Regarding the arrival of Jiang Qi, the traindá dá the subjecthotel No. 1theater boxspirits of toyexpressedwarmwelcome.
对于江祺的到来,火车哒哒主题酒店一号包厢里的玩具之灵们表达了热烈欢迎。Flower Fairypulls out the nectar that sheaccumulates for half a monthnewly, preparesexchangesonecup of doublehoneytoJiang Qi the ultrasweethydromel.
The cavalriespull outhissaber, with very splendidsword technique, whilepullingswordflowergaveJiang Qito truncate an apple. While convenientalsothisappleslice, suspendingonewas brillantin the bar that opensat least to sellbefore the palaceto681fruit trays.
骑兵抽出他的佩剑,用非常精彩的剑术,在挽剑花的同时给江祺削了一个苹果。顺便还把这个苹果切片,摆成了一个在宫晔之前开的酒吧里至少可以卖到68一份的果盘。Bothare the senior statesmanlevelshadtalent and skill the spirit of toy, was not the spirits of alltoyscandemonstrateowntalent and skilldirectly. Mushroom that probablydehumidifiesis this solitary one, the sunflower that canact as the airfreshmedicinal preparation, canswitch over the race car of ice skatesshapeoneselfwindshoeson the road, cannotdemonstratedirectly the talent and skillor the Jiang Qirejectionmakethemdemonstrate the talent and skilldirectly.
两位都是元老级的有才艺的玩具之灵了,不是所有的玩具之灵都可以直接展示自己的才艺。像是除湿的蘑孤,可以充当空气清新剂的向日葵,能把自己切换成滑冰鞋形态在路上飙鞋的赛车,都是不能直接展示才艺或者江祺拒绝让它们直接展示才艺的。Howthen the travel of thesetoysshouldexpressoneselfenthusiasm?
那么这些玩具之旅应该如何表达自己的热情呢?Naturallyisrushesto paste the post!
当然是冲上去贴贴啦!Two, do not know is threedogstudystudieswithLili, Jiang Qientered No. 1theater boxjustto closeis submergedby the spirits of toy, had not nearly been suffocated.
The spirits of thesetoysvary, majorityis the stuffed animal, tothat is really the spatialgas-boundsolid.
这些玩具之灵有大有小,大部分都是毛绒玩具,一齐冲上来那真是把空气堵得严严实实的。„Stops, stops! Forbidsto paste the post! Forbidsto paste the post!”
“停,停!禁止贴贴!禁止贴贴!”„hamburger, Isaidisyou, do not think that youarehamburgercanfish in troubled waters! The bigsphere, youare not better! Lets loosebossmister, throwstowardbossmisteronbossmisteragainfalls down the 2ndtime, closes the confinementcompletely, withinonemonthcannotperform on stage!”
“汉堡,我说的就是你,别以为你是汉堡就可以浑水摸鱼!还有大圆球,你更不行!放开老板先生,再往老板先生身上扑把老板先生扑倒第二次,全部关禁闭,一个月之内不许上台表演!”Flower Fairykicksownsmallwingto flyinin the air, shouted loudlywith high voice, the small book on handkeptrecording, before frighteningprepared, throws the successor, fell down the 2ndstuffed animalsnot to dareto moveJiang Qiagain.
花仙子扑腾着自己的小翅膀飞在空中,尖声高喊,手上的小本本不停地记着,吓得原本准备前扑后继,再把江祺扑倒第二次的毛绒玩具们不敢动弹。Jiang Qithencanhugthisis sittingto the sofacomes up.江祺这才能抱着本坐到沙发上去。Looks at the warmstuffed animals, askingFlower Fairy of Jiang Qispirit is willingseason: „Is everyone'srecentlifeverybored?”
看着热情的毛绒玩具们,江祺心有余季的问花仙子:“大家最近的生活是很无聊吗?”Thinks that hereJiang Qifeelssomewhatashamed, hewas too busythis period of time, has not cared aboutfeeling of the stuffed animals. Hedoes not have getting angrycar(riage)dá dá the subjecthotelto live, basicallyisXue Villageandinconceivablewizard school2.1, for sometimehas not cared about the spirit of toy.
想到这里江祺不禁觉得有些惭愧,他这段时间太忙了,都没有顾及到毛绒玩具们的感受。他自己也没有来火车哒哒主题酒店这边住过,基本上都是雪村、不可思议魔法学院两点一线,有一段时间没有关心过玩具之灵了。„Not, bossmister, everyone'slifeunusualenrichment.”Flower Fairyis holdingsmall booksay/wayevery single word or phrase, „playwrightpreparesto the spirit of eachtoybuildsexclusiveplays, everyoneanticipated.”
“并没有,老板先生,大家的生活都非常的充实。”花仙子抱着小本本一字一句的道,“剧作家准备给每一个玩具之灵打造一个专属剧目,大家都非常期待。”Listened toFlower Fairy saying that Jiang Qicannot help butstartedto look for the playwrightinspirit of the numeroustoy, finallyin front of the computer that in the cabinetturned onsawwas tired, changes the scenarioplaywrightearnestly.
The playwrightsraise the head, smilestoJiang Qiweakly , to continue to changescenario.
剧作家抬头,冲江祺虚弱一笑,继续改剧本。Jiang Qi:......江祺:……
The playwrights, were really painstakinglyyou!
剧作家,真是苦了你呀!Jiang Qi can only pat the racketto leave the spirits of oneselfquitenearseveraltoy, in the tonehasseveralpointsto comfort: „Imustlook at the itself/Bennow, does everyoneaccompanymeto lookpeacefullytogetherthisis good?”江祺只能拍拍离自己比较近的几个玩具之灵,语气中带着几分安抚:“我现在要看本,大家安静地陪我一起看本好不好呀?”„Okaygood!” The spirits of toyactivelyresponded.
The quicksofanearbypositionwas carved upby the spirits of toy, when the back cushion, fronts the foot, pad, can the short distancepost the goodpositionto be snatchedimmediatelyup. Cannot snatchposition the spirit of toynot to struggle, after sizing up the situationonenext, returns to the television, computer and dullfrontto continueto watch the animated cartoon.
很快沙发边上的位置就被玩具之灵们瓜分完了,当靠枕的,垫脚的,垫手的,可以近距离贴贴的好位置在第一时间就被抢光。抢不到位置的玩具之灵也不争,审时度势一下之后回到电视、电脑、平板面前继续看动画片。Can look, Flower Fairysaiddoes not have the mistake, the life of spirits of toyisverycolorful.
看得出来,花仙子说的没有错,玩具之灵们的生活还是非常丰富多彩的。Becausebeforeentering the scenarioworldhas read the hosthandbook, Jiang Qithistimehas not continuedto read the hosthandbook, butfound a characterto match the hosthandbookto readrandomly.
The machine-madeitself/Ben, the contentare few.
After onehour, Jiang Qilooked at the completecharacterthis and hosthandbook.
Is the backgrounder that " VirtualGame2077 » completecontentsandJiang Qimoststartto seegreatly bad, butthere is a littlesmallsource.
《虚拟游戏2077》的全部内容和江祺最开始看到的背景介绍大差不差,只不过有一点点小出处。In«VirtualGame2077», what the toracompanytakesisvillainscenario.
在《虚拟游戏2077》中,神谕公司拿的是反派剧本。Yes, villain.
是的,反派。In the toracompanysurfaceprovides the commodity and service that allcustomersneedfor the customers, eventacitly approvesandencourages the customersto work as the illegal broker, seeks the profitthrough the commodity of buying cheap and selling deartoracompany.
神谕公司表面上为顾客们提供一切顾客们所需要的商品和服务,甚至默认和鼓励顾客们当二道贩子,通过倒买倒卖神谕公司的商品谋取利润。Butin fact, whatifyouare onlypureis the toracompanyspends, youareGod of toracompany, the toracompanyreallycanprovideallcommoditiesforyouwithout doubt.
可实际上,如果你只是单纯的为神谕公司花钱,你无疑是神谕公司的上帝,神谕公司是真的可以为你提供一切商品。Butyou, if the choiceworks as an illegal broker, youare the pig that the toracompanyraises.
可你如果选择当一个二道贩子,你就是神谕公司养的猪。Fattened upbutchered.
养肥了就宰。BeforeJiang Qipurchased the 100,000Type Ibiologicalpersonfilthy richillegal brokers in thatone breath that 46buildingssaw, was the new year's pig that treating of standardbutchered.
之前江祺在46楼看到的那位一口气购买了了10万个I型彷生人财大气粗的二道贩子,就是标准款的待宰的年猪。Type Ibiologicalperson the production process, the technology contentor the material, will not compareothertypebiologicalpeople to be higher thantoo. In fact, just likeL0293said that the Lbiological modelingtalent who neversellsoutwardis the production costis highest.
I型彷生人无论是制作工艺、科技含量还是材料,都不会比其他类型的彷生人要高出太多。实际上,正如L0293说的,从不对外售卖的L型彷生人才是制作成本最高的。Type Ihigh price, stems fromherlimiting purchasesmerely.
I型的高价,仅仅是源于她的限购。Similarlow cost, butlimits purchases, therefore the commoditytoracompany of high pricealsohas.
类似的这种低成本,但限购,所以高价的商品神谕公司还有很多。Under the operation of toracompany, theseespeciallysuitfor the limiting purchasescommodity of buying cheap and selling dearwill presentperson of fighting forexplodingfundsonce in a while, buttheseexplode the fundsto be no differentwill become the heart of illegal brokerto be good.
在神谕公司的操作下,这些特别是适合用于倒买倒卖的限购商品每隔一段时间就会出现一个人人争抢的爆款,而这些爆款无异于会成为二道贩子的心头好。When the illegal brokerloses everythingto purchasetheseto explode the fundsto prepareto wrestle the bicyclechanges the motor, is the new year's pigslaughters.
当二道贩子倾家荡产购买这些爆款准备搏一搏单车变摩托的时候,就是年猪宰杀的时候。Fromexploding the fundsturns intosingleproduct of rottenavenuenobody will ask, usuallyonlyneeds the flash.
从爆款变成无人问津的烂大街的单品,往往只需要一瞬间。Butillegal broker who theselose everything, is similar todrop of waterdrop in sea, existsorvanishes, is not conspicuous. No onecares, no onecared,theirdisappearancesonlywill become the nutrient that will make the toracompanyhealthier, cannotpreventmoreillegal brokersto go after like ducksspills into the toracompany, will dobybuying cheap and selling dearto become the fond dream of plutocrat.
而这些倾家荡产的二道贩子,就如同海洋中的一滴水滴,无论是存在还是消失,都不显眼。没有人在乎,没有人关心,他们的消失只会成为让神谕公司更加茁壮的养分,并不能阻止更多的二道贩子趋之若鹜地涌进神谕公司,做着靠倒买倒卖成为财阀的美梦。Jiang Qi:......江祺:……Tells the truth, the toracompanywhenraises the illegal brokeralsoveryto have the principle.
有一说一,神谕公司在养二道贩子的时候还挺有原则的。Theyslaughter a pig for the lunar new year, butis not ruthless, somewhat the meetingleaves behind the qualification that overturnslittletotheseillegal brokers.
他们宰年猪,但不赶尽杀绝,多少会给这些二道贩子留下一点点翻盘的本钱。Theseillegal brokersare more like the outstandingclerk in toracompany, the conscientiousstruggledoes not knowmanyyears, accumulated not a poorworth, thencontributesto give the toracompanymoney that oneselfmadecompletely. After the bankruptcy, had not thought that is the issue of toracompany, will only sigh woefullyinoneselfdowns on one's luck, then the struggle, thenaccumulates the net worth, thengives the companymoneycontribution.
这些二道贩子更像是神谕公司的优秀业务员,兢兢业业奋斗不知道多少年,攒下了一笔不菲的身价,然后把自己赚的钱全部贡献给神谕公司。破产后还不觉得是神谕公司的问题,只会哀叹于自己时运不济,然后接着奋斗,接着攒身家,接着把钱贡献给公司。Whatdozen of workerperpetual motion machine is this?
The capitalistslookedmustcry.
资本家看了都要落泪。Hits the workernormally, was squeezedby the companyat the same timehas the wages of company. The illegal broker in toracompany, was squeezedby the company, simultaneouslygives back to the company the wages.
正常的打工人,是被公司压榨的同时拿公司的工资。神谕公司的二道贩子,是被公司压榨的,同时把工资还给公司。In the scenariomechanism, eachchoiceis opportunistic, buys cheap and sells dear the player who works as the illegal broker, the finalresultcanbe the bankruptcy.
在剧本机制中,每一个选择投机取巧,倒买倒卖当二道贩子的玩家,最后的结局都会是破产。Becauseyoucannot play the toracompanyforever.
因为你永远玩不过神谕公司。Whatalthough the toracompanybutchersis onlytheiraffiliatedoutstandingstaff- illegal broker. But why does not know, Jiang Qiwhenreads the itself/Ben, unexpectedlysaw, if the expensein the toracompanyis the feeling of seeking an impossibility.
After ponderingonecalmlynext, Jiang Qichoiceinquirysmall card.
冷静思考了一下后,江祺选择询问小卡。Jiang Qi: The cardsign that ifyourplayerspulled outbyoneselfcheated, will the cardsigngamework roombe responsible forhelping the playerrights protection?江祺:如果你们的玩家被自己抽出来的卡牌诈骗了,卡牌游戏工作室会负责帮玩家维权吗?Cardsigngamework room- customer servicesmall card: Small cardheredoes not havethisbusiness!
卡牌游戏工作室-客服小卡:亲亲,小卡这边没有这项业务呢!Jiang Qi: Post-saledoesn't have?江祺:一点售后都没有吗?Cardsigngamework room- customer servicesmall card: Small cardheredoes not have the post-sale service, allcommodities that youpurchasecannotdraw back, cannottrade, not the post-salebest buy.
卡牌游戏工作室-客服小卡:亲亲,小卡这边没有售后服务呢,您所购买的所有商品都是不能退、不能换、没有售后的优质商品呢。Jiang Qi:......江祺:……Cardsigngamework room- customer servicesmall card: Small cardheresuggestedonhoneyed words the capitalistcompanies by otherstars should not be deceived, moneymustspendon the steelblade, theywill only take advantageincrease priceadditionally, only then the small cardwill strive for the large amount ofpreferential benefitforyou!
卡牌游戏工作室-客服小卡:亲亲,小卡这边建议您不要被其它星球上的花言巧语的资本家公司所欺骗,钱要花在钢刃上,他们都只会趁火打劫额外加价,只有小卡会为您争取巨额优惠呢!Ok, thisverysmall card.
可以,这很小卡。Learnedto step on, could look, small cardthis period of timesaletraininghas not trainedwhite/in vain.
都学会拉踩了,看得出来,小卡这段时间的销售培训没有白培训。Jiang Qi: Thumb江祺:大拇指Small card:(?????)
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