players turn for the camp that from most started respectively organized to make war. 玩家们从最开始的各自为营变成了组团开战。 Roughly can be divided from the method: The violent group, the mechanism/organization group and exploration group and suspend the rotten group. 从玩法上大致可以分为:暴力组、机关组、探索组和摆烂组。 The violent group has the miracle vigorously, the person many strengths are big, bet the luck, bets itself to bump into that type to be able purely by the big-ticket item trash that the strength handles. 暴力组就是大力出奇迹,人多力量大,赌运气,赌自己能不能碰上那种可以纯靠力气搞定的大件垃圾。 The mechanism/organization group usually is 5 ~ 9 people, the mechanisms/organizations of various special study types of large-scale wreckage. The usual round has no harvest at all, technology poor including to measure for several days to be able to measure the cancellation. 机关组通常为5~9人不等,专门研究各种大型残骸的机关。通常一轮下来颗粒无收,技术差一点的连着内测几天能内测到销号。 The exploration group is primarily as the name suggests exploring, the large-scale trash in garbage dump basically buries in the trash mountain, needs to look to dig. During measures, garbage dump three days of reset one times, the reset needs the exploration group to open up wasteland each time, burns oneself to illuminate others. 探索组顾名思义以探索为主,垃圾场中的大型垃圾基本上都埋在垃圾山里,需要去找去挖。内测期间垃圾场三天重置一次,每次重置都需要探险组开荒,燃烧自己照亮他人。 Suspended the rotten group to be needless saying that the pure swayed, walked to shake shakes the step at ease, saw anything to pick anything, principal experience. 摆烂组就不用说了,纯摆,走走晃晃悠闲散步,看到啥捡啥,主打一个体验。 In these measures the player measures fulfills duty to fulfill responsibility actually, the special capturing/raiding group is responsible for writing to capture/raid to send online goes, accumulated very big one group of cloud players to the wild star adventure project. 这些内测玩家在内测的时候倒是尽职尽责,还有专门的攻略组负责写攻略发到网上去,给荒星冒险项目积累了很大一批云玩家。 Trash has not picked, captures one not to fall. 垃圾一个没捡,攻略一篇不落。 Makes Jiang Qi be that what is only surprised, entire interstellar subject campus hottest has not constructed, but everyone can only observe the spaceship that cannot nearly be played, is not every day has on new capturing/raiding to pass to the online wild star to be risky, but is wild star adventurous derivation Product -n 37 star citizen daily APP. 唯一让江祺感到意外的是,整个星际主题园区最火的不是已经建好,但是大家只能远观不可近玩的宇宙飞船,也不是每天都有新的攻略上传到网上的荒星冒险,而是荒星冒险的衍生产物-N37星公民日常APP。 In Jiang Qi is not at the month of amusement park , the N37 star citizen daily explodes the fire. 江祺不在游乐园的这一个多月时间里,N37星公民日常可谓是爆火。 Hot? 有多火呢? In this in any software commercial city on the shelf, cannot only in the wild star through the public number take risk to measure and report famous entrance data matrix code downloading APP, Nikkatsu Gundam/reaches as high as 390,000 people. 这个没有在任何软件商城上架,只能通过公众号上荒星冒险内测报名入口的二维码下载的APP,日活高达39万人。 390,000 people! 39万人! Naturally, in this Nikkatsu and market the hot game has not naturally resulted in compares, but...... 当然,这个日活和市面上火爆的游戏自然是没得比的,但是…… These 390,000 people play cards in this APP, play mahjong and play the table roaming. 这39万人是在这个APP里打牌,打麻将和玩桌游啊。 Yes, the N37 star citizen daily small game also increased the table of roaming functions. 是的,N37星公民日常小游戏还新增了桌游功能。 As one by the galaxy scenario theme park product, derivation APP of wild star adventure project, the table roaming that the players can play naturally is also the amusement park product. 作为一款由星河剧本主题乐园出品的,荒星冒险项目的衍生APP,玩家们能玩的桌游自然也是游乐园出品的。 So long as recharges every month 6 dollars, can online open the room to experience the inconceivable wizard school complete set series table roaming! 只要每月充值六块钱,就可以线上开房体验不可思议魔法学院全套系列桌游! Principal Peggy pulls out 90% copyright royalties with tears. 佩吉校长含泪抽90%版权费。 It is said Principal Peggy to support the project of biological person, developed 7 new table tours at the same night, even also had/left the new DLC- mysterious augur from East the most popular inconceivable wizard school series. 据说佩吉校长为了支持仿生人的这个项目,连夜开发了七款新桌游,甚至还把最受欢迎的不可思议魔法学院系列出了新的DLC-来自东方的神秘占卜师。 In new DLC, this mysterious Eastern augur is skilled in Book of Change not only, but also is skilled in the geomancy, caret-shaped, to tell fortunes by physiognomy with Tarot card, the appearance is good, big charming, has a fan younger brother fan younger sister in the inconceivable wizard school. 在新的DLC里,这位神秘的东方占卜师不光精通周易,还精通风水、八字、看相和塔罗牌,长相不俗,高大帅气,在不可思议魔法学院里有一众迷弟迷妹。 Right, he is surnamed Wang. 哦对,他还姓王。 Grandmaster king to conform to the person in DLC supposes, recently was studying diligently and practicing hard caret-shaped and tells fortunes by physiognomy, at the beginning of this month had looked at the staff in inconceivable wizard school. Now he finds the person to tell fortunes by physiognomy everywhere, asked my me not to dare to promise him several times. Mr. Jiang Qi you said that I do want to arrange a record of one's horoscope to deceive? I looked that Grandmaster king is also very difficult.” F1101 asked. “王大师为了符合DLC里的人设,最近正在勤学苦练八字和看相,这个月月初已经把不可思议魔法学院里的员工们都看完了。现在他到处找人看相,找了我好几次我都没敢答应他。江祺先生您说我要不要自己编一个生辰八字糊弄过去?我看王大师也挺难的。”F1101问道。 Do not arrange.” Jiang Qi said. “你还是别编了。”江祺道。 Do not arrange a record of one's horoscope to calculate to Grandmaster king when the time comes ignorant, discovered oneself do not suit this industry actually, washes off. 别到时候编一个生辰八字给王大师算懵了,发现自己其实不适合这个行业,就此金盆洗手。 Calculating not to have the inconceivable wizard school divination class teaching assistant. 把不可思议魔法学院占卜课助教给算没了。 That is not good. 那可不行。 If the teaching assistant did not have, Jiang Qi can't each week attend class? 如果助教没了,江祺不就得每周自己上课了? Cared that the construction progress of interstellar subject campus, Jiang Qi went to the theater to care about a practice progress of intern. 关心完星际主题园区的建造进度,江祺又去剧院关心了一下实习生的实习进度。 Very good. 非常好。 Makes a debut moe the new intern who has not graduated, has worked for several years, to be studied the name of exchange performance the senior intern who by woof Pingxiu from passes message the theater tricks, was flickered by woof Pingxiu does not want. 无论是初出茅庐还未毕业的萌新实习生,还是已经工作几年,被汪平修以学习交流演出的名义从传音剧院忽悠过来的资深实习生,都被汪平修忽悠得不要不要的。 All sacrifices the life for the amusement park, sprinkles hot blooded, during the daytime the folk drama develops for day, in the evening the drama then sang, not took a single cent also helps clean up, the reality was the model intern. 一个个全都为游乐园抛头颅,洒热血,白天小戏演一天,晚上大戏接着唱,分文不取还帮忙打扫卫生,实乃模范实习生。 Passes message Team A pillar of theater also to ask that on this Jiang Qi can extend the exchange time, several weeks are too short, best to extend to August directly Feng spirit come back. 就这传音剧院的A组台柱子还问江祺能不能延长交流时间,几个星期太短,最好直接延到8月份冯灵回来。 Transferred in various amusement park places, discovered that various units are systematic, has not had any mistake, after the definite amusement park really has a oneself not type, Jiang Qi shook the office slowly. 在游乐园各处转了一圈,发现各单位都井然有序,没有出现任何差错,确定游乐园果然是有自己没自己一个样后,江祺慢悠悠地晃悠回了办公室。 Pushes the door, when saw waits for itself to be many in the office Principal Peggy. 一推门,就看见了在办公室里等候自己多时的佩吉校长。 Boss.” Principal Peggy on the face is hanging genial smiling, false smile, in the hand also takes a repeat thick report, you first went to the interstellar subject campus, went to the theater, then went to the baby room to accompany Lili to be scary, but also inspected each department of amusement park, the operation section propaganda department and beautiful Ministry of public works.” “老板。”佩吉校长脸上挂着和善的笑,皮笑肉不笑,手上还拿着一迭厚厚的报告,“您先去了星际主题园区,又去了剧院,然后去了娃娃屋陪丽丽吓人,还视察了游乐园的各个部门,就连运营部宣传部和美工部都去了。” Midway also a train dá dá the subject hotel saw the spirit of toy, gave them the pictures of cakes saying that the amusement park next step must construct the sorcerer heating power campus, the quick sorcerer heating power will come back to help them seek is most suitable their masters.” “中途还去了一趟火车哒哒主题酒店看望玩具之灵,给他们画饼说游乐园下一步就要建巫师卡卡园区,很快巫师卡卡就会回来帮它们寻找最适合它们的主人。” Inconceivable wizard school that finally goes.” “最后才去的不可思议魔法学院。” Jiang Qi:...... 江祺:…… Strange, how does one type go off track the grasped feeling? 奇怪,怎么有一种出轨被抓的感觉? „......, Is this. Mainly is I thought that the inconceivable wizard school is our amusement park most outstanding amusement project, sells the crown!” “……啊,是这样的。主要是我觉得不可思议魔法学院一直是咱们游乐园最优秀的游乐项目,销冠!” Has Principal Petch you to assume personal command, don't worry. That......” “有佩奇校长你坐镇,根本就不用担心。那个……” Principal Peggy has not paid attention to the Jiang Qi nonsense, then said: You go to the school to lie down on the bed of dormitory make the bed sing the lullaby, is the RB style.” 佩吉校长没有理会江祺的鬼话,接着道:“你去学校只是为了躺在宿舍的床上让床唱摇篮曲,还是RB风格的。” Jiang Qi broken against: River tea what said with you? I said many times, forbids to peep at the boss for no reason!” 江祺破防了:“江茶怎么什么都和你说呀?我都说了多少次了,禁止无故窥视老板!” The origami crane on table opened the mouth: Boss, I was caring your whereabouts, is not for no reason.” 桌上的千纸鹤开口了:“老板,我只是在关心您的行踪罢了,不是无故。” Jiang Qi: „...... Comes up the speech.” 江祺:“……上来说话。” After five minutes, river Chaduan a plate of small biscuit is holding the tea party. 五分钟后,江茶端着一盘小饼干上来开茶话会。 Principal Peggy pulled out two cups of the black tea that from her magic pocket brave the steam, give river tea one cup. Looks that with insulated cup tons Jiang Qi that drinks the green tea, thinks, pulls out a dried persimmon to give him from the magic pocket. 佩吉校长从她的魔法口袋里掏出了两杯冒着热气的红茶,递给江茶一杯。看着拿着保温杯吨吨喝绿茶的江祺,想了想,又从魔法口袋里掏出一个柿饼递给他。 Jiang Qi:? 江祺:? Dried persimmon with green tea, what brand-new way of eating is this? 柿饼配绿茶,这是什么全新吃法? Said, which is not spreading my legend in me on these days rivers and lakes of Xuncheng.” Jiang Qi asked. “说说吧,在我不在浔城的这段时间里江湖上都流传着哪些我的传说。”江祺问。 Although he has listened to many edition not the matter in the month of Xuncheng, but he knows edition most complete forever is river tea. 虽然他已经听过很多个版本自己不在浔城的这一个多月里发生的事情,但他知道版本最齐全的永远是江茶。 „.” river tea sips the next tea, the thinking moment, „, but mostly is the platitudes.” “很多。”江茶抿下一口茶,思索片刻,“但大多都是老生常谈。” Probably you can the approach and villain, a move of evil spirit and curse......” “像是您会做法、扎小人、招恶灵、诅咒……” Jiang Qi:? 江祺:? These belong to occult and uncanny things class, is quite more credible. Probably you and mayor relate significantly, the amusement park secretly bosses are some overseas super big plutocrat, you with the daughter of this plutocrat are in love, therefore obtains the favor of plutocrat and so on.” “这些都属于怪力乱神类的,还有比较靠谱一些的。像是您和市长关系匪浅,游乐园幕后老板是某个国外超级大财阀,您正在和这个财阀的女儿谈恋爱所以才得到财阀的青睐之类的。” As for other......” “至于其他的嘛……” These were the proper business, in the future you possibly know, but I can also being ahead of time play pass to you.” “那些都是正事了,未来您可能会知道,但我也可以提前剧透给你。” „Did the modern play that palace leads broadcast you to know?” “宫导的新戏播了您知道吗?” Knows.” Although Jiang Qi does not understand why the topic directed the palace suddenly brillant, but nods, I also had Feng spirit to look with the apricot blossom together.” “知道。”江祺虽然不明白为什么话题突然引到了宫晔身上,但还是点点头,“我还和杏花还有冯灵一起看了。” Apricot blossom said that pats really rottenly, Feng spirit said that the male Lord hair color is a bit like the greenbelt, I thought that also assembles.” “杏花说拍得真烂,冯灵说男主的发色有点像绿化带,我觉得还凑合。” „Does that play seem like the heat degree also? A while ago didn't have Tyrant a play to be very hot? The palace brillant this rotten play happen to caught up, I look at the data to have several million broadcast, does not know that is really the false.” “那戏好像热度还可以吧?前段时间不是有一部霸总剧特别火吗?宫晔这部烂剧正好赶上了,我看数据有几千万播放量呢,就是不知道是真是假。” I remember that the broadcast quantity of probably palace brillant bamboo slip is divided related, should he be able to return to the itself/Ben?” “我记得宫晔签的好像是播放量相关分成,他应该能回本吧?” Can.” River tea affirmation said/tunnel, „, not only can return to the itself/Ben, but also slightly gains one.” “能。”江茶肯定地道,“不光能回本,还小赚一笔。” Oh.” “哇哦。” The river tea starts to explain: Matter is this, the isn't net play that the palace leads some flames? The men and women of his net play lord are Ms. slow the artist in company, the boss in this company somewhat blindly believed in, he does not blindly believe in other, he blindly believed in that the inconceivable wizard school is prosperous their company.” 江茶开始解释:“事情是这样的,宫导的这个网剧不是有些小火吗?他网剧的男女主都是徐女士公司的艺人,这个公司的老板有些迷信,他不迷信别的,他迷信不可思议魔法学院旺他们公司。” Jiang Qi:? 江祺:? At this matter, the trigram of king teaching assistant looked like a big merit.” Principal Peggy supplemented. “在这件事情上,王助教的卦象出了不小的功劳。”佩吉校长补充。 Therefore, the bosses of brokerage firm want to disburse money to invest, asking the palace to lead a racket variety, held artist in one handful of their economical companies.” “因此,经纪公司的老板想要出钱投资,请宫导拍一个综艺,捧一捧他们经济公司的艺人。” Jiang Qi:...... 江祺:…… He does not know suddenly unexpectedly should say this boss person silly money are many, said his boldness because of one's skill. 他一时间竟不知道是该说这位老板人傻钱多,还是说他艺高人胆大。 The palace brillant seems like can pat the variety...... 宫晔看起来像是能拍综艺的…… It is not good, he has also really patted the variety. 不好,他还真的拍过综艺。 The group of side Jing company constructs the small variety. 方靖公司的团建小综艺。 The specialty was unexpectedly suitable. 专业居然对口了。 What relations but... this and do I have?” Jiang Qi is puzzled. “可…这个和我有什么关系?”江祺不解。 „The bosses of brokerage firm want to pat the variety in the inconceivable wizard school.” The river tea ceremony, he asked the palace to lead to be the director, was because the palace led with the boss you relates quite well, can move you to agree to hire the location and actor through him.” “经纪公司的老板想在不可思议魔法学院里拍综艺。”江茶道,“他请宫导来当导演,就是因为宫导和老板您关系比较好,可以通过他来说动您同意出租场地和演员。” Jiang Qi:...... 江祺:…… Your these mix the boss heart of entertainment world to be really black. 你们这些混娱乐圈的老板心真黑呀。 Therefore......” “所以……” Therefore now he is very puzzled.” Principal Peggy said, he thought at the same time this is a golden good opportunity, is wishes him to reach the enterprise peak the stepping-stone.” “所以现在他很纠结。”佩吉校长道,“他一边觉得这是一个绝佳的好机会,是祝他登上事业巅峰的踏脚石。” He thought asked the boss you to use at the same time with the favor is quite on the other hand cheap, even was the price of losing money rents the location to pat the variety insufficient loyalty regarding our amusement park. After all what now the amusement park is highest in the online heat degree is the inconceivable wizard school, we do not need to borrow one grade not to know that can the variety of fire propagandize itself.” “一边他又觉得用人情来拜托老板你用相对来说比较便宜,甚至对于我们游乐园而言是亏本的价格租下场地拍综艺不够义气。毕竟现在游乐园在网上热度最高的还是不可思议魔法学院,我们不需要借用一档不知道会不会火的综艺来宣传自己。” He now......” “那他现在……” He intertwines in amusement park outside parking lot now.” The river tea emulates in the parking lot direction, he had intertwined for a week, daily comes, yesterday the point operated your WeChat, wants to report the news to you, intertwined almost the point becomes deletes the good friend.” “他现在就在游乐园外面的停车场纠结。”江茶朝停车场方向看齐,“他已经纠结了一个星期了,天天都来,昨天点开您的微信,想给您发消息,纠结来纠结去差点点成删除好友。” river tea is unemotional: „, He almost deleted your good friend.” 江茶面无表情:“哦,他又差点把您好友删了。” Jiang Qi: „...... Makes him intertwine, what other matter but also there is?” 江祺:“……让他纠结去吧,还有什么别的事吗?” Jiang Qi stopped, supplemented: Needs me to act.” 江祺停顿了一下,补充:“需要我出面的。” river tea thinks: Also really has.” 江茶想了想:“还真有。” Saying, river tea pulled out the cell phone: This morning Miss Feng Zhiqiu sent several very long WeChat to me, making me inquire that you do have the wish to make Starry River Scenario Club in the fall of this year the organizer of show/unfolds.” 说着,江茶掏出了手机:“今天上午冯芷秋小姐给我发了几条非常长的微信,让我询问您有没有意愿让星河剧本社成为今年秋展的主办方。” And open up a branch.” “以及开分店。” „?” “诶?” () ()
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