BFAMMGS :: Volume #6

#581 Part 1: Recent work of Boss Shen

The Jiang Qi nearly two months do not have the migration paradise, his office clean such as new. 江祺近两个月没回游乐园,他的办公室干净如新。 The green on window plants grows toward the sun, the branches and leaves that not unnecessary and withers, some people prune obviously regularly. 窗台上的绿植向阳生长,没有多余和枯萎的枝叶,显然是有人定期修剪。 The hanging scroll, pen container, canteen and tea leaves peaceful treating are belonging to their positions, from the bottom of window to the dead angle of cabinet, all does cleanly, spotless, fully explained the specialization and professional dedication of cleaning. 挂画、笔筒、水壶、茶叶都安安静静的待在属于它们的位置,从窗台的底部到柜子的死角,全都干干净,一尘不染,足以说明保洁的专业性和敬业精神。 Jiang Qi proficiently boils water, pulls out his urgently needed river tea losing weight keeping in good health green tea from the cabinet, pondered a while, the hand shivers slightly to grasp one to admit in the cup the tea leaves slightly, then turns head to ask Jiang Han and Cao Luoping. 江祺熟练地烧水,从柜子里掏出他急需的江茶牌减肥养生绿茶,思考了一会儿,手微微颤抖抓出一小把茶叶放进自己杯子里,然后扭头问蒋珺和曹洛平。 „Are you drink the black tea, the Cola or the air/Qi soak in water?” “你们是喝红茶,可乐还是气泡水?” The air/Qi soaks in water the sign and taste that the mayor most loves, the mayor with! 气泡水还是市长最爱的牌子和口味,市长同款呢! Two people:......? 两人:……? Two people choose the air/Qi to soak in water. 两人选择气泡水。 Cao Luoping sits respectfully, like the first undertaking anticipation angel investor's a little moe of not poor investment to oneself new, somewhat opens the mouth cautious: Boss river, S this time and was not quite same.” 曹洛平正襟危坐,就像第一次创业期待天使投资人给自己一笔不菲的投资的小萌新一样,有些拘谨地开口:“江老板,s这次的本和原先都不太一样。” „It is not quite same?” Jiang Qi opens the folder, isn't detective script?” “不太一样?”江祺翻开文件夹,“不是推理本?” Jiang Hanjie said: Is detective script, but a little emotion.” 蒋珺接道:“是推理本,但有点情感。” A little emotion? 有点情感? will S write the emotion unexpectedly? s居然会写情感了? This, but famous emotional script pineapple head. S and autumn autumn hit emotional script, sits one to cry face-to-face the pear flower belt/bring rain, a foot refers to digging out to dig out the three-bedroom apartment, wishes one could to live in famous scene Jiang Qi that not to forget at the scene. 要知道,这位可是著名的情感本菠萝头。s和秋秋打情感本,面对面坐着一个哭得梨花带雨,一个脚指抠地抠出三室一厅,恨不得当场住进去的名场面江祺至今没忘。 Jiang Han and Cao Luoping so recommend vigorously, Jiang Qi thought that he must be attractive. 蒋珺和曹洛平如此大力推荐,江祺觉得他得好好看看。 ‚ A discredited woman died. ‘一个声名狼藉的女人死了。 She dies in oneself residence, dies a tragic death, the eye opens the eyes in a big way, dies with injustice unredressed. 她死在自己的居所,死得很惨,眼睛睁得大大的,死不瞑目。 Her body was slivered several neatly, the head hung in the cabinet, the hand forced in the vase, the calf discards in the wooden barrel, thigh...... 她的身体被干净利落地切成了数块,头颅高悬在柜子上,手被塞进花瓶里,小腿丢弃在木桶中,大腿…… The so strange cause of death, making in the entire small town pass on the woman to be killed by the sorceress. ’ 如此古怪的死法,让整个小镇上都在传女人是被女巫杀死的。’ Jiang Qi:? 江祺:? Do you manage this to call the emotion? 你管这叫情感? Did you manage this to ask Boss Shen to write the emotion? 你管这叫沈老板会写情感了? Does your family emotional script revolutions attack the murder to dismember? 你家情感本转攻杀人分尸? The Jiang Qi full question mark then looks downward. 江祺满头问号地接着往下看。 The plot is actually very simple, the dead is a young attractive small town woman, alone, lives alone, discredited. 剧情其实很简单,死者是一位年轻漂亮的小镇女性,单身,独居,声名狼藉。 Has about her story, some people said that her rotten gambling owes the usury, has to move to the small town to avoid creditors from the big city. Some people said that she by betraying the physical body makes a living, her neighbor sees her family/home to come and go out several different strange men frequently. Also some people made a solemn pledge that she is a person peddler, claimed oneself once saw her to try to abduct the child. 关于她的故事有很多,有人说她烂赌欠下高利贷,不得不从大城市搬到小镇来躲债。有人说她靠出卖肉体谋生,她的邻居经常看见她家出入几个不同的陌生男人。还有人信誓旦旦地表示她是一个人贩子,声称自己曾见过她试图诱拐孩子。 In the eyes of small town resident, she is one abandons oneself to Bohemianism, false, sinister, vicious viperous beauty. Such a person, is incompatible with the seal conservative small town, the women evade her like the viper, she goes to the town/subdues periphery the only supermarket shopping to present at least 3 meters no war zone, as if on her what fearful virus. 在小镇居民的眼中,她就是一条放浪形骸,虚伪,阴险,狠毒的美女蛇。这样一个人,和封闭保守的小镇格格不入,妇女们都避她如蛇蝎,就连她去镇上唯一的超市购物周围都能出现至少三米的真空地带,仿佛她身上又什么可怕的病毒。 Is such a woman, the tragic death in own. 就是这样一个女人,惨死在自己家中。 Regarding her death, the residents in small town discuss spiritedly, when the sheriff must kill people this laughable reason to settle a lawsuit by the sorceress carelessly. Attracted the attention of S spy from the strange case, the S spy arrived at this remote small town from afar, began to investigate to the case. 对于她的死,小镇上的居民议论纷纷,就在警长要以女巫杀人这个可笑的理由草草结案的时候。自离奇的案子吸引了s侦探的注意,s侦探千里迢迢来到这个偏僻的小镇,对案件展开调查。 After the investigation of S spy, seems like that by woman who the resident pushes aside, in fact has 5 friendship significant good friends in the town. 经过s侦探的调查,看似被居民排挤的女人,实际上在镇子上有五名交情匪浅的好友。 These 5 good friends are as follows: Father, respected attorney and daughter and agent of small town town/subdues flower and neighbor family/home 17-year-old daughter and farm operator of noble character and high prestige. 这五名好友分别是:德高望重的神父、受人尊敬的律师、小镇镇花兼邻居家17岁的女儿、农场主的女儿和房产中介。 The day before the women died was her 27 th birthday, on that day the woman invited these 5 people a guest at home, next morning will be discovered in tragic death. After the long time investigation, Mr. S has found out the truth basically, but still had the anxiety, therefore invited the 5 outstanding detectives of police authorities to glance through the dossier investigation together, found out the true truth. 女人死前一天是她的27岁生日,那天女人邀请了这五人在家里做客,第二天一早就被人发现惨死家中。经过多日的调查,s先生已经基本查出真相,只是尚有疑虑,因此邀请警局的五名优秀探员一同翻阅卷宗调查,查出真正的真相。 According to the oral confessions of 5 suspects, they, although is the before death good friend of woman, but the friendship is not deep. Good honest, has them of social position regarding the woman of degeneration not only sympathy and disdains, in their mouths, they is just keeping aloof getting sucked into the woman in mire to person of good intention who extends the aid, wants to save her. 根据五个嫌疑人的口供,他们虽然是女人的生前好友,但交情不深。善良正直,颇有社会地位的他们对于堕落的女人既同情又不屑,在他们的口中,他们只不过是高高在上的对深陷泥潭的女人伸出援手的好心人,想要拯救她。 Does to the woman mud not to hold the wall, making one expect too much. 奈何女人烂泥扶不上墙,让人恨铁不成钢。 The agent said with certainty said, he looked the woman came to want the debt taking advantage of the usury by the goon, wanted to help her introduce the work stemming from the good intention, was actually rejected by the woman, but also was entangled by the woman, often wants to ask itself to lend money. 房产中介言之凿凿的说,他看女人借高利贷被打手上门要债,出于好心想要帮她介绍工作,却被女人拒绝,还被女人缠上,时常想找自己借钱。 The daughter of neighbor definitely expressed oneself once personally saw in the woman often to come and go out many attire appropriate strange men, oneself cannot take a liking to the person who like this abandons oneself to Bohemianism, maintains the normal human relations with her is just because they are the neighbors. 邻居的女儿肯定地表示自己曾经亲眼看见女人家中时常出入许多衣着得体陌生男人,自己瞧不上这样放浪形骸的人,和她保持正常交际只不过是因为她们是邻居。 The daughter of farm operator disdain said that the woman wears the fake jewelry frequently, frequently looks for itself taking advantage of the jewelry, oneself are looked that she has happened together with her pitifully, occasionally loans the jewelry. 农场主的女儿不屑的说女人经常佩戴假珠宝,经常找自己借首饰,自己是看她可怜才和她有所交集,偶尔出借首饰。 The father said that the woman often asks herself to confess, but oneself cannot make public the content of confession, but the regrettable expression woman actually is also a poor man, even if she has the evil, but still crime not until death. 神父说女人时常找自己忏悔,但自己不能公布忏悔的内容,只是遗憾的表示女人其实也是一个可怜人,就算她有罪恶,但也罪不至死。 ...... …… These 5 so-called friends, everyone slandered to the woman to the utmost, as if cannot pick up any merit on the woman. 这五个所谓的朋友,每个人都对女人极尽诋毁,仿佛在女人身上挑不出任何一个优点。 With thorough of case, the police officer discovered that the fact is not such. 随着案件的深入,警官发现事实并非如此。 The women in fact is a deaf person, she cannot hear the sound therefore not to like speaking, is quiet, therefore seems very eccentric. 女人实际上是一个聋子,她听不见声音所以并不爱说话,性格沉默寡言,所以显得很孤僻。 Her family is well-off, the parents left the rich heritage to her, after having serious illness date and time not many she returned to mother's hometown, is this small town, decided that spent the life final time here. 她家境富裕,父母给她留下了丰厚的遗产,在身患重病时日无多后她回到了母亲的家乡,也就是这个小镇,决定在这儿度过生命最后的时光。 The medium is the woman the 1st person who knows in the small town, house that because she rents through the medium. 中介是女人在小镇上认识的第一个人,因为她是通过中介租的房子。 In the intermediary surface the work is diligent, in fact is a rotten compulsive gambler, owed a big usury. He deceived the woman elder to be seriously ill, asks the woman to borrow several sums of money, the woman lent him out of the benevolence refreshedly, aroused the intermediary greed on the contrary. 中介表面上工作勤勤恳恳,实际上是个烂赌鬼,欠了一大笔高利贷。他欺骗女人自己长辈病重,找女人借了几笔钱,女人出于善心都爽快的借给了他,反倒激起中介的贪欲。 After discovering the woman is actually an orphan girl, the medium had the idea of woman property. 在发现女人其实是一介孤女后,中介打起了女人财产的主意。 The daughter of farm operator is the woman the 2nd friend who knows in the small town, her family is well-off, but the parents are not willing many spending on her. 农场主的女儿是女人在小镇上认识的第二个朋友,她家境富裕,但父母并不愿意在她身上过多的花钱。 Her all jewellery ornaments basically are the fake goods, the matter that usually in most likes handling brings these fake goods to show off to the poor friends who cannot judge the quality of goods, obtains envying of people. 她所有的珠宝首饰基本上都是冒牌货,平日里最爱做的事情就是带着那些冒牌货向不识货的贫穷朋友们炫耀,获得众人的羡慕。 The daughter of farm operator is close to the woman on own initiative and she is the friend , because she discovered the jewelry that the woman wears is the genuine article. 农场主的女儿主动接近女人和她做朋友,是因为她发现女人所佩戴的珠宝都是真货。 Most starts, she asks the woman to wear taking advantage of the jewelry. Afterward stemming from greedy and envy, she started to exchange among two people secretly the jewelry. 最开始,她只是找女人借珠宝佩戴。后来出于贪婪和嫉妒,她开始偷偷调换两人之间的珠宝。 After two second daughter people have not discovered, the daughter appetite of farm operator is getting bigger and bigger, the jewelry of larceny are also getting more and more. After discovering the woman is an orphan girl all alone, she hits the attention of her complete jewellery ornaments. 一次两次女人没有发现后,农场主的女儿胃口越来越大,所偷窃的珠宝也越来越多。在发现女人是个无依无靠的孤女后,她更是打起了她全部珠宝首饰的注意。 The daughters of neighbor family/home are the 3rd friend of woman, before the woman did not have is discredited, two people relations are good, frequently goes to the store to go shopping together, but also gives a small gift each other. 邻居家的女儿是女人的第三个朋友,在女人还没有声名狼藉之前,两人的关系是不错的,经常一起去商店买东西,还互相赠送个小礼物。 Until the daughters of neighbor family/home discovered, two people go out together, the line of sight of people is not always at itself on. 直到邻居家的女儿发现,两人一同出去的时候,众人的视线总是不在自己身上。 She is the recognized town/subdues flower, but the woman also wants to be prettier than her. 她是公认的镇花,可女人比她还要漂亮许多。 She knows the strange man who comes and goes out the woman is actually the doctor of woman, but she stemming from the envy, starts to upload these ficticious baseless rumors toward the town/subdues. As the rumor biography is broader, many people start to accept as true, looked that the look of woman filled the dislike and exclusion, even if the woman cannot hear everyone to discuss anything, still knows that everyone as if not like himself. 她知道出入女人家的陌生男人其实是女人的医生,但她出于嫉妒,开始往镇上传那些子虚乌有的风言风语。随着谣言越传越广,不少人开始信以为真,看女人的眼神都充满了厌恶和嫌弃,女人即使听不见大家在议论什么,也知道大家似乎并不喜欢自己。 Because is eccentric, the woman starts no longer to go out, even needs to purchase the goods, still always asks the daughter help of neighbor family/home. 由于性格孤僻,女人开始不再出门,就算需要购置物品,也总是拜托邻居家的女儿帮忙。 The daughters of neighbor family/home want, so long as the woman does not go out for a lifetime, she is willing to help the woman run about to go shopping for a lifetime. 邻居家的女儿非常愿意,只要女人一辈子不出门,她愿意一辈子帮女人跑腿买东西。 The father is the 4 th friend of woman, the woman does not go to the church prayer, she is knows own date and time not many, wants to donate the church the surplus properties completely, is used to give financial aid the orphan. 神父是女人的第四个朋友,女人并不是去教堂祷告的,她是知道自己时日无多,想要把自己剩余的财产全部捐给教堂,用来接济孤儿。 When the woman expressed oneself wish, her various rumors have passed on completely the entire town. 当女人表达出自己的意愿的时候,她的各种谣言已经传满整个镇子。 The father is not resigned in treats for a lifetime in this remote small town is an impoverished father, when knew that the woman has a big property and date and time not many, the father had the thought of deceit suddenly. 神父并不甘心于一辈子待在这个偏僻的小镇当一个清苦的神父,在得知女人拥有一大笔财产并且时日无多的时候,神父突然产生了欺骗的念头。 So long as can this sum of money Pianlai, he unable to change a place, trades a status, natural for a lifetime? 只要能把这笔钱骗来,他不就可以换一个地方,换一个身份,潇洒的过完一辈子嘛? Therefore father's in rumor for town/subdues increased something, after all who believe a discredited person in fact is a rich good man? 所以神父替镇上的谣言又增添了一些东西,毕竟有谁会相信一个声名狼藉的人实际上是一个有钱的善人呢? The attorney is the 5 th friend who the woman knows. 律师是女人认识的第五个朋友。 Said that is the friend is not right, because the woman knew that he is because works, the woman wants to hire the attorney to help her complete the donation of heritage. 说是朋友也不全对,因为女人认识他是因为工作,女人想聘请律师帮她完成遗产的捐赠。 The attorney and father are in cahoots, decided that He steals away this heritage. 律师和神父狼狈为奸,决定何某偷走这份遗产。 Finally, before the woman 27 th birthday, she died of illness in the family/home. 最终,在女人27岁生日之前,她病死在了家中。 The daughter of farm operator goes to her home to celebrate birthday for her, after this discovers the woman dies , not only has not reported to the police, instead stole light/only the woman all jewelry of while the precious time, the jade bracelet on necklace and hand on her neck has not let off. 农场主的女儿去她家中为她庆生,这发现女人死后非但没有报警,反而趁着宝贵的时间偷光了女人所有的珠宝,就连她脖子上的项链和手上的玉镯都没有放过。 For better took to start on jade bracelet, the daughter of farm operator reduced her hand. 为了更好的取下手上的玉镯,农场主的女儿砍掉了她的手。 The media want to ask the woman to lend money in the name of birthday celebration, discovered that after the woman dies was also chopped the hand at home, leafs through entire family not to find the valuable finance, air/Qi goes crazy, cuts the body of woman to give vent to indignation with the blade crazily. 中介想以庆生的名义去找女人借钱,发现女人死在家里还被剁了手之后,翻遍全家都没有找到值钱的财务,气得发疯,拿刀狂砍女人的尸体泄愤。 The daughter of neighbor is 3rd comes, in discovering woman, even if had died, after the eyeball breaks out is still beautiful, the envy must chop the hairpin her head of woman to throw into the bucket. 邻居的女儿是第三个来的,在发现女人即使已经死了,眼球突起却依旧美丽后,嫉妒得剁下了女人的头把她的头扔进水桶里。 The attorney is 4 th comes, he asks the woman to discuss the will. After discovering the woman dies, the attorney immediately calls the father. 律师是第四个来的,他来找女人商量遗嘱。发现女人死后,律师立刻叫来神父。 Two people fully realize the case-handling ability of small town police headquarters, in this ignorant small town, if some people die specially miserably, moreover this person reputation is not quite good, the sheriff will kill people this laughable shoddy reason to settle a lawsuit with the sorceress carelessly. 两人深知小镇警署的办案能力,在这个愚昧的小镇,如果有人死得特别惨而且这个人名声不太好,警长甚至会用女巫杀人这种可笑拙劣的理由来草草结案。 To be better to seek the property of woman, two people sliver several corpse various places that with joint forces throw in the house, this has that the story began. 为了更好谋得女人的财产,两人合力把尸体切成数块扔在房子的各处,这才有了故事开头的那一幕。 Looks at Jiang Qi of entire case:? 看完整个案件的江祺:? This is one...... the suicide... is not right, natural death case?!” Jiang Qi was ignorant. “这是一个……自杀…不对,正常死亡案?!”江祺都懵了。 detective script, one crowd of person shove around push for quite a while, finally discovered that the dead is dies of illness, although the story writes, but the shop owner really did not fear that the player does play to start to curse at people finally? 一个推理本,一群人推来推去推半天,最后发现死者是病死的,虽然故事写的还可以,但店家真的不怕玩家玩到最后开始骂人吗? Behind also has.” Jiang Han reminded. “后面还有。”蒋珺提醒。 Jiang Qi will flip hastily in the future, discovery, a lot of contents. 江祺连忙往后翻翻,发现果然,还有很多内容。 Looks, my goodness, this natural death case was only the appetizer. 一看,好家伙,这个自然死亡案只是开胃小菜。 Behind also has enough 5 secret room murder cases. 后面还有足足五个密室杀人案。 The dead are the five false friends of woman, the detective after verifying the truth of case, how is having a headache to judge the nature of this case time, these 5 people started dead one after another, died compares strange. 死者就是女人的五个虚假朋友,探员在查明案件的真相后,正在头疼该如何判断这个案件的性质的时候,这五个人就开始陆续死亡,一个死得比一个离奇。 The Jiang Qi speed reading a scenario content, read the host handbook directly, neglects the thick case to decode the details, looks at the truth directly. 江祺快速阅读了一下剧本内容,直接看主持人手册,忽略厚厚的案件破解详情,直接看真相。 Killing 5 people of murderers is Mr. S, Mr. S is the Elder Brother of woman. Knew after the younger sister was killed, Mr. S arrived in the town/subdues to investigate younger sister's death truth from afar, discovered again the younger sister was actually not harms, but after truly 5 murderers, Mr. S started oneself revenge. 杀害五人凶手是s先生,s先生是女人的哥哥。得知妹妹被人杀害后,s先生千里迢迢来到镇上调查妹妹的死亡真相,再发现妹妹其实并不是为人所害,可又确确实实有五个凶手后,s先生开始了自己的复仇。 Looked that entire story Jiang Qi somewhat understands probably why Jiang Han and Cao Luoping said this script writes well, but needs to change. 看完整个故事江祺好像有些明白为什么蒋珺和曹洛平说这个本写得不错,但是需要改。 When this script long is long. 这个本时长非常长。 How long did you measure this script to measure?” Jiang Qi asked. “你们测这个本测了多久?”江祺问。 14 hours.” Cao Luoping said a very shocking number. “14个小时。”曹洛平说出了一个非常惊人的数字。 When 14 hours, are one super are imprisoned absolutely this are long. 14个小时,绝对是一个超级坐牢本的时长。 Boss river the this script present issue is this.” Cao Luoping considers the word usage, while opens the mouth slowly, its time is very long, but its difficulty is not too high.” “江老板这个本现在的问题是这样的。”曹洛平一边斟酌用词,一边缓缓开口,“它时间很长,但它难度并不算太高。” Particularly the 1st case, is not too difficult by the technique, if as normal detective script, it should be earlier excessively the ice-breaking case.” “尤其是第一个案子,论手法并不算太难,如果作为一个正常的推理本,它应该是一个前期过度的破冰案。” But its content is a lot, he needs to draw out the murderous intention of complete story and true murderer. Actually the 1st case ended, a complete story had come out, has been able to regard as a leaning novice to detective script played.” “可是它的内容很多,他需要引出完整的故事和真正凶手的杀人动机。其实第一个案子结束,一个完整的故事就已经出来了,就已经可以视为一个偏新手向的推理本玩完了。” Jiang Qi nods, he also thinks so. 江祺点头,他也是这么觉得的。 Frankly, when reads the itself/Ben, looked that 1st case Jiang Qi thinks this script finished. 实不相瞒,在看本的时候,看完第一个案子江祺以为这个本就结束了。 „But if finished by this node achievement, this script was too simple, it is the itself/Ben that a complete novice approaches.” “可是如果以这个节点作为结束的话,这个本就太简单了,它就是一个完完全全的新手向的本。” Time is also very short, 3 ~ 4 hours.” “时间也很短,3~4个小时。” „The following 5 cases, are 5 completely independent secret rooms, the difficulty increase progressively in turn, is not simple is not too difficult, because the mass is quite big, who in addition finally also needs to unify the 1st case the story background to analyze the true murderer is, therefore time usually about 10 hours.” “后面的五个案子,是五个完全独立的密室,难度依次递增,不简单也不算太难,但因为体量比较大,加上最后还需要结合第一个案子的故事背景来分析出真正的凶手是谁,所以时间通常在十个小时左右。” These two parts added in the same place, this script one turned for 14 hours.” “这两个部分加在一块,这个本就一下变成了14个小时。” Time is too long, moreover without is so difficult.” “时间太长,而且没有那么难。” Is if disassembles to open two books, turns into 1 and 2 two, without the information of Section 1 as support, Section 2 finally pushes ominously absolutely would have no means to complete.” “是如果拆开拆成两个本,变成一、二两部,没有第1部分的信息作为支撑,第2部分的最终推凶根本就没有办法完成。” Comes out to increase the information independent row of Section 1 to the 2nd part, will appear extremely desirably.” “把第1部分的信息单独列出来添加到第二个部分去,又会显得太过刻意。” This is the biggest problem that this script comes across at present.” “这个就是这个本目前遇到的最大问题。” Jiang Qi continues to nod , indicating to understand, asked: How do you want to change now?” 江祺继续点头,表示理解,问:“你们现在想怎么改呢?” Changed words currently have two directions.” Jiang Handao, one is to increase the difficulty, when its difficulty increase to be joined to its is long.” “改的话目前有两个方向。”蒋珺道,“一个是增加难度,把它的难度提升到配得上它的时长。” Jiang Qi:? 江祺:? Like your shop in that «Kills Boss murder mystery game store», 15 hours start, 48 hours not necessarily can place an upper limit on. Everyone knows that it is very difficult, everyone was psychologically prepared, from the beginning player screening.” “就像您店里的那个《杀死剧本杀店老板》一样,15个小时起步,48个小时也不一定能封顶。大家都知道它很难,每个人都做好了心理准备,从一开始就把玩家给筛选好了。” If changes, that this script must sell city limited or exclusive, because the audience is too small, is doomed unable to sell too.” “如果这么改的话,那这个本就要卖城限或者独家,因为受众太小,注定卖不出去太多。” „The 2nd mentality changes to two scenario it.” “第二种思路是把它改成两个剧本。” „The 1st scenario confession story background, the novice enters the step, 2nd scenario neglects the plot to study the secret room. Two must hit continually, has not played the 1st itself/Ben, forbids to play the 2nd itself/Ben.” “第一个剧本交代故事背景,新手进阶,第二个剧本忽略剧情专攻密室。两个本必须要连打,没有玩过第一个本,禁止玩第二个本。” Although like this has the suspicion of binding . Moreover the table manners are quite ugly, but the sales volume is definitely good. After all two package packs sell laugh uproariously . Moreover the sales volume will definitely sell to be better compared with an application.” “这样虽然有绑定之嫌而且吃相比较难看,但是销量肯定不错。毕竟两个盒装打包卖更有噱头,而且销量肯定会比一本单卖要好。” Meaning of Boss Shen?” Jiang Qi asked. “沈老板的意思呢?”江祺问。 He compares to favor changing to two package, such income will be higher.” “他比较倾向于改成两个盒装,这样收益会高一些。” Jiang Qi understood, Boss Shen was just determined to cross the rubicon, decided that the coming out individual farming comparison is short of money, wants to do the point to bring in money quickly. 江祺懂了,沈老板刚刚下定决心破釜沉舟,决定出来单干比较缺钱,想要搞点来钱快的。 Therefore was the present was scenario has written, but if must change to two books Boss Shen not to change, wanted to seek help x gentlemen, this?” Jiang Qi looks at two people. “所以现在是剧本已经写出来了,但是如果要改成两本的话沈老板不会改,想要求助x先生,是这样吧?”江祺看着两人。 Two people simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform nods. 两人齐齐点头。 Boss Shen That side meaning is, so long as x gentlemen are willing to help revise, can score three ingredients becomes. If x gentlemen dislike lowly, 40%.” “沈老板那边的意思是,只要x先生愿意帮忙修改,就可以得三成分成。如果x先生嫌低,40%也可以。” Many possibly somewhat was again difficult, after all to Starry River Scenario Club Mr. 30% , x 40%, That side Boss Shen is only left over 30%, his 30% must divide 10% to us, the words minute/share of again giving arrives in his hand on......” acting on the conscience, Cao Luoping spoke two words for Boss Shen. “再多可能就有些难了,毕竟给星河剧本社三成,x先生40%,沈老板那边就只剩下30%,他那30%还要给我们分10%,再多给的话分到他手里就……”出于良心,曹洛平为沈老板说了两句话。 I understand.” Jiang Qi nods, although is short of money, but really does not miss scenario to distribute that a mere pittance. “我懂。”江祺点点头,虽然缺钱,但真的不差剧本发行那三瓜两枣。 What Jiang Qi lacks is several hundred million, money that the scenario release makes makes up an odd change most. 江祺缺的是几个亿,剧本发行赚的钱最多补个零头。 He is also willing to mix the scenario release now the matter, is mainly because Starry River Scenario Club turned into the conscience bewilderedly, industry benchmark. Last year two scenario succeeded greatly, after the table roaming sales volume was also good, the shop owners who were engaged in the scenario industry much the Jiang Qi industry Savior, counted on that Jiang Qi this year has two to explode the itself/Ben at the spring show/unfolds or the autumn show/unfolds again greatly, supported the entire industry. 他现在还愿意掺和剧本发行的事情,主要是因为星河剧本社莫名其妙变成了业内良心,行业标杆。去年两个剧本大获成功,桌游销量也不错之后,不少从事剧本行业的店家都把江祺行业救世主,就指望江祺今年在春展或秋展上再出两个大爆本,养活全行业。 These counted on shop owner who Jiang Qi supports the industry, every year does not come the galaxy scenario theme park or the Starry River Scenario Club punch-in expense racket distributes as before the friend circle, embarrassed in industry in WeChat group said oneself does this line. 这些指望江祺养活行业的店家,每年不来星河剧本主题乐园或者星河剧本社打卡消费拍照发朋友圈,都不好意思在业内微信群里说自己是干这行的。 These shop owners where are the Jiang Qi peers, they are the Jiang Qi excellent customers! 这些店家们哪里是江祺的同行啊,他们是江祺的优质客户啊! Which comes the galaxy scenario theme park punch-, does not come in impecuniously, the bags go out. 哪个来星河剧本主题乐园打卡的,不是两手空空地进来,大包小包地出去。 The scenario industry is not good, where do the customers have money to come the amusement park to spend?! 剧本行业不行,客户们哪里有钱来游乐园消费?! Jiang Qi thought that even for customer, he must at the show/unfolds mix a foot in the fall of this year again. 江祺觉得就算是为了客户,他也得在今年秋展上再掺上一脚。
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